Andrew W. Frey . G)'&S, P. A !4J004 05/10/05 10:01 FAX 3053766010 P.lio."~tJc:.,=," tdtd mJ! m - -- .:.wJ oty of Miami Beach Office of the City Clerk. 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 LOBBYIST REGISTRA nON FORM loblJyi!;t rreans all per.;tl1lS employed or l"!fained. whether paid or nor. b'( a principal who seeks !XI encourage the passage. defeat or modifiC3tlon d any ordinance, resolution, acdon or decision of any commiSsloner; iVlyaction, decision, recommendation of the City Manager or any city boiItd or committee; or any action, decision or reccmmendatlOn 0( any city personnel defined in any manner in tl1is ~, during the lime period of the entll'l! decisiorrmaking process on S1Jch action, decision or recommendation that ~bIr will be heard 01 11!'II1I!Wed by tt1e dlY commission, or it city board or committ2e. The lI!nn specifically indudes ltle prlnclpal as wel as any employel! I!llgaged ;11 lobbying aaMtles. The lerm .Lobbylsts- has specific elldlKlon~ Please refer to OrdllUlnClll 2004-3435. Frey Andrew w. Gunster, Yoakley & Stewart, P.A., 2 South BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS (Number and Slreet) (GlY) (305) 376-6069 (305) 376-6010 TELEPHONE NUMBER: FP;X NUMBER: Biscayne Blvd., Suite (Stlte) (M.!) 3400, Miami, FL (Zip Code) 33'31 NAME Of LOBBY1ST: (Last) (First) EMAlL: L LOIIIYIST RETAINED BY: E.D.Y. Inc. NAME Of PfUN<lPALJQJENT: 1051 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139 BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS (Number and Stn!et) (City) (State) (Zip Code) (305) 538-2273 TELEPHOHE NUMBER: (305) 538-5309 FP;X NUMBER.: (Optional) fOOL: (Optional) All out this 5edion it principal is II Corporation, PlIrtnenrhip or Trust [Section 2-482 (e)] NAMe OF OlIfF OffiCER, PARTN~ OR BENEFlClARY: IDENTIfY ALL PERSONS HOlDING, DIRECTLY OR INorREcny. A 5% OR MORE OWNERSHIP Ir-lTEREST" IN SUCH CQIUlORATION, PARTNERSHIP OR T'ilUST": JL SPECIFIC L08BY ISSUE: Obtaining approval from the Miami Beach Historic Preservation Board for a I5isue to be lobbied (~lle in detail): proposed development at 1155 Collins Avenue m. CITY AGt:NCIES/INDlVIDUALS TO BE LOBBIED: A) filii NlIme of IndiYidual/T1t1e II) AnV' fj"..ncial, Familial or professional Relationship Historic preservation Board _5Y&S.P.~. [4J 005 10:01 FAX 3053766010 ..-..-.,-. 05/10/05 FAX NO. :3055385309 a _, _~"s.P.;... -:r>4.A.---" Ha~. 09 2005 04:59PM P2 raI 005 FR()'1 : E L8JV CORP. ,OS(09(O~ 14:4J FA! 30537&aOl~ :.- - -----...-..- J- lV. gUC'ft.'UU Of'TlU5'" ~ ar LMftI5T ~11011 tauCLOSl- wMEIHEK "(lUlllY, IUT RAn; 011 QnfeIJI $180.00 Dourly .) 1.!IlII'1ST~: ~- f;) PIQ1t.CVJL'!i IJISlJJ7.1.'4Ui [Of wBflfl'ST ~c.l)'.l~ $1 SO_OD BDurl" tC:::\ AN __ _~........ . ............ ___~..rl'dllY ~ --uI aft::: ~ ~1DiiiiilialSll *. 2004-lMJL . 1) ="'~~~~::...~~ ~;;;,;:o;;, tiiiiii "" r-- """"" I@;) ~~~.:'~.,._..-...., 11".'- 2J ~--~ =-~~~~"'~'''''!o''''*!.- e ~~~~:~~.:.=;:"--r...~_ II. ~"""oA1'IIl aN 0CIQIIiI\ 1- Of bOt '1fM" DCH \,UlIItUltt 5IWL SIJItcrr TO '1ltIl art CI.PK A SIIil8 srAUM!Nf lJNl)fa c.mt. U5JJItC ~ ~ A$ \ftI.L Id o::lfQIIfIM1IOR ~ 1M 1M! an ar MJ,AMI1IADt KIA. 1M2 ..-a:DJJtG QLSIIWt T9R- It SfalDGlT SHALL Ie nL!D M!N IF .... HA_ IBM NO DPSCD~ GIl aM'f.N~ VUIUIIG 111! --.....- ~- 1 dO _ __ ... .. "... _ """:. '"" .-.I ~~ ... '" "n _... e.. _ ~ In -'" 2....' .. ......... -- ay - ."" .. .- =-.~ ~aI~ ~ VI. 1JJD'tUT~ ~~T1CIfI! ~ tp fIn;DlClIIllD ~ ~ fQrl!\ol~OII ~1CIDIIIft~ vu. ~ IHD~PPtIOT.un~ Fvl'lft fI rdenllfie;allon ~ Io1awn (Prfndplll) SIJte rI FloidI. CalnlY d MLnI-~ lioIOIft 3n1 ~ IJe'Gft mv Tlis _di1t d ,2lL Silp3lUnl olllUl:llIC rt;llIrt -"1Jl rI. HoIIds ....~, ~ P'rittdPJI'II aifIIDIN __""" .( ,.. ~'l.J..2.nJ -... ~~FlI1II~<!JId~ . ~ 1llJ;D/'/M ,. 1"LO~vt5T FOAI"I 04 - j