#504 a Sun Reporter article "The Magic of Miami Beach" 1985 -~ r::: .~~ {-- SUII Heporter Sunday August 25. Monday August 26, 1985 P<1ge 19 I Top: Looking Norlh along Ihe orran from thl' \I'ooden 10\1'1'1' 01 ]8 Slrel'l. thi, was Miami (lPal'h in 1916. Thl' whill' slrip running up I lIP ,'enler of Ih., pklurl' is Collins Ihenue. C,'nt.'r: 1925 - Cajl!. Lindse~' on th,' right and .Ja,'k l>emps.'.,' on Ihe 11'11 who wa, par! own.'r of till' Dpmpst'.\'-Vandprhilt lIotel on Collins A,'enul' hl'l\\l'l'n 20lh and 2tst Slrl'p!. Thi, photo was lak.'n in Fl'hnJar~' of 1925 on IIII' hl'aeh sid., of Ihe hotp!. Ilplow: 1919 -Looking South wilh th., ",'pan to Ihl' I('[t- Collin' ," ('nul' in the ('l'rlll'r - Carl Fislll'r', indoor tl'nnis l'OUr! on thl' righll'('lIll'r anti the I'i,'r into the oeean at Ihl' fOn! or Linl'oln Hoad. The magic of Miami Beach is more than the recorded histor~' of this barrier reel to me. For 42 years il has been an intpgral part 01 my IiII' and'lhe liyes of thoSl' dedieatetl and inspired people who put their shoulders to the wheel her'e. ~Iccomplishing the impossible many times. In e('ery stns.. ollbe word they \\'er'l' grci.lt in the exampll' thl'.v set - in their \\'orks i.llHl the inspira- t ion, till' " I I' It lor the impo,sihles yet to bc accomplishert. It could prob~,bly h~l\'e taken a million ye;lt.s lor 1\1i;'mi Beach to hal'c been discovered. It is heliel'ed th~lt possibl.(' till' first white nwn to spt C,'l'S on I\Iiafni Beach was Ci.ISpt~r Co rt l' - R p ;11. aSp~' n ish trader in I;;DO-D/. TII'e1vc YI';lrs !:rter tl"'l'e Sp;tnish g;tlleons passl'd here. In ('otllnwnd was the I;ltned Don .Juan POllce nl'Lenn. t he governor 01 Puerto Rico. ill whose \,pills I lowed the bluest blood in all Castille. It W~IS he. who hao first crossed the Atlantic with the great aomiral Christopher Columbus on his second \'o~'age in 1493. Ponce h"d just passeo the half way mark in life. but alreaoy lell the rayages of age creeping into his hones. So. he hao li,tened carelully to the legl'l1d 01 the Caribe Indi~lns which told 01 an island of Bimini to the norlh where magical waters flowed. possessing the priceiess boon 01 etern;" ,\'outll. This was his goa/. The slor,\' 01 his quest h~,s hecome ;1 clas- sic of American histor,'. It was ;,Iso Ponce. who noting the be;,ut,\' of the land. it's trees and it's Ilowers. nallll'O it Pasqua Florioa - Flower,\' Easter. Howel'er. the on I,\' known record of human IiiI' on the b;ltTier reel we knoll' to<l:t,\' ;,s ~Iiami Be~lch. were a small balld 01 Tekesta Indians. How they el'er br;,vl'd to iil'e on this dense. impenetrable. III a n g r 0 \' e s waIn p , inleste<lwith mosquitoes. poison snakes. eoons. rats. ,lIld crocodiles remains i.I mystery that will neYl'r be solyed. Rulli\'e here they dio. somewhere between 1400 A.D. and 400 AD. This was borne oul when an Indian burial mound was found at the ba,\'lront. . n I" a I' n i net,\' - firs ta n d - ninety-third streets. The historY.o"(.f illiall1i Be~lch really hegins ill 1870. fourteen hundred ,\'e~lrs alter the Tekest;1 Indi~'ns first began Iile here. It begins with the arri\'al 01 Henry Lum ano his son. Charles. lIenr,\' B. Lum was born on" larm in Pennsyl\'ania on July 4. 1820. In 18;;2 he married and in 1868 he and his 15 years old son. Charles. nWOe their lirst trip to Florida. In 1870 these two went to Key Wesl on a Clyde Sll';lmer ~lt'O Irom there came to f\lii.lmi in a 16 foot sail- hoat. C\1iami 11';" then ealIed Ft. Dall;,s--it had been built hy the soldiers ~ --,.... v .1 I I I I I I I 1985 26, Monday August 25, Page 20 'Sun Reporter Sunday August The Magk:of Miam d e ~. Iln- his r~' es Hen Lum cr ne Hay by b( ~ ~II Ihe soulhern lip W~IS then a long. nsula. On the I hey fo Irees g ( er set' i ( d 1a\,( cea n il I he ches frolll F I' o UIH row re H n y i osse nagl beach l( Keys o 11 lu h cwes I b a I' I'll e III Si' e y. nl~' ey rei rns . I Beach he no UI g( k 9 g c I ~ N( (; pe sid re~ nd Pagt o , ;1 III st I s 1 c' h 1 III I t wh Illsel\' ;1 I'll' S , N gr es l' S he S S.. . , l. sei 1 1\, r~' rill J( n III 1131 rs) he l' (' (' ( 0' ,.., I l' S\() 11 II , F n W ) I' )( "I es bes id es forms o( made g an d m o oc dO' " )- , o 01 swam I i\'ing almosl I' c 1e er. cle; 19l1le red mangro\'e lurned oul 10 be a :JO s sib Ie l<l s k . of mosquiloes. diamond back F swamp near in Millions sand flies Howe\ orida ~. h Ill' ion w create planl~ da Fields proceeded their plans te argesl COCOIll n 1!12U picturing tll Iwld ('\'('1'.\' morning. This was SIlU tll 8('a('1I i sPiting up pspr('isp dass n d , o n I' 11 ~ Ez sever; n Henry Lu wrlners h rs Wll \\'0 1 doll~ h s bough cl of go\'ernmenl lor an acre. ClIld ng he Is( L' he 1 Is ac L'rab from 3;j ce grow In , b.\' n I' d rs r~' 1H' fe L' I I a 11 01 lorg dise with dy beac'h 1l1l2 es , n har oM ~ld ~,r i s c they h that p white'. c' 11 m;lrket C t he.\'h;ld so opt ;llltil'ip;lted. A coc'onut phllll; to be ;1 dislll; d "'II ./0' . 1985 26, August Monda.'.' 25 Sunday August I . Page 22 Sun Reportel The v Magic of Miami Beach I' , \' rk Ch,,- i1nd h is we t, , c' )e ccord- I C'i1 rly es \\'i1S keep the e LUllls n rees i1f1t bor \'e 1I c e l' S Page 2{ e iI l re set h H86 w h he red d n I eoc 11isl d SI o ng Pa n c , JI om .to ng. hen ye,lrs e,\' did I lor ~. 10 n h d h ble rk w I F ~. d d ng l'l wi :\'liil/1 te k n pOSS cks w nd tl ( , I I t d n 1 }I i1n 11l'-1 III )1; Ol I CI _ I'Il'e hI' , e ( ing Dae I sc II' '" rst l\:1 u re. W to ,I \'ietor~' [,irst cilme the earl~' wlIltering in the 11lel of Hypoluxo. h of Like \\'orth, 11 He 1 S /1 I h \' C' ( fallt,re Beae dre his assureef. Fail- plilce in ,Iohn 11akeup. The asco that he n Florida in both were ure lwei', Coli i ns co eo You musllwlip\'(' Ihis was Collins ^ H'nup looking Nort and Soulh frol1llhp 11I'wl,\' ('Omph'IPd Bakpr's Haulo\'(' ('ut from p 0('('.111 to Indian Crppk. In 1!/2i .\'ou ('an St. that 11ll' ''''IS 1 Hal Harbour and almost no Sunrl~' Is It's r a hiS Wl 11 sp re e we I gab lllll' eto he ~I s de s e I n h n a h p on swalll loda,\ Beadl On s nd 1.\' Ill' ved p urc' sp n into Collins rida in o n inet les tin~' Iw ust SOL: nu c'xpe -ieneed the earl~' 80's rankled him deepl~' for Illan~' years, although onl~' his mone~' was involved in Ihe part- nerhsip with Osborn, Field and Helll-~' Lum, He ever forgot' t he d iSllu 11!~' for growIng grew.as he grew. '0 rolled by. his his fortune a \e\'el where SOIl. His, things As I he ~'e,1/ " . ,I mea n d nereased ions pre- was 1C' he .;1; ~'ou pto s C 1I Five g his im.H 11er . ses , lIg ll'rse~' be,1 I' i I cc'dec a C\ w b s ~. j, o .John ) ""1 in u ;1 k e I' f,lmil~' N e \\' e M g h 837, w o e k p 11e M n no asc n ,Ioh 01 iI 1l1iln eet-thl'l'e n C(] ins his I forts. edieat C'c' C' COC' I l' othe ns, a giar onl~' stood ;j elll'S t,ill. ,Ioh n s e d h H,\' III IH' rc'slg I was Col w I J( Sll II .... / p'~ge 24 1985 26, Monday August 25, SUn Reporter Sunday August The Magic of Miami Beach ~- '] s('(' the coconut failure 1'01' himself. he beat the railroad to Miillni in Ill96, hil'l'd two blacks to row him ,ICroSS Biscayne Bay to the peninsul,1 and Wl' m ,I y i mag i new hat mingll'd emotions he l'xpl'l'il'nn'd as he fil'st set foot on Mi,lllli Beach, Ill' told ,Ifterwards that hl' st ood transfixed in tot,i1 disol'lil'f at the sight hl' hl'held, Ill' said his m i n d W a IHI ere d I' 0 I' a monwnl 01' two, herl' in this perfect l'Iillwtewhere sumnH'1' spends the win- 1l'I', When Ill' l'ame back to re,i1ity_ he w,lIked into a \'il'gin jungll' oj- p,lImetto scruh, knl'l'led and dug into the l'arlh with his harl' hands, allowing the black, s,lIld:-' IO,lIll to run through his fingers - the knowing fingers of a dirt f,lrmel'. That set tied it. Thl' last vest ige of doubt W,IS gone, As he rose to his fl'et.' dusted off the ding- ing partil'll's of sand from his hands - in his mind - Miami Beach W,IS born, 1'01' when Florida "gets a man" it get S' h im good, When t he sand gets in :-'our shoes "I hat's ) Collins, He did so In 1909 and Collins. to his great delight. became the sole owner of;) miles of Mi,lmi Beach la nd from the Atlantic to the shores of Biscayne Bay, (from totally, Fields argued to p'lant grapefruit while Collins planted 2.945 avocado trees as he said he would, Fields fearing a second failure played it safe, by selling his share f' .1 Pi('turpd is thp whole Miami Bpa('h Poli('p dppartll1<'nt in 1921 in front of tl1<' eit,v's first Cit~. Hall. 1'11<'1'1' w('n' 5 poli(,(,llH'n - 2 sprg('ants, an assistant. ('hid, Cliff Brogdon, Chid of Poli('(' and Frank Di('k(',v, a Coun('ilmall who douhlpd as Commandpr of Poli('(' The two men fferent as night , " partner, were as d on and .I..J lsact 907 T:": t 1', in This place n" h" ert :-' took {'"II When Collll1s was rowed back to the mainland there was sand in his high button shoes, I\inally. after ele\'en years, Ezra Osborn sold Collins his share in the old ('0(' utilI; ; on n