John Marquette/David Burstyn J~L-11-2005 15:27 FROM: TO: 13056756428 P.2/3 MI:wftI 1Ilil'....." ~~ , 1111,' ~ ~ f1 - City of Miami Beach Office of the City Oerk 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 LOBBYIST lU:GlS1'llATION FORM lobbyist means all persons employed or retained. whether paid or not, by a prindpaI who seeks to enlXlurage tJ1e passage, defeat or modification of any ordinance, resolution, action or dI!lcIsIon rJ any tommis5ionerj iHlV iIctiOn, ded$i()(1, recommendation of the Oly Manager << any dry board or c:ommltble; or any adion. deCl5iOn or recommendation d any dty personnel defined in any II'I8IVlI!f In this section, during the time periOd fA the entire dedsion-maldnl:l pI"CICeSS on suct\ action, dedsion or recommendation that foreseeably will be heard or reviewed bV the dty commission, or a dtV board or mmrnitlee. The twm specifiatllv Includes the prinCipal as well i.IS any employee engaged nlobbV\flg activities. The term ~ hasllpfKific exdusians. Pi.... nfer CD Ordinance 2D04-3435. . . /l'JI//fr;.HLT7e (7()/lAI NAME OF LQ88YISI": (list) (PIr8t) q~H# 1fAA'IJJI-77! /)B/~AI ;2539 fI. //f1(1J1d 1/6 #2A BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS (Number and 5treet;) (Oly) 3dS -S!'f..2-/J12L <...;:>oS, b1s -6923 TaEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBBI.: L. (M.I) /111M! ~L..- 33/2r (State) (Zip Code) dahnfB ;AhnP1Q/''g,Qe/kQ~S;9/J, (pm v EMAlL: rY I. LOIIYIS1' RETAINED BY: l:>av;d &t/..5;tyn NAME OF PRlNCIPAL/CLIENT: ~~~1!::~~ ~~4/d'11~) .:)gt -3/9- ~~.l /10 laEPtOIe NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: (Optional) h~A7; &aC/' ,cL- (State) a6Y;d~;/Q/1r/a/1le/';cJ:J.. cdn? e.tAIl: (OptIonal) ~~gz; Fill out thI,1eCtion If princ:ipal is a Corporation, Partnership or TIWt [5edlon 2...u (e)) . NAME OF ooa: OFFICER, PARTNER, OR BENEFICIAAY: . IDeNT1FY ALL PERSONS HOLDING. DIRECTlY OR INDUU;CTlY, A S% OR MORE OWNERSHIP IN'TEREST IN SUCH CORPORAnON, PARTNERSHIP OR lRUST: m. CITY AGENQES/lNDlVIDUALS TO BE LOBBIED: HJG -?/-I ~//;iJm /;1c-5~ ?tJo/ :lid f#O.J ? ~&/.I/}I; o../'l';' ~e/ u. A) Full Name oIlndlvldual{Dtie I) Any finBncIaI, Famllilll or Professlonlll R8IMio.....ip (:)~ S \ 6 tJ R.ev \ E LV '(.)cfMr. tJ 0 tJ-E Jl.JL-11-2005 15:27 FROM: XV. DUClOSURE OF TERMS AIIlD AMOUNTS OF L088l'ISf c;oMPENSATION (DISCLOSE WHETHER HOlJRL Y, Fl.AT/lATEDROTflER) t$ I A) LOBBYIST DISClOSURE: (Required) \ ~ 0 . au ~ G B) PRINClPAL'S DISCI.OSURE (OF LOBBYIST COMPfNSATlON/ (Required), ~to /.tf;- ,. , t D Yes ,0(80: Are "ou redn!Mntina . nat-for-DrGf'1t col:pq!:ftt9n or entity without special comOl!nsatlon or . ~imburse~nt. pursuant to Ordinance No. 2004-3435- 1) Purnlint to 9rtinaq~ No. 2003-3393 Amendina Miami BeBch CItv Codl! Chapter ~. Artide VII. Divl:iiQn ~ ;;;;;;; E~t:lt>.d"tamoai9n Finance Refonn" Via ~ Addition Of Code Sectiol:! 2....88 Entitled "Pl'Qhiblted Qmoaign Contributions By lobbyists On proc:urement I~: TO: 13056756428 P.3/3 tlI-. )(No: AI"& YOU 1Gbbvlno on a pl"l!!llHlt 9r Wldina bid for aGed$, eIIviDment or service,. Dr On a D....!1~ or oelldino award far aoads. 8IIuipment pr service? 2) Pursuant to Ordinance No. ~3-3395 Amending Miami ~ch CItY Code OlaDter 2. Artlde VII Division 5 I;h;;egf !;n~ed "glJlDillon FInance Reform", Via The Addition Of Code Section 2-490 Entitled .Prohibited Dw1paioo Contributions BY Lobbvists On Real estate DeveIooment: Issues": rv- ?No: An! YOU la~np Dn II pending _!paI.catlon for a DeveIoDD'ent Agreement with the City or ,,,plication for chanae of ZiIIIina map designation or m&",1! to the Ch'li Future Land U. ~aD? 51GNAlVRIi UNPER OATH: v. ON OCTOBER i5r OF EACH YEAR, EACH LOBBYIST SHALL SUIMn' TO THE CITY CLERK A 5IGNED STATEMeNT UNDER OATH, usnNG LOBBYING EXPENDrtURE5, AS WELL AS CONPENSAnON RECEMD, IN THE em OF MIAMI BEACH FOR THE PREaDING CALENDAR YEAR. A STATEMENT SHALL IE FILED EVEN IF THERE HAVE BEEN NO EXPEND OR MPE lION DURING THE REPORnNG PERIOD. 1 do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are tI'ue and correct a that I have read or am familiar with the provisions contained section 2 82 or the Miami Beach Oty Code and all reporting requirements. VI. LOBBYIST XDIiNTIFICA~' ~ ~Produced 10 H (, J"3 -'16 (J- '1- Q:) 7-0 Fonn of Identification o Personally known (Lobbyist) VII. SIGNATURE AND STAMP OF NOTARY: AL IDENnFICAnON: '..,er ~c...~~ '>' Produced to ~6c{<(3"'0 Form of Identification Signature of Lobbyist: Signature of PrindpaVOlent: o Personally known (Principal) of Florida ta of florida re ..~~.'f~<;;" KERRY HER ANDEZ N"~';3 MY COMMISS,ION # DD 175491 ,; ~.~.~~ EXPIRES, May 3, 2007 It. ......~ 6/ ft~'S....... Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters , "111" _:.;;~,..,_,_~._~} state of Florida, COunty d Miami-Dade Sworn to a~ subscribed before me Thi5 I f~ M. .206 ,,"'V1t"'t /f;l:"""V,'!.i<. -*" , "*- ~h;,,~~ff ""111'\ "- KERRY HERNANDEZ MY COMMISSION # DD 175491 EXPIRES: May 3, 2007 Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters "''f!1"l'.''.:. FORCLE~ONLY I ~ Annulll RegiStrcltion il:e: ['X:l Yes [ ] No Amount P~ MCR It 2-=tr3+-\ Date ~ TICS;;;- Lobbyist flegistratlon Foni{ reCeived and vmfied by:~ Revii!led 02/10/04 F: R\ALl\MARIA-"\LOBBYIST\LOBBYIST FORM 04