#558 Miami Beach Transportation Ordinance Unsigned 1920s Sire !• • .• • • •• • • • • . • • . aaa• • a - aSa * • aaaaaa • aaaa• aar•* • •!rjf `t to o oh, 7.'.Lf • Am * rrine/p 1, f.n .. r•w + •. • • . . •• . r • ♦ a • • t • r• ♦ +r• • • •• • • . . . . • • . . .. • of riami Ranch, Z]Ori4 , N3 •• a•. l +; r, a aaaa • , • t • . aaaa aaaa aaa • •a • • • • • . • • a of "i.a ti `eeite'o 1 1orilo , ol ooretioo. : .re O0A oro w x ro o oonnd mitt tho O O. X P +. a.;oO, :Oi fl, Plo. 1.1 ). , a iezm.io tool o oroo r+:tin o roon i s ed at ad •sieiin it vainer the lawn of the otate of Y1ori:d . tor toe loos of: (al Any Y.o:33enrer or ' o sen 'ers in the jitney hot of tho . 1id principal in the di tar of Ula mi %toe'b, yla., rho may receive Intel ie terioe, and to the widow or husband of anoh per,: ,n al the en*s may be, or in the *vont of there beino no busbardor widow of limb peroon, to the oerErol r•pre stattv.a ofany saa ger or p =ioent er* 4*o meq► ,e*ffer derath , y reason of the ne11ieenae or miaconMnat on tho ort of 'tho drivor .or owner of such hook. or Aofeetive arat•rial or !eeoh ince m in sold bask; and, (b) Any person Who mmg tress ive bodily in jnrie o on any pubiia highway and Y ithin the City of Naomi 3•ooh, and to the widow ..r bUshamd of sash verse') or Tens, and in cos there is no widen or hn band. of any onoh person. IV pis, to the looal r•prsesntatives of any ash porsen or 'omega who may saffe r death by reason of the nor1.hors oe or oet ndnet on its pert of the driver, operator or owner of sieth hook or defective materiaor neem *nisa in said hook; gad, e) Any person or psrs t* e 4ho may sn a toin damage by r•a so n of Hatt • fad to bli, herr or their por or rreperty by re son of the negliooneo or *iso teals of the lover or ownor of lush hook. or defootivo matsrial or solehonis* sold back$ in tho pola& scut of tiv hOnOnst (05000.00)eO) lollars, Brood and lawful. mem of the United Sta►+lo e-'td be wail to the sod Otty of niami Demob. its seteoeesare or ossigns, ter whioh 1 r+,yrtont wel. and tr 1y to be made, stet Abd oureelvea• our heirs, eacesntora, adninistr� tor.o car a inVils, jeint1y, owvsre3.1'r firmly by these presents, • .�- eeiii.od with our Isola 4�J, dj tied. !.k4,. • ad;;,'-' LO • • a : • t a • . . • a 1. Fa a• R firO7MO% the d�. a *aha a••i• sr . • as a.a• • s• . •s . •.. aa a s. , .. . •4 •.a •a as orinsipal. heroin has duly oioned an ar:plie ation for a Iissnoe to run a hook noon the a treetat of 1,10 City of Miami Bssehlo Florida, and to carry on the business of traneportino oa zadngor a :dor f-.ire in ough hook is oonfermity sin and •o inns with the ordinanes of the tear Cougell of the City of nisei Benoit, ::'1,,rida, No, 154. and entitled "A* Ordiasrnee )coning Jitney busses rrevielit for the 1ieeneiso aneh Jitney bu kiss: mod, , 1TA =s x, by and vendor said ord inanco it la made a oe nd i ti on precedent that no iioensa shall be issued or granted until ouch lir onsoo shall have filed with the Oity Uleerk a cart sin bondas herein. provided. st`: `, . 3.;. .. ..ol o::• the o=:nd.i.ti r of this obliontion io Inch that asid •.• •as •s •• ••s••. ••••••••• • a • • . * 000•0041.00041101,00110900400004141.0*400.•0090004)11• • a.i principal, shall well and truly as snoh hook operator wooly with and oonform to *21 end singular the orovisions of said °xdinan e► leo. 154, ona shell w air end final judgment agoinst the said: principal hereof for any in try to parson or property, or da hu for eau• i rw the death for na per son by reason of any a•w1ig•aasa or unlawful aa$ on the part of toe print i al hereof or 17*.. .a seattio •mploysao or drivers, for the s. •, operation or senstruetion o the onid jitney btu, for whish said 1teen: o hao boon gronteed , as idly sot foOlk Scend dsesrib•d. in o astion d of .said ordinance of the City' of Miami Meeh, flarida, NO. lid entitled "inn Ordinanere efinino 4itoolyJitney gaol's, sta.", thou this obligation 11 to be void; at ,or- wile to remain in. full fore• and attest. It 13 oopr•ese1y understood that this bond is Bina i or our0000 of to :},wino the onb1ie oonin at vr7 dams mer or injury erioino eat of the or"C! tj4f of the hook1". • . b . • . • • , . . . , . • . •. • . • ♦ •• aaa • . • a..a.a. a•• • • •♦• s : , . . , , . .•t•• . •••� ••ry •• •• •r •• yr n it :�i, ond that no rdefect:3 : r fore or _n hereof .3hall 0000rAo oa o de:; ; ,,. a F z o t rf;F# YitijA111 d x3>d 171,4* nt to ono r'er3 A lvvtill177 entitloo010 , no7e tel".. . 4?,. is `i�t3±s°` r • l • • or other dofset of asterasterial or mechanism of the vehicle in operation oons' ituts ao It is further provitimi that no settlement or eonlivease shall be 411 mads with any person eIsists, asesses undo". this bona, to versos or . property, i t ou the written Eon ent of the sureties. ' .ksn aarrroved p * i .i4 11 !##t !w f M ##I#4 M * M i •w ! ►9 M Ii # krississl aaa a . * s . .. aw#* ait.w. * #• ..a #aaa • aaasw.w.##**s#w#r#A,w.* at+►.•##At###I44) i. * . . . . * $ 11, 44, 41411#1$ 0,1, 11004110 *** ** •. a w#.# a # .#a a a a .. # a s. .a . . .• . . . .. . . ( l41) Bels a "* c:r iTy ) Oh this d. ! veTsonally er,Atered before me.a. *♦ .###*aw #�t#ww###. . • •. > 4,40*0•##w# . •*#+r##a . #.# a #aaawa,,.. aw . * ##..# *• o hOilif &sly sworn, .e ►sole and says, **eh for himself ant sot one for the other �t be is w the s'ai of ft a Thos 4 (460000000) visible property is said County State over o� above all homented esedkpt of Asa lsgsl liabilities in. 'oreperty ssb$eet te ss tion. obee ri ed 1ti dWOVU t0 before me th »0 at#1iita +f#. .#.. . m . ..####.w . . * . . a + . _ .t . . . •� • + '+ s • s it . ####s i#M##.. * . . arid. :.• a;& § of 0414111,******* ** ***,.. . w�. ,.oto t i a.. a aaaw. *#ws * . aaa