James Rauh/Simone Beach Club I1bJun, 2, 2005: 4:40PMl1otl::ll::loO/l:l fodJ~!:.N 5Wl TK~ c;T AL No, 7605 IP, 5 El4/12 ,.lllllT'illlaCl'l td!a:I -.- , 1111.' .2lIIl3 ~ - City of Miami Beach Office of the City CIerI< 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 LODBmTREGISTRATlON FORM LobbVfit nleans an pel'5OflS employed ~ rtbllned, ~Itr peId Dr' not. by a ~ who _lea to I!nco~ thll passage, cWtat or mocll11ealSon of any ordinance, resDhsUon, don ar decision of any cornml8sloner; any 4lCtICIn, dedSlon; recarnrnendatlon of tria ~ Manager or ~ny clty board or tommlttee, or any action, dec:l8lon 01' recommendaUon or Ifro/' dty paonnel defined In any manner In thJ$ -=tIon, during fl, time period of the entire decision-making IlI'1Xl!!l5 on such Ktlon, dedsIon or recnmmendatinn \:hat fa/'!SlMllbly wtll be haan:l cr reviewed by the dty commission, Dr a city baartl Dr commll:tee. The term sped1IcaI/y Indudes: the prIndl3ll1S weD IS any employee engaged In lobbyIng ac:tMtles.. ThQ term "Lobbyi5ts'" has specJftc exclusions. Please refer to Ordinance 2DCJ4-3435. " ~r1 :r 4MeC. (Last) (First) C~~f"A".. i E" IN"""#\! i>t- (NLIllber ind Sb'eet) (aM --'l>.- NAME Of LOBBYIST: f2..~..v )lo" f~"'rr BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS (M.!) (State) (Zip Code) iiLEPHCNE NUMBS: 8.11 FAX NUMBER: EMAI\.: I.. LOBB\'IST RETAINED BV; I S1.I)J /)N,r 80:",.,,,. t.~M& w~r LLL NAM! OF PlUNaPAL/CUENT: 195 ""'.H~ $~ S'wnr~ .,/Q-tltr~ ..,....4 BlJSINESS NAME AND ADDR!SS (Number and street) (CIty) (State) ~/~->Yf'~?O:J:J . ~/~-/]7-0~?:T 1 TaEPHClNE NUMBER: fAX NUMBER: (Optlorgl) EMAIL: (OpticInJl) O//dS ~p Code) Fill out this Mlc:tIon If principal It I eorpor.tIon, Patttte~ip orTNSI: [5Bd:Ian 2-40 (ell . G) NAME OF 0iIEF OfFICER, PAllTNER, OR BENEFICARY: V lDEN1IFY All PERSONS HOlDING, DWen. y OR INDIRECTLY, A 5% OR MORe OWNERSHIP INlEREST IN sucH COR.POM11ON, PARTNERSHIP OR TIWST: . II. SPEaFtc LOBBY ISSUE: lVlot'tf(c'ti ldJ-J 'rK. VM\~C~ orJ-(JBV I55U! to be lobbied (t)escrIbe In detail): :a:r. CITY AGINC:J:ES/lNDMDUALS TO BE LOBBIED: A) Fun NaIft8 rllndlvldual(l1lfl!l .) Any Pined., PamlUaI or Pm'__1 lbilltlOMh.lp Bo A<VO of ~oJ'vt 51 /lAG,.., 7 tJO . , ElEJ u n. 2. 2005': 6: 17 PMe55385578 ROSEN SWITKES ET AL No, 7612 IP. 4 02/03 . IV. DISCLOSURE OF TERMS AND AMOlm-rs OF LOaBYIST CbMPENSA110N (DISCLOS! WHETHER RfJU/V..Y,' :L::::;~ (ReqURd) J o. qo . ,.. . ..- -... - .- .. . . ..- ... B) PRINCIPAL'S OISCLO.sUt<! (OF LOBBYIST COMPENSATION): (Required), dO. 1)0 '~'i;-n"~: ~~ ,;o~ represanlina a- ~~;:;"~rlt col;Roratlon 01' ~fttttv WI~tI~ _'ita' c~~~.;::tl~~~r . reimbursemen1i1 Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2.004-3435. 1)' Pursuant to OrclinlllCQ No. 2003-3393 Al11endlM!l MiamI Beach (]tv Code Ch~ 2E:le V~ DM~on.a 'i'hereaf Entltled "Cam.palgn Finance Refo(m'" Via The Addition Of Code Section _ __d "p _~M_ Campaigl) Contrfhution$ BY lobbyists On PmqJ~~,~: ~ Yes iN"; 2) A~ Voll lobbyhtCl an .:I DI'MIlM' or _"diM bid for 909!b~. eauiDmej)t or servtees" at an :a ~!:t!ftt 01' DaDdlnllJ !I~rd fo~i!lood~. eaulP'!'Brit or sendee? PtJrsuao.tto Ordinance No. 2003..n95 Amendln9 Miami Beach ~ COde Olaoter 2 ~~de ~~:~n ~ thereof' Enl:itfecl "CamDa19n FInance Refqrrntl. Via The Addition Of Cotle $edlon 2-490 En-'.j!!d 'lip _ _:...::.._ ' cam~lg[LContrltlutlonll BY lobbvib On Real Estate Development IS6U.~ Are WlU lablwina on a !)endinG aDDlication for a Develo,~ent Aareemelrt with ttIe City or ilDDRcation for d1aJ'lge 9' lI!~nin9 maD desi9~atian Dr chan9. te the Ci~'f ~re ~~~ Use MaD~ . .' ~.. ~I v. SIGNATURE UNDIR OATH: ON ocrOI!R lIT OP EACH YEAR, EACH LOBBYlST SHAU 5UBMrr TO THE arv CLERK A SIGNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH, LIS"IlNG 1.088nNG EXPENDITURES, AS WELL AS COHPENSAnoN RECEIVeD, IN THE c.:I1Y OF MIAMI BEACH. FOR THS PREClDING CALENDAR YEAR. A STATEMENT SHALL BE FILED EVEN If TH!1lI 'HAV! BIEN NO EXPEND lit COMP!NSATlON DUlUNG THE REPORllNG PIRIOD. I do solemnly swear that all gf the foregoing facts are t famUlar with the provisions co In Section req~lrements. e'bl.c..\ ct"L tvt,'T LLc. ~ ;~ VI. LOBIrYISTIDE o Produced 10 1J Produced 10 Form of Identification Farm of [dentificatlon fi' P'er5onally known (Lob~t) va. SIGNATURE AND STAMP 011 NOTARY: Cl Personally known (Prlndp,llI) State of FIorid8t County of Mlami--Dade ~7-~.. .~ ~vm~~ Sl9.IJ!~.$t_rx,':',~M\w:.R' FIorlda NJifiil'llatiCD M"s sJgnaDln! . . . , I ~"""''''''I. Comm# 000280111 : ~~y p(/;i',,- . . i :.\'m"\,:~ Expires 1/1312008 : ~' ~'f'!jj Bonded lhru (flOO)432-4254i "",,,'? FIorlda IIkllI!rY Asen.. Inc : ..u................'!...i................ . . ""R~LY '/ 7'9112 : ~ Annual Registration ree:., [ e.s t ] NO Amount P '.MeR , L L/c.b! Piilld ?J I.obbVIst Ra~lsb'atlon Form received .net ~ by: RevI'lild 02/10104 F: OJ:R\Al4 BSYIST\LOBIMST FOP.M 04