C. Robbins/Gay & Lesb. Task FrcFROM FAX NO. : Oct. 24 2~5 10'l-~qM P2 City of MiBmi Beach ~~bAhe ~C~ik 700 Convention Center ~i~ ~ ~C~r~[ ~3139 LOBBYI~ REGISTRATION FORM Lobbyist means all persom employed ar retaned, whether paid or not, by a prindpal who seeks to encourage the passage, defeat or modification of any ordinance, resolution, action or decision of any commissioner; any action, decision, recommendation of the Oty Manager or any city board or committee; or any aCtion, derision or recommendation d any dty personnel during me tim~ period of the entire decision-making process on such action, decision or recor~mendation U'tat foref~eably will be heard or reviewed by the city commission, or a dry board or commRtee. The term specifically indudes tJ'~e prlndpal as well as any employee /n lobbying activities. The term "Lobbyists" has ipectflc exclusions. Please refer to Ordinance 2004~3435. I I I IJ IJ ............ I I ........ - .... ' '__ ..... BUSINE.~S NAME AND"~s - ........... (Number and ~t) (aW) (State) ~A,i~oN~- N~R: ........ ~.U~R: ..... '-" Z, LOBBYIST RETAZNED BY: N,4~E OF PRINcJPAJ~[C[/j~NT: BUSINESS N~E AND AD~ (Numar and ~eet) (OW) ($~te) (Zip Fill out this ~ If principal is a Corporation, Partnership or Trust [Section 2-4B2 (c)] · NAME OF CHIEF OFFICER, PARTNER, OR BENEFICLAR¥: IDENTIFY ALL PERSONS HOLDING, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, A 5% OR IVIORE OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN SUCH CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP OR TRUST: SPECTF/C LOBBY %55UE: '[~,~ue 1~o be lobbied (Deso'lbe In detail): %I%. ~ AGENC/ES/TND[V%DUALS TO BE lOBBIED:. A) Full Name of Zndividual/Title B) Any PinartdaL Familial or Prefesslenal RelaUenshlp FAX NO. ' Oct. 24 2005 10'I?AM P3 [] Yes ~_u~nt toOrdinnnce #~. 2Q133-3311)3..Amendln_a Miami Be~ch Ci~ C~e_Cha.~e.r 2,.__.A~.._cle V][], Division_S Thereof EntJrled?_Camoaign FinarJCe Refo .r~..; ~ .T, he ~zldltton O~ Code S~'~ja.' n Cam.aalq. n Con~ ._buttons Ih: Lol~bv_i_._s~s On ,procurement ]...~ues': Are you Iobb_v!.n_. ~ a m~ent ~_r oendip~_'.bid for aero,s: e~,_uimnent_or ..or amdlna mw~r4 for aoad~, ~_ .iament or ee _wice? - 2) Pursuant to Ordlnanoe No. 2003-3_3g~ Amendlna Mlar~i Bea~LCItv Code Ch..a_n~e__r U3e[eof EntlUed ,_Ca_. maaian Mnanc~...._Reform", Via Th_e Addition of.Code ga~_~lOn 2~gO_[a'TtiUed 'P~ohlbiterl gam~aion ContribuUons Bv,t.o~_ Ists ..On Real F.~ate Deveiql;~nent..!ssues#: i]~ea'~l/No: , Are you Iobbvina ~ a _ae.n_di#a aa_~l!catlon for I.Dj,~.,le_~maatAg__reement With the City. or /" ~.gpllcaUo_ n for ~an_.e .0.f zanina ~q,lD deaianati~n or eh_anae t~.the (3 _t~,t Fubsra La#d ~m~ Map? V. SZGNATURE UNDER OATH= ON OCTOBER ].~' OF EACH YEAR, EACH LOBBYIST SHALL SUBMZ'r TO THE CZTY CLERK A SZGNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH, I.~STZNG LOBBYZNG EXPENDZ'ruREsw AS WELL AS COHPENSATXON RECEIVEDr ZN THE c:TrY OF H/AH! BRACH FOR THE PRECEDZNG CALENDAR YEAR. A STATEHENT SHALL BE IrZLED EVEN IF THERE HAVE BEEN NO EXPENDZTURES OR C:O~PENSAT~ON DURING THE REPORTZNG PERIOD. ~ _._ '~ture of ! cio solemnly swear that all of the foregoing filL'tS are lzue ilnd correct and I~t ! have re. ad or am familiar with the provisions contained in section ]J-,t82 of the Miami Se. ach CiLy Code and alt reporting Signature of Lobbyist: .k~'/.d~u~J./~ ,, -- VZ, LOBBYZ~r ZDENTZPZCAI'ZONI PIKNC:ZPAL IDENTZF~CATEQN; 0 Personally known (Lobbyist) o Personalv known (Prlndpll) VIZ. S~GNATURE AtlD ~P OF NOT. Y=' S~ of Fior~, ~un~ of N~mI-Dade ~ $~e of FI~, Co~ ~ N~mi-~de 5~m ~ a~ ~~d ~fom me ~ls ~day~ 9f ~~. · 2~. ~h~~ ~J ~n~ ~mj N ~:- -: ::: .... ~- ' ~?. ~ KERRY HERNANDEZ ~t ~.~ EXPtRES. ~y 3, 2~07 . JJ ' ~ ':~" ~:j~T:; Bonde, Th~u Notaw Pub,J~ Under,rets' J J R~ 0~I10/~ F:~R~LL~-M~L~B~LOBB~ FO~ 04