Charles Sieger/Related Group City of Miami Beach Office of the ~ Clerk [700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FOR~ Lobbyist means all persons employed or retained, whether paid or not, by a prlndpal who seeks to eflcx)urage the passaga, defeat or modification of any ordinarce, resolution, actlo~ or dectsion of em/cx~Yntsdofler; any action, dedsk~, rein of the bythe dtycommissio% ora city board or committee. The term spedflcldly indudesthe principal aswell asany emptoyee eng~ /n lobbying activitie~ The term '~ has ~ exdudml& Plemle refer to OrdinmIce 2004-3435, ~^NE OF LOaSY~ST: (Last) ..... (i~m) ..... ~ (~,~) BUSZNESS NAHE AND ADDRESS (Number and ~) (t3ty) (State) (Zip Code) TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: ' ~ EMA.TL: Z. LOBBYIST RETAZNED BY: 'NAME OF /(~p~ode) F..~4AZL: (Ol:~imal) Fill out ~ ~cUon if principal is · Corporation, Partnitdllp er Trust [Seclion 2-482 .. HANE OF CHZEF OFFZCEI~ PARTNL:K, OR BENEFK3N~Y: IDENTIFY ALL PERSONS HOLDING, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, A 5% OR HORE OWNERSHIP INTEREST 11/SUCH CORPORATION, PARI~k'R~IP OR TRUST: .. 90.'8 qUlOl L~ J:~ Pmdlxnd IZ)_.. ,,~ ), 90'8 ~S8££2.9 ~0£ ldBO ~B~3 HDB INUIW iiI2 8£:9~ S008-@~-i30 ZV. DXSCLO~URE OF TERHS AND AHCNJNTS OF LoBBYI'ST COMPENSAI'XON (DXSCLOSE WHETHER HOIJRL Y, A) ~ D~:::LOSURE: (Required) _ ~__~~ The following information must be answered: Pursuant to Miami Beach Qty Code Section 2-488 Entitled 'Pmh~md Campaign Contributions By Lobbyists On Procurement issues": D Yea.. ~No: Are ~ lebt~ on a ~ er _ _e~tdlem bid f~r ecoala, eauiement or aendeea, er on a 2) Pursuant to Hiami Beach City Code 2-490 EnUUeU ~Prohibit~ Campaign ContdbuUons By LolY~sts On Real DYes a/Nm Are ~ .__~Rj~H_ aa aa a acridine aeeacaUen far a Devekmment Aereemm~ with the City or 3) Pursuant tx) Miami Beach Oty Code 2~8,1. (h) Any person (e~ept those exempt fi*om ~ definiUon of "lobbyist" as se~ forth in Section 2-481 atmve) who only appears as a representa~, of. a no,-for-profit coq)m-afiofl or entity without spedal compe~atk~ or reimbursetTmflt for the appearance, whefl~r direct, or indimc2, to express support of or opposition to any item, shall register wiltt bhe derk as required by this RECEIVED, ZN THE CZTY OF ~ BEACH FOR THE PRECEDING CALENDAR YEAR. A STA'TEI4ENT /,//1~/ . ,, ,-~ ! do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts am true and cerrect and that ! have read or am familiar with the prm~ons c~n~ained in Section 2-~82 of the Hiami Beach City Code and all reporUng Signature of Lobbyist: Signature of Principat/Olent: PRZNCXPAL ZDENTXFXO~.TXOfl: ' Personally known (Loblrfbt) .. ~~,~ VXZ. SXG ~NATURE AND STAHP Sworn ]~ and subscribed before F) Produced E) Form of Identification NotiOn of Ld)by~s ~ Nom~ of prindpnl's signmure ~oby~~~andvermedby:.)~-~_ ~ ~''' / / ~