M. Garcia-Serra/Terra Beachside City of Miami Beach Office of the City Clerk 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 LOBBYIST REGI,~TRATION FORM Lobbyist means all persons employed or retained, whether paid or not, by a prindpal who seeks to encourage the passage, defeat or modification of any ordinance, resolution, action or decision of any commissioner; any action, derision, recommendation of the aty Manager or any dry board or comrnittec; or any action, dccision or recommendation of any city personnel during the lime pedod of the entire derision-making process on such action, decision or recommendation that foreseeably will be heard or reviewed by the city commission, or a dry board or committee. The term spedfically includes the principal as well as any employee engaged in lobbying activities. The term "LobbyiSts' has specific exdusions. Please refer to Ordinance 2004-3435. GARCIA-SERRA, MARLO J. NAME OF LOBBYIST: (Last) (First) (M.[) GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A., 1221 BRICKELL AVENUE, MIAMI, FL 33131 BUS[NESS NAME AND ADDRESS ...... (Number and 'Street) (City) (State) (Zip Code) 305-579-0837 305-961-5837 TELEP! lONE NUMBER; FAX NUMAR: garcia-serram@gtlaw.com EMAZL; I. LOBBYIST RETAINED BY: TERRA BEACHSIDE VILLAS, II ~'OF PP, JNC[PAL/CLIENT: ' BSG Dovolopment Corporation, 5996 S.W. 70th Street, Miami, FL 33143 BUSINESS NANE AND ADDRESS (305) 274-2702 (Number and Street) (City) (305) 274-2887 (State) Code) TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: (Optional) EMAIL: (Optional) Fill out this section if pHndpal is a Corporation, Partnership or Trust [Section 2-482 (c)] · NAME OF CHIEF OFFICER, PARTNER, OR BENEFICLARY: · IDENTIFY ALL PER_~;ONg HOLDING, DIRECTLY OR INDIP~CTLY~ A 5% OR MORE OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN SUCH CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP OR TRUST: SPECIFIC LOBBY ISSUE: TERRA II Issue to be lobbied (Describe in detail): III. crrY AGENCIES/INDIVIDUALS TO BE LOBBIED: A) Full Name of Individual/Title B) Any Financial, Familial or Profe~,ianal KeiaUonahip City Commission and City Staff IV. D/SCLOSURE OF TERMS AND AMOUNTS OF LOBBY/ST COMPENSATION (DZSCLOSE WHETHER HOURL FI. AT RATE OR OTH£R~ A) LOBBY[ST DISCLOSURE: (Required) $285,00/hr B) PRINCIPAL'S DTSCLOSURE (OF LOBBYIST COMPENSATION): (Required). $285.00/hr The following information must be answered: 1) Pursuant to Miami Beach City Code Section 2-488 Entitled "Prohibited Campaign Contributions By Lobbyists On Procurement Issues": [] yes ~o; Are you Iobbvina on 1 present or oendina award for aoods, eeuioment or service? 2) Pursuant to Miami Beach City Code 2-490 Entitled "Prohibited Campaign Contributions By Lobbyists On Real Estate Development ~qYes ~ilo: Are you Iobbvirm on a oendina aoplication for a Develooment Aareement with the City or 1- application for chance of zoning map. desionation or chanae to the City's Future Land Use Mas~? 3) Pursuant to Miami Beach City Code 2-484 (h) Any person (except those exempt from the definition of "lobbyist" as set forth in Section 2-481 above) who only appears as a representative of a not-for-profit colporation or entity without special coml~nsation c~- I~imburscmcnt for thc appearance, whether direct, or indirect, to express support of or opposition to any item, shall register with the clerk as required by this section but, shall not be required to pay any registration fees.. [] Yes ~ I~: Are you reoresentina a not-for-urofit corrmration or entity without sgecial comoensation 'lJ or reimbursement. . V. SIGNATURE UNDER OATH: ON OCTOBER IsT OF EACH YEAR~ EACH LOBBYIST SHALL SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK A SZGNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH, LISTING LOBBYZNG EXPENDZTURES, AS WELL AS COMPENSATZON RECEZVED, ZN THE cTrY OF HZAIq! BEACH FOR THE PRECED!NG CALENDAR YEAR. A STATEMENT SHALL BE lrZLED EVEN TI= THERE HAVE BEEN NO EXPENDZTURES OR COMPENSA'IION DURZNG THE 5iyil~sLu~ u~ Lubbyl~ I do solemnly swear that ali of the foregoing facts are true and correct and that I have read or am familiar with the provisions contained in Section 2-48~ of the Miami 8each City Code and all reporting requirements. $ignatureof Lobbyist:~/'~'~-///_,//-)?'~ ~ ,~'~_~ ~'-~'~,., Signature of Principal/Client: ./ ../.~/..////./~.~.~ ~//t/ LOBBYZST IDENT[FZCA~/N:' PRZNCZPAL JDENTZFICAT[ON: Produced ID Form of ]dentiflcation ~ally known (Lobb¥i~) SIGNATURE AND STAMP OF NOTARY: Produced ID Form of Identification ersonallyknown (Principal) State of Florida, County of Miami-Dade ........ ~ _.~q_., 20_~F:~ -~tUre of[Public~N~ary _ State of Floride ~l~arization of Lobbyist's signature .. Arl[lual ReglstraUon lee: [ ] Ye5 [ L,~Nu A.~J~t~.~id~.(_-~ ~ (~//..,/HCR Lobbyist Registration Form received and verified by: ,>~ - ~:\CLE~\$AL~\~A.~-mLobby~st\CO~¥ZST ~ ~.doc// ~ev~sed Z2/08/0~ State of Florida, County of Miami-Dade~p~ gwom and subc, cribed before me This !(~ day of Signature of Public Notary State of Florida Notarization of Principal's signature MY ~ D1~11527 12, 2007