Kent Robbins/Ocean Dr. Preservation Association To: 3056043993 P.5/6 MA~19-~ 09:16 From: G M\AMIBEACH City of Miami Beach Office of the Oty Oerk 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 ..:s,.,J'p pi {"",~ ~ l UlBBVlST RgmSTRATION FORM \.obbyi5t me<tIlS cj peP.iOI'I5 emplayed or rebIined, wt1dher paid or not, by a pcindpal who SI!eIcs ID encourage 1he ~ defe<< or mocII\ratIOll d W'If (lfdInDnCI:, redution, attion or ded5ion d iII1Y oommisiiDnllr; lInf adioo, dedliion, reconmendl:1don d the Oty ManagCI' or ant city board or wmmitlee; or any ~. tJecit;iOn tJ( tec;oilllllelldatiOO tJ any Gily per.;ooneI duri1g tre time period 01 the entire ~ proalSS on such ..:tton, deddon cr -..,JIl~ \tlet fOI egeeabty wlI be heanI or revieWed by 1M dly CDIIIIIlISSiOn, or It city bl*'d or QlIMlIltee. The lerm specifIalIy indudes the prindllll as weI as any empIafee I!IIfP!1I!d in ~ actiVitieS. 11Ie tenn '\.ClbbYiIlS" .. specific pdl..... ........,... to QrdInanCe 2004-3435. Ro~'ClNS ~EN\ 1-1, NAMF OF LOBBYIST; (I,ast) (first) (M.l) ldd'::\ UJ PI s H, N ~1?N B- V~ l!\IA1l1L~H, FL .331~ BUSINESS NAMe AND ^DORESS (Number and 9n!et) lCily) # lState) (Zip Code) -2'c6-5..=Q'DS'oO 3C6-'33/-0 ISO Jl.HI2bBB~~. ~ TELEPHONE NUM8fll: FAX NlMBER: EMAIl; L &.OUVIST Rr;rADIED BY: ~ ~f\:t-l D< \ \IE '-\-1LE: sE~~.6TI 1) rJ As.sa::.1 flTIOrJ,~. ~E~~~; . lib:) Cb;;:ArJ Df<\ V~ {Y1((trYII {Xf1(H ,FL 33(59 BUSINeSS NAMIi AND ADDRESS (Number and Street)" (CI\y) (St*) I (21p Code) TElF.PHOlIlE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: (~) EMAlL: (Optional) fiR out tills IIfICIiOn If principal". ~~"P.""""" or nui.t (SIIdIoII2-482 (e)] . NAME OF (;HlflO OFFICER. PARTNER, OR 8ENEFlCIARY: en fl Cj L- Q 6..) "'.L? J..l.t\ . IOENllFY AU. JlfRSOftS ttCaDlNG, DIRfCTlY OR'Mb~Y, A 5% OR MORE OWNERSHIP INTERE.CiT IN SlICH CORPORATION, pARTNfRSHlP OR l1WST: 8o(l.~O {'~M.. "t'\'\E. VO,/ ~~ ~to~ A) Full N.me of lndivldual/Thl8 B) MY AftIlftCIal, 'f8nll1aI or "ofIIlIonII ReIationllhip Spec/,,1 ~lr '1( MAW-19-aa06 09:17 From: ~ ~ I ~J VL 8~~~ :::EQ~~ (J) (J) .. ~ ~~fflz ~ ::!Eg;~ ei~J uw >- ::;: "'~""" rp'" ...r.q,'::~ i~~A \~:"'. ]~ '~.....,,~ "",t,..n,\"" To: 3056043993 P.6/6 IV. DJSa.OSURE OF TERMS AND AMOUNTS OF l.OI8Y1ST COMPENSAlJON (DIS'CI..OS WHmtER HtJIJIIl.r, I'tAT IlATI! OR 011fEll), / A} L08BYIST DISO.OSlJ\E: (Ilequirecl) -$ 3 7 s. h OJ r R) PRINC:IPAl'S DJSCI..OS\ft (OF LOBBYIST COMPENSA'nON); (bquired). ~~ 37'5/ ~JJr' f 1be following infonnaticwl must be answet'ed: 1) Pursuant to Hlllm! Bead1 City COde section 2-4118 Entitled "ProhIbited QlmpalQn ContribWons By lobbyists Z Proturement Issues-; o Yest : Are vau IoMMna on a _ or Dendi", bid for ~ ecaun.n-.t or services. Or CUUI pn'!il8IIII: or aNmdilllll award fGr -- eaun.-.t or ~., 2) Pursullllt tv M'lfImi Beach Oly Code 2-490 Entitled -Prohibited Campaign Contmutlons By lobbyists On Real ~ Development Issues"; ovesff: Are you Iobbvi.., on a .....na aDDliadion far a DeveIoamMt: AareeIRent with the atv GI' IIIIIIIIcmiDn far dlllnae of Dlnlna IMD desialllltian or dill... to tile atv's Future LaIld UlII!I ~ 3) Pursuant tv Miami Beach CI.y axle 2-<484 (h) Any fJI'!l'SOI1 (exalpI: those exempt from the deftnItIon ~ -lobbyist" as set forth in Section 2-481 above) who only appears as a repre5elQtivc of a not-fot--profit corporation or enUly without spedII tornpIl:f15iIti or reimbursement for the appearance, whether diJed:, or indirect, to express support d or opposition tv any Item, shell reglsb!r with ttle deI1c as required by thi$ +n but, shall not be required to pay any registration fees.. D Yes ~I JVe YOu rearesemln@l a nat-far..Dntftt COI1IOI'atIon or entItv wII:bout ~I comaensation ot~l:.. V. SIGlIU11JRI UNDER OADI: ON oc:roBER 15r OF EAQf YEARw EACH LOBBYIST SHALL SUBMIT TO ntE CITY CLERK A SIGNED SfATEMENT UNDER OATH, USTJftG L088YJftG EXPENDITURES, AS WELL AS aJMPENSAnON UCSVED, IN no: CITY OF MIAMlIUat FORm- ~~=- =::"~"_HAW_~~_ Sign;IbJre c11.obby1st I do solemnly sw:wr that all the fore99tng facts are true and COITeCt and that I have read or am =--...:. tile. _~ tile _ _ Oty COde and all _ Signal:ut'e of lobbyist. V - -- Slgnatln of Prindpaf/Oient: LOHYIST lOEff11FICAlION: PRDICIPAL ..........a1lOll: ~,,\\\lIIIIl/III', . '. ~"'''\J6~ BA Y4,.J~uoad ID _ form d Identif~ oo:~~iSSIO;;ooo % Form of!dentjfialtio/l ~ 000(;0'-" ~ 6 <. ~-I:o'o ~ ~Personally known (Lobbyist) ~ :" ~ ~'Ii ' /70.> l~1ty known (Principal) _* 0 (Il 0 _ =: .... -*= YD. SlGNATUREANDSTAMPOF~Y:#DD210415 r~::ff ~"""'.4.! eQ- ~~oo-% 6'ondedln\\l .0' ""~ State of FIorId8, County of Hiilmi-Dade ~ 'J- ;'01 PUblic Unde\'ll~ _ FlorIda, County of Miatl1i-Dode Swom to and sub$lrib<<l before me A/_ ~,p81..icoSOT':~~ and subscribed before me This "2 f of 20 v ~ 'III",,, \,:;+; ..~ eX 20 ~. -. ''''"''\1\\ ___.__'UIUIf.,...-----'_ 'an w of Florida llignature Produced 10 Signature d Public Norary - State of Ronda NoratbatIGn of Prtndpef. idgnaIQre --"'"[ y,,[ J" ~~.)~. __1-":-6/22/4 lObbyIst Reg1IIraIion Form n.'Cl:iYCd and verified bv: ~ oN ~ ct ~:\CLER\$AlI.\MARIM4\loIIbyiI;l\lOlIBfORM os~ _...""..1' ~I Re>Jised J.2/CXJI04 Nl:J "t>~Y.