Alfredo Gonzalez/Gumenick 06/27/06 15:44 FAX 8042854737 GpMENICK PROPERTIES III 002 --i-:.. .ulllsllfl bed U ...:m lD - City of Miami Beach Office of the City Clerk 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Lobbylst means all persons emplcyed or retained, whllll1er paid or not, by a principal who sacks to encourage tile passage. defe9t or modifi",t!on of illlY ordinilnce, resolution. i~on or detiiion ol illlV tDmmi$5ionli!r; illlV actiQll, decision, I'I!tDmmendaliOn of lI1e Ol:y Managll/' or any dty baard or c:ammittalli Dr any adlDn, dKiSiDn or racommlllllalion Df any City pcISCll'Inel during the time period of the entire dedslOlMllilklng process on such action, decision or recommendation that fofeseeilbly will be hurcl or revili!Wli!d by the dty almml$slon, or.. dty board or !;Ommitt\lli!. ll1e tlirITI5peclfic;ally ln~ludlll5 the prindliil ~ WIlli iI5 any Ii!mptD)'U fYl!/89fJd In lobbyino llaMties. De tenn "Lobhyisbi" hu specific exduslons. Pleaso refer to Otdi~lnce 2004--3435. NAMe OF l.O~eYIST: Greenberg Traurig BUSINesS NAME AND ADDRESS 30S-579-o588 TELEPHONE NUMBER: Qannlez (LasQ 1221 Brickell Avenue, (Number and Street) 30)-961-)588 fAX NUMeeFl: Alfredo (First) Miami (City) J FL (State) Sonnlezaj@grlllw.com EMAD..: (M.I) 33131 (ZIp Cede) I. LOBBYIST RETAINED BY: Gumenick Family ru"estmenu: #S. Ltd NAME OF PRINCIPAL/WENT: BUSINESS NAME AND ADDReSS 804-2gS-0011 Ext 305 TELEPHONE: NUMBER: 721 Alton Road Miami Beach (NIIIT\ber ~ Sbllet) (City) 804-285-4737 I'AX NUMBER: (OpliDnill) Florida 33139 (State) (2Ip Code) jwilven@gumprop.com EMAIL: (OptlOIlilI) fill outthissed:lon ifprindp;ll in CorpOl'iltion, Partnership or1'nlst [section 2-482 (c:)J NAMe OF CHIEF OFFICER, PAATI'lER, OR BI!NI!f'ICIARY: James Wilven IDeNT1FY ALL PERSONS HOlDING, DIRCCTLY OR INDIRECTlY, A 5% OR MORE OWNERSHIP II'fI'1:Rf5r IN SUCH CORPORAllON, PAIUNEIl.SHIP OR TRUST: GumenickJiamily lDves1ment' #5, Lid Do SPEC:IFIC LOaDY ISSUE: Land Development Ch8lJge ..2~5 CC)de , Issue I'D be Iclhbled (OU;ribe in dltill): III. aTY AGEttCll!S/lNDlVIDUALS TO BE lOBllfED; A) Full Name of IndJvldual/Td:le 8) Ally }'Inancial, farniliilllll" Profe55ional ReJiltiou5hip Planc.i!1g D~ent City Manager I Commissiol1 Bllilding Department ~ .. 06/27/06 15:44 FAX 8042854737 GUMENICK PROPERTIES III 003 '" :g 1O o N u:: ~ 15 ~ <l> a '(ONOCO U5l!i.l58 .S:? -3 -ii) ~ :flm!!!N a:oc;~ ~.~8gs~ ~.~<;..~ Z:':;;:::2:w ~vc..lJ'a~,., ":;".L<t. ; Ij'o "'0"" !:,.f' IV. DISCLOSURl F TERMS ANl;J AMOUNTS Of LOBBYIST COMPENSATION (DISCLOSE WHnHeR HotIRLY, PlAT RlfT1! OR C1THER): A'J LOB8YlST DISC..OSU!. (Required) $315.00 HOllrly 8) PRINOPAI,.'S DISCLOS (Of' LOSSYIST COMPENSATION): (Required). $~ 15.00 Hourll/, The following infonn tion must be answered: 1) Pursuant to Mi mi Bei:lch at)' Code Section 2-488 Entitled "Prohibited Campaign Contributions By Lobbyists On Procure Issues"; DYes 2) DYu 3) PursUill1t to MI mi Beach aty Code 2-484 (h) Any person (elCl:Ept those exempt from the deflnition of "lobbyist" as ~t forth In Section 2-481 above) who only appears ilS a representative of a not-for-profit corporation or tily without specIal compensalion or reimbursement for the appearance, whether dirett. or indirect, to exp support of or opposition to any item, shall register with the derk as required by this section but, sh I not be reqUited to pay any registration fees.. , A r nt. . v, SIGNATURE U~ER OATH: ON OCTOBER 151' OF EACH YEAR. EACH LOBBYIST SHALL SUBMIT TO THE cnY CLERK A SIGNED STATEMENT UNDER DATH, LImNG LOBBYING EXPEN RES, AS ELL AS COMPENSAT10N RSCEIVED, IN THE OF MIAMI BEAOI FOR THE P DI G DAR YEAR. A STATJ5MENT SHALL BE fILa) EVEN IF THERE HAVE BEEN NO EXPEN PENSAnON DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD'l I do solemnly swear t all famiUar with the pions requirements. Signature of Lobbyist' Signmure of Princlpal/' ient: I VI. L08BYlSnDTFICII u Produced 1D _ Form of IdentifiOltion - without s ec:ia torn n PRlNaPAL mENlIFICA1tON: D Produced 10 ~ Form of Identification "Personally known (p~ndpal) Pe~11y know (Lobbyist) D STAMP OF NOTARY; VII. .:' ~:v~,~-.:;-i~;~~. '~\ ~~'lttIC. co ...... _",~tIo'-. "'.. .... - - ...It . r..;; .... . ,. -.. .... .... State of.serida, County of Miu...; ~ . -: ~ ~ ~ ~: ::! ~ SWOrn and subsa'1becI before me : - : ~ ~ :z:: .:... i; ThiS ...ll...day of 5IJAI~;;;. 20~Ul6 \ ~ ~-:.'"t:, ~.: ~ ff: Ii . UJ.' -:. """0 ., ~,~,- .l- ~ ~ - . ".,. "':'''r '-" _--- -::' ..' ~.. I "--I'r -.........-.. '-~ ....... Signature of P Notary~-stml! Df.$llet'lda- V'A --'.< ":'-: '...,., Notarization Principal's signature ----.-....-.',.,. ~ Slate of Florida, CounLy SWill)! to and subscribed This ~~ of Lobbyi I FOR~NLY ~-1- I Annual Regl5tral:lon tee; r ) Yes [ ] t1Io Amoullt Piid . ~ ## ~ r.;n Dab!! Plid Co 12..--=t- I..!Ib~ lWgi5tration Pann . 1m! verlfted by: ~ Ji:\CLER~u.\MAlUA-I'"I\IJI. BBYI5T IORM 05. Revised 12/08/04