Resolution 74-14487 RESOLUTION NO. 74-14487 A RESOLUTION CREATING THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN AND PROVIDING FOR QUALIFICATIONS OF MEMBERS; TERMS OF OFFICE; ORGANIZATION OF THE COMMISSION; DUTIES, FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES; AND LIMITATION OF POWERS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the City of Miami Beach Commission on the Status of Women be and the same is hereby created and established. The Commission shall consist of twenty-one (21) members appointed by the City Council. Members of the Corrunission shall be permanent residents of Miami Beach. l'1embers, while serving, shall not become candidates for election to any public office. In order to secure representative membership upon the Commission, each of the seven (7) members of the City Council shall appoint three (3) members to the Commission. In order that the terms of office of all members of the commis- sion shall not expire at the same time, the initial appointments to the Commission shall be as follows: The Mayor and Councilmen shall each appoint one member to the Commission for a term of one (1) year, one member to the Commission for a term of two ( 2) years, and one member to the Commission for a term of three (3 ) years. The chairman shall be elected by the members of the Commission for a one (1 ) year term. Thereafter all appointments shall be made for a term of four (4) years. Appointments to fill any vacancy on the Commission shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term of office. A member may be removed without cause only by three-fourths ( 3/4) vote of the entire membership of the City Council. When any member of the Commission fails to attend three ( 3) consecutive meetings without due cause, the chairman shall certify the same to the City Council. Such member shall then be deemed to have been removed and a vacancy created. The members of the Commission shall elect such officers other than a chairman as may be deemed necessary, who shall serve at the will of the Commission. Eleven ( 11) members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum necessary to hold a meeting and take any action. Members shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties, upon approval by the City Council. The chairman may call meetings of the Commission, and meetings may be called by written notice signed by eleven ( 11) members and the Commission at any meeting may fix and call a meeting on a future date. .Minutes shall be kept of all meetings of the Commission. All meetings shall be public. The Commission shall have the following duties, functions, powers and responsibilities: ( a) To serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council, the City administration, the community, and all agencies and persons in Miami Beach, Florida, in respect to all matters pertaining to the status of women, including but not limited to discrbnination against women, employment of women, education of women, and attitudes towards women in the community, and to make periodic reports and recommendations to these bodies in respect to such matters. (b) To make a continuing study of all existing city institutions, facilities and services, and programs dealing with women or affecting women, and consider the future needs of this area in respect to such institutions, facilities, services and programs. OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY - 1130 WASHINGTON AVENUE - MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 6€H:€ "alliO'~ 'H:>"38 IW"IW - 3nN3^" N0.19NIHS"M O€U - A3Nli0.1.1" A.1I:> 3H.1 ~O 3:>I:HO - G - ('uesoB P10~~H ~ol~W lq peAOill S~M u01~n1oseu 6u106e~oJ pu~ eAoq~ e4~ JO U01~dop~ e4~) )[~e1;) l~1;) ".w, ry r c,<_ r"~;//;r ," " I' : ~ se:r:+ 'if 'vL61 '~eqille~des JO 4~61 s14~ a~~dOa'if pu~ a~SS'ifd 'pe~~eu~1ep eAoq~u~e~e4 S~ se~~~1~q~suodse~ pu~ se~~np s~~ JO e~u~~oJ~ed e4~ o~ s~ s~~ode~ ill~~e~U~ ~e6~u~w l~1;) e4~ o~ pu~ 11~uno;) l~1;) e4~ o~ ~1illqns 11~4s U01SS1llillO;) e4~ 'U01SS1illillO;) P1~S JO sseu1snq e4~ JO u01~~~su~~~ e4~ ~oJ SUO~~~pOllillO~~~ ~edo~d pu~ e1q~~~ns UO~SS~llillO;) e4~ o~ e1q~1~~A~ e)[~ill pU~ X1ddns '4s~u~nJ o~ pez~~o4~n~ pu~ pe~~e~~p Xqe~e4 s~ 4~~eg ~ill~~W JO l~~;) e4~ JO ~e6~u~w l~~;) e4~ '4~~eH ~ill~~W JO l~~;) e4~ u~ UeillOM JO sn~~~s e4~ o~ DUr+~1e~ sill~~6o~d ~o suo~~n~~~su~ ~e~S~U~illp~ ~O 10~~UO~ 'eD~u~ill o~ ~o 'suo~s~~ep l~110d e)[~ill O~ ~O seeXo1dille ~o s~e~~JJo l~~~ ~u1odd~ o~ ~eMod ou eA~4 11~4s U01SS1llillO;) e4~ 'seSSeU~1M JO e~u~pue~~~ e4~ 1edillO~ ~o ~ueodqns o~ l~1~o4~n~ ~o ~eMod lu~ eA~4 ~ou 11~4s U01SS1llillO;) e4~ 'eA1s~ns~ed pu~ 'l~~~Un10A 'l~OS~Ap~ l1e~nd eq 11~4s U01SS1llillO;) e4~ JO u01~~1ps~~n~ pu~ s~eMod e4~ '1~~uno;) X~~;) e4~ JO uo~~n1ose~ Xq ~~ o~ peu6~ss~ eq eill~~ O~ eill~~ U10~J X~U1 S~ se~~np ~e4~o 4~ns U1~oJ~ed o~ (J) 'U01SS1illillO;) a4~ o~ pa~uasaJd aJ~ s~ SJe~~~ill 4~ns 6u1pJ~6eJ U01~~J~S1U~illp~ l~1;) a4~ pu~ 1~~uno;) X~~;) e4~ o~ SUo~~~pUellillO~eJ pU~ sDu~pu~J e)[~ill O~ pU~ 'UeillOM JO sn~~~s e4~ 4~1M 6u~1~ep 4~~M peA1oAU~ sU1e1qo~d xe1duro~ lU~U1 e4~ aA10s pU~ pu~~s~epun O~ 6u~~dille~~~ u~ 4~~M ~1nsuo~ put? aZ~1~~n o~ suosJad a1q~suodsaJ JOJ llin~paU1 t? 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