Carter McDowell/1681 West Avenue LLC ALAYO ARCHITECTS 212 764 8991 p.5 Aug 18 06 05:47p rf '~ \ )t) c. \0 \ ~'1h' l06 @- j1J7'fV'1 )~'llIJ~ to , ----- City of MiamI Beach Office of the City Clerk 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Lobbyist means all persons employed or retained, whether paid or nOl, by a principal who sed;s 10 encourage the passage, defeat or modificatIon of any ordinance, resolution, aclion or decision of any commissioner; any action, deriSion. recommendation of the City Manager or any city board or committee; or any action, decision or recommendation of any city personnel defined in any manner in this section, during the time period of the entire decision-making process on such a<.)tion, decision or recommendation that foreseeably will be heard or reviewed by the city commission, 01' a city board or commitl:ee. The term specifically includes the principal as well as any t:mployee engaged in lobbying actiVities. The term "Lobbyists" has specific exclusions. Please refer to Ordinance 2004-3435. NAME OF LOBBYIST: MCDOWELL (Last) CARTER (First) N, (M.I.) Bilzin Sumberl$ Baena Price & AJ<:f;;.!rod LLP. 200 SO. BlSCA YNE BLVD., SUITE :;~;OO, MIAMI. FL 33131 BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS (Number and Street) (City) (State) (Zip Code) (305)350-2355 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (305) 351-2239 FAX NUMBER: cmc';!ow~@bilzin.com EMAIL: 1. LOBBYIST RETAINED BY: 1681 West Avenue, LLC NAME OF PRINClP AL/CUENT: 39 West 38111 Street, 11111 Floor, BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS New York, I'!:y 10018 (Number and Street) (City) (State) (Zip Code) (212) 764-8990 TEI-EPHONE NUMBER: (212)Z64-8991 FAX NUMBER: (Optional) ialaYQ@alavo.com EMAIL: (Optional) Fill out this section if principal is a Corporation, Partnership or Trust ISection 2-482 (c)l NAME Of CHIEF OFFICER, PARTNER, OR BENEFlCIARY: Juan J. Alayo IDENTIFY ALL PERSONS HOLDING, DlRECTL Y OR INDIRECTLY, A 5% OR MORE OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN SUCH CORPORATfON, PARTNERSHIP OR TRUST: II. SPECIFIC LOBBY ISSUE: ApP'lica!lon to Design Review Board for property located at 1681 West..bvenue and ifnee-cssary application to Board of Adj1tstmen! Issue to be lobbied (Describe in detail): III. CITY AGENCIESIINDIVIDUALS TO BE LOBBIED: A Full Name ofIndividuallTilIe ~"ig" Rov~w SOMdlA",d or A d;",'m,", "d Staff ----- I MIAMI] 138852.17000060139 B None FinancialLFamilial c~. Professional Rclationshi d Aug 18 06 05:48p ALAYO ARCHITECTS 212 764 8991 p.6 IV. DISCLOSURE OF TERMS AND AMOUNTS OF LOBBYIST COMPENSATION (DISCLOSE WHETHER HOURLY, FLAT RATE OR OTHER): A) LOBBYIST DISCLOSURE: (Required) $455 per hOLLr B) PRINCIPAL'S DISCLOSURE (OF LOBBYIST COMPENSATION): (Required).S455 D.fIhour Yes No: X Arc yOU representinl! a not-Cor-profit cortlOration or entity without special compensation or reimbursement. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2004-3435. 1) Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2003-3393 Amending Miami Beach City Code Chapter 2, Articlc VII. Division 5 Tl1ereof EnjjJled "Campaign Finance Reform" Via The Addition O( Code Section 2-488 Entitled "Prohibited Campaign Conjributions By Lobbyists On Procurement Issues": Yes No: X Arc YOU lobbv!n!!: on a present or pcndine: bid for l!:oods. eQuipmcnt O[ services. or on a present or pendilll!: award for l!:oods. equipment or service? 2) Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2003-3395 Amendinl! Miami Beach City Code ~:hapter 2. Article va Divis~on 5 thereof Entitled "Campaign Finance Reform", Via The Addition OI-Code Section 2-490 Entilled "Prohibited Campaign Contributions By Lobbyists On Real Estate Dcvelopnl~nt IssuS;~: Yes '0' Are YOU lobbvin on a cndin a) Jicatioll for a Devela ment AJ!rcemcnt with the City or application for chanl!:e of zoning map dcsil:mation or Chlllll!C (0 the City'S Future I_and Use Map? V, SIGNATURE UNDER OATH: ON OCTOBER 1ST OF EACH YEAR, EACH LOBBYIST SHALL ~UBMlT TO THE CITY CLERK SIGNED STATEMENT l)NTIER OATH, LISTING LOBBYING EXPENDITU 'S, AS \VELL AS COMPENSATION RECEIVED, IN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FOR THE PRECE CALENDAR YEAR. A STATEMENT SHALL BE FiLED EVEN IF THERE HAVE BEEN NO EXPEN ES OR OM7lJ:ENSATI N DURlNG THE REPORTING PERIOD, J~ ,t CARTER N. MCDOWELL I do 50lemnly swear that all of the for provisions contained in Section 2- . Signature of Lobbyist: Signature of Principal/Client: VI. L.,: PAL IDENTIFICATION: . 41~0 YOR--i:; Produced lD.~{ Ii t:R-s..!..h:.-' Ce "'IS e FonTI of Identi fication 521 Personally known (Lobbvist) rJ Personally known (PrinCipal) State of Florida. COUllty o(\1iami-Dade Sworn aud SUb~ole me This . day of____, 20~ / FOR CLERK'S US Annual Registration fee:+1'Yes (] No Amount Paid' Lobbyist Registra tion Form recei ved and verified by: _. . Revised 02/10/04 F: CLER\ALL\M J Aug 18 06 05:48p ALAYO ARCHITECTS 212 764 8991 p.7 w 1 /I{O& IA vS < VI,r. (J n~~} II JfJ. ( .,'f\. W~I m~ -- City of Miami Beach Office of the City Clerk 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Lobbyist means all persons employed or relained, whether paid or not, by a principal who seeks (0 encourage the passage, defeat or modification of any ordinance, resolution, action or decision of any commissioner; allY action. derision, recommendation of the City Manager or any city board or committee; or any action, decision or recommendation (r; any city personnei defined in any manner in this section, during the time period of the entire decision-making process on such ~l(;tion, decision or recommendation that foreseeably will be heard or reviewed by the city commission, or a city board or committee. The term specifically includes the principai as well as any employee engaged in lobbying activities. The term" LobbYists" hilS specific exclusions. Please refer to Ordinance 2004-3435. NAME OF LOBBYIST: RILEY (Last) WLLLIAM (First) W.,JR. (M.I.) Bilzin Sumbe"fglgena Price & Axelrod LLP. 200,SO. BlSCA YNE BLVD.. SUITE 2';;00. MIAMI. FI.. 33131 BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS (Number and Street) (City) (State) (Zip Code) (305)375-6139 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (305) 351-2285 FAX NUMBER: wrilt~{@bilzin.com EMAIL: 1. LOBBYIST RETAINED BY: 1681 West A venue. LLC NAME OF PRINCIPAUCLIENT: 39 West 38"1 Street.! II" Floor. BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS New York. NY 10018 (Number and Stred) (City) (State) (Zip Code) (212) 764-8990 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (212)764-8991 __ FAX NUMBER: (Optional) ialayg@.alavo.com EMAIL: (Optional) Fill out this section if principal is a Corporation, Partnership or Trust [Section ~-482 (c)) NAME OF CHIEF OffICER, PARTNER, OR BENEFICIARY: Juan J. Alayo IDENTIFY ALL PERSONS HOLDING, DIRECTLY OR INDlRECTL Y, A 5% OR MORE OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN SUCH CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP OR TRUST: n. SPECIFIC LOBBY ISSUE: Applis;ation to Design Review Board for property localed at 168l Vi est A venue and if necessary Mp-licalion to Board of Adiustment Issue to be lobbied (De~cribe in detail): III. CITY AGENCIES/INDIVIDUALS TO BE LOBBIED: I"hA) Full Name ofIndividual/Titlc I Design Review Board/Board of Adjustment and i Staff _ ___ t MIAMI 1138852.2 7000060139 B) None Any Finan_,:!al, F~miliaJ -~!: Professional Relationship l I I ~ Aug 18 06 05:48p ALAYO ARCHITECTS IV. 212 764 8991 p.8 DISCLOSURE OF TERMS AND AMOUNTS OF LOBBYIST COMPENSATION (DISCLOSE WHETHER HOURLY, FLAT RATE OR OTHER); A) B) LOBBYIST DISCLOSURE: (Required) PIUNCIP AL'S DISCLOSURE (OF LOBBYIST COMPENSA TION); (Required).$255 per hour $255 per hOllr Yes No: X Are vou rePI'cscnting a 1I0t-for-lJl'ofit corporation or entity without special comuensation or reimbursement. Pursuantto Ordinance No, 2004-3435, 1) Pursuant to Ordinance No, 2003-3393 Amending Mi~lIIi Beach City Code rhapter 2. Article VB. Division 5 Thercof Entitled "Campaign Finance Re[orn}~Yia The Addition O( Code Section 2-488 Entitled "Prohibited Campaign Contributions By Lobbyists On ProcuremeI\Ulslles": Yes No: X Arc you Jobbvinl! on a present or DClIdinR bid for floods. eQUillment o[ services, or on a present or pendine award far 1!aads, equipment or service? 2) Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2003-3395 Amending Miami Beach City Code Dhapter 2. Article VII Division 5 thereof Entitled "Campaign Finance Reform". Via The Addition Of _Code Section 2-490 Entitled "Prohibited Cam.p-aign Contributions By Lobbyists On Real Estate DeveloRH}Cnt Issues": Yes V.' SlGNATURE UNDER OATH: City or ON OCTOBER 1ST OF EACH YEAR, EACH LOBBYIST SHALL SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK SIGNED STATEME]\;l UNDER OATH, LISTING LOBBYING EXPENDITURES, AS vVELL AS COMPENSATION RECElVED, IN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FOR THE PRECEDING CALENDAR YEAR. A STATEMENT SHALL BE FILED EVEN IF THERE HAVE BEEN NO EXPENDITURES OR COMPENSATION DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD. FOR CLER~S2QNL y ~ C1 Annllal Registration fee; es [ ] No Amount Paid r. MCR #7 Kt ~lfiDate Paid __ ,_ Lobbyist Registration Forrn received and venfied by: __._______ Revised 02/10/04 F: CLER\ALUMARlA.M\LOBBYIST\LOBBYIST FORM 04 Signature of Lobbyist: Signature of PrincipallCliellt: VI. LOBBYIST IDENTI [] k Personally known (Lobbvist) tf/- 0.1;j!i;,y, h ~ >AL IDENTUICATION: Produced lD'--:y Y be/r~<:s t-t'~,;f~:.t:.. FOlm of Identification Personally known (Principal)