2000-23978 RESO " RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23978 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ISSUE A REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT/ LIAISON CONSULTING SERVICES RELATED TO A ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT ON AlA/COLLINS AVENUE, FROM LINCOLN ROAD TO 26TH STREET; APPROPRIATING $300,000 IN CITY FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS RFQ; ACKNOWLEDGING SUBSEQUENT REIMBURSEMENT BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, UNDER A JOINT PARTICIPATION AND REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (JPRA), IN THE AMOUNT OF $300,000; SAID JPRA BEING ALSO SUBMITTED FOR CITY COMMISSION CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL AT THIS MEETING. WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has scheduled a roadway construction project for AlA/Collins Avenue, from Lincoln Road to 26th Street, beginning in April 2001 and ending in July 2002 (the Project); and WHEREAS, under the provisions of a Joint Participation and Reimbursement Agreement (JPRA), also submitted to the Mayor and City Commission at this meeting, FDOT agrees to transfer to the City the community involvement/liaison component of the Project, and to provide $300,000 in State funds for the City to assume the lead role in the process; and WHEREAS, the Administration seeks authorization to issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the performance of Community Involvement/Liaison Consulting Services related to the Project; and WHEREAS, such consulting services shall not exceed $300,000 in cost, utilizing funds to be appropriated and advanced by the City, for the purpose; and WHEREAS, the advanced City funds will be subsequently reimbursed by FDOT, under the provisions of the JPRA; and WHEREAS, reimbursement will be made by FDOT within forty (40) days of receiving an invoice from the City, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby authorize the Administration to issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the performance of Community Involvement! Liaison Consulting Services related to a roadway construction project on AlA/Collins Avenue, from Lincoln Road to 26th Street; appropriating $300,000 in City funds, for the purposes of this RFQ; acknowledging subsequent reimbursement by the Florida Department of Transportation, under a Joint Participation and Reimbursement Agreement (JPRA), in the amount of $300,000; said JPRA being also submitted for City Commission consideration and approval at this meeting. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 28th day of June ,2000. MAl ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM & lANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION F,<WORKI$TR^,,^MElIA',ull'ES\C{}L1NRFQ,WPD 1fc~ 6-2..I"1'".oJ Date RFQ NO,: DATE: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH RFQ NO. (NUMBER) REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR COMMUNITY INFORMATIONIINVOL VEMENT/LIAISON CONSULTANT SERVICES RESPONSES ARE DUE AT THE ADDRESS SHOWN BELOW NO LATER THAN (DATE, TIME) CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PROCUREMENT DIVISION 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE, THIRD FLOOR MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 PHONE: (305) 673-7490 FAX: (305) 673-7851 NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ I. OVERVIEW AND QUALIFICATION PROCEDURES 3 II. SCOPE OF SERVICES 8 III. QUALIFICATION STATEMENT FORMAT 10 IV. EVALUATION/SELECTION PROCESS; CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION 12 V. GENERAL PROVISIONS 14 VI. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 16 VII. ATTACHMENTS 17 VIII. QUALIFICATION DOCUMENTS TO BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED TO CITY 18 RFQ NO,: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 2 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH RFQ NO. (NUMBER) Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Miami Beach Procurement Director, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139, until (TIME) on the (DATE) for: COMMUNITY INFORMATION/INVOL VEMENT/LIAISON CONSULTANT SERVICES At time, date, and place above, proposals will be publicly opened. Any proposal received after time and date specified will be returned to the proposer unopened. A Pre-Proposal Conference is scheduled for (TIME), in the (LOCATION). Proposal documents may be obtained upon request from the Procurement Division, telephone number (305) 673-7490, Bid Clerk. You are hereby advised that this RFQ is subject to the "Cone of Silence, " in accordance with Ordinance 99-3164. From the time of advertising until the City Manager issues his recommendation, there is a prohibition on communication with the City's professional staff. The ordinance does not apply to oral communications at pre-bid conferences, oral presentations before evaluation committees, contract discussions during any duly noticed public meeting, public presentations made to the City Commission during any duly noticed public meeting, contract negotiations with the staff following the award of an RFP, RFQ, RFLI, or bid by the City Commission, or communications in writing at any time with any city employee, official, or member of the City Commission unless specifically prohibited. A copy of all written communications must be filed with the City Clerk. Violation of these provisions by any particular bidder or proposer shall render any RFP award, RFQ award, RFLI award, or bid award to said bidder or proposer void, and said bidder or proposer shall not be considered for any RFP, RFQ, RFLI or bid for a contract for the provision of goods or services for a period of one year. The City of Miami Beach reserves the right to accept any proposal or bid deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Miami Beach, or waive any informality in any proposal or bid. The City of Miami Beach may reject any and all proposals or bids. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Michael A. Rath, CPPB Procurement Director RFQ NO,: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 3 SECTION I - REOUEST FOR OUALIFICATIONS OVERVIEW AND RESPONSE PROCEDURES: A. INTRODUCTIONIBACKGROUND The City of Miami Beach wishes to hire a firm that has proven experience at providing community involvement and liaison consulting services connected to roadway construction projects that impact vital areas of a city. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has scheduled a project for construction on Collins A venue in South Beach, that will affect a major hotel area of the City and a segment of the Art Deco Historic District and surrounding business areas. The project encompass roadway and sidewalk reconstruction from Lincoln Road to 26th Street, beginning in April 2001 and ending in July 2002, The continued viability and success of Miami Beach as a convention and tourism destination needs to be preserved and protected, by minimizing disturbances to the hotels and businesses which make conventions and tourism possible. Prior and throughout the construction period, it is essential that efficient, effective, and sufficient communication be established and maintained with and among all stakeholders, in order to create an atmosphere of trust, understanding and cooperation - therefore the need for skilled consulting services. The successful consulting firm will be hired for approximately 21 months, and will be required, among other duties, to set-up and maintain a 24-hour office, on-call person, and hotline for the term of the agreement. RFQ NO.: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 4 B. RFQ TIMETABLE The anticipated schedule for this RFQ and contract approval is as follows: RFQ issued (Date) Deadline for receipt of questions (Date) Pre-Qualification Conference N/A Deadline for receipt of responses (Date and Time) Evaluation/Selection process Week of (Date) Projected award date (Date) Projected contract start date (Date) C. QUALIFICATION STATEMENT SUBMISSION An original and ten copies of complete responses must be received by (Date, Time) and will be opened on that day at that time. The original and all copies must be submitted to the Procurement Division in a sealed envelope or container stating on the outside, the respondent's name, address, telephone number, RFQ number, title, and due date. The responsibility for submitting a response to this RFQ to the Procurement Division on or before the stated time and date will be solely and strictly that of the respondent. The City will in no way be responsible for delays caused by the U.S. Post Office or caused by any other entity or by any occurrence. Responses received after the RFQ due date and time are late and will not be considered. RFQ NO,: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 5 D. PRE-QUALIFICATION CONFERENCE/SITE VISIT None scheduled. E. CONTACT PERSON/ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/ADDENDA The contact person for this RFQ is the Procurement Director at (305) 673-7490. Respondents are advised that from the date of release ofthis RFQ until award of the contract, no contact with City personnel related to this RFQ is permitted, except as authorized by the contact person. Any such unauthorized contact may result in the disqualification of the respondent's submittal. Requests for additional information or clarifications must be made in writing to the Procurement Director no later than the date specified in the RFQ timetable. Facsimiles will be accepted at (305) 673-785 I. The City will issue replies to inquiries and any other corrections or amendments it deems necessary in written addenda issued prior to the deadline for responding to the RFQ. Respondents should not rely on representations, statements, or explanations other than those made in this RFQ or in any addendum to this RFQ. Respondents are required to acknowledge the number of addenda received as part of their responses. The respondent should verify with the Procurement Division prior to submitting a response that all addenda have been received. F. RESPONSE GUARANTY None required. G. MODIFICATION/WITHDRAWALS OF SUBMITTALS A respondent may submit a modified response to replace all or any portion of a previously submitted response up until the RFQ due date and time. Modifications received after the RFQ due date and time will not be considered. Responses shall be irrevocable until contract award unless withdrawn in writing prior to the RFQ due date or after the expiration of one-hundred twenty days from the opening of responses. Letters of withdrawal received after the RFQ due date and before said expiration date, and letters of withdrawal received after contract award will not be considered. RFQ NO.: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 6 H. RFQ POSTPONEMENT/CANCELLA TION/REJECTION The City may, at its sole and absolute discretion, reject any and all, or parts of any and all, responses; re-advertise this RFQ; postpone or cancel, at any time, this RFQ process; or waive any irregularities in this RFQ or in the responses received as a result of this RFQ. I. COST INCURRED BY RESPONDENTS All expenses involved with the preparation and submission of responses to the City, or any work performed in connection therewith, shall be the sole responsibility ofthe respondent(s) and not be reimbursed by the City, J. VENDOR APPLICATION Prospective respondents should register with the City of Miami Beach Procurement Division; this will facilitate their receipt of future notices of solicitations when they are issued. The successful respondent( s) must register prior to award; failure to register will result in the rejection of their response. Potential respondents may contact the Procurement Division at (305) 673-7490 to request an application. Registration requires that a business entity complete a vendor application and submit an annual administrative fee of$20.00. The following documents are required: 1. Vendor registration form 2, Commodity code listing 3. Articles of Incorporation - Copy of Certification page 4. Copy of Business or Occupational License It is the responsibility of the vendor to inform the City concerning any changes, such as new address, telephone number, commodities or services which can be provided. K. EXCEPTIONS TO RFQ Respondents must clearly indicate any exceptions they wish to take to any of the terms in this RFQ, and outline what alternative is being offered. The City, after completing evaluations, may accept or reject the exceptions. In cases in which exceptions are rejected, the City may require the respondent to furnish the services originally described herein, or negotiate an alternative acceptable to the City. RFQ NO.: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 7 L. SUNSHINE LAW Respondents are hereby notified that all information submitted as part of a response to this RFQ will be available for public inspection after opening of responses, in compliance with Chapter 286, Florida Statutes, known as the "Government in the Sunshine Law", M. NEGOTIATIONS The City may award a contract on the basis of initial offers received, without discussion, or may require respondents to give oral presentations based on their submittals. The City reserves the right to enter into negotiations with the selected respondent, and if the City and the selected respondent cannot negotiate a mutually acceptable contract, the City may terminate the negotiations and begin negotiations with the next selected respondent. This process may continue until a contract has been executed or all responses have been rejected. No respondent shall have any rights in the subject project or property or against the City arising from such negotiations. N. PROTEST PROCEDURE Respondents that are not selected may protest any recommendations for award by sending a formal protest letter to the Procurement Director, which letter must be received no later than 5 calendar days after award by the City Commission. The Procurement Director will notify the protester ofthe cost and time necessary for a written reply, and all costs accruing to an award challenge shall be assumed by the protester. Any protests received after 5 calendar days from contract award by the City Commission will not be considered, and the basis or bases for said protest shall be deemed to have been waived by the protester. O. RULES; REGULATIONS; LICENSING REQUIREMENTS Respondents are expected to be familiar with and comply with all Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, codes, and regulations that may in any way affect the services offered, including the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title VII ofthe Civil Rights Act, the EEOC Uniform Guidelines, and all other EEO regulations and guidelines. Ignorance on the part of the respondent will in no way relieve it from responsibility for compliance. P. DEFAULT Failure or refusal of a respondent to execute a contract upon award by the City Commission, or untimely withdrawal of a response before such award is made and approved, may result in forfeiture ofthat portion of any surety required as liquidated damages to the City; where surety is not required, such failure may result in a claim for damages by the City and may be grounds for removing the respondent from the City's vendor list. RFQ NO.: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 8 Q. CONFLICT OF INTEREST All respondents must disclose with their response the name(s) of any officer, director, agent, or immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, child) who is also an employee ofthe City of Miami Beach. Further, all respondents must disclose the name of any City employee who owns, either directly or indirectly, an interest of ten (10%) percent or more in the respondent or any of its affiliates. R. RESPONDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY Before submitting a response, each respondent shall make all investigations and examinations necessary to ascertain all conditions and requirements affecting the full performance ofthe contract. Ignorance of such conditions and requirements resulting from failure to make such investigations and examinations will not relieve the successful respondent from any obligation to comply with every detail and with all provisions and requirements of the contract documents, or will be accepted as a basis for any claim whatsoever for any monetary consideration on the part of the respondent. S. RELATION OF CITY It is the intent of the parties hereto that the successful respondent be legally considered as an independent contractor and that neither the respondent nor the respondent's employees and agents shall, under any circumstances, be considered employees or agents of the City. T. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME (PEe) A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crimes may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, sub- contractor, or consultant under a contract with a public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Sec. 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. RFQ NO.: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 9 SECTION II - SCOPE OF SERVICES A. PURPOSE Services are required from a qualified and experienced public relations firm, for intensive, extensive, and, in many cases, one-to-one contact with South Beach individuals, groups, associations, and community as a whole for the purposes of disseminating information, community involvement and liaison activities in area of public awareness campaign development and implementation. Public involvement is an important aspect of the construction process. Public involvement includes communicating and interacting with all interested individuals, groups, government and private organizations regarding information about the development ofthe project. This communication and interaction is accomplished through meetings, publications, door-to-door contact, media releases and other means outlined below. The focus of these activities is to develop a cooperative working relationship between the public and the City of Miami Beach (CITY), and the State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), in order to identity the public's issues, needs and concerns. The CONSULTANT shall coordinate public information activities in compliance with the FDOT's Community Awareness Program in the District Six Public Information Plan Format and Requirements guidelines and the following sections. Within one month ofthe Notice To Proceed, the CONSULTANT shall provide a schedule and quantity estimate for any required public involvement items to be supplied by the CITY and FDOT. B. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT DATA: The collection of public input occurs throughout the life of the project(s) and requires compiling and maintaining the project mailing list, newspaper clippings, correspondence, public request, and response. Daily review of local newspapers and collection of news articles is required. The CONSULTANT is to collect, maintain and update the project mailing list and provide to FDOT on a diskette, information which includes but is not limited to the following: . Corridor property owners and tenants: The CONSULTANT should obtain the mailing address of every owner and tenant along the corridor and one block north, south, east and west of the area. RFQ NO,: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 10 . Elected and appointed local, state and federal officials; municipal boards and committees, and other community leaders and groups, on or with jurisdiction in the project area shall be included in the project mailing list. . The Florida Transportation Commission shall be included in all notices sent to the Public. . Technical staff of agencies and municipality, including permit and review agencies should be identified and placed on the mailing list. . Community and cultural service groups, such as schools, churches, police and fire rescue. . Media should be identified and placed on a mailing list to be used for news releases of advertisements, FDOT will issue any releases, . Any person or institution expressing an interest in the project. . Local Hotel Association, hotel guests, Miami Beach Convention Center, Greater Miami Visitor and Conventions Bureau, Greater Miami Hotel Association. C. COMMUNITY AWARENESS PLAN: The CONSULTANT's Public Involvement Program shall be specifically detailed in the COMMUNITY AWARENESS PLAN for the project. The Community Awareness Plan documents how the cooperative relationship will be developed during the construction duration. The plan shall include: the project's purpose and background; history of the previous public involvement efforts, issues identified and assumed; strategies on resolving difficult issues; and action plan on how information will be conveyed to an collected from the public; a schedule of key elements; list of regular council and subcommittee monthly meeting days, description of collateral materials to be produced; and the project mailing list. The Community Awareness Plan usually heeds dating during the project's duration. All creative efforts by all CONSULTANTS are owned by the CITY and FDOT. Copyrights are the property ofFDOT. RFQ NO.: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 11 D. PUBLIC MEETINGS: The CONSULTANT shall investigate potential meeting sites, advise the CITY and FDOT on the suitability and provide all support necessary for the CITY and FDOT to hold various meetings, this support includes: \> Contact participants; organize and schedule meetings; reserve meeting sites. \> Prepare and distribute notification letters. \> Provide agenda and sign-in sheets, \> Record, write and distribute minutes draft within 48 hours, final within 7 days. \> Prepare graphics and plans for presentations. \> Perform oral presentations. \> Set-up and take-down meeting equipment. \> News releases also provided to FDOT for inclusion in the weekly news release. \> Property owner letters: The CONSULTANT will prepare the letters, insert them in envelopes, address the envelopes and deliver to the postal facility. \> Display of plans and report(s) for display to the public for _ days prior to the meeting at designated public locations. Brochures, handouts, comment cards, staff name tags and other miscellaneous items. \> Draft public advertisements and provide the CITY and FDOT's Public Information Office for approval prior to publication. \> Prepare letters in response to comments. \> Prepare a public meeting summary document with the following suggested features: * Table of contents * List of speakers with paraphrased comment * Written comments received * Attendance sheet * Documentation of Legal Notice. The CONSULTANT shall draft responses to any public comments received as a result of the public involvement process. F. NEWSLETTERS AND FLYERS: The CONSULTANT shall prepare, print and distribute quarterly editions of a multi color newsletter and duplicate, the required number of distribution shall be through the project mailing list and hand delivered to various locations as appropriate. The CONSULTANT will send out a weekly progress report about construction activities and schedule status. RFQ NO.: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 12 G. MEETINGS WITH PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERS: The CONSULTANT shall meet with the FDOT Public Information personnel and the CITY Project Manager Team on a monthly basis. H. CONTACTS WITH ELECTED OFFICIALS: Information to be transmitted to Public Officials may be included in the PIO mail-out to elected and community officials. The CONSULTANT is not to initiate contact with elected officials, The CITY and FDOT Project Managers shall coordinate such liaison. The liaison for State elected officials is the Director of Administration/Legislative Coordinator, and the liaison for local elected officials is the Director of Planning and Programs. I. DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PRODUCTS: Duplicating, filing envelopes, labeling, and distribution shall be the responsibility of the CONSULTANT. The Consultant shall also pay postage, J. TELEPHONE SERVICES: The CONSULTANT shall provide project telephone numbers, answer calls, and document callers comments. The CONSULTANT's telephone number shall be linked to the CITY and FDOT site. K. INTERNET SITES: The CONSULTANT shall develop project related Internet information pages, This information shall be publicly accessible and linked to the CITY and FDOT. The CONSULTANT shall provide updates of the information and shall answer all E-mail contacts received from any of the stakeholders. L. TRAVELER INFORMATION RADIO NETWORK (TIRN): The CONSULTANT shall provide project related information for inclusion on FDOT's Travelers Information Radio Network. RFQ NO.: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 13 M. SPECIAL PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT REQUIREMENTS: o The CONSULTANT shall actively assist the CITY in its business retention efforts during the construction of the project(s). o The CONSULTANT shall develop special programs such as Community Ambassadors to disseminate the available information to all target entities, o The CONSULTANT shall be available at the trailer site or designated construction office as deemed necessary by the CITY and FDOT. o The CONSULTANT shall maintain a 24-hour hotline with updated information. All information shall be updated on a daily basis. o CONSULTANT shall have the capability to respond to any emergency calls within one (I) hour. o The CONSULTANT shall prepare special advanced visualization photographs or special renderings showing the future look of Collins Avenue, including new lighting and landscaping features. Such material shall be reproduced in color and distributed among all stakeholders. NOTE: Ultimately, when a professional services agreement is negotiated with the selected CONSULTANT, fifteen percent (15%) of the total agreement price will be set aside as Contingency funds. Such funds can be expended only after approval by both the CITY and FDOT Project Managers, RFQ NO,: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 14 SECTION III - OUALlFICATIONS STATEMENT FORMAT Submittals must contain the following documents, each fully completed, and signed as required. Submittals which do not include all required documentation, or are not submitted in the required format, or do not have the appropriate signatures on each document, may be deemed to be non- responsive. Non-responsive submittals will receive no further consideration. A. CONTENTS OF QUALIFICATION STATEMENT 1. Table of Contents The table of contents should outline in sequential order the major areas of the submittal, including enclosures. All pages must be consecutively numbered and correspond to the table of contents. 2, Technical Proposal Provide a narrative which addresses the scope of work, the proposed approach to the work, and any other information called for by the RFQ, 3. Price Proposal None required at this time. Fees to be negotiated with top-ranked firm(s). 4. Oualifications The minimum qualification requirements for this RFQ are described below. Respondents must provide documentation which demonstrates their ability to satisfy all of the minimum qualification requirements. Submittals which do not contain such documentation may be deemed non-responsive. 5. Acknowledgment of Addenda and Respondent Information Forms (Section VIII) 6. Any other document required by this RFO. such as a Ouestionnaire or Response Guaranty. RFQ NO.: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 15 B. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Each firm interested in responding to this Request for Qualifications must provide the foHowing information. Submittals that do not respond completely to all requirements will be considered non- responsive and eliminated from the process. 1. Firm's Experience: Indicate the firm's number of years of experience in providing public relationslinvolvement services. 2. Project Manager's Experience: Provide a comprehensive summary of the experience and qualifications of the individuals who will be selected to serve as the project managers for the City, Individuals must have a minimum of five years' experience in public relations/involvement, and have served as project manager on similar projects on a minimum of three previous occasions. 3. Previous Similar Projects: A list of a minimum often similar projects must be submitted. Information should include: * Client Name, address, phone number. * Description of work. * Year the project was completed. * Total cost of fees paid to firm. * Total cost of the construction, estimated and actual. 4. Oualifications of Project Team: List the members of the project team. Provide a list of the personnel to be used on this project and their qualifications. A resume including education, experience, and any other pertinent information shaH be included for each team member, including subcontractors, to be assigned to this project. RFQ NO,: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 16 SECTION IV - EVALUATION/SELECTION PROCESS The procedure for response evaluation and selection is as follows: I. Request for Qualifications issued, 2, Receipt of responses. 3. Opening and listing of all responses received. 4. An Evaluation Committee, appointed by the City Manager, shall meet to evaluate each response in accordance with the requirements of this RFQ. If further information is desired, respondents may be requested to make additional written submissions or oral presentations to the Evaluation Committee. 5. The Evaluation Committee shall recommend to the City Manager the response or responses acceptance of which the Evaluation Committee deems to be in the best interest ofthe City. The Evaluation Committee shall base its recommendations on the following factors: Firm's Experience 25% Project Manager's Experience 35% Previous Similar Projects 20% Qualifications of Project Team 20% 6. After considering the recommendation(s) of the Evaluation Committee, the City Manager shall recommend to the City Commission the response or responses acceptance of which the City Manager deems to be in the best interest of the City, 7. The City Commission shall consider the City Manager's recommendation( s) in light of the recommendation( s) and evaluation of the Evaluation Committee and, if appropriate, approve the City Manager's recommendation(s). The City Commission may reject City Manager's recommendation( s) and select another response or responses. In any case, City Commission shall select the response or responses acceptance of which the City Commission deems to be in the best interest of the City. The City Commission may also reject all responses, 8. Negotiations between the selected respondent and the City Manager take place to arrive at a contract, If the City Commission has so directed, the City Manager may proceed to negotiate a contract with a respondent other than the top-ranked respondent if the negotiations with the top-ranked respondent fail to produce a mutually acceptable contract RFQ NO,: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 17 within a reasonable period oftime. 9. A proposed contract or contracts are presented to the City Commission for approval, modification and approval, or rejection. 10. If and when a contract or contracts acceptable to the respective parties is approved by the City Commission, the Mayor and City Clerk sign the contract(s) after the selected respondent(s) has (or have) done so. Important Note: By submitting a response, all respondents shall be deemed to understand and agree that no property iuterest or legal right of any kind shall be created at any point during the aforesaid evaluation/selection process until and unless a contract has been agreed to and signed by both parties. RFQ NO.: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 18 SECTION V - GENERAL PROVISIONS A. ASSIGNMENT The successful respondent shall not enter into any sub-contract, retain consultants, or assign, transfer, convey, sublet, or otherwise dispose of this contract, or of any or all of its right, title, or interest therein, or its power to execute such contract to any person, firm, or corporation without prior written consent of the City. Any unauthorized assignment shall constitute a default by the successful respondent. B. INDEMNIFICATION The successful respondent shall be required to agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Miami Beach and its officers, employees, and agents, from and against any and all actions, claims, liabilities, losses and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys' fees, for personal, economic or bodily injury, wrongful death, loss of or damage to property, in law or in equity, which may arise or be alleged to have arisen from the negligent acts or omissions or other wrongful conduct of the successful respondent, its employees, or agents in connection with the performance of service pursuant to the resultant Contract; the successful respondent shall pay all such claims and losses and shall pay all such costs and judgments which may issue from any lawsuit arising from such claims and losses, and shall pay all costs expended by the City in the defense of such claims and losses, including appeals. C. TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT If through any cause within the reasonable control of the successful respondent, it shall fail to fulfill in a timely manner, or otherwise violate any of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations material to the Agreement, the City shall thereupon have the right to terminate the services then remaining to be performed by giving written notice to the successful respondent of such termination which shall become effective upon receipt by the successful respondent of the written termination notice. In that event, the City shall compensate the successful respondent in accordance with the Agreement for all services performed by the respondent prior to termination, net of any costs incurred by the City as a consequence of the default. Notwithstanding the above, the successful respondent shall not be relieved ofliability to the City for damages sustained by the City by virtue of any breach of the Agreement by the respondent, and the City may reasonably withhold payments to the successful respondent for the purposes of set off until such time as the exact amount of damages due the City from the successful respondent is determined. RFQ NO,: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 19 RFQ NO.: DATE: D. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF CITY The City may, for its convenience, terminate the services then remaining to be performed at any time without cause by giving written notice to successful respondent of such termination, which shaU become effective thirty (30) days foUowing receipt by respondent of the written termination notice. In that event, all finished or unfinished documents and other materials shaU be properly delivered to the City. If the Agreement is terminated by the City as provided in this section, the City shaU compensate the successful respondent in accordance with the Agreement for aU services actuaUy performed by the successful respondent and reasonable direct costs of successful respondent for assembling and delivering to City aU documents. Such payments shaU be the total extent of the City's liability to the successful respondent upon a termination as provided for in this section. NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 20 SECTION VI - SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. INSURANCE The successful respondent( s) shall obtain, provide, and maintain during the term of the proposed Agreement the following types and amounts of insurance issued by insurers licensed to sell insurance in the State of Florida and having a B+ VI or higher rating in the latest edition of AM Best's Insurance Guide. Any exceptions to these requirements must be approved by the City Manager or designee. 1. Commercial General Liability. A policy including, but not limited to, comprehensive general liability including bodily injury, personal injury, property damage in the amount of a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000. Coverage shall be provided on an occurrence basis. The City of Miami Beach must be named as additional insured on policy. 2. Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions). Minimum of $500,000 per occurrence. 3. Worker's Compensation. A policy of Worker's Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance in accordance with State worker's compensation laws. Thirty (30) days' written notice of cancellation or substantial modification in insurance coverage must be given to the City by the architect/engineer and its insurance company. Evidence of such insurance shall be submitted to and approved by City prior to commencement of any work or tenancy under the proposed Agreement. F AlLURE TO PROCURE INSURANCE: The successful respondent's failure to procure or maintain the required insurance shall constitute a material breach of the proposed Agreement, giving the City the right to terminate the proposed Agreement. RFQ NO,: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 21 RFQ NO,: DATE: NUMBER DATE SECTION VII - ATTACHMENTS None CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 22 RFQ NO.: DATE: SECTION VIII - DOCUMENTS TO BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED TO CITY NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 23 RESPONDENT INFORMA nON Submitted by: Entity: Signature: Name (Typed): Address: City/State: Telephone: Fax: It is understood and agreed by respondent that the City reserves the right to reject any and all responses, to make awards on all items or any items according to the best interest of the City, and to waive any irregularities in the RFQ or in the responses received as a result of the RFQ. It is also understood and agreed by the respondent that by submitting a response, respondent shall be deemed to understand and agree than no property interest or legal right of any kind shall be created at any point during the aforesaid evaluation/selection process until and unless a contract has been agreed to and signed by both parties. (Authorized Signature) (Date) (Printed Name) RFQ NO.: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 24 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS NO. XXX-XX/XX ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA Directions: Complete Part I or Part II, whichever applies. Part I: Listed below are the dates of issue for each Addendum received in connection with this RFQ: Addendum No.1, Dated Addendum No.2, Dated Addendum No.3, Dated Addendum No.4, Dated Addendum No.5, Dated No addendum was received in connection with this RFQ. Part II: Verified with Procurement staff Name of staff Date (Respondent - Name) (Date) (Signature) RFQ NO.: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 25 Respondent's Name: Principal Office Address: Official Representative: Individual Partnership (Circle One) Corporation If a Corporation. answer this: When Incorporated: In what State: If Foreign Corporation: Date of Registration with Florida Secretary of State: Name of Resident Agent: Address of Resident Agent: President's Name: Vice-President's Name: Treasurer's Name: Members of Board of Directors: Ouestionnaire (continued) RFQ NO.: DATE: NUMBER DATE QUESTIONNAIRE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 26 If a Partnership: Date of organization: General or Limited Partnership*: Name and Address of Each Partner: NAME ADDRESS * Designate general partners in a Limited Partnership I. Number of years ofrelevant experience in operating similar business: 2. Have any similar agreements held by respondent for a project similar to the proposed project ever been canceled? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, give details on a separate sheet. 3. Has the respondent or any principals of the applicant organization failed to qualify as a responsible bidder, refused to enter into a contract after an award has been made, failed to complete a contract during the past five (5) years, or been declared to be in default in any contract in the last 5 years? If yes, please explain: Questionnaire (continued) RFQ NO.: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 27 4. Has the respondent or any of its principals ever been declared bankrupt or reorganized under Chapter 11 or put into receivership? If yes, give date, court jurisdiction, action taken, and any other explanation deemed necessary. 5. Person or persons interested in this Qualification Form (have) (have not) been convicted by a Federal, State, County, or Municipal Court of any violation oflaw, other than traffic violations. To include stockholders over ten percent (10%). (Strike out inappropriate words) Explain any convictions: 6. Lawsuits (any) pending or completed involving the corporation, partnership or individuals with more than ten percent (10%) interest: A. List all pending lawsuits: B. List all judgments from lawsuits in the last five (5) years: C. List any criminal violations and/or convictions of the respondent and/or any of its principals: 7. Conflicts of Interest. The following relationships are the only potential, actual, or perceived conflicts of interest in connection with this response: (If none, so state.) RFQ NO.: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 28 The respondent understands that information contained in this Questionnaire will be relied upon by the City in awarding the proposed Agreement and such information is warranted by the respondent to be true. The undersigned respondent agrees to furnish such additional information, prior to acceptance of any proposal relating to the qualifications of the proposer, as may be required by the City Manager. The respondent further understands that the information contained in this questionnaire may be confirmed through a background investigation conducted by the Miami Beach Police Department. By submitting this questionnaire the respondent agrees to cooperate with this investigation, including but not necessarily limited to fingerprinting and providing information for credit check. WITNESSES: IF INDIVIDUAL: Signature Signature Print Name Print Name WITNESSES: IF PARTNERSHIP: Signature Print Name of Firm Print Name Address By: Signature (General Partner) (Print Name) (Print Name) WITNESSES: IF CORPORATION: Signature Print Name of Corporation Print Name Address By: President Attest: Secretary (CORPORATE SEAL) M:\s("M~\TEMI'\COLI~PIP.RFQ RFQ NO,: DATE: NUMBER DATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 30 \ CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.f1.u$ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TO: FROM: SUBJECT: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO, 5'// - 00 Mayor Neisen 0, Kasdin and Members of the ,~r. Commission Lawrence A, J'::"'t ..~. City Manager DATE: Jnne 28, 2000 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ISSUE A REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT/ LIAISON CONSULTING SERVICES RELATED TO A ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT ON AlA/COLLINS AVENUE, FROM LINCOLN ROAD TO 26TH STREET; APPROPRIATING $300,000 IN CITY FUNDS IN TWO FISCAL YEARS, FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS RFQ; ACKNOWLEDGING SUBSEQUENT REIMBURSEMENT BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, UNDER A JOINT PARTICIPATION AND REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (JPRA), IN THE AMOUNT OF $300,000; SAID JPRA BEING ALSO SUBMITTED FOR CITY COMMISSION CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL AT THIS MEETING. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution ANALYSIS The previous Agenda Item involved the execution of a Joint Participation and Reimbursement Agreement (JPRA) with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), whereby FDOT transferred to the City the Public Involvement/Liaison component for a roadway project on AlA/Collins Avenue, from Lincoln Road to 26th Street, and allocated $300,000 in State funds for the City's use, on a reimbursement basis, The $300,000 amount is specified for the hiring of a consulting firm that will, under City supervision, perform the community involvement, information, and liaison functions related to the roadway project, which construction is scheduled to begin in April 2001 and end in July 2002. The successful public relations consultant will be hired for a period of approximately 21 months. AGENDA ITEM _R~ c.. DATE 6-ci8-0o June 28, 2000 Commission Memorandum Public Involvement RFQ/Collins Avenue Projects Page 2 The scope of services for the performance of community involvement, information and liaison activities is attached hereto as part of the RFQ packet. Its main elements include, but are not limited to, the following activities: 1, Community awareness plan and campaign development and implementation, including separate timelines for each project, and continuing through the project's duration.. 2. Development and consolidation of mailing lists. 3. Public notification (including the production and printing of a weekly newsletter, plus quarterly editions of a multi-colored newsletter) door-to-door interviews, contact and presentations), and media notification. 4. Monthly meetings with FDOT and City project management team, which includes representatives from the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, Convention Center, other area organizations, Transportation and Parking Committee, FDOT and City. 5. Twenty-four (24) hour project office set up and maintenance (at FDOT -provided location). 6. On-call person shan be available at an times. 7, Provide and maintain a 24-hour hotline. 8. Create a webpage and provide daily updates; respond to Emails from hotelier and others. 9. Provide certain daily print clips by 8:00 a.m., and certain broadcast clips weekly. 10, Investigate potential meeting sites and hold public meetings. 11. Audio visual production of videos and sound/slide presentations, 12. Display and exhibit preparation for presentations or display at public meetings. 13. Media conversion, electronic and desktop publishing services. 14. Printing services including conceptual design, creation and production, etc. 15. Translation and interpreting services, as needed. 16. Budget management including monthly reports outlining expenses for the month, as wen as forecast for the next month. The City will closely monitor the consultant's work to ensure efficiency and effectiveness, and that major expenses are not incurred for materials, goods and services that can otherwise be provided by the City. A fifteen percent (15%) contingency, or $450.00, has to be specified in the subsequent professional services agreement that will be negotiated with the awarded consultant. Advance Funds: When a consultant is selected and hired, as a result of this RFQ, the City will need to appropriate and advance City funds for the purposes of the professional services agreement to be executed between the City and consultant. We hope to execute the agreement by September 2000, the latest. Reimbursement: Under the provisions of the Public Involvement JPRA for the Collins Avenue projects, reimbursement will be made by FDOT within forty (40) days ofreceiving an invoice from the City, June 28, 2000 Commission Memorandum Public Involvement RFQ/Collins Avenue Projects Page 3 The hotel area and Art Deco Historic District will be affected by the construction on Collins Avenue. It is essential that all impacts be minimized, and an atmosphere of trust, understanding and cooperation be created among all parties involved. The Administration strongly believes that the essential public involvement process for the project will have much better chances of achieving the desired results, if it is under City control and direct supervision. Therefore, the Administration recommends approval ofthe Resolution. ~\\.~ LL/MS~/ AJ Attachment: RFQ F,\WORK\iTR^,,^MF.~I"'\LOf'ES\COUNRfQ. WPO