#1168 Ship Torpedoed by Sub Off Miami Beach - Miami Herald article May 15, 1942 AXIS '8BlPS DAMAGED LONDON, May 11l.-(JP)-The NO TDIE-One of the Shenan- admiralty 8II1nounced tod.y that doab achool teache", W&ll 80 busy ,two enemy ~awlera were left'dlll- rqUterin, motorists for their g&ll ' ,abled and slnklng after, a fight ratlonlnl ca.r<U that IIhe hadn't ,with British light naval forces bad time to obtain her own card off the F~ench coast In, the Eng- late Tburaday, last day of the lIsh chap.nel last night. ' Tbe act- ; three-iSay re~stration. She was mlralty aIao 'reported that In an one of the last-minute applicants ,attack on a ~rman ,convoy tor a card at b:er achool 'Wednesday morning ..the, Gel'- " mans suffered considerable dam- .. TAKE TIl\lE-Some 60 brlefcuea, age ~d cas~altles In' addition . to ' , bulpnl with Important paper~, are the admitted sinking of ,one ' ~f . ~ detained by customs officials their torpedo boat&,' 'and' that I\. J."' they can be examined. Their BrltlaJtllght coastal:r daft, wal' ~ ..wnera had to leave M1~1 without milling, ,;!' ' ~C'hn Ie ..... :J.A-WIUBLlQIQ)' , ' '" , \ '" "" , , VlCBY< DElSA.TJ!:SSTAND ' Dla.1L Y NEWS INDEX ~Th~~~:,r~~'k~{'15~""bf::~;: .~.... ,.ow... .'"..'-C'I'....: VIII'-CU .fr,..a.- Ilona lupply lines In' the Indian ~n. 'Tb. drltne order means that dnmesllk airline tra vel wl\1 be r~ on a full wartime basis In lhe n...r future, with the army nl'4'nlUna or cootrolllng. the na- hon'. entll"ll neet of more than 300 transport planes, 10(, ROORvelt recalled at his con. r..renee tha.t It wu Dot 10 many ,.....,.. aao that the American pea- )'Ie Il'OI alan, without commercial nyin, lIen,1oes and without alr matI Ilnd .u~.ested that probably tbey could eet don. with a IIm- It.ed amount at the.. lIemce. now. The people, be uld, will UDder. ItaM. It. rtmIuke-d that a couple ot _Iu &(0, About a dozen people ('&JDe down trom New Yorktb Me blmoo buolnea that had J1.~ to do with the war or wttJr"Uie ~"ot and seven o,f them UIIl!d planC!A. ' ~ TraYel EKpeet.ed 't- T'bat wu all riabt, Mr. Roose- I' Yelt noted. becauoe the planes " """" runnln. and It W1U just the L -..lest t.htDC to do. But, he saId, :~) ~ luppoeJn, service from New York "to WashlnJton by p~e was re- ~ ~ dueed by . 'halt, they would have (, come by train. ud ,1&<Ily, 'V- Oe aatd he wu Inclined to think ~ ~ there ...u' an Increasln, necessity ~'\. In thl. country tor curtatlln, prl- - ~\."'te plan. travel. ' ~ '" Aaked whether hll words should ~ t.. laken to melUl that he thought ") ~ lb.... would be no Ihortage ot rall- ~ ,....... le ..... '._PLANa) ~~'MIAMI'S OWN ~WH,IRUGIG " ~ New. Behind The News PAST WORK-Tho Mexican gov- ernment II to be con,ralulated tor III fut ud efficient ettortl 0.0 behalf of the crew survivors 0.1 lb. Mexican tanker torpedoed off VlratDJa key Thuraday morning. No ~ner had the survlvo", been broudlt ashore than the Brltisb War Rellet &Oclety offered clothes, but the otter was declined with ~Iu. Tbe Mexican government already had wired enoulb money to take c:a.re ot the men'l neecla. t . .-' -:-T" "-.- _.-J'~'.__'~_'-:- -'~--~'."'-~~"~~:r-T~ ' Using a 17 -inch telephonto ~ens, ,DallY,N~'!I~ _$taff!' q~e~~~! "',' ,~~ Ernie Bennett ,madAhe above picture of the,.torped~ilr,{eXican}tank"~, '1101m;C! er Potrero del Llano at 7:45 a. m., Thursday morning'Jfrom, ~e\ tOP" "Pattiil: f1~or of. the News Tower. :When t!ie picture was: Intidet'tJ1e(1)!i~g-' .. ~~ tanker had drifted come di$tance from the spot whel'e' th'eNaZi stI1):. , Jneiit'~ marine smashed a torpedo'through her side.Pe~Jozi...t~tPi,Jl@J'"4' ,,'~p~)j the picture was obtained via' telephone from ,the office'of.SytOn'~ce. ' tev~ EYEWITNESS DESCR'IBfS.' "~'-,..<;,>::"",<;fj~,,'j~," , , " .. ,J*tmcnn, , rot SHIP' BURNING' OFF MIIiJtiJI.<~,,":~ ;;!;~;; )(f~:"'~~ ~2 Rescued From Mexi~anTanker . .... t.1rs~M~lh Torpedoed By Axi.Sub; 14 Dead, .', : , :.,' ;~"~'l, : , , " ' ',' "", ", "'" J"~tp. ~,u~ll.h~.. A vivid red glare ,shortly af~er 2 a. !Do Thu~y~..;',-~j'~,R~h~dtftansf~ iDg through th~ e~tonal room:wmdoWfl. of tI1eNewi:~~l" ;.~~ '-';~r .<:'~:: .,~..- ~ ' caught,the eyes 'of ~ig~t Watc~a'1t-William,,Ji)':t.arisey air"~~uxlh~,~i11s'~ he was, making his r011l1ds. The' gmre .WB:!5 ~p,:~q~g ,~b,~ ,...,....~~t;~j., ','" thoug~~,.at"first the fire was s, o11J.ewl\~ in lJayf,_,~on;,;par!t ;..WA$~~GTq,N., ~-115.; , , JF In,tlle J:>>ay:'neaiby;~.;..~,;;.;,...:~ j"oie~i1"4:,\f'..r\a~ii."t . - : GrabbiD~.'a,pe.Jr ot, fletd ,l&uej, :aon" il\1cJi&; 'if&P~bhMd' !.Jra LAT'E N,EWS, he went to -t!ie. top 'floor in t1Jp.e, Culp HobbY, Houston, T~ ' to see, the 'tlrst .fl~es l~cldnc' ~t'l~ ' .', , ), the lII-fated Mexican tanker' Po.' pl\.~r execu~ve, as dlrllOt9} t:.LA SHES trero del Llano,torpedoeci ott Vir. wo~~n'8' army aJ,IXlIlal'f' co; r glnla key by aD Axis submarine. 81\.ld , ,that 'rene~ recr.ul~ Later In the day tbousands. of member.. ot tbe W AAC w~ Mlamlana saw the' atm-burning In abo~i three mon~s" , and smoking .sblll, on' ,which 13 II\' an ex~~tlve orc\~r e, men,lncludlnr, the, captain and In, ',tJ;la ;WAAC" Pr"ldent deck oftlcerl had dled'as-It drifted velt:dlrectedStlm.son'tQ,l~ Dorth out of control.' In the Gulf. inltlal, lllobUlzaUon~ to~,qp stream, 'The ship 'bad: been tor. The: corpa 'will be' COmIll pedoed de.plte a ,brilliantly llJhted wome~ v~l~nte~,r. wbo,wI!!, MexiCan flag painted on ita aides. enU.tect '~~n,;n!>w performl Release of ' the story I\.boU, t, the tor- taln tYP',~',~t 'noncombatant pedolD&, Thursday nlgbtf'cbetween 1D all' patt-(ot ,the world. 9 and lOp, m; was U~!1IiJ&J Iii that LOcat',rec~~ltl,n, oftlce.s the exact Jocatlon of the:> attack read)'.JtJ., al)out, two ,weeks was ,Iven, ' ';1.'be; ,MeX.t~ ip,Vern- calve ,appllca~lonl ,trOll" c~r ment. had 'rele.~~,th" 'Sntok'ma'" torthe.f1rlt WAACoftlcerl tlon, g1~itgJ;8X&ofl0~ .~, ~n.'!8'nd'tbe ,In,. IchOj)L Th, LI IOhOO,I\ II .t. American' Navy ~ 4ep "mente ,pve cated, at: FOG ,Del ,.Molnel,. approval tor nowapi 'r.' to use tit, I ,As WAAC ,director, Mra.- Mexican ltory. ,wlte ot formor, Gov. William , One Dies 1ft" olpl" r' HobJ;ly ,ot -,Tox8,8, ,w1U~,h~ PBISONEaS BE~D ,Twenty-two sU,rvl\n):". 'were equlvaleDt to',tbat~,o,t~n'arl TORONTO',May U,_(}l>)";':'Tw9brou'b~ Into, Waml, one' of ~w~m .jor. ,~ra..~ol!~7 Ila 431 ~el German air, forct! officers wh9 fled ,died at Jackll9D M;enlor,l~l, ho~pitaJ ,m~th~.r._gf ~w!> ,Qblild~~ ~d tho Bowmanvlle prllon, camp. '9 ,13 hour. atte.. bJ..,I'..C~'\ H. ~~ "p~t ')""r:".btu'>t~~tl;~., .~l miles ~lIIt of liere, ~edn'sdaYha:v, I!-&dOlfOCalc~~\~tr.~.:' ", ,>>~bUOlty)~xoou~~:Ve'\'ln( tn._,' been recaptured. the Royal ~ Nlgbt~, W'a~~~"t~r~.l'Ir. ot p..~~n~,' Sbe.~1"'9~cutl dlan Mounted Pollee announced to~ ,(,~,:to'''~~)f ,P~,~l~l!~~i:~f'~e HOIl4~.n.f ~:ht~~t.:-~~~~ha:t:::i~h.: M' 'R;''->~S':':.''::F'~:D:' i:>:" 'p ':0":' " :/'N' ~f'~I"'!"'i>:e": '1i"~':"~'i~ oape. :w, as captured In the' Be1)e~ ,'..," '.' ';' .,:-,: , - , .)i . 5, ," ,;.'~ ~ ~:: ." "~' < J,', ,) II I I ;;.... " 1'; .', \" f., -;~ ' . ~ ,'~ "t,rt;" !' (,..: vi e rat WI\.Y station. The other, ,; ',~ ," ,.J', ",I, d"!I,\,i , '~':~~:t'''\~'t~'!-> ~u ',\ ':" Lleut. 'Aberhard Wildermutch, wa" W' n" '" :':;E' "~:lf'i';AI~"*T'I\~'Rijl:rl:'G':"~;" picked, up In the enlOD station he~e., : ; :~,>~:,:;~'"", i,\:I,.y!1,1~: i':: J . . . ,,', ,.. \'. ..."'" ",r-.",. ", .1 , MACVEAGB NAMED WASHINGTON. May 11l.-(UP) Prelldent Roosevelt today nomi- nated Lincoln MacVeagb, pres- ent minister to Iceland. to be the new minister to the 'Union of South Africa.. Thl! pr~sent min- Ister to the South 4fzl.can domin- Ion Is Leo J, Keena. ' CANADA CUTS GAS OTTAWA, May l11.-('/p)"":A 80 per cent reduction III gasoline ra- Uons In the three Canadian mari- time provinces was' announced today by Munitions Mlnl.ter C, D. Howe, etfectlve at mldnllht tonllht. , ' ,.' ~ ' .Fi~st L:ady'Ex'pl,ai~.?: Need ,FiSt: Fey(J~ty,i UnderjfIQ1tiU~':;'" i.;" " B~:.~~~~;~\t:i "'~~ Weari~~'\:whl~~i~' clt..;: , Inp aDdfp~,011, ' , ~'l : g&lollD.~'ii&tlo"ni e~ ' ~nor 'R:oo.~;'':' "t Beacnja:!P~~' : 01< a' "few).~Y$(l[r '" Z' . . , . \. s: ..)o...~. , . . , "I decjded:~, W,a8Il'~'i!nt ' official,', 'h(iii~e:y:'>';tli~ff.;y ,~lrlit"~~" ~~df"buti~ that, l'n~~4~ii'l~~'itWC)'",.( ',,, '" days In, t.be,j'M'I"M_l;"Jl.unabl.Jle;!'~'\~ . __,. .:' u,..,>>;J~~",-.i:..~~-<I'~.,-;,.._..., -,.",,~...~to .~ ; t. \, ~~EWS 'escued :rck Trap It Jokes Pinned .h Boulder >1 Ore., May. 16.- Jt Injured critically, . l!}'les Harper Wl18 're- trom a rock tunnel ~ad been pinned for ,J stretcher, ,he wa~ a long line of men ! ~ hospital. ~ lain under a shaky lj with a l,IlOO-pound ills lap pinning. his uh after the slide he th rescuers. He Wl18 I! a. m" Pacific war m. Thursday the Hill .demy student from Ih.. lay trapped in a lperture formed by' 'had fallen from a >t; Rocky Butte, on a~emy Is located. ,anlona crawled to ,~ t-l.i p~ties, pollee and flre- I~d by the other lads Ie scene but the dan- ~r slide slowed their tl highway engineers ;}, direct timbering of 1, n worked, Harper l,d clprets and Sipped yslclan stood' by, ready Dut liarper said there ~r In hi. Ie,. and he In. He had adequate td freedom. for move- Ir~s" His spirits high, !led through the first ,g~ he' tired later. athered at the base of Idlng for houri 81 res- I ~thelr, work. .;;. 'f',{ FRIDAY, MAY I~I 1942 '" Ship Torpedoed By Sub 011 Miami Beach (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) . 3951 Palm ave., Hialeah, said at first he could see only one end of the ship burning through ,his field gll18ses. "But the angry red glare from the blazing ship became so strong It soon outlined all of Bls- cayne and Virginia key," he said. "At the time I first saw the ship it appeared to be about 10 to 12 miles hi a straight line from me, off Virginia key, Soon huge sheets of flame leaped high In the all', brilliantly IIghtlng up the "When I l18ked him what' was whole sea area, as apparently following us," Ramirez said, "he fresh oil' supplies caught on fire. gave me a knowing look and re- I never heard any ,noise at any piled, 'a big animal.' I knew what time. The fire quickly spread un- he meant. I dressed hurriedly and tll, at about dawn, 118 the ship was was making ~y WilY to the bridge visible off the Government cut, when, the torpedo struck. There the whole tanker was a blazing was a blinding flash., The bridge Inferno." went to pieces before my eyes. Larlsey said he, ran up to the Jose died with the officers who had top of the News Tower every 20 been ,watching the U-boat's stalk- minutes to observe the fire, be- Ing maneuvers," tween his routlne rounds. "Three One seaman, Julio Benavides, "of was a steady drift northwards," Tamplco, declared, "they (mean- he continued, "and I thought at Ing the sub crew) must be good first the ship was being towed. shots. They made a target of our But I soon realized that was not flag." so as I observed the boat slowly Ramirez said those who were revolving 118 It moved up the Gulf saved dived immediately Into the Stream. The second time I wcnt sea, "We saw the sub's conning up In the tower I saw several tower moving rapidly away," he searchlights playing on tHe ship declared, "and then the water be- and over the seas In the area, as came a sea of flames, We were COl18t guard craft apparently res- fortulllate to bind tOgether plecC1l cued the crew." of wreckl;\re and In about' three Prey Stalked For Hours hours, We were rescued by U. S, The vessel the 7500-ton tanker navy craft." Pedrero del Uano, :.vas completely Watchman Sees Flare ' and brilliantly illuminated, the flag. The tanker, meanwhile, drifted of her country centered In the glare northward with smoke belching of four spotlights, with eV(lry other from her hull. All day Thursday, the lI~lp ,continued to .s~oke, the pall over' the Miami docks being seen by thousands of Miamians. ' Rescued crewmen were highly Indignant, and voiced the attitude of their government, which already has addressed a curt note to the Axla powers, ,Gormany, Italy and Japl\.n, demandlnr "complete sat- Isfaction and a guarantee of dam- age reparationS" by May 28. Other- wise, the note threatened, the na- tlon, wlll ,"take a position In ac- cordance with'Mexlcan tradition," Marked a. Neutral 'We Were a neutral ship," Ra. mlrez protested, "and were fully marked 118 a neutral, but with such an 'enemy, there is no such thing as neutrality." The survivors voiced the regret that their IIhlp wall not armod. "If we'd been armed," one of them said, "I would have shot tbat lub- marine right out of the water, no matter what the captain might have said about not shooting," ' . Victim ClOIO- To Shore, ' " " , C~~t. 'l\~J:~or~ ,M;C!re)', llock. j ,i .t,',. ,\~~,' maate~,a~J!i~!:MIa.ml ~e~c1i~~bam~" , .'" ""..,v,'.- ';""~"''''^','4.., ,"," ...,~,,,., ;,;~ f,' - ,l _,ii~ii1~ ~.~ni'illuJtf~~J~j~~:;:J~~"" light aboard agleam. That the attack was premeditated was bome out by tales told by some of the 22 sur- vivors, who said the U-boat .pla)l'ed a cat-and-mouse game with the doomed ship for nearly an hour. Edwardo Slbaja y Ramirez of Vera Cruz, a quartermaster, told of the helmsman, Jose Magana, coming to his quarters and awakening him and declaring, "we are being fol- lowed," CARDS UlOllfTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) leaving one White Houlo car and one lIecret service car at Hyde Park" Meanwhile, 'without debate, the senate rejected 66 to two a pro- posal to put members on record as pledging themselves to waive any special privileges in Obtaining rationed rasollne, Senator Downey' (Oem" Cal.) , author' of the resolution which ~NES aroused blttdr criticism, and Sena- tor Pepper (Oem., Fla.), cast the only, votes for the proposal. ;: "\,,,,'AGO 0'" . Oem..,.tI. Load" 80<_1.,. 01 l ' Kontuclcy, who forced the vote, :~avel1ng tacllltles, the had attacked the resolution as lm- ~!J1arked ',that people pugnlngthe honor of the senate. ~~. 'th~:ka~:~r~ott:l~ :" ,em for thll'\tlmeb.lng planes were to be diverted to' war ,llnco ,more pooPI~ use" " ' I tJ9)dn,; ". ~t tbelr' jobl Expr0811nl' "amazement'::-atJhe \i,~S,;no~..,~~l.ng away,- announcement, which IlI.ve:n~!et- Lto~o~,g!t.~.t?~faln. -fectlve date, Rep. Nichols '<D,eq1., ~:t.~~~~' >;'c,. Oltla.). chairman ota lillecial hOllse :1 . '- bel' of Commerce docks, al80 wu on the beach when' the torpedoing . occufred and said the vessel was . so close to shore the rescue craft plainly were visible by the glare of the fire, , Missing and considered lost, in addition to the offlcerJI, are Radio Operator Enrique Vieyra, Pump- man Juan Marshall,' Steward Eras- to Castellanos, Cooks Juan Her- nandez nnd Francisco pered& An- cona, and Carpenter Diego VUla- lobos, Lost with Capt. Gabriel Cruz y D1az were First Officer Rafael Castelan y Orta, Second Officer Jorge Pawling y Salzar and Third Officer Jose Virgen y Rojas. 15th Sunk Off Florida According' to the' Mexico City newspaper La Prensa, the Portrero del Llano was carrying 50;000 bar- rels of crude oil to the: United States, The ship 'was the 11lth announced as sunk by the naVy since May 4 whose survivon have been landed at FI6rkla ports.' " The navy also announced "'the loss of a Panamanian merchant- man during the week and also an- nounced t ha t n medlum-a1zed American freighter had been tor- pedoed three times and shelled In the Gulf of' Mexico. but. had nian~ aged to make port In'~w Orleans. One mcmber of the crew lost hi. life during the attack. He waa' Bolger A. Mikkelson of Staten b-' land, N. Y., who died on a llf. raft from shrapnel wounds. ~ I, :.. Pan American Prepared Following announcementa from Washington that the federal gov- ernment would soon take virtual control of all commerCial airlines.,' , '~ officials of Pan' American A1rwayp,' ~ ".' said here 'Friday that' the,y,'l'tAv. been altering their se<vlce'to'serve ,governmental. needs for ~earl)'\. year. ' They pointed out that their Ha- (', van a servlc(l has been reduced .from seven flights dally,to two and that their Mexican eervice has been cut. from ,three times weekly to onc. each week. , At the same time service to the West lndles, the, Canai Zone, and: ' South America has been Incre...e4 t - - to take care of government needs.." Officials or Mlaml'e 'two' other ' . large 'airlines, Eastern and Nation- ,: ai, were out of the city and coul4 Rot b,c reached for statement&.