95-21471 RESO Incomplete RESOLUTION NO. 95-21471 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, RATIFYING THE ACTIONS OF THE MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY IN AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED CONTRACT PROVIDING FOR THE PURCHASE BY THE AGENCY OF THE FEE SIMPLE INTEREST IN THE SHORECREST HOTEL, 1535 COLLINS AVENUE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, WHICH PERTAINS TO A REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND AUTHORIZING THE AGENCY TO TAKE ALL INCIDENTAL ACTIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. WHEREAS, the Shorecrest Hotel, 1535 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida has been identified as a portion of the site upon which an African-American owned hotel will be built; and WHEREAS, the hotel will promote convention center and other tourism business in the City of Miami Beach; and WHEREAS, as with the acquisition of real estate in connection with the hotel project being negotiated with Loews Hotel Corp., the Agency desires to acquire the land where the African-American hotel project will be built to facilitate the development of the hotel project; and WHEREAS, the ownership of the Shorecrest Hotel consists of a fee simple and a ground leasehold interest; and WHEREAS, the Shorecrest Hotel is located within a redevelopment district within the City limits. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA that the actions of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency in authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to execute the attached contract providing for the purchase by the Agency of the fee simple interest in the Shorecrest Hotel, 1535 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida, which pertains to a redevelopment project within the City limits, and in authorizing the Agency to take all incidental actions in connection therewith are ratified. PASSED and ADOPTED THIS 18th day of January 1995. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK c:'lNpwin6O\wpdocs_I'feesmp.rso FORM APPROVED LEGAL DEPT" By -:J(..D Date /-/~-n.- 2 BRDAD-and-CASSEL ID:3739495 JAN 13'95 15:12 No.020 P.02 PURCHASE >>.m SA.LE AGllEBMENT DRAFT This Purchase and Sale Aareemellt (the" AJreement"), dated , 1995 by and b_een JACOB 1535 PROPERTlIlS, INC" a Plorida CXI'POratlon ("Seller"), and MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCV, a Florida municipal corporation rBuyer'): WITNESSETH: In CXlnslderation of the mutual aareements herein set forth the parties hereto agree II fonowa: 1. meanings: Definitions. The following terms when used In this Agreement shall have the following 1.1 Accentance Date. The A~ Date shall be the EffectIve Date. 1.2 ~. Mlunl Beach Redevelopment Agency, a Florida municipal corporation. 1.3 Bl\ver's AllornllY. Redevelopment Agency Goneral Counsel, City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, MIami Besch, Florida 33139. 1.4 Cash to Close, The balance of the Purchase Price subject to the adjuStmeDlS and prorations as hereinafter described. 1.5 Closln,. The delivery of the Deed and other Closing documen1l to Buyer coDCurrently with the delivery of the Purchase Price 10 the Seller as hereinafter provided. \.6 ClosinR Date. At 10:00 a.m. on the later of , 1995 or on the day (or on the next bU$lnCQ day thereafter If said _ day Is DOt on a businou day) after the Buyer has received the Environmenla1 Audit and determined the amount of money which it requires to be plaeed in escrow to satisfy the obligations of the Seller with regard to removal from the property of the Adverse Environmental Substance& II required under parll&raph 5,6 hereafter, or on such other date as determined In accord~ with this Agreemenl. I. 7 ~. A Qult-oaim Deed and Assi&nmentof Leasc, In form acceptable 10 Buyer and Tide Company which conveys the Property from Selloc to Buyer. 1.8 Effective Date. The Effective Date shall be the latest date this AgreemeDt is executed by either Buyer or Seller, notwithstanding that this Agreement shall have been dated the date first written above. \.9 Governmental '\uthorlty(Jes), Any federal, state, county, municipal or other governmental department, entity, authority, commission, board, bureau, court, agency or any In.~trumentalilY of any of them which has jurisdiction over the Seller, the Buyer or the Properly. \.10 Governl11BJ)ta1 Reouirement(s), Any law, enactment, statute, code, ordinance, rule, regulation, judgment, decree, writ, Injunctlon, franchise, permit, certificate, license, authorlzalion, agreement, or other directlon or requirement of any Governmental Authority now exlJdng or hereafter enacted, adopted, promulgated, entered, or issued applicable to the SeHer, the Buyer or the Propeny or to any appunenance, structure, use or facility, on or aeljacent 10, or proposed for, the ProPerlY. 1.11 Permitted Excentlon.. "Permitted Exceptions" means those mattera set forth on Exhibit "H" attached hereto and made a part hereof, as same may be supplemented In accordance with Par811raph 4.2 of this Al"cemenl. 1.12 PrQnerly. Tho land logally described In Exhibit" A. attached hereto (the "Land") IOgether with the Property Rights anel the Personal propeny (as deftned herein), BRORO-and-CRSSEL 10:3739495 JRN 13'95 15:13 No.020 P.03 1.13 Pmnertv RIRhtI. The.Property Rights meana III of Seller's ri&bt. title and interest, if any, in and 10: all buildInas and Improvements on the Land: all teIIOIIlentl, heredilal1lel\tI, rillhta, privilelles and appurtenances re1atiDI or belolllllni to the Land or in anywise appertaining: any and all easements: all water and lewer access and water and lOwer use rights and allocations; all storm water drainage, use rights and allocations; all ulUity hookup and service rights; all grants, rights or other IIlreemenls affectina the Land or comprlsina the Permitted Exceptions; all permits, licenses and grants of right, now existing or hereafter arising with respect to the Land: any land lying in the bed of any street, road or aV8llUe, opened or proposed, in front of or adjoining the Land, to the center line thereof, and 10 any strips or gores adjolnIna the Land or any part thereof; and, subject to the provisions of thil Agreement, any and a1lsurns of money and rillhts to receive money which Seller has or may acquire by reason of the ta1d1lll by lawful authority through exercise of eminent domaln or deed or agreement in lieu thereof of any rights, property or thina of value described herein or any part thereof, includillllBDY award or payment made or to be made by reason of the chanae of grade of any street. Seller shall execute and. deliver to Buyer, at Closillll and anytlme thereafter on demand, all proper Instruments for the conveyance and assignment of such title and the assignment and collection of any such award, which conveyance shall be free and clear of any liens, claims, outstandlnll bills and encumbrances. 1.14 Personal Prooertv. ThIs sale also inc1udel all personal property ("Personal Property") silllated on or used in connection with the mainte_, operation and ownership of the Shoretrelt Hotel ("Hotel") and rhe Property. Attached hereto u ExhIbit 'C' II an inventory of the Personal Property which shall be attached 10 the BUl of Sale 10 be delivered by Seller to Buyer Il Clolina, all of which ahall be at the Hotel on the date of Closina. The Personal Property Includes all personal property, includIna, but not be llmlted to that property atlaChed to appurtenant to or Uled in connection with the Property. The Personal Property II reproaented to be owned by the Seller, free from all li_ and encumbrances and included in this sale, without limitina the Ilenerality of the foregoing, are such fixtures and articles of personal property including furniture, furnishings, linens, dishes, plumbing, heating, lighting, air conditionillll fixtures and units, signs, equipment used in mainlalning the Hotel, financial books and records of the Hotel, Including, but not limited 10 III tax returns filed regardlnc1ncome and 1011 of the Hotel, hot water heaterS, aWnllllll, storm shutters, mail 0011:01, pumps, shrubbery and outdoor sllllllary; the name "Shorecrest Hotel", and all rights of Seller In and to any and all leases, subleasea, pennita, licenses, deposits, pre-paid rents, tenancies, occupancies, and granta of right made by Seller or _ any time acquired by Soller In respect of all buildingl, improvementa, easements, titles, estates, Inleresls or rights or any part thereof, and III rents, Issues and profits arbina from or ut of such leases, lubleases, licenses, tenancies, occupancies and crants of right now exlstlni, subsequently created in respect of the Property, up to and includinl the Closlna dare. 1.IS Purchase Price. 54,000,000, 1.16 S;Um:. JACOB IS3S PROPERTIBS, INC., a Florida corporation. 1.17 Seller'. Attornev. BarryT. Shevlin,Elq., Suite60S, 1111 KanoConcoune, Bay Harbor Islands, Florida 33154, (3OS) 868-0304. 1.18 Title Commitment. Title Commitment means that Title Insurance Commitment to be issued by the Title Company thrOUgh its duly authorized agent as lelected by Buyer proposin& to insure Buyer's purchase of the Property. Buyer may use a pro forma commitment or Slllllll of title report as the Title Commitment. 1.19 Title C'-<>mnanv. The Title Company is such ALTA member title underwriter Ielected by Buyer, 1.20 Title Policv. An ALTA Form B (most current markelability form) owner'. tide insurance policy" Issued pursuant to the Title Commitment with the standard exceptions deleted including exceptions for survey maners, the gap, parties in possession and liens, which title policy sha1l be in the amount of the Purchase Price, Insurillll Buyer's title to the Property, subject only to the Permiued Exceptions. 2. Purchase and Sale. Seller agrees 10 sell and convey the Property to Buyer IJId Buyer acrCe8 to purchase and acquire the Property from Seller on the terms and conditions herein set forth. 3. Purchase Price. The Purchue Price shall be $4,000,000, subject 10 prorations and adjustments. BRORO-and-CRSSEL 10:3739495 JRN 13'95 15:14 No.020 P.04 4. HvidA~A of Title, 4.1 Title CnmmlbDent. Buyer a11all promptly cauae the Title Company through Its duly authorized agent, Kronaold and Todd, 10 Issue a Title Commitment. The Title Commitment a11a11 name the Buyer IS the proposed insured, aIIall provide for the proposed Issuance of a Title Policy fur the full amount of the Purchase Price and a11all provide fur the Title Company to Insure the ",ap" upon delivery of approprlllle documentation by Seller or Buyer or both, as applicable, and the delCllion of the standard printed exceptions upon delivery of the customary documentation from Seller. 4.2 Humln.llnn of Title. Buyer shall send to Seller's Attorney a copy of the TItle Commitment promptly after Buyer's receipt and, within IS days after receipt of the TItle Commitment, Buyer &ball notify Seller In wrltlna of any obJect1ol11 to title (the "Title Notice"). All el<ceptIolII In Schedule R-5ection II of the Title Commitment IIOt raised as objectionable by Buyer shall be deemed "Permitted Bxceptlons" and Bxhlhlt "R" of this Agreement shall be deemed to be supplementod ro include same. Seller &ball have 30 days from receipt of Buyer's Title Notice within which to cure Or attempt to cure the title objections and Seller agrees to use Ita best elfolU to do so and Seller shall be obligated to cure or correa any title objectlons, indudinc encumbrllDCeS, mortgages and liens that can be cured and paid or satlsfied at the time of ClosIne. Title objectlons requiring payment of money to cure &ball be paid by Seller from ils own funds prior to Closln, or from the cash to close at Closing. If Seller Is unsucce5sfulln curing and removIne such title objectlons ro the sadsfactlon of the Title Company and Buyer within said 30 day period, then Buyer shall have the option of either (a) terminaIina this ACreement, or (b) acceptin, the title in its existInJ condition with a reduction in or credit againat the purchase price fur any existing mongages, liens, encumbrancea and any Seller created title objections (or title objoctions arising out of an agreement to which Seller is a party or which is known 10 Seller), whetber or not currently existing, which WI be cured, removed of record or satisfied by the payment or a liquidated sum. Seller agrees and represents that it will use llood faith best elforts to correct all such title objealons, indudina curing or satisfying all Schedule B-5ect1on I requirements and removing Schedule B-Section II exceptions which are IIOt Permitted Exceptiolll, within the time periods set forth In this Paragraph, but in any event by ClosIne, all of which shall be continuinJ obligations of Seller. Buyer may update the title and the Title Commitment before Closinc and Buyer may raise IS title objeaion,< In a subsequent Title Notice any matters revoaled by such update and Seller &ball cause same 10 be cured, removed of record or satisfied within 30 days from the date of receipt of thesubsequont Tide Notice and otherwise 81 required above. III IUch event, the Closlna Date .hall be reset to I dale lei forth in Buyer's subsequent TWe Notice within 60 days from the date of such notice. Upon timely curIne the title objections, the Seller may, upon at least (10) buslnes. days prior written notice from Seller ID Buyer, reaet the Closing DIle to another buslnos. day not to OJIceed 30 days after the curing of the title obJection. Buyer shall not have the right to object II> title by nason of any title maner wblch Is caused by Buyer. 4.3 TItle Policy. The Title Policy IhaJI be Issued by Krongold and Todd, as &&enlI for the Tide Company, pursuant to the terInI of the Title Commitment, as endorsed by any endorsements Issued subsequent 10 the effective date of the Title CommitmeDl. All costs and expensea relating directly to the Title Commitment (excluding the costa related II> curing, rOlDOvinc end satisfying title objections), any endorsements, and the Title Policy premium, aIIall be paid by Buyer. 4.4 SIIwx. A. Within S days from the Effective Date, Seller shan dellvee to Buyer a copy of any survey of the Land In its possession. The Buyer may obtain, at Its expense, one or more surveys (the "Survcy") of the Land containing such details and certifications, and prepared under such furmat, as Buyer may require. At Buyer', optlun and expense, the Survey may be updated to show the location of any title matten of record, wbether or not same are Permitted Exceptions, and such other mailers 81 requested by Buyer or Title Company. B. If the Survey (or IIl\Y update thereof) shows any encroacllmenl on the Land, or that any improvement located on the Land encroacllllll on the land of others, or if the Survey shows any other defect or objection to Buyer, Including any matter wblch would afl'ea either the martetabUlty of title to the Property or the use of the Property, such encroacl1ment or defect or objection aIIall be treated in the same manner 81 title defects and objections are treated under Paragraph 4.2 of this AUeement. S. Seller's Representations and Warrllltlea. Seller heeeby represents and warrants to the Buyer the fullowlng matters. The representations and warranties sball all be true and correct as of the Bffective Date (oxcept as speoiftcally .et lbrth below) and all true IIl\d correct as of Closln, and &ball be certified, confirmed and updated by the Seller at Clo.ing by delivery of a Certificate IS of the Closing Date in a furm reasonably acceptable to Buyee as of and throup the date of Closing and as an inducement to the Buyer to Close under this Agreement. 5.1 Seller's AuthoriIY and'performAnce. Seller has leeal rlpt and abnity to IeII the Property pursuant to this Aareement. The eillCUtlon IIid delivery of this Aareement by Seller and the consummation by SoUer of the tranaactioDs COlltOlllplaled by this Al"oomont are within Seller's capaclty and all requisite action, corporate and otherwise, has blKlll taken 10 make this Agreement valid and binding on Seller. Seller will promptly pay for. perform and comply willl all coveoantS. qreemeotI. representations and warranties contained in IIlIs Agreement. 5,2 No 1.<;~a1 Bar, The oxllCUlIon by Soller of thill Agrooment and die consummation by Seller of the transactions hereby contempllled does not. and on the Cloalna Dato wUl not, result in a breach of, or default under, any IndClll\Ure. acr-. I..... Instrument or obligation to which Seller is a party and which affecrs all or any ponion of the Property. or to Seller's knowledge, constitutes a violation of any Governmental Requirement. Tho Property Is not the subject of a right of first refUsal, option, lease, \IIC acreement, or acrecmcnt to purchase, or any restriction On sale in favor of any other penon or entity. 5.3 No Default nr In.nlvenc;y. Seller Is not In deflUlt under any indemure,lIlOItgaae, deed of trust, loan agreomont, lease or other agreement or obligation to which Seller Is a party which affecta any portion of the Property or the Seller's ability to perform under this Agreement. Seller Is not insolvent and will not be rendered Insolvent by this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby. 5.4 ~. Seller Is the owner by good, valid and enforceable meane aaslgnmenta of a leasehold estate in the Land and the Property Rishts created pUmlant to that certain 99 Year Leue originally in favor ofLynn Corporation as Lessee, cIated July 18, 1940 and recorded In Deed Book 2085, P"lle 340, Public Records of Dade County, Florida COround Lease") and has good and marketable title to such estate in the Land and the Property RlghlS In addition 10 absolute, fee simple ownership of the Porsonal Property, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and restrictions of any kind, except the Permitted Exceptions and encumbrances of record which, subject to Paragraph 4.2, wm be paid by Seller from its own funds at Closing or from die funds delivered by Buyer at Closing. To Seller's knowledge, the Seller is not a party to, and the Property is not affectecl by, any service, maintenance or properly management agreement, declaration of condominium, homeowner's agreement. restrictive COVOll8llll. or any contract or other agreoment of any Idnd except those deacribed In the Permitted Exceptlona, and no such agreements and documents will be binding upon the Property or the Buyer of the Property after Closing. The total of all debts, mortg..ea, Ileus and encumbrances alTectlna the Property are IllIs than the Purchase Price and the Cash to ClolC shall be applied to satisfy and fUlly pay for all such itenls and to create an escrow account to satisfy the Environmental Requirements before any distribution thereof to Seller. Seller shall not further encumber, mortgage or lien the Propeny In any respect which would prevent Cloaing In accordance with the termS of this AJreenlenl. 5.5 Lltinlinn. There are no 1Cl1ooI, suits, violations, citations, claims, not_. proceedings or investigations pending or. to the knowledge of Seller, threatened aaainst Seller or die Property al'CectiDa: any portion of the Property. 5.6 Bnvironmental Conditinn and Bnvironmental Audit. As a condition to IDd II of the Closing, any Adverse Environmental Substances .hall not be used, manufactured, loc:atcd, stored or disposed of on, under or about the Property. Buyer and Seller acree 1hat it shall be the Seller's sole reaponsibility to convey the Property to the Buyer free and clear of all Advene Environmental Substances or to provide Buyer with adequate funds at closing to pcrmlt Buyer to have removed from the Property all Adverse Environmental Substancea. The term Adverse Environmental Substances is defined to mean asbestos, radon, pcb's, 011 or other petroleum besed products, chomicoJs, any noxious, hazardous, offensive, O1ploaive or toxic substances or waste. or any "HazardoUl Materials" or "Toxic Substances" , as such terms are defined in the Comprehensive Environmental Reaponse, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended, 42 USC 9601 at. seq., Hazardous Materials Trwportation, 49 USC 1801 ct. seq., the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 USC 6901 ct. seq., and in the regulations adopted In publications promulgated pursuant to any of the above stated laws, which remains on Ibe Property or which would require any cleanup, treatment or other action pursuant to any applicable law or any environmental audit of the Property or even if not required by law If existence of same would interfere with the use or development of the Property as contemplated by the Buyer. Buyer has heretofore ordered a Phase I Snvironmental Property Assessment Audit on the Property and Is hereby granted lbe right to order and obtain such further tests, audilS and reportl as shall be recommended by any such reportl (collectively "Envlronmontal Audit"). The EnvIronmental Audit shall be addressed to and certlfted to Buyer and any successor and assign of Buyer. If the Environmental Audit indicatea any advene environmental condition or the suspicion thereof, or Ibat any Adverse Environmental Substances are on, under or about the Properly, or recommends any further study or remedial work, then Buyer's acceptance of the Property shall be conditioned upon alllbe work being performed and the delivery to Buyer of an updated Environmental Audit which shall indicate, among other things, that there Is no presence or RB\IC72&\OO14\lCDUJOOl.1M suspicion of the presence of any of the abOve-mentlOnod materials or subst111ce8 on and about the Property. The final Environmental Audit shaI1 reflect, If applicable, that any asbestos, pcb's and other Adverse Bnviro~ SubslanCCill have.... properly removed and abandoned from the Property and that any tank or oth... conditions and materials on or under the Property shall have been properly removed and abandoned, and any af'Ceeted subsurface or surface soils shall have been properly removed and disposed and any soil stains on the sur&ce shall be properly removed and disposed and any surface or subsurface debris shall have been properly removed and disposed. Funher, the Environmental Audit may include soU tOSl and groundwater toot results, jf required, and, if applicable, a statement as 10 any cleanup, ueatmelll, monllOrlng, removal or other remedial action which has occurred on the site. As a condition to closing, the final Environmental Audit shall not require or recommeDd any remedial action, treatment or monllOrlng with respect 10 the Property or any adjacent property. To the extent any environmental conditions are revealed and require treatment, cleanup or remediation In order for an Envlroomental Audit to be issued which meets the criteris of this paraaraph, and same cannot be accomplished prior to closing, then the Seller agrees to hsve placed In escrow with an escrow agent acceptable to Buy..., as a condition precedent to closing, a sum of money deemed sufficient by Buyer to cause the removal from the Property after Closing of all Adverse Envkonmenta1 SubstanCCl, including a reasonable amount to cover cost Increases or contill\lencies. The escrow fund shall be utilized to remedlate and remove such Adverse Environmental Substances to the effect that a clean Environmental Audit can be issued after the Closing without reference to any such adverse environmental conditions. After Buyer's receipt of an Environmental Audit wlchout reference to the adverse environmental conditions (and indicating that any treatmeIIl. cleanup, recommendations and remediation has been completed), any unused ponion of the escrowed funds shall be returned to Seller. 5.7 Parties In Possession. There are no parties odter than Seller in poasession or having a right to possession of lilY ponion of the Property other than Buyer in accordance with this Agreement and month to month residential tenants and transient hotel guests, none of whom have lilY written or oral rights 10 extend soch occupancies and all of which occupancies are cance1able upon DOt more than thlny (30) days written notice. S.8 Survlval. The aforementioned representations shall be true .. of Cloaln& and shall expressly survive the Closing and the Closing shall DOl be deemed a waiver of any remedies for Seller not having completed or rendered lIUe and correct any partlcu11r representation or wlrrlllty. 6. Buyer-. Rp.:mrItiel fur Sener's PaDure of . Renresenutlon or Warrllllv. 6.1 If any representations or warranty set fonh in this A,reement Is not lIUe and correct, then Seller shallootify Buyer in writing within two (2) days after Seller ascertains such condition, but in any event by Clo.sln,. 6.2 If, at Closing, any of Sell...'. representations or warrllllles set forth in this Agreement are DOl tnIe, then Buyer may either; (a) terminate this Agreement by wrllIelI notice thereof 10 Seller, In which event all monies expended by Buyer In connection with this Agreement shall be paid by Seller to Buyer upon demand, and which written notice shall Include such supporting data as reasonably necessary, and thereupon the parties shall be relieved of all funher obli&ations under this Agreement; or (b) elect to close under this Agreement notwllbstandlnc the failure of such representation or warranty, provided, however, chat any such election by Buy... shall not be a walver of, and Seller shall remain obligated under, any of the other provisions of this Agreement including those relating to curing and paylnc for any title objections and the provisions relating to a Seller default. 6.3 Seller's representations and warranties under thla Paragraph 6 shall survive Closil\i. 7. C-<lndemnatlon. In the event of the institution of any proceedinp, or any threat or IIlllice thereof, by any Governmental Authority which shall relate to a proposed taking of any portion of the Property by eminent domain prior to Closing, Seller agrees to furnlsh Buyer with a copy of such notice of a proposed taking within five (S) business days after Seller's receipt of such notification or by Closing, wbichever is earlier. In such event, then Buyer may, at Its option, within twenty (20) days of Buyer's receipt of the notice of proposed taklng either; (a) cancel this Agreement and this Agreement shall be deemed canceled; or (b) Close, In which case, Buyer wUl be entitled 10 receive the entire condemnation award; otherwise, the Purchase Price wUl not be affected by any Condemnation. Buyer shall notify Soller of Its election within said twelllY (20) day perlnd. If Buyer elects not to so terminate this Agreement or fails to respond to Seller's notiftcation of propo.sed condemnation proceedings within said twent)' (20) days, then the partiel hereto shall proceed to Closing and Seller shall assign all of Its right. title and interest in all awards in connection wich auch taking to Buyer. The parties acknowledge that the Property Is a proposed site for condemnation by the Buyer and thst, if this tranSactlon shall close In accordance 'RR\14'nfl\M14\loI1)5nOO1.1'" with the terma of this Aareemont, thllD this tl;anaaction shall occur in lieu of any condemllalion by the Buyer. .< << 8, Buyer's Rebr.....utlons lI1!1 Warranties. Buyer hereby ropresellls lIIld wl1l'UllS co the Seller as of the Bft'ectlve Date and as of the Closing Date that Buyer has filII and complete authority III purchase the Property and to comply with the temIS of thlB Agreement, and the execution and delivery of this Airoement by Buyer and the consummatlon by Buyar of the transactions hereby conlelllplsted are ....ithin Buyer's capacity and all requisite action has been taken CO make this Aareement valid and bindlni on Buyer in accordance with Its terms. 9, ~. The Closing sball commence at 10:00 a.m. on the Closing Date and shall1alc:e place at the office of Buyer's attorney In Dade County, Florida. 10. Pee ("nnrr"", I":lntin.< Seller aclcnowledaea thatllOlwllhsWldIng anylllloa CO the coouary conlllined herein, Buyer has no obligation CO consummate the purchase under thl. Agreement unless it simultaneously therewith acquires good and marketable fee simple title 10 the Property from the owner thareof. In the event Buyer does not enter InIO a contract for the purchase of the fee simple Interost In the Property fPee Contract") or, after entering into the Pee Contract, does not close the purchase contemplated thereunder for any reason, the Buyer may cancel this Aareement and shall thereupon be relieved of any liablllty or obligation bereunder. II. Seller's Closin. Documents. At Closing, Seller shall deliver the followln& documents ("Seller's Closing Documents") 10 Buyer or Buyer's Auomey lIIld tille lIgent. Copies of each party's Closing Documents shall be dellvared III the other party's attorney and 10 the title agent fur review and approval at least three (3) business days prior to the Closltll Date. 11.1 ~. The Deed wblch shall be duly executed and acknowladiad by Seller 10 as to convey and assign to Buyer good and marketable leasehold title under the Ground Lease to the Laod and Property Rights free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and other conditions of title other thlll the Permitted Bxceptlons. 11.2 Bill of Sale. The Bill of Sale which shall be duly executed and acknowl&teed by Seller so as to convey to Buyer good and marketable title to the Personal Property free and clear of all liens. 11.3 Lien Affidavtt. A lien aft'idavlt In form reuonably required by Buyer_ling that, among other things, (a) no Individual, entity or Governmental Aulborhy has any claim against the Property undo< the appllcable construction lien law, (b) no individual, entity or Govemmonta\ Authority Is either In possession of the Property or has a possessory Interest or claim In the Property, other than Buyer In accordance with this Aaroement (c) no ImprovemenlS to the Property have been made for which payment in filII has not been made, and (d) the Property is free of all liens, claims and encumbrances (other than Ibe Permiued Encumbrances), IIId Ibere are no outstanding bills pertaining thareto. 11.4 GaD A ffidavil. An atrJdavlt In furm and content reasonably ,,'I._ry to Ibe Title Company to facilitate Ibe insuring of the "liP"; l.e, Ibe deleting as an exception 10 the Title Commitment of any matters appearin& between tho effective date of Ibe Title Commitment and the eft'ectlve date of the Title Policy. 11.5 F1RPTA. A FIRPTA Non-l'oreign Entity Transferor Exemption Certificate or provide for wlthholdlngs, In accordance wilb Sectlon 1445 and other applicable provialons of the Intemal Revenue Code. 11.6 Form I099-B. Such faders! income tax ropoIts rOllpectlng the sale of the Property as are required by lb. Internal Revenue Code of 1916, 11.7 B-1 Reauiremento, Any documeots required In Schedule B-1 of the Tille CommltmOllt with the exception of any documents pertaining to the Buyer. 11.8 Renresenlllllnnund Warranti.. Certlftcate, A cort1ficate of the Seller restatlne, and confirming and certifyin& the truth and accuracy of, and the full payment and performance of, all of Seller's reprOllentations and warrantlea contained In this Aereemeot as of Ibe Closing Date. 11.9 Resolution. A certified resolution and incumbency certJftcato of tho Seller (Including Seller's directors and shareholders), authorizing the entering into, execution and consummation of this Agreement and Ibe consummation of Ibe transactions herein contemplated and the Incumbent officers, as applicable, aulborizod to execute documents for Seller. RB\1'n&\OQ14\MDS1JOO1.1JA 95011' . 11.10 OrR.~I...io...1 Dneun\il"u. A:cllltificate of good ItIDdIng and certified copies of the orllanlzatlonaI documents of the Seller ind any other documents reasonably required by Buyer and the Title Company. 11.11 Di.clowre Affidavit, A disclOlUre affidavit In form reasonably rOCJllired by BuY. in compliance with Sectlon 286.23, Florida Statutea. 11.12 Escrow ARrCeIIIOllt. An Bauow Aar-nont as contemplated by this Asreemw authorizing the Bscrow Aaent 10 dlsburae monies required to rClDOve Adverse Bnvlronmental Subltancea from the Prnpeny. 11.13 Other Dncumenlll. Any other documents required by this Agreement which Seller Is obllgated 10 deliver or to cause to be delivered and any other documents reasonably required by Buyer. 12. Buyer's Closln, Do",,''''''''''. At Closing the Buyer shall deliver the followIn.c documents (.Buy..... Closlnll Documents"). Copies of Buy...'s Closing Documonts shall be delivered to Seller or Seller's Auorney for review and approval nOli... than three (3) business days prior to Ibe Closing Date. 12.1 Certification. A certlflcate of Buyer authorizing the entering into and execution of this Agreement and the consummation of the tr8lISactlon herein contemplated. 12.2 Clo.ing St.t_ont. A Closing Statement showing all credits, costa. charges and oth... matters relating 10 the Property as set forth in this Agreement, including a tax proration aar- to Incorporate the obligations set forth in Paragraph 14.1 of this Agreement. 12.3 R~resentatlons and Warranties Certlflcste. A certlflcate collflrmlng the SWIIs of all of Buyer's representations and warranties as of the Date uf Closing. 12.4 C'.a.<h In Close The total amount of the Purchase Price, subject to prorations and adjustmenlB as provided in this AgRenlCDl. 12.5 Buyer'sl..etter. A letter from Buyer or Buyer's Attorney thai this Agreement and the sale contemplated hereunder was made In lieu of condemnation. 13. Closin{ Procedure. The Closing shall proceed in the followinll manner: 13.1 Transfer of Punds. At CloslD&, Buyer shall pay Seller by check Cash to Close. 13.2 Delivery of Dneumenb. Buyer Ihall deliver Buyer's C10aIng Documents and Seller shall deliver Seller's Closing Documents to One anOIher at Closing. 14. ClosinR Costs Taxes Prorations. 14.1 IIui. Real estate and personal property taxes ("taxes") shall be prorated as of Closing with maximum discount taken. Taxes shall be prorated based on amounts for the current year, except that If tax amounts for the current year are not available, prorations shall be made based on the taxes for the preceding year, with maximum discount taken. If, subsequent to Closlna, taxes for die year of Closing are determined to be blgher or lower than as prorated. a re-proratlon and adjustment will be made at the request of Buyer or Seller upon presentation of the actual tax bill, and any payment required as a result of the re-proratlon shall be made within ten (10) days following demand therefor. 14.2 $eller's Closlnr COSll. Seller shall pay for the followingllelt1J from its own funds at or before Cl08ing: (a) All eertified, confumed or ratified special asseasment lieDI through lite date of Closing, If the improvements pertain to governmentalimprovemcnts which improvementa have been substantially completed as of the Effective Date, such liens shall be colllidered II certlfled, confirmed or ratified and Seller shall, at Closing, be charged with an amount equal to the last estimate of the applicable governmental body of the amount of the assessment; contained in Article 4; (b) Matteu required to be paid to obtain clear title subject to the Ilmitatioos (c) All fees, assessments, costs and charges Incurred to lItlflll and perform the provisions of this Agreement; kl!'l.14.na\OOI.t\WbiKJOOl.nA. (d) Documentary stamp tax:and lurtax to be affixed on the Deed, if IIIIY; and (e) EI!;row Acc;ounllO be ClItabllshed for removll of Adverse EDviromnemal Substanca. 14.3 Buver's r.lnsin, ("-'>Ill. Buyer shill pay for the fo\1owinlltems at the time of Closin,: (I) The WIt of record Ins the Deed; (b) The premium for the Tide Policy; (c) The COSlS for BuYII"1 survey. 14.4 Credit 10 Seller for QDeratlne Exnenl... Buyer shill credit to Seller at Closing a one month reimbursement maintenance fee up 10 the amount of Forry-Six 1bousand One Hundred ($46,100.00) Dollars upon prusentation by Seller to Buyer of char,Cl, billlor statemonla rofIectinl actual costs incurred by Seller in malnla\nlng or operating the Property, for the period commencing lIIiny (30) days prior 10 date of Closlnlto date of Closlne. 14.S RmIll. SelllI' shall be entitled to all renla\s from perluds prior to ClOlllng; Purchaser shall be entitled 10 all rents accruing lIIereafler. 14.6 Sales and Other Tax. In the event 11181 any sales, Ulle, transfer or other taxes shall be determined to be payshle In connection willi lilY part of the tranaaction contemplated by this Agreement. or lales taXes on rent collections, if applicable, then all such taxes shall be paid by Seller by Closlnl or upon demand xfter Closine. There will be no prorxtlons as to slliea taxes. Seller reprea..... that there are no unpaid salea or oilier taXes and that there are no unpaid payroll, withholding or other taxea as to the Property. 15. Closine. Possession. Pull and complete possession of tho Property shall be dollvered to Buyer at 16. n&Il. 16.1 Buver's Default. If this transaction falll to close due to a refusal or default by Buyer, and provided Soller II not In default of thll Agreement and all condilions precedent to Closing ICe satisfied, the Seller shall sive written notice to Buyer of each default and Buyer shall have tell (10) days to cure IUch default. If Buyer defaults by falllne to close the within transaction on the Closing Date, and provided such failure to close is not duo to a Seller defalllt, then the Buyer shall be deemed in default hereunder withOllt any further notice Or right to cure. If Buyer 10 defaullS and the default is DOt timely cured, then Buyer shall pay to Seller tho sum of $100,000.00 as agreed upon liquidated damages as a result of Buyer's default hereuoder, and Ilpon sllch payment this Agreement shall be terminaled in which co.'" neither Buyer nor Seller shall have any further oblilation or liability hereunder or in co_Ion herewith except as otherwise stated In this Agreement. BIlyer and Seller ackIIowledae lIIat if Buyer so dcf-dUlts, Seller wmsuffer damaaes in an amount which cannot be ascertained with roasonable certainty on the Effective Date, and the SIOO,OOO.OO liquidated damage payment will most closely approximate the amount necessary to compensate Seller In the event of IUch default. Buyer and Seller l8"ee that this is a bona fide liquidated damage provision and not a penalty or forfeiture provision. 16.2 Seller'l Default, If thil transaction falls to close due to . refusal or dofault by Seller, Buyer shsll give written notice to Seller of such default and Seller shall have ten (10) days to C1ire such default, Cltceptinl that Seller shall DOt be entltled 10 any notice if it falls to closo tho within transaction on the Closing Date. If Seller defaulls by failing to close the within transaction on 1I1e Closing Date, and provided such failure to closo Is not dllo to a Buyer default, then the Seller shall be deemed In default hereunder without any further notice or right to cure. If Seller so defaults and the default is DOl timely cured, then BIlyer shall have the right to seek to compel Seller'l specific porfonnancc of this Agreement, or in the lIiternat1ve, to cancel this Aareement, In which event, Seller shsll pay to Buyer the sum of SI00,OOO.OO as aareed upon liquidated damages III I result of Seller', default hereunder, and upon such payment this Agreemont shall be terminated In which case neither Buyer nor Seller shall have any further obligation or liability hereunder or In connection herewith except as otherwile statod In this Agreement. The foreaolna shall be Buyer's sole remedies in the event of Seller's default borllllnder and Buyer shall have no action against Seller for damaaes other tI1an in conoection pith the failll.e of a representation or warranty which Is discovered after closing or In connection with the Seller's default in failing to pay any sllm conlomplaled by this Agreement as being required to be paid to consummate the within transaction. Buyer and Seller aclcnowledge that if Seller so defaulls, and Buyer elects to cancel 1m114711\OOI4\MD5DOOl.13A . this Alfeement In lieu of seeking specific peiformance. tho Buyer will suffer dam.,es In an 8IIlOUIIt which cannot be ascertained with reasonable certaintY on the Bffective Dlle IJId the 5100,000.00 liquidated dlllDllie payment will most dosely approximate the IDlDUnt necessary to compellS8lC Seller in the event of such default. Buyer IJId Seller i&roe Ibat Ibis is a bona fide IIquidatod damage provision IJId not a penalty or forfeiture provision. 17. R~"I Estate Broken. Seller lUld Buyer represent IJId warranlto each other that, neither of them has dealt Dr consulted with any real estate brokers. salesmen Dr finders in connection with this transaction. Seller IJId Buyer hereby mutually acroe to indemnify, savo aDd. bold each other harmless from and against any aDd. all losses. damages. dalms. COSlS IJId expenses (including attorney's foes IJId expenses) In any way resultilli from or connected with any dalms or suits for a broker's or saleaman's commission, ftnder's fee ur other IIko compensation. made Dr brought by any person Dr emIty resultlng from its own acts. This provision shall sUlVlvo Closing lUld the delivery of the Deed to Buyer. 18. ~. Any notices required to be aiven by the terms of this Agreement or under any applicable law by either party shall be In writing IJId shall be either band-<lellverccl or &eIIt by certifted or roaistered mall. posta&e prepaid, rcturll rcccIpt requested. Dr sent via Federal Exprlll5 or other similar courier service, and such notice shsll be deemed to have been given whco received. when blJld-<leliverccl Dr whon sent vis courier service In accordance with tho terms of this Paragrapb. Such wrilten notice shall be addrcssed as follows: To tho Buyer: with a copy to: and to: To the Seller: with s copy to: MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1700 ConVClltion Center Drive MIami Beach. Florida 33139 AttemIon: Exocutivo Director Office: (3OS) 673-7010 Pax: (305) 673-7002 Laurooce Feingold, Esq. Redevelopment A.ency General Counsel 1700 CoDVClltion Center Drive MIami Boadt. Florida 33139 Offil:C: (3OS) 673-7470 Pax: (305) 673-7002 David J. Borger, P,A. Broad aDd. Cassel 201 S. Blscayne Boulevard Suite 3000, Miami Center Miami, florida 33131 Office: (305) 373-9444 Pax: (305) 373-9495 Office: Pax: Barry T. Sbovlin, Bsq. 1111 Kano Concourse Suite 60S Bay Hubor Islands, FL 33154 Office: (305) 86H304 Pax: Notice delivered to counsel for a party shall be dccrnod delivery of notice to tho party. 19. Assl2nmcnt. This Agreement Is not asstanshle by Seller. This Aaroemont may be freely ...signed by Buyer to another City of Miami Beach entity whereupon the Buyer shall be released from any liability under this Aareement other than for any liability as contemplated by Soctlon 20.11. Buyer must notiry Soller of any sucb assignment in writing at least ftve (5) da)'l prior to tho CloaiDg Date. JU)\1.128\OO14\MDSKJOOI.l!A. 20. CloSilll. Miscell.......u.. All of tho ~rovlslon'. of this Paragraph shall be deemed to survive 20.1 Count"'l'altI. This AJRCIIlCllt may be executed in any number of counlelparU, anyone and all of which shall constitute the Agreemem of the parties. The parqraph hOldin,s bereln contained are for the purposes of Identifltation only and shall not be considered in construing this Agreement. 20.2 Amendment. No modification or amendment of this AlIreoment shall be of any force or oft'oc:t unINS in wrilinl",,_ted by both Seller and Buyer. 20.3 AtlnrneVl' Fees. If any pany obtains a JllClplent llIainst any other party by reason of any lltlglllon arising OIlt of this Agreement, reasonable llllomeya' fMII and COSII may be recovered and may be included in such Judgment. 20.4 Governinll Law and Exc\lISlve Venue. This Aaroemont shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, both substantive and remedial. Exclusive venue shall be In Dade County, Florida. 2O.S Successors and AssIIlDS. This Aareement shall IlI1II'e to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and permitted ISS\JDI of the parties hereto. 20.6 Comnutatlon of Dates. If any date computed In the manner herein set forth falls on a le,a! holiday or non-businou day or non-banking day, then such date shall be ""tended to the flrst business day following said legal holiday or non-business day or DOn-bankinll day. 20.7 Time Is of the En........ Time Is of the esse.nce with respect to all times stated In this Agreement. Failure of either party to close this transadlon on the Closilll Date without default on the part of the other pany shall be considered a default in this Agreement. The provisions berein contained shall be strldly constnJed for the reason that both parties intend that all time periods provided for in this Agreement shall be stridly adhered to. 20.8 Arr'lJ)tance Dale. This AgrcemOllt shall be DllII and void and of no further force and effect unleas a copy of aame executed by Seller Is delivered to Buyer by or before the close of business within five (5) days after the dale of this Agreement first written above. 20.9 Maintenance of Prooertv. The Property sball be maintained by Seller in the same conditlon as existed as of the Effective Date, ordinary wear and tear cxtOpted. 20,10 Si&Da. From and after the EffocUve Date, Buyer shall have the rlcht (for no lII1ditional consideration) to utilize the Property for the installation of signs IS required by the Buyer. Should the Buyer terminate this Agreement, then Buyer shall immediately remove all such signs and shall restore the Property to 111 condition existing prior to Buyer's termination, reasonable wear and tear cxtOpted. 20.11 Buyer..Ind....nlflcation. Buyer shalllndCllUlify Seller and bold Seller harmless from all claims and expenses for personal inJury, property damage, and liens of any kind Incurred by or caused by Buyer or Buyer's agenll, employees, or independent contractors arising out of Buyers' obtaining the Environmental Audit and this indemnification shall inclllCle Indemnification agalnat money judgments, lien judgments, tourt costs and llllornoys foes assessed against Seller or the Property, as well as court COSII and attorney's fees Incurred by Seller In defending such a claim llIainst Seller or againat tho Property. 20.12 No RllCllrdation of Aarcement. This Agreement may not be recorded In any Public Rcc:ords. 20.13 Draftlnll. This Agreement and Exhibits hereto bave been negotiated at arms Iqth by Seller and Buyer, and the parties mutually agree that for the purpose of construing the terms of this Agreement, or said Exhibits, neither party shall be deemed responsible for the authorship Ihereof. The provisions of this paragraph sball survive the CloSilll and delivery of the deed of conveyance. 20.14 Further Assurances. Each of the parties hereto, without further consideral\on, agrees to OXCQIIe and deliver such other docwnants, and to take such other adlon, wbllher prior or subsequent to the Closing may be necessary to more effectively consummate lbe purposes or aubjoc:t matter hereof. kB\l472I\DOI<I\MDSlt100I.UA 20.15 Survival. Unleas otherwise specifically swell 10 the contrary In this Ap'eemenl, the provisions of this Allrecmenl and the applicable payment and performance obllgatlons of the parties set forth in this Aareement shall survive Closing and delivery of the deed of conveyance and shall survive tennlnatlon of this ^areemcnl. 20.16 !lei 1...'. Offer and Execution Not Terminable. Seller haa lll<ecute<l this A&rocment and delivered same as an ofl'er to Buyer tor .cceptance. Seller IIlrees that its delivery of this Aareemenl may nol be withdrawn or revoked prior 10 February 1, 1995 at 5:00 p.m. and the Buyer shall have until February I, 1995 at 5:00 p.m. within which to execute and accept this Aareement. 20.17 Service of Process on Seller. Seller agreea that service of process In connection with any litigation arising out of this Aareement may be made by serving Seller's Attomoy. 20.18 Annrova! by Redevelopment Allene,y. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Buyer unly after it has bocn approved by tho Miami Beacb Redevelopment Agency and signed by the Chairman or Vice Chairman for the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency or another duly authorized penon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the panies hereto has signed this Agreement under seal the day and year appearing below their rospoctive sipalUres. WITNESSES: SELLER: JACOB 1535 PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation By: (sBALl Date: ,1995 BUYBR: MIAMI BEACH REDBVBLOPMENT AOENCY, a Florida municipal corporation By: (sEALl Date: ,1995 ...........~'''''. .,.....~v'...n' .. A ExhIbit "A" Lepl DescrlpllOll See Attached Lepl Descrlpllon KIJ\J472I\OOJ4\NDlXJOOI.ISA OSOI1' Exhibit "J. PermItted ExceptioIII 1Ul\1472I\OO14\MDSKJ'GOI.1M 51'$011' Exhibit .C. Penonal Propert1 InveolorJ lUtl't'12l\OO14\MDSJC1OO1.1tA 950113 , RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA RATIFYING THE ACTIONS OF THE MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("AGENCY") IN AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED CONTRACT PROVIDING FOR THE PURCHASE BY THE AGENCY OF THE GROUND LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN THE SHORECREST HOTEL. 1535 COLLINS AVENUE. MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, WHICH PERTAINS TO A REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND AUTHORIZING THE AGENCY TO TAKE ALL INCIDENTAL ACTIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. WHEREAS, the Shorecrest Hotel, 1535 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida has been identified as a portion of the site upon which an African-American owned hotel will be built; and WHEREAS, the hotel will promote convention center and other tourism business in the City of Miami Beach; and WHEREAS, as with the acquisition of real estate in connection with the hotel project being negotiated with Loews Hotel Corp., the Agency desires to acquire the land where the African-American hotel project will be built to facilitate the development of the hotel project; and WHEREAS, the ownership of the Shorecrest Hotel consists of a fee simple and a ground leasehold interest; and WHEREAS, the Shorecrest Hotel is located within a redevelopment district within the City limits. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY I COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA that the actions of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency in authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to execute the attached contract providing for the purchase by the Agency of the fee simple interest in the Shorecrest Hotel, 1535 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida, which pertains to a redevelopment project within the City limits, and in authorizing the Agency to take all incidental actions in connection therewith are ratified. PASSED and ADOPTED THIS day of 1995, MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK c:'twpwin60'tNpdocsIhotol'llrndleas.rso fJRM APPROVED LEGAL DEPT" By ~ J "" J J-I~~<;) Date 2 CI\TY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ FROM: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Members of the City Commission Roger M. Carlton ~ It),. ---' City Manager I~ DATE: January 18. 1995 TO: Laurence Feing01d~~ ~q- City Attorney (I SUBJECT: RESOLUTIONS OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, RATIFYING THE ACTIONS OF THE MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY IN AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS PROVIDING FOR THE PURCHASE BY THE AGENCY OF THE FEE SIMPLE INTEREST IN THE SHORECREST HOTEL, 1535 COLLINS AVENUE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AND THE GROUND LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN THE SHORECREST HOTEL, 1535 COLLINS AVENUE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, WHICH PERTAIN TO A REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND TO AUTHORIZE THE AGENCY TO TAKE ALL INCIDENTAL ACTIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH RECOMMENDATION: The Administration and the City Attorney recommend that the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida ratify the actions of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to execute contracts to (1) purchase the fee simple interest in the Shorecrest Hotel, 1535 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida; and (2) to purchase the ground leasehold interest in the Shorecrest Hotel, 1535 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida. BACKGROUND: The Shorecrest Hotel has been identified as a portion of the site upon which an African-American owned hotel will be built. As with the acquisition of the real estate in connection with the hotel project being negotiated with Loews, the Agency desires to acquire the land in order to facilitate the development of the hotel project. The ownership of the Shorecrest Hotel consists of a fee simple and a ground leasehold interest. Therefore, it is necessary to execute two contracts for the purchase. 786 AGENDA ITEM R -1-.1:.- DATE~ CONCLUSION, It is jointly recommended by the Administration and the City Attorney that the Mayor and City Commission ratify the actions of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to execute contracts to purchase the fee simple interest in the Shorecrest Hotel and the ground leasehold interest in the Shorecrest Hotel which pertain to a redevelopment project within the City limits, and to authorize the Agency to take all incidental actions in connection therewith. HSM:LMW:jm 78'7