94-21063 RESO Incomplete CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Roger M. Carlton City Manager Laurence Feingold city Attorney DATE: February 23, 1994 TO: ~.# ~~ FROM: SOBJECT: Acquisition of 1051 Collins Avenue On or about February 7th I asked you to formally seek City Commission approval of your decision to not acquire 1051 Collins Avenue. Enclosed you will find February 2, 1994 letter from Harry Mavrogenes to John C. Lukacs, Esq. asking him to discontinue the acquisition process of 1051 Collins Avenue for the purpose of constructing a parking garage. Further enclosed is February 3, 1994 letter from Lukacs to the undersigned, aSking me how I wish for him to proceed at this time. I have no problem with your apparent decision to discontinue efforts to acquire 1051 Collins Avenue. I am, however, concerned about the process. Since the City commission authorized the acquisition in the first instance, it would appear to me that they must authorize the discontinuing of the acquisition process. I respectfully suggest that this item be an "add on" to the February 24, 1994 Special City Commission Meeting on the subject of parking. LF:lm cc: Mayor Seymour Gelber Members of the City Commission 5 DATE R -3- b , "2-'Z~- <1<<i AGEIlDA ITEI~ fEB-22-94 ICE 16:\0 LJKACS & LiJKAC, ?, A, FAX NO, 305 856 304: ~. C,; -' /CITY OF MIAMI BEACH c:rv HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI8EACH FLOI'lIOA 33139 OFfiCIO' THI!' em MANAGER TeL1PHONE: (306) 171-7010 FAX: (306) 613-7711 nbruary 2,- 1994 W~@~UWIfID (FEB? Iq~1. John C. Lukacs, Esq. Lukacs and Lukacs 1825 Coral Way Suite 102 Miami, FL 33145 LUKACS & LUIiA~, Pot Dear John: As requested by your office, this letter should cont1rm thac the City of Miami Beach is no longer interested in p:.lrsuing the acquisition of the Shanahan property known as 1051 Col:ins Avenue for the purpose of constructing a parking garage. ~reliminary studies have concluded that a garage is feasible on the adjacellt three lots. As a result of this, you are hereby requested to discontinue the acquisition process. very truly yours, ~ Har S. M4vrog~ Assistant city Manager HBM:jph cc: Roger M. Carlton, City Manager Eddie Cox, Senior Assistant C1ty Manager John Dellagloria, Chief Deputy City Attorney Marla Dumas, Redevelopment Coordinator . " 6 'FEB-22-94 TUE 16:09 LUKACS 8. LUKAC, p, A, F ~X NO, 305 S56 304: P,02 LUKACS &: LUKACS, P..~. .....,"'Ol:l...c......., ....W lie. CQ4Ill4. IN"" .u...u(t, 1'\.OIUI)4 ~:1l40. 81:10 "ICIIIlH r.YI("'=~ Ja,.,,,,, C::M""'~Ct>> .;,.ot~CS .-0.'.... 41o.AN ........IU,~S ...,..1 {~o.} eat. 0800 e.~"oo{.07) 8"". '..0. February 3, 1994 Hand-DClliverCld Laurenee Fein;ol~, Esq. city Attorney City of Miami Beach 1700 convention Center Orive Miami Keach, 'lorida 33139 RE: city ot K.tam! Beach v. Shanahan, ~rust.., lit al. Case No. Cas. No. 93-09906 (CA-01) Dear M:. reinio1d: In accordance with our telephone conversation y..~e~day afternoon, enclosed is a c::epy of the le~ter received frOlllltt. Mavrcqenell requesting- the discontinuance ot the referenced condemnation proceedinq. Please advise as to how you wish tor me to proceed at this time. I will await your advice.. John C. LWtacs For the Fin 1974102/fae-U Enclosure " 7