Arthur H. Hertz/Orange Bowl Committee09!14!2007 18:15 305-529-1485 WDhETCO ENT 5 FLOOR a~ nne~r~}g~~,ct~ ~~ City of Miami Beach gffice of the City Ciel•k Z70Q Convention Center prive, Miarni Beach, F1_ 3313 Lpir{iiYIS"~' RECT.~iTRATION rC1RM Lol)bylst means ail personb employ8d ar rEtalned, whether p81d or not, by a prinGpal who seeks ro ent6Urage the passage, defeat or modification of anY ordinance, re~eluUon, actl°n or deds[on r)i' any Cornmissioner; any action, ded~on, rectxnnlendatlon of kht City Manager or enY city board or committee; w any action, decision ar recommendation M any city personnel during the time period of the entlre decision-nlaking process on suds atClon, decision or reCOm[nendatlon that fore52oably v~il1 be heel'd or reviewed by the city cprnmisslon, or 8 dty board or tgmmitt88. The t@rm spedflcaAy inciude5 the principal as well as any employee engaged irr Ipbbying actiVldes. 'ihe terttt "Lobbyists'' has spBCiRc exCluslvns, Plaa~~2 refer tC Ordi0E1t1cs 30D4-3435, Street) i. LC?$RYIfi'C R~rAiNED EYt PAGE 02/03 ^...ie1 ~ NAME OF PRINCI[7AL/CLIENT: ~~/~~-'~~ ~ -~ -'7a (.,1.-~c.-~"~-~r~ (,t. j'y~ c.A..~n~ ~l X31 (~GLYt ~~,11~ r ~smt) (~P Cie) BUSIN>;5S E AND AdDRES$ (tnimber and Street) (i7N) FAX gut this section f! ptinclpal is a Corporatwon, Partnership or Tres[ NAME OF CHIEF t7FFICER, PARTNER, OR BENEFICIARY: EMAIL: IDi_NTIFY ALL PERSONS HOIDING, DIRECrI,Y OR INDIREOf'LY, A 5% OR MOkI; OWN7=RSHIP IM11T7•RE3T jN SLfCH CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP OR TRUST: II. SP'ECIF>CC LOBBY I55Uk; IsSUe ro be lohbled'(pesrxibe in detail): TII. CITY AGENCxRS/INDIVIDUALS T4 B$ L09SIED: A) Full Name of Irtdividuai/Titlo ~1~1 ~~~t~ U ~ B} Any Flna~tcial, Fa~Ilia[ or Professional Itelarlonship PAGE 213 ~ RCUD AT 911412007 ~;10,~4 PM ~Easfarn Daylight Timed"SVR:OBCMAIN210 k DN1S:5"CSID,30~ ~2914S5t DURATIQN (mm'ss);01.38 09/14/2007 18:15 305-529-1485 WOMETCO ENT 5 FLDOR PAGE 03!03 Iy, pxscLO5tJR1; pP i'~RMS ANp AMOUNTS aF LpsSYLSI coMPE,~N~S7A7xan (~ISC60SR yyfµgTti;ER HauR~Y, /SAT 1PAT~ 4R OT1yERJ: ~ vp +/ti ~,' A) LOBSYISr D1SCI.C?SU{tE; (Required) 8) PRINCIPAL'S DISCLOSURE (OF L98BYI5T COMi'EN5ATION)~ (Required). The fallowPn9 lnformat~n must be answered; , n Contributions By tobbYlsts 1) Pursuant to Miami Seach City Code Section ~-4t38 Entitled "Prohibited Gampa•9 Un Procurement Issues": __ ,_ 3 . es e u by ~ ~ a= .._ s e a e a or a . 2) Pursuant to Miami Beach City CodE 2-990 Entit{cd "prohibited Campaign Contrlbuk9ons ray Lobbyists pn Real '`state taevelopment IssUES": ._..._ _ „~. _.. Jib Pursuant to Miami Beach City Code 2-484 (h) Any person {except Chose exempt from the definitlort of 3} rs as a rep~'esQntative of a nGC-for-profiC `yobbyist" as .set fpifYi in $ectlon Z~81 above) who only appea corporation or entity without special compensation or raimbghalmegisKertwith Chea~lerk as req lredl by this Indirect, to express support of or opposition m any Item, sect[°n but, shall not be required to pay any registration fee$.. - - ~__~^wF.h„ nr rei~~ V. gIC,aNA'fURE UNT>'ER OATii: 4N tyGTOt3kIi 3.sI QF EACH YLiSTrIN~C LDB YlNG XF~NQxTUt~S, A5 WF1-LL. ASCCOMi'EIIISATi<ON 5TA7EMENT UND~It bAThi, r~t R1EC6IIfR~, ~INLEDH~EVEN~P Tl'1ERE HAV)nAB EN NO ~ pNNDITUItf=~ C CA1MP NSA ON pU~ NG THp sWA6t B ~C~PaRTirua Pl~ftlap. . y--~ Signature of Lobbyist i do salsmnly swear that aH of the foregoing facts are true and correct and that I have read or am famlllar with the provisions eontained In Section 2-41~Z pf ChB Mlal'tli Beac ity Code and all reporting requirements. ~~,_~~- Slgnature oP Lobbyist: Slgnatvre of PrinGipallClie _ VI. f,QgS1fXST Ip~NTiPxCAT1CdN PRINCIPAL ZpENTIPZCATION: I ~, Produced ID i 1 FrdducQd ID 1iAAR1A,ADELA~E CAYA00 Farm of TdentiflcaCion FOrrr~ o s Nobly Publfcc - SYM d Fb1id~ personally known (Ft'ir ~ E>Ip~i ~ ~' ~ LL ~ Personally known (l,ebhyisE} ~ CannYNubn~1K~ I~D~D 50$`9.., U Il N~tlond ~ Q ~ ~ vIL. 6IC~NATtIFtE AND STAMF 4F NOTARY: ~ •~ ~ State of Florida, County of Miami-Dade cti~ w ~ s State of Florida, County of Miami-Dade Sworn Hd subscr cd baf re me ~'~ ~ . &worn to and Subscri d ofore me y~ - ~~20 0~' w ~w: This `~~day of , 21J~/ This ~L' ~,d~ajyafi~ ~~,/~ Q rq ~ 1/~",+""`°"" vim."[ ~~'>!C' ~~ ty~'4 Signature of Public Notary - Statc of Fforida Signature of public Notary -- Stata of Florida fir, },~` Notnrization of LaE~by9st's slgnaCUre NaYarlxation of Prlrtcipal`s ~'sgnatur ' ,{ -~' fDR C '~ LI LX ~, ~ ~ Annual iiegistra#i0n fee: [ ~ Yes ['~'.l No Amount P MCR e LobrlYlst f~eglstratlon Farm received and verlfled bY: ~ Re d 1~ B/0~ F:\Q.ER\$ALL\MARIA-M1Lobbylst\LOSF3YI5T fORM ~5.dd PAGE 3!3 ~ RC1f D AT 9f9912007 5,10;54 PM ~Easter~ Daylight Time]"SVR,OBCMRIN O t DNIS, CSID,305 529 9985 % DURATION (mm•ss).01•~8