Affidavit ,NT -BY: Bl;ACOW & RADELL PA' .........~......_..-. " . . 3053776222' , JAN.f9,Of 4:37PMj PAGE 3/4 m h-,.... . i("/"\f.""' .~ Lt'.: ~- 'I CITY OF MIAMI BEACdl J"~I '. I ,/ E"D OFFICE OF THE CITY C~' 30." 1700~CentefDffle' 'i;", 'il/IO:/, MIamI Beach, R. 33139 ~'J Il( '0'.. ;: ~tyde~.mlaml.beach.".us ["fICE' AfflDAVIT . I08IMST MEANS AlL PERSoNS EMPLOYeD OR RETAINED, WHETHeR PAID OR NOT, BY A PlUNOl'AL WHO SEEKS TO eNCOURAGE THe PASSAGl:, DEFEAT OR MODIFICATION OF ANY ORDINANCe, RESOlUTlOH, ACnON OR DEOSION OF ANY COMMISSIONER; ~y ACTION, DECISION, RECOMMENDATION OF ~y CITY IlOAAO OR COMMmEE; OR ANY ACTION, OEOSION OR RECOMMENDATION OF ~y PERSONNEL DEFlHED IN ANY MANNBl IN THIS SECOON, DURING THE TIM!! PERIOD OF THE ENTIRE OEOSION-I'lAKIHG PROCESS ON SUCH ACTION, OEOSION OR RECOMMENDATION THAT FORESEEAlll Y Will BE HEARD OR R.EVIEWED Ill' THE erN COMMISSION, OR A CITY SOARD OR COMMITTEE. THE TERM SPEClFJCAll y tNCl.Uoes THE PlUNOPAl AS WELL AS ANY AGENT, ATTORNEY, OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE OF A PRlNOPAl., REGARDlESS OF WHETHER SUCH LOBBYING ACI1vmES FAlL WITHIN THE NORMAL SCOPE OF EMPLOYMENT OF SUCH AGENT. ATTOANEY, OFfiCER OR EMPlOYEE. EACH PERSON WHO WITHDRAWS AS A lO88YIST IS REQUIRED TO fiLE A "CERTIFICATE OF WITHDRAWAL." 1) Lobbyist Name: Gallo William Last Name First Name J. Middle initial BusIness Phone Wj 480- 2800 BUSiness Address: 1 31 1 Newport No. Deerfield Beach City Emall Address: 2) Prindpal Retained by: Walgreen Company 200 WHmont Road MS 2252 If different from above SIJ eet Suite Deerfield Illinois 60015 Oty St..te Zip Code (a) ,If a corporation, partnership, or trust, identify and provide the address for the chief officer, pllrtner, beneflclary or interests. Message Phone LJ Center Drive, west ~reet Florida state 33442 Zip Code Suite 3) Subject Matter (Describe in Detail): DeSiqn Review Soard Aooroval 4. Identify each indiYldual (Commissioners, Soard, Committee, Authority member or Oty staff) to be lobbied: Oesion ReView Board __ seNT BY~. BERCaw & RADELL PAt , , 3053776222; JAN-19-01 4:38PM; PAGE 4/4 '. 5. The subject matter in number three (3) ab~ve Is to be considered at the meeting of (Identify each entity or individual): o The Oty Commission o City CommiSSion Subcommittee tI City Staff 8 City Board or Committee Desian R~view Board o Personnel c Identify Others .2000 .2000 .2000 20 , 2000 . .2000 ' 2000 ., , OIl on on on March on on 6. State the extent of any bUsIness, financial, familial, professional or other relationship which exists with any Individual identified In number (el) above: ON JUt. Y 151 0" EACH YEAR, EACH LOBBYST SHALL SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK A SIGNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH, USTING A LOBBYING EXPENDITUR!S IN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FOR THE PRECEOING CALENDAR YfAR. I do solemnly swear that all of tJle foregoing facts are true and correct and that I have read or am familiar with the provisions contained In Section 2-482 of the Miami Beach Oty Code as amended. and all reporting requi '.. . SIgnature of lobbyist: p( Personally known o Produced W '~~. . '. Identify .' I, o Did take an oath, or o Did not take an oath If Notary. fOR CleIUt'S use ONLY Registration: [) ACCEPTED (] RfJECfEO DATE: State of Florida. County of Miami-Dade Sworn to and SUbscrl~ before me A.J. This a"l day of I <\,;\lfj-J 211U\" If rejected, stICe reason: Rcgistratlon ,.. paid: [ ) Yes ( J No () Ncll-ror-rmtIt Orga.o/zaaQn ( ) castl { ] Cheo;k MtR , . .:' DATA ENTRY DATE: . 2000 ENTBlEl> BY: , PROJECT:tAitJr/qra~5 (name, addressl (fJiaM; ;XaJ; TO: rtJ--<1 of ;1J~; &~ -, e./ri cr!..~ c/trles tJffl<<:"'" /J /'l7oti ('0/1 l/eJ;i!o/7 1Je171-t ~ Ur/i{? ATTN: fJ11(vM i (XClclt ;,;:t;'/ 3313') WE TRA~SMIT,LllliHfYf If,r/.f;.d .J (X) herewith () under separate cover via ( ) in accordance with your request FOR YOUR: ( ) approval ( ) review & comment w) use THE FOU[OWING: ( ) Orawings ( ) Specifications ( ) Change Order GALLO ARCHITECTS & DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS. INC. AA-()0()2853 ~ GAJLJLO. DUBOiS .If.w.R. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. CGCOJ40JI TRANSMITTAL ARCHITECT'S 18,2000 /;/ PROJECT NO: 1 T DATE: /-21-()/ If enclosures are not as noted, please inform us immediately. If checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of enclosures. ( ) Return enclosures to us. ArtJ;rll ~ ) distribution to parties ) record ) ( ) information ( ) Shop Drawing Prints ( ) S~p Drawing Reproducibles cf.) 1/ocu~,) ) Samples ) Product Literature COPIES DATE REV. NO. DESCRIPTiON ACTiON CODE I 124/0 I C ~ clc- --:t1: /-- \ fSL3 9" }...e-e .5 I 1JJ,1{,'hVt T f;t.((D fLt-H-; Jdri ACTION A. Action indicated on item transmitted CODE B. No action required C. For signature and return to this office D. For signature and forwarding as noted below under REMARKS E. See REMARKS below REMARKS COPIES TO: (with enclosures) o o o o o BY: YA~ " 11 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE WEST . DEERFlELD BEACH, FLORIDA 33442 . TELEPHONE (954) 480-2800 . FAX (954) 480-2885 ~ ~~ "'~'.'.~"a""""'."''''''.'''~~'::::,~~;~~~:~~€i~:;';::~::~ ~ COLUMBUS,QHI043271 ARCHITECTS a DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS. INC. 25-80/440 1311 Newport Center Drive West. Deemeld Beach. Ft. 33442 CHECK NO. (954) 480.2800 15239 ~ 15239 'AY ** Fifty and 00/100 Dollars ** DATE 01/29/2001 AMOUNT **********$50.00 OTHE RDER F CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 m SECURITY FEATURES INCLUDED. DETAILS ON BACK. m . 1100 ~s nqllo 1:01.1.000801.1: 01. ~ ~O Sqqql. j811 GALLO ARCWTECTS " DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS. INC. CHECK NO. 15239 Invoice # Type Date Description Total Amount Discount AFFIDAVIT Inv 01/29/2001 WALGREENS 18-2000 $50.00 $0.00 Check Amount: $0.00 $50.00 Remittance For: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Totals: $50,00 Date: 01/29/2001 /' }