Affidavit S[NT BV: B[RCOW & RAD[LL, PAj 3053776222; F[B.2-01 10:4BAM; PAG[ 3/4 m #~ y/ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE cnY CU!RK 1700 0llMnlI0n c.nter 0rMl MiamlII9ctt, FL 33139 citvclerk@cl.miami"beach.f1.us AFFIDAVIT lOBBYIST MEANS AlL PERSONS EMPLOYED OR. RETAINED, WHETHER PAID OR. NOT, BY A PRINCIPAL WHO SEEKS TO ENCOURAGE THE PASSAGE. DEftAT OR MODIFlCATlON OF ANY ORDINANCE, RESOLUTION, ACTION OR DECSION OF ANY COMMlSSIONER; ANY ACTlON, DECSION, RECOMMENDATION OF ANY an IlOARD OR COMMITTEE; OR ANY ACTlON. OEOSION OR. RECOMMENDATION OF ANY PERSONNEL DEFINED IN AllY MANNER IN THIS SECI10N. DURING THE TlME PERIOO OF THE ENTIRE DECSION-MAKlNG PRocess ON SUCH ACTlON. DECSION OR RECOMMENDATION THAT FORESEEABLY W1U. BE HEARD OR REVIEWED BY THE cnv COMMISSION, OR A em' BOARD OR COMMmEE. lliE TERM SPEOFICALL Y INCLUDES THE PRINCIPAL AS WELL AS ANY AGENT, ATTORNEY. OFFICER OR EMPlOYEE OF A PRlNClPAl, REC'oARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH LOBBYING AClwmfS FALL WITHIN THE NORMAL SCOPE OF EMPLOYMENT OF SUCH AGENT. ATTORNEY, OFFICER OR EMPlOYEE. EACH PERSON WHO WITHDRAWS AS A LOBBYIST IS REQUIRED TO FlLE A 'CERTIFICATE OF WITHDRAWAL." lobbyist Name: Luft last Name BusinessPhone ~ II. ""_n nil. I) .lae.k First Name Middle Initial Message Phone L-) Business Address: 1900 TiQertail Av@nue No. ~ Florida SuIte Miami Oty Emilll Address: 2) Prlndpal Retained by: State 33133 Zip Code Leahl~sHouse, Inc" 420 Lincoln Road Suite 240 If different from above Street Suite Miami 'Beach Florida 33139 City Stute Zip Code (a) It a corporation, partnership, or trust iJentify and provide the address for the chief officer, partner, beneficiary or Interests. 3) Subject Matter (Descr1be In Detail): Variance to permi t the sale of beer and wine at the House R@staurant 4. Identify each indiVIdual (Commissioners, Board, Committee, Authority member or City staff) to be lobbied: Rn;::arcl nf" llA:)n_tm.on+-, (at Dublic hearino\: ri toy !::....af=f" SENT BY: BERCOW & RAOELL, PAj 3053776222j FEB-2-01 10:49AMj PAGE 4/4 S. The subject matter in number three (3) above Is to be considered at the meeting of (Identify each entity or individual): \ ,~~ a The Oty Commission c City Commission Subcommittee o City staff II Oty Board or Committee Board of Ad; ustment o Personnel o Identify Others .2000 .2000 .2000 .2000 .2000 ,2000 ' on on on on March 2 on on , 6. Sblte the extent of any business, financial, familial, professional or other relationship which exists with any individual identified In number (4) above: ON JULY 1ST OF EACH YEAR. EACH LOBBYST SHALL SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK A SIGNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH, LISTING A LOBBYING EXPENDITURES IN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FOR THE PRECEDING CALENDAR YEAR. I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct and that 1 have read or am familiar with the provisions I In 2-482 of the Miami Beach Oty Code as amended, and all reporting . .. Signature of Lobbyist: e/Personally known Q Produced 10 ." o Old take an oath, or I4/6Id not take an oath " -,.' . State of Rorida, COunty of Miami-Dade Sworn to and SUbscri~~ore "7 This to~day of rv4,. 2004t. or Deputy Cler1l.,' . ,1 .l"Zi' Janice B Pruett ~iI ~My CCIml11iIIion CC75~17 ., .. If Notary, prlnt,'Saslfip""&~U~lssIOned FOR CLER' .,' USE ONLY Registration: ~ ACCI'PTED [] REJECTED DATE: If rejeaed, state reason: Registration fee paid: [ } Yes [ ) No [ , J Net-tar.ProfIt [ ) Cash f)<! Check MCR #I DATA ENTRY DATE: ..::l //..::1.. iJ /.J0Q9- ENTERED BY: / / :2/ J~O I . ~ . .-1 \ \ ,""