Alexandra L. Deas/Miami Habitat, Inc.fUN/25/2008/WED 02:01 PM Sun-Z5-08 1Zc54am From-6ilain FAX No, 3056734348 P, 002 305 3T5 6146 T-p38 P.002/004 F-526 City of Miami Beach Office of the City Clerk 17pp Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, ~L 33739 LOBBYIST REGISTRA`f'IbN FORM ' d or retained. whether paid or not, by a principai who seeks to encourage the Passage, Lobbyist means ali pQrsons amPl~ defeat or mo~tlcativn of anY der or any resaboard a cornmitteea oar a y a vnYdecia~ ° tsol eer~reendv~of any utY re~ommendalion of thB Cibl Mana9 y ~ on such action, daciiion yr rxammendation that P$rsonnal during the time period of the entire deasion-making process terms ifical includes the Svreseea~ly will be heard or reviewed by the v'tY commission, ar a city board yr committee. Th~tic exoluaions. Pleasa refer principal as well els dny employee engaged in lobbying activitiias_ ~ berm "Lobbyists" has sP t0 prdinance 2pQa-3435. L. NDRA (IVI.I) DEA rcr~rt NAMEQFLOBBYIS;I: r..~.~ Bi ~ arts Price E~ aSrod BU51~ NAME AND DRESS (Number and Sliest) I 5.35'1 2 5-35Q-724't p~ TELEPHONE NUMBER: I, LOBBYIST RETAINED 8Y: NArvtE Zip jvtlAPVII 1587620.1; 7817630513 I tl. SPECIFIC LOBBY ISSUE: Zanin violati non tooted at tifl32 I hi n A~en Issue to be lobbied (Describe in detail): ._. _.,..., . ~~.,r-~~cnNrn~nnusLS Td 13E LOBBIED: 1UN/25/2008/WED 02:02 PM ' Jun-25-O9 i2:54am Frum-Bilzin FAX No, 3056734348 305 375 6146 P, 003 1-939 P.003l004 F-526 IV. DISCL~(~~R OTH!'RR S AND AMOUNTS OF L09BYlST COMPENSATION (DISCLOSE WHETHER HQIIRLY, FLAT 95. D p) La88YIST OISCIASUIZE: (Required) 295 00 -- B) PRINCIPAL'S DISCLOSURE (OF L~Bf3Y{ST COMPENSATION). (Required), The following inforrriation must be an~nrerrd: tij Pursuant to ;Miami Beach City Code Section 2-485 Entitled "Prohibited Campaign Contributions By Lobbyists On ProcurQment Issues": ' for ant or senioes r Or1 a rye^t or O Yea ~1 No• Are bin on a resent or . _ . _ _ s_ _....:~~...wi ... aaevirw~} 2) Pursuant to ~4liami beach City Code 2490 Entitled "PKOhtb{ted Campaign Conttibutiens By I.ebbyists t]n Real Estate Dev®loprrwnt Isauas": 3j Pursuant to;Miami Beach City Coda 2x84 (fit) Any parson {~toGSpt those exempt from the deflrlitien of "lobbyist" as set forth in Section 281 aboVV) who only appoat8 as a taprosrntatn+e M a rwbfor-prot-R CorQoratio~ Sr sub ort of or special campensaRion yr relritibursemCnt for the appearance, whether Bred, or indirect, to exp pP appoatt{on 1;4 any Item, shell fe9izter with the dark as required by this section hut, shell not he required to pay any ON OCT08fR i°S OF EACH YEAR EACH l_OSBYtST SHALL SUBMIT TO THE C{lY CLERK A 51GNED STATlrMENT UNDER OATFI, LISTING L0136YING EXPENDITURES, AS WELL AS COMPENSATION REG>`1VED, {N TFIE CITY QF MIAMI EXPENDITURES Q ~COMPENSAT~N DURtNO TFiE REPIaRTITiG PEitIODL BE ~~D ~N IF THERE MAVE BEEN NO Signature of Lobhyiffi- exandra L DQas I do solemnly swes'r that all of the foregOtng foots are trL'e and correct and that I have road or am fsrtiillar with the provisions contain®d in Section 2-482 o'f the M{arnl Brach Crty Code and all reporting requirements. - - - - - ~ Signature of Lobbyist: _ Signature of Prinapal/Client: VI. L08BYIST IDENT1FiCATION: PRINCIPAL IDENTIFICATION: p Prvduaad 1D L7 Produced iD Form of Identification ~ Form of Idenffication Aeraonally known (Lobbyer J~ Personably known (Princi}~ap VII. SIGNATURE ANi3 STAMP OF ~~,,,,,,,~~~~ ~ I~pnapalu _,L~Y~ Georgina Q Neil State of Florida, County atMiami-D _ IJIYCOi~iMI6StONYDii96B7b8St of F{orida, County oYMiami-b=~•" ~'~i 3wom to nd subsbrl ed brFore m ` E1A'fl{ESNcwmber9,zoto S rrl~nd subsa9bed before me ~ : ~_Commisston;yDD59174: is dsy of , 2t} oo"a.~"roPoene,d,~u~smAp~y ~+ y of ,Yfl/J~ ~ „~~+`.~•~•` ~gpires: SEP 04, 20tG ~~ W4Vw./l1AFtONND7AAY.com Slgna ro of Public Notary - Smote of Florida Signatu of ubl a Notarisation of LotrbyisCs slynature Naterixation ri , 'pai'r sign re ' FOR CLERIC U51: ONLY Annual Registration fee: E ]Yes [ 1 Na Amount paid MCR ~ Date Paid-- Lobbyist Registration Form received and verified by= Revised 12/08/04 F.ICLERI~ALLWIARiA-MllobbyistlLOBBYIST FORM 05.doc MULM1 1587630..1 '78 t 7630513 V. 51~3NATURg UNDER OATH: - JUN/25/2008/WED 02:03 PM Jun-15-08 12:55Am From-pllZin FAX No, 3056734348 P. 004 305 375 6146 T-939 P.004/004 F-526 n~x~x ~E~.cH City of Miami >Base6, 1700 Convention Center Drive, lVl.iami Beocb, Florida 33139, www.mi fl_ ov L4$BYIST NAAAE_ Alexandra L. Dens I understand that no Inter than October 1st of eilCtt Y.$~, I must file the following forms, pursuanfi to Section 2-485 of the Miami Beach city code, with tha City Clerk's Office for alt active lobbying issues, 1) Lobbyist Expenditure Farm 2~ Disclosure Form Failura to fd® these fortes on a timely basis will result in my name being transmitted to the Miami- Dade County Commission on Ethics and for ppde violation evaluation~ In addition, once an issue i have registered to lobby on has been resolved, l am required to immediatiety notify the City Clerf''s Office of lobbyist withdrawal in writing- Q~ $ignatuce: z~; dF' tvMMI 158T6Z0.17817630513