LTC 204-2008 CMB & MDC Public Schools IB Program' ~ ~. OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 204-2008 LETTER TO COMMISSION To: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission ~ ,~, From: Jorge M. Gonzalez -{ m a ~ City Manager ~ ~ '+'''~~ ~ ~ Date: August 12, 2008 r, l =~= ~, h' Subject: City of Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County Public Schools ~~~ ~ ~ ~ Education Compact International Baccalaureate (IB) Program ~' r Implementation Status Update =, w The purpose of this Letter to Commission (LTC) is to update the Mayor and Commissioners on the status of the implementation of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program pursuant to the City of Miami Beach Education Compact agreed to on January 16, 2008. Both Nautilus Middle School and Fienberg Fisher K-8 Center have been granted candidate status to implement the IB Middle Years Program (MYP) effective July 2008. Now that these schools have successfully completed the MYP Application Form Part A application for candidate status and been granted candidate status, the following steps must be taken during the one-year trial implementation period: - Each candidate school must put in place all the processes and resources needed to deliver the MYP, including selecting a program coordinator and undertaking teacher training provided by or approved by IB. Both schools have selected a coordinator and 24 teachers/administrators have attended authorized training this summer; - The International Baccalaureate Office (IBO) must be notified of the school's intention to introduce the courses for MYP for a trial period; - Each school must teach the MYP for a trial period of at least one year; - The regional IB office will assign a consultant to work with the candidate school during one full school year. The role of the consultant is to provide each school with feedback and guidance related to program implementation and the completion of MYP Application Form Part B; - At the end of the trial period, these candidate schools may choose to submit MYP Application Form Part B (June 2009) and supporting documents after one full year of candidacy; - At the end of the trial period and receipt of the completed application Form Part B, the IBO regional office will arrange an on-site visit by an IBO delegation (Spring 2010). The purpose of the visit is to evaluate and prepare an internal report on the school's capacity to deliver the program in accordance with the IBO's requirements; and, - Upon submission of Application Part B, authorization to teach an IB program may be granted, postponed, or denied (July 2010). Miami Beach Senior High School has requested a consultant to assist the school with preparing its application for the Diploma Program (DP) due October 1, 2008. All consultants are specially trained teachers or administrators who have experience with the Diploma Program and the application process. Upon receipt of the formal application for authorization to teach the DP, the IBO will arrange for an on-site visit. The purpose of the visit is to evaluate and prepare an internal report on the school's capability to deliver the program in accordance with the IB)'s requirements. To date, 12 teachers/administrators have attended training this summer and a coordinator has been selected. The anticipated authorization date is August 2010. Next steps anticipated are to meet with the MDCPS Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, Grants, Marketing, and Community Service in mid-August to discuss implementation of the Primary Years Program (PYP) at the elementary school level. I feel that we have made goad progress to date and anticipate healthy discussion opportunities with City schools as we strive to meet the educational needs of our children. Should you have any questions, or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. JMG/KGB/Idr Attachments ~- international ~' i Baccapaureate Nautilus Middle School Allyn Bernstein, Head of School Judi Billig, MYP coordinator 4301 North Michigan Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33140 United States of America 7 July 2008 Dear Colleagues, We have received Nautilus Middle School's Application Form, Part A and supporting documentation requesting candidate status for the IB Middle Years Programme. Your request for candidate status has been granted! Congratulations on your hard work and dedication to this point! We look forward to working with you in the future as you continue your journey regarding the implementation of the IB Middle Years Programme. The first step in the candidate phase is the appointment of a consultant. The consultant will contact you to discuss the terms of the consultancy and to propose the dates for a consultation visit to occur in during the 2008/09 school year and her contact information is listed below. Should you experience any communication difficulties, please contact our office. The MYP Information for Candidate Schools offers information and guidance on this visit and describes the role of the consultant. As candidate schools, your school is entitled to access the Online Curriculum Center (OCC). The OCC is a secure web site for teachers and administrators, which offers over 3,000 education resources, online access to subject area experts, and discussion sessions with IB teachers around the world. The head of school will receive an a-mail with access information. If this has not been received, please contact the OCC department at IB Curriculum and Assessment (online cni.ibo.orp) in order to request user names and passwords for the necessary individuals. Please include in the request: • the name and location of your school, • the school code mentioned above in this letter and • a list of the individuals in need of access to the site As a new candidate school, we encourage you to become affiliated with the closest regional association. These regional associations are groups formed by and for IB school practitioners. These groups exist to assist area schools with the development of IB programs and to provide a forum for dialogue. They also support authorized and interested IB World Schools with issues of application, implementation and beyond. Many associations offer orientation and training workshops. There are currently more than 20 regional associations in North America. To find contact information for the regional association closest to you, go to http://www.ibo.org/ibna/subregions/ Page 1 ®International Baccalaureate Organization 2008 Once again, we would like to congratulate you on the hard work and dedication you have put forth to implement the IB Middle Years Programme. If you need any additional information we will be happy to assist you; please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to working with you in the future! Sincerely, _ ___ Stan Burgoyne MYP regional manager Page 2 lnternatflnal Baccalaureate ~- Infiernati~nal ~~ ~ ~ ~ Bacca~aur~ate Fienberg-Fisher K-8 Center Olga Figueras, Head of School Tai-Li Frazer, MYP coordinator 1420 Washington Avenue Miami, FL 33139 United States of America 7 July 2008 Dear colleagues, We have received Fienberg-Fisher K-8 Center's Application Form, Part A and supporting documentation requesting candidate status for the IB Middle Years Programme. Your request for candidate status has been granted! Congratulations on your hard work and dedication to this point! We look forward to working with you in the future as you continue yourjourney regarding the implementation of the IB Middle Years Programme. The first step in the candidate phase is the appointment of a consultant. The consultant will contact you to discuss the terms of the consultancy and to propose the dates for a consultation visit to occur in during the 2008/09 school year and her contact information is listed below. Should you experience any communication difficulties, please contact our office. The MYP Mformation for Candidate Schools offers information and guidance on this visit and describes the role. of fine consultant. As candidate schools, your school is entitled to access the Online Curriculum Center (OCC). The OCC is a secure web site for teachers and administrators, which offers over 3,000 education resources, online access to subject area experts, and discussion sessions with IB teachers around the world. The head of school will receive an a-mail with access information. If this has not been received, please contact the OCC department at IB Curriculum and Assessment (online(N.ibo.orp) in order to request user names and passwords for the necessary individuals. Please include in the request: • the name and location of your school, • the school code mentioned above in this letter and a list of the individuals in need of access to the site As a new candidate school, we encourage you to become affiliated with the closest regional association. These regional associations are groups formed by and for IB school practitioners. These groups exist to assist area schools with the development of IB programs and to provide a forum for dialogue. They also support authorized and interested IB World Schools with issues of application, implementation and beyond. Many associations offer orientation and training workshops. There are currently more than 20 regional associations in North America. To find contact information for the regional association closest to you, go to http:/lwww.ibo.org/ibna/subregions/ Once again, we would like to congratulate you on the hard work and dedication you have put forth to implement the IB Middle Years Programme. If you need any additional information we will be Page 1 ®International Baccalaureate Organization 2008 happy to assist you; please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to working with you in the future! Sincerely, ._., ..~~ Stan Burgoyne MYP regional manager Page 2 international eaccaiaureate