97-22279 RESO RESOLUTION NO. 97-22279 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING $1,300,000 IN FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GRANT FUNDS, $200,000 IN GOLD COAST CLEAN CITIES COALITION GRANT FUNDS, AND $2,012,254 IN MIAMI BEACH RESORT TAX FUNDS, FOR A TOTAL OF $3,512,254, INTO THE TWO-YEAR ELECTRIC WAVE INITIAL BUDGET, AS APPROVED BY RESOLUTION, ON JUNE 19, 1996. WHEREAS, on June 19, 1996, the Mayor and City Commission approvei Resolution No. 96-22017 which approved the Electric Wave Initial Budget, a two-yea budget encompassing program implementation (FY 1996-97) and first full yeal' cf operation (FY 1997-98) at $3,512,254; and WHEREAS, the two-year, $3,512,254 Electric Wave Initial Budget incluje; $1,300,000 in Florida Department of Transportation grant funds, $200,000 in c: 01 i Coast Clean Cities Coalition grant funds, and $2,012,254 in Miami Beach Resort Ta ( funds; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 96-22017 omitted appropriating the abl)v ~ mentioned funds into the Electric Wave budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIOIJ OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commissio 1 hereby appropriate $1,300,000 in Florida Department of Transportation grant funds, $200,000 in Gold Coast Clean Cities Coalition grant funds, and $2,012,254 in MLur i Beach Resort Tax funds, for a total of $3,512,254, into the two-year Electric W,w.~ Initial Budget, as approved by Resolution No. 96-22017, on June 19, 1996. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th ,19'9i. ._,,- ATTEST: -KoLut} ?CU~ CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGI'E & FOR EXECUTION (ewapprop) AJ ~~ , ~ ').... ~)- (2 Dati CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ q -CJ 1_ TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Memben of the City Commission DATE: February 5, :_9 n FROM: Jose Garcia_pedrosy!' ) City Manager / / . A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CIT)' OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING $1,300,000 IN FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GRANT FUNDS, $200,000 11\, GOLD COAST CLEAN CITIES COALITION GRANT FUNDS, AND $2,012,254 IN MIAMI BEACH RESORT TAX FUNDS, FOR A TOTAL OF $3,512,254, INTO THE TWO-YEAR ELECTRIC WAVE INITIAL BUDGET, AS APPROVED BY RESOLUTION, ON JUNE 19, 1996. SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Approve the Resolution. BACKGROUND On June 19, 1996, Resolution No. 96-22017 (Exhibit A) approved a two-year, $3,512,254 million initial budget for the Electric Wave Program, encompassing program implementation (FY 1996-97) and first full year of operation (FY 1997-9B). The funding sources are two Florida Department of Transportation grants, at $1,300,000; a Gold Coast Clean Cities Coalition grant, at $200,000; and Miami Bea::h Resort Tax funds, at $2,012,254. Please, refer to Exhibit B for detailed explanation. Resolution No. 96-22017, however, omitted appropriating the funds into the Electric Wave budget. The Florida Power & Light Company also participated in the overall funding with a $200,000 'in kind' contribution to the program. ANAL YSIS By officially appropriating the $3,512,254 Electric Wave Initial Budget, the Mayor and City Commission will allow us to pay for already incurred obligations, and to invoice the grant sources for the funds awarded, which total $1.5 million. The applicable City Resort Tax funds have already been reserved for the purposes of thi~ budget. AGENDA ITEM C:-L~ ;:) - ~S. -C,1_ DATE CONCLUSION The City and the Miami Beach Transportation Management Association (MBTM,ll) have committed to search and apply, as on-going practice, for all federal, state an J other grants available, in an effort to help fund the unpredicted needs of the Electri : Wave Program and help ensure its long-term success. In fact, two additional grants, above and beyond the initial $3,562,254 budget, havl been recently awarded, as follows: * A $50,000 grant by the Florida Pollution Recovery Trust Fund has been submitted with this Agenda, under a different Commission Memorandum; and * A $1 million in federal funds will become available after the City and thl! funding agency complete and execute the required agreement for the trande' of funds, sometime this Spring. y HM/AJ (ewapprop)