LTC 294-2008 CMB Accepted to Receive IB On-Site Level One TrainingRF~~~`~!~~~~~ 20118 IdOY 13 At~f I1 ~ 46 °'4 C{TY C~I<E~'S fl~F ~C~. OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 294-2008 LETTER TO COMMISSION To: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission From: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager Date: November 12, 2008 Subject: City of Miami Beach Accepted To Receive IB On-Site Level One Training The purpose of this Letter to Commission (LTC) is to update the Mayor and Commissioners on the status of the implementation of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program pursuant to the City of Miami Beach Education Compact agreed to on January 16, 2008. One of the initiatives of the education compact is to implement the International Baccalaureate program throughout all Miami Beach feeder schools. The latest action in this implementation is our City's acceptance by the IBO to receive on-site IB Level One Instructional Staff training in 2009 (see attached). This new service, delivered through IB New York, is designed to promote access and excellence. As a result of our selection, we will be able to fulfill the new requirement to train all elementary instructional staff within the existing budget where we had only anticipated training one teacher per grade level based on prior requirements. All of our City schools, elementary, middle, and high school, will have the opportunity to train the majority of instructional staff members at a significant cost savings. The training of instructional staff members will accelerate the process of our City becoming an IB K-12 community. Our progress to date will ensure a high quality international education for all youth within our community. Next steps include meeting with MDCPS personnel to schedule the IB on-site training workshops in March 2009 for all levels of the program. We have made excellent progress to date and anticipate healthy discussion opportunities with City schools as we strive to meet the educational needs of our children. Should you have any questions, or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. JMG/KGB/LDR F:\cmgr\$ALL\LTC-08\LTC-IB Implementation Status October 27 2008 LTC.doc :„,a.,. lnter~ational ¢~~ Baccalaureate 27 October 2008 Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, City of Miami Beach Dr. Helen Btanch, Miami Dade County Public Schools clo Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Dear Dr. Rosenfeld and Dr. Blanch: I am writing to let you know that the City of Miami Beach and the Miami Dade County Public Schools have been accepted to receive on-site fB Level One district/board/ministry training in 2009. This new service, delivered through the division of Outreach and Vdunteer Services of IB New York, is designed th promote access and excellence. Your application spoke to both these goals. We commend your entire community for its commitment to a high quality international education. Ms. Maria Hersey, one of our Programme Specialists, wii! be the district's principal contact for the planning and delivery of the on-site workshops. She w~71 be in touch with you by the end of next week to begin the process. The first thing she will do is address some questions that we have based on reading your application_ There are three other things we would like you to keep in mind: o We require that there be a person at the district level who coordinates tB programs and can serve as our principal point of cantaet. In your case, we presume we wil! be working with both of you. tf, for some reason there is a change, please let Maria know as soon as possible o We will do everything we can to acxommodate your requests in regards to the number of sessions and subjects. However, we reserve the right not to schedule some sessions if we can"t recruit enough trained workshop leaders. o We will attempt to schedule the workshops on your preferred dates, but again reserve the right to change the dates if it enables us to recruit trained leaders. ff that is the case, we ask that you work with Maria to come up with mutually agreeable dates. Congratulations on your achievement. We look forward to working closely with you and your ues in 2009, ~ ~ ~~ Pau( Campbell Head of Outreach and Volunteer Services IB New York Tel: +1 (212) 696-4464 International Bacca?aureate 475 Riverside Drive Fax: +1 (212) 889-9242 Baccalaur~at International Suiie 2A0 Email: ibna@ibo.org Bachillerato Internaciona Nevv York, NY 10115 Web: www.ibo.org/ibna