Survey of Tourist Industry of Greater Miami booklet-page 1-1949-MB2. WHERE THEY CAME FROM Practically all of the tourists to Greater Miami came from east of the Mi s s i s s ippi . The Miami area continues to appeal to New Yorkex~, 48.5~o co~n~ing frorn that state with 40.?°~0 of these coming from New York City. This compares with 4b~fo from New York 5tate and 41.1 % from New York City in last year's surv~~'. Illinois and New Jersey dropped from last year, Itlinois from l0~fo to ?.3~fo vvhile ~Tew Jersey dropped from 9~o to ?.8~0 . Visitors from the state s of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Mas sachusetts, 1Viichigan and Connecticut contributed about the sarne percer~~tage as last year. Visitbrs from Canada increased approximately 1°~o . Based on qu.~s- tion :"V~hat i s your home c ity ? state ? ;" the f ollowing table is pre sented. TABLE 1. Where They Came From Place of ~rigi~ T otal Percent Greater.New York 630 40.? New York ~ta~e 120 ?..8 New J'ersey 121 ?.8 Illinoi s 114 7. 3 Pennsylvania, 99 6 .4 Mas sacht~setts 80 5.1 Ohio 71 ~ .6 Mi~higan 53 3.4 Maryland 8t V~a shington, D. C. 46 3. Q C anada 45 2.9 Gannecti~ut 36 Z.3 Othe r 13 5 ____.-. 8.? .~.... T c~tal 15 5 0 10 0. 0