Memorandum of UnderstandingzaaY- ~G 9/~
~o/I~o ~( - G 7.~
This 1\~temorandum of Understanding (MOU) is executed by the l!nited States Attorney
for the llistrict of Columbia, the Metropolitan Yolice llepattment of V1~ ashington, ll.C. (MYll)
and the City of Miami Beach, Florida, by and on behalf of the Miami Beach Police Department.
The pwpose of the'ttOL] is to outline the mission of the Yresidential Inauguration Task
Force (PITF) in the Washington, ll.C. area from January 15, ZUU9, to January ? I, ?009.
Additionally, this MOU twill define relationships bcttvccn the U.S. Marshal Service; MPD and
the City of Miami Beach, Florida, by and on bchalf of the Miami Beach Police Department as
well as other participating agencies with regard to policy, guidance, utilization ofresourcus,
plamting, tnitting, public relations and media in order to maxitnize interagency cooperation.
The mission of the PITF is to achieve maximum coordination and cooperation in bringing
to bear combined resources to effectively implement measures to promote the safety of the
President of the United Stales, inaugural participants, the public, visitors and residents while
allowing individuals and groups to exercise their legal rights.
:Wditionally; all units that are participating agencies will coordinate their activities and
be considered a member of the PI"fF, sharing information and coordinating investigative and law
en[i~rcemenl el~lbrts which may result from any apprehensions originating !Tom the PITF.
~, Direction
The City of Jtiami Beach, Florida. by and on bchalf of the ~~tiarni Beach Police
Department acknowledges that the YfI'F is a joint opc~ralion in a hich all agencies, including the
Metropolitan Yolice Department of Dis[riG of Colurnhia; Office of the United States Attorney for
District of Columbia, United Stales Marshals Service, United States Secret Service, l_:nitcd
States Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Park Service, the City of Miami Beach, l~lorida,
by and on bchalf of the Miami Beach Police Department and other agencies, act as partners in
the operation of the PITF. The Command Center litr the operations will be located at the
Metropolitan Police Dcpartmcttt (MPD) Headquarters and w~il] be staffed by officers from the
United States Marshals Scrvicc; MPD, L.S. Park Police, and the Federal Bureau of hrvestigation.
'1'hcsc officers twill serve as the Executive Counci] &rr this operation.
B. Supervision
The day-to-day operation and admutistrative control of the PITF will be the responsibility
ol'a Tactical Team Commander selected front one of the participating agencies. The Tactical
Team Commander will coordinate with supervisory personnel of the United States Secret Service
as the sponsoring agency for Special Deputation (fcdcral) and with MPD as the lead agency for
the operation. 'fhe daily managctnent of the PITF +vill be closely monitored by the MPll.
Responsibility for the conduct of the PITF members, both personally and professionally,
shall remain with the respective agency directors subject to the provisions in Section 1X
C. f:nilateral Laca~ F.nforcementAction
There shall be no unilateral action taken on the part of any participating non-['ederal or
nun-h'fPD law enforcement agency relatutg to P1TF activities. All laev cnlirrcement action by
participating non-federal and non-MPD law enforcement agencies will be coordinated and
conducted in a cooperative manner under the direction of the Executive Council and the Ml'D
A. Pcrsonrtcl
Continued assignrncnt of pcrsonnc] to the PTTF will be based upon performance and will
be at the discretion of the respective agency. Each participating agency will be provided +vith
reports as necessary regarding the program, direction, and accontplislunent of the PITF.
B. Deputation
All local and state law enforcement pcrsonnc] designated to the PITF will be subject to
background inquiry and ++~ill be federally deputised, +vilh the United States Marshals Scrvicc
securing the required deputation aulhoriration. These deputations will remain in effect
throughout the tenure of each officer's assigtunent to the PITF or until termination of the Pl'1'P,
whichever occurs first. Each individual deputised as a Special Deputy LLS. Marshal will have all
ncccssary law cnfercctncnt authority as provided by 28 U.S.C. $ ~6(i(c) and (d); 21i U.S.C.. § 564;
l8 U.S.C. § 303; 2A C.F.R. § O.l 12, and the deputation authority of the Deputy Attorney
General. The Special Deputy U.S. Marshals will be responsible for 1) pcrfornting ncccssary la+a•
cnli~rccmcnl steps to keep the peace of the United States; 2} enforcing fcdcral taw (gg_, 13
i?.S.C. $§ 1 12, 1 116, and 878, as well as other provisions of that title); 3) protecting visiting
titreign officials, official guests, and internationally protected persons; 4) taking ncccssary law
enforcement steps to prevent violations of fcdcral law, and; 5) enforcing District of Columbia
law as a result of the deputation (see U.C. Code 2i-SK 1 and 28 U.S.C.~~' ~G4).
[ndividuals deputized as Special lleputy U.S. Marshals pursuant to this MOU +vho salter
a disability or die as a result of personal injury sustained while in the performance of his or hc~r
duty during the assignment shall be treated as a federal employee as defined by Title j U.S.C.
section 3101. Any such individuals +vho apply to the l!.S. Department of Labor for federal
workers' compensation under Section 3174 must submit a copy of this MOU with his or her
application. .All applicants will be processed by the U.S. Department of Labor on a cast by case
basis in accordance with applicable la++• and regulation.
C'. La++~ Lnforcctncnt Activities
Since it is anticipated that almost all cases originating from any Pl'1'P arrests will be
prosecuted al [hc stale or local level, the law entbrcement methods employed by all participating
la+v cnforcc~rncnt agencies shall a>nti~nn to the requirements of such statutory or common law
pending a decision as to a change of venue for prosecution.
D. Prosecution
The criteria for determining +vhcthcr to prosecute a particular violation in federal or state
ururt will focus upon achieving the greatest overall bcnclit to la+v enliircement anti the
community. Any question which arises pertaining to pmsu:utorial jurisdiction will he resolved
through the Executive Cowtcil. The U.S. Attorney's Ollice fiir the District of Columbia has
agreed to fornally participate in the PITF and +vill adopt policies and seek sentences that meet
the needs of justice.
A. Records and Repuris
All records and reports generated by P111~ ntcmbcrs shall be routed through the Tactical
Team Commander +vho shall be responsible for maintaitung custody and pmp+,r dissemination of
said records as he or she deems appropriate.
}3. Staff i3riefings
Periodic briefings on PITF law c~ttforccmcnt actions will he provided to the directors of
the participating agencies or their designees. Statistics regarding accomplishments will also be
provided to the participating agencies as available.
Vl. MEllIA
~VI media rolcascs pertaining to PTTF law• enti~rcement activity andior arrests mill be
coordinated h}• all participants of this MOU. Vo unilateral press releases twill be made by any
participating agency without the prior approval of the l:xecutivc Council No information
pertaining to the PTTF itself will be released to the media without mutual approval of all
A. Pl'11' Vchiclcs
Each participating agency, pending availability and individual agency policy, agrees and
authorizes PITF members to use vehicles, when available, owned or leased by those participating
agcncics, in connection +vith PITF law enforcement operations. In turn, each participating
agency ak~rces iv he responsible ftrr any negligent act or omission on the part of its agency or its
crnployecs, and Ibr any liability resulting from the tnisusc of said vehicles, as wall as any
damage incurred to those vehicles as a result of any such negligent act or omission on the part of
the participating agency or its entployces, subject to the provisions ol'Section IX (Liability).
Participating agency vchidcs assigned to the PITF are subject to funding availability, arc
provided at the discretion of the supervisor of the providing agency, and +i•ill be used only by
PITF mcmbcrs. Vchiclcs provided by participating agencies will be used only doting working
hours and will not he used for transportation to and from work by task force mcmbcrs or used tirr
any other purpose. Participating agcncics will provide mainlertancc and upkeep of their vehicles
amsistent with each agency's policy, Vchiclcs provided as pool vehicles firr PITF use +cill be
parked at the end of each shift at a location determined by the Tactical Team Commander or
his:her desi~tee.
B. Other F:yuipment
Other equipment furnished by any agency for use h}: other agencies' participating
persomnel shall be returned to the originating agency upon termination of the PITF or this MOU.
Vlll. Fl:l\D1KG
1'he City of Miami Beach, Florida; by and on behalf of the Miami l;each Police
Department agrees to provide the ['ell-time services of its respective personnel for the duration
of this operation, and to assume all personnel costs tier their PfCF representatives, including
salaries, overtime payments, and ti-inge benefits consistent with [heir respective agcrtcy politics
and procedures. Rcimburscrncnt Rn- the cost oi'such personnel will he made by the District of
Columbia, with funds provided by the C:nitcd States and from general revenue.
[Jnlcss spccilically addressed by the ternn ul'this MOLT, the parties agree to be
responsible lirr the negligent or +anrnglid acts or omissions of their respective employees. Legal
representation by the United States is detemrined by the Department ofJustice on a case-by-case
basis. There is no guarantee that the United States will provide legal representation to arty
federal, state or local law enforcement officer. Con~•ess has provided that the exclusive retncd}•'
for the negligent or wrongful act or omission of any employee of the United States govcrnmcnt,
acting within the scope of employment, shall bean action against the United States under the
Pederal'1'ort Claims Act (1~'I'CA), 28 U.S.C. ~ 2679(b)(2).
Por the limited purpose of defending claims arising out of PITF activity. state or local late
enforcement officers who have been specially deputized as U.S. Marshals and +vho arc acting
within the course and scope of their official duties and assignments pursuant to this MOIJ, may
be considered an "cmploycc" of the United States govcrnmcnt as defined iu 28 L.S.C. 267 L It
is the position of the Dcparuncnt ofJustice Civil Division Torts Branch that such individuals are
fcdcral employees for these purposes.
Under the hcdcral Employees Liability Reform and Tort Compensation 11ct of 1988
(commonly kttown as the ~~'estfall Act), 28 U.S.C. § 2679(b)(I ), the Attorney General or his
dcsigrtcc may certify that an individual dclcndanl acted within the swpe of employment at the
time of the incident giving rise to the suit. Id., 28 [J.S.C. ~ 2679(d)(2). The Lnite+i States can
then be substiuued fix the +.•mployee as the sole del'endanl with respect to any tort claims. 28
[I.S.C. $ 2679(d)(2). Tf the United States is substituted as defendant, the individual employee is
thereby prolectecl from suit.
i1'the Attorney General declines to certify that an employee was acting w ithin the scope
of employment, "the employee may at any time before vial petition the court to find and certify
that the employee was acting within the scope of his office or cmploytnent." 28 U.S.C.
Liability for any negligent or willful acts of P1"1'F cmployces, undertaken outside the
terms of this MOU will be the sole responsibility of the respective cmploycc and agency
Liability for violations of fcdcral constitutional law• rests with the individual lederal agent
or officer pursuant to Bivens v. Sir L'nlcnorvra A~~ents gflhe Federcr! Burenu gf:~'cn•cotics, 403
U.S. 388 (1971), or pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983 for state and local ofiiccrs or cross-deputized
federal officers.
Both state and federal officers enjoy qualified immunity from suit for constinrtional torts
insofar as their conduct does not violate "clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of
which a reasonable p+xson would have known." Hcn•lotr v. FitzgerolcJ, 467 [J.S. 800 (1982).
PITF officers may rcyucst rcprescntation by the U.S. Dcpartmcnl of Justice lirr civil soils
against them in their individual capacities tilt actions taken w=ithin the scope of employment. 28
C.F.R. ~ SU.1S, SU.16.
An employee may be provided representation when the actions for which representation
is rcyucstcd reasonably appear to have been per[bnned within the scope of the employee's
crnploymcnt and the Atlomey General or his designee determines that providing rcprescntation
+a•ould othcr++'isc he in the interest of the ilnited States. 28 C.F.K. § SU.1 S(a). A PITF officer's
written rcyucst tin- representation should be directed to the Attorney General and provided to the
Civil Division of the i:.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia, which +a•ill then
li>nvard the representation rcyucst to the Civil llivision of the l:nitcd States Department of
Justice together with a recommendation concerting scope of employment and Dcpartrncnt
representation. 28 C.F.K. ~ SU.1S(a)(3).
if a PffP officer is found to be liable for a wnstiRUional tort, he,''she may rcyucst
indentnificatimt from the Department of Justice to satisfy an adverse jud~nent rendered against
the employee in his!her individual capacity. 2R C.F.R. § SU.1 S(c)(4). The criteria far payment
are substantialh~ similar to those used [o dctctminc ++fiether a lederal employee is entitled to
Department of Justice rcprescntation undcT 2R C.F.R. ~ SU.I S(a).
This MOIJ shall remain in eilect until terminated as specified above, wiles that date is
modilicd as set li~rih in Section XI. Continuation of the MOI: shall be subject to the availability
of ncccssary limding. This at~Teement may he terminated at any time by any of the participating
agencies. The Cily of ivliami Beach, Florida, by and on behalf of the Miatni Beach Police
Dcpartmcnl may withdraw lium this MOII at any time by providing a seven-day written notice
of its intent to w•ilhdra+v to the \~tPD. Upon the termination of the ~•1UU, all cyuipment +vill be
returned to the supplying agencies.
'fhe terms of this MUI: may be modified at any time by written consent of all parties.
Modifications to this MUU shall have no force and eflect unless such modifications are reduced
to writing and sigttcd by an authorized rcproscnlalivc of each participating agency.
Nothing in this MOU is intended to, or shall he construed to create enforceable rights in
third parties.
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~1L'1tv11 BEACH, FLORID:1
L__~ = Cry Attorneyi ~ ` Date