LTC 311-2008 Transmittal of Resolutions Passed by the Town Council of the Town of Bay Harbor Islands. These Resolutions Are In Support Of The Efforts Of The Florida League Of Cities[o MIAMIBEACH OFFICE OG THE C]'Y MANAGER NC. LTC # 311-2008 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO Moyor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission FROM Jorge M. Gonzalez, Cify Manager 1 DATE: December 4, 2008 ~' i i SJBJCC' Transmittal of Resolutions Passed by the Town Council of fhe Town of Bay Harbor Islands. These Resolutions Are In Support Of The Efforts Of The Florida League Of Cities. The purpose of this LTC is to transmit the letter received from the Town of Bay Harbor Islands along with copies of Resolutions numbered 1079 thru 1083. Also, please see enclosed copy of Resolution 1086 encouraging the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court of Miami-Dade Counfy to establish a residential Mortgage Foreclosure Diversion Pilot Program similar to the one instituted by the City of Philadelphia. If you(~have any questions, please feel free to contact me. JMG/RPq/Ib Attachments: later from Pat Gibbs, CMC Deputy Town Clerk, Bay Harbor Islands Resolutions Nos. 1079, 1080,1081,1082,1083 and 1086 h] f~ aC ^H 't O N C-; iTI n i' 1 r ~ l -~ rfi ~ \~ c =x .r ~ ~ __ cn . F F:ICLER'~SALLLLILLYILTC's 20081TransmittalresosbayharborislandsLTC.doc Town Councl Cvl. Kenr=ln 1NeirNCir Moyor I'~ecne S. 'fv'a Irce Vico~Mnyor S~eoFanie Brudcr Councib..omcr Jo,dcr LN. lei a~Crd Couixllman A'kx>rk: Rvcw Q„exilmun ,nac 2'e~lver Co:rcilman 2otr;n li. Yul(N <'gpe,eilnan Bono d t. Vva.~.<.or Ta+m Moncger Pv4alene ^."ra~:tn~e lcwn Cle,k LI,:L•I8 Shennon 7cwn Nbmuy December 2, 2008 City,'1'os~•tt and Village Clerks Miami-Dade County Florida RE: Rcsululic»ts Dear Fcllo«- Clerl4~ Enclosed you will find copies ofResolutions I U79 - 1083 recently passed by the 'town Council of the ToHm of 13ay Harbor islands, These resolution are in support of the efforts of the Florida Teague of Cities. Also, enclosed is a copy of Resolution 1 U86 encout•rtGing the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court of Miami-Dade County to establish a rosidcnlial Mortgage Foreclosure llivcrsion Aih>t Program similar to the one instituted by the C'ih' of Philadelphia. ~~'InCCrily', --~ / ~ 1 Ms. Yat Gtbbs, CM Deputy Torm'n Clerk uncl~sures idi ~ C 46^S&~t~iulj~€ dac8.,+ ~rry r~rbrdl;~9 ; ~Fl. 3515G `~Te7 }341.'$t~k? „4 ,~ r F•pn l3.,'3~,'E~oYxd @43 i x~wb~YJ~+Im~aGQdzcnj~t ~ , . _ a ~ , ~ , r 3 RESOturioN ~o. 1~ A RESOLUTION O h"I'll l; TO WN COUNCI L OF THA TOWN Ot BAY HARBOR ISI.A\-DS, pLOR1DA: SUFPOR"11NG'I'HE FLORIDr\ LE:\GUK OF CIITES IN OPPOSHVG A_V Ah1ENDMEYT '1'U THE FLORH)A CONSTTTL71OV REQC IRIN G THAT EVEILY' .4MF.NDV~NT TO A C17'Y'S pR COCN1'Y'S COMi'REHENSI\'E PL.•:N RE SLBJECT TO A VO1'I: OF THF. RFSYLrC1'IY~'E CITY'S OR COl;N7'Y''S ELEC'I'ORATF.. W'AEREAS, the'I'dwn Cotmcil of the'lown of Bay Harbor Islands is responsible fur the public health, safety, artd wet fare of trio citiuus e(die Town ofBayHarbor lsiands and those coming fo dre Toren; and WHEREAS, the Town Cocnoil of ilie Town of Bay Harnor islands is charged with preserving moi mairisinittg the high quality and standards, and ueslhclicbeauty'coataiued widtinthe 't'eam; and WHEREAS, interest groups arc gadtering si~naRrcs from Florida voters [o place the pro;msed "F'toridv Hometown lkmucnrcy" constlr,:6ona1 amendment nn either the 2008 or 2010 general cScctiott ballot and WffF12EA5, the vocets ofF:odda are beiu ;:rg:~ by interest grwrps to suppo:r the proposed Florida Komctowm Democracy constitutional arnendnrent shou;d is gain ballot status; acrd WfIF,RF,AS, C~oproposcd Florida Hmneiu+m J)emocrxy constitutional anrerxtrnenl would subja;t every umondrornr to a local govermnenl camprohensive plan to a vdtc of dre local yrovemments elecurrs; aid WHEREAS, panning and growth rnanaguneni decisions in Florida's mu»icipalities are presently made through a representative fora: of dcrnocrscy hr which elected govcming bodies arc rntruslud to make policy 2.n:;isiuns on bchstlFof they cottstitucats; and WHEREAS, in i'ig5 Ux Florira Lcgislan::e enacted l:trapter 1G3, part II, Florida Slatulea, the "Local Govenunwx (romp-ehena:ve Plarmir:g and Land llevelopmertt Regulation Act" mandating that each municipnliry adopt a wmprcheasivc pan to manage and guide the use utd development of property wi4in the municipality; and 'IVHEREAS,the intern of 9re suit is w anpower local govcmmrnts, including rourcipalitia, to p:essve, promote protect and improve [hcpublichcaldr, safety, uumfon, good order, xppr,~~aace, coavenirnec, law enforcement (ircprevrntion sad genera: w•ef.'are; to prevent the overcrowdicg of land and avoid m:due coneentrerior. of rurpu!ation; rn Fac+h!x!r. the adequate mid efficirnt provision of transportation, water supply, sower treatmen4 schools, patios. recreational faei:ities, housing and othn'scniccs; and to conserve, develop and protect nattual resuutces w ;Thin theirjuriadictionx; and W[IFREAS, the act requires exlraorclinary public notice, roriew•, cs,mmenl and hearings before a comprehensive plan ey be adopted ur arnerdod by a municipality; and WIiEREAS, mwticipal comprehensive plans are aMpted and mnerrded by a ntmicipa] governing body only alter significant review and input fiom the public, professional planners and murdcipnl stai3; artd H'HEREAS, :he elected body's decision :o a:nmd, or the rnattrrcr in which to amend, a coa;prchoresiveplan isbasedupon Iegalrequirements a;welt as policyissresthat requircxbalancing of the needs and desires of the overall conunuairy'; and R`IIEREAS, the Town of 13ay harbor Islands finds that the F}uride Hos:ie[onv Democracy surendrnent will vumpte minority interests and i(lrore dre comurunity's long-term planning news rwd goals, includutg affordable housing meaasurcs, criran infi I]measures, redevelupmeut initiatives, and the dcvch,pment of essential infrns:ruuture; wrd WAi: REAS, Ibe'fowv of Hay Hafior islanric Winds dtai the Florida Hemetotm Oemoeracy amcralmenl will suhjwt important plumhrg and poky decisions to poie»tial[y msleadurg and ir:tlauu:story media campaigns; and 1VilEREAS, the Iowa of Bay Harbor Islands rinds that t2re Florida Hometown llemoctacv amendment will subje+;t important platuing and Policy decisions to potentially misleading atui inFlammatory media campaigns; and ~4TiEItEAS, the 7'owm of 62y harbor 7slanJs fords that the Florida Homctowa llemoum:y amendmtxu wili tYa]uire the umtecessary expcndihue of addiional mwticipal revenues to fund numcrvus e'ectiens on comprehensive plan refctcntls; anJ NHEREAS, the To++•n of Bay [[arbor Islands 5nds that the Florida Hometown Democracy amcntiment will require the unnecessary czpcnditure of additional mtrnicipal revenues w fund Gte Jefenx oCta'mng efai:ns by cidze,ra agyrzieved by the outcome ofcomptchonsiveplan amendntmt eiec[io~s; and ",YHEREAS, thcs•turnecessary costs wiilbe bomchy thecitizans of Florida'smtmieipafities either through increased taxes or decreased municipa] aen•icea. NOSY, THEREFORE, BI's IT RESULY6:D by the Town Countal of the Towa of Bxy Harbor islands as follows: Section 1. 'fhe Tuwn of Ilay harbor Islands urges citizens to considr. the poteu6al adverse conseyucnccs ot" such prnpcrsed amen<Imett: before signing any xtitions on :he proposed Florida Homclewn i>ar:ncracy constitutional anlendmenL Section 2. The Town of Bay HarMx Isla~da urges citizens In catctully coosidn~thc potential adverse umsoqurncd of suchpropueai wuntimcnl before voting or. lhepropnsal Florida Hometown Democracy consetulienal amcuciment if i[ appears on the genera; elation ballot in 2008 or 2010. Sectlou 3. Tilt Town of Bay harbor Islands urges citizens to exercae Iboir existing rights to influence 4hc yuality of life in 1rcir CCi by participating in lho development and amendment of their city's c~mpre}rensrve plan, SCC[bn 4. The Towa o(Bay ilRibor islands urgcz eSlizcaS lU regularly altcral public bearings, workshops, an<I meetings eta] otherwise take a~ active role in shaning loud polictics that aCfcet 6TUwth within their comm~rritia. Section i, That a copy of this resolu:ion be provided to the Membership of the Florida I.nague oCCities and other inleresaed parties. PASSED and A1~PTRD chic 13Th Jay of Octohcr, 2068. ~a.S~ K ~ ~-hN_ i- ~ ~.~t MAVOR ATTEST: •` ~ ~ ~ owe. c .etvsl RESO).LTION r;o...~~i_n _ A Iirrsol,ul'tor; or rTlx Tow~N covNLTL UY'1'fi£ row. of B.4Y HARBOR LSLAI~llS, kL•ORIDA; SUPPORTTAC TLTF. FLORIDA L);AGL E Uh LlTTES RE.LATTNG TO AN.IT~IEI,~T4E!.'T TO FLORIDA'S COA`ST'Pfl'I'fON TO REQLTRE THE 3'LORIDa LEGISI.A'I'URE'1'O O F'F.RATF. L1'r)ER THE• FLORIDA StTST'.L1tZ LAWS. FVHLr12N 45, [he Town Conoci: of the Towa eT Bay Harbor lsla-rds :s rwpcusibie for the?ubiic i~ezlth, .:afUy, utd. welfare of ;he ci~zens of ti~e':'oua of Day Hm1ro- Ts:ar:ds a.~d [hose cornetE w the row:.; and W1ILI21i.AS, :ke Towa Council of thc'1'or~m of BapT3u~bor ~la-rdsis aha~cd wile prpc?v;a,~ ar_d ma'utwiuia}; the 1vgl: ctality and stwtdmds, and rasthe:ic beauty contained wit'i.in ctc'I'owc; mrd '4VHL.[iKAS, E7er:da's Govetvmectt-u:-dre-Sunskiae I.aw, e:iactnd in 1 yG?, estab_shai atilt : of acc~:+e :o most mrx:rinvx of boards, eon-nissioas, sad other gove_niog onrn;•v of state and local ?o•+crnuac:rel gencies; and WHEI(EAS,)•'lorida Govcsnor Cha:he Grist recen:;}'p:oclaiaod Nareh 16-2:, 2008, ss Snnstine Wce.~ for the citizen oCN.re Sta?e c}'Florida end sts!ed,'"I'he:role of ^ orida's 3ovcrnment is b seze the pwp!e ofPlorda ace cpcrr govenunant gives'lx people the tools Ikey recd :e hold thei- elected a!liciale acco~mtal;;~'; aad WHEREAS, o;: Jtuxc 19, 200?, Crcvtraor Criss issuul Lzec_:eve Ur dc: U:-]U?, cseat:ng Le Commission On Open (inCOtr°ie;;t Reform lu revie+~, eeahate, aad iss-c rcco?tn75dations rc+anling Florida's pul:c records an3 public rtee[it;r; la_w s; and )i`HEKE..45, the Commission oa Open Crovclruncr.( will u+rrpile i ~ lirdings and presmr a =na1 mpot`. to Ste Ccvenor, Lie Seneteprcnidcal and Le Spea6u of[ha House of~epreseniativcs by Uecerrber 31, '_i:f:S, W iecf.de syz•_ilic r_coaruneucaGCas, L~c:udia;; prupued lenislatiar:, rule ehangcs :nom mou"ca7ons, if any, tc Ani:ic I, Saaio~ 2,, of tl;e Flo^da (:watimtio ,- at?d t4'HEREAS, ow e:ounGes and mnni:Spaiitics L've'~y tvs )Fw u,d J:e=eby zsx~.rm:F.st goverrmeo: --ausiness is e~Lducted iu :he ouc:~ for aL' pec:ple to sec; :u:d )t~REAS, a:: Florida govcnan~l is bcl:er s.;r voiuh~ a:l deotctl e:T:citis l:vo ~ tke Sn~s,.inc. t\O1i•', THERLrFULtE, BG TT RFSOT.VEll ~y tSc o~sa- (:u¢rc::l of thr. Town of D:.y 3eroo: ls;tr~•ds =s foCewa: Secfiau 1. 'ht~ :be ^IO'id'1 _C2~7C 0: %lUC9, Ill'., the'few-t oCBay Ha:bo: islan3s, ana :11 ote: citios of.i<:oridaL'rge.tSe Commission on Opp Guveiunreut propose and Jtc uovernor supat a earsti`wtiunal ameadnrc: Lrat requires state legis;ators to ope_-+te under the sr~a Suus!•i~c Taws wtdea a'~ich ::ty uf5cia.s op.rrtc. ScG.ion 2. T.aat.cop}•oft~istcsolwianbe p:ovidal:o tT~e Chav of:he Cauunission oc Ope- Govenuacu4 Fiorida Govcm:u ~,I:mlia C.:sl, all mr:r:icipalit:os :n F!odda, and ail i^.CHt and rC$lOrla! leaL~•IL" Of CS[ICa. PASSSn and .4uo'prFO thts ~}_ day ur Ucrobs~ zoas. .mot- ~z1tYOR A'I"1"£ST: / + / ,ewlVa•F - mnx.:uwvoa-wvw,. µ.,eq'.{.~...emmeM RESULOTIOS NO. ]ORl A RESOLUTION OF 7HE TOW1 COLi\CII- OF '1'ITE 'f O W N OF BAY HARBORiS1.4NDS,FtORIDA; SUPYUR'11~G'I'H}: KL("Ht1llA LEAGUE OF CITIES 1(F:t.A'fING TO L'NI'C.':VUF.D STATE 1~U4\DATEB, CTfD.I%IN(; ANY MEA.~'S NECESSARY TO RF.QI!IRR TFIF. FLORIDA LY(:IS1.A'C(!ItE'i'O ELIIFILVATE IINFIITlED S'fA'1'}: MMNUATES ON LOCAL GUl'ER'VbtEVTS, CONSTDERI~G SYUNSOIiSffiP OF AN INI'I'lAT1VE PETITLON. TO AMEND.4R'f1f.LE Vll, SECTION 18 (a) OF '1'11E Fl,(IR7DA CON,STITC!2T0\ TOELIhfINA'I'K'1'IIE CLAIISETHAT ALLOWS ROR L1FL?'E~ED i}fANI)ATES DY A Tp1'U-1'HIRUS \•LIJORTTY, AND TO YOJT.N'TIAI,Ll' Ai1fEND OTHER CLAUSN:S UY SAID SI!11,1'f;1711UN; AND PROVIDING A~7 EFFECT7VF DATE. W ITRRF:AS, the Towu Caa6~ of 7u Tovnt of Hay Haritnr Islancs is resyousiblc fur 7te public :areal, safety, and wclCarc of the cilizuts oC the Taws of lixy Harlwr Island-¢ and those coming to :he Towtt; and WHF:ItRAS, rite Town Council of the Tuwn of fray liarlmr Is:nnds is charged wrh prescT:ng find r..ainteming :!te high quality and s[:milnrc:s, m:d au(FeLC bcauty con+ained w-:hin Lttc :'own; a-,d WTiERLAS, the Ilar'iln l.cgix;sture neRttlarly adopu legialarion that nnpozes ntandaxx upon loc:.l govetttntea¢w:9toulymviiling fo: £mdin8 ar tuiequale Gm::ing enurces for urrylsticutatim n(scchmandates; sad WTfEREA.I', in 19R9, the States a:a~ieipalincc, ;n eemjtmchon with the Florida Lrsgte of Caia, wer0 is thr process of circulating an u:itiative pealion that Ovoid place a prohibition nr restrictin; against unfiwded :::ancaxs on dtc Cnnxt:tutione: bal:ot; attd WIIEREAS, the Sate I sgiafa:ure, ;n onia w head off tsc :nipalive pc'ilion, plncai its own unfunded tcrncutc ~cstric5or. or. Yre lviiot (commonly reTerrod w ax Anatdment 3) and, upor. pnssage, such ameniment )xame Article \T., Sectior, 1R of Lie }lorida C;nnxtiution; end W'HERF.AS, that provision still allows for tuJunded mandates if adopteil by a two-tttutia rote of tSe mea:be:ship of bout houses of the F;otida Leeislatu'e and wrtau:s rrlmernux exceptions w t:•te rctrictions contacted L~ d:c provisiou; au:: W7TFRF,AS,ihe Swro-tltirlsvnlingtauitemcnt:w;+r<:ree to bcalowt:ale in ~iatYic Legislmx:remutincly aicpx url~nded r..andates ny a greeter titan two-thirds majorty of Sudt lIottsac; and WIIE12EA5, since iltc adoption nf.4mutanxnt3 S 1990, there havcbcer. Cundtcds of'tmfiatded mandates unposed by Na Lcgis:ature on 20~ t eovgnmerts at Wsts oChuadt>xIs of millions of dollars. N V W, THRREt'OKR, BE IT RESOLVED !:y the Tow:t Council o: the'f'awm of Dny Ilarbor Islands as :bllows: Section 1. '1'ha: dte F,utiilu Legislariu'c Sa v`raro'areRxiw~s7i^.1 yr c:iminatci_a puli:;ies of ailsrplu:g trgislatoa or placCCes imposatg unlimded merd[aes +qn>n the -tunicipalities of tae SI:Ae uCYlurida. Section Z. Tha[ the Florida l.caguc of Cities cormidef u~ifiattrg the yrocus to begin pmxssing dtc dorttzcntaliun zed pctitioas neoeawry for nr. witia:irepeliSOnilrive to at>:eod Article VT Sccnon 1R of lbi FIO:.d9 (:O-Rtiwlnl lU C1nn1aalC tiro Cleust w}jly+~;illow•e u:ifindod mmtdales from rite Leeisiavre upon atwo-ttu:ds vote of th<members:.ip ot'cacit Eloise sort tr. amend such odic yrovisitms of said scanon as wtili restrict ar climinatc ail unfunilal Slate w.wda!es. Section 3. '11tat a copy of this rcsoluuan be 7ror ided ht the Spes)l(cr of the 1°:oticu llocse of Repteacn:ativ:s, to be Yrexid~t of lire Flondn Seeule, w ail cities ut F:urida, and w all IocrJ a:;il :eginnal leagues of vices. YASSEU and ADOPI'k:D thts 1?lh dap of Oclolwr,_. =x108. MAYOR ATTEST: i MM~IL`WN CL9.LVI:1C[M:41 ~:ape []nb[u.M.kJ Waw..YU.wtG RESOLUTION NO. 108? A l2ESUL U'1'lUN UtN'I'S1E 1'ON'N COCNCII. Oi•'TIIE'1'UN`N OF BAY HARBOR ISLANDS, FLORIDAi SLTPORTINC THE FLOR1llA Lt:nl,'UE OF C[TIES RELATIN2; TU ENCOLR2AC,iNC CITIES, O'II1L'R FL'BLIC ACrNC7F.5, AND BUSiN'ESSES TO CREATE SL,'fi1'iF.R F.TIPLOY hlt:ti'l~ OYYO7Yf CINiT1ES F'UH O UR Ct1'1ES' YUU'1'H. WHEREAS, lhe'I'own Council o[ :he Te+ru o1B>:y Harbo: kland; is rnynni5ihle (o: ilte public health, saftrty, and wc:fue of the cidzcns of tho 7'o'av of gay Hatba islmds and those coming to the ~1'Own; and WiiEREAS, dteTnvn Cvunvil of the To++v ofilay Harhv-islands tis charged wiL`t preaervirg ¢ad maintaiting 9~c high quality, and s[andards, and aesfaeuc bea;tty wntained w•;tL• in fhe : owv; and W'H!':I2EAS, for most schools in 1'lorida, ;he school year ands the first we•..k of Jtmc fora fhree- m+r1h sccurcrhrcak: attd W'HTRRAS, martystudent5 arc unable tv find aumrncr e:np:oymen: vppvrtlmities nr to pxrtieipa[e in youth sports pmgrarns mtd other o:gauized activities to occupy their tin:c dtca:g the swnmer monrhs; anti W'IiE12EAS, dte htcidence of juvrniic crimes acd crirnirtl tmschicfincrexscs during the summer monlLs, crca!i:t aclvcTSC irnpacls ou area businenccs and increaseC wvrkloads for local law enfotrocn;e¢t agetuies; attd WHEREAS, suttmrer intenrahi-x aztd pzidwot7: experience foryouth, particularly Itusc 1"mm lv++•- inerme fami?ies,help toprovide a positive youtht7entoritrg rclativns7tipwith aware su;n•-rvisor,promotes suoc~ss5tl przparation fbr thcjob rnaiset, expoa~v stadents to ¢ variety of cmployvtcut opporturulies, builds umtidcncc wtn:;!; less In ;ucxss in o:hei a.~s, including school, stud caiwuregcs youth to rcl»m to scl:ool',n tic fall to wnlirue their educaCion. NUN','1'liEREFORF., BE IT RESOi.VED by tbe'I'owv Council of the Tuw•n of Da)• Harbor Islands as folkws: Section i. 'That the Ilorida Ixaguc of Ci:ies mtd the Town of Ray Herber Islands cnwurags ci:i w, other pubFic xgenciex, sad private etnploycra tv invest :n the fttturc of our u:•.aricipalides by creating sttn-.mr. job opportunities a¢d providing employtnau experence fm' :hc yvutl: of our cities. Scctlon 2. T}iai a copy of t!»s rc5vhnion he pcovided to all Florida rnuucipaJitics anJ local and rewior_al leagues of cites. FASSED and ADUP'I'EU this _ L t~„~ day of October .200R. \AAYOR ATTEST: a /~ ~ .- ~ TOWNA!LJ~;PlS ~_ KESOLI:'fION NO. 111Ri A RESOLLTION OF TFIB TOWN COUNCIL Olr Ti7E TOWN DF I3AY HARSUR ISLANDS, PI.ORIDA; S'LYPORTING TTiE FLORIDA 1.F.AGi?F, nF CITTES l2LLA1'1\t. I"O DO\ATTOi\C OF Sl.RPi•L1S FIP~k:. Ft2 LIIPl1fENT.4ND \ ]ATPRTA T. TO V OLL= \'1 N~IrR Ffltk; ll2~:1':1R'fMirn'TS ST+TTIIIIVG THL LNITL~ ll ~1'A'1'1 ~. N•'HfERF.A4, 4c Towr. Co°:,ncil of dtc Town ~f Day 13o=bpr is'.aads is r: spm~:b;c frlr the p::bGc 'iea;;h, safety, and welfare of the citizens o.` the Towr: o: Bay Harbor Islands and those co.:vl;g to ire 7bw=; e,3 WHFR1iAS, thc'_ own CAUnci: o..°ere 1'owtt of 13ay H arburlsla~ds is chr_-eec' wiUl prwei,wg and maiauining i:e high quality a-td stmrcards, vaJ acthe5c baury wn:a;ncd w~'.hi~ 1he'1'ewn; and WHEREAS, a~proxilratuly aigStypctCCUt (R:?Yol of :he firo doparurenta in ~7eLhitai $ratug arc votwteer; s»d W'HE'REAS, surpiw ecuip:-lact. r.;d r~a;.n'a l:avc bow donated by tntuxcipa: aoc edter t:re depattnents to coucaies overae, s; wid W I1L'RE.4S, the expensos of vo1`.rJ:cex fr_ d:Tarta~'s wu7d be Jcsvcn<xi by elroost Calf by such locations; and WTiFRF.AS, :he eyuipmenl and tnateial d:at is laid try thctaxpayersin d:eUnite:i Sta?~ shou:d be donatod to sister fare deporimenrs ut Ge Unites Si<.tes; and W'HF.I2AAS, a dedicated Web stc s1:ou:d be caKSb~shed in COUn~'tiort adth Ute rogation nnl disn':bu[iou of surpllLS Fee equi?meat a7d tt:atwial. VOW, THPiREFORF., AF. i 1" R=',SOE."t-1 Ly the TJ.v:r Co-,i1oil of lhC T'ow'n of ~4aV Hatbnr slar~ds ~ :bllo;~5: Sectlun ]. That the Florida Lcaguc o: CiY.cs and rbe Town of Bzy Harbor Islands s•.noott and appreciate d:e sacriAre and ,ratcotc-e duty excmp used iy our brave ;ner, and worr:en itat staff volurieea fn dep>:rtmatts [hroughout Florda aad the Unit°_l Stators, Station Z. The Flarida Lech~c ei i ;iCS and 1Je Town of 73ay Ysrbot Lciands ena:w~ages Florida's maaiapr:_ities tJ t_U:13:C 6tu'plUS flx C~lll^yCJenl aul lna[CCJI IO v~1LTiCer $re iupefuTents ~ t•lorda and'LrcugSl~ut the l:nited States. Section 3. Teat a copy oC!his resohtrion x scat Co each mttuici~a?ity d Florida. PASSED and ADOPTEll this ,.~3tb,., day of October. _, 2DDR. C J _~~1._ .___ h]AYUI2 ATTEST': ~ r' i' }-' CI{NRK L RESOLUTION NO. 1Q86 A IiESOLU'1'ION OF TFIE TOR't~T COUNCIL OF THE TOS\:V Ub' BAY HARBOR ISLANDS, FLORIDA; ENCOURAGING THE ELE\'EN'CII JIIDIC[AL CIItCLZT COURT OF TfIAbII-DADY, COT7N'lY, t'LURIDA TU ESTABLISll A RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE DTVERSION PILOT PRUGH.V17; ENCOLTItAGLYG ALL ~1LNI(:lY.9L1'1'lES 1N Df1AM1II-I1.ADE COtiNTT TO ADOPT SMILAR RESOLUTIONS; AA-D DIRECTING T'f17~ CITY \I:LNAGER'I'O TAKE ALL NECESSARY ACTION TO TRANS1VtTT TJIIS RESOLLrITON TO THE CRfESF .IIIDGE OF THE ELEVENTH JUAICLAL C'IItCTTf COIIRT; I'I2UVIDING AN LrFI?ECTTV-E DATE ANA FOR Ai,L OTIIER PURPUSF:S. WB.F.RE A:S, the Tovn CouuciE of the Fowu of Bay H~'~or Islands is rsponsblc for :hc puSlic heath, sefey, sad s'ei`ze of the citizens of Lie Town of Bay Harbor klands a-id Those contiug to tie Tuwr~; and R•TIF,RF 4S, 6ra Tc++m Council of the Than of Bay 3arbo: GF~~ds is charged with prseroing and u:ain:ain:ag the lilgh acauty ar:d standards, and aeshetie beauty cAai»?acd witlun the Tnwn; and \NIIER&45. due to tte current eaonon:ic Iris's the h'imber c•f fo:•~-losin+es h thr, .Ctatr, of i7o:id=_ have:i~.:n rod P:orida ne+v bas the so.onc la=rest nt~bc: o[ forecLmures in t:re nation; sad \ViIPRFAS, ~t cuo:mnus r.~~rnbs u.' Mira,: •Uade :esideats rse facing fonclusure cf tSetr homestead propcsty; and WT1EItEAS, the City of 1':v:adclphia bas in+titc;ed n:rsideutiJ rror(gagc froclozv: Eiv~rsim pilot p-u4nnm dMrbm:,.l:c ene~is: burl: a+vnr, -oc.cpied sac aon~aw•aa occupie3 proper5es cwra~tly facing fo:eclestrc; end W 11ER1iA5, :hc 2hilzdclpP,ia program las bees aF+le 7n save appr.:ra:atcly oigoYy pemcat (SC%<) of tSe pro V ai.ies frox firrlha form ion-.~re; nn3 WIit:REAS, the m:m~er of resicknls e:f he 1'onm of 3uy Hurbnc Islands :acing foreclosure is d:s(urbing and the Tuwn shuulc nke wiatevc action possible to assist its residrnts in re~i:wig the' properrj 0+{'aeS.11;:5; al'.f. R'HEREAS,theresidendalmortgagcfxa:los~a,;dive:sioapilotp:oyninof::ssiosoow•nenn mpatwtiry for fwthcr conc.Ga;iut: wnterences print to .as! for_clos~z ;and \i•TIEP.EAS, *Lc \1ay~r rid Tu~vt: Cowicil stongl}•rwrnarend hat Go Fcvrnth Judicial Circtul (taut rcwic+v the pitr~ rsr in ibe First Judicial District of Philadclpttia and c.±:ablsh a similes program for ~e residents and preprny owner: in MimN-Dade Courp',1lcridz NU\Y,'1'1SE1tEFORF.., BF, i]' RESOLVED oy the Toav Council ..^.f the !'own of Fuy Harbor Islands as ic;lows: Secfionl. ktuvnrand'fownCouncilRerommendstio¢.:`hellayo:andtbc"ownCauncil hereoy s1:ong1}• eccovrage tic tleveuUt J-.dicial Crcwt Cou*t of Mi~vi-llnde Cawny, ]lorida to e0.uolisL` a Residrnlisl A^.or`.guyc ?oreclnsure Division Pi lot Program In zssist tic pmpe:ly oav~~~ o b1iam Dade Cnwity whe are facng fercclos~i:c. iLe~te_mx^., the ~iaJTr and Iowa Cuunci] cncocrage other iauuici~a5fies t+f Vfimri llndeCow:tyto adopt a sin`.lar:^_so:::ion suppoair. it:c p:cpcs_v, piVgrarn. Section 2. L'i::cliurs to $e ~' onv \Canarw. T.~e Tower Nanc__er is h~r::y eirxtc3 to :a"se ell naceasarv z.^a~r.:0 7dcsmii a copy of tti:. xs~lution tc :li. Chiof Ju2gc of we ;=]a•¢Il J~a3icial ~nui: G'Jtil. of 6fiam;-Dade C~~iatty, Fle_;ds aar: a7 ~thcr ~onuici?a:iLes is Nliau~-Jack Cawiy, Piorida. Sr•tiun 3. F.:'C~xti~ a Date. '.'his Reva:r:;icn step be e6e:tive irc~nliatel}• upu~ ad~p8o~. YA.SSEpxndADOPTEDl6fx 1026 Gay of NoveribFr?068 . _ ~ ~ T'-_- h7AYOi2 ATTES'1: /,f~ ~, ,~ yg r, r ~.i~ ; '- TOE ~ ' CLEfLti '