FDOT Agreement,~vd 8 - ~6g 3s- FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PATTERNED TEXTURED PAVEMENT ON PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS MAINTENANCE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 't'his AGREEMENT, enT.zred in~o t_ri~ ~ day of Qe~~mb~2 2008, by and between the FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, a ccrponznt ayercy qL' the Sta-e of b'lcsiaa, h~reina~l:er ::ailed the DEPARTMENT, ar_d t.ste CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a uu.tnicit:al o,>r;~ora-;on of and existir_g under the Ravi:; of the Staco c1 LLt:_icia, here'naftr.r cal led the CITY. RECITALS: WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT h.:ii; jur.SiCi c-a~On ::;v~r State Road (SR) 112/41E` Street from Chase Avenue to Pine Tree Drive, cei.t.hin thz limits of the CITY, as Hart. 01 the State of ?lor'_da H__-11_o:ay Systzm; and WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT is instal_ir_g paittrrncd textured pavement. crosswc=ilk:; car SR 11~ i.~ ~ccorda_r~c wi;1. DEPARTMENT C'c,r,:ract $i-616s, the limits of whicl_, hcrcinai~er PROJECT LIMITS, ::,~ de:;cribed in thz attached Cxhibit. '~', which by rzferer_o~ t_cr~te. shall become a par*_ hereof; and WHEREAS, -he DEPARTMENT and the CITY arc bcth ccmmittcd *_c improving .*.hz aesthetic= :•:ithin the PROJECT LIMITS; and WHEREAS, '.he CITY has rzquested the DEPARTMENT to ir_stall pattzrned textured pa~~=e:con~ cro:;:;:•;alk:;, ar. var= o,r; i ntPrse^.tions within t1=c PROJECT LIMITS, and the DEPARTMENT s ~Ni7-linq_ t.o do so subject c~ t.ha terms. ar_a condaions contained herein; :.ind WHEREAS, the CITY, by 3e:<;li;t.ic:r- \0.2008-26935 ~ datzd November 5, 2008 , attached :ie_eto as IJxhi:~it '~' , :•:hich by reLerence hereto sha11 beccme a pa.. }'.ereof, de=ire:; to enter into this AGREEMENT Find au~horizes ir.:-o officers to do ao. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in considera~icr_ cf she :nutua_ ber!c--fi:,s to flow each to tyre at her, Chi }',arti~=- ccvrnan- an3 agree as follows: Pa¢ttntJ TesmrcA P;nronrm. f'n~s.~e:dka nlnnneumca ~IeuwnmJuw ai :1gr:. n:cnt l~lxsw Flo, ida Qty,artmcnr nY'i'ran<portmirn :uo1 t ice or Ali:um ISeaeL Paec I uC i 1.1. Assignment TYie DEPARTMENT anc7 t}:F CITY agree that, by executing ibis AGREEMENT, a maim:-:pan^~ -espor_sibilities pertainirrg to ..he pat.r.err_ed textured paveclen: crer;r;v:alk; installed by the DEPARTMENT cr. bcltull of the c:it.v nn ~~arious int.ersectior_s within the PROJECT LIMITS will be assured to the_ CITY ir_ perpetuity. 2. CITY'S MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES '=}'_e CITY ,}:all 'clA solely respcraibL~ for maintenance. c£ the decorative asphaltic sur_aco on all patterned textured pavement ores.=sings install~.d by the DEPARTMENT or_ aehalf of the CITY within T.he_ PROJECT LIMITS and Uha11: 2.1 FPr-i-~dically re:rcve all 1it~er from the patterned textured pa.~cr.[enC croa~s\•lalk surfaces. 2.2. ~taintair_ err:d make repairer to the patterned textr.:rcd F:avcmeut crosswa'_k surfaces to prevent. i:afety -~aza:ids for these r:sitig or intending to use t_ze pedestrian croersings. 2.3 Perirdically :~:creep the patter_-led textured pavement surfaces on pedestrian crossings to keep Chem free of dAhr'.s and to lnaint.ain an aesthetically plcasiru3 conciitior_. A 1_yht pressure as:~_rina 'ray be ner..ei_i_ary for heavy s,.ait; removal or cleanir_c. 2.4 For any routine rep:.r_i's or replacemer_..; dui to not=_ceab_e color scarring or sur£a::e dctcrioratlon of the pat.t.erned t.ext.ured pavement surfat:en, t}:e };rod•.zr.t a•.atacr_zed installer should be contacted tAtlantic Pavinq Co., Inc. of 8.3u9 NYd 7(i` 5-., :~iiarni, Florida 33166/Phone No. 3J5- tsl3 8632; . Pnnerned'FciurteJ I':nzmenl l'ro..r5alk~ Nluhueuauee M1kww:mdum ol';\gisnnrm benre;n Florida Uryrannum of 1'mnCprraalian :md ('iP ul Nliacni 6ua:h Pa~c 2 uf' 3. AMENDMENTS T:•ais AGREEMENT may be alnon::3ed '_n vn-iting if m:atually agreed to by both partir~s. If, at any time ci'.arir_g the tcrr. of t1:_s AGREEMENT, it shill come Co the atten~icn of the DEPARTMENT'S DISTRICT MAINTENANCE ENGINEER that all or ally dart of f.i~e CITY'S maintenance respcnsia_=`~t.ies, as est.ab_ished hcrci_r, ~.re .1C;L i~eina properly accx:<cplishPd pursuant to the. terms oP tdia AGREEMENT, said DISTRICT MAINTENANCE ENGINEER may, at. his cpti.on, aeue a written notir..e, ir_ care o1 th ~ CITY MANAGER, r.o pl ace T.he CITY on notice regardnq i;.sr:nintenaricc uc_i<:iCr1C-e,. ';l:erea-ter, the CITY sha11 have a pcried of .}r rty !,3(i; calendar days withir_ wl_ich to correct the ::i-ed deficiency ~:r deficienc'_es. Tf said defir.ier_cies cited are not ~:or-rerted, or {if the deficiency or deticicnc_es; are !t:c-•h thaT. it;`they ::ast arot be corrected :ait.hin .3v daysi if the CITY doe, not ccmner_cc tc ccrrecL Lk_e cited deficiency c'- dzf:c_encios w_thin .his time period, -he DEPARTMENT may, aT. its ootio_t, proceed a:-; follow:;: 4.1. tiIainta__t the patr..er^led .*.Fxt-a-_ed paveaent cresswa_ks declared deficicnl wit.}. DEPARTMENT ar_d 1 or i7dependenr contractc_''s mater'_ais, equipment and f:ex'sonnel. The actual cost for :;uch :cork will b~~: ct_aryed to Che CITY. 5. NOTICES All r_ctice--:~, r'°•:3r;z:as, demands, consents, approvals, and other cemmun'_raticn which are required tc; :oe szrvzd cr given hereunder, s_za11 be in ~.vriting ar_r. shall be Sint key reyi"~ered mail. or C7ert. ..-led 0.~. mFix1, rCLllrn re C:°lp ~. "eCI1P.St.ed, pCSCage prepaid, addressed Lo the :arty t.o receive sucYl r_cticcs a;~ Lollovrs: To the DEPARTMENT: ?ior_da Departme:-[t :;f Transportation 1000 Vorthvrest 111 A»e_aue, Rood 6205 (~4iami, ?--_or_da ~~172-5A00 A-rer_tion: ll_strict hla'_rltenanc::e 3ngineer To the CITY: City ~+1 Miami L+each 170~~ Co_1v2nticr Cert.<cr fi:°ive P•7ami Reach, k'lcsida 33139 ~,ttent.ion: Cay hianag•_r NutlrnirJ Trsuuai Pmronanr f'rus.++;Jka 1lniuwumra ..\Inooianrlum .r:lpr:cmrnl bclwcru I•InnJ:, UrV:nvuenl ul Tran>pca[o[ion auJ Cia ul P9iami ncach Na^e ; of 6. PATTERNED TEXTURED PAVEMENT CROSSWALRS INSTALLATION 6.1. Tt. is unrerstood }:e-vreen C.'_re parties LYereto that -.he pLitteY'1?eC. tN-Xt11rF.d pa VEfllc'.nt. CrvSSwiAlk:; CCVered b`f %_']1S AGREEMENT may be removed a. t. ar_y tir'.~. in t..he ."uture, as found nf:':ess.lry }>y -he DEPARTMENT, lI: C)Y'(leY that the adacent 5-at~~ L:'>ad be widened, altere'3 ar othcr:vise charred artd maintained to meet :with Lutu?-e ..-itc_ia c~' planning o` the DEPARTMENT. .Aii costs a:a~;ociated m+i i. :1 sci:h activ_Cies will be so_~iy at ire '~.xpense of the DEPARTMENT. 7. TERMINATION 7.1 Phis AGREEMENT i s?abject Le tarm_nation for cause aLCer the DEPARTMENT'S camp let ion .i1 r:onstrucCicr_ and ir_sta='_ation of the ~attc_r~':i t~x~ux'ed pavemr,nt cro:;:-walks con..emplated and covered her•~:•w~i_.}? and further subject. t.o, and under the foilcwing conditions: ).^ aCCOY'dan~:e W3t1. ~CCLl.'.>a lc~i i'.Q5/ :li '~~:i , FlOI"1da Svd LL1LeS, the DEPARTMENT shall reserve the ri-ght tc u[rilaterally cancc_ Ch`.s AGREEMENT if tho CITY refuses to allow public access to env or all dccuments, papers, letters, or ocher materiuli: n-~ade or re::eivea k:y the CITY pertinent to this AGREEMENT whicsl are sui~ject tc: nY'~'.i.=._ors o- ^}:apter 119, of the Florida Statlates. 7.2 Not.:•:ith~<..al?di:~a Sec:, ion .= aa~i'.~e, the AGREEMENT may be tcr[-linated vri,hout cause <;nl y i= [-lutua_-_y agreed Co by both part.ien, with a :;ix i6) rlonth wr`_T.ten notice. 8. TERMS 8.1. '"hc terms of Ch'.s AGREEMENT shall on .y commence upon cxeaution by all parties arod after t:he CITY rece~.ves th~:: Notice '1'c Proceed _ettec fro!n tY.e DEPARTMENT. This AGREEMENT shai i oontin'ac ir_ perpett:ir.y or ur_til termination as set forth ir_ Sect. i.oli '/. 8.2. T1=is :arit_=rq emix~rzes t:he e~ltire AGREEMENT and understanding b<,t:veFn tY_c paY-ties hereto an:.} I:here arc. nc-t other agrcemer.-s and understar:dir:r, oral <:r written, with Te=2'_"CTi::: b: t0 tR'J `.31:}'ij eC~ mat-I-o Y' }?ere.0= l-}:at are not. merged Y:nlemed'rccurtnl Pmemrm Qo.eaalk> Nlum[eu:m;c M1~I: nv:r;mdum of Agicrwem hcuexn nuriJa D: p~nmem nl'I i.uupurlarion {~:Ifld '{ OF 8.3. This; AGREEMENT is nonlru.tsferable and nonas`_grable ir. ra~Lole or .ct o~1it w_t}xlta- -.}:e ;prior :written consent cf the DEPARTMENT. B.4. This AGREEMENT, rcyard=ews c~' where executed, shall k~e govcrueu by rir_d xnearur.ted in accordance :with the laws of the Sta_e cf =lcrica. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the };ar~ies hereto have caused these preser_ts to be cx^c~ftr•d Ch° :_l.ay at_d year _'irst above written. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH: BY: f4ayvr ATTEST: ~''~'4 Il_ U~-~~- City C_crk STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION: BY: • tri t Secretary ATTEST: `~/1CC.t<~cz_,,~ ~~~~_ ~~ Fxer.,itive Seer%.:ary APPROVED AS TO LEGAL REVIEW: FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR CU710N BY : ~`i d~ ~_ -- 1P le ~~ L'istrict 3eneral C~u. r:el eY . ~~~ a Pattern:d I':vnu:•:1 Pm•cmm~l Cnx.wal6s ll.tiula:;nirc Akammnium of A^.rccnrcrt hcMrocn Flori;la Ueparlmenl of Tr:nupuitrtiim :lnd CiP of ~liemi 6ca:h Pa~,c ~ of, EXHIBIT `A' PROJECT LIMITS 1~1o~m are the 1_rt_ts of the pa-.*.ernecz texrt:i~e:3 ;;avemcnt r;urface p^destrian cross_ny, tc be [na_nta`.ned candor Chi:; AGREEMENT. State Road Number: 112 (41" Street) Agreement Limits: From Chase Avenue to Pine Tree Drive County: Miami-Dade Nullcmcd 'i'storcel Ya.emcni (uxawJAs \luukn:wc; 1lcmor:mdum oC :1~ctmnn hctuxcu Florida Ckparimm~l of"Iranopnnali~ai anJ Cily or \4 inmi R •~d: Pa;~e 6 of ? EXHIBIT `B' CITY RESOLUTION To b '~ere`n ir.;:crpcra_c:_i cace raYiTi?d by th= City of `Miami Geach Epa ~d ..- i:'_ tv Cc_r_cissic•ner~,. Pmmrncd'feaurtnl Puvemem Crarsnwall., Maim: name AlemuranJum of :\ rcrw:nt hctwecn Plmi~in Depanm:nt N I'ransprcialinu uud (irv c~ Aliami Bca:h F'a^r. ? mot' RESOLUTION NO. 2008-26935 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A MAINTENANCE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (MMOA) WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CROSSWALKS ON 41sT STREET FROM CHASE AVENUE TO PINE TREE DRIVE AS PART OF THE FDOT PEDESTRIAN CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. WHEREAS, State Road 112 41fi' Street is one of the Federal Classified Principal Urban Arterials, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT); and WHEREAS, improvements along 41~' Street are currently listed as Financial Project Number 418238 in the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) 2008-12 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP); and WHEREAS, the project work plan consists of constructing pedestrian improvements, including Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA} compliant curb ramps and striping: at major intersections along 41s` Street, from Chase Avenue to Pine Tree Drive; and WHEREAS, the City entered into a Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) with FDOT on September 11, 2008 for textured stamped asphalt pedestrian crosswalk striping that are consistent Citywide; and WHEREAS: pursuant to Section 2(g) of the JPA, the City is required to enter into a Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement (MMOA) with FDOT; and WHEREAS, the Administration would recommend that the Mayor and City Commission approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement with FDOT. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA. that the Mayor and City Commission hereby approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement (MMOA) with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for the construction of crosswalks on 415' Street from Chase Avenue to Pine Tree Drive as part of the FDOT Pedestrian Corridor Improvement Project. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of~'oveu~8b8. ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _,/n~ CITY CLERK MAYOR d~i`~ Robert Parctier Matti Ilerrera Bower TWGENDA`d008tNOVemCer S'~GonsennCo~+c Parl tdMUF. Ness Nov S 2006.doc APPROVED AS TO FORM $ LANGUAGE ti< FO CUTION (/ /p ~7 ~ City Attorney Da