Confirmation of MPO appointment for Mayor BowerPaec 1 of 2 Hernandez, Kerry From: Wong, Luis Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 235 PM To: Hernandez, Kerry Subject: FW Mayor Bower's picture Attachments: MPO BOARD AGENDA BRIEFING-12-18-08.pdf; MPO Agenda 12-18-08.pdf See confirmation below of MPO appointment below. MIAMIBEACH Luls Wong, Office Manager OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION 1700 Convention Center Drive. Miami Beach. FL 33139 Tel. 305-573-7030 i Faz. 305-673-7056 ! vnwcmiamioeachfl.gov ~A'e arc cbmmitted!o r;rardcnp exceNem pubty sero:ce ana sa!ely h: a.! who i;ve. ~mOrk em! p!ay!r, cur vibrant trop!::a(, h~s!onc comrrunry From: Salim, Zainab (MPO) (mailto:ZSALIMCd,miamidade.gov] Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 12:11 PM To: Wong, Luis Cc: Bower, Matti H.; Frances, Francis; Weinstein, AC Subject: RE: Mayor Bower's picture Luis, It +car a phasw~e speaking +cith you. I just received I he signed resoluliun appointing Mayor Bower to the ~fPO Governing Boari} and would like to uvdcomc hu-. As per our conversation, ] wi1L Lorccard the 1\iP0 ABeuda package and a wchsttttutg ]cit via P1 DES. Ylease confirm the following logistics: Address: l'he Honorable Hattie Herrera Bocvcr, ?Mayor 11110 Convention Conu•r llrive Miami, PL .i'3I 39 MPO Board Tvtember Name Plate: ~lattie H-Bower or should +ve ++rite our I he Huddle nanx•. >also, T need to confirm ++tto tuould ht• the liaison to the ~LYO tYom the '+layor•s Oftice. 'f}tis +voulri b+• the individual that ?+4P0 stall would contact rcgardutg atry° issues as it relates lu the ~4ayor. Attached arc. the Vl'c_) agc•ndu and the wrillett briefing for the lleremher agcuda. If the Mayor would like to schcdtde a briefing or need addilioual information, please Icl me }mo+v. Gain:lh S:llim Clerk of blPO Quvernulg Ro:n•d 111 \\~' I st. Strut, Suite !l'LO A9iumi. N'I,:3:3I3ti (R05) a. ri-d60't-phone (30;ij :3 ; 5-d9Fi0- f'ss V1cIL: WN'\\'.nllfl ^11(i H<IB.k','U\'(nl p0 'Deliuerin,g Fxcellertce query Day" From: Wong, Luis [maitto:LuisWong;~miamibeachfi.gov] 12~ l6;`200R Page Z oY '? Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 11:07 AM To: Salim, Zainab (MPO) Cc: Bower, Matti H.; Frances, Francis; Weinstein, AC Subject: Mayor Bower's picture Per your request:Bowerjpeg. Please copy francisfrances@miamibecahfl.gov and mayorbower@miamibeachFl,gov on all emails Thank you. MIAMIBEACH Luis Wong, Olfice rWanager OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION 1700 Convention Center Drive. Miami Beach. FL 33139 Tel. 305£73-7030 ; Fax. 305-673-7096 ! wwvr m~amibeachfi.gov Wear= cammfffer! n Frov!Crrg exee!ferf FtrbUC serace any safep~fo a'r v<no Jrve ,onM anC F'a% ~n or~~ •+rh:an!. Goc~cat hislonC c~;,mrrn;nrly MYO GOVERNING BOARD AGF,ND.a -" MEETING OF DF.CEIVIBRR 18, 2008 BRIEFING ON ACTION ITEMS A¢eoda Action Items: 4A.1 FY 2009 Transportation Improvement Prngr~m Amrndmcnt: SR S/Uti IL Biscstvne Boulevard (PDOTDislrict D7% ;1pproval of the proposed amcndmenu to the FY '3009 Transportation Improventcm Program ('I'IPj will include $~.OOQ000 in local funding for the construction project at Kiscavnz Kuulcvard from tvF: I~"' Slrect to KE 3~°i Terrace and the dzfennent of 53.60x.000 ut FY 3010 fur the same project. Thsr currendm.nrc~ rn~e nacecsar: ro t+llorr aliami-L)rrclcr 4{"arer uncl.Yeu•er Drrprtrtnren! r:L1Dlt'.ISU) the oppurrunrly m raplrcc the entire eLisii+rh water +nuin s)~srent ancf udiav9 a rnonAer ofsunilar)' cerrer m<nrhoh•s rrndar !Iris pruieer 4. K.1 Reenrel be ~'[PO Board Chairman Kruno A. Barreiro (.11P(1 Seerelarirtt) fhe intent of this revolution i; to change the \9P0 meeting day from the Thursdays that coincide with Koard of Coup[)' Commission meztings to the last tvlonday. \~4'edncsday, or I hursday of each month. at the r<gnacl rij'rhe ,t9P!) 13uanL Chcrirn+urr. t/rc' rLIPO CL.:r6: pn!lrrd !Its ,111'0 Kuurcl nrcnzbers vu !heir prr fen•ed nreetbtg Jc+v. T{re r2suh~ uJ7his survey will be Ln•esentecl !o the 6oarc! an Dece+nher 1$"` jut rlisc:aasiou. a.B.2 -lmendment to Rulc 35H-1.08- ReQUtar D1P0I3ttartl ~lrelinas (.b1P0 Secrntrrriat) I'he purpose of this amendment to Rule :>511-L08 is to empower the ~'1P0 Chairperson to reschzdulc ntccting dabs. Currenth the rulz requires a revolution h}• the 11P0 Koard to change trgularly scheduled meeting dates. 4.B.3 Reoucs[ By MPO Board Chuirmau Dennis C'. }'loss (~NJPO Sec•retaria% This amendment to the Kulc, of the b9P(~ will create Rule 35H-1.15 to empower the <v1P0 Chairperson to esrtblish a commiucc system. ('urrently, dre N1P0 Rule. do oar address this issue. 4.B.4 Fl' 2010 2014 b'lorida Departrncnt of Transportation District V 1 & Florida Turnpike Fntcrprise Tentative Worl: Prnerams (I'DOT District G7lFloridu Tunrpike 6-nterprrse} hhc proposed FI)OT l'enlative Five-Ycat• Wor6 Program parlialh addresses thz uansportatiun program priori[izs adopted by the ~'letropolil:m Planning Organization (Y7P(1) Ciovzrnim_ Koard ant! submitted to the fDOT un OcA~(ier I, _008. The pro=rmn also addresses mam other projects and actions aimed at improving the meLOpaliian transportation system. The Nliami-Dade County program ni' pn~jcct; iiw the PDO"I I'untpikz Enterprise District is also included as parr of [Iris item. fDOT statT will present the program to the Koard. \1P0 K<b1RD.4GCVl):1 KR[EI'IVG-I2-IR-U8 4.B.5 Intcrlocal A>;rcement: 2009 J1P0 Annual 1\e++slctter (;NPO S'ecrelnrinQ Thz proposed Intcrlocal Agrcentent is beh+ecn the A4iami-Dade \1cu•opoliutn Planning Organization (A'1PO) and Ihz Florida hnemational Univcrsit! Ih'IU) A'lztropolitan Cznter to prepare the 2UU9 .Annual (summer) t+4PO Xewslener. This yzar'> ncw'slruer ++ill feature an update on the ini'rastrucutrc and son ices improvements by the various transpotyation agencies. 'I'ho newsle0er will be prin[al in F'.r\:;lish. Spani,h, and Creole. distriboled at ^OO,000 residents, and madz available on the lvIPO tczbsita The scope of ++ork budget is $I&.6y~.00 for this project. ~.K.(i Intcrlocal 1¢reement• Cotnmunih` Characteristics Yrot3ram (.49PO5'ecretaria!) 1'he proposed Interlocal ;\greemem is bet++e2n the \iztropulitart Plannin_ Organization (tviPO) and Florida International t.nivcrsity lur the purpo,c of conducting the Comnnutii< Charncleristics Project Thz objective of this prc+jecl is to develop information to help identify the social, economic, and geographic characteristics of a given area before the public invohentent outreach is initiated for transportation programs and projects. 'I he proposed F'Y 0409 bud~ct for this project is $63.000. 4.6.7 DIPO4C Lc illative Atlvocacv Activities for FY 0R/09 (;11P0 Secra~tarirr!) \pproval ol'the proposed request ++ill provide Y:SUO to the statewide F'lurida 17eu'opolitan Planning Organization Advisoq Council (I+iPOAC') for their legislative advocacy activities. 'These local contributions will he used to support and prwcet the interests of Florida s b1POs in Federal and Slate legislation. 4.K.R Rectuea by D1PO Board tllember Dennis C. gloss (:19P0 Secrelrrriatj This ilern n•trt plcr;•ed a7 the <t~ererlu a1 nc~ retlussr nj Soard 39emher Der»tis (:.:lfoss. Approval of this resolution kill direct staff ur prepare a scopz ol'+vurk and budget for a study k, evaluate alternatives to alleviate traffic in the Dadzland area. This ,cope of++ork and budget once completed will require approval from the MPO Board. \IPO BOARD ;\GGNDA RRILI'IVG-12-I R-OS ':-• ~ METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION f ;; _ - GOVERNING BOARD - ~w~,~~,,.~ ~ ~ A'IEITING Vh THtiRSDAY, DECF,NiBER 18, 2008 :>•"1' 2:00 PM S S77'.PHF.N P. CL:1RK CLiN I RR Chairman l I1 N\1' FIRST STRF.EI' Bruno .A. Barreiro h~IIAMI, FLORIU.A 3:;123 CUUN IF C'OMMISSIO\ CI1:1V1BERS Vice Chaireomaa Barbara J. Jordan .>,GI':1 D.A Voting Memhrrs ' l.vntfa Bell ;1GGND:1 1. APPRUVAI.OF I~e~'lll r\. BUrILi ' ' Jose'•Yepc" Diaz I I•:S 2. :1YP1201':1L Of MINU Audrey M. Edmrntson Shirley M. Gibion • October 2 ~, 2003 Carlos :1. Gimencz ' T I l ' l L1L RI?PORTS )1PO COMM1iIT'fl•:F:S AND SYF.C 3 annnan ( cr a . . Sally.A. lleyman :1. C'tl'V.E] CObIbI1TTLL.S ' ' ' ' 1Yilliam H. Kerdyk L1S I fFF.S VAC:INC1 L CO1:1141'1 C ' ' ' ' FLGIFT.:\ ) Uh(b11T :\TIO\ ALWISORI C PILF.I(ill'I' I'It:\NSPUR'I ? Joc.A. Manincz . TRANSI'ORTAl70N AES'1'1II!TICS RLV II-:\F C'Oh1h11 fTF.E ('I'ARC'J ? Dennis C. 17oss . ItICYCLI. I'EDES'LK1:1N AD\'ISOR1' CU111~11TTF.E IBY;1C1 4 Julio Rohaina . C'I'I1ZF.NS 1'R;\NSPUK'I?\TION ADVISORY C'OMhIIT'CL:L: I<'TAC) 5 Dorris U. Rolle . \larc D. Sarnnf'L resohltions ' " I7lOIt1T1 (1'11).Xj h11AbJl-R:\DE L\PRF.SSR•:1Y' AL B Nali~chaScijas . Marv Sorenson I. Stams Rcpon Itebcca Sosa Javier D. Souai 4. ACTION 1"I'R19S 5mt-Toting Memhrrs :1. I'UKLIC. IIF:ARING I'1'f•,M U'DOT District Vl) L Fl' 2009 TR:INSPOR'1':YIION IMYROVEMEN'I PROGRAM Gus Yego, P.L. :1MF:NDIIEN'1': SRSR:S I/KISC:11'NF: KOIILEVARD Gary L.llonn,P.L. RESUI:I.TION :1PPROVING .ANIIiNUMF.N'I'S TO l'lIL F\' 2009 f RANSYORL\TIUN 11:1PROVI`.MF.NT YKO(;RA\4 'f0 :1DD ~iS,000,00U County 1layor FUR THE LLI'XIBLL' YAVF.M1IC'S'I' RF.COASFRUCTIUN AT BlSC'a\YNF. Carlus:lharcz KUULI.V;\RD PKOM11 NL li S]RI.I?T TO t`P: 35 7LKR;\CE AVU G04AU0 TO F1' ?010 FOR TI IF; S;1MiL•' YItO.IF.('T (ROI.I. f-v.t MOVING S2 Cbunly Manager , RGQCtttF:u) George M. Burgess K. NON-YUKLIC. HEARING fI'I:MS Assislan[ Counh. 141anagcr Ll n 1' l REQCGS'T BY D1P0 60:1RU CHA-R,M AN KRUNU A. K:1RRF:IRO " 1 sc a o . RESOLUTION C'IIANGING 1'IIF. \1PU GOVERNING BOARL> b1EETING 111P0 Secretariat TO'IHF. _ _ llAY OF EACI I MON"1'1l :1T' 2:0(1 PM Dirrclor .lose Luis Mesa, Yh.D. ?. AMENDMP:NT 'I'U R1'LE 35H-1.03 - REGULAR 11PO R0:1RU MEETINGS Contnctinfnrmation RLSOLCTIUN r\PPROVING AN :1\IF.ND\~B•:NT TO RUI.F 3>fi-1 A3 OF Miami-Dade bIPO THE KLI,F.S CIF THE M1ILTKOPOLI'TAV PLAN\ING ORGANIZ;\TIUN )O I I1 NN' First Sweet E\1P01FP;R TIII: M1IPO 110:1RD CI1:11RPERSON TO RI?SCHEDUI.I~. Suite 920 1aEL'I'ING DA'M'S M1liami. Florida 33123 301.3?S. i>l)? 3. RF.QLESI' K1' MYU K0:1Rll MF.116ER DF.NNIS ('. MOSS ' 305. ~?`.495U (fay) i TI201'OLITAN I'1.4NNIN(i RF:SOLC!'I ION A111.NUIVG Rl I.F.S OI' I'lIF'. ME n?Ix+ii~uiumid:+d_`•o. URGANV:1T[UN '10 C'RL:~\I'F RL:LI. a`"H-1.15 TO LIIPOWER MI'O wtr?v.u~iamiamle ,~ow'n~~P" ('I I:\IRPLRSO\ TO IfST;\BLISII C'O\1111'I'1'F,E SI'S I'E1q W'cekday pending survey results m he discussed al the 11PO Koard mreling. J. F}' 2UIU-2UI~ I~LORIUA UI•:1'ARTI171?\T OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRIC:T VI & FLORID;1 "I'LKNPIIiE ENTERPRISE 'I'EN'I;CI'11`E 1'1''ORIC PROGRA}'IS KESOLUIION LT DURtiING I I II. I }' ?00911 U-''?OIT'I.3 I UO'I :ANU FLORIDA TI;RNPIF;E i:Vll-:RI'RISL` 7-LV-I~.A'17VL \VORh PROGRAMS 5. INTEKLOC:IL:IGREEAtiN'1': 2U(19 11P0 ANVI.AI. NI•:1VSLF:F7T•,R RF.SOLI:TIO\' APPROVIKG .4N IN'IBKLOC'AL AGKLE\'IEN'i L1L'IIVLLN THE. METROPOLITAN PLAVKINCi OR<i.ANIZ.:\"I'IO.\ (}'1F0) AVD 'CIIL FLOKIDA lK'CEKN.AI'IOVAI. LNI\'I.Ittil'IY tFll) ML'TROPOI.IT:1N CF,NTF,R FOR THE PREPARATION OF T1IE ?UU9 <,iPO ANVLAI, \E\1~SLl:.ll1{K 6. IN'I'F.RLOCAI. AGREEIIF.NT: C011M11UN1'Fl' CH:1R:1C'fERIS'1'IC'6 PROGRAM RESOLUTION .APPKOVIVG :1V IV IF.ItLOC;\L :1C;RF,F.b1EVT BF,TIVFFV THE \11A\il-DADE MLTKOPOLI'CAV PLANVIN(; ORG:IVIZ:\DOV (MI'OI :1VD FI,ORiDA IVTERV.4'CION.AL USI4'EKSfI'}' IPl(.) 10 COMPLI<CI. 1YORK O\ THE bIPO's CO\I\il)VIT}' CHARACTERISTICS PROJECT FOR P}' '_OU9 .. MPUAC LEGISLA"fIVE aDYOC'AC'\' ACTIVITIES FOR Fl' 08109 KLSOLU170N :aPPRO1'ING 5500 TO RE PROVIDED TO THE. SI':\TEW IDF. \TF.TROPOLIT.AN PLANNING ORGAVIZA'CION ADV ItiOK}' COM<<ill'lEE (11P0:1C) FOR THEIR LFCiISI.ATIVE .ADVOCAC}" :\CTIVITIES 8. REQUEST 13l' bIPU RUARD }IENIRF.R DENSIS C. MOSS RF.SOLI:TIOS DIKL`CT'ING S'L4PI CO PI2F.P:1RF.:1 SCOFF, OF \V`ORK AND IiF DGFT FOR :1 STUD}' TO EVALUATE AL'1'LKN,aiIVI~.S lO ALLEY LAi'E. T KAPI IC IV THE D:\DF.[.:1ND :\REA $. INFURIITA9'ION ITF.Dt G. REPORTS A. MPO ItO:\ItU bIF.\:BF.RS R. COCV]'}' MANAGEK C. COI:NT}';\TTORNE}' D. PLOKIDA I)I.P:11tTMF.NTOF TR.ANSPORI:ATIUX (D151'KIC'I' Vq I. FDOT Ui>Irict VI fl'S :\nnual Report (F}' ^_UO?i2UU8): "Lm bracing Change-- E. <41P(.) SP:CItI?P:1RI:1T 1. MPQAC N`aektn<i Institute ?. hIPO Studies Cumplelad in P}' 1007-'_'008 _. M1iP(_) Ocmber \accting Follow-up Kcport ?. C'UKKESPONDF.NCF. !1 iF 11 is UOtit)' Qf ,(ililml-UQ<fC Colenn' 10 ~uu,~„rt• V;tir u;,• Uj ri+. rr;>ufri mel ils ui liT.> .Jn:eri; ;t+:r •a :iir Ilicoai u•rs Ac! 'b - <reiliR n+ ribs nn>rr rrt, ~. uer<..+1 it•. P'or sige 'aq¢woea i+urrarr:er.., ns~ \r is itcrenim,• do does, or m;r ~r..r. a r . •.: rr. ~ rF.ir• 1nnmN. ureuar ealJ J65 3 ~ ` + `! f u Fns; l; rr 4..ineem dyvs rr: ach:ar.a.