LTC 331-2008 Status of Polo Park/Nautilus Middle School Tennis Courtr ~; ~ I ~ ~ ~
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CITY CL. E:r~~t'S OFi=lCf;
TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission
FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager
DATE: December 22, 2008
SUBJECT: Status of Polo Park/ Nautilus Middle hoot Tennis Courts
The purpose of this correspondence is to provide you with an update of the conditions of the
tennis courts located at Nautilus school/ Polo Park and address the question being posed by
Mr. Howard Kauffman related to access to tennis courts for the Miami Beach High School
Tennis Team.
In January of 1994, the City of Miami Beach and the Miami-Dade County Public Schools
(MDCPS) entered into three agreements related to the Nautilus Middle School/ Polo Park
project: a Land-Exchange Agreement, aJoint-Use Agreement and a Construction
Agreement. Under the terms of these agreements MDCPS and the City agreed to exchange
the existing Polo Park propertyforthe existing Nautilus Middle School property provided that
MDCPS construct recreational facilities on the existing Nautilus School property.
Over the following several years the MDCPS constructed the new school on the Polo Park
property and subsequently constructed a park on the site of the old Nautilus School. The
park that was constructed included basketball courts, sports fields, racquetball courts, a play
ground, four tennis courts and landscaping. Following the completion of the park
construction there was an extended period of time where the City refused to accept the park
due to substandard construction. This resulted insubstantial negotiations between the City
and MDCPS that concluded with the City accepting all sections of the park with the
exception of the tennis courts and entering into a Settlement Agreement approved by the
Commission on November 13, 2002, which authorized the acceptance of the park, with the
acceptation of the tennis courts. The MDCPS was to pay the City $85,000 which the City
would use to make upgrades and repairs to the park. The School Board further agreed to
make repairs to the tennis courts, at its own expense, which if satisfactory to the City, would
then be turned over to the City.
Since the execution of the settlement agreement the MDCPS has had the tennis courts
repaired on a number of occasions but never to the City's satisfaction. The original problem
with the tennis courts was that they were built on land that has high levels of muck. This
caused the courts to settle resulting in deep cracks and very un-level and unsafe surfaces.
This settling and the resulting unsafe surface is the reason two of the four courts have had
the tennis nets removed.
It is staff's opinion that to properly repair the tennis courts the existing courts should be
demolished, the muck removed and the site properly prepared and then four new tennis
courts be constructed. This option is estimated to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and
the MDCPS has been reluctant to consider it.
The City has examined other options including simply demolishing the tennis courts and
replacing them with an irrigated sport/ play field or some other less costly recreational use.
The representatives of the MDCPS have agreed to meet with the City after the New Year to
open discussions and consider other solutions.
At this time, due to the potential safety issues, the nets on the two courts at Polo Park will
remain down leaving two (2) playable courts for resident use as available. However, the
Parks and Recreation Department has offered the use of the newly resurfaced tennis courts
at Normandy Shores Park for Miami Beach High School's Tennis Team practices and home
matches. It is our understanding that the Maimi Beach High School Athletic Director has
accepted the offer and is pleased with the alternative.
We will keep you apprised of the progress of the upcoming meetings with the MDCPS staff
and should you have additional questions, please advise.
F:\cmgr\$ALL\BOB\LTC-Current Status of Polo Park Tennis Courts.doc
c: Robert C. Middaugh, Assistant City Manager
Kevin Smith, Parks & Recreation Director
Julio Magrisso, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director