143-2001 LTC
Office of the City Manager
Letter to Commission No. PJ.3-CJI
June 22, 2001
TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and
Members of the City Commission
FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez Ii IlL
City Manager ~ ~
The purpose of this LTC is to provide you with an update describing some of the areas the
Administration focused on during the weeks of June 11 and June 18, 2001.
Art Basel - Mayor Kasdin along with various representatives from the Administration had a
successful week in Basel, Switzerland at Art Basel. The 32nd edition of this fair brought about
50.000 of the world's wealthiest art collectors together. The Administration had an opportunity to
meet with the fair's organizers and many of the participants and guests who were all very helpful in
our continued efforts to prepare for Art Basel Miami Beach scheduled for December 13-16, 200l.
Fairgoers at Art Basel picked up nearly all of the 2,500 brochures regarding Art Basel Miami Beach.
Upcoming Holiday / Event Weekends - The Administration has been working to develop short
and long term plans to assure that planning and resources are appropriately allocated for the
upcoming holiday weekends as well as events associated with the Source Awards. These plans
include: the monitoring of hotel occupancy 60, 30, 15 and 7 days out; monitoring special and
nightclub events; assessing the impact of City permitted special events; developing and maintaining
ongoing community contact, including with nightclub and hotel owners; researching internet
information and websites; limit off-duty police available for those weekends to maximize the
number of officers available for those weekends; and developing transportation plans. A
memorandum outlining the City's efforts to date and ongoing initiatives that are being formulated
will be going out very soon.
Source Awards - The Administration has been working with SMG and the Police Department in
response to the numerous requests and inquiries that have been made in anticipation of the third
annual hip hop awards event produced by the Source Magazine. Please see attached memorandum
from Doug Tober which includes more information regarding this event.
Tourism - The Office of Tourism is continuing to monitor hotel occupancy, special events,
convention center bookings and working with Police Department Command Staff on a daily basis
to track any unusual developments or circumstances.
Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Meeting - Was held on Wednesday, June 20 and
included a discussion regarding the City's financing strategies where an update on the status of the
proposed financing plan was presented; a preliminary evaluation of alternatives for irrigation water
supply for Bayshore Country Club and Golf Course; and a resolution requesting a plan on the CDT
funds and its potential uses in response to a recommendation referred from the Convention Center
Capital Projects Oversight Committee. A full report will be presented at the June 27 Commission
Fourth of July Celebration - Final preparations for the 10th annual Fourth of July Celebration at
nod Street and Collins A venue are underway. The event will include the swearing in of 25 children
as new U.S. Citizens, a salsa and tropical rhythms concert, and a spectacular fireworks show. You
should have already received a memorandum from Michael Aller with your invitation, parking pass
and map for the event.
Should you desire any additional information about any of these items, please feel free to contact
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Doug Tober
General Manager
Miami Beach Convention Center
.Jackie Gleason Theater
Private M,,,,geme,,t fDr PUblic Facilities
To: Christina Cuervo
Cc Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli
Rarniro Inguanzo
Tony Marten
Thorn Connors
Bob Papke
Date: June 21, 2001
Re: Source Awards
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Christina, in follow up to our conversations, this memo shall memorialize our activities thus
far concerning the booking of the Source Awards. The event will be scheduled for taping on
Monday, August 20 at the Jackie Gleason Theater, with an expected air date of August 28,
2001 on the UPN network
We were approached as an inquiry a few weeks back by the production team for the event,
headed up by Dave Mays and Lori Berglund. These two persons have remained our principal
contacts for the event, and we expect the same to continue throughout the upcoming process.
Discussions began to get more serious about using the Gleason about three weeks ago, and
about two weeks ago it became apparent that the Gleason Theater was the production's first
choice for presenting this year's event. We scheduled a meeting with the principals for Friday
aftemoon June 8, primarily to discuss production as well as security concerns surrounding the
event based on the history oflast year's event at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium
With regard to the event itself; it would proceed very much like the recent Telemundo
presentation of the Billboard Latin Music Awards. Arrival patterns with limos on Gleason
Drive would be very well contained, with high police presence as well as production staff
setup to capture the arrivals on tape. Entrance for peIformers would be through the main
lobby, with other invited guests entering through the south entrance doors. An attendance of
not more than 2,000 invited guests would be expected; no tickets will be available to the
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general public. Our contract does call for the required complimentary tickets for the City,
however. The event would be taped beginning at approximately 7:00 pm and running for
about three to four hours. Initially, the Source is not intending to have any other off-site
sanctioned events, although some recent questions may indicate a shift in those plans. Also,
comments seem to indicate that record companies or other associated parties may stage
ancillary events at other locations on the Beach throughout the time leading up to and
immediately following the taping.
One of the topics of discussion has centered around the production's desire to utilize the Fruit
ofIslam, a group associated with the Nation ofIslam, as peer group security for the event. We
indicated to the client that we would investigate further regarding their request, but that
whatever security company was chosen, that firm would have to meet our requirements as an
approved contractor to work in the facility. Such requirements stipulate proof of business
licenSure in the State of Florida for security work, as well as providing proof of insurance
naming the City of Miami Beach and SMG as additional insureds. Subsequently, I have
spoken with some of my counteIparts with SMG regarding the potential for using Fruit of
Islam-staffed companies for security, and reactions have been generally positive. We have
had good experience with the Philadelphia-based organization, which has provided security
for rap and hip-hop events at the old Philadelphia Civic Center before it was torn down some
years back. There appears to be, by all indications, a level of respect between the hip-hop
community and the NOl, which could certainly help to reduce the likelihood of problems
during the event. Capt. Tony Marten, our liaison with the Miami Beach Police Department,
has also researched both last year's event and the potential use ofFOl, and has received
similar reports on their performance. I would suggest discussion with him for further details
of his findings. We also had a follow up meeting with Capt. Dennis Mohammad, the event's
proposed security coordinator, on June 40, and were impressed with his very thorough and
professional approach to preparations for the event. We have inserted a specific clause into
the Lease Agreement for this event, requiring a written security plan, developed in conjunction
with us and theMBPD, to be submitted and approved as a contractual requirement. We are
also planning to use metal detection equipment and searches at all entrances of the venue to
insure a safe environment.
I feel that we are taking proper steps to insure a safe and successful event, and will make every
effort to work toward presentation of Miami Beach in a positive light on this nationally
televised broadcast. Should you have any further questions or require any further information,
please feel free to contact me.
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