Addendum to Amendment
Addendum to Amendment One to Interlocal COOl)eratlon Agreement Dated
June 21.1996 Between Miami-Dade CounQ' and the City of Miami Beach
The purpose of this Addendum to Amendment One to Interlocal Cooperation Agreement dated
June 21, 1996 between Miami-Dade County and the City of Miami Beach ("Addendum") is to
clarify Section IV A 2,3,4 and 5 of the Amendment One to Interlocal Cooperation Agreement
dated June 21, 1996 between Miami-Dade County and the City of Miami Beach.
Section IV A 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Amendment One is amended to read as follows:
2. Commencing October 1,2005 and ending September 30, 2016 the County shall annually
appropriate and remit to the City no later than January 1 of the following year an annual
amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the difference between (a) the amount of general
Countywide operating ad valorem taxes levied each year by the County, exclusive of any
amount from any debt service millage, on the assessed value of the taxable real property
contained within the geographic boundaries specifically described in Exhibit A to this
Amendment and (b) the amount of general Countywide operating ad valorem taxes which
would have been produced by the rate upon which the tax is levied each year by Elr fer eaeli
tftniflg atHherity the County, exclusive of any debt service millage, upon the total of the
assessed value of the taxable real property in the geographic area specifically described in
Exhibit A for the tax year 1976. The total amount remitted by the County to the City shall
be expended by the City for projects within the geographic area specifically described in
Exhibit A.
3. Commencing October 1,2005 and ending September 30,2016 the County shall annually
appropriate and remit to the City no later than January I of the following year an annual
amount equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the difference between (a) the amount of
general Countywide operating ad valorem taxes levied each year by the County, exclusive
of any amount from any debt service millage, on the assessed value of the taxable real
property contained within the geographic boundaries specifically described in Exhibit A to
this Amendment and (b) the amount of general Countywide operating ad valorem taxes
which would have been produced by the rate upon which the tax is levied each year by eP
fer aaak tftniflg atHIierity the County, exclusive of any debt service millage, upon the total
of the assessed value of the taxable real property in the geographic area specifically
described in Exhibit A for the tax year 1976.
4. Commencing October 1,2016 and ending September 30, 2020 the County shall annually
appropriate and remit to the City no later than January 1 of the following year an amount
equal to fifty percent (50%) of the difference between (a) the amount of general Countywide
operating ad valorem taxes levied each year by the County, exclusive of any amount from
any debt service millage, on the assessed value of the taxable real property contained within
the geographic boundaries specifically described in Exhibit A to this Amendment and (b)
the amount of general Countywide o.peratini ad valorem taxes which would have been
produced by the rate upon which the tax is levied each year by er fer eaak taltffig atHherity
the County. exclusive of any debt service millage, upon the total of the assessed value of the
taxable real property in the geographic area specifically described in Exhibit A for the tax
year 1976. The total amount remitted by the County to the City shall be expended by the
City for projects within the geographic area specrtfically described in Exhibit A.
5. Commencing October 1,2005 and ending September 30, 2020 the City shall annually
appropriate and expend within the geographic boundaries specifically described in Exhibit
A to this Amendment an annual amount equal to fifty (50%) of the difference between (a)
the amount of ad valorem taxes levied each year by the City, exclusive of any amount from
any debt service millage, on taxable real property contained within the geographic
boundaries specifically described in Exhibit A to this Amendment and (b) the amount of City ,
ad valorem taxes which would have been produced by the rate upon which the tax is levied
each year by elf fef aBeft taltiHg 8lIt1ierity the City, exclusive of any debt service millage,
upon the total of the assessed value of the taxable real property in the geographic area
specifically described in Exhibit A for the tax year 1976.
A new Subsection IV A 9 is added to read:
9. The Terms. .. ~eneral Countywide ad valorem O,peratini taxes" a~ used in paraifllphs
A 2. 3 and 4 and .. ad valorem taxes levied by the City" as used in para~h A 5 are defined
to exclude taxes from taxinljl authorities exempt from the reQJ.lirements of Section 163.387
(2) (~FS.
Steve Shiver
County Manager
Miami-Dade County
City Clerk
Assistant County Attorney
Clerk of the Board
- I
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Th. South Beach Redevelc~~~nt ~rojoct A~aa. hereinaftar
called the "~roJect ~r~a". is da\ine3ted on the Project Boundary
and r.and U.. Plan Ma~ desiqnaeed as r.xhibit A. 3nd is more ~ar-
t1cularly describod a. !ollow'l
All that real ~ro~.rty in the City of Miami
..ach. COunty ot Dad.. Stat. of Florida.
within the tol10w1n;-d..cribed boundarie.:
'e;1nn1n; at the Northw.sterly corner of LOT 2, BLOCK 1. rLF.E~~OOO
SUBDIVISION accord in; to THE AMENCED PLAT thereof a. recorded in
Plat Book 2B. Pa;034 ~f the Public Record. of Cade County. Flori=a,
Thence run Ea.terly a10n; the Northerly line of ..1d LOT 2 for a d~s-
tance of 150.1 feet more or le.. to a point. said point beinq the
Northea.terly corn.r of .aid LOT 2:
Th.nce continue alon; above mentioned cour.. for a d1.tance of 50 fee"
more or 1.... acro.. We.t Avenu.,to the inters.ct1on with We.terly
11n. of BLOCK 2. ~IETWOOD SUBDIVISION, accord in; to the AM~CED PLA7
thereot a. r.corded in 'lat look 21. pa;. 34 of the Public Recorda of
Cade County, Florida:
Thence run Southerly a10n; the We.terly line ot ..1d IL~ 2 for a
. d1.tanc. of 160.3 more or le.. to a point. ..1d point bein; a
~ Point of CUrvature (P.C.) of a circular curv. concave to the Northe.s~
an~ havin; tor it. elem.nt.a radius of 15 teet and a central an;l. 0:
90 : "
Thence run alon; circular curve an arc d1.tance at 23.~ !eet
more or less to the Point of Tan;ency (P.T.):
Thence Easterly alon; th~ Northerly line of Sixth Street for a distanc
of 2619.4 feet more or le.. to the Point ot Inters.ction with the
Ea.t.rly line ot Wa.hin;ton Avenue:
Thence run Southea.tarly alon; .aid Easterly 11n. of Wa.hinqton AVen~e
for a"di.tanc. of 164.3 more or le.. to the ~o1nt of Inter..ctic
wjth the North.rly line of . 20 foot al1.y known ~re.ently a. Sixth
Thence run Ea.terly alon9 the Northerly lin. of Sixth Stre.t
for a di.tanee of 713.7 teet more o~ le.. to the Point of Inters.etier
with the Ea.terly line of Oc..n Driv.: . cont1nu. alon;" above cours. (Northerly 11ne of Sixth ~roj.cted Eastorly) tor a distance of 1400 feet mo~. or less
to a point:
Thane. ~Yn Southwesterly alonq tho line parallel to and 1680 teet
) 6
, ,.
more or lo~.,~~~t.rLy ot Lhn ~~~t 11"0 of ~ollln. Avenue lor a ~~~t~r
of 2800 teet moro or 1..."s tu a [.Qlnt:
'['honee run S.:IuthQ"stnrLy 3t >In ""'llt:! of ?CO wiLh t.ho prl!vl"us course
at a d1>>taneet of 6,,0 tuot Inore or 1,',,,. t.o a point;
Thonee run Southwostorly at an ~nql. of 900 with the prevlcus course
a di.tllne. ot 2100 feet n.oro or Ie... to a point:
'rhon~et run Westerly nlonq the lino p~r~llel to and 300 teet more or
10.. South of the Northerly limit. of Government CUt tor L distance
of 3900 teot anore or Ie.. to a point:
Thenee run Northw....torly alonq tho line parallel to and 620 teet ~o.e
or 1... Southwft.t of Qxistinq bulkhead line (M,H.W. Line) tor a d1s-
taneo of 1000 t~ot moro or 10.. to a point:
Thene. run Southwe.tetrly at an anql. of 900 with the previous course
a distance of 9S foet more or 10.. to a point:
Thence run Northwoster1y at an anqle of 900 with the previous course
a di.tanee of 500 tOllt Ino~e or 1.s. to a point:
Thence run Northea.ter1y at an anq1e of 900 with the prev1ou. course
for a distance of 95 teet more or le.. to a point:
, ,
Thence run Northwe.terly along the line parallel to and 620 teet ~ore
or le.s Southwe.t of existinq bulkhead line (M.H.W. Line) tor a dis-
tance of'2500 teet more orle.. to a point:
, Thence Ea.terly alonq the line parallel to and 175 teet more or less
· North of the North line of Sixth Street produced Westerly tor a dis-
tance of 930 teet more ~r 1es. to the Point ot Beq1nninq.
) 9