Letters to Murray Dubbin \. \ . \.-J MIAMI TEW CARDENAS REBAK KELLOGG LEHMAN DEMA:RIA. TAGUE RAYMOND & LEVINE, L.L.P. \305) 53~:21;2 by JLJ\ 2 G ;;\\ \8: 51 ,. \[, . C\ 11 ;,1 i LI,,/iL r " '..If Fll:t. JLR(wTEWLA WCOM ,\ T T () 1< ~i [.: .' \ T ;. j I .\ .\ June 22, 2001 Murray H, Dubbin, Esq, City Attorney City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Re: Convention Development Tax Dear Murray: Please provide us with copies of the foIlowing: 1. Fully executed Resolution of City of Miami Beach approving the Addenda to Amendment One to the 1996 lnterlocal Agreement; 2, Fully executed Resolutions of Miami.Dade County approving either or both of: (a) Amendment One to the 1996 Interlocal Agreement; or (b) Addenda to the Amendment One to the 1996 Interlocal Agreement. Thank you for your attention to this matter. JLRlmcm cc: Christina M, Cuervo . tvlL\;..110FFICE . \1 :.\\\i C:':Yi"i':11, ':hl'~ Fi.()()IC 20: S( liT11 Bl:'t:.W:--;)': At li : 1:\',\1\1), ;\11.\.\\1, FUlH.lDt\ JJU\...+:'db. TELEPlllJ:--.JI; .,O:-i 5.)(1-\! 12. F,\l::>I;..lIU;: .;():'. ~.;r1 . T.\i.L\ll;\~SEL; OFFICE . ,\i(l,I{!)I: P,\IU,- T()\\TR. l()1:--.r. M():\]{l)l-: STRITT, 51:11'1': -25. T,\I.!...\llt\:';SEE, FumtD.\ 32.1()L TUXI'II():"o!I~ -'i.'iO :-;41 ---0, P,'\(Sl;..\IJ.!': ,"S{),S4i ---', CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY A TTOR.-"'EY'S OFFICE TO: Howard Whitaker, Esq. FROM: DATE: Murray H. Dubbin ,~ City Attorney j\J~ \<\' 'lJ May 11,2001 S1.JBJECT: Addendum to Amendment One to Interlocal Cooperation Agreement dated June 21, 1996 between Miami-Dade County and the City of Miami Beach Attached is the Addendum to Amendment One containing all of the corrections you and I have discussed, I think it is ready for approval by the respective Managers and approval by the respective Commissions. As to the mechanics of formalizing such approvals. I would like to rely upon the respective Managers' offices. MHD:lm Encl. cc: Joseph Rebak. Esq, City Manager Jorge M, Gonzalez Assistant City Manager Christina Cuervo Finance Director Patricia Walker Addendum to Amendment One to Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Dated June 21. 1996 Between Miami-Dade County and the City of Miami Beach The purpose of this Addendum to Amendment One to Interlocal Cooperation Agreement dated June 21,1996 between Miami-Dade County and the City of Miami Beach ("Addendum") is to clarify Section IV A 2,3,4 and 5 of the Amendment One to Interlocal Cooperation Agreement dated June 21,1996 between Miami-Dade County and the City of Miami Beach, Section IV A 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Amendment One is amended to read as follows: IV. MUTUAL OBLIGATIONS At"lD RESPONSIBILITIES A. ANNUAL PAYMENT 2. Commencing October 1,2005 and ending September 30, 2016 the County shaIl annuaIly appropriate and remit to the City no later than January 1 of the following year an annual amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the difference between (a) the amount of general Countywide operating ad valorem taxes levied each year by the County, exclusive of any amount from any debt service miIlage, on the assessed value of the taxable real property contained within the geographic boundaries specificaIly described in Exhibit A to this Amendment and (b) the amount of general Countywide operating ad valorem taxes which would have been produced by the rate upon which the tax is levied each year by or fur sasR ta)(illg alltflerip/ the County. exclusive of any debt service millage, upon the total of the assessed value of the taxable real property in the geographic area specifically described in Exhibit A for the tax year 1976, The total amount remitted by the County to the City shall be expended by the City for projects within the geographic area specifically described in Exhibit A, 3, Commencing October 1,2005 and ending September 30, 2016 the County shall annually appropriate and remit to the City no later than January 1 of the following year an annual amount equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the difference between (a) the amount of general Countywide operating ad valorem taxes levied each year by the County, exclusive of any amount from any debt service millage, on the assessed value of the taxable real property contained within the geographic boundaries specifically described in Exhibit A to this Amendment and (b) the amount of general Countywide operating ad valorem taxes which would have been produced by the rate upon which the tax is levied each year by er-fef eaSR twdflg amliority the County, exclusive of any debt service millage, upon the total of the assessed value of the taxable real property in the geographic area specifically described in Exhibit A for the tax year 1976, 4, Commencing October 1,2016 and ending September 30, 2020 the County shall annually appropriate and remit to the City no later than January 1 of the following year an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the difference between (a) the amount of general Countywide operating ad valorem taxes levied each year by the County, exclusive of any amount from any debt service miIlage, on the assessed value of the taxable real property contained within the geographic boundaries specifically described in Exhibit A to this Amendment and (b) the amount of general Countywide operatinll ad valorem taxes which would have been produced by the rate upon which the tax is levied each year by ef fOf eaeh taltiRf; alitherity the County. exclusive of any debt service millage. upon the total of the assessed value of the taxable real property in the geographic area specifically described in Exhibit A for the tax year 1976. The total amount remitted by the County to the City shall be expended by the City far projects within the geographic area specifically described in Exhibit A. 5. Commencing October 1.2005 and ending September 30. 2020 the City shall annually appropriate and expend within the geographic boundaries specifically described in Exhibit A to this Amendment an annual amaunt equal to fifty (50%) of the difference between (a) the amount of ad valorem taxes levied each vear bv the Citv. exclusive of an v amount fram . ~ ~ .- any debt service millage, on taxable real property contained within the geographic boundaries specifically described in Exhibit A ta this Amendment and (b) the amount of City ad valorem taxes which would have been produced by the rate upon which the tax is levied each year by ef fur easR ta1jn;; a~lt1'lerit~. the City, exclusive of any debt service millage, upon the total of the assessed value of the taxable real property in the geographic area specifically described in Exhibit A for the tax year 1976. A new Subsection IV A 9 is added to read: 9. The Terms, "general Cauntvwide ad valorem operating taxes" as used in paragraphs A 2. 3 and 4 and" ad valorem taxes levied bv the Citv" as used in paragraph A 5 are defined to exclude taxes from taxing autharities exempt from the requirements of Section 163.387 (2) (a) FS. Jorge M, Gonzalez City Manager City of Miami Beach Steve Shiver County Manager Miami-Dade County APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: APPROVED AS TO FORM At'ID LEGAL SUFFICIENCY fttt2ftkfL City ttorn Assistant County Attorney City Clerk Clerk of the Board City of Miami Beach - City Clerk's Office May 16, 2001 \ REGULAR AGENDA \ R7 - Resolutions 8:20 pm. R7N Commission Memorandum No. 325-01 A Resolution Approving Amendment No, One to the 1996 Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County with Respect to the Convention Development Tax, the Performing Arts Center and Other Issues (City Manager's Office) ACTION: See Supplemental Materials, Resolution No. 2001-24395 adopted. Motion made by Commissioner Cruz; Seconded by Vice-Mayor Garcia; Voice vote: 4-3; Opposed: Commissioners Dermer, Liebman and Smith, Christina Cuervo to handle. Commissioner Smith feels the agreement has a poison pill relative to Miami Beach supporting the baseball stadium, Commissioner Liebman finds it difficult to allow the baseball because we need to have the money, Commissioner Dermer feels the same as Commissioner Smith, He cannot agree with this contract. Mr, Rebak, attorney representing the City, spoke. Handout: I, Document titled: "Proposed Amendment to the 1996 Interlocal Agreement between the City of Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County" City Clerk's Note: See Miami-Dade County Resolution R-452-01 Prepared by the City Clerk's Office Date Printed: 6/26/01 Time Printed: 6:38:51 PM Source Database: C:\DATA\FOLIO\CLERKI17.NFO