Agreement with FSU for Student Internship Program~ ~0$- ~G 9'3~ f~s/~~- c~7N :1GF.NCI' :1GREE~IEVT BE'1'~VEL~ 7'IIF: CiT1' OF ~ii,11\t1 BEACH. FLORIDA ANU I'IIF. BOrV2D OF"1`f2USTF:F.S OF THE FLORIDA S'1:~1'IL•' UVIVF.RS1'1'Y F'OR STtiDENT INTERiVSHIP PRUGKAA9 This A regiment is made this ~ f day of f/ouns ~t g e~ _!OS, by and behveen the City of llituni Beach, a municipal corporation organivsd and existing under the law's of the State of Florida, by and on behalf of the Nliauu Beach Police Deparunenl (hereinsdier referred to iu this Agreement as the Agency}, and the Board of'frustccs of the Florida Stale L.niv°ersity; for and on behalf of the Florida Stale niversity and its College of Social 41'ork (hereinafter reten-ed to in this Agreement as the iTniversily). i2F.C'iT:1LS The purpose of this .A~-eement is lu guide and direct a va•ot'k t'clationship benvgien the ;lgcncy and the University ut providing learning experiences litr shtdcnts during their internship as partial rcquireancnt toward a decree in Social lA'm-k. The internship program is a vohuuecr prod am in which the students wi11 assist the VicCim Advocates in the Criminal htvcstigatiou Unit in their daily inleractiun with detectives, ofticers, the public, and victims ofcrimes. In consideration of the matters described above, and of tho mutual benefits and obligxlions set li~rth iu this A~centcnt, the parries agrae as follows: SF.C'PION ONF. 1'11E UVIVERSi'fl' tiIL1i.i: DO OR CAUSE T'U BL•' I)UVE'1'liF: FULLONiNG: a. Assure that students wit I he notified thcro is an expectation that they will abide by the ndcs ol'the agcucy and withdraw any student from the Agency at tltc request of the A«ency. B. Give notice w the Aecncv of the number and names of the sutdcuts it would like to have enter the ;lgcncy for the intcrnsltip program prior to the commencement of any semester and an'ange for agency slaCl to interview the student{s). C. Yrov:ide educational worlslrops andior iufotmatiott pet'tinent to education for the :lgeucy staff that has teaching responsibilities aspart of 8t:, iuteruship program. D. Bc responsible for establishing guidelines and objcctivcs for the utsintction of the sludcn[s and screen lhern for prcpareducss for placement. F,. itequire that all students be aware of liability insurance roquirernertts dut'iu~ their assignment to the :'lgcncy. F'. Provide the Agency field instntclor:'supervisor with a certificate of participation redeemable for college cuursus al the University as may hgi available under Florida law and applicable rules. G. htform students that thzy are to maintain confidcntialip~ ol'conuuuuicatious and records e ith regard to the Agency s clients. SECTIUV 'L~VU TIIF. AGENCY SH;1L.I. DO OR CAUSE TO BE DUNI;'I'HL hULLU~'~'I\L: :1. Provide opportunities for students iu accordance wish cooperative plamtin~ by the facultp ol~thc University and the :1ge;ncy stafl: B. Assist in the orientation of the shrdents to the Agency and provide access w eyuipmcnt and records, as dcterntiucd necessary by the Agcucy, for teaching purposes. C, Provide work space fist' the students to the ester[ feasible and delen»ined necessary by the :lgcucy. D. Assist in the evaluation of students' Izantino anti perfannance. L•'--. Retain the right to request a termination from the inlemship program fix any student whose behavior utay be hazardous to the Agcucy andior its agents, officers, employees, and: or clients, or unethical or unprolcssional. All termutatious shall be coordinated with the i:nivcrsitv's Office of Field Education. F. ~Iakc provisions, as dccmod necessary and appropriate by the Agency, for orientation of laculty members of the lloivcrsity to dt:, politics and programs of the Agcucy. 'L'HL CN1VEItS1'I'Y' A:Vll AGLVCI' AGKF.F, TO Ili. >\TL.-TU;1L.L.Y I2LSPUNSII3LL FU12'1'11E I•'OLLU~VING: A. Program participants utilized by the Agency and the L?niversity must. he acceptable to the Agency and to the Lhtivcrsitys Oftice of Field Education. Votwithstanding the preceding sentence or amrthing in this ;lgrecntent, Agency will have the oppor'hutity to screen thz prospective participants in advance and will have the right of relusal il; iu the Agency's sole reasonable judgrnent and discretion, the participant is dcetucd unsuitable. B. Assigrrments site students will be planned by [hc laculty of the University, ut cooperation with thz supervisory staff at the Agency, and shall he mutually agreed upon by the parties. C.:\gency and 1Jnivcrsity s[all~will use reasonable efforts and work together to assure an environment ca•hich provides quality student ]earning. D. Representatives ofthe University and the Agency and the student w•i II meet at least ont•e during the tcnn of the placcutent for a joust review of the placement. 'These representatives of the l_!niversity anti the Agency and sutdent may communicate: ntorc often, if mutually determined and agreed upon by the University and the Agency. 5ECTTON FOilR TERM I Nori; ithstanding the preceding, tha tznn of a pxrlicul:n- internship assignment shall be fi>r a period of four (4) mmtths. 1']tis :\greeutent shall conunence on ,lanuary 1, 2009, and shall tcrntinatc on Dccctnbcr 31, 2001. Either party may tonninatc dtis :\grccment without cause by a tmrittcn notice of such intent subntittcd thirty (3(l) days in advance. ICdtc date of termination occurs during the tenu of an internship, the student will he allowed to linish that intcrrts}tip. SEC'110N Fl~'F. AI<1LNlll\ILN'1'S 'I his Agreement ma}' be modified of any lime provided shat any and all modifications twill be in writiug and signed by both patties. SECTION SIX CONFIDENTIALITI To the extent that the Agency maintains records regarding the sntdeut's educational experience, such as attendance data and field observations and ratings, :\geatcy agrees that it shall not release, except to the University or its agents or employees, such personal inlunnatiou contained thereut, without the written consent of the studenC provided, however, that the requirements of this Section Six shall not apply:ntd, accordingly, Agency shall have no liability to tha Universit}° and:`or to the students, if Agency is required to release any personal or other ittl'ormation, if such release attd~or questioning is required pursuant to Florida Yuhlic Records Lata, as same may he amended li•uro tune to tints or pursuant to court order. sEC°fI~N sI:vLN C:O~IYLNSA'IION The assignroeut of students to the internship program will be without compensation ii-ont the :\gcocy, and at nu time sha11 sntdcuts in the program be deemed to be employees. conu-actors, and~or aacnts ofthe City of Nliami Beach. SECTION FIGHT DiSCRiNiINATION The lhtiversity and the Agency will not discriminate in the assignntcnl of students to the internship proo~ram because of tztcc;, color, creed, national origin, disability, sex, or sexual orientation. SECTION N1NF. LIr1l311_TfY A. Without waiving any dcfcnsos to which they could avail thcrnsclvcs iu case of lineation, the Agency and the [ Inivcrsi[}• agrco to be liable to the extent provided by law lur the acts:4rrnissions of tltcir respective officers, cntplovees, and agents. 13. Ko student, facuhy member, and:`or other employee. officer, or agent oft i htiversity will be considered an employee of the Agency, and will not be entitled to workers' compensation under the Agency's coverage, or health care insurautce under the plan provided by the .Agency for its employees, or any other benefit programs of Agency offered to ;lgcncy cntployccs. C. The Lniversity does hereby acknon-ledge and agree that it is an independent contractor. ht discharging its duties and responsibilities put'suant to [Iris Agreement, the i:nivenity shall exercise due and reasonable care and sha11 comply ~~°ith all asswances contained therein. ll.'fhe l:nivetsity recognises and restates it liability for cot'tain damages, which might arise ottt of the acts or omissions of the University, its olficcrs, entplovices. and agents to the extant and limit provided in +6S.2S, Florida Statutes (the State of Florida's partial waiver of sovereign[ immunity); provided, however this provisimt shall not be consu-ued as a taaivcr of arty right or defense that the university may have against any claim that the Agency might bring under this provision. NOTICES :\ny notice provided for or coucentiug ibis agreement shall be in writing and he deemed sufficiently given when sent b}• certiiicd or registered mail if sent la the respective address of each party as set forth al the heyinning of this agrecntent. As to Agency: City ofl\iiarni Beach on behalf of Miami Reach Police Dcpartntcnt \tlention: Chief Carlos Noriesa 1 100 ~l%ashington Avcnuc 1\[iami Reach, FL 33139 .As kt University: College of St 'al `orl: G, PI Sr 1 vcrsity /.--- ~ - - a!`JL C~... y,s !/... I', C',Gi~: 3ci;:157a !a I fa ftc~,SSC~ , FL }a-s, " ~ v f ~"" ~ " SECTION ELEVEN GO~'RRNTNG T.,~~~' ;AND F.XCLUSTVi++; V"F'NUI!: This ,4gr-eement shall he governed by, and construed in accordance 4vilh, the laws of Lhe Static of Florida, both substantive and remedial, without regard to principles ofconllict of laws. The cxclusivu venue for any litigation arising out of this Agreement shall be ~7iami-Uade County, Florida, i f in stale court, and the L-S. DisUicl Court, Southern Disuicl of Florida, i f in federal court. BY F.NTFRi~1G 1~IT0 TEfiS .4GRF.F:IvTh"Nl', ~GF;NC'Y ANU U\1VHRS1'I Y 1;_lPRLSSLY' \b'A1VL ANY RIGII'IS Lfl'11liR Y:~R'fY ~4~Y 1L~1VL'1'O.1 1•RL~1L B1' JI~KY Oh :1NY CIV1L L[TKi:~TION REL;~TED TO, OR :\R1SIN(i OUT OF, THIS :~(iREENILNT. Board of Trustees of the Florida State City of 14Tiami Beach on behalf of the University, for and on behaH-ol-the Florida irate Tv~Tianti Beach Police llniv~riry and irs Colle,e of Social \A'ork'.4,Krxc;rl - _ ~ ~ - ~~ ~Si~,~ncrurre, tilftec crud date aJ'.cigrting] ~~fgrur~ir ~, tillec crnd~ ~tr_ oJ'sigu )tg] /r{ c C t~i c~d~S ~ t fq_Z__Z-C~ ,,//.7or~c AL Gonzalez, City Ptanagex [Pri ~ •'Vctnre] ~Pri1nted:Vcrrttey~ c < ~l/1~ywtG ~Gu,fQ.~--- Roberl Parcher, Clerk i,b~c~ APPROVED AS TO FORM 8r LANGUAGE ~ FOR EXECUTION .c ~ ~~~~ 11 (' o°S~ ,~; ~~~ ~_ ese