2001-3313 ORD ORDINANCE NO.: 2001-3313 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING STREET PERFORMERS AND ART VENDORS IN PUBLIC AREAS FOLLOWING RECEIPT OF A PERMIT, SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS AND A PERMIT FEE; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS, SETTING FORTH TERMS, CONDITIONS AND REGULATIONS FOR PERMITS ISSUED TO STREET PERFORMERS AND ART VENDORS; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT, SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA; REPEALER; SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach has determined that artistic street performances and limited street vending of art enhance the character of the City and enliven public spaces; and WHEREAS, the City Commission seeks to encourage such performances and vending to the extent that they do not interfere with the reasonable expectations of residents to the enjoyment of peace and quiet in their homes, the ability of businesses to conduct their business and serve their patrons uninterrupted, and the public's use ofthe City's rights.of.way; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that its authorization of street performances and street vending of art, with reasonable time, place and manner restrictions, would be consistent with the constitutional requirements of the First Amendment if this artistic expression is deemed protected under the First Amendment, and accordingly limits its authorization for street performances and street vending to artists and other similar persons engaged in such activity; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that to ensure compatibility of street performances and street vending with the often high volumes of pedestrian traffic and other activity on the sidewalks and rights-of.way in the City, it is appropriate to designate specific locations at which such activities should occur; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that performers and vendors, who are soliciting or obtaining contributions or payment for their performances or sales, are subject to greater risk after sundown of attack due to the cash or wares they are carrying, and it increases the risk to the general public, and to law enforcement and code compliance personnel whose job it is to enforce and protect the activities of street performers and art vendors, and whereas the areas to be designated for street performer and art vendor permits are heavily congested and poorly lighted, creating visibility problems for the performers, vendors and pedestrians, therefore, the City Commission restricts the allowable hours for street performers and art vending to daylight hours, as specified herein. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. CREATION OF CHAPTER 18. ARTICLE XV. ENTITLED "STREET PERFORMERS AND ART VENDORS." That an Article XV is hereby created, entitled "Street Performers and Art Vendors" and added to Chapter 18, Businesses, as follows: Sections 18-872 - 18-899. Reserved. Article XV. Street Performers and Art Vendors. 18.900. 18-901. 18-902. 18-903. Definitions. Permit Reauired. Permit Aoolication. Areas Reserved for Street Performances and Art Vending. 2 18-904. 18-905. 18-906. Permit Rules and Requirements. Hours of Operation. Penalties. SuspensionlRevocation of Permit. 18-900. Definitions "Street Performance" or "Street Performances" include the followinlZ activities: acting. sinlJinl!. plavinl! musical instruments. pantomime. iUl!l!linl!. mal!ic. dancinl!. puppetry. and creatinl! items for sale under Street Vendinl! as hereinafter defined. on public property. "Street Vendinl! of Art." or "Art vendinl!" or "street vending" as used herein. includes the display. creation and/or sale on public property of art bv a permittee. Street vendinl! of art shall be limited to art created bv the permittee. "Permittee"means a person who has obtained a permit pursuant to this Article. "Art" means painting. photol!raphv. sculpting. sketching and crafts. Other mediums of artistic expression may also be permitted upon request to the City Manal!er or his desil!nee and upon the Manal!er's or desil!nee's determination that such other mediums are established in and recol!nized bv the artistic community. includinl! professional institutions such as museums and art l!alleries. "Art" as herein defined shall not be construed to permit the displav or sale of clothing. 18-901. Permit Reauired. It shall be unlawful for any person to enl!al!e in any street performance or art vendinl! on public propertv. from a fixed location. or for the purpose of solicitinl! donations or contributions. without first obtaininl! a permit as required bv this Article. This ordinance does not alter or interfere with the applicability and/or enforcement of other provisions of the City Code concerninl! vendinl! or peddlinl!. includinl! sections 70-4. 70-41. 74-1. 82-1. 142-894(a). and 142-1361. 3 18-902. Permit Application. Applications for a street performer or art vendor permit shall be made at the City of Miami Beach Occupational Licensing Office. and subiect to the review and approval ofthat office. or such other office designated by the City Manal!er for such purooses. Onlv those applications on City of Miami Beach forms will be accepted. If the application form is complete and consistent with this ordinance. the applicant al!rees to abide bv the terms of this Ordinance. and the application fee is paid. the application will be approved. unless the applicant's license has previouslv been revoked or suspended. and the applicant has evidenced a failure to conform to the rules and requirements herein. (1) The permit application shall require the followinl! information: (a) The name. address. telephone number (if available). and two current photol!raphs of the performer or vendor. Anv chanl!es in the foregoing information occurrinl! after the issuance of the permit must be reported to the Occupational License Office. within 30 days after such change. The administration shall maintain one photol!raph on file. and provide one photol!raph to code compliance for enforcement pUIJloses. to be maintained in a book of performers/vendors. (b) A description of the performance or art: (c) A declaration under oenalty ofperiurv that the art for which the applicant seeks a permit to sell is of his or her own creation. and that the applicant neither employs other persons to produce. nor is emploved bv another person to produce. the art item for which he seeks certification. In consideration of the application. the Occupational License Office. or other office or committee that the City Manal!er designates. shall examine representative samples of the applicant's work for the purooses ofverifving the information set forth in the application. After such 4 examination. and for the pur.poses of further investigation, the Occupational License Office. or other designated office or committee. mav designate one or more of its members to visit the studio or workshop of the applicant to view the applicant's facilities and to further verify that the art for which the applicant submits certification is of his or her own creation. Onlv art for which a declaration is made and/or certification submitted may be sold in conjunction with an issued permit. (d) For a street vendor license, proof of a state sales tax number for sales of art, if applicable. (e) A certification bv the performer or vendor that he or she has read, understands and agrees to abide bv the requirements of this Article. (f) A hold harmless statement releasing the City. its emplovees and representatives from all claims or actions arising from the street performance or street vendin~ activities on public propertv. (2) The City may charge an application processin~ fee in the amount set from time to time bv the City Commission by resolution. (3) Each member of a group of performers who perform or vendors who vend together shall be required to obtain an individual permit. Each member of a ~roU!l of vendors vendin~ to~ether must have participated in the creation of the article to be sold. No ~rouP performances or vending shall be allowed unless specifically authorized by permit. (4) The application shall be submitted to the City Occupational Licensin~ Office at least one week prior to the permit period. (5) Permits are non-transferable. 5 (6) The permit shaH be effective for one year from the date of its issuance. An application for renewal of the permit may be made prior to. upon. or following expiration. upon the same forms and for the same fee as for original applications. (7) The permit applications shall be subiect to review and ap.,proval prior to permit issuance by the Miami Beach Police Department. Code Compliance Department and Public Works Department. in accordance with their enforcement and/or administrative responsibilities. 18-903. Areas Reserved For Street Performances and Art Vendinl!:. (I) Street performances and art vending shall only be conducted in designated areas. The performance and vending areas shall be assigned for up to each three month period based on availability. Assignments will be made by the Occupational Licensing Office on the first Monday morning of each quarter (January. April. July and October) from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (2) If the number of requests for street performance and vending licenses exceeds the number of available locations available. the available locations will be assigned for UP to the three- month period. by a lottery run by the Occupational Licensing Office. or other office designated by the City Manal!er. (3) If the area reserved for a street performance or art vendinl! is needed for a special event. municipal repairs. or other City business. or is otherwise in the best interest of the public. the City mav temporarilv or permanentlv relocate the permittee to a different area or areas or temporarily suspend (if no alternative is available) the street performance or vending activity. (4) The performance or vendinl! area shall not exceed 25 sauare feet of space. (5) A maximum of one vendor and/or performer shall be permitted at anyone designated location. UP to three performers. if performing as a group. may be permitted at a location. 6 (6) The following locations shall be available for street performances or street vendin~. onlv as assigned pursuant to a permit or official lottery. pursuant to this Section. except as otherwise regulated in this Article: (a) In front of 421 Lincoln Road from the centerline of Lincoln Road extending north and south 10 feet. excluding landscaped areas or water features. centered 10 feet east of the light pole: (b) In front of the Lincoln Theater. from the centerline of Lincoln Road extending north 20 feet. bordered on the west bv the light pole west of the entrance to S4 I Lincoln Road. and on the east by the planter in front of the entrance to S41 Lincoln Road: (c) In front of 600 Lincoln Road. extending 10 feet north and south of the centerline of Lincoln Road. bordered on the east bv the right-of-wav line ofPennsvlvania Avenue. and on the west by the landscaped area 2S feet from the curb: (d) In front of 1008 Lincoln Road. under the shade structures. extending 20 feet north of the centerline of Lincoln Road: (e) In front of 1035 Lincoln Road. under the shade structures. extending 20 feet north of the centerline of Lincoln Road: (1:) The east side of Ocean Drive and Sixth Street. 2S feet from the curb. on the ocean access sidewalk: (g) The east side of Ocean Drive and Eighth Street. 2S feet from the curb. on the ocean access sidewalk: and (h) The east side of Ocean Drive and Twelfth Street. 25 feet from the curb. on the ocean access sidewalk. 7 18-904. Permit Rules and Requirements Street performance and art vending shall be conducted in accordance with the following rules and reauirements: (1) Throughout the period oftime a permittee is located on public property engaged in performances or vending under this Article. the permittee shall maintain the area free of trash and debris. including within a radius of fifteen (15) feet of the permitted area. and deposit trash and debris in prooer receotacles. (2) Street oerformance and art vending permits shall be displaved at the oerformance or vending area at all times. Permittees must have in their possession. while engaged in performances or vending. ohoto identification cards in their name. (3) No oerformer. oerformance or vendormav create noise that violates the Miami-Dade Countv or Miami Beach noise ordinances. The volume of sound a performer or vendor creates shall be controlled so that it is not unreasonably loud. raucous. iarring. or a nuisance to oersons within the area of audibility. (4) A oerformer or vendor may not create an undue interference with the oassage of the oublic through a oublic area. If a oerformer or vendor attracts a crowd sufficient to obstruct the public wav. a oolice officer mav disoerse the crowd that is creating the obstruction. The oolice officer mav ask the oerformer or vendor to temporarilv susoend a performance or vending activity or leave the location when that action is necessary to protect the oublic safetv or public order. (5) A performer or vendor may request contributions. donations. monev. or orooertv at a performance. as aoorooriate to the activitv. Performers or vendors mav offer for sale their own art. provided that the disolav of the art is contained within the oerformance or vending area. 8 (6) No performer or vendor shall create a fire hazard. or use fire in a performance. (7) No performer or vendor shall engage in the application oftatoos or body piercing. (8) No performer or vendor may include obscenity in a performance or vending activity. (9) No performer or yendor shall engage in phvsical or verbal harassment or coercion. (\ 0) No spray painting or sidewalk art shall be permitted. unless soecificallv authorized bv permit. at soecified locations and conditions. (\ I) No mariiuana pioes or other drug paraohanalia shall be displayed or sold. (\2) No food or drink. whether made bv a permit holder or otherwise shall be permitted to be disolayed or offered for sale. or sold through the street performer or street vendor oermit. (13) Items available for sale through art vending must be disolaved on a table with no more than 15 SQuare feet of surface area. Alternatively. uniform displav tables or carts. of a specific design. may be reQuired bv the City Manager or the Manager's designee. consistent with the design or historic oreservation guidelines apolicable to the location of the street vendin~ oermitted. No items available for sale may be laid on the floor. ground. sidewalk. ground level or raised landscaoe area. steo. or other fixed oublic improyement. No lounge chairs may be used. (\4) No performer. vendor. table or cart shall be permitted to block any oublic right-of. way or entrances to buildings or other olace of public accommodation. (\ 5) A oermit holder shall not engage in fraudulent practices or solicitations. including but not limited to misrepresentation about any sale or solicitation. misreoresentation about the nature and type of any organization with which the permit holder is associated or misreoresentation or concealment of any material fact in the application process. 9 (16) A performer or vendor may not connect to electric outlets or power sources owned bv the Citv. and must orovide their own power sources. if any are required. 18-905. Hours of ODe ration. Street oerformances and art vending are oermitted during davlight hours onlv. and under no circwnstances earlier than 8 :00 a.moo exceot that street performances and art vending are oermitted during the additional hours of 6:00 p.m. to midnight. Friday. Saturday and Sunday. on all Lincoln Road locations designated in section 18-903. All tables. carts. disolavs. signs and inventory used shall be removed no later than 30 minutes after sunset. 18-906. Penalties. SusDensionlRevocation of Permit. (1 ) Engaging in street performances or art vending without a oermit. in violation of section 18-901 herein. or failure to comolv with a cease and desist order under this section. are prohibited and subiect to the oenalties set forth in section 1-14 ofthe City Code of Miami Beach. (2) Violations of the apolication requirements or the regulations aOJllicable to street oerformances or vending as orovided in sections 18.902 through 18-905 herein. shall be subiect to the following oenalties: Upon the first violation. the City Manager or the Manager's designee may issue a warning. or cease and desist order. to the oermittee and the oermittee shall immediately correct the violation. Uoon the second violation bv the same oermittee. the City Manager or the Manager's designee may issue a further cease and desist order. modify the oermit. or susoend the permit. Uoon the third violation bv the same permittee. the City Manager or the Manager's designee may issue a cease and desist order. further modify. suspend orrevoke the oermit. A oermittee whose oermit has been revoked may not aooly for a new oermit for one year or such other period as the City Manager or the Manager's designee in their discretion deems aoorooriate. 10 (3) Following suspension or revocation of a permit. upon written reauest of the 1;lermit holder. the Citv Manager or the Manager's designee shall hold a hearing within ten davs after receiot of such request. at which time the Manager or designee will hear the facts constitutinl! the basis for the modification. susoension or revocation. hear the statements for or al!ainst such action bv interested oersons. and then make a decision affirming. modifvinl!. or reversinl! the action to be taken with resoect to the oermit. Such decision mav be announced orallv at the hearinl!. or in writinl! within ten davs after the hearinl!. Apoeals from a decision of the City Manal!er or the Manal!er's designee shall be to the Aooellate Division of the Circuit Court in accordance with the Rules of Aooellate Procedure. SECTION 2. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances and all sections and parts of sections in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 4. INCLUSION IN CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA. It is intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach as amended; that the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section" or other appropriate word. II SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect ten days following adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of July, 2001. .1/11 MAYOR ATTEST: ~~p~ CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION t!i~ CI Attorney 7-1 r-oJ Date F:IATTOIHELGIOrdinancesIStreetPerVenISTPERFOR.ORD.rev.wpd - July 18,2001 12 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. Lf 70-01 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.fl.us TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Jorge M. Gonzalez ~....Y' City Manager .y.r ~ SECOND READING - PUBLIC HEARING DATE: July 18,2001 FROM: SUBJECT: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING STREET PERFORMERS AND ART VENDORS IN PUBLIC AREAS FOLLOWING RECEIPT OF A PERMIT, SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS AND A PERMIT FEE; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS, SETTING FORTH TERMS, CONDITIONS AND REGULATIONS FOR PERMITS ISSUED TO STREET PERFORMERS AND ART VENDORS; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT, SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA; REPEALER; SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Approve the Ordinance on second reading after the public hearing. ANALYSIS Artistic street performance can be a form of cultural enrichment in urban areas. In cities from Paris to San Francisco, municipal governments have crafted ordinances that regulate this activity by defining who is a street performer, providing for a simple permit process, and designating acceptable locations, hours of operation and rules of conduct. This ordinance will not inhibit free expression, but will positively contribute to the City's quality oflife by addressing street order and maintenance issues. Street vending of art is also an expressive activity that will contribute to the City's quality of life. Protected street performances and art vending are combined into one ordinance to efficiently and effectively manage both activities at appropriate times, places and manners, consistent with constitutional requirements. The Administration and City Attorney's Office reviewed street performer and street vending ordinances and cases from the City of Cambridge, Massachusetts; Faneuil Hall, Boston; Baltimore, Maryland; San Francisco, California; New Orleans' French Quarter, and Key West, Florida. The Ordinance as proposed is an amalgamation of, or consistent with, those precedents. Street performers and street vendors were discussed by the Planning Board at a workshop on April AGENDA ITEM Rs-B l-l~ -QL DATE Commission Memorandum - Street Performers and Art Vendors July 18, 2001 Page 2 24,2001, and the Planning Board recommended that an ordinance be drafted and brought to the Commission for consideration. The Planning Board considered the draft ordinance at its meeting of May 29, 2001. The City Commission directed that an ordinance be brought for its consideration on first reading at the June 27, 2001 meeting. At all of these meetings residents and business representatives from the Lincoln Road Mall area presented testimony on the problems with unregulated performances and vending in their area. The City Attorney's Office has obtained input from many concerned persons and jurisdictions and drafted an ordinance considering the many interests and variations on the solutions to these problems from around the country, and it is now presented for Second Reading. This Ordinance regulates the use of the public right-of-way by artistic street performers and art vendors. In so doing, it will allow specific kinds of street vending as artistic freedoms guaranteed under the First Amendment (City zoning prohibits the sale of merchandise outside any business premises). It is important to note that the street performers who promote their artistry should not be confused with for-profit vendors who seek to expand their selling area by promoting their products on the City's right.of-way. Street vendors are not permitted in the City of Miami Beach. Vendors that resell merchandise as peddlers, use live animals, or sell or prepare food, are not to be considered street performers or art vendors, and the City Code provides for misdemeanor citations and confiscation of merchandise (City Code 70.4 & 70-6). Conversely, by creating a new Street Performer and Art Vendor Ordinance, artistic performance on the City's right-of-way is safeguarded in specific locations as provided in the ordinance. Street performers and art vendors are provided freedom of expression and the ability to receive contributions for their performances and sale of their art. The City of Miami Beach will benefit from passage of this Ordinance as it will distinguish the illegal activity of for-profit street vendors from that of street performers and protected art vendors, and clarify the City's enforcement procedures. This clarification has been encouraged by the City's Police Department, so that they may properly cite street peddlers that continue to plague our busiest commercial, and highly regarded, historically protected, tourist destinations. As proposed, the Ordinance will regulate the time, manner and place where street performances and protected vending will be permissible. The content of the performance or the protected vending will not be regulated. The locations and times identified in the ordinance reflect the community's desire to balance traditional business needs with the constitutionally supported rights of the artistic street performers and vendors. At the Commission's direction on first reading, representatives of the Administration and the Lincoln Road Marketing Association spoke with owners of businesses and properties in the vicinity of areas Commission Memorandum - Street Performers and Art Vendors July 18, 2001 Page 3 designated for street performers or vendors on Lincoln Road. On July 9, 200 I, representatives from the Administration, including from Code Compliance and the Police Department, and the City Attorney's Office, met with business representatives surrounding the proposed locations on Lincoln Road. Some concerns about the locations were expressed, and others were observed independently by the City representatives. The results of these meetings and the tour were the elimination of two locations, the adjustment of four locations, and the addition of one new location, on Lincoln Road. Contact with a representative of the Ocean Drive Association was also made, with the result being agreement with the proposed locations on Ocean Drive. Following further review by the Administration and the City Attorney's Office, some additional modifications were made to the ordinance for second reading: (1) section 18.901 was amended to only require a permit for street performances when the performance is "from a fixed location, or to solicit donations or contributions"; (2) the phrase "in the opinion of the police officer" was removed from section 18-904(4) concerning when it is necessary to suspend a performance; and (3) the phrase "in the sale and distribution of artistic creations" was removed from 18-905, concerning when tables, carts, displays, signs and inventory must be removed; (4) the space for vending and performances was increased to 25 square feet from 15 square feet, and the size of tables for vending was increased to 15 square feet from eight square feet; and (5) as described above, certain of the locations on Lincoln Road were adjusted to address neighbor and other concerns. The City Commission should approve the Street Performer Ordinance on second reading after the public hearing. JMG:BM:RS:SS:~ P:\A TTO\HELG\Ordinances\StreetPerV en\STPERFOR.Comm.mem. wpd ~ ~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY given that public hearings will be held by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, in the Commission Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hali, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on WednesdaY,July 18, 200t, at the times listed below, to consider the adoption of the following ordinances: 8111:15 a.m.: . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 82- OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE ENTITLED 'PUBLlC PROPERTY" BY AMENDING SECTION 82-412 THEREOF ENTITLED 'POSTING OF SIGNS ON UTILITY COMPANY PROPERTY OR PUBLIC PROPERTY PROHIBITED; ENFORCEMENT; FINES; APPEAL"; BY AMENDING SUBSECTION (A) THEREOF TO CLARIFY THAT THe-OWNERS AND/OR BENEFACTORS OF PROHIBITED SIGNS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES OF SAID SECTION; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Inquiries may be directed to the Legal Departmentat (305) 673-74-0. ~ ... :r c: .:lO at 11 :30 a.m.: ,en AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING STREET PERFORMERS ANO ART VENDORS IN PUBLIC AREAS . ~ FOLLOWING RECEIPT OF A PERMIT, SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS AND A PERMIT FEE; . ~ PFlOVIDING DEFINITIONS, SETTING FORTH TERMS, CONDITIONS AND REGULATIONS FOR PERMITS ... ISSUED TO STREET PERFORMERS AND ART VENDORS; PROViDING FOR ENFORCEMENT, ;; SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI ~ BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. !:! ; .. :z: .. ... I!. Cl. Inquiries may be directed to the City Manager's Office at (305) 673-7010. at 5:01 p.m.: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 130, 'OFF-STREET PARKING," SECTIOI'I 130-69.5, 'ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS," TO CLARIFY THE REQUIREMENTS FOR PARKING GARAGES OR LOTS DESIRING TO OPERATE PAST MIDNIGHT; AMENDING CHAPTER 118, ARTICLE IV, "CONDITIONAL USE 15 PROCEDURE," SECTION 118.194, 'COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITIONS," AND ARTICLE VIII, 'PROCEDURE FOR VARIANCES AND ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS," SECTION 118-356, 'REVOCATION OR MODIFICATION OF VARIANCE," TO AMEND THE PROCEDURES APPLICABLE TO PLANNING BOARD AND BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REVOCATION OR MODIFICATION OF CONDITIONAL USE APPROVALS OR VARIANCES WHERE THE APPLICANT EXHIBITS REPEATED OR INTERMITTENT NONCOMPLIANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS OF SUCH APPROVALS; AMENDING CHAPTER 118, ARTICLE X, HISTORIC. PRESERVATION, SECTION 118-503, 'SCOPE AND EXEMPTIONS; AND SECTION 118-561, 'GENERAL REQUIREMENTS," TO CLARIFY THAT CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS ARE REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT MODIFICATION TO A BUILDING OR SITE; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. . Inquiries may be directed to the Legal Department at (3051 673-7470. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting, or be represented by an agen~ or to express their views in writing addressed to the City Commission, clo the City Clerk, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1st Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Copies of these ordinances are available for public inspection during normal business hours in the City Clerk's Office, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1 st Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. This meeting may be continued and under such circumstances. additional legal. notice would not be provided. - . Robert E. Parcher, City Clerk City of Miami Beach p-I!!1'uant to Section 286.0105, Fla. Stat" the City hereby advises the public thaI: if a person decides to appeal 'llny decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing, such person must ensure that a verbatim record of the prpceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the introduction or admission of othelWise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. '-< -J .In acco<dance with the Americans with Disabilit.ies Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the City Clerk's office no later than tour days prior to the proceeding, telephone (305) 673-7411 for assistance; _~ hearing impaired, telephone the Florida Relay Service I' numbers, (800) 955.8nl (TOO) or (800) 955-8770 (VOICE), for aSSistance.. (Ad#~3) '. .- ~ W :; 11" '. i h i 'I !i , ., I I (