Local Agency Program Agreement Inc.zoo 9_ ,2 Zo 0 6
c 7~ _ t/t~
FPN: g209t0 Fund. FLAIR Approp:
Fetleral NO'. org CCtle: FLAIR ObI:
FPN: Funtl: FLAIR Approp:
Fetleral NO: Org CCtle FLAIR Obj:
FPN: _Funtl: FLAIR Approp:
Feae:alNO. orq cpae: FLAIR Oq:
FPN: Funtl: FLAIR Approp: _,__,_
FebamlNV. orq ccae FLAIR Obj:
cppnry NO: Mi,m.-wee mm,t.. cono-ad Np: vephor Np:
oafs unmeraal Number syslam (cuNS)Np' ac-e3e-~i02
caaka 6r Feaeal opmeeaa Aaeimance fcFOAy wzea Hlgbway Planning antl epnamnepn
THIS AGREEMENT, made antl enleretl lnfc lM1ls tlay oY by antl between Ne sTATE
OF FLORIDA OEPARTMENi OF TRANSPORTATION, en egenq of the Bate of Flontla, M1erelneHer calletl Ne
Oepartmen[an M1emineHer calletl Yne Agenry.
o City o£ Miam' ]3aach
WHEREAS, the Agenq bas lbe aulhorhy [e enter InYC Nis Agreement antl Yo untlertake Ne pmacY bareineHer tleacnbetl,
antl Ne EepervnenY bas bean grematl the euNOrlry Yc WcoYlcn atlaqueYaly In ell areas oY appropnaYe furlstlldlcn Induding
Ne ImplemenbYlon o! en Integra[atl antl belancetl traneperation system antl Is aulberizetl antler Sec[ien 338.12, Floritle
starutes. m eater mm role Aememenr,
NOW, THEREFORE, In OonslbeaYlon of YM1e muW el covenants, promlaes antl represenleYiens M1eraln, lM1a paNas agree as
west AVE. cwvs_ction bL
1.gg Puryose of Agreement: The purpose o! YM1is Agreement Is Yo pmvltle for Ne Oepertmanl's parlidpeYion in
antl 66 tcMer tlesubetl In Erbil "A" etachetl bereto antl by Ybis ratB/BngB moos a pert M1erec[ herelneHer valletl YM1e
prgeaty antl m pmv~tle uepanmem nnandal assktance to the Agena antl state me terms antl wntlitipns upon whicb
such assistance will be provitletl antl Ge untlerstantlings as b Ne manner In whim Ne project will be untlertaken antl
1.01 AHachmants: EJilblt(s) 2 eeattaehetl antl matlee pert M1ereel.
2.g1 Genaml RequlremenYS: The Agenry shall complete the pmjed es tle6enb6tl In ENlblt 'A" wIN all prstllcal
tlispe[eR in a munq a c61, anb eHldent manner, and In accertlenee wIN the pmvlslens herein, antl all applicable
Tha prolaat will eetlpertormea m accpaaan6e wnh all appAaable oepanmem pmaea~rea, emaeonea, m ual6.
shntlertls, antl tllreetlve s tlesalbetl In the OepanmenPS Leca Ace v Pma m Men wbioh by tills refere
metle 6 pM hereof as sli Nlly set IoM herelrt Tlme is o} Ne essence es to each antl every ebllgatlen antler tMs
A (all time empleyee et %B Agency, qua10etl to ansuR Ihet the wom being pumuad la cemplete, accurate, antl consistent
with the terms, wntlltlons, antl spaciGOetlens of Mls Apreement shell be In charge o! eaoh pre~ecL
Removal of Any llnbillatl Funtls
I(Agenay cells to Gmely per(erm Its obllgatiens In submitting Invokes antl tlecuments necessary tpr Ibe close out of the
project antl satl felum resuNS In a IPSS of Ne remaining unblllatl Nntlin9 a\Ner by Fetleral wllhtl2wel e! Funtls or less of
6tete Bpproptlafim auNOdty (which may InolwJe b6N (etlerel filntls wtl 91618 Nntls, 1(any state Wntls em 6n Ne pm]ed),
Agency will be responsible ter [he ra ning unb-letl iuntls en Ibe project No purer luntls will be pmvltletl by [he
pepartment Agency we4es the hgm N ceni6st suoh removal et Nntls by Ne Dapetlment tt saltl re vat 1s tllretlly
relateo Yo Fetleral FHWA) withtawal e( (untls er less of Btals apprpprletlen autbodry tlua to Local Agency's !allure pr
oppeROrtnance. In etltltten to ipso el tumm~g, Ybe Oepartmant ll epnslber tlecergficatlen of Seitl Agenry tilt future LAP
Removal pY All Funtls
If all Nntls are removetl from Ne pmlml. i^clutling amounR previously billetl ro rFe gepahment antl reimbursetl b the
Agencg antl Ne proleG Is oR Ne spate M1lghway system, then Ne tleperlmsnl will have re request repayment far Ne
previously bllletl amounts rmm Ne LCml agency. Ne slate Wntls rzn be usetl bn aRSysrem pro~ecR
3-0] Explrzpon of Agreement The agenry agrees to wmplele Ne prolecl en or bebre I! [be Agency tlees net
wmplele Ne preyed wtlnln lnls time perleq lh8 Agreement ll expire on IM1e last tlay of Ne schetluletl complellen as
provltletl In Nls paragaph unless an ertenslen of the hme psnotl Is requssletl by Na Agency antl granletl In vending bylhe
OepaNnenl prior to Iha expiration e! this agraemenl. E%pdetion M lnis Agreement will be corrsltleretl latminalien e(Me
proleG. TTe cost of any woM1 perfermerl alter Ne esplrallon tlale of Nis Agreement will net be rslmbursetl by Me
z.os Pursuama FeearzL stare, a^e Local Laws: m me even) mat env alaaue^. rererenanm, approval pe1mlL noece
r other proraetling or auNOtlzallcc Is requlslle antler appllwbls law (c ensble Ne Agenry lc enter Info this Agreement or
le uotleRake IM1e pm)ed hereuntlererle ebserve,a avy out any e(Ne pmvlslens e(Ne Agreement, the Agency
wAI Inttlale antl consummalo as provltletl bylaw, all adlons necessary wiN respedto any such maryers so requwsiR_
2116 Agency Funtls: TM1C AgsnW shell Initiate antl pmsewle le wmplellen all prowedngs n ssery, Indutling
fetlereLaltl requirements, to enable the Agencyto pmvitle the necessery(untls far cemplellon o1Ne prolecl.
3.05 Submission of Proseetlings, Contracts, antl Other Cocumen6: The Agency shall submit to IM1e Oeparlmenl
uch tlala reperli rece[tlS cenl2d5, antl elver tlocumenls relaGgq lp IM1e proleG as IM1e fJepanmenl antl 1nB FBtlerel
Highway Atlminlslrallcn (FHWA)may require.
3 00 %ojea( CosC
301 TOtaI COSt ThetpWl WSl of theproed l5$ .This amount is besetl open[heschetluleof Nntling In Etr161
"B" The agenry agreesm bear all avpenses In excess of IM1e blot w9 of Ne pm~ed antl any tleRCds involved TM1e
scnetlule of luetllrLq may be morfinetl by mutual agraemenl es provltletl for In paragraph 0 eg_
itl2 gapartment Patlldpatlon: The eepartmam agrees N participate Indutling Lvnlingendes, Ie Ne pm~eG aosl Io Ne
extent pmvltle0ln IXM1lbll "0" Th4v amount InGUOes lBtlemFBitl N0tl6 which are Ilmlletl [o IM1e acWal amount el letlereF
altl paNdpallon.
]d3 Llmlls on Department FunES RofeeY coals ellgiblB fo! Oapenmenl paRldpallon will be allowetl Oply from IM1e tlele
o11MS aq reemeol. Il Is untletsleetl Nat Gepatlmenl parllGpollOC In Bllgibla pmjeal costs Is sub)etl le'.
a) LBgislBliVB BOprovel o! IM1P OepBRmsnl'6 eppmpnalicn request in Ne wcrk program yBBr Mel Ne pmfeG Is
schetluletl to be commillatll
b) Avellebllilyof Nntls as slalep In paragraphs 3 W antl 3 QS cllM1ls Agreement
c) Approval of all plans, spaci(mallons, tentacle er ether ebllgalfog tlacumentz antl all elver Terms e(Nls
e) oepanmem appmvatcnne preyed amps ana nuagd eons time eppapnanon eumcrlry becomes avanable.
d.OL Approptlatlon of Funtlm ThB eepanmen['s parbrmabt0 antl obligation le pay antler Ihls agreement Is ceMingenl
upon an annual approprla[ICn by Ne LegklaNre. II Ne geparlmslMS Nntligq Nr 1M1IS prolecl Is In multiple nsyl yearA
Funtls approval hom IM1e eepanmenl's Complreller must be rmaNeb eeM fisW I year prior to wets being Incurterl. Ses
ExhNll "B' ter luntling levels by llscel year. Pmjed casts utlllvng These fiS91 year Funtls a not ellgNle far
relmbursemenl i Incurretl par to tootle approval being rewrved Tne 6epartmenl will notiry Ne Agency, In wrtlleg, wnen
luntls are available.
].OS MUI[FYear COmml4nent In IM1e even)Nls Agreement is In excess e1526.ggg antl has alarm Iota perletl el more
Inen ons year. IM1e provisions o! 6eclien 399135(8)(a), Flotltla 61aNles, ere M1ereby inceryeraletl.
^(a) rbe aapanment aanng env Bawl veer. abau not expand monev- enter env uabuny, e emermlo any
conl2d wniG} by 161erms, Involves Ne vyerdiWre a(menay In o-cess e1 Na amounts butlgeletl as
elleblelor anpentltture during such (isoBl year. Any wit[red, verbal Dr wrmeq metle in violation of this
s~hsacmn nun ana void, ana no money may ba pate onsuan aono-aDL the a¢parcmem ahau raqupea
statemam nom the compo-mler m m¢ oeaerlmem mat nnas ar¢ a.euama pdDr m emedng mm env eoDn
Dmraot or Omar olnama ¢ommnmem D[ tunas. Horning Harem aonalnee span prevem me making D[
Dmraon mr parioas exceeQing t vean btu em noma¢t so maaa ahau be axa¢umry oolymr me aawa Dt
ma s¢rvioes m oa tenaerea or agreed m bs pate mr in suDCeeamg naval years, ana tuts paagapn shah
be Incorporatatl verbatim In ell contracts of lne Department wM1ICM1 ere (or an amount In excess o! 525,000
antl wMCh have a Yerm br e pBnctl Df mom man 1 yBBC'
106 Naece~tD-Pmcead Ne costmay de Inmcetl antler IM1IS Agreement until me Agenq M1as reeaivetl a written NDYCe-
lo-Pmceetl hom the Depanmenf.
3.0] Llmlts on Fetlaral Patlldpatlo¢ Fedora:-ai0 IunCS shall not peaiapefe in any rust wMCM1 Is no rretl In
mpfortnfy lh dppllcable Fetleal antl 9mf¢ laws, me reguleti0ps In 13 Cctle D( Fetleal Rogulelicn9 (GG R) and 69
C.F R., end pDlldes antl procatlures prescribed by IM1e DNlslon Atlminlsfmmr of FHWA FeOeral funds shell not be paltl
f of any wst Inourtetl pdDr fo euthotluflDn by me FHWA to the Depanmenf m proceetl wIIM1 IM1e pfo(ect or pan
mereof Imolving sucM1 cast (2S GER. 19 (a)). I! FHWA or me Department tletermines That any amount dalmetl Is not
e4gUle, letleral pertlcipetlDn may he appmvatl In tn¢ amount tlemrmin¢tl 10 b¢ atlequamly supponeb antl the DepBM1mBnt
shall nDOty IM1e Agenry In wrtlng aYDg me re why hems and amounts er not eligible mr letleral pertlClpatlDn.
Where correctable nomcompllance wIN provralons D( law Dr FHWA requirements exists, Fetleal funtls may be wiNhala
until compGanoe is Dbhalned. WM1ere nongompllence is not correctable FHWA Dr the Department may tleny partielpaYlDn
In pemel Dr pmjact cars In part Dr m mini.
For any amounts tlemrminatl to be Ineligible mr ktlerel reimbursement mrwhicM1 tn¢ Depadment rtes atlvanc¢tl payment.
Ina Agencyshall promptyrermburse me Department mrall such emounB wlNln 90 tleys of wtlhen n¢tiw.
<.OC Project Estimate antl Disbur¢emsnY SChetlule'. Prior tD N¢ execution Df tuts Agreement, a proj¢cl schetlul¢ Dt
luntling shall be preparetl by lne Agenq antl approveC by the Department. the Agency shall maintain saitl schetlule Df
landing, caTy out me probed, antl shall Incur DbIIgaHDns against antl make dlsbursemen[s o! pmjact tunas only ID
conlormtywlh me Ielael approves schetlule alfuntling for me prated. TM1e acnetlule o! WDding may 0e revlsetl by mutual
wrnteD agreement oetween me Deparlmenl antl the Agenry. It revlseq a copy Df me revision shoultl be lorwartletl b the
DeperMent's Comptroller antl to Ne Depenmanl's Feseal-eltl Pmgrem OHme ND increase or tleceease shall be
eReetlve unless II compiles wIN funtl peniupation requirements of this Agreement antl is appmved by fie Depenmena
s.gg ae¢om¢:
S.D( Establl¢M1ment anC Maintenance of Accounting Recortle: Recortls of costs 'm rretl antler Ne terms of this
Agreement shall be mamteinetl Bntl mane avelleble upon request to the Dapertmanl at all times suring me penotl of Ihls
Agreement antl la 5 years attar me final payment 4s made. Copies o1 mere socumenLS antl recoNS shell be turnishetl to
me Depanmenf upon request RecoNS of costs incurreC Inclutle me Agency's general accounting recoros antl Ne pmjact
anoNS, bgether wlm supponlny tlocumenis antl acortls of [he Agency antl all subconbecba padorming work on tna
D inject antl all Diner racorCS D1 me Agency aM 6ubapnbadD¢ confiitlerea n¢c¢SSdry by IM1e Depanmenf mr a pmpor autlll
of costs. It any litigatien, claim or autlit Is sta rtetl before 4'1e expbation Df me 5-year penotl. P¢ fewrtls Snell be refainetl
unlit all IltgetDn claims or audit fintllpgsimDlvrng me recaNS M1ave bean resolved
SA2 CO¢(s lncurretl for PrD~ed Tna Agenq snail chargemtha pfo]e<l account ell ellglble costs o!(he proJed except
mstr agreBS m be home by ma AgBnoy ar Its wniracbrs BnC 9uheontadors. Cosh in o! IhB progra rretl
Nnding or etin3ulable tD actions wM1lcn have not receives ma required approval of lne Department shell not ba consltlan;tl
eogmla aoata.
6g3 DDCUmentatlon of Profed LOS1s: All cvsrs chargatltD the pmfed, indutling any epprDVetl servlres¢Dninbutetl by
me Agency or DNera Snell be aupponea by pmpatly exacetetl payrolls time recordA Inaorcea nDn4eeis Dr vouchers
evltlenang In piper tletall me neWre Dnd praptlety Df IM1e cheryas.
504 AU6(Reports: Redplanisotletlarel ana sMtelDntls erebhave audits done annually using the following criteria:
The aominLstatlor. of r¢socrces awaNetl by Ne Department m Ne Agency may be subjeGto audta Dnalpr monlmMg by
Ina DepanmenL es tlesorlbetl In tM1ls sedloa.
Manltoring: In atltlition to reNews of autlits contluctetl in accorUance wIN OMB Clrcular A433 antl Section 215. W,
Floritla Stalcles,a reolreb (sae "AUtlHS" balvrv), monibring pmcetlures may indutle, bN not be limltetl lo, on-site visits
by Depanment stall, llmltotl scope autll6 as tlellnetl by OMB Gvculer A-133, a revlseq anNCr otM1er pmcetlures. By
entering Irm Pis Agree ant IM1a recipient agrees le comply antl coopers la lolly wM any monitoring
pmcetlures/pmcessas tlaemetl appropriate by Me DeparMent In Ne event Ne Oepanment tletermines Ine[e limited
accpe auarc ar me redplam la eppmpnam, ma rempfanl aereea lc wmply wan any eamuonal mao-~wona provmee by me
Dapanmam start m Ina ggenry reBaraing anch scan. me Agannv canner agrees m aemply ens cooperate wiN env
na pac nuns, redewa, mveallgalions or aumla tlaemetl neeeaaery by me Foors orfica of mepaamr General (o1G), antl
me enrer Hnanciel ompar (eFO)Cr Aaalmreenerel.
Pea I ~ Fetlerally Funtled Reclplents C(letleal tunas (i.e., slel& local 9pvemment or non~mfll organizetlons as
tleMetl In OM9 Clrcular A-139, as revisetli are b have aurllts tlene annually using Ne lollowing criteria:
t In tM1e event Na[the redplent axpentl6 $5B400e or more In fetlaal eweNS in 16115cal yeah Pe reGpiant must
have a single or pmgre mspedflC autln contluctetl In accoNen ce wlLh the p[OVl slOns Ct OMB Ctrcular A-033, a
Iseb Ekle2lt "1" of IMS Agreement Intlicates fetleal re wertletl ihroogh Lhe Department by Nis
AgreamanL In tleNrmining Ne(etlerel awe NSe,"pe ntletlln-s flsr[a lsyear, the red pie nt she ll wnstl er ell sou mss
of (etleal awartls, lndutling tetleral reseuaes recelvetl from IM1a DapeRmenL The tlelerminatlon of amounts of
fstleal awartls eNentletl snoultl be In accortlence with the gultlellCes eshbllshetl by OMB ClrcularA-033, as
Isetl. An autln of Ne recipient conrludetl by Ne Autlltor General In accortlence w!N IM1a prwislons OMB
Clrcular A-iS3, es revlseq wIII meet Ne requirements o! this paM1
2 Inc neRlCn wIN Ne aedt requlremen6 etltlressetl In Pen I, pera92pb 1 Ne redplent shall lulflll Ne
mqulramenb reletrve to autlltee responsblfties es pmvltletl In Gubpan C of OMB Clmuler h133, as revleed
3 Il Ne recipient expentls less [M1an $600.00~In tetleral awartls In its fisnl yeaq an autllt contluctetl In accoNence
wIN Ne prov ns o1 OM8 Crtculer A-133,a sea, is not required Howavaf. it IM1a reCi pie nt elecB to M1ave an
autln contludeC le acmrtlance wIM Ne pmnsions O( OMB Ltroular A-133, a sad Ne cost of Ne auSt must
be paltl From nonletleml resources (ta, the cast el suCM1 en autllt must ba paltlrimm recip~enl resources obt0inetl
(mm oNer then tetleral ensles).
6. Fetleral awaNS ereto be ltlenOAetl using LM1e Celelog of Fetleal DomesticAsslstence (CFDA)tlBe antl number,
awar0 number antl yeaq antl name o![he awartling tetleral agency.
Patl II- State Fq btl etl: ReC plants Cf sr6le Wntls (l e., a n-smfe entlry as tlefl natl by Sedion 2158](2((1), Flontle
SfeWte s)erem nave eutlte tlone annually using NefollCwng ctl[arie:
1. In IM1a event Naf No rt+Ci pie nt expentls a mhal am unt of elH@ Ilna noi3l assists nce equal b or In ex Ct
$SP9,eeg In any limal year of such red plant, the red plant must have a state single or pm)ect-S peCit¢ au df for
such fiscal yeertn aceortlance with Secfien 215 9], Florltla 9taWtes, applicable rules N Ne Exewtlve ORlce o!
me Governor antl Ne GFO, antl cnepmrs 10 fi60 (inset govemmanlel en6Gesi or [PfiSg (nonprottt and toryrofit
orgenlzaYons), Rules of the Autlltor General 6Nbit"P m[hls Agreement lntllcetes slate flnandal assistance
wertletl NmugM1 the Oepenment by Nis Agreement In tlalarmining the state fioanoial assistance evpentletl In lls
cal ye aq IM1a reci pia nt snail mnstler ell seurces of slate fin anelal asslsten ce.lndutling state finandel esslste nce
vetl from the Deparment, other state aBen antl otM1er non-slate enOtles. Slate llnandal assistance does
net Indutle fetlaml tlirect or pazslnmugM1 awartls antl resoumes reeervetl by a non-shale entity (or [etleal
prcprem matching req ulRments.
2 In Wnneclion wM Ne eu tla req uire menus atltl ressetl In Pan Ih pa a graph t, IM1a redplent sn ell ensure Nel Ne
auan wmprrea wnh me regalremanls of seeuon zles]p). Flodae slewlea. Tree mdaaes aabmlaelon or a
[eponing package es tlartn etl by 6eollon 2[fi.W (2) (tlJ, Flotltla SlaWles, antl Cha plem tU_5W (ICCaI
oc em manta eollfies)Cr [c.650 (nonp mitt zntl lopm9l Crganzelons),Rules O(Ne Au allot Oenemt
a_ Ir me resrolem e.penas Ir.,e man ssee,0oo N amie rmenciei asslsienea m na natal year, an semi conaomaa m
aa.,mame wIN me provisions or eamlon z16w. Florcaa smwtes, Is nOt regwaa. eowavan a Ne reup;em
aleprs m nave aomi ccnauciea m aonnrtlansa won Ina promaiona o1 secaon ns sF, Pmrlaa siaiwas, ma coat or
YM1e autlil must ba paitl from 1ne nonstele enlily's reaoumes (la, Ina wst W sucM1 an eutllt mull be paltl Yrom 1ne
recipient's resources eblelnetl imm other loan Stale entWes)_
6. Stale ewaNS ere le ba ltlentfletl using lba CelelOg p($lam Flnandal ASalslance (CBFA)lille antl numheq aware
number antl year, antl name o! [ne dale agency awartligq il.
Part III ~ O[ber Autli[ Fequlromants: TM1e redplent shall lellow up a a laMe certedive edlen o eutlit fintlinge.
Preperallen e! a Summary $cnetlule of Prior Year AuNI Flntlings, Indutling wrtedive adlon antl current shaWS e(Ne
autlil llnaings lsrequred Gurtenl year autltnntlings requiR Cerreellve action antl smYUS Ct fintlings.
ReceNS ralamtl ro unresolvatl autlil llntlings, appeals er liligelion anell be relalnetl unlll fie adlen Is ompleletl or Ille
drepole Is resolved Aruess ro pr JeG receNS antl autlil work papers snap be given m lna Oepenmen(me DeparMent Of
Financial 3ervloes, antl me Autlllor General. TFa seullon tlees net limit me aulnertty e! the DeparMent le centlud er
enpe (or Ne wntle0. of atldlbnal autllm er eveluanerts of slam finandal asslslence er Ilmlt Ne euNOtlly of any omer
shm olficieL
Part P/ -Repotl Submission'.
1. Copies of nnenclal repcNng packages mr auN15 ocntlucma Ic aacrtlenca wiN OMB Grpular /F:33, as revlseq
antl requlretl by Part I of Nis Agreameol shell be submilletl, when requtretl by $edlon .320 (tl). OMB Girwler F
135, as revisetl by oron benel(e(tbe reciplenl tllreGly re eacM1 of Ne fOllmviny
a) The DepaNnan101 eapb of Ne following etltlreSS(esg
Qnsen mailing etltlrees(es) of etfice(s) responsible kr pmgrem everslgbt -0IStact LAP Atlminlstrelor or
person tleaignaletl by DlsracC)
o) TM1e Fetleral Autln ClearingTCUSe aeslgnaletl In OMB Circular h139, a setl (Ne number e( wples
RgUlretl by5ecaens.320 (tl)(1) antl Q).OMB Clmuler A-139, as revisetl), at Ne fellrnving etltlress:
Fetlen: AUtlil Ciearingnouse
Bureau of me Census
1201 Eas110°Bireet
Je6ersonvllle, IN 4]132
c) ONer ietleral agendas antl paee-inrouga enNles In acwrtlance wnb Sections 320 (e) antl t), OMB Clular
A-t 33, as revisetl.
2. In Ne event Nei a copy e! ine lloandal repoM1lnp package requlrea by Pea I Oi Nis Agreement antl mntlueletl in
rvrtlance wliM1 OMB Circular A-133, a revlseq Is not requlretl io ba submttietl m ibe Depanmeni for reasons
pursUanl m $eGfon 3P0 (a)(2), OM6 Clmuler F139, a seq tae redplenl shall submii IM1e repUlretl wnilen
noililceilen pursuant ie Sedlen 32g (e)12J antl a cepysof IM1a recipient's aualmtl $chetlule of Ecpsntlltures e(
Fetleral Awems ~ b each o! ine (cllmving
(Insert mailing atltlress(es) e(e(nce(s) respensIDle mr pmpmm ovenfghi ~ Olstrld IAP Atlminlsimmr or
person tleslgnaiatl by Olsirld)
In atlalio0. pursuant ie Section 920 (i), OM9 Qmular F133, es revlseq Ne reGplenl shall submii a cepy elNe
finandal reponing package tlescabetl in 6ecEOn 3ZD (cJ, OMB Glmular A-193, as revisaq antl any Menegamenl
~auers iaseea by ma aeanor, m Ne Departmem al aaBn of me fcnowma aaaraaaes-
(I~sse wog aeareas(es) of emce(s) reeponamle for pmgrem everelgm-Dislrmt uP AtlmmNrramr Or
person tleslgnamtl by Oisvlct)
3. Copies o!tbe llnandal reporting package requlretl by Per111 of 1MS Agreement shell be submlLleG by or on banalf
onna reaplem dlrec lv to eam or ma rouewlna:
a) Tna Depanment at each of enB Nnowing aaaress(esp.
pnsert mallNg eaaress(es) B1 ornra(s) respensmte br pmgrsm Oversianl -Dismu uP AtlmmisbaNr or
person aesl9nateb by DlsNat)
b) TM1e AUtlllor General's OHICe el me fCllowlgq atlaresu
Autlllor General's 0(fce
RBOm 001, Pappar BUil tling
111 West Matllson She et
Tallahas see, ROfiaa 32199-106g
A. Coples of repotls or IFe Management letler requiretl by Pan III of rots Agreement shell be submlbetl by or on
behalf o(Ine radplant~y tc:
a) The Depanment al eacM1 of mefollowing etlaress(es4
(Insea ling etloress(es) o(oHlce(s)respenslble Nrpmgam oversigM1l- Cislrivv LAP Atlministrator or
permn aBSlgnarea by Dlsnd)
5_ Any repoM1S, Management Letlere, or oNer In(ortn aton repuiietl b be submlttetl to the Department pu rsuenl to
rots Agreem ant shell be submlttetl In a tiro sly mender In amomance wlm OMB Circular A-t 33, es revlsetl, FlBtltle
Statutes antl CM1eptem 166W (lopal governmental entltiasi or 1D 65g (nonpmAt antl torpm6t oigenizetionaJ.
Rules of Ne Autlitor 6ena'eL as appllceble.
6. Redplants, when submttting flnendal reponing packages to Ne Depanmem for eutllls tlone In accoroanee wttM1
OM6 Clreular A-13S, as revisetl, or Chapters 10 650 (local governmental en[tlles) a. 10 66e (nonproAt antl for-
pmfit organlzzbomL Rules of me AutllYOr Gansrel, should Ind®te the tlaR Net the Mencial reportlpq package
v.as tleMeretl to Ne redplent jn correspontlence acwmpaitying the (inaeoial reponing package.
Patl V~Recortl Retention: TM1e rBCiplent snail retain suHlcient recoNS tlemonsdating Its compliance wIN the Terms of
NLS Agreement bra perlotl of at least 5 yearm from Ne date Ne eutll: repon is issuetl antl shall allow Ne Depanment or l6
tlesignee, Ne state CFO wAUtlilCr Generzl access b socn rac0rtls upon request The redpien[snall ensure Nat the
loaepentlent eutlit tlecumentatlon is mane available to me oepenmen4 or l6 aesgnee Ne slate CFO or auditor Generel
upon raqueu fore pedoL of at leosl 5 years horn Ne sate [M1e eutlll repon is lssuetl, unless exlentlotl In writing by Ne
5.g5 Inspection: TM1a Agency shell permit antl shall require its mntaabrs b permit Ne Oepanmenfs aumorizetl
represenlaGVes ono auNOrizeh agents of FHWA binsped all work, workmensMp, melenals, payrolls, antl recortls antl b
eutlit Ne books. records, antl accoun6 penalning to Ne fnaneing ens aevelopmenl of Ne project.
The DeparMen[reserves the (ght to unllatemlly wncal ltns Agreement for re(use) by mB Agenty or any mntratlor,sub-
contacbr Cr matenals ventlor to allow public access b all tlocumenis, papers lebers or other metetlal subjad bihe
proolslons of CM1Opter 119, FIOrMa Stetotas, antl matle or rerxlvetl In coniundlon wim Ws Agreement (Sedlon 28IA68(1)
(c), FlCritla Statutes).
S. Dfi ll nifa rm Relocation Asslsta race antl Real Property StatisYl<al Report For any project req W rang atltlltionaingM-
oFway Ne Agency m submtl to Ne Department a ual repon o! Its real preperly aequlsltlon antl relocation
adlvltles on the proaet Actlvliles shell be raperle0 on a febeal tlscal year basis born October I mmugh
Sapte mnber 9g_ The repon mull be pR paretl using Ne form et prescn betl In 6B C F.R. Pan 26, AppBn dix 0, antl be
submnteab mB Depanment n0later Nan oember l6 of aaan year.
fi.oa Regalsnlo~ena Paymeata: Repaeats ror reimbarsemeot rorreee or erbar sompBnsanon mrsemlces or B.pBnses
rrea sneu be sabmmea in tleNU sunldenu5r a proper vre-aualt ens poetaaml Nerem (season 2e~.o5e(p(a(, Flobaa
All reclpienls e(funtls lrom IMS Agreement IneluNng ITOSe conlradetl by IM1e Agency, mull submll bills for any bevel
expenses, when au[hedzetl by IM1e terms el tM1is ggreemen4ln accoNance WiN 6eGIDn 112.e61, FlOntla SlzWles, antl
CM1eptar }'Tavel` e( IM1e Department's Dsbursemen Ooe aYOns Manual, Teplc 360.D3g-6g0 I6edlen 26T.g06j1)(b),
Flprltla SteWlos).
IC alter pmfeG wmpletlon, any Geim id matle by IM1e Dapetlment resuWng Imm an autltt or lDr woM1 ersarvices petlormetl
pursuant b lhs Agreamanl, Ne OapaRmenl may oHSel such emeunl bom paymenLS tlue (orwork prservlces tlone antler
any agreement whkh Il M1as wiN be Agency Dwing such amount i[ upon tlemantl, payment o1lM1e amount Is not matle
wilM1ln 6g tlays b Ne DepaRmenl. ORSeHIng anY amount pursuant to IMS paragrapM1 shall not be con9tleretl a breach Df
mn.aal hr the Dapammant
zoo oapartmam omiganapa: subjaaup cmar preNSlons hereat Na Dapanmanl ww Honor regneda mr reimbareemant
le the Agency In amounLS antl al Mmes tleemaU by Ne DeperMenl to be proper le ensure IM1e cerrying out of IM1e project
antl paymen. of the eligible vests. Howeveq nolwlNS1en01ng any other pmvlson cl Nis Agreement, Ne Department may
elect by nellce In wrlfing not le make a payment C'
T.ef Miarepresentarton: The Agency sM1all M1eve matle misrepresenlefien of a maletlal newre In Ile epplloaYlon, or any
supplement Nerelo or ementlment theme! or In or whM1 respect Ie any tlocumenl e! tlala lumisnetl lM1erewN er pursuant
T.OY Li[igetlon: Tnere Is Nan pending Iltlgalion wi1M1 respect to Ne pertortnence by the Agency e! any o! its tlulies or
ebligallenswnlcM1 meyjeopartllze er atlvarsely aHeG Ne project Lhe Agreement er payments b Ilre proeel;
].03 Npprwal by DepaXmenL TM1e Agency sM1all have taken any adlon peRening to Ilse proe[T wMCM1. antler Nls
Agreement requires 0B appmvel DI Ne Dapdnmenl or M1as matle rBlaletl expentlllure Dr lncurretl rB.atetl obl~gallons
wI1M1DUl heviry been atlvlsetl by Ne Depanmen[ Nat same ere appmve4
i IM COnflic[ot Interests'. TM1ere M1as been any vlDlalion Dl Ne mnfllG Cl Interest provisions een[alnetl M1ere In paragraph
12.66 ar t2g].
T.pS Oefaulf: The Agency M1az been tleterminetl by IM1e OeparMent le be In tlehull antler any of the provisions e! Ne
]OB Fetleral Patlicipatlon: TM1e Department may suspentl er Yerminale paYmenl for Nal pertion o'IM1e project wbicM1 Ne
pHWA, ee lbe eepenment acAng In Ilea N FHWA, may tleslgnale as Inellglble torfetlaral-alit
T.OT Dlsallowea Casts: In tlalermining Ne a onl o! Iha payment IM1e Dapetlment wll exdutle all profacts costs
rretl by the Agency prior W the eHecOVa tlate D(tM1ls Agreamanl or Ne tlale el euNCnzalion, cows Snpurcetl aHer the
exp2ton Df Gle Agreement cosR whlaM1 ere not pmvitlatl lOr In Ne latest eppravetl sGletlule D! (untling in FxFlbll'H" far
Ne proleck coals agreetl ro he home by Ne Aganry er Its wnlredors anh s Dnlmdom !or not meelln9 IM1e prOleel
and antl final Invew lime Imes, antl tests atlnbolable fo geetls or sarvitts reoeNed antler a centred or elver
anengemenlswM1lch M1eve not been eppmvatl in wrlling by the Dapenment
].OB Final Invoices: The Agency must aobmlt Ne Mel Invelce on Ne preyed le Ne DeparMenl wlmin t2g tlays aHer the
compleEOn of IM1e pre~ed. Invoipes submMtl after Ne 12g-tlay lime perotl may not be pall
6.g0 Terminatlon or Suspension of Project
6L9 Terminaton or 6uspenslan Generally: TM1e Depatlmenl may, by wrtlen nonce b fhe Agency. suspentl spy er all
pl Its Dbllgalions antler (Ills Agreamanl unYA sucM1 lime ea Ne event or contltion resulYing In such suspension M1es CBesetl
er bean cprredatl er IM1e eeparMant may lermina[e Ns Agroamanl In wM1Ole Dr In pert al a[ry time IM1e Interest e! Na
DeperbnBntrequlres sucM1 Iamnna0on.
use oevammem hadrmNaa mauhe penermance enhe Agency la not aallaeaemry, me Dapanmpn: anau Hare Ne ppaon
of Ia) immetllelary larmmalmg Imo Agmemed er [n) suapenhmg Nls Agreement antl noelNrm ma Agoncy of Ina aafiXenay
wIIM1 a reglfuemeal IM1eI IM1e tlellrlency be mrtedetl wlM1ln e spedfietl Ome: oNervvisa Iltis Ageempnf vial ba lemioatetl al
IM1e evtl olsucM1 time. Suspension sRM1ls Agmemenrwll not aflad the time pedotl (or completlon el the purled.
If Ne Oepenment reruiree fe rnallon e! IM1is Agreement !er re elver Nan ensallsleclory pertarmance e! the
Agency. IM1e De paRmenl shall no111y IM1e Agency Of such le: mnalon, wiYM1 Irwlm aims es Ie IM1¢ BfleelNe tlafe of
lerminallon or speciy Ine sbge of work el wRlrli NAV Agreement Is lermloeled
II IM1IS Agreemem JS lelmYnaled belere pedormanm Is wmpleleU, Yha Agency sM1eg be paltl far Ne work seYisleclodly
pertortned Payment is le be on lbe basis o(subsYanlieletl cvstc
S.g2 Action Subs eq uent to No[caat-Termn an on or SUS p errslo n: epen ra ceipl of any final lermin alien or cusp a nslen
nelice unbar IM1IS paregrepR [M1e Agency shall pmceetl pmmplly b Carry out Me acllens requvetl therein which may
mYaa any or eu of maiWtewing: (e)nece66ary amlen mterminam er aYavena, es me ezse may ba, pmiem avtiwlaa ena
onlmcls antl sucM1 o[M1er action as may be requiretl or tleslrable to keep to a minimum Na costs open Ne basis of wMcM1
Ne llnandng Is to ba eompuletl; Nl furnlSb a statement of Ne protect acllvllles antl eonlraals antl oMer untlertekings IM1e
wsl of whcM1 are o1M1erWise lnelube ble as pmlecl aasls_ TM1e lermine gon or suspension shell be Wrtletl wlln conformlN,
wIN Ne blest schetlule, plan, antl wsl es apprevatl by Me CepaM1ment or upon Ine basis of terms antl centltllons
Imposeb by Ne Department upon Ne failure of Ine Ageno~ic Pornisb IM1e senetlule, pMn, and asumate wMln areascoehle
Ylme_ The Gosing out of letleml finanelal paNcipeOOn in the pmlecl shall not conslttule a waiver of any claim wM1icM1 Ne
Department may clM1erwiae M1ave atlsing col cl lhie Agreement
9.g0 La nllecYS of ABSncy:
9.gt TM1lrtl Party Agreements: %aept as oNerwise eulM1Cdzetl In wnllnS by 0B eepanman[ Ne Ageocy SM1all n0
any cenlrecl er obligate ttselt In any manner requiring Ine dsbursemenl el DeparManl Nntls, lndutling mnsuldnl
ensWCllon wntracle er entlmenls lfierele, wilM1 any 1MN parry with respeel le Ne probed wiNOW IM1e wdllen
eppreval of Ne Department Failure b ebhln sucM1 eppmvel sM1all be suflldeol cause (or nonpayment by IM1e Depenmenl.
Tho Department sped0wlly reserves unto Itself Ne right N review Ne quallFlragorvs el any censulrenl or oonlmolor antl ro
approve or tlisapprcva ma employmem cr Ne same.
9.g2 Compliance with LonsutlanK'COmpetitive Negotlation Act Ills untlereloob anb agreetl h}'NO parties M1erelo
[M1 al pa Rlelpe[on by tM1e De parYmenl In a prejact wlYn Me Agen q, where salb protect invelves a consulb nl conhaR for
onglneering, eraM1ltedure or surveying servleeA is cenYingant on Ne Agency's complying In lull wllM1 pmNSlons of SecYlon
262666. FIOfitla 521ules, COnsultenl5'COmpelWva Negollallon Art Al the tlisdellon o(ihe Department Ne Agency will
ve the Capertmenl In IM1e consullanl selection pmoess for all pmfecls. In all cases, Ne Agency's ellomey sM1all rertl(y
Io Ne Department tM1al selecien has been aocompllsM1etl In compllancewlM Ne Consullanls'COmpeYWve Negelle4on Ad.
1406 Oisatlvantagetl Business Enterprise (DBEf Policy antl Obligation: Ills Ne policy el one Cepartmenf Thal DBE's,
as tlaimetl In 49 C F.R. Pert 26, a entlad shell M1ave IM1e opperteniTy to paRlcpeYe In Me patlmmance of wntmtls
Mancetl In whole or In part wllM1 Department luntls antler tM1ls Agreement TM1e DBE requtrements of applicable letlerel antl
591e laws antl regul0ticns ap ply lc lM1ls Agreement
TM1e Agency antl its conhadors agree b ensure lnal DBE's have [he opportunltyl0 peNCipele In one performance of lM1is
Ag ree manL Iq iMS regartl, all reel plants antl cenimder6 6M1all lake all necrvssery Bntl reasonable steps m 9ocord 0nca with
applicB ble (ebe21 antl crdte laws antl regUIBLOns b ensure Ihel the DBE's M1ave Na opportu ndy b cempele for antl
perform cenlrads. The Agen o/ antl Il5 mnf2viors antl su bponl2 COrs sM1all not tll SOrl minale en the basis of mce. colOL
nallenel odgln or sez in Na awertl antl perlormenoe of mntreds, entaretl pursuant le iM1ls Agraemeot
ti.66 Compliance wXM1 Lontlltlons antl Lawa: Tne Agency shall comply antl require its cemraclors antl subconiraders
to Comply wN ell farms antl centlW Ons oRM1ls Agreement end dll led eral, stale, antl local laws and regal aliens ap p6ce ble
ie lMS pmjeR EeecuOOn of ins Agreement wnslllules a certificafion Thal the Agency is In qom pGa nce wIIM1, antl will
rep ale Oare Ole Y cns mdu tllo oNe ~GertOYwlon Re wr tling Debetrte¢nL Sus poa¢tl byraelp billble fed Volunh pE1d~OC91
gu g gar pension gl - yen ry
Ia Lmver Ter Covereb Ta naeUions," In 49 C.FR Petl Lq, wnen applice bla.
1266 Reshidion a, ProM1ihih on e, Lo ntmis, antl Labor Pmvls to ns:
13.61 Equal Employment Opportunlry: In Oonnedlen with Ne nrrying out o! erry protect, Ne Agenq snail net
tllscArMnale against any employee or appllconi for em ploymen[bacause of re ce, age, re4gioq mloq sex, na brel orl gin,
tllsablltty or medial status- TM1e Agenq will take alfirmallve edlen b ensure YM1at apPhcenls ere employed antl that
e mployeae dre trealetl tloring em plUymenl wNOUI rega rtl Ic Ner ra xge, reli9lUq UolUq gentler, national origin,
tl is abllly or merUl ste lu s. SueM1 action shall In clU be, hur not be Ilmhatl to Ne le llowln g: emplUym and upg rading tlemorlUn
or 4an slag recmimen[or recrulene n(atlvensn g; layeP Ur lermne1U n1 m WS el pay or UN er forms Uf cam pB OSdfIO ry'antl
elecGOn lUr irainin g, lndutlng eppranYCBSnIp_ The Agency sn ell 5nsert Yme lUregoing proN SOn modlfietl only to sbaw IM1a
particular contreclual rehtlOnsiilp In all lis cenlmdB iU eonnedloU wllM1 ine tlevelopmenl of operellon of the p lecl,e cep[
ooniracb for ine slentlartl commercial supplies or raw mete(aK, ana shall repuire BII SUCn oonlaROrs tU Insert a similar
pmvislon In e0 subconlree6, emepl subconimds for stsntlartl wmmeroial supplies or raw materials. WM1en IM1a project
inalallallUR mnsirudien, tlemogllorL re oval, slle Impmvemanl U simper work, the Agency shall past In
oosp cuous places evellebla le employees entl appllcenls bremploymentlor prolacY walk nollces to be providetl by Ne
oepenmem aeumg mnn Ina prevlslnna arms nEnalswlmmacan artaae.
12.02 Title VI-QViI RI9M1K Act of 18fi6: TM1e Agency will comply wltM1 eII 1n0 requhemenls lmposetl by Title VI of 160
GIVP Rlgnfs Act Of 1966, Ne regolelions OI Ne DA Depanm aril of TranaponaOOn lssu otl ine re un tler, dnd IM1a assu rence
by ma Agen e/ pu rsuem IneretU.
rbe gpenry shall mantle pmdamna in an convao~s wlm mIm games mat enaare Eomvuanca wlm nna vI or me cmll
Rlama Ad of 1984, 6g LF.R. Pan zl, one relxiaa amines anD regwaiiona.
II.03 Americans witM1 Disabilltles Act a1 i000 (ADAM: TM1e Agency will comply wiin all IM1a requirements aslmposetl by
IM1a AOA. the regulailons of Ne Fetlerel governmeol lssuetl lM1ereuntleq ana assurance by me Agency pursuanimereb-
H.06 PuDllc En[ity Crime: A person or aHlliale who ~xs been placetl on llte convkletl vendor llsi ioilowing aconviction
fora public enlily erlme may not submji a bltl on a cvnlred Io pmvloe any gootls or services Io a poblle enilry; mxy not
submlta b10 on a wnlmd wiib a puvllc enilry for Ne conslrudlon or repair ale public bu-tling or public woM: may not
submll5ds on leases of reel pmpany b a pubHC enlily; may not be awartlea or peROim woM es a wnVecbr, supplier,
sEbwmmmor or wnamlam rimer x comma won arty goblin amliv, xna may nouranaam bnamess won any vEmio artery m
s of ma mradnnla amoam prwlaea m seanEn zer.an, doriaa srawiea, mr cATECORY Two ror a periotl or 36
monlM1S imm me tlele of Delny placetl on me conNOlea ventlorllst
12.05 Dlscriminallo¢ In accortlanca wii6 Seoilon 2B] t3A_Flontla SleWies,a enlily or aHlliale who M1as bean pYacatl
on the DlsarlmineloryVantlor List kepi by IM1a Floritla DepercneniN Manegemen: Services, may not submlta bltl on a
com2el io pmvloe goetls or services W a public enilry', may not submlta bltl on a conirac[wllM1 a public enlily for iM1e
onstructlon or repay Of a public oulltling or poblle worv' may noI submli bitl9 00 leases of reel pmpeny to a public enlily:
may not hB awartl ea or pa dorm wprk as a antra dOL 9U pplle subwntrador or fAns ullB Cl Untl er a contract wlM1 any
oubuU eniy, ana may not o-andad bualnesx wim any pubnc milt.
12.06 suspension, Revacatlon, Denial of puallgca[on ar DaterminatiUn of ConYrador Non-Responsibility: An
enlily oraffillaie wno M1as M1etl Its Cenlllcaie of DUelificetion suspenaetl, revoko4 tlenietl or have lunner been tlererminetl
Dy me Dep enmen[ [e De a non-rasponsl ble coniredor may not su bnnl a Intl Ur perlorm work lUr IM1a consim ction or repair
of a pu Dllc bull tling or pu bile work Un a cunimd wiiM1 [rte Agency
1207 Pronlbiied Interests: NeHM1er Ne Agency nor any of lis wntmcrors oe inelr submnlradors sM1all artier info any
onimd, suDCOnUact or artangamenl In connemlon wiN IM1a protect or any pmpeM lndutletl or phnnetl io be lnduaetl In
the probed In wM1ICM1 any membeq oHlcer or employee of ine Agency or IM1a leeallly tlunng Yeoure or br2 years meraeHer
naa env miereat areal nr mSrad. H env aeon preaam or roimer member, oifiaer nr ampmvaa IovolonWnry ecgwres nr natl
acgEo-ea prim m as bae~nnm9 or IenEre arry aECn Inreresl, entl Ir aEan mierast ie immeamlelyaladosea m as Agxnay ma
A9enay, wnn prmr eppmval of me DapanmenL mar wane as pmnainon Eomainea m ale pamempM1 pmviaea Irval env
sucn pres eni member, oHiwr or employee shall not pe2cipate in any eNUn by IM1a Aganq or I6e local tty relatl rig iU socn
contreU, aubcanlrzol er ertengement.
ine Pgenry slvll Insert In all cont2 cb enierea Into In con nacilon wiLM1 ine vmect or any pmpeM Indus ea or pia nn ea to
be Ind utletl In any pmjecL and shall req Uire Irs contractors io Icson in earn U! Oelr su bconimcts, mo lUMOwing proJ"sio¢
"NO member, oillUer or employee of me Agency or of the locally tloring Ms tenure or for 2 years
LxemaM1er shall heoB any lnie rest, tllmd or lDdirecL In IDS mntreIX0l Oe emcee as ine reoil
The pmv sions of iM1S pa mgmPn snail not he applkahla to aM agreem eni between IM1a Agency ana IIS fiscal Capoaito tlea
aria eay a3reemeni Ic'mlliy servlcee me mte5 torvtnleti are Axotl or c0nirpllea bye governmental egenoy,
12.06 Interest of Members o[ ar 0elegales to, Congress: No member or tlelogale Ic [he Congress c! me Ilnitetl
Steles shall bo etlmltletl to arty snare or pab cl rots Agreement c: any benelC arlslcg merafmm.
13.00 Miscellanao YS Pravis io its:
13.01 Envlmnmental Regulations'. The Apewy will be solely raspenslble !er compliance wM all me eppllcable
reguleliens, for any llabllly easing !mm no empllance wi1M1 Ihase regulallons, antl will reimbume Ina
I menhl
eepanment 6l any lose lnwrtetl in eenneollon [nerewlm. nTM1e Agenpy will be respenslble (el aeouring erry eppllcable
13.93 Oaparlment NOt Obligaletl to Thlra Parties'. The Daaarlment shall ncl be obligalea or liable nereuntler to any
intlivltlual cr enHly note paay YO this Agreement
13.83 When Rlghb antl Remedies Not Waived. In na event shall lne making by me Oepatlmenl of any paym¢nl to me
Agency oonsrttNe er be conaWea as awelver by lne Deparlmen[o(any breach of covenant or arty tlelaull wM1lch may
men exist en the part e(lhe Agen cy antl the making e(sucn payment by ma DepanmenC while any su Gl brae ch or tleh ull
sit all exlsq shall In ne way impair erpre~u tllce any right pr remetly eveiYable b[ha Departm an[wM respeIXlo su cn br¢a cM1
cr tleh ult
13.96 How Agraemen115 AfledM by Pfovlslons Being Heltl Invalid If any provision d1M115 Ageement 15 n¢Ib lnvallo,
Ne remalntler e! Nis Agreemenanall noI be aHactad In such an Instance, Ne rameinaer would men continue to conlertn
to me terms antl requlremenLS of apPliceble law-
93.05 Bonus or Commission: By execufmn of Ne Agreement Ina Agency represen6 Thal ll M1as not paitl anq also
agrees not N pay, erry bcnue cl oommisslon lcr Ne papwe of cbNlning an approval of Its appllcallcn for me Hnandng
93.96 State Lawl Nelning In me Agreement shall requlrelhe ggency to observe er enlome complance wile any provision
or parfortn any ed er tle any Omer ming In conlravaelion of any appllaabla alaf0 Idw, If any o(the pmvlslens of Ne
ggraamanl violate any appll®bla slate law ma Ag¢ncv will el o no6N ma oapamnanl m wrinpg in oraar Ihal
approprNla cnangaa antl meam¢almna mar ba made by ma oapann~ ~~antl ma Agencvm me antl mat ma Agaaoy may
proceetl as neon as possible wM Ne proleU.
93.06 Plans antl 6peclflcatlons an the event mat lttls Agree man[Imelvea COnstru ding antl eq uipping of fedlitias en me
Stel¢klghway By4em, Ne Agency shall submilrotha Depanmen[ICr apPmval all epProO~iate plans antl spedHCadons
ang the plojepL IDe Oepanmenl will re New all plans antl apecifi WllonS antl wilt Issue ee lne Agan cy a written
apparoval wtlh anY apprwaa poNOns of me p Jad antl comments er recemmantleliena mvetlpq any ramafntler of lne
prated tleametl appropaale. Alter resolution of mesa wmmenla antl rernmmentlatlons le me Depanmenl's aelislac4on,
Ne Depenmenl will Issue to Ne Agency a wnHen approval wtlh seltl remalntlel e(Ne proe0. Fallureto ebletn this wtltlan
approval snail be suMClenl vausa of nonpayment by me Dapehment
13.99 RIgMaLWay Certification: llpen cemplellon of hgM14oHVey activities on Ina project me Agenq must cenl(y
ompllenm wlm e! apploable tetleal antl 5ele requirements. CarL9wGOn Is requlrea ptlcr m otlvartiaemenl for or
solicitation of bltls for consNUdien of the project. inclutling those preleds for whicM1 ne righFOt-way is requiretl.
1310 Agency Lertficatl¢m. The Agenrywlll cerflfy In wnlipq, prior le protect clesaout that Ina pmJed was mmpleletl In
cpraance wm applicable Ala rts antl apecgcalip its, is In place on ma Agan J9 hcTiy, etleq uele Htle is In lha Aga ncy'a
mama, am ma preyed is accaplea by ma Aganay as suitable ror ma mlanaaa pumose
9319 Agreamem iormaL All wortls usatl heroin m Na aingula, rortn ana9 a:aeoa a antl mduaa ens plcml An woNa
aa¢mn ma pwml roan anau ¢aaw lc antl mcwaa ma aingwar. Au woma aa¢a m any g¢oaar shoo aalantl mane mdnaa
all gantlars.
is.92 ex¢c oron of Agreamenn Tna Agreement maY ba almmlan aousq ax¢cwatl N a mlmmum oL lwc aounearpans
v el wMLn se execu latl shall be tleam ¢tl le be an otl gloat antl su cM1 coo nlerpaits legeNer sh oil mnsalu le ene In lne
same mstrumant
13.13 ResYricllons on Lobbying:
FetlpaL TM1a Agency agrees Nel no latle2lryappropnaletl !undo have been pain, or will be peitl by or on behalf of the
Agency, to any person for influencing er aMmpting 1o influonce any eRlcer or employee of any federal agenry, a Member
o! Congress, en oRiwr cr employee of Gongreoo c employee 01a Member o(COngresa In w adlon with 0e
wattling of any fetlerel conNed, the making of any letleiel grant, the making Of any (aCarel loa4 [he enlering lnm of any
ooperalNa agreement antl Ne axle nsion, wnOn uallOry renewal, emenrlmBpl Or modOCalOn of any fetlerel conlydOL
gaol, loan Or cooparallve agreement
If any funtls oMer Men latlerallyapproprlalea (untls have been peitl by NO Agenpy l0 anp person for lnfluendng or
atlempting to InOUenee an officer or employee Ol arry fetleal agency, a Member O! Congress, an oRlcer or employee of
Congress m an employee ofd Member Ot COngressin cennetllon wIN IM1IS Agreemanl, Pa unaerslgnetl shall complete
and suomn staoaam Form-LLL, ^c~adoanre Form a aepOrt LObbylna,'in a=wraanae wnh na lnafmmiona.
TM1a Agency shall require lhal Melanguege of lhls paregaph be lndutlatl In die award aocumen(s for ell subawartls el all
hers (Inclutling subconlads, eubg2n15, antl conlreds unbar grants, loans, antl mopealive agreemeols) and Nal all
subredplenls shall eeNry antl alsdosa eccord~ngly-
Staf e: No fun as reeeNea pu rsuanl to \hisconl2cl may ba expe ntl etl for lohhing Ne Leglslelu re, the futlical ba nch ore
s1eM agency.
1394 Maintenance: The Agency agrees to malnlaln any pm~ecl not on Me Blele Highway System construcletl under lhio
Agreement Il the Agerrry wnslmcrs any Impmvemenl On GepaM1menl dghb!-tray, Me ABancY ~ will 0 will not
mom sin Me lmpmvemanlc matle (or Melr usalul lila.
1545 Vendors Rig M¢: Venders (In IM1IS tlocumenl ItlenlRlea as Me Agency) provitlin9 goods and se es b Me
~epartmenl should be aware m Me fOROWigq lime (tames. Upon scalp:. Ne Cepartrnenl M1as 5 working tlayadoireped
antl approve Ne gootls antl services unless Ne bltl opecifFallOOS, purchase ortler Or conlracl epeeMes olheMSe. The
Oaparcmanl ha5200ays to tlellvere aquas! br paymenl(wucher)IO IM1e DepardnarLL Of Flnandel Services. TM1a 20 tlayo
away rmm Ma loner el lna beta ma Imoic= ~ reeeMeb or ma goose or aareiras ere recemeq mapeNea, and
app ooea
If a payment Is not available wlMln 4e tlays after recelpl Ol Ne Inveiee antl Ne receipt Inspecllon, antl approval o! gootls
antl serves, a sepaate Inlere4 penelry In accordanre wilM1 Sec6=n 215A22(3)Iby FlOrlbe SlaNles, will be tlue antl
payam= In admllon m Me Invoice emoum to Me Agwav Imeresl penanlaa of less Men one 81 will not be emercea unless
Ma Agenq requasb payment Ineolces wM1lch have to be alumetl ro Me Agency bewuae of Agency preparefion enors
w11 result In abelay In Ne paymeaL The !novice paymeni requilementq tlO not start unllla pmpatly =Amp! B !etl iMOicB is
provltletl lc the OB pB/MBnt
A Ventlor Ombutlsmen has been eslebllshetl wlNin Ma hepanmenl of Finenciol Bervlces. The tlWes Of Mls intllvltluel
dutle ecling as an eavocale lw Agenees who may be axperienomng ptnolems In Obhlning timely payment(s)trom the
Gepariment TM1a Ventlor Ombuosman may b= eontactetl a[ 068210-W 24 or by calling the stele LOmptmlleh Hotllne, i-
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Me peNas Eeve oauseb [tleae pmaen~s to ba eneculetl Lire Day antl yeerHrs~ above wtl~~en.
Ry N 9Y, Name:
N~esf. M.L MM~ Y ~^ Auest
nue U }9 mo-w~ nue:
Ae Ic6rm'. As m mrm_
See atacbetl Enwmb~enEB Fpm for Dale of iuntling appNVal by PoOlptrolle¢
,6 f~4 OY
A to
ET.HI61i "A"
PPN. 4209 _
Tms emidt lame an Integral per. o' Ina Agreement beween IM1e Stele o1 Plan.^.a. Dapartment olianspotation ano
Ci[v of Miami IYach
ThepmrydIS X Is eot pn IM1e Na4onal Niahway System.
itie-mlecl_le X Is noY On IM1e Stale AigM1waySpYem.
Pao.recr oescalPnoN
A bridge ovu' Cgllics Gnat to p[ovide a nnection betceen West Avenue and Cade Blvd
film North of ISncoln Road arv3 SouU of l9th Street.
The autlh repoRel repuiretl m Ne /{greement ffixLL Incude a ScM1eoule of Pmlacl hsslslanCe llut will reOaC IM1e
9epeM1'nanls wnlrad nv.ntleq Irye plnanclal PioleU IVOmVr ;pPN), Ne Fetleal AuftltlORZaf~nnl oel lwtlinEANtion ha C
appbca015, IM1e amount qY Slate bn0ing acllon ~reselpl antl O'sbu5emenl o"funOS), arty la Sec ae
me Vdntliug acuoo Enm any olner sowr=wiM reepecnolM1e pmjeei
Te A9ency a iequiretl b provide a wpy of Ine deslgo plans for Ne DepaRmenYS review antl apprwel to mortllnate
permiWnp wiYtl Ine Department an0 nofry Ne DapaRmsnt prior to cpmmencemenl ofanJ d9M1tm1-v„aY adNl6ss.
TM1e PgenCy 6M1allwm ce IM1e pmje0fe eGivi6es subsequen110IRa Exaculloll of Mis A9reemenl dntl stlall pMOm In
accortlanw wIIR Ne loaowing sctletlWr-
SIUOy to be wmplele0 by
b) Dengn to be oompleletl oy
d RmM1tb4Nhy requvamenls itl~li6atl antl provltletl to IM1e JeyRmenl by
tl) RigMbl-Way lp be peNBetl by
ones eceon eontaeuo oe lac-
p ev~sme tipn roes wmpletee by
u lose scneyme caeeo; oe met. me eyegcy wol hoary me Departmeel m wae~ wqn a rev~sea annaawe n. me proles, r,
ed a me wntmawd nI Ieoeral wnamD
srecwJ comsmERAn Dias R~DEFARimaNi
City of ruami HeachSAttn: Fernaeldos Vazquez IrPrv. 920910 ~~~~_-~
1"/00 (bmention Center Drive
Niami &+a~F F ni'i rla iit i9
Nama 1Jest Avenue Nevpctiw @idge Lengit, 1156 feet
ie,minl' Nest Avenue North of Linwln Fp3d 8 °WUih of 18th StLeL[
$130,000 8130,008 $0
gt 30,888 8130, ooa ge
~, o~..w°m~.u E, roan $638,]20 88 $638,920
8638,920 $8 8538 920
- Ssn,eoe so gsTZ,aoo
892 eoo e s)z 000
- .
,,.mo~e.em...,e cr,l
_ 928 $130 008 t 2]920