Request for ProposalsREQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A CALL CENTER FOR THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT RFP ~ 08-08109 RFP DUE DATE: DECEMBER 1 5, 2008 at 3:00 P.M. Ma:'io i.3revez, Senior Procvremenl 5~eciol'>r PROCURE.ME NT DR45ION 1 ?00 GmvenDan Ccnlm Dnve MicmJ Bcaeh, =L 351 ?0 me reve z(~f m is m i be~,~. hf 1. gov i'.'\PUR C^.\$All\MO~ic\R'?'F\~OR-0?1P,(r-J& C&OY &rildir~ Uaf.~anrnem Call Ccnlcr \PAP D:J :S r ApD_IVpIiM \RFP O8~Ob ~G.cx ~ MAMIBEACH ~ r~n~~,r~;~ BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 :.unvenfipn Center Urtve. Miarc,i Beach, norido 33135', vnvN.mionideochF.~ryov PROCUREMENT DIVISION PUBLIC NOTICE Tel:3o~a73~~sc.F~„ 7a~r3ccaoc; FOE T=1E IMPLEMENTATION OF .A CAL 'CENTER FJk'. 7~IC BU:CCHNG~ DCPARTMENT Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 08-08/09 Scope of Services The City of Miami Beach Building Department wishes to assess its ability to improve its level of customer service by conducting a pilot program that will handle all of the Departments overflow calls for a period of four (4) months in an off-site call center. Pending the successful completion of the pilot program, the City will have the sole option to continue with the overflow calls or assigning all of the calls to the off-site call center. Currently, the Building Department does not have the resources to answer and respond to all the calls it receives. The Building Department wishes to hire a company that provides a fully equipped offsite call center, including all the necessary resources required to achieve an abandon rate of less than 5%. It is anticipated that the successful proposerwill negotiate with the City for a term contract with an initial term of three (3) years. with an option to renew for an additional two (2) one-year extensions at the City's sole discretion. Sealed proposals will be received until 3:00 PM on December 15, 2008 at the following address City of Miami Beach City Hall Procurement Division -Third Floor 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Any proposal received after 3:00 PM on December 15, 2008 will be returned to the proposer unopened. The responsibility for submitting proposals before the stated time and date is solely the responsibility of the proposer. The City will not be responsible for delays caused by mail, courier service, including U.S. Mail, or any other occurrence. A Pre-Proposal Submission Meeting is scheduled for November 25, 2008, at 10:00 A.M. at the following address: City of Miami Beach City Hall -Fourth Floor 1700 Convention Center Drive City Manager's Small Conference Room Miami Beach, Florida 33139 fi- P No 060609 FOR THE IMP_EMENTATION 0= n CALL CENTER DEPARTM=N' t t. 12~2008Cay of Mam Beach Fax 2 of a0 The City of Miami Beach is using RFP Depot, a central notification system which provides bid notification services to interested vendors. RFP Depot allows for vendors to register online and receive notification of new bids, amendments and awards. Vendors with Intemet access should review the registration options at the following website: wvnv.rfodepot.com. If you do not have Internet access, please call the RFP Depot's vendor support group at 801-765-9245. Attendance (in person or via Telephone) to this Pre-Proposal submission meeting is encouraged and recommended as a source of information, but is not mandatory. Proposers interested in participating in the pre-Proposal submission meeting via telephone must follow these steps: (1) Dial the TELEPHONE NUMBER: 1-800-915-8704 (Toll-free North America) (2) Enter the MEETING NUMBER: "2659980' (note that number is preceded and followed by the star (") key). Proposers who are interested in participating via telephone, please send an a-mail to mariaestevez@miamibeachfl.gov expressing your intent to participate via telephone at least one business day in advance of the meeting. THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT ANY PROPOSAL DEEMED TO BE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, OR WAIVE ANY INFORMALITY IN ANY PROPOSAL. THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MAY ALSO REJECT ANY AND ALL PROPOSALS. YOU ARE HEREBY ADVISED THAT THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCESIRESOLUTIONS. WHICH MAY BE FOUND ON THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH WEBSITE: http:/iweb.miamibeachflyov/procurement) • CONE OF SILENCE -- ORDINANCE NO. 2002-3378 • CODE OF BUSINESS ETHICS -- RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23879. • DEBARMENT PROCEEDINGS -- ORDINANCE NO. 2000-3234. PROTEST PROCEDURES --ORDINANCE NO. 2002-3344. • LOBBYIST REGISTRATION AND DISCLOSURE OF FEES -ORDINANCE NO. 2002-3363. • CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS BY VENDORS -ORDINANCE N0. 2003-3389. • REQUIREMENT FOR CITY CONTRACTORS TO PROVIDE EQUAL BENEFITS FOR DOMESTIC PARTNERS -ORDINANCE NO. 2005-3494 Sincerely, ~/A y I' -. Gus Lopez, CPPO Procurement Director RF° N°: 08-08-CO FOR THE IMPLEMENITATION OF A CALI. CrNT=R FOR TKE BUILi11NG DEf•AK'MENT 1 V1B2008CIry of b8am, EiexJi Page 3 0~ 40 ~ t~11A~~IBEACH Clty o1 Mfaml Bead. 77CC GonwnM1On ~znier Drive, hliam. Hzach, Flonda 33735. wvrotmiartflbeacLO.yae' PROCUREMENT Division Tel'3050737490 Fax. 7AG3A4.4002 RFP No. 08-08/09 NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE PROPOSERS If not submitting a proposal at this time, please detach this sheet from the RFP documents, complete the information requested, and return to the address listed above. NO PROPOSAL SUBMITTED FOR REASON(S) CHECKED AND/OR INDICATED: Not responding due to workload issues. Not responding due to minimum experience requirement. Not responding due to specifications/scope of services. Not responding due to timely payment issues. OTHER. (Please specify) We do do not want to be retained on your mailing list for future proposals for the type or product and/or service. Signature: Company: Note: Failure to respond, either by submitting a proposal or this completed form, may result in your company being removed from the City's bid list. RFC Na OS-08~U_~ FUR 1 Ht IfJ+'L'cMENTATIDN DFn CALL CENTER FDR THE BUI~DMG DEPARTMENT 7 U72RWBCity W Miami beer. Gage 4 r 4G ® M1AM1 BEACH Clry of Miami Beach. 1709 Convenfion Censer Uriva, f:'iami Beach. Fiontla 33155, vnvvcmiamibea:hflgov PROCUREMENT DIVISION Tel 3U5-3?3-T46C. Fax: 3058737851 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. OVERVIEW AND PROPOSAL PROCEDURES 6-11 II. SCOPE OF SERVICESISPECIFICATIONS 12-14 III. PROPOSAL FORMAT 16-17 IV. EVALUATION/SELECTION PROCESS CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION 18 V. PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS TO BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED TO CITY WITH PROPOSAL SUBMISSION -All items outlined as required under Proposal Format (Section III) and Scope of ServiceslSpecifications (Section II) -Signed Insurance Checklist 19 -Proposer Information 20 -Acknowledgment of Addenda 21 -Declaration 22 -Sworn StatementlSection 287.133(3)(x), Florida Statutes - Public Entity Crimes 23-24 -Questionnaire 25-29 - Declaration: Nondiscrimination in Contracts and Benefits 34-36 - Reasonable Measures Application (If Applicable) 37 -Substantial Compliance (If Applicable) 38x10 VI. DOCUMENTS TO BE COMPLETED BY CUSTOMERS OF THE RESPONDENTS - Performance Evaluation Letters 30-31 - Performance Evaluation Survey RFP No OSOf.-09 FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A CALL CENTER °OR THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT Page. 5 M [C The City of Miami Beach Building Department wishes to assess its ability to improve its level of customer service by conducting a pilot program that will handle all of the Departments overflow calls for a period of four (4) months in an off-site call center. Pending the successful completion of the pilot program, the City will have the sole option to continue with the overflow calls or assigning all of the calls to the off-site call center. Currently, the Building Department does not have the resources to answer and respond to all the calls it receives. The Building Department has a permitting number, (305-673-7370), that is handled by an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. This number receives an average of 77,000 calls per year. This number is used by callers to schedule, cancel and listen to the results of permit inspections without the help of a live person. This number also feeds calls to an Automated Call Distribution (ACD) system which routes calls to the Building Department employees that are logged in and available based on the input from the caller. The Building Department main number, 305-673-7610, receives an average of 80,000 calls per year. This number is answered by an additional IVR that offers general information so callers can select where to route the call; and it also feeds calls to the ACD system. Of the approximately 157,000 calls to the main Building Department number and the permitting number, the ACD receives approximately 75,000 calls per year. The employees are able to answer only 42% of the calls. The remaining 58% of calls are either forwarded to voicemail (40%) or end when the caller decides to hang up (18%). We expect the amount of calls to be answered by the selected call center, to range between 50,000. and 80,000. We suspect that many of the 75.000 calls currently received by the Building Department ACD are repeat callers who previously decided to hang up before reaching an employee. The increased call taker capacity (offered by call centers) will result in more calls being handled correctly on the caller's first attempt. Therefore, the need for repeat callers. to call again will be significantly reduced. The Building Department wishes to hire a company that provides a fully equipped offsite call center. including all the necessary resources required to achieve an abandon rate of less than 5%. It is anticipated that the successful proposer will negotiate with the City for a term contract with an initial term of three (3) years, with an option to renew for an additional two (2) one-year extensions at the City's sole discretion. B. RFP TIMETABLE The anticipated schedule for this RFP and contract approval is as follows RFP Issued November 10. 2008 Pre-proposal submission meeting November 25. 2008 Deadline for receipt of questions December 5, 2008 Deadline for receipt of Proposals December 15, 2008 at 3:00 P.M. Evaluation Committee meeting December 2008 Commission approval authorizing negotiations January 2009 Contract negotiations January 2009 Projected contract start date February 2009 RFP NC C&0809 rrPS,RTMeNT ~ V 122008G°y d Miam 8eac~ Pax 6 IN a0 C. PROPOSALS SUBMISSION An original and ten (10) copies of complete proposals must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. on December 15, 2008, at the following address: City of Miami Beach City Hall Procurement Division --Third Floor 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 The original and all copies must be submitted to the Procurement Division in a sealed envelope orcontainer stating on the outside the Proposers name, address, telephone number. RFP number and title, and due date. No facsimile, electronic, or a-mail responses will be considered. The responsibility for submitting a response to this RFP to the Procurement Division on or before the stated time and date will be solely and stricily that of the Proposer. The City will in noway be responsible for delays caused by the U.S. Post Office or caused by any other entity or by any occurrence. Responses received after the RFP due date and time will not be accepted and wilt not be considered. D. Requirement for City Contractors to Provide Equal Benefits for Domestic Partners (the "Ordinance") Proposers are advised that this RFP and any contract awarded pursuant to this procurement process shall be subject to the applicable provisions of Ordinance No. 2005-3494, entitled 'Requirement for City Contractors to Provide Equal Benefits for Domestic Partners (the "Ordinance")."The Ordinance applies to all employees of a Contractor who works within the city limits of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, and the Contractor's employees located in the United States, but outside of the City of Miami Beach limits, who are directry performing work on the contract within the City of Miami Beach. All Proposers shall complete and return, with their proposal, the "Declaration: Non-discrimination in Contracts and Benefits" form contained herein. The Cfty shall not enter into any contract unless the Proposers certifies that such firm does not discriminate in the provision of Benefits between employees with Domestic Partners and employees with spouses and/or between the Domestic Partners and spouses of such employees. Contractors may also comply with the Ordinance by providing an employee with the Cash Equivalent of such Benefit or Benefits, if the City Manager or his designee determines that: a. The Contractor shall complete and return the "Reasonable Measures Application" contained herein, and the Cash Equivalent proposed: AND. b. The Contractor shall complete and return the "Substantial Compliance Authorization Form" contained herein. It is important to note that Contractors are considered in compliance if Contractor provides benefits neither to employees' spouses nor to employees' Domestic Partners. E. PRE-PROPOSAL SUBMISSION MEETING A Pre-Proposal submission meeting is scheduled for November 25, 2008 at 10:00 A.M. at the following address: City of Miami Beach City Hall -Fourth Floor City Manager's Smalt Conference Room 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 RFP No'. UiP08-!i5 FOR --IE IN?~LEMEMFTION Or H CALI Cr NT[R FC:R THE BVI~ING DEPhRTMENT 1 v12~2008C3y cf Mram Beach Pape ? U 40 Attendance (in person or via telephone) is encouraged and recommended as a source of information. but is not mandatory. Proposers interested in participating in the pre-RFP submission meeting via telephone must follow these steps: (1) Dial the TELEPHONE NUMBER: 1-800-915-8704 (Toll-free North America) (2) Enter the MEETING NUMBER: "2659980' (note that number is preceded and followed by the star (*) key), Proposers who are interested in participating via telephone, please send an a-mail to the contact person listed below. expressing your intent to participate via telephone. F. CONTACT PERSONIADDITIONAL INFORMATION/ADDENDA The contact person for this RFP is Maria Estevez at phone: 305-673-7234; fax: 786-3934002; or a-mail: mestevez@miamibeachfl.gov. Communications between a proposer, bidder, lobbyist andJOr consultant and the Procurement Division are limited to matters ofprocess or procedure. Requests for additional information or clarifications must be made in writing to the Procurement Division. Facsimile or a-mail requests are acceptable. Please send all questions to mestevez(o~miamibeachFl.gov and a copy to guslo~ez a miamibeachflTaov and City Clerk's Office RobertParcherla"~miamibeachfl.gov no later than the date specified in the RFP timetable. The Procurement Division will issue replies to inquiries and any other corrections or amendments. as it deems necessary, in written addenda issued prior to the deadline for responding to the RFP. Proposers should not rely on representations. statements. or explanations. other than those made in this RFP or in any written addendum to this RFP. Proposers should verify with the Procurement Division prior to submitting a proposal that all addenda have been received. Proposers are advised that oral communications between the Proposer, or their representatives, and the Mayor or City Commissioners and their respective staff. or members of the City's administrative staff (to include the City Manager and his staff). or evaluation committee members, is prohibited. G. MODIFICATION/WITHDRAWALS OF PROPOSALS A Proposer may submit a modified proposal to replace all or any portion of a previously submitted proposal up until the proposal due date and time. Modifications received after the proposal due date and time will not be considered. Proposals shall be irrevocable until contract award unless withdrawn in writing prior to the proposal due date or after expiration of 120 calendar days from the opening of Proposals without a contract award. Letters of withdrawal received after the proposal due date and before said expiration date and letters of withdrawal received after contract award will not be considered. H. RFP POSTPONEMENT/CANCELLATIONIREJECTION The City may, at its sole and absolute discretion. reject any and all, or parts of any and all, Proposals; re- advertise this RFP; postpone or cancel, at any time, this RFP process; or waive any irregularities in this RFP, or in any Proposals received as a result of this RFP. All expenses involved with the preparation and submission of Proposals to the City, or any work performed in connection therewith, shall be the sole responsibility of the Proposers) and shall not be reimbursed by the City. RAG No 060609 ~OF21 H_ IMf CEMENTATION OF A CA:L CENTER FOR THE BUIIAING DEPARTMENT 71!f 2200&'ity d Miami Beach Pale B CI dC J. EXCEPTIONS TO RFP Proposers must clearly indicate any exceptions they wish to take to any of the terms in this RFP. and outline what alternative is being offered: which exceptions and alternatives shall be included and clearly delineated in proposers' submittal response. The City, at its sole and absolute discretion, may accept or reject the exceptions. In cases in which exceptions are rejected, the City shall require the Proposer to comply with the particular term andlor condition of the RFP which proposer takes exception to (as said term andlor condition was originally set forth on the RFP). K. SUNSHINE LAW Proposers are hereby notified that all proposals, including with or without limitation any and all information and documentation submitted will be available for public inspection after opening of Proposals, in compliance with Chapter 286, Florida Statutes. (the Florida "Government in the Sunshine Law". L. NEGOTIATIONS The City may award a contract on the basis of initial offers received, without discussion, or may require Proposers to give oral presentations based on their Proposals. The Ciry reserves the right to enter into further negotiations with the top-ranked Proposer, (following authorization of negotiations by the City). No Proposer shall have any rights in the subject project or property or against the City arising from such negotiations. Notwithstanding the proceeding. the City is in noway obligated to enter into a contract with the top-ranked andlor successful proposer, in the event the parties are unable to negotiate a contract. M. PROTEST PROCEDURE Proposers that are not selected may protest any recommendation for selection of award in accordance with the proceedings established pursuant to City of Miami Beach Ordinance No. 2002-3344. Protest(s) not timely made pursuant to the requirements of Ordinance No. 2002-3344 shall be barred. N. RULES; REGULATIONS; LICENSING REQUIREMENTS Proposers are expected to be familiar with. and comply with, all Federal. State, County, and Ciry laws. ordinances, codes, and regulations that may in any way affect the services offered, including without limitation the Americans with Disabilities Act; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the EEOC Uniform Guidelines. and all EEO regulations and guidelines. Ignorance of the law(s) on the part of the Proposer will in noway relieve it from responsibility for compliance. O. DEFAULT Failure or refusal of a Proposer to execute a contract following award by the City Commission, or untimely withdrawal of a proposal before such award is made and approved, may result in forfeiture of that portion of any surety required as liquidated damages to the City. Where surety is not required. such failure may result in a claim for damages by the City and may be grounds for removing the Proposer from the City's vendor list. P. CONFLICT OF INTEREST All Proposers must disclose. with in their proposal. the name(s) of any officer. director, agent, or immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, and child) who is also an employee of the City of Miami Beach. Further, all Proposers must disclose the name of any City employee who owns, either directly or indirectly, an interest of ten (10%) percent or more in the Proposer entity or any of its affiliates. Q. COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY'S LOBBYIST LAWS All Proposers are expected to be or become familiar with all City of Miami Beach Lobbyist laws, as amended from time to time. Proposers shall ensure that all Ciry of Miami Beach Lobbyist laws are complied with. and shall be subject to any and all sanctions. as prescribed herein. in eluding disqualification of their Proposals. R°P Nc 0&0809 FOR 1 HE IMPLEMEMAThON OF r'. CNLL CENTER FCR TY.E BUI_DING DePARTMENT i t f72~cJ~8Cay of Mlami Beach PaOB 5 of 4C in the event of such non-compliance. R. PROPOSER'S RESPONSIBILITY Before submitting a proposal, each Proposer shall be solely responsible for making any and all investigations and examinations, as it seems necessary: to ascertain all conditions and requirements affecting the full performance of the contract. Ignorance of such conditions and requirements, and/or failure to make such investigations and examinations, will not relieve the Proposer from any obligation to comply with every detail and with all provisions and requirements of the contract documents, and wilt not be accepted as a basis for any subsequent claim whatsoever for any monetary consideration on the part of the Proposer. It is the intent of the City, and proposers hereby acknowledge and agree, that the successful Proposer is considered to bean independent contractor and that neither the Proposer, nor the Proposer's employees, agents. andlor contractors, shall, under any circumstances, be considered employees or agents of the City. T. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME (PEC) A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crimes may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, sub-contractor, or consultant under a contract with a public entity ,and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Sec. 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. Pursuant to Section 2-486 of the City Code (entitled "Cone of Silence") proposers are hereby advised that the Cone of Silence requirements listed herein shall apply. V. DEBARMENT ORDINANCE Proposers are hereby advised that this RFP is further subject to City of Miami Beach Ordinance No. 2000-3234 (Debarment Ordinance). Debarment may constitute grounds for termination of the contract, as well as, disqualification from consideration on any future City of Miami Beach RFP, RFO, RFLI, or bid. W. PROHIBITED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS BY VENDORS Pursuant to Section 38-6 of the City Code, no person who is a vendor to the City shall give a campaign contribution directly. or through a member of the person's immediate family, or through a political action committee, or through any other person, to a candidate, or to the campaign committee of a candidate, for the o~ces of mayor or commissioner. No candidate. or campaign committee of a candidate for the offices of mayor or commissioner, shall solicit or receive any campaign contribution from a person who is a vendor to the City, or through a member of the person's immediate family, or through a political action committee, or through any other person on behalf of the person. This prohibition applies to natural persons and to persons who hold a controlling financial interest in business entities Pursuant to Resolution No.2000-23879 each person or entity that seeks to do business with the City shall adopt a Code of Business Ethics ("Code") and submit that Code to the Procurement Division with your bidlresponse or within five days upon receipt of request. The Code shall, at a minimum, require your firm or you as a sole proprietor; to comply with all applicable RFP Nn 08~OSD9 FUR 7HE IMVL6MhN IA710N OF A OALL CENTER Fv4 THE BUI:OING OEPARTMENr I I(12+2J.1BCicy of Miami Beach Page tU of a0 governmental rules and regulations including, among others, the conflict of interest, lobbying and ethics provision of the City Code. Y. AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT Call 305-673-7490NOICE to request material in accessible format; sign language interpreters (five days in advance when possible). or information on access for persons wRh disabilities. For more information on ADA compliance please call Robert Halfhill, Public Works Department. at 305-673-7631. Z. ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS, FAVORS, SERVICES Proposers shall not offer any gratuities: favors: or anything of monetary value to any official, employee, or agent of the City, for the purpose of influencing consideration of this proposal. Pursuant to Sec. 2-449 of the City Code, no officer or employee of the City shall accept any gift, favor or service that might reasonably tend improperly to influence him in the discharge of his official duties. RFP Nn' A&Ofi-QS FOR TF7C IMPLEMENTATION OF A CAL CENTER FOR T-IE BUILDIN3 DEPAF.TMENT 1 V t2'7~0.5CIly of h113m1 E3ee~^, V39e. 11 01 JD The City of Miami Beach Building Department wishes to assess its ability to improve its level of customer service by conducting a pilot program that will handle all of the Departments overflow calls for a period of four (4} months in an off-site call center. Pending the successful completion of the pilot program, the City will have the sole option to continue with the overflow calls or assigning all of the calls to the off-site call center. Currently, the Building Department does not have the resources to answer and respond to all the calls it receives. The Building Department has a permitting number, (305-673-7370}, that is handled by an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. This number receives an average of 77.000 calls per year. This number is used by callers to schedule, cancel and listen to the results of permit inspections without the help of a live person. This number also feeds calls to an Automated Call Distribution (ACD) system which routes calls to the Building Department employees that are logged in and available based on the input from the caller. The Building Department main number, 305-673-7610. receives an average of 80,000 calls per year. This number is answered by an additional IVR that offers general information so callers can selectwhere to route the call, and it also feeds calls to the ACD system. Of the approximately 157,000 calls to the main Building Department number and the permitting number, the ACD receives approximately 75,000 calls per year. The employees are able to answer only 42% of the calls. The remaining 58% of calls are either forwarded to voicemail (40%) orend when the caller decides to hang up (18%). We expect the amount of calls to be answered by the selected call center, to range between 50.000, and 80;000. We suspect that many of the 75,000 calls currently received by the Building Department ACD are repeat callers who previously decided to hang up before reaching an employee. The increased call taker capacity (offered by call centers) will result in more calls being handled correctty on the caller's first attempt. Therefore, the need for repeat callers, to call again will be significantly reduced. The Building Department wishes to hire a company that provides a fully equipped offsite call center. including all the necessary resources required to achieve an abandon rate of less than 5%. It is anticipated that the successful proposerwill negotiate with the City for a term contraciwith an initial term of three (3) years, with an option to renew for an additional two (2) one-year extensions at the Citys sole discretion. The preferred provider should possess the following capabilities: 1. Provide automatic call distribution with full reporting capabilities. 2. Call Center needs to be able to handle between 50.000 and 80.000 calls a year during full operations and approximately 25,000 calls per year during the pilot program. 3. High Percentage (minimum of 50%) of Bilingual operators (SpanishlEnglish). 4. Provide a knowledge base system to assist contractor's agent to provide proper and consistent response to inquiries. 5. Provide a seamless telephone interface. 4F'r No' 00~08Ai FOR -CIE IMPLEMEMM1TION OF A CALL CENTER FOR Th:E BVI;UING JEPAR?MENT 11!tt:200ECrty °1 Miami 9e°_r Vngr. 19 °1 d0 6. Fully operational call center facility for at least five (5} years and preferably in the Miami area. 7. Provide the ability to remotely monitor the interaction between callers and agents. B. Provide a customer agent assessment mechanism at the Citys option. 9. Call Center to be able to access Building Department software to be able to answer permit related questions such as: but not limited to, the following: Miami Beach Building Department address and office hours. • Give out Building Staff contact numbers and email addresses. • Take messages for staff and forward the messages via a-mail or text messages. • Questions regarding plans processing and plan review status. • Schedule Inspections. Inspection route information. • Look up permits and give customers status of permit or any of the following common requested information: 1. Permit application process. 2. Permit Cancellations, 3. Change of Contractor. 4. Change of Architect. 5. Notice of Commencement. 6. Updates regarding Contractor licensing. 7. Power of Attorney. 8. Owner !Builder Permits. 9. Special Event Permits. 10. Building Permit Estimated Fee. 11.40 Year Recertification. 12. COICC Process and application. 13. Issuance of Contractor Pin Numbers. 14. Report a Complaints Violation. 15. Record Requests. 10. Provide information on transactions that can be done on the website. 11. Full reporting capabilities. 12. Web based resolution tracking system. 13. The call center contractor will be required to provide the necessary technology to meet American with Disabilities (ADA) requirements. Liquidated Damages All of the provisions listed below will not apply during the first 90 days of the contract The call center provider will respond to 80% of the calls within 30 seconds: failure to meet this performance standard will result in 1 % credit from the quoted rate. If the abandonment rate exceeds 5%, this will result in 1% credit from the quoted rate. The contractor is expected to maintain an 80°/a customer satisfaction rate based on the internal tracking system to be developed by the contractor and monitored by the City, Failure to maintain the desired customer satisfaction rate will result in 2% reduction from the quoted rate, and if the contractor exceeds 90°/<. customer satisfaction rate, this will result in a 2% increase over the quoted rate. RFP Nc 0&~C6-DO FOR THE IM1PLEf,IENTF.T ON OF A G:L_ CENTER FOR THE BUILDING DE~ARTAF.M t V72f2008Cay d Miami Beech Page 13 N AU IT Current Environment Summary The Building Department currently uses the software called Permits Plus and Wireless from Accela Systems in Visalia, California. The primary users of the system include the Building Department, Code Compliance. Planning, and Fire Department, Finance, City Clerk. The EDEN Enterprise system is utilized to perform the Business License and Sidewalk Cafe Licenses for the City. The Building inspectors utilize the Accela Wireless handheld software which is a real-time application using a wireless cellular air card solution. The current server that is hosting the Permits Plus database is using Microsoft SQL Server 2000; however. this will be migrated to a 64 Bit Microsoft SQL 2005. The City has approximately 92 concurrent users on the Permits Plus application. The server is attached to a Storage Area Network (SAN) for all drives containing the application database. The City uses best practices for this type of configuration. The data resides on Tier 1 Fiber Channel /RAIDS volume, and fhe transaction logs reside on a RAID1 type of configuration. The City uses Dark Fiber as the software to backup the data on this server. The server uses both the SQL Backup and the open file agents. It is also important to note that the complete solution currently resides in a CATS hardened facility located in Downtown Miami. Remote connectivity to the CMB environment by the call center vendor will need to be discussed at a future date; however, it will need to be in line with industry best practices for availability and security: also, be approved by the City of Miami Beach. The Permits Plus server is connected to the City's Backbone Network through a 10G6 Dark fiber link. The City's Backbone Network is comprised of a pair Cisco 6509 Layer 3-4 switches and various other Cisco hardware and software components. The Permits Plus system is also interfaced to the County's tax collector via a monthly CD that is uploaded into the system. This is done by the computer operator with the aid of programs that were specially developed to import the file from the CD. RFP ale. CL'-Ofi-OU °CR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A CALL CENTER FOR T1-IE RU~LGiLn- UE~AHIMEN' 11i :70006CIty 71 MIAMI UeACA FAgC 14 014 The proposer shall have at least five (5) years of experience in operating an off-site call center that handles at least 200,000 calls per year and it should have a knowledge based system that is currently being used as part of the operation. ft%V NG C}0609 FOR THE IM1iPLEMEMATION Or A GALL OEN'cR rOR Tli BVI'JJING ri?PP.RTMEN7 f s112t2008Ci1y cf Miem~ Beach 'ax t 5 ci AC SECTION 111 -PROPOSAL FORMAT Proposals must contain the following documents, each fully completed; and signed as required. If any items are omitted, Proposers must submit the documentation within five (5) calendar days upon request from the City. or the proposal shall be deemed non-responsive. The City will notacceptfee/cost information aker deadline for receipt of Proposals. 1. Table of Contents Outline in sequential order the major areas of the Proposal; including enclosures. All pages must be consecutively numbered and correspond to the table of contents. 2. Proposal Points to Address: Proposer must respond to all minimum requirements listed below. Proposals which do not contain such documentation may be deemed non-responsive. a) Introduction letter outlining the Proposer's professional specialization; provide past experience to support the qualifications of the Proposer. Proposers shall submit documents that provide evidence as to the capability to provide and implement the services as outlined in this RFP. b) Proposers must provide documentation which demonstrates their ability to satisfy all of the minimum requirements detailed in Section II of this RFP. c) References: List at least five (5) client references, to include contact name, title, company, address, telephone numt~er. a-mail address, fax number. d) Qualifications of Proposer: Outline in detail the experience and qualifications of the business and individual members of the Proposer entity and experience of Proposer andlor Proposer members in providing similar projects/programs as the one proposed. Provide an organizational chart of all personnel and consultants to be used on this projectlprogram and their qualifications. Aresume of each individual, including education, experience, and any other pertinent information, shall be included for each team member to be assigned to this Project. e) Past Performance Client Survey Information: Past performance information will be collected on all Proposers. Proposers are required to identity and submit their best projects. Proposers will be required to send out Performance Evaluation Surveys to each of their clients. Please provide your client with the Performance Evaluation Letter and Survey attached herein on pages 27 and 28. and request that your client submit the completed survey to Maria Estevez, at (Fax) 786-394-4002 or (e-mail) manaestevez'a~miamibeachfi.gov: and a copy to Gus Lopez, at (Fax) 786-394-4007 or (e-mail) guslopez'a~miamibeachfl.gov .The City will not accept Client Surveys sentto the Procurement Division from the office of the Proposer. Surveys must be sentto the Procurement Division directly from your client's officelsl. Proposers are responsible for making sure their clients return the Performance Evaluation Surveys to the City. The City reserves the right to verify and confirm any information submitted in this process. Such verification may include, but is not limited to. speaking with current and former clients, review of relevant client documentation. site- visitation. and other independent confirmaiion of data. f) Methodology and Approach for the Project: The Proposer must specifically describe its Proposal methodology and approach. R°P Nc Q408.84 FpF± TF1' iIAPlLMONTAI ICN Or A (:n.L CENTEk =0H THE BUILDING DSP4RThIcNT 11I72~'70J8Gtj of Idtenl Beau ~s_l? to of GC g) Cost Information: The Proposer must submit the proposed fees relative to the responsibilities listed in the scope of services based on a cost per minute of service. The contractor will also provide alternative methods of purchasing service time, these include but it is not limited to cost per attendant hour, and cost of full-time dedicated staff. The City reserves the right to negotiate altemative service levels with the contractor during the term of the agreement. Notwithstanding any cost submitted, the City reserves the right to further negotiate same with the successful Proposer. 5. Acknowledgment of Addenda: (IF REQUIRED BY ADDENDUM) and Proposer Information forms. 6. Any other Documents Required by this RFP. RFP No: U8-08-W3 FOR THE IhIP_cfAEr~RAThY ^F A C41.I CEN~ cR FOR THE BVI~.:.1ING DEPAR'MENT t ti t2@00&Oiry of rdiami Beach Paga tt W The procedure for Proposal evaluation and selection is as follows: 1. Request for Proposals issued. 2. Receipt of proposals. 3. Opening of responses and determination if they meet the minimum standards of responsiveness. 4. An Evaluation Committee. appointed by the City Manager, shall meet to evaluate each proposal in accordance with the requirements of this RFP. Proposers may be requested to make additional written submissions or oral presentations to the Evaluation Committee. 5. The Evaluation Committee shall recommend to the City Manager the proposal or proposals acceptance of which the Evaluation Committee deems to be in the best interest of the City. The Evaluation Committee shall base its recommendations on the following factors, for a total of 100 possible points: 1. Experience and qualifications of the proposer - 30 points. 2. Experience and qualifications of the individual(s) assigned to provide services to the City-15 points. 3. Methodology and Approach to include the demonstrated ability to achieve the city's objectives - 15 points. 4. CostlFees - 30 points. 5. Past Performance Surveys - 10 points. 6, After considering the recommendation(s) of the Evaluation Committee. the City Manager shall recommend to the Mayor and Commission the proposal or proposals acceptance of which the City Manager deems to be in the best interest of the City. 7. The City Commission shall consider the CAy Manager s recommendation(s) as it deems appropriate, and approve the City Manager's recommendation(s); may make its own recommendation (s); may reject all proposals: or may prescribe such other action, as it deems necessary and in the best interest of the City. In consideration of its recommendation. the Mayor and City Commission may consider and give preference and/or additional consideration to a proposal and/or proposals which, in the determination of the City Commission, provide a `community" and/or "public' benefit, which added benefit the City Commission may deem is in the best interest of the City of Miami Beach. 8. Following recommendation of award by the City Commission. negotiations between the selected Proposers and the City Administration take place to arrive at a contract. If the Mayor and Commission has so directed, the City Manager may proceed to negotiate a contract with a proposer other than the top-ranked proposer if the negotiations with the top-ranked proposer fail to produce a mutually acceptable contract within a reasonable period of time. 9. A proposed contract or contracts are presented to the Mayor and Commission for approval, modification and approval, or rejection. 10. If and when a contract or contracts acceptable to the respective parties is approved by the Mayor and Commission, the Mayor and City Clerk sign the contract{s) after the selected proposers) has (or have) done so. By submitting a proposal, all Proposers shall be deemed to understand and agree that no property interest or legal right of any kind shall be created at any point during the aforesaid RFP No: O&-0&00 FOR THE IMPLEMENTAL On OF A CF_L CENTER -OR THr BUILDING DEPARTMENT t 41 i'200PCit.~ M Gaarnl Sea^~ Page 180110 evaluationlselection process until and unless a contract has been agreed to and signed by both parties. INSURANCE CHECK LIST XXX 1. Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability per the statutory limits of the state of Florida. XXX 2. Comprehensive General Liability (occurrence form). limits of liability $ 1,000.000.00 per occurrence for bodily injury property damage to include Premises? Operations: Products, Completed Operations and Contractual Liability. Contractual Liability and Contractual Indemnity (Hold harmless endorsement exactly as written in "insurance requirements" of specifications). XXX3. Automobile Liability - $1.000.000 each occurrence -owned/non-ownedlhired automobiles included. 4 . Excess Liability - $ 00 per occurrence to follow the primary coverages. XXX 5. The City must be named as and additional insured on the liability policies; and it must be stated On the reltifi0.lte. 6. Other Insurance as indicated: _ Builders Risk completed value $ 00 _ Liquor Liability $ 00 _ Fire Legal Liability $ . 00 _ Protection and Indemnity S 00 Professional Liability S .00 Employee Dishonesty Bond S 00 Theft Covering Money andlor Property Of Others $ 00 XXX 7.Thirty (30) days written cancellation notice required XXX 8.Best's guide rating B+:VI or better. latest edition. XXX 9.The certificate must stale the RFP number and title PROPOSER AND INSURANCE AGENT STATEMENT: We understand the Insurance Requirements of these specifications and that evidence of this insurance may be required within five (5) days after Proposal opening. Selected Proposer's failure to procure or maintain required insurance program shall constitute a material breach of Agreement under which City may immediately terminate the proposed Agreement. Proposer Signature of Proposer RFP Nn' OA~06-95 FOR THE IMPLEMENTnTION OF h ~hLL CENTER FOk THE EUILD~NG CEPARTMEM 11/:?17006Crty of rdi2+b B?et11 Nage 19 or 60 PROPOSER INFORMATION Submitted by: Proposer (Entity): City/State: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: It is understood and agreed by Proposer that the City reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals, to make awards on all items or any items according to the best interest of the City, and to waive any irregularities in the RFP or in the Proposals received as a result of the RFP. It is also understood and agreed by the Proposer that by submitting a proposal, Proposer shall be deemed to understand and agree than no property interest or legal right of any kind shall be created at any time until and unless a contract has been agreed to and signed by both parties. (Authorized Signature) (Date} (Printed Name) RFP No' 0&OR-09 =0F Tl~c IMPLFMENTkTI(XJ OP:. GhLL ::EN c3 FOR 1 HE tlVIi1JING CE~A4TMEN' 11.12'ZIX16City of Miami Beacn Fare 2C of <n REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NO. 08-08!09 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA Directions: Complete Part I or Part II, whichever applies. Part I: Listed below are the dates of issue for each Addendum received in connection with this RFP: 08- 08109: Addendum No. 1, Dated Addendum No. 2, Dated Addendum No. 3; Dated Addendum No. 4. Dated Addendum No. 5, Dated Part II: No addendum was received in connection with this RFP. Verified with Procurement staff Date Proposer -Name Dare RFV Nc DE-J5~09 =0R THE IMPLEMENTFTION OF 0. CwL CENTER FOR TIE BUILOINo CE~r RThlFff i1~t2~2fA8Crty of Miarii Beacft PagE 2+of X10 DECLARATION TO: City of Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive Procurement Division Miami Beach. Florida 33139 Submitted this day of , 2008. The undersigned, as Proposer , declares thatthe only persons interested in this Proposal are named herein: that no other person has any interest in this responses or in the contract to which this response pertains: that this response is made without connection or arrangement with any other person; and that this response is in every respect fair and made in good faith, without collusion or fraud. The Proposer agrees if this response is accepted. to execute an appropriate City of Miami Beach document for the purpose of establishing a formal contractual relationship between the Proposer and the City. Florida, for the performance of all requirements to which the response pertains. The Proposer states that the response is based upon the documents identified by the following number: RFP No. 02-0708. WITNESS PROPOSER SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME PRINTED NAME PRINTED NAME RFP Nc OFON-00 FOR THE IMPL-=NiENTA710N OF %~ CALL CEfV• =R FOR THE tlVILDING 6=PnR7M~N1 '~ L1~2008CIh~ N M~am~ Beach '29G e2 c+4t SWORN STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 287.133(3)(a), FLORIDA STATUTES, ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND SWORN TO IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICER AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS. 1. This sworn statement is submitted to [print name of public entity] by [print individual's name and title] for [print name of entity submitting sworn statement] whose business address is and (if applicable) its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is (If the entity has no FEIN, include the Social Security Number of the individual signing this sworn statement: 4. I understand that a "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(8), Florida Statutes, means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid or contract for goods or services to be provided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States and involving antitrust, fraud; theft, bribery, collusion. racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. 5. I understand that "convicted" or "conviction" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(b}, Florida Statutes, means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, nonjury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere. 6. I understand that an "affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(a); Florida Statutes. means: 1) A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime; or 2) An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted of a public entity crime. The term "affiliate" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members. and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in another person, or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under an arm's length agreement, shall be a prima facie case that one person controls another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months shall be considered an affiliate. R=P Nc 08~08~09 FOR THE IMPLEMEMATIUN U: A Cw1LL CEMER FUR 'fHE BUILDING DEPiRTMENT 11.^.22OJBCity W Miami Bead1 oap 2! ci 4C 5) I understand that a "person" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(e), Florida Statutes means any natural person or entity organized under the laws of any state or of the United States with the legal power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or applies to bid on contracts for the provision of goods or services let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The term "person" includes those officers: directors, executives; partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in management of an entity, 6) Based on information and belief, the statement which I have marked below is true in relation to the entity submitting this sworn statement. [indicate which statement applies.] Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, nor any officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders; employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of the entity, nor any affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of its officers, directors. executives, partners. shareholders, employees, members or agents who are active in management of the entity. or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of its officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members; or agents who are active in the management of the entity, or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. However, there has been a subsequent proceeding before a Hearing Officer of the State of Florida: Division of Administrative Hearings and the Final Order entered by the hearing Officer determined that it was not in the public interest to place the entity submitting this sworn statement on the convicted vendor list. [attach a copy of the final order] ENTITY PRIOR TO ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT IN EXCESS OF THE THRESHOLD AMOUNT PROVIDED IN SECTION 287.017, FLORIDA STATUTES FOR CATEGORY TWO OF ANY CHANGE IN THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FORM. [signature] Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of Personally known OR Produced identification Notary Public -State of My commission expires (Type of Identification) (Printed typed or stamped Commissioned name of Notary Public) RFI ~ No'. 0&U8-09 FOR THE IMPLEh1ENTATION OF k CALL C-INTER FOR TIF RUILO W3 DEPARTMENT 111:22006City d Miami Bean Pege 2R of 40 QUESTIONNAIRE Proposer's Name: Principal Office Address: Official Representative: Individual Partnership (Circle One) Corporation If a Corporation, answer this: When Incorporated: In what State: If a Foreign Corporation: Date of Registration with Florida Secretary of State: Name of Resident Agent: Address of Resident Agent: President's Name: Vice-President's Name: Treasurer's Name: Members of Board of Directors RH' Nc. Cd-0&De =0R THE IMPLEMENTkTION OF F CnLL CEMER FOR THE BUILDING r.S ~i.RTMEN' t1i'.22COSCity M Miami Beam Forge 25 0l RO Questionnaire (continued) If a Partnership: Date of organization: General or Limited Partnership': Name and Address of Each Partner: NAME ADDRESS Designate general partners in a Limited Partnership 1. Number of years of relevant experience in operating same or similar business: 2. Have any agreements held by Proposer for a project ever been canceled? Yes () No ( ) If yes, give details on a separate sheet 3. Has the Proposer or any principals of the applicant organization failed to qualify as a responsible Bidder/Proposer refused to enter into a contract after an award has been made, failed to complete a contract during the past five (5) years, or been declared to be in default in any contract in the last 5 years? If yes, please explain: RFP No: 08-CAB-OE FOR THE IMPLEIdENTATION OF H ~,^,AL-CENTER FOR TH6 6U.LUIfW UEPnRTMEM 11.12@CO9CIty o1 lAami H?ac~ Pagc 2fi M 40 Questionnaire (continued) 4. Has the Proposer or any of its principals ever been declared bankrupt or reorganized under Chapter 11 or put into receivership? Yes () No ( ) If yes, give date, court jurisdiction, action taken, and any other explanation deemed necessary on a separate sheet. 5. Person or persons interested in this RFP and Qualification Form have ( )have not ( )been convicted by a Federal, State, County, or Municipal Courtof any violation of law, other than traffic violations. To include stockholders over ten percent (10%). (Strike out inappropriate words) Explain any convictions: 6. Lawsuits (any) pending or completed involving the corporation, partnership or individuals with more than ten percent (10%) interest: A. List all pending lawsuits: B. List all judgments from lawsuits in the last five (5) years: C. List any criminal violations andlor convictions of the Proposer andlor any of its principals: 7. Conflicts of Interest. The following relationships are the only potential, actual, or perceived conflicts of interest in connection with this proposal: (If none, state same.) 11lt2.70]B iiP-08-08~'JE Cny of Miami Beac° 2. °~ 4: Questionnaire (continued) 8. Public Disclosure. In order to determine whether the members of the Evaluation Committee for this Request for Proposals have any association or relationships which would constitute a conflict of interest, either actual or perceived, with any Proposer andlor individuals and entities comprising or representing such Proposer and in an attempt to ensure full and complete disclosure regarding this contract, all Proposers are required to disclose all persons and entities who may be involved with this Proposal. This list shall include public relation firms, lawyers and lobbyists. The Procurement Division shall be notified in writing if any person or entity is added to this list after receipt of proposals. 11:72+2806 ^ 5-0808:09 Cdy cl M.~am OzscO J9 sl dD Questionnaire continued) The Proposer understands that information contained in this Questionnaire will be relied upon by the City in awarding the proposed contract, and such information is warranted by the Proposerto be true and accurate. The Proposer agrees to furnish such additional information, prior to acceptance of any proposal relating to the qualifications of the Proposer, as may be required by the Ciry Manager. The Proposer further understands that the information contained in this Questionnaire may be confirmed through a background investigation conducted by the City, through the Miami Beach Police Department. By submitting this Questionnaire the Proposer agrees to cooperate with this investigation, including but not limited to, fingerprinting and providing information for a credit check. PROPOSER WITNESS: IF INDIVIDUAL: Signature WITNESS: IF PARTNERSHIP: Signature Print Name of Firm Print Name Address ATTEST: IF CORPORATION: By: General Partner Secretary Print Name of Corporation Print Name By: (CORPORATE SEAL) ^~ 1' 1272008 iaty U Gtlemi d6B~ Print Name ITP~00-0Q~04 2S of 40 m N.IAI~f~.l BEACH City of Miami 8eocb, 1700 Con.:ombn %cnror Onvc, Miorn ~ Ew:-L, F:ondo 331':9. •++ww nuumiboddl.ua: PN,OCtJREhSENT DNISION Tel: 305b73.7490 . Fax: 786.394.4002 To: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Subject: Performance Evaluation of Number of pages including cover: 2 To Whom It May Concern The City of Miami Beach has implemented a process that collects past performance information pursuant to the submittal of responses to this Request for Proposal (RFP) No. 08-08-09 entitled "For The Implementation of a Call Center for The Building Department.° The information will be used to assist City of Miami Beach in the evaluation of proposals received in response to the RFP. The company listed in the subject line has chosen to participate in this RFP. They have listed you as a past client for which they have provided services. Both the company and City of Miami Beach would greatly appreciate you taking a few minutes of your time to complete the accompanying questionnaire. Please review all items in the following document and answer the questions to the best of your knowledge. If you cannot answer a particular question, please leave it blank. Please return this questionnaire to Maria Estevez by December 15, 2008 via fax: 786.394.4002; or a-mail mestevez@mi amibeachfl. g ov Thank you for your time and effort. Gus Lopez, CPPO Procurement Director ~ ,'v1!AMIBEACH iTKOe-a^:on Gri of N:arri Boach 3E of d0 City of Miami Beach, '~. 709 C:nnventio^. '.ruler give; .bliorni Beuvi, Florida 'x3139, wvn.-.miamineoch=..aor '~20: URE,VIENT DIVISI6N Tel: 3Ci.673.749C ,Fax: 766.39d_4002 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SURVEY Point of Contact: Phone and E-ma Please evaluate the performance of the group or individual (10 means you are very satisfied and have no questions about hiring them again, 5 is if you don't know and 1 is if you would never hire them again because of very poor performance).If you don't know, please leave blank. NO CRITERIA UNIT 1 Flexibility in working with the City to manage the tali center (1-10) costs z Abili to reduce abandoned call rate (1-10) Ability to resolve basis calls from constituents without the 3 intervention of City staff/Customer Services ) (1-10 4 Professionalism and ability to manage the scope and (1-10) ob'ectives of the ro'ect Ability to manage the call center agents to meet the City's 5 customer center standards (1-10) Overall customer satisfaction and hiring again based on B performance (comfort level in hirin consultant a ain) ( ~ 1-10 Agency or Contact Reference Business Name: Contact Name: Contact Phone and a-mail: Confidence Intervals Date of Services Please return this questionnaire to Maria Estevez by December 15, 2008 via fax: 786.394.4002; ore-mail mestevezC~miam Ibeactlil.aov 11;tD2D08 ITR~O&08•C9 Gny W Miam Beach 31 of 4C GW~.K R~FE~tfdC= :>UIC)c T<:~ E~~IIAL BE~~EFIT, ^":~l.;'•,PLIAt>bC:E What does the law requirc7 'he ~xorosal :idinance wd requira cPram •auh:rela:r. de+¢7 Luslnen. »-ih the i:ity c•t htiuml Pexh, v<Fc are awarded a comracl omsuam ~o ~:arnpefitrva k:idt to pcovhlu "E.;Wt Fnlx:Oti' k: tnfir <xnpi<.wes will, dantessic aarrt»rs, al they :xovlde •c employees wnh soauws Who is covered by this Ordmorrce7 ..•smpauevnly :v) Oly ~:onbcx is w: ne;1 n! ..veer Llpf, Ql;. wEase c:•nPc:rors mamum SI or rtrrro G:.' kmc ompiaswc. rn. Ifni: pavr.Als d ~arft 7_i~ o- more calendol work »•ee<z fcr m:xe InrpM'-]Ilf:n. See LgWt J?119htb ~'(dllVrlw JUg1aK. What benefits ore coveredT Ilx Grdmal¢e appGe. L: all tsenecs nHead ty a :unlra:n;r R: ir. err (Js:ysea w;'.o n•,r+e spWan w Jc:n,ealr. pu•hlers ord cl. txuv'n:. <•8e1Pd •hrP: Ay e..<cd. spuo:a, of domessl: f<utners a,•an ssdrr the empL•yree pup SFr. entln] cost rat the oenela. -hn mduws hcl b net Irr.:iLr? lo::a::k Mm.:, har<xnavronl 7evve, Ltmlly Is adlud leave anal health berxdra. What u a Demesti< Parnter? A "DnmPalc =grtnm' ::hors rnuan ury hwo (2j rdlAl•. n° Ih.: sgmo nr dif•.aenl ses whe t<rve• mpnkxrl c: dgmezt:c pormen vnth a qc vennnnr' I]caty (mrawnl so auk and 't:<al Iuw o.r!valzinc xu:h redaxali^e. o: w~,es un u»ernu registry rc.atMaher• Lr the ansplglel o; at ixst c'rw cr IhP :{ovt.arc (x,'nwz What i4 o contractor is unable ro offer 6eneS'its egsrally? ome :canactoa ara nnnr,Ic n trv,l qn ~.~ ::ai P -c-np~op wsllhsl v, oA?t :Inreesbc dome?r coae-eva. VJhan a contra~ror tal»s ail regsonaok.• meoscres a atJ{, dis:nmir:aliny bul :ar • for rcn•.ov:. ouoida ns co~rnul. II can cer.;d'. wlYt 1F< Fglol Esenatn:. OrnrrraKe i' d sprees h pay a ~mL aqurcianl A <asn ago.:olna .:. d'P umaunl nl rn<xwy Auld : y an eclA::ye' 'rn 'he: >puuw:d !w~Pfr Ito u enamilnF.la for d<:nseeUr pcanec or vlre v>: s:: Fo~ r:<e i<hxma0 an. sae keaamtatJP MBaaVI V: 4up-::Mror WI]m if o <omparry wiA comply bet nwods time ro de „? -~ c e<:nnada oaks.. is <I<en. nlal L roll comply >•: 11: the 17c: uL)ban :L Ce[tnlq aISW:u]ns endlOJ :ha_'Immtlhec ~n CbI1P115 m:y Fe •xlcyrcf (o: ntnonca, ::Aenml medls'~ mwrun:P ,n:n i.: drlgy«I wrbl Are con~mUar : next enroi~menl pe0 nd ad'sr brroth svoh os hereaselnert iarme. m;r: t.P clelay<.d urn! ~hP e.wko<tors par•,r.el pcaaas car. be revved fq- more mRrnallon, see holes of Procedure o'. Bte Sslaatara:o ~onq:honco Emu, STEP Z: HOW TO COMPEE'fE THE DE<LARATION: NON-DISCRtMINAt10N IN <ONTRARS AND BENEFITS FORM ie:]a- .r:. ia: m~orr;anorv rr.::u' w•.I ;:.nq:am 1f the company empbys 50 or lass employees in dlo U-5., skip to Secfien 6; deft and sign. Sa.<hor 2 GWe#ran ' P, aat,~ whaAsa- zwr :vmlxsrry Ixoh:hita di:: nT.i•rOlion nynFl<r pa::ple Fnsxl cn she C•]r!>~ I lPb I•blesd e,ownr ^'Ea' 'd y.wl mn(xsny Ikxs ease >urk. c c..i •:, • ?.<swe- 'NC; it y:wt cr~mpa:ry d:-.e: nr.: hove 11th n u;ls\' ;i~esn;t 13 m'u whrAher yowl r snout! apree> to Iruuda J non4:xruuoWlol: <IU~:P[ iu all auxml:rq<t; VbIQ'NC inb tar dte pedorm;uxe d n lUbstaralo! Innkm ac tie um :;urrwcl: yc:. haw »dL. 511P :try. 7ri: :JuuaP nnul iw,luJu ;:II d the :ateErsries hs:Pd In q']esa]n 'r. °.. a rwst crwel Ihia rlvedi::r o+Pr it y::m u.rnnany veal Im; ha onnrx.y .rata drag ainmaunas nsx+~5nled '.arh work pedcrmed iol me :rlv • Anv..el "YFS" i yor: wl. dame k ic.'ude a nand+s<rain:;lino cqusa m sulrion::>:n • :m:»•or 'NCT '~f Inu wiA ua ::glen k, rr:x!~ o nandn:rl!411~I1Jn i{']J`v' In SUb:Jnlraa1 i3ue~1,9. asks whnher your corFcxy o+erb F:er•um sal: m n•a Jxa r-nurnncaj ~o Pn:plyw•e>' zp~wses c: sc emdcyeal bc.avse tnPy are mcnred jaxh v; herearamerr luovn whim um ir. Igkan :xsv.I,P r ra den•h of c sF.wze, or family meda•al leave wh"~n fn- be vker Iro: ouu al a gsrosP hq•n~:l o aariau: ntcac sl aaxi'n:m; • Answa•'YES"if x•a oter orn lvct Genafhs- • Ar;we: "N:Y d yav du ne: cliur unv av. ixr oflh NOTk vo; ere :a.-vdered a; ol4~r;ny a lraov6: PYn•` ii yv. dc: r:'t fay w p if uao.<. r<• r.''„• tonsil' :a cASsrc~ isnr !ne cc9 roust i]a acnl :r wi•aa <p !n par: uy .'.^a emc»Yav., yr.P :hc:uid ar:fi anawe~ ' 1'F}" ;wissL~t.2L: asi. whr•hre- vqu c•.moa•y oAors henrdA, (su:h n> rtwd rsi in,umn~ e; m emp~nyes•; ormesnc parkvnn w :o emFbyeP; :.c~au:a tnov me m c dumeurc prnkaes mp lu,<r es I>waavenv+nl Inr.•<a wFc:h cr.n he bken bevcasP ul fire Jac'.h of u dorrz;% ysr•nar. o~ fart ly med>=al love.: wt.l<h --~n bo raker ha-nuv_• ~' a Jemas•:: aurrrer hos^.vy v wr ou; rrmJl ml cauJnqu: • Amwer 'YFti" ,I y+w r.~{er any wr• hawh:> • Answer "fJq" A s^w d : r,t otter Amy sm:h banelia 1 111112 0 0 6 t1E-0&a62,? Glv d Mlam F7¢9^.h 34 0! 40 NOTE: in c(^npiy. vou! pntwar; r:. Q4PE.q:p.; Qp ,;yi 2i: :!!Quip Family Laava Yxv' ((.>q>my': %mniry :end 'dw.'.•s~ b? me carne. ir. v2p• Lmi~d ounms",-ncaa yn:, mu; cumpie- l9(ria :f<I p:d:~:y 411 compon•a:. wills 56 a mole wi.•Iro.rt cFiPnnS fxreiirs xiuaM :eE R9aavwti? Naatr.w. emnhrysrES mu;' •>HE• :hn be:19#n 'iocl ::.'.ice shod:: A4: ~1C'fA'PT'r:^n Indkate IF!a anoh,yws m~rv aw 19ew f>ecauce of -an sarws .`trdu:al condiaal of d>E'~ sp<•cw o• dorresle ,..a,r,~. it ;huv:c ix IAIE:::mr OI'7h' 8 ynl bore nrowernc ' I>arnel YfY r. quPSh:x :,'F ucd,~or -->k ask' y;:n P. indr. ale whirF 4en9hta VW OFmr V \:X'ta9f 01 Pllp'JyN9G ::?C<r1iN tila'j tH r! Parental L9aVe 1•>UI ~:mpany ::N~IC,r' Indlcallfg 11101 InJI' l lKll. Nt Kh I:9nan15 YOU :)HN h dfnNbll~ parlfk'L ~f 9n'.''`1CYOEr T!'j 10 (:• 1EpY« Ir•' ly« hlflll C•: Cd:)p•i:ll :If 3 ~ 1 ?InIT'?j'9E> h9000sa rb9y Jr? :I' a d.i'd9111i DO(1n?r<lll:.. asst <I>Ild. ':. Care I^I C <fllhj WII:' G •Ii, :IG<~/Cr IJ Une Sd f^.If09 wl:i!h l>?ndrt: y>u do n4- cfer FI(+n9 inal.:ol? only Prose lNI14)Ha a1;,oulnmr.L. II IeoY- 1: aval•<s61r Ea He1r-b.:dler 11he oN2wd If y:w 44er aenafi+ro ac: a"(~<:. Lered w'll? rh9m n'~ -+.11?r9 °.~•v:e'., of .i) th.w 1-::.. ~1>-_~ :hol:;J 6e ~s..,Ja:d. Inr tl>- it wp 'blh«r' Nnrn MlfJy. orinrn~ u:'CES G c isen+fir f• Sn:T =h1t1 .~ oJo:nsn.'pnrue' ccoeider9a a!,wnefi•, even if yc~r:otnpany aca:> ra,ray ??r i. • Employes Assrsran<o Program 'flat comp:my`. Nd:•. iF ~o rx•' oriel ud ben?L. in r nu•:e:ar•-imileor4:y rnonne: a"9>°yna Us:ashonu plcgraw p,ln:y :,enlmnng Ihal bM.JUf9 a. :wm::q, l1rU~lYa y;H;, CU'.W JI. {9 C. tt•ww crN n4 SIr:J>is .70fr PiAC p::fnia'+ CInC tn9i: lillanl> n9:: .:alldr9n In4rnp, a .+.>nda::. wil%Ing .U •>f(n. n:x:nr.4; ;prf.•y ..,rvn: a(pl are 9g1mlF. EIICIh1« ;cl 111Ph01~•~.vl tOI SUr11 h?nPgl! YC(: mW DP dnalL(9 n,: 12:Tt03U/JE .YI9 a>JIN COI^Gaa: n;9. .r( em:pry on rf:N Uosie. y!m rxJ og;r+9 r:. pay a ami: egoi•r,/i9•R Mb<ation $ Travel Ycw ccmparv's polr: unhrrlra sunmi' :: !on:pie!ni Re:aor.:bi? !vt+ass•res A:»fiu:nr,.:• F.xrt wiv fi'::r nxl«•nw~ •:: novel cl rekn ulilxl wdl 6n paid ou the (:f1'rN\/,f>pl'i (rl(!);)f•rlnnt, M•:f f%!Y« 1'C(': Gpf:: r.::n:li'. fl()llrfyp:: n•/ .ante bUal:. (. F(>:•ti59r OIKI d::M9t11( pnrln9ra O- !he Rucmemem L\vrao:•o%r5?'T•JMiuc<He(ir): +'nf"IY"`n' Dissounrs, Facilities $ EvenN Yoa' ,:ompunrf policy Shp 3: ATTACH THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTATION (Y0f rrrhlp rhos dlrQUm;. laritis9> leg. gyre; ua'7 +YEnn t9;~ h,hday parry; are egwll; a.v luG9 n. spouses avJ Se, la ;: sral9a 'act y..: mu,1 srnlmir dc•:mrald(aon :wr .9nfies dnr:?:rs: nonnErs or emF~oyEa> all h9rxl> malhEd in your answer 10 <hresn4n 2::nP off?red in :I O4:IJIS'nnllnMby n'•Jrn9( YJIYiT y.:eslble, ' ri bBSI iF yoo SJf:mlr GsdB lTngn Unum SmanM tlVn 'nt !19d1' Vnicr 1f11L (IJCUrnC+nl:a:oe a clr3 wall y::Jr (}_•: '._Iral~((I 19(11 }~I pullnel mIh!:lllf [1 tncl LAC J>tl a9d damEA-] fYJIV?Ip IRIn: 5lpfa CHR al3 Ur`KI146U. Sl'JHIi: n Ig110 F.:. IrK, FfY.tiRTNnt ~ivlxQn ^':<aaa kf Crud 1 nnlnn t9"/1•;9'u ndi: abn~t :ha ll>P 1h.. fn' bulow a: ( auiJa Inr the yp.: of dOGUln91'IVifn '};rlitl. Cf.ild Carc l)•1[Vinnni;InIX1 If1U' IhC :l.ltdlnn OI bpOU}a> \IalSgh•[IINT Ond Chlla:PU v1 dGTBiIA [:(H>nPra hO V9 9gU0 fY{9dKaI fniVrabN P 4n]14nIPn1 lrcT `f.+N M6dlC(d In4119n(H Oi<9aa rC'. Cf.l!I :Uf<52r'r••:H al(.`ni19: Ihat ~ anflnn> f:14U>9f anJ dlrmeSnC pann?f> ((1~ OPf •ted ' nna«1 1hi'. ch Jinorf C~ rna9w• cyl.al <:ow:wlY' m y::w nwrh<ai OtHN' 6lnef@f Ea:f UalPnr!In Ob of (II-:y G1 '1er IW. all> SSIe!: ph:'1. ?Li. ,n>y b:: v. a roam ham yao iuaunor.: ucvidr, o. h> 9dmol« d1a1 d.h. .H-ofi9led a•(:aalq r969A9d 'n the Blip :.ilHy aa:.fion of yax ohcial ,nsmolc9 pC:• deeurc2nl Slni ar d"•:umenlanan '~s n2eded te.- Uh9r lyoes c= F-' mnd.utt io:.ulumm r,<nnp:una. p'rudn.:t dan.an: In:mal r,P Olon> p(a-n91 urverapa n fhE Stan? 41 Fl:;:ira. :atx 'c. 'ne - 'a-hlwl memr.:9 Crnam.w $arncq a>.:.4Na Gam9vr. Retirement Plans jincluding OOIk & penHion plans) orhn9 rn W.v+,.m arc :x:A}N~~\,~. crater Pa n9», T'•.a x•::hvnr. :m Ixmitr: f::an dek:ilnuT Ices n-.1alw~ns ~ Yrxuremnri drop •'k•wn :Lt 1N it ::lih Thf ho1Jd rr• I im c'1neN ol.uol and p1e IM tun t :cash I rw.n• Co: oral nn .::( r r h:ala •ha f-:: nny <1w:.l on :.n Inr: C. i•y ::( .Warm h(NI:} ?;plat EInl:doy29, with :iomzvK tf-anera ar(1 amplc.yae: N:1h .pcvsao fierrefic O dewnc~ '~1 6n.' to <:an:J.-,le Ih1- vlzlm_~bl:. rMYV? the sam9 b?r 9'da and afrP>19r14aFr.ra ^.'ns, Liaasa :;onto:` bereavement leave e;n IwrEa:9mem -xlw ut h'reral I«asE Cris~irw Dias. Gc.:nxs C om-iiH+<e 5a(cm!(n olv.Y Iodlcnnn •h« ben9hl is oF%er2c 9oual. ~. II Our -dicY P y 9 I ~•''`UAEAIEM, DIYtSOn I!GO:Conm>•on i.Ens~Glm.Mmm Bn(.:6~ 2ltl3c clip'.,: .m du ? f yar>. Ilene uF1 Ircn wori x<aWa of H19 he JL'• ^` a id. a4iM.°iJtuh :' -m- ?R684S4fIXi s1x(us r >4~.auld aL•;:::?o•r. k: Amt. all h<=nus<::r 9w d«a4r ,d .1 ,-rrHnnrhnsaminmlhmrnH vn: tion'aan.-. ; nrhlal H hxf palmy alk,wr l01 n,1<• (cf ant-::, th.. d.:cll1 cf 4 par+nt Inlaw qr OF121 relaB.9 0l o >;.en(>n, B aua Ire 1!dc Ivne Nb to nrmn:knc N C'~^'i<.'lv a>:e4lw p ~4. rerv::e aro m4,1' !Jr f!:I dx Cl~ai": C'f O damPAU JannPf S 9gV1Ya9:tt r91aIrvB m a4 >+hc iw wort: cn2 aY,.' i> uu- v,'!tonl rcoica', h. sM.^i i (on m:rna t :; 12•'2008 ITB-0&U&'Oi• Cih• d Miam~ B9a7f 3s o' 4. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DECLARATION: NONDISCRIMINATION IN CONTRACTS AND BENEFITS Sedion 1. Vendor Information Name of Company: Name of Company Contact Person: Phone Number: Fax Number E-mail: Vendor Number (if known): Federal ID or Social Security Number Approximate Number of Employees in the U.S-. (If 50 or less, skip to Section 4, date and sign) Union narneisi Sedion 2. Compliance Questions Question 1 Nondiscrimination -Protected Classes A. Does your company agree to not discriminate against your employees, applicants for employment. employees of the City. or members of the public on the basis of the fad or percepUOn of a person's membersnip in the categories listed below? Please note. a 'YES" answer means your company agrees it will not discriminate; a "NO" answer means your company refuses to agree that it vnll not discriminate. Please answer yes or no to each category. Race _Yes _ No ~~ Sex _Yes _ No -Color _Yes _ No - Sexual orientation _Yes _ No Creetl Yes No Gender identity (transgender status] _Yes No Religion _Yes _ No DomesDc partner status _Yes _ No National origin _Yes No Marital status _Yes _ No _Ancestry _Yes_No _ Disability _Yes_No Age _Yes _ No AIDS!HIV status _Yes _ No Height _Yes _ No ~~ Weight _Yes _ No 8. Does your company agree to insert a similar nondiscrimination provision in any suDCOntrad you enter into for the performance of a substantial portion of the contras you have with the City? Please note. you must answer this question, even if you do no: intend to enter into any subcontracts. _Yes _ No 71; 12!2008 r5-OR-08(02 Cilyd Miam E!eac:lr 3<M4P Question 2. Nondiscrimination -Equal Benefits for Employees with Spouses and Employees with Domestic Partners Questions 2A and 26 should be answered YES even if your employees must pay Some or all of the cost of spousal or domestic partner benefits. A. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with spouses or to spouses of employees? _ Yes _ No B. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with {same or opposite sex) domestic partners` or to domestic partners of employees? _ Yes _No The tens Domestic Partner shall mean any two (2) adults o! the same or different sex, who have registered as domestic partners with a govemmen! body pursuant to State or local law authorizing such registration, or with an internal registry maintained by the employer of at least one of the domestic partners. A Contractor may institute an internal registry to allow for the provision of equa benefits to employees with domestic partner who do not register their partnerships pursuant to a governmental body authorizing such registration. or whe are located in a jurisdiction where no such governmental domestic partnership exists. A Contractor that institutes such registry shall not impose criteria for registration tha; are more stringent than those required for domestic partnership registration oy the City of Miami Beach If you answered `NO' to both Questions 2A and 28. gc to Section 4 (at the bottom of this page), complete and sign the form. tilling in all items requested. I~pu answered. .YES" to either or both Questions 2A and 28, please continue to Question 2C below. Question 2. {continued) C. Please check all benefits that apply to your answers above and list in the "other" section any additional benefits riot already specified. Note: some benefits are provided to employees because they have a spouse or domestic partner, such as bereavement leave; other benefits are provided direGly to the spouse or domestic partner, such as medical II1Sllr2n CF t •.. 1117008 RFP Nc Oi-0!~05 COMr.WNITv SnTIS~gCTiON SURVEY SER:~ICtS CilydMiam acach PaPC 35 c AC Note. I(you can not offer a benefit in a nondiscriminatory manner because of masons outside your control (e,g ,there are no insurance providers in your area vAOing to offer domestic partner coverage; you may be eligible for Reasonable Measures compliance To comply on this bases. you must agree to pay a cash equivalent, submit a completed Reasonable Measures Application vdth all necessary attachments, and have your applicafion approved by the City Manager. or his designee. Section 3 Required Documentation YOU MUST SUBMIT SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION to verifyeach benefll marked in Question 2C. Without proper documentation, your company cannot be certified as complying wiM the Cdy's Egual Benefits Requirement for Domestic Partner Ordinance. For example. to document medipl insurance submit a statement from your insurance provider or a copy of the eligibility section of your plan document; to document leave programs. submit a copy of your company's employee handbook. If documentation for a particular benefit does not exist. attach an explanation. Have you submitted supporting documentation for each benefit offered _Yes _ No Section a. Executing the Doament I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Florida that the foregoing is true and correct, and that I am authorized to bind this entAy contractually. Executed this day of , in the year , at _ City Stale Signature Mailing Address Name o! Signatory (please pool) City, State, Zip Code Title 11. ~22C116 RFP NG Ot-06-09 COhIMUNITV S4TISFACTIOh SUR'V=~ SFRVIOL:; Gly of M1Oami eeacn Page 3t of AU m ~- CITY OF MIAMI BEACH REASONABLE MEASURES APPLICATION Declaration: Nondiscrimination in Contracts and Benefits Submit this form and supporting documentation to the City's Procurement Division ONLY IF you: a. Have taken all reasonable measures to end discrimination in benefits; and b. Are unable to do so; and c. Intend to offer a cash equivalent to employees for whom equal benefits are not available. You must submit the following information with this form: 1. The names, contact persons and telephone numbers of benefits providers contacted for the purpose of acquiring nondiscriminatory benefits; 2. The dates on which such benefits providers were contacted; 3. Copies of any written response(s) you received from such benefits providers, and if written responses are unavailable, summaries of oral responses: and 4. Any other information you feel is relevant to documenting your inability to end discrimination in benefits, including, but not limited to, reference to federal or state laws which preclude the ending of discrimination in benefits. I declare (or certify) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Florida that the foregoing is true and correct. and that I am authorized to bind this entity contractually. Name of Company (please print) Mailing Address of Company City. State, Zip Name of Signatory (please print) Telephone Number ' V 12!2006 R=P No Ot-0604 COMMUNITY &VISFACTION SURVEY SERVICES ::Ity N AIIam~ Eaa~ Papc 3' c 40 .:> .. ~= _ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE AUTHORIZATION FORM Declaration Nondiscrimination in Contracts and Benefits This form, and supporting documentation. muss be submitted to the Procurement Division by entities seeking to contract with the City of Miami Beach that wish to delay ending their discrimination in benefits pursuant to the Rules of Procedure, as set out below. Fill out all sections that apply. Attach additional sheets as necessary. A. Open Enrollment Ending discrimination in benefrts may be delayed until the first effective date after the first open enrollment process following the date the contract with the City begins, provided that the City Contractor submits to the Procurement Division evidence that reasonable efforts are being undertaken to end discrimination in benefits. This delay may not exceed two years from the date the contract with the City is entered into, and only applies to benefits for which an open enrollment process is applicable. Date next benefits plan year begins: Date nondiscriminatory benefits will be available: Reason for Delay: Description of efforts being undertaken to end discrimination in benefits: 11:1D'MOP RFP No 0 ~-OPA9 COf.I'+~1UNITV S•1TISfACTION SURVEV SERVIL'tS Ley cf M.am Bcac~ Pagc 90 0l a0 Ending discrimination in benefits may be delayed to allow administrative steps to be taken to incorporate nondiscriminatory benefits into the City Contractor's infrastructure. The time allotted for these administrative steps shall apply only to those benefits for which administrative steps are necessary and may not exceed three months. An extension of this time may be granted at the discretion of the Procurement Director, upon the written request of the City Contractor. Administrative steps may include, but are not limited to, such actions as computer systems modifications, personnel policy revisions, and the development and distribution of employee communications. Description of administrative steps and dates to be achieved: If requesting extension beyond three months, please explain basis C. Collective BargainingAgreements (CBA1 Ending discrimination in benefits may be delayed until the expiration of a City Contractor's Current collective bargaining agreement(s) where all of the following conditions have been met: 1. The provision of benefits is governed by one or more collective bargaining agreement(s); 2. The City Contractor takes all reasonable measures to end discdmination in benefits either by requesting that the Unions involved agree to reopen the agreements in order for the City Contractor to take whatever steps necessary to end discrimination in benefits or by ending discrimination in benefits without reopening the collective bargaining agreements; and 3. In the event that the City Contractor cannot end discrimination in benefits despite taking all reasonable measures to do so, the City Contractor provides a cash equivalent to eligible employees for whom benefits are not available. Unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Procurement Director, this cash equivalent payment must begin at the time the Unions refuse to allow the collective bargaining agreements to be reopened. or in any case no longer than three (3) months from the date the contract with the City is entered into. 'I U~y~08 RFP Na. 0108-08 COMM'JNiT`.'SATISFACTION SURI+EY SERVICEu L'ny of M19rc1 leach P&ge 35 of 60 For a delay to be granted under this provision; written proof must be submitted with this form that: • The benefits for which the delay is requested are governed by a collective bargaining agreement: • All reasonable measures have been taken to end discrimination in benefits (see Section C.2, above); and • A cash equivalent payment will be provided to eligible employees forwhom benefits are not available. I declare (or certify) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Florida that the foregoing is true and correct, and that I am authorized to bind this entity contractually. Name of Company (please print) Mailing Address of Company Signature Ciry, State, Zip Name of Signatory (please print) Telephone Number 111V,~7Wg 3FP NO' OLC&05 COMMVkIIY SATISFACTION SURVEV $FR:9CC5 CAy of rdiami Beacn PaAO 4U a M.'