Addendum No. 3~ N~IA>~/II BEACH
Ciry of Miami Beath, 17ili: Convr.ntun ~: ercnr Drive, Miami 5erh; Florida 93139, ..m~c.miomibeocLfl.yov
TeL 305b73J490 Fax: ?8639ddOC2
December 9, 2008
In response to questions and requests for additional information received by prospective
Proposers and the Administration's additional review of the requirements set forth in the RFP,
the RFP is hereby amended as follow:
1. The deadline for receipt of proposals and Performance Evaluation Surveys has been
changed from December 15, 2008 to December 19, 2008 at 3:00 p.m.
II. Questions and Answers
O#1: What is its capacity? What is the maximum capacity of your telephone
switchlsystem in extensions and trunks (outside lines or interfaces) for
your phone system? For instance, does your phone system
accommodate 500 extensions and 1000 trunks? (Refers to
AddendumNo.2, O#81).
A#1: The City has 4 Hipath 4000 switches set up in a diversified manner.
Each switch is currently configured to meet the City's needs with
some room for growth. The proposer's solution may impact one or
more of the switches in regards to extensions and trunks. The costs
associated with implementing your proposed solution will be
impacted by the amount of configuration work and hardware
implementation that may be needed on the City's infrastructure to
achieve your proposed solution. Include in your proposal, how
much capacity your solution requires.
Q#2: How much of that capacity have you already used? Of that maximum
capacity of your telephone switchlsystem, what percentage has the city
utilized? For instance, if the city has 250 extensions and 500 trunks, that
would be 50% of the example above (Refers to Addendum No.2, Q#82).
A#2: Refer to response provided to Q#1. Include in your proposal, how
much capacity your solution requires.
RFP No 08-08109 Call Center
Addendum #3
12/9/2008 Page 1 of 1
O#3: Does it support IP trunking? Does your phone system, either currently or
through expansion. offer the ability io do trunking between itself and
another VoIP (voice-over-IP) telephone system or switch? (Refers to
Addendum No.2, Q#83).
A#3: Yes, the Siemens Hipath 4000 switch is capable of supporting of IP
trunking. The proposer's solution may impact one or more of the
switches. The costs associated with implementing your proposed
solution will be impacted by the amount of configuration work and
hardware implementation that may be needed on the City's
infrastructure to achieve your proposed solution. Include in your
proposal your IP trunking needs.
O#4 Does it support PRI (primary rate interfaces)? Dces your phone system,
either currently or through expansion, offer the ability to have digital
interfaces, such as T1s or PRIs from the telephone company to connect
itself to the PSTN (public switched telephone network) or another phone
switchlsystem? (Refers to Addendum No.2, Q#84).
A#4: Yes, the Siemens Hipath 4000 switch is capable of supporting PRI.
The proposer's solution may impact one or more of the switches.
The costs associated with implementing your proposed solution will
be impacted by the amount of configuration work and hardware
implementation that may be needed on the City's infrastructure to
achieve your proposed solution. Include in your proposal, your PRI
Proposers are reminded to please acknowledge receipt of this addendum as part of your RFP
submission. Potential proposers that have elected not to submit a response to the RFP are
requested to complete and return the "Notice to Prospective Bidders" questionnaire with the
reason(s) for not submitting a proposal.
Gus Lopez, CPPO
Procurement Director
RFP No. OB-08!05 Implementation of a call center for the building tlepartmenl
Addendum #3
12i9,~2008 Page 2 of 3