Inktel Direct Business Solution for MBBUSINESS m FOR BEACH ~, d ~--~ - ~D C~ r-~- i, Y 1 ~~ } v ~ ~ December 15.2005 ............TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I' is an horror to pres-nt our respansc t~,, the ~~i~, of f~Aiorri 6eacn for RFP #0$~3£i/,1C'. Inktel ;)irect a or'. award winni•IC provloe• of aursource cal center seriices totaled it mouth Florida. ''/~ie are in our secon:l Decode a( assisting ou• clients ream their h:gnest Iwel o' cusrome• saP.shccion thraugF aul professional ono courteoJS aop+oach is manoging inbour:d cust~`m<.>• servlcc calls. 7ui cpproacn fcr Ins amity of?dtiarli Beach Bui~ding Department wit be rvcused on Ins rollawing~ O F:%:~UCrc` the `T.aaridar Kate t'v belaV•:' e aria slim hate VJa I' t me5 K,f C'Clhrs O Pravide aansistent, det;7iled and accurate inrormation to rJtiarli BeocF cuslorners O .4::llieve the highest possible level o.• : st cal resolution O Keauce L'le Cfy o' !Viiorni BeacF BJiioing Deoarlmen!'s wort laud O [%ehver pfOUCiiVe sO;UflanS plat tirl~l se" iris clew benCnmark In CUStamei S~oflSrachon O De: reuse the number of visitor<_ :o ~hE Pvliam 6eoch Building Uepartmsnt fps local citizens who are •aciive it the community, vve unaerstand the cuhu•a ono ste=ak th langcuaps~ a? Jouth Flarlda. JU' state Uf Ins a'1 Ca~' Cen7e' uric oafparatrrJ UrhCe :5 lacated IBSS that ~ ~• C'IIeS FrCC th° Clh; of AAiomi Beach 5vildina D=patmen- ;?fRces, oGowinc far on-sire troinmg, program revie~rs ona foci rc face cammunicot~ans with all dwisions of t•h Inktel oroon.rahon. Inktel !s locally involv<_*c' through the board merncersMp o` its executives and the vaiJnteer work a= its emplayees ~~ur toll center team fo" tnis program wit' ~ 100% bilingual in English, end Spanish:. r Let us brine our rlexible oral responsive •approach, our local new~edge arrd oJr er>pertise in managing calk to service the itv al A~ia•ni 6eacF on behalf al our fellow citizens. I WOUId Ilke Io tnanY, gall fOr ih15 OppC>'~Jnity' to preSeT to VUU OUf I{,{°a5. I' yUr. Flave anv %,(UPStlar`~5 reiateG iC! Ihi:; proposa , please contact me al ;30~i 52~ 1 1 15, o' b'v e-mail ricky.ar•ioloCinkte, tom Sincerely. V ~~iCk~~ « I ~~C t~'°.SId='ni (:.nr:..~ ~ ~ '~.1 InY.te tJ'rP..~~' SECTION 2 Inkrel Dlrecr, c leading auesaurce provider of call cenr9r servi9s, v.'as founded in 14':7 and sevbce5 several • ,. Farrune JUI: CarTipa n195, CIOVrr`IUrTIOn' a3enCle`. anC Ie•:7a ln;~ brands. InV,(el Dlrecl IS h9adGUarierP.d In ?dtiaml, f. `n'its additianal aaeraGo~ls in Cni:ogoand FI, ~ouderJale. Inkrel has porfic.,~lar experrise in the call cent9r industry; mamrcinirr a'Igoing relationsh:rs with a vanely of cssoaatians; commodiy awards. mcnuracrurer<_ and cisrnbulcrs it addition r, ongoing wort: for 5~oward Cauny'd'Vaslc anc I:ecyclin~ Services and rhe'~~reoter Fort ~oJd:~lda,E: Conv9ntion y.''Jisiiors Gureau, current Inklei clients include the ~,)S~Aw•rihe Corns. ~ir9d `nervy; )annsor &,:onnsor, USA Taaay', 0=':c9 f~epa, and mony other similar argan'zarions Inlet91 Dir9ct',. growth has led rc: c continuous expansion of oaeratiors. and services with rnulriple facili'ies and aver 4'JO employees lesi'diny i•I ~lo~iaa. OU' paSSlOr~ fCr people IS WIt01 5915 U5 apart, Vde dellVef an it?IS tJhdame'Uai aeli9- by c'eahng ar -amasp•lere oonaucive hor lecrning, sna~iny cnc cnal:eng ng the status yuc. Trur-l telling and inforr~a:ior sharing is valued ay oJr reams and our ciiens, v/here yoo'h find chrll9nge in -he midst o' support, and where CaRla rade'IE- f!OI tafCed CUnfar.m~ty -!'rlalGCt9LZe OU' InterGCtl0n5. Tnls enVlran merit has b9°r Uplly describec as a "Posstan ~Gr P9opi9." Our coli9ctive knov"iedge; expertise, creativity, technology, and hard work is what lecds to unique, valuable, anc arofitaa!9 customer service salJtions, I- is f, r this mason t*lat ott*acting, gravving, en9rgizing:; and retaining the best Taien~ is critter:I tc our success Inkrel is a privore, minorin: av/neo 'irm that rigs received national recognition fa servic9s. PI9GSe see she Aoaendir, of this P,FP of o copy of our =P,A/t3C CerlificaUan fol 2008. PHILOSOPHY OUr Cllenl SG'VI(;e leanCi r9QIl7e °hP.r9 :5 :7 ne9d t0f aGy'T0-Cay, ^llnUte':C'n?I'IUIe ccmmunicatio-I and the Only way tc worx in unaar is rc hav9 access to all aperations. Trle Ciry a' tdt!c.mi Beach Building Gr-.ao-l~,en• wit have on occoum •ncnagel wno wif bc: the kev operatianGl contact and will de 100°~ r9sponsiaie for al Key ~' P9r{ormance indicato•s (KPI; associarea' with tnrs program. f^.S t1,9 a'ImarY and 0n-gOInC COntaCl. ~-Ilent JSrVI:;eS IS InIIn1Ut!;IV InVO'~'/ed WIIII U'1defSla l'IUIng U'ld consrructi•Ig all ploglo•ns harr ore implementahor fhrxgn ony and all day-ro-day a:awir\/. `JV?; nave Ine abihty't0 dBCL^.h91 CfIIIC.tI InSlr'JCIIOr :1nC' ,'..1raC::Sb IUr~C U,fnUUll'S U' Irl{Cr'Tl•^.t~Or!, :: n. arF a::C:)'Jnl`1bIE fi. th~• eXe.CU-10'1 Cf a U91GIled Scrape U' WLNti. Nt.OSI ~IiIUU~ l0"Illy, '..li•~nl J~"vrJCS v`/ill nVICi eacn Inkte [llr9Ct SerVICe UI9C aCCO,If tab~U iCir tl-IE• ~`;UUIII't' i; r'rJ I•n;i;IlnC`SS JI UII WJ'k pC'tUr R!Bd, CIfO'WIIIU_ IhE` :.Ubl~;m~'.r ;;"19 :`1pl'll CI accouniabili~: fo- al~ deslgnGlec ts'k<• and :>roc9dures SECTION 2 ECCE- mer'lfx•' O( VOUr Cilen' Ser\/ICE' OCCOU!ll I~U'lt A I~'~7111B:j ~7n VJaj';~: iO enh;]fK:B Cp °'~atiOr?U p°(IOrmUfICL-`. 'tNs will work wile Irle Bui.ding Geparlmen' on deveiopinC doily ! vve£klj/ scorecards lo' operafiono pertormonce, sc> ~•och member of your acccnlnt yearn is hef:i resr~ansiule (or F;e^orrnanc:e Guy highly i r £xr~..ri£nced manage.menl team will ennance the cwiomel £xpelienc:e by slat{ine~ trle Des- of the bes "his 8nha(ICG'C £Xper%enCe beams W;fI1 proper ifa~lling. In KIG-`l `A•Ili tram ail CVStame' Sere'iCe fep;ese~nrOrl`/es Ufl OCI'Vf? llst;.rll tlg, '7tCINa'IOn, ,araV~dlriq BXhUJrd«IU'Y' C,IStORIP.' SefVICe, arla t('E ^it Ot pFrsJ:.'S1Un 'Of I'liCtf:, rfle goal WIII 'IOt Slm ply' be t0 pGaVla£ :: ::f6"Tllf:r CIIStOmef se'V;Ce. eXpeli£11CB, but 10 aISO prO\/Ir36' O :ial°S' type: corsuiralive call wn£r;o the cuslortei i:; enrouraged Tc use 'he building Jepa; rrnenl's website as an intOrmatiOn t00 Inktel Will tP-OCh tilE C~JentS the IrnpOha'ICe Oi e'.nlpat~ny StOtefTl£r115. SP.nsItIVItV t0 CUStomer d150.~.111112S, a'Id patience VVnlle femOln,na wiif!Ifl In£ SP,rViCe levels OE'Slfed. ~;niike other outsource providers, our fame. is tc reduce ooerationa costs through process imp•ovement and effective uGl:zaiion of resources. Our cc;;ounl teoms are measured and compensoied based or the~r ability to Deliver on eoch clien+'s valve oroposii-~on_ Vve are cvaiicble and ready. Client Sevi::es anderstands thct access and availaciiin/ is critical tc meeiinc and exceeding clients` goals. Our tear' is available 24 Hours a day; seven Days o week with rigorous standards of excellence regardless ai time - do•, o' nigh'. Intel Uirect's'~II£rr Services learn is mo. ile cnd avci;ab:e Tor rieebngs at the Build ng Jepcnment o=Tices oa a momcn"s notice. .~.Ilent Ser`!IC£S QhS: aiWayb D10aCtIVe ratner that r£OCIIV(i. FOCI!Sl~ng On a COmtrlltn"+e~nt t0 Sharing ~a£aP, IrIKI£I G«ec1 proclctes constant interaction with cll£nl<_ Ic develoa roncepts and strategies oim£d al enhancing, the vawe o' Inkre Direct's s£rvlces, Internal discuss~anS, focus group:, team-':wilding meeiirlgs and oorpnrate OUt117Et5 IOSIPJI Cr8a11V1~+ and a CVIrUfQ of CanSta~l~)~ I(ll rtla rl((q ~pUt51d9 t~e DOx~. ~)U~' 'O~::VS) knUWI?aQE O( IrIB IfIdUS'V 'ruplrQS eaC{' ream mein J£i 'U prOCiCiIVE~V IdE'.ntllA•' areas 10' Imt.:r0'aerlti;n'.. I 'Onl g£r1C'Cli rrC' I:]@:]S that reduce basic cosis ro iacihtatirg hivhly sophisticat£c dala~min,nc programs thca~ irnFxove resuhs, vlient Serv,ecs streamlines arocesses and increases ploduclivih~:, yleldinC a great°r rer,:rn on your invesrrrlen?. SECTION 2 DELIVERING RESULTS Inkle L':(eC' h>rllaves iaE vU P.1G W& pfOV!de OUi clrenis IS In the feSUIIS WC d6'I'VP.r ThESE reSUttS :On 7e carecor,'zed it two voluE sraiernc;rts: Inkte J:fe!J' WOfkS With seen of our clien!s to ruii\ JptI mIZEF P.1/°i y' CUSramBf fltfa nCrlOn thl'CUGh C VU'IEIV b' teohnologv and aperal~oncl soluliors, fiy personalizing each custamEl inleradion, we arc oble t:: pravide SOiJ?lens that aE'nefUte areatef ~JStaf"ler Sa(SfaCtlOn. I h8 CUS'OmEf °.XpeGenCe 'still be :mprovad ftifough detaiiEd training wherenaants veill ba sensitive to the secsans, special wells, anc~ people wish oisabiii-ies. i!'s rl! abou (:IIOV`./ng ho`r: to iJentih/ wnc you're spooking with and knawing hov,/ to soeoN, to thEl? :nKtE is solutions driven. 1Vlanaaring wi!I oculr on on on-going basis and qualih/ cssurarnce forms will be used to Evowate the culls. -hrough the use c(quoiity contro , the agens wi!I be kepi informed on Chair status Irkte wll CTEaIe SCrIptS wflEtl neCa55afy t0 have C stfeamhned Dhane CCII tfTat.S COn515tant- we arE quick To react with c anges ana common questions, ~ requanhy as~ed questions sccat con ae compiiEC using agent ~aaddock which we solicit cons-ontb;_ ~ xus gaups may also be he,d cailv~~ to sham Naas arlc discuss WCCI 'ESDO'1Se5 may ba WafK!n~ WEII tar SO^16' OgBn(S. Tnl£ ti ltennC p(OC°SS VJIII OIICVV Uo tU imDr•7JL' UVe'rai ar<)CPSS. Inktel Dlrec~ is. committed ro guiding the 6uid~ng ~eparrmenr from lust answering cells and Celts i to the poi-I• vahere its cornmunu:alians With its ohents wi:i be p`aociive in nahlre Inktal`s approa;:h with its cb,enh is based on the cancea' of cansont Imarovernant. Tne proaa- mlr, of peaple acd Technology wih ae InC(.>(JOratC'd Ir,-• nElp) eilha(:Ce the Cammiln'Catiafl DE'.WC'er the ~VIICIng Uapartm ent and ICS CIIEr~tS, I--I°(a era enhancements thot InKrel earl prawde durng ull Ooerarions: O 'voice Costing I•lxtel will be able to provioe autortaled outbound cobs. innarming d~enrs a~ the status of -he'r permits or the s: hedule o` their irsp~~ tors. E-mall PV'4e550gtnq' ~I"I K1CI ,CyagniS Can rP,Celve and aTISWEf :Pff?CIIs a5 C N/a'e' 10 ::OTTlmlm l: ^tP. Vd1tl' t1~6 Building Daparrmenl's clients O JrV~!`TeXt ~+~1255agInC: '. If`Y,P~I r/'.GB'1 h5 fan reCP.lve and anSwEl JTS.S,/'TeXi rTtESSCQES a8 .J Way r0 cornmuricak wish the 9.,ilding "iepartmen'= clerds. ive '~,no' ~nkR~l ./'.gL'ntS can COmmUnlCgre N/I'h Cllent5 QD::E551'lu tl'6• QUI!d!rl~ ~BJUn mE(I' VIU ihGlf websd~ thereby ~°~craasrlg file ~cr.cicnaiiry and appeal of t~na we~site SECTION 2 INKTEL CARES I"~are$ inCCfp:]P;JI6; everylrCng tltG' Inklol Sn:7na5 for Ir1 tarmf. Oi I?Oth CGmrnUn'I~r ORd OU;Iness Va.JB$. Bqy @Y.lendl'lC O n0!ld to IOl COfTI rTIU rI IIj lil'OUafi QU' partne:':;hl p5 V~gtfl arOgfaRIS SUCK OS JUSO'I ~% Y~Cr(181i M1::J~~ nor `he CJre in Miarni, Unirc~d 1~(aq of ?v°tiami-;)ode. ~s~c 6r~athers big ;ijsie•s ot!lgiom~-DGOe, S' )udE Children's Res°<Jrch Haspircl aro HGnds on IJucmi, h'.kre' is e~ecliveit' buiid~ng k)r~oges real aril iUS' G ii,; I i.~rle. In ocdiiior ro au• comrrnlnity parne•shias, IL-ores is an enlitV Ihal appre-~ores its ernaiov~::, ana os a result c~'Iebrates e.rery birthday, w=ry rnon-lenlous c:ccasior•; entd every smell occ:ornaishment v/arthy of r°-COgftl'IOn. ~ ~.areS IS RIOfe t~"I;in O 5'y^100~'~ IU' What WF. StOn~ rCr; 'I IS an °mf]JOJnl~ni •Gf Inkt°, S ~~OSS~•Jn {Or Faaplo" TPA EVENTS Inktel employees jo~no;i others at in dowr.toWn Mua'ni for the Su;on G. Komer Rage for the ~~ ure ~h. Susan G Y.omer Cftor the Cvre Is the nat;on's barges f;lndmy source for reSearCh dedlaated SOIBI)r IG JrBCSt Ca R: Sr. :OG01 ~.rTl'.lat2: rUrl faces, (GlSing mOne'yr f0' the oJraase al •advancir research, eChICGtIOr; 'reOtmenr GnC SCieen'ng. 3'r oarrnerinc witf Uriled 'dvay; f•Ikte emadvees come togethe- fa make a di'fererce for people borne within our carnrnunir)r. From runni•Ig corporate campaiges tc participating in dialogues aboc• sues in °Jriami Gad=, irkte is helping jmprove lives. `very day, "t~~1~t VOIUn1e8rS' Vvhethsr CS IrlO'VICUO:S, em alOyees, Ot 'Omllies - bring nanC:°~ Or ~a m'11Unliy SJppOr!, hope Ond ~Oy' iC IIVeS Often OVe.'StIOdOV/Gd ~j';/ InSta~'illlhv Ond Jr1C°11~QInty', mOking ~/'~iom'-Dade Comfy c better mace to live and work. In~te employ°'s have volunicarec' their lime .n the aeOUrl'ICahOn O~ bVI~iCIngS In dOWn10Wr'I ~V4jaml, F'i1CnTing trees at Ixal schools and cl°a.'ltng up our beaches and state parks. Big Brothers big S3ie s of NuGrni-Dode is tht premier mentoring arganizapan o' Soulf, Flo•ida, helping mausonds o{ chiidlr.:'n eacrl'treal throl.lgh professiana`:!•,r suapo^ed, one Drone relatianships with ca*ine adur volvnre:::rs Inktel aariidparo=. in the Sig Brothers Bic ~ilsrer> SC!1001 iC Vdork pfagram W~lele StUd£ntS C:Ome C7nd spena C doy O(ICr_• C R1Urth~ Wills lec7def-: from V OII Ore05 Ot the Ol~anlL'JUUn S1UdP.nt.'_ are eXpO52d t0 CII Cspeals GI JU51n°.5" InClUdlrl~ O~)efarlan;, Il, occovnhng and bus~nes,-~ develapment. Inktel hos pa'tner=':~ Wltn Ji ~Uae' rhlld'Cfl•;i f"I^'i~JIIa 10' li7anV year:°, -r0!' hosl!na Iheu Iarges+ I-lispan,c radii-th;;rs r0 employee g ving campaigns one soles suppar for If,~''I cGtalogs Inktel whe•~ the cal =or hsip ;:amen InklO has olwa'~,rs been there. !nkrel has fielded c ream anc space risen@1r for JI. ~Udes throllQn `he ~tJ BC% ~.Oravratr: ChallerA,ae field P.verV V80r X015 eVElnf InV,^;IVP.S rUnnlR;t, ~• _ 4 dayrs. of ir,tensc a17 ~ i ~ r'' CVCIIr,., rats nc In C t )ei tlJn a' 10 IaiSf', mCney TO' ~i_ IUOF.~F•. to thrJSC' CVen':: Inlae empl0'JeeS p:7rtICJDa?e I'~ VOPIpUb rUI'„ `Aralfk~ GrC C:yC'I(IG; ev~nls SG(J(JOfllflg GfOU^s h:ndlr^, fCS?UrC'I I•J! .~ilLhEa i1C': ~/',UIII:JIc: SCIC:r051 ~JIp 7Qre.; an:~ .'y'SI:C. ct~ fG'3'S 'U5) r: nOn1F U fe'.N. %',I" Ir U'c , pr 1.^,rOm I". I,I$t O'IGi'16`, `P:7~~ fJf 'n ht~'I a'I:I IIG' 2n"~In'Jg°. rr rj`d%' C)O C'`; IC ('18 CO'll("a'IIIrJ_. •A~r~ Ilvr_ .1.7C 'nrrJ'k Iri. 1 ~~ ~ n r~ ''~r'hether I~ 'n. p,)or ' J~~ b~:.l'le~= a~r•vers. o.n Tamil ..- ,r c.~~n-~I;,Ilihy, nl le' ~:r~'`_, 5 SECTION 2 TRUSTED PARTNERS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 Cj ~h. lAI W r 0' I ~ ~ a. Com~enhcviXVisito~: Bureau f~,.. COUNTY t.' r 1l o.r~?~:a ~ ,.?r.-77c P:r,.,r~:r, r ~ "~~M°N AdrienneArst~t Center 9 boF;dfii&3 °r~gl3. ti .on nrt eemonriv:. nn: m mumenmo camn ~JPMorganChase •~ uoxwrrim nom vvr ~' ~,~i Synapse. Office ~Frox 10~~ S'~ Direct finer < EM6ARQ ~~ ~/veriLon ~ Beojamen " ~~WTIME i amore , ~~ vasrts AWARDS 8~ RECC>GNITIONS O wBes1 Plccss ro 'NVork'~ South ~~.orido Business journal j20~Jb ~ 2~?C?t ~~~ O GAhCC-Innovolion in Iroinl~lc arr:~ Developmen-.Aw~ard 2'"J07 ~~_. O lonnson Yx Johnson ?OOj Diverse Suppliui v! 'fw Y'~r~l a:'.m~.,, O I-li:>~anic 50C ~is~;200~ r: 20~;:~' O ~oo SC' Cal' Centers- ~~all Comer :V~.ag:zine f 2J'~;;/1 O ~o~ Outsourcer Nwar' b ConrCCi 1.=nl~~l ','~r/oric ""' _ _ )' caJr.,errter O ' 6es- ~mCIOVer" I"IIa~tCG~7lrt~'ilaRl ~aICr:.'. Senior High JC'1C:0' ~,"?Jt,'?; O Ivalional !Jtinority Suppber Lieveloamenl'~ounc:i Cor:xxnte Pus. 1'r^~ernher ~,fi O f-R?,/1yC Supale- nl hF'Yeo .Avr'ard `•~linnc; (200 ~ d. 2JC>,~ SECTION 3 ~~'1 Kt8 ~)Ir°ra rTI~P. f•`. O~CJ BXCEu05 OI the 's:•(~Ulr~~ftl('a!IIS OUkil flBO Ifl SLODB O~ SC'(V:C@S~SJGC:IfICOIIC):95 Sa;:hoc Of RI~F' #JB-~Fi/0'~ 1 t hkrz' u~ilizes an Avoyn i870G Jwir_n with ;:.M.S ~,rpervisa• a: its compere =rov::ie automatic cal drsL•ibution with fur reporting coma Genre- solcl:on .kvoyo is cors:aervc the leod~ng hmdwas for :~,II cenle' wpabilares opera an ol:awing for the widest rarle al custom rr;;:ouinc. Cpenl an;l rau•in~ uric call distrib~lia r. Abliry to bundle betwe<:n .`,0,:;~'v and 50,OOC Inktel cu:resrly bundles eve 4 million, inoaund culls annuolry. .noel ves Itre c:nlls r. year during lull operation oral ocproximarery, caaoc'iy to hand'z not onftr +hc ~::.00;~ cabs dv-ing the ptlol pragros.. our ` 25,O~C toll per oecr drug the niial ;nogran all o the annuo tarn that come nto thz 9vilding Uenonmen• wah !IS zxirina IOTCSINCtI!le. HI ~n Perentpge p~ BiliRtua ll(PratarF irrhnlr•Um a' iOK~, 1 r~~a i> the aaen!s Ihof Yi;l' bC aSSlpnda q YGS progrom will bc• baingual. InKrel uiilses Svppor.Suite ;;; iIS krawledce hose »hwa:z. This is a bzs: in breec Provide o knowled~z base system Ic provide p-ooer Ia•nnaloay'hcl affzrs •hP abikhy to oravide axuroie and consistcm rnfo:marior and a',nSrslerY responses. Incizl is o:» cblc• to makn Im;. <nowledge ocsc ovoiobl= k, Ine e^Ipoyees o}+f>E 6wld•cg Deponmznf. In:ezl handles tolls on beirnf y wen 3G alerts or. a daily l:asis, Jvr oaenrs °rovrpe a seamless. laleasorx! Inte:rr,:e. present Ihemse:ve:+ os employees cl the acccwnl:: Ihey work on to the end cvstamzrs. Provide the cbliry• r., remotely monitor the infersdian Inkwl oilers I OC)`w Drgirol Recadmg, ollo•.viny aH e~ ou• dicnl:. wek occess tc Islet. belvmen xiicrs and o,lenh to hvc• ann re^.oraed cclls Provide o customer agem os»ssmaro m~::nanrsrrr of Ore - C:I -: h The scare v2b pr`t<" where !hc• huildin<; C.~ek:anureat zmpioyees wdl oe obr• t; monin-call:. wit nose c y_~anng toa' !Prot will allow hem to :;care 14w performance n op cnr. of the agent oa»d or omirTSS rules esh:66sred aY •he 9viidrnp L'+zpartmenL V.rtually cf of Ink•el'; exstino ;-ustome::, regnuc rnlaa' re c;rmerl r,; Ihe~~ systems ~: all ~ena?r to oe able In asess 9vilding C~?kzxbnenl n ade~ c fufil poaraT r~::uuwn,ents Cwt f d=.panment has reviewed al the sohware to or.• acr.F to answer pe:mn rzloted puesBorz. wchmco mxxn,ahor pravided in the F,FF cud the Addnnco snot vJp me canfidenl Iha` Iltarra wit be nG iSYJ[• hr n•.eFM1nr Ihie rBpu~rernen~ "rav~.nc rnto•mohon a'. bonr.:cl:om Ihol con be done ,4: sari of oo• pr:n;rol iw the Building G~:pa~^nenr wr• wi~~.' mulct: all caliw: owa~e o:. Inv Ciq~ n Mram Heorh (?uudng GEpurtr~n~r u( v~irere or the Hm;dine Ceoanmarr:~ web::~,p, II-ray will lr_~ ublc :;; had mlormniia~ vwbshe •ha 4,ey ore r~uesbnc nkte o{feu full reo::mug r:ac,abi,iiies ro ds c~ients -ne 3utldmc L;eoonrenl v:ill E,r~ roll kz(zxen;:::a:.aaiBGes able lu ac^ess Ines :zF.gns me o se ~~we ants rc•sonahznc v.T•Bsile c: deAwrer. vro e-mail The n-orna6on r •he 16 oohs wd he V±nsed ;;n real Inue doxr ~::al :.chic xn~rocnor v/I h: r~•ewrc:J Ic pr.rord~ the. lf,r:~.rck as Avayc re:hraoo-;, I•rcel n ::rile too=fe• -~1"r for the near n^ r•n~oired necessor•; rernnolco,,r try meet the AC>tl reor:rzmene. c:irzen; ]alias the Build ra :~e:r.:rmenr SECTION 4 inklel .5 pr{;Ua (G p"esF,ni Ins Ill IJVJICC .I51 Of BfP-fP-nCP. Ca:ti Cii InP-5@ f~r3rP-nCea rCr~raggnt an r:fPara R1 Vd9e/c mklel is graded ar o~- ability: to rnanc•a{; inbound cats -Flat are ;:estcme1 sewtce in nature. lJnited States hAarina ~nktel Is the oniy contac' center in the nal:on sen-iung calls lol the Un.led Slal~~s !Marine Corps; inklel is ? $C)Ci-!'f:~.r',IIV~~. Our inbamd department nand!es everything frampraviding basic information anc ., brocnure fuL-i~lment ro Ilansfernng callers io their neores- re~ruite•. The JS!MC':, goals are 90 of al calls answer~,d v/;th an a~er.~oe -,. speec. o~ answer ai iess tf, rh second;. and a 3~: abandonment rare, Inktel exceeds the Cetus' service level with 95`~ of calls answered i`I 5 seconds and a 3t< abandonmen' `all. The Islands of the 6a~ranas ?'Ministry of ~ourisrr '~' I-oI IYIf: pa ~ f'V= years, Inktei I1CS COndVCIE:d f(,SBaICh la' Tf1~=. !SI:7nd.C Of tllE t .'~y(~um.~Y~i,~~~~ir. ;' t =-~ fiCFarrtCS Uralect$ hOV@ IrICIUd6:C r°SBafar` V/It~il past VI514;1r5 fC~ the ISIanO~ Cfld ~.. their experiences, fhc: gcd:il ~` Hotels, resiooronis, and to~.lrisl orr,as. ,..__ .:' - IOTE nOlds InkTel aCCauntablB tpf U 561 VICE I:'.Vil OI 8:1%. a'1 ^VP.ra~GP. 5,7egd ~ , U' .'J 50Cflr.d and art ab0ndcnr'lenl PatB O' ~BSP than ~ n:. Inktai c:fren~ly ex__,d~ Ihes.: xae.tatun: w'In ~ ~l o' .,I. of 2^ ssconas, ons - ~ ~ obcndanrne:l totE of 3i~. St. jade Chiidrer's Research f,ospita. SECTION 4. Veri~oc inkte' perfo-n fvliow up sales ::oils Ic cus!or-rer wnc recenth~ purchased v~rizon's high-speec Internet service, 'dve offe' ave- three add-or ser•,~ices Io choose frame,. L-. addit~ar, we gave a~l inbound service esla~iis~ed wm::~ mores calls fa the apprapriate oroduc ds::artrnenl- ~Ver12Un'S S•al£s yOal ::; .T.) SaieS per haUr inkfel CU'rerlflV eXCeedS fI1S rTletrlC s~ rraintaini~~ a':;,85 SPi-I rate. SECTION 5 inkrel U:recl's is the bss! yualilied CflorCe la the 5viltii•IC Gepartmer•t besPC-i cr. oul experience, re::hnoloc_ v and our peoalF. EXPERIENCE Ovr eleve~l years or experience morraging inbound cuslome- se'vicc c :xll:; givr?s us 'he kno~•ndedge nece.`ssa'y i0 JE IV'aCV O', day One. ~l'e ate 5'lil serVlCl r!~ CII(Gn:S !nGl WB began ;'fClnCt DU SIfIGSS V•r.lri 'r Cilr fIr51 'V°.;lr CI OperCllUr. • I- has DL::Orrle ilalUKl~~ i01 Cn' ::Ilents IG InCfeasP- ih$ 517e O{ the ielgtlbn5hip N~Ith US O:• theb' be)m ro ucd=rstarrd than the more programs they give vs the l~ie• fo:used I~`ry con be on their internol opera`icra and core se'v~ces, By ::api:aiizing an ou• ~:xpa•ienca, Ih~ Building Depcrtmertf \vill pe able Vc have a pragram that iake:, care o{ the is rr!ediote needs and grows tc becpme a prooc-ive program. Our campanv nos severoi disnncr ocvontages we can offer the 5uildina Gepart.•neni, incblding the plirrrary points listed here The araaraT`s s~~eess •ana the value of th= partnersh!p is based ar the peop~e involved. The inkrel D tact •nanegemen- team car o=ie• ine Building ~epartme.nt the foiiov„-ing combinatior that na- oi' of our ::ampeiirors con offer: O Lammitment ant invalvemen• o''he ownership ieanl: Inktel Direct is a privatelyheld business flat is operated by its managing aveners. The owners o= the campany wil be invo'vec in the contract negpPaiior; implementation and ongoing management a{ your program '~JV'e ore making o aimmi*men- tc the success o+ the Building department ptogrom and wal allocate the necesso'y resources to surpass our chenl's ~`xpascratians. O Ex~•rie•)ced ~)aff The management teom handling the Bui,ding Department occour.t as veep cs rile doy-te dcty aao,aliar~ of the araarorn has deca:~es of indwtn~ experience The core manogement team hos worked logelhe! iol or. averoge al 8 v~'ars Trl:--; comneren::e of tnis teen transcends ~ndividuo! capaufie<. to wark Laaether as c shale. h!ah-peramonce urns tha: delivers ex; ~Ilenc ~. O ('cr(ormcnce• A/tonaaemmt: 't''`i=_ gave the ioien' needec to assess p~ogrc~ss to\nord ac~nev!ng the (3Ullalf'Ca [):;parl-lE'1'•S QOC!i. iftl:'=1 V.''ll o'JIi:'~ the pfaGeSS, cdd tale relevarl' i:Cf11RIUnIiA?IOrI CnC aC" U^'an the pfUrcJ. aCl'IC"1?d 1 SECTION 5 t~Ve hUV° U'.lill O:I' brl:,lnew an aUf ea'n+od rC:iUfJbOn CS ••^.n eXCeilenl i.all '~ 8n'C:r CO'1'IDanV ;.nd SpP,CItiCally Tpr tnF Flril:dlnC ~3epa rtmen' We hJllrly thF- t011•-1'wlna ad\+anlayBS O kelevant `xp~risnc=: \Ne I;ove marrayed several •~usK)mr~l service call c.enler o'oG'crns Io' rrrany of America's letting and most respected camaanies. Ju' learn hoe. worker er s=venal lelcvant rroy:arns wrr and=stand Ins business one hove a ,oleo' track retard for dellveliny resulrv, Ink'el's expcnence rcnye:a iron. IeaCInC OfQarllZatIURS SUC"I CS,JOh nSUf CIIC ,IU~InS:J:'I, i~le ~.~r111P.d Jlates, ~`r~4a l"~ne h--:Jf pS, i'. ~Ude l.hll^.rer~':i keseorch Hosciia, Emborq, 'J~A Today arld many more. O nktel'~ ^J~ancaer will •+avi::w conlrochlal perr:,rmance and oaercl'.ons in sea time O Inktel wi; prov-d= o wee.Kly project srorus repa~l which incwdes a dfsc.lssion of issue<_. diificulries and f.Iture plans relating to ti-le aro;ect and ony athe~ relevant :nicr-,atnr O A' a r inimur*. Inktel will answer 99;5 al all cais received off' t'rF Euilding Department This pen~erAage \•vil ae measured an c daily bc'sis, O Inktel vv+i': onalyze the perto;mance redoes ar c doily basis and involve clier.l '.n a' perlormance reviews. O Inktel wiP prov'de a ayorterly administrctive summary frlct includes a aerfarmance review and a review of Ine num:~ of emplavees hired, trcined and t::rrninated his re:~ar wit alss s:Jmmar.~e any -rents as well c; new initiative;. TECHNOLOGY Inktg! eXIStTIy inira5'rUCt.lfe IS thP, be5i In ihQ Call Cen`ef 5u;iness. 'eNe hove the capcvh+ c 'candle all the calls Iha' the come ro Yne builciny oeporrnlen~ anti blinc Ihs aaandan rare IU b@ION+ ~ i%. t~Ve have the knovvledae ~!~ose that will allaw us to prcvice timely arld accurate iniormaban. 'tNe hovo the repariny loos la allow the Build'nq Geoa"sment ro understand the nature of tolls coming in and identiF<r rrends- All of out aye~nL: vr<>rk a+ ei°he: o~,Jr PJliami Lake:. or our F. ~~ _auderoa e Co' ',.enters. h~kte! ace„ not use home based o' o'fsl'lore agents Nl@reb)•' aiiavnny us r•;; provide behel traici~g. s:Jp~~•~^s~r ane support r:, cur agens A- oil- t`n+n cal c°nters, pus agent,: are cors~ently monitored and coached sc they can provide the des! serJ'ce passiale This, approocn ollaws us to arU•JIdL' the 'llahP.S' le\+sl C- CCCP-S51 ^'llry~ and ^C:COIIn'Cbl~lh+ AI a( OU' Ia_hrOlOg'y' ^n:i 'i~Cp.P. arc pfJteCIF:~ b)' O'Jf .)ISCSIe' kecover}' °h;n This plat vdlll InSVfe `na' even Ifl IIIQ @~enl C;' C nIUIU' I'IC IaElrll, !nkiel IJIrPCt 'w^II JB CbIB tO C.On'I'IU2 17. O:)P.'!711p^5 ~'•• ,^.ppy a" :Ur IJ15^.'aB' Re:oven+ Plcr •la:. beer ~I:cludod ,r tl,c A,ppc•Jdu o~ Ihis RFf. 11 SECTION 5 ~~r~ " Inky-OI~s C?XpeIICnC.F 'With mU tp e ~i.~['i Sy~SternB anCl Cal' !J~'.OnOOeP^e"If ,)~~51wfr:S V~~III at:SUle th0" InC•O(IIII"IQ C:IIiS are: nld HG•aCd effechve.Ie~ Ond W~trl The h,gtl°;I ~BVe.'i• O~ e7!ClenCj~: Inkle~~5 ODeI'all0^.S team I$ vJmlUflablC: Wlfrl the ~ re:auirernen+s expia!neo in to/_ RFP, Inkiel Direr .rtilizes r'-spa~cl tivnyc cs its complete conlacl center sauiar..Avava unites inbaunc, outbaunc and b,endec' m-II!ichanHel contact I;vo!ce, e^,ai~, 'he web and raxl, vdhilc also delivering mterocive'Jaice kesponse {IV/P.;, recording and auolily management, and unified leporiinc ano adrninisiraTioh capobili'ies. ,,i',Va Va OnSN/@' CaIIS ~-.:> th0~' ~ntZr The conio _t cerltel aril to?OIIIq°nt'~~ rOUt° th°T t0 aVall'J ~JIG~ aCv]°r.t°_ ba5^~" on tree dioled nun-!bet j[)I~ISj, cclhna pony ioenti~icction iAK~I), avoilable agents, customer p:of'le, service levels a' user defined business rules, Avay7 also Help;. manage overf~ow• routine, call re-routing bcsed on queue s:esisics, abandoned cal' recuperation ane multi site routing, SK Is-based roving mctches the most apprx)rate agent is eoch ccil; rJle~ Msea roulinc npplie5. c single sel of business rules across ell aoniaci chonneis; specific Agent recoil delivers customer;. who are aellinc back tv' The some ages' that Handled the onaina'' comoct. v Avoyo cot c:,tomate some or aL of you• cstome- interactions by u~iiizinw integrated Iexl to-sp•~ch capobilitie5 and 'void recognifior la gather astomer inhalrnation and match i. •n~iih aatc from back- OftlCe 5V•'S18mS IU CUIOR?atce VV fUlflil CUS`amer IngUlrl°5 Or r@O Ue5t5. I~rK ana /',LD r',InCflOnalit}' CUn be usea in~Tandem to prPdeterm~ne customer inFaJrma`ion and route o call to the 7aprop•iately skilled aeen: '~Jr1tbOJnd I•\~N dellVerS G me5SOG6' Ie 'he cOlled pa rT;r aS 'he\~ anSWP.' the phUn°; a'J 10fTIallCOll\)r reSpOr:dS iG a nUm Oer O{ fUIIOW ,lp •gUeitlOnS, OHd rOUtes that cusfome- to a live og~^_n1, :I nE`CUS,Sa rV J'llVerSal aiUf:Ue .-`lvdyc '-rtilizes d~mam.ic pnori~ization k, organize incoming co~ltacts ocress ail comrnuni•cctioh chcnnes In O SmOIe OUeUe O'lu rOUtE `hem in the most appropriate Ogeni. This Capa Jllily address°' fOCtOrS $UCI'i a5 WOI' times, nCOTll n(j "raf"t^. V'vlUmeS and Se!VI:1_' l°,V°i:: Ond ?'1a612S VUO IC 71O KE: Cflan:~°5 fh tnE ~rOY15bJ!Il rt;) rules wahoul Shoap;nw one st01'ina sysierns. oompcions o' services. Avdyd ulil.zvs mulhp:e aredic+ive an•' manual dieting notions Ie m::nage p7c`ng '.^n^ c7maliance with reguh^.•ion: ,^..po~et:; :: varie`\~ of r..ompaign ano lis' management strategies, end ensure acculatc vo'•-~, fak, r']OOerll, F)aQ°' Cn0 dnSW~nlnV R?OCtt17e ;~ iP.C!'I On. USInC~ SOpf[IShC:atB::l ~)aCang OptIOnS, r~'SpeC' AVUVO I OCC1'e55£5 I'•Ye d°r'~anC3 O' Rtd nCCainG prOOCTiVc- C.VSIo'h01 C)r~la;° In It17tIVPS •;7'17 '11;7'1 VOlJmc Cam,Oa"qn5. FI.reOI(InvC dia ing uses soplusLCalcc algo'ithm< Ic de'ermule.' I'lc ~o~lima' oacin. tar a;tbounc tails I\eY' IeaIViC',5 mGUd~ IJO ~~U' ':.alt .Iv R:a naaen'IeHi, li n'le ZOI!£ tTIUIICl C~e"lr^.n", eXternal to b!e a7iln~:; Cfl" CiYI'a~11C 7i IIC'Ing. I ihle pfevl;,'W' dlC iln~ le-`.5 art OUeHI preV'eV,' Olt v'JIDOUr1d ::GI r£OOrd :,L^.-tote Ine SyStP,r1'I outom•~tlcal y places the dlol I;ev cooobiliiies tndude 1Z SECTION 5 Avava e-Jabies agents rc adc're55 cuslonle• email incui•ias wilt c nersonal:zed re5aonse II provides (rJSpUnS25 1110' CC7n be SeT ~d!feCt'\~ t0 I~'IC ::US1U(T16'I Vs0 CJIG r6`S~Or15E~ Or dP.~IVereCj :.,.. ~SU~'tP.St;'d r~5p0'15°.5~~ IC Ogeri t5 IU' rP.Vl e'Vr' pflU" IC: SerCl~'10..4CtC'1'.:S CO'I eXpedlle Ilic !JfnGl'' Ci P.^.t10~1 pfUCE'Sii O'10 Flt^aCt:V?l~' tat~Qt i. CU:iIU'IILCi J'y USIfTO aC~C.~'110f1:]~. IL'`a'U'e:5, InCIU';al rlg: AVOyC OI~OCares Oge'1!5 tC aLle" CUhes d'Jflflg IUliS II'i IfCOnlIrC1 IfUliIC t'1rCUgh tfUC rTlUlllfrledia hiending i YaJ Can I?ave Saffie UI UII •OI '/OUI aQeril5 'IUrldlB~ a rU.'IU°. Ot CJStpf`l°' In1efUCtIOnS - InClUdtng II'bUVr•C CCIIS, oul~cund walls, a~lails and web chats - al from the same wor'rstarion. 3lendinq is searlless cccJrding ;o YiJU' dehfled business ru135 VVIthOUt a'y7entG tIUV'~n•b t0 b:a9 'r Of Ohl !JI GUr11pCICfL,' U' .~r~ SC`I ViC~JS. ,4vaya revie~^is inleracions belwcen agents and astomers. Reco'dings car ~e automated or initiated on oemand b}r agents or supen~isars, allowing them tc recorc vof~e, chc' and collaborare an sess!brs. PEOPLE 'a!v'e have then^y hr beople co' the ~ui,ding Department. Air Arriola is resoonsbie for the overall business aevelab:=,_: operbtio~s. ana' strategy of Inktel °roI to 'pining Inkte:, lJr. Rr'lolo hah varios execufive'leval aosifions in -he en?enolnr°~e '~, ecommerce, iwestmen- banring, and !egad Indus'nes ivtt A':iola hails •'+egrees hom -lalvard l,niveaih ;~raduci~ Schoal of Rus~ne5s j+dt.B.E`..i: ~` ~Ohn.c Unwersin' jchool of icw (LD.L and Boslan'uallc:ge IB.P..j Id1t..A•nolc is octivEl in hi>: rommunin~ servh~~w orl tn~• 7oord n' Jlrectoa o! the. ~:7rnIVUI `~ente' FO' lile ~E'rrarminCt i1ft5, the ~ire0tef fVitarnl r'hcmbe' O' Corrrrnerce, the ~''oUnc Pr,?s10en`~' l;Jr;30ni7_OtlOn, tnE 'Jr~Ote" ldliomi Ccnvention anC. :/:$11015 6ulc:au, I`1B ':?fa nq° '$J'WI ~ OR'. R111ee Ond Offlef organ,zotiors. Air Gonz~ lez has over I:: yea'e. o' exben;:nce .n opc:faliocs within tha domestic and intemationa amta~t UI IC 5E''Vi::(-) dL`IIVGI'y' SeC1UIS. '-iU OXpL'.r 1150 S;JU rtS multi ple Ve'tIC:JIf: T. LIE `1U51n~<.5-ra I7USme55 aI1G bU51'1°_ SS- i"COrSUr'le' :ieCi:Jr:• mO~lOgIfIC UpE'rOtUI15 101 IeIeUCFi1RIUr1lCatiaRS P.~''Omm~r:E, QOIUffIU'IVC; ref;)II and il'10 nCral SefVICeS COmpardC'S. i"'IF UVe.`SeeS CII Ui Inlae; 5 Ir1f10U'Id an;1 .oritbO~.lnd ,^<)~71UC Cerle" OperOrlC)n5. In A/'d. 'JU'IZ::IE.'_~ ::Unt0C1 CefdCl ::OfeBl, fle hC5 SUCCe551UII'1r O'Ve'S.:BI'~ OpefO`lOnS '901 Ser V!!:P,C r"Cny Iri^, U't'"- leacinr araras sun o:. fJ',;,N cer'. A~Jl,:an!, Americor _xares:., .`iprint;`Nexl=, B•::i!.`;ouLl and r;,~B:T Ma '~~Cn~alE' h^.'. a'S'' :)°.°.ri iMC11'J$^, IR ~P.Od°"51'Ip f,^ll°5 'n t'1E 4:~'. U'Id _)t`:~'r~+. 13 SECTION 5 Having joined Inrie' s~lortly aNer its Pouncing, ?dv Scrdenker averse2s CUenl Services for ooth of the !~/Iloml lakes a.~d 't lavaC.'rdal@ Of'~ceS. ~nesaatlSiblil!Ie5 ~ri;;lUde mOnagl'Ig U dei.ICated team UI Accaunl ;'Vlanager5, Account Execufves, and Accou:n' Coordinators Ic service the day-tottay rom.munical~on of Inklel's pa^ners os well as the transition, `mpiementrnion, and launch of new ocquisitians_ Friar Ia '~nkte Girect. ?Ju. Schlenker served os hAanager o= Service Excelierce for kT~T. Mr Schlenxe~ received nis E.A. tram Florido International Umversiry. Aqr, ANiliiams drrves the comaany''s inrormation systems and technology divisor, overseeing ;~ strcteg~c pionning, develaamen-; lelecommunicoiiorsgno inPraslrucrure seams He begon nis career with 5mcr~MD, workinc in the healtrl inrormatior technology and education incustries while pursuine nis 6a•chela's degree in Computer InParmatian Systems a Flaridc inremationol University'. r"Jtr Vv';Iliams his also received prafessiono' training and nume-ous technology cedificalions. hdir. '/dilliams s c Ndcresof! Ceriiied .Apphca6on Developer, Sur Certifies! ~avc Developer. Data Vv'arehousing and kela-ianal Dotaacse expe~t, anc special.zes it several progromm~ng Icnguages; nciuding C#, VB,t~fET, Java, and C+-. ne is o member o{ the Internet Engineering Tasl: Farce (IETF) and the Inlemei Sociey. P/1r Arguelles oversees mkt "s entire Human resources. to lent acquisition, and taleni manaaemem shategies. He also directs the Inktl Direct Excellence Academy fIDEAI and the company's natranvdide cohege recn,itinc program. He began ns career a~ ankle as c cohege intern, working directly wits Senior Management is the Accoun'ing, Chen' Services. and -iR deparlmenFs, cs well as veith the Executive Team. 1Vlr Arguelles is an Honors graduate of Ha-vo-d University, where 'ne received ha Eachelar':; in Fnglsh litrahure, 1v~; Oliva joinea IhF• Inkte Team in June at ?•QOEi She dings veith Fier aver 14 yeors of Corporate lroining experlenCe in the arP-as Oi IeaaefShlp, marlagemen` CUStOmer S°NICe, SUIeS, and Cale Centr iralning Ir th8 past She 'lay served US Iilatf' a CIIeN Je(V'Ce5 !dlanagcr an:: art CiFX:fGIlOnS Pd1U nUger. •~ COrpUralB r r TralnB' 101 Ifl'IU`~ Dlrcat She IS 19SFJOnSIUB O' aBV2iOpina an ?aClltatlna ira lnlnJ C:IbStiP..S )r In Y.te~ Nevr` Hires, Inbound and Ciutbcund Custarne-s Service and 5ale_ irainmy, and leaaersni~; and rt~anogemen' iroimng SnB !5 a aeft'f?ed .4chlevc C~6aGal Trairl@' Ir 1hC a'E'a~~ Ui ~..US1Um0t J£NICE Ond _eaderSnlp. Slnb'@ MS OI'VU WOrF:, aUt O" aUr r':lUO m' lJxe UlhCe, Srle CGr vstl `I :@ ~'iVllUl"ICl [ie~U -I ^laT a5 Uflerl a5 neCP.SSary dUflnC ?hF m~lementoeor process to guarcnte the aesr rroi•u-ig possiblE b1 ou agents 14 SECTION 5 AAr. P/I'har joined the Ir~ktel Tim as an Gperatiors l~JlonagP• ono newnv~-see= the Cli~r~l Services Department. Ir thin role, h~• bricgs c strong bu jiness ocumer and ~s rosporsiale ror the deveioa.~rlenl o' an nncvative• solutions-driven lean of Account Executives. He began his career as c Flnoncial Advisor WIC!I ~t/(UrgO(I Stan•ey and haj jIr1CF, applieC hl: eXDenenCe III '^^,IOIIC('1i'IIFi Oc'V810pRIC'rl' Clld aCCUUn~ mCrlage;nenl t0 the DlraCt 1~`G,d(keting InduStr\'. HB 'S U pfOUd grad Jate O" the UrIIV6'f51ty O- Flarld0 ano IS actlVe Ir. h15 UJfsl((I'JRlly, Se'v!rtg Un Ine Baara O' Dlrecta's for the (-nerds of SI ,ucie :hndrer's 2esearch Hospital, Javier ono his team oct as o s~ngie point o` :or.tac lo' all maters once the Building Geaarirnenl prograR~ is launcheu. !Jtr Wiison began his career at Inkte! Direct as an Account h~crogel, assuming respansibiii'~: far launching anC maintaln~ng SUCCejSfJl aU5lnejj felariU(ISn7pS fUi '1U,.^tdfOUS key aCCaUntj. •~lft@` jerVirtg Iii thl4 role tar Iwo years, .lasa:~ hcs graduated to the tole of Sr BJSiness Anoiyst, now responsible fo the imalementatior o` new xograms rn Lawless manner tnrauaf our Normandy ~rocess Mr. 6ermudez hos been with Inktel Direct far over b years and has held various positions in 'he ca!I center. large has recewed the 2UU I ~ 2JU~' Employee or the Year fo the !dlir,istn- o f Tourism in The Islancs al the 9ahamas program, and nos muhipie inferno' Inkte empiayee of the rnonif avva'd, forge will manage Me City of wham' Building iJE)pCrtment~j CJStOFT1P.r se•vice team. !dtr. Fong wiil ae the'~ualit\r AssJ~ance verfier tar the Cit1~ of !'dliaml Bea::h Buildinc Ueaartrnen- program Daniel`<_ cornmicl-Ient ro excellence from every open on 'he customer service r` ioor provides Inktel the confidence rc know that we will bring ti,e bast level of service passib~e. forge Berrios 3 years [:ode -Miami Lakes =nglish anc Spanish Eddie:,ako 2 years Uad~ Hialeah ; nglish anc Spanish Josepr~ Garaa ; year] Dade- Ivlia•ru Enghst, and Spani:>~ Karen Lara ~ ye:ars Dane-Hialeah Cngfish and Spanis~ Dolores Marrero 3 years Tape Flialeah Enr~list anc Sparns^ Lendy Plpzar Z years Daae Hialeah Englsi, ana Spanis'c Aiexa-rdc: Roche r'. 3 years Uaae: Miam LIkes EngLSP anc S;;anish loaner Segura 1 Year Dace- Miam Lak2_ Ena6sh ano ;:.apish Noel Sotes ~ Years Daa=- Miarn~ Lakes English and Soanish tear Suirel t Year )ads- Miami _aKes Enal~sh an:i S::apish H:JigailVenner 2years ?ado Hialeah Enyluhan:i';~anish ~".lorl:C \rerl l'Jra t' Vea(5 fade- Hia:catl Enq:ISht 1111;1 „~iarl!Sti 15 SECTION 5 AGENT TRAINING Iramin~ ia~ thi: progrom wi!I include O ; usrome~ sewice ski!Is O All aspects al IYie Bu;lding Deportment O The steps invaived in the aerrnitt~nc process O kale or the insaector; •comractors anc private ci~i>ers O Foil undemanding al the information than is available to clients on the Building Gepartmert's websire Inktel is ce•tified by severa wancvvide training compcnies inc'„idinq O AchieveGlaool ~- American Managemerrt O American !Jranogement Assaciat~ar I~ Association" O .American Sociery of Trcining ar Geve.opmen- !~'A~-~ I-o owing srricl voir.ina and qualify stonoords fa our assaciotes, we require al agents so camaiel~~ o CP.rtl>'I;:aflpn araCe55 f>-.^.[OfB to Kln:3 any CUSiO~aer C6IIs. Tnis process L'r.^.IVdeS SCO-ing 'P-C~Ulre~'Tl$Ct5 fay- te5t£, gvi~es, s mufotions, quality farms, arendance, particiaa:`ior and arofessianahsrn, Addirional~,y, eacn agsN is provrdec! carr;,~lel~ iniormalior regarding: O Chn client's f istory, objectives, and cusiomei oparaach stcnaards O ~_ ommunicatior polices anc' proceduics O Prbcrarn goof: O Fxrephonc' a!r•'umsto nC:P< 16 SECTION 5 JUI UOUI W tOr ~'vc• OI f'.Irad agen'.5 1C SUCCeSSfUlly cpmplele troininq. f~oliav.+:nq traini+rc. all new+ ogc'nls are• confmualiy rested anc graded trlraugh cal mon:bnng dunr,g o sv~day prc::ess. After this 3C' cay aeriod, emp:oyees ale monitored and rssessed on ar ongoing basis. P.ny agerd falling shor of our performarre standards receives <:ooching and eaditionai training Agents earning low performance scores are removed Horn customer con;oc+ irnmediaiely and face passib~e redeployment or termination. Inktel Direcl's positive monagemenr techniques and aNraciive benefits package heip us mahvate, retain, and encourage employees throughou' the arganizatian..Al sraf< members are empawered with eppropriate levels of autharily, •and ou• ca~efully selected mona_aers foilow a defined approach Ic resolving issues, Uur aSSOCIa?es ale Well tfalned and CO'1SIStBCiiy eXCeed Ir10USfr~!-Wlde CUality Sfandard5. ' ~:uis!Ganzdlei~-'- f 'AGenpgemant Leam - -lnPonnetbn 'rreining~BAullla - TechnobgyTeam '. Team ce res ent ~'piraccoroflT'Solutions ~:Cmpaate'Tralner Ghent Solutlon~ ;Merlon.Wllliams apJlctrelle'Olive _Jason Sctllenkc• • _ __ v ManageLo' u~ua ny nce CMehtServlces ~ "9ote~ggar.. ;laurel--~Mlllen Damal~FOng Senlnr.9usiness Anah/stf lmplnmentatton '9asor Wilson 1 7 SECTION 6 '•/ve are prouc +o present 1ne details o' the progrom tno- wit, not only address the immediare nerds of the 5uJdin~ :iepormlenl oui provide the pialfarm F~• a robust, proactive a.~stamel service model teal wal be the new ~enchmork fo~ Inc Cily of ?Jliami Beacf:. TIMELINE Gur proposed limi`Lrr~ will rake the Buiidinc Deoartmer.t from their cvnenl siluaiion 10 o point where they v/ill he proactive in the way they communicate v/iti•~ controcars and the ci°izens a Miom Beocn. fr~~ }~~S' ~~~ ~-Evoluati:;r o' :urren alrres }•~~'"`'= ~ 2-Creolion of Krowledge Erase W. 1~ 3-•~realior of 7rnininc lviatenol and Curri~uiurr t-~* .:_ I G-7roininc i _ 5-Creaiion of reports -Expanc program to ranger hours and voeervends PHASE 1 2-Coo-ducl °asl Call Swvevs to trec'x customer salislaclion Recctive 3_inform callers o' informaiica available al the ~oilding Peaortmem websile I -Gubaunc colts using live opelolors and 'v'oice : ashny automated messeges Inspector Is on rhelr Wary PHASE 2 Wnen plan reviews arc <umolete Psoacllve Update on prvpres, of pcrmfU "t-Inrorm caters o' :nfarmanon availoble cl the building Deaodmenl websile 3- incorporare cmali communicolions os v,.ell as .ive Chol InKtel is the_bes' campany as c !one term portner mr inc-0iy oc Nlrami Beach 3uilding.,)epanrnsnt. ~ 8 SECTION 6 IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS Inklei Direct hos a proven, documentee anc bulleh~roof implementation methodology-"I~arrnandy" which is O COmpifatlOn O!• the hlea'a nd-trUe teChnlaUeS em JiO'Jed by UUr staff to laUnCh O new Client prC~ram Ou• Normandy implemenlat~ar plan gvioes our partners through the maJny steal a c successive implemenla;ion and :raptures al the ne,.essory business rules and procedures feOUfred f0 dOCUment, dlslrlbUte and execute the necesscry seeps to effectively transition ar Icunc~~ c program. ~~J~ process hes been successfully used for the past severa' years. .~, sample flaw chic c~ovided: Tne Normandy process oegin:. with acou rioa the proa•am's h/Paste- Service .Agreement, which ;;onr~i~s crticol program informafior such a cilling structure, execuHar Date:. ano expectations of ine new reiatianship 19 SECTfON 6 REQUIREMENTS GATHERING DOCUMENT (RGD) Shart!'y the'Ba`lel; ~egUla~ly SCnEdU~eC CO~LefenCe Call:. Or Lace tU fa'..V' niC',E11ngS ti,eMeEEft t,'16 ~Ulld'ng Depa'-ment and Inks= will ~e established to review launch progress cnr cammunicare deliv=males. At thls fl!TIE, tLIE !n.CiP•I .~1000'Jn' ~\~lanage' VJIII CrEaiE iWU dOCUmentS, the Lfst bet's .^~ RP\7lPrement5 father lna Documerl> ;RGGi and the secand Virg c Pro~ecl launc:n Timeline, usoal!y using Excel o- Project Flan V sojrvdare suites. The R'vG !_ lecnnirol in nature and ~ecu:res both Inktel and cli=. n- coilaboratian Ic como~Ete. ?his docurnem contains critica~ setup inLamafiar Thal cosecs Ine roGowing areas: O Telephony Service Reeuirements O Gala Coprure Reauirements O Clien;/Vendo! Gara communication (NervvarK/r=irewall Specs; O keporting Needs O Hoors o` Op~raGor. O Program Type IOE• Sabs, IB CSR, etci O Service Levels O Ca!I Arrival oral Voium=.: =sirnotes O Training Gales and Requirements O Initia'~, ~taffioa Needs O Ahritior ExxGorion:~ O SlaLiin~; F;amp Plan t)ncE COffIJIBIF.C~, ti7F. R'~G sho'JLc be GlStnbuied K' each inlerla b;151nB ::i Unli It fB~E:fP.'1CP.5, saeCl"ICal~y II a5 the is the depa.~tment accounts tot the mcjority oL the prelaunch respons:biiin~ 20 SECTION 6 PROJECT PLAN The Froiect Plar will conta;r al' key dales rha~ hove Deer •cornrnunicalEC and break dow~l Ih~ major 516`pS of the imol:>memcl+or pfOCL'SS, CJVBrj flg daIBS ^riC' CSSIC.'llna rB5pan51 b,ll Iles tCi IniEfrlUl and ExtefrlCl business units >or Eacn of c~iGcnl ores cov=red in the R^vJ It wil ae the responsibifi~y of the Inktel P~r..ount T1naflUgCl I'.: mal ntOlr tf IS aOCUCL:nt n!'ld fOIiQW' Vp \Nlth °C'Cfl f°SpOn51 D12 Ja rl t.^. QnyJ'8 '~°adIInAS •:7fE met. Communlca6an between Inktel and the Bui~~ding Ueao-tmeni will bE slreamhned rc:• flour first through the Accoun~ Manage. then tc• eoch respective ausiness urits. 1Nit~l the cambinaGan of k'GC and Project Plar documents, regular client mes.~iirgs and o dedicated managem~~'nl teom Fno- communicates clearly ar,d efteclivEly, n program launch of any scale should be executed successfully' with minima downt me PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT VVe hove the talen~ needec tc assess progress toward achieving the Building Gepaltmenl's goals. Inktel will build the process, odd the relevant communication and act uaon the process achieved, Inktel curren!ly ExceEds the service levels outlined by me `wilding Gepartmenl Inktel vrill rnce• the service levels below: O P~oandor RntE o! less Char ~~~, Inktel is able tc after c goo' of les=, than 1 ~~ O .average Hoid lime al les:> than 30 seconds, Inkte is committed tc• onswering nt bas' £30°~ of call it ?G seconds olless O Gstome' :,alisiaction rcl'ng ai 80% during Full Operations; mkte will strive b meE~ the goo during the Piio• period and consstently exceed this goa~ durinc Ful''~ C~perahons Z1 SECTION 6 QUALITY CONTROL AND MONITORING ! Inkfe. ,JIlP.~t JICCeS a'I emana5!5 d l rllaillfailrlg a'IG i:oUf:{?InC new asO~laF~.'S Iri CrdP,' t0 aCCelefale tiled r develoane~l cs memuers oh an operaiians iearr '•/ve err~p6oy :hc rcllowing Guidelines to ensure mcx!mvrr perfar^~ance levels 'ton our agerls: O Each ius~-I~me egenl is manitoreo by the quality assurance team twice day a• a minimum o- ter rimes aer ~~eek. O I~Jality .ASSU ranCe rTlarl lt0.'.'i and repay*s the agents adherence Ic aUatRV ana SeN!Cc ieVvl ab!eCiIV~S. O .Agents with the highest quality levels are rewarded with special incentives. O Eacf; call Genre- supervisar manifo~s at lead twc colts p=~ agent per ship. O Suoervisars provide silent coaching ;where the customer caenoi near the supervisor, bu? t1e agents can; and address necessary improve^lents immediately. O Your technology will encble the GrH. team and the supervise To digitally recora calls that are used for verificatian anc training. O The 6Jildinq Gepornnent wit have the abili~: to rerroteiy monitor our call center aaeraiions vic a tall fry number ar!d passworc- O 1Ne will schedule weekly Calibratiar sessiars between the Building Jek:arhnent and Inkte! G!rec• to jaintiy r~on+tar cads and align ovr satisfactior cnd performance msasurements. STAFFING MODEL Based on the inlormaiion provided in the RFf' an:~ the .Addencc alor>,p with our own expe•iencc, blkicl veil apply our staffing models Ic guarantee the prope ornounl o' Gov=sage and oplimol og~°rr utilizaiinn. The goal of thu exercise will he to Insure that all key perlo~rr,once indicoror:: ars ~e nc rnet ZZ SECTION 6 _ _ REPORTS SUGGESTED BY INKTEL i~+s er expert it inbound customer core culls and ~• Irusled pcrrne• to the fiuadina Deparlmc~:nr, Inkte' recommends ?he foaowing reports ici this particular prodrar,. Inrerva reports o^oduce staLslics every 3L' rurwtes to show Gie most cp to aal~ infcrmahan The seroiae lever culls affere-d, call<_ onsv.-erad, abandonment role, overage seed of answer, overage talk time, average lava time, mar. wait time, calls abandoned, average abondonc:d rime, after tali wark rime, and mmures can be disp:oyed by haN hour, hour, day, weeK, month, and year Service love measures the overaf~ performance a` a program as p~~:centnge or calls answered, Inktel provides 'his method or measurement and the amount of lime i' taak to answer Ihose calls. The benefit to this reperl is the ability to view how the percentage of calls answered in 1 v, 2~, 3~, 40: 50, and h~S seconds trends oy half hou~ intervau. lnkie aims to exceed the standard Cumulative Se-vice Level of 9~'6 of al tolls arswered it 2C seconds ar less. Z3 SECTION 6 Ar abandoned ~aL is vvhe'I a culler aials : nu~~ber, bu' hands up before the call 's answerer' by on ogAn?, the abonnonrnent late I$ trl° D?rGenid:7B Or abanOaneO calls ta: a alVen DCIIOC Of t!me. A. SUCC85sSUl arogrcrr' generally stnv°: tc: be under ^ 51: abonoonmenl rate-. Average Abcndoned Time Is the overage om:~urr of firne ~t rakes for c call tc abandon If :; collets hang vp be~are reaching an agent in 5, I G`, end 2~~~ sec-:>nds respectivei~:; rf,e average lirr;e tc ahanoon is r• appraximaV~ly I t seconds. This me?ric i; helpful it determining a callers "talera~ce level" Average Fondle Tine ;.41-ITI Is the average duratior o! a cell beginning frarr the rime the call tenches ar. aaert ana includes hold lime, talk time, and a=rer call work time..A-- is c prime ~ocror when deciding stafflnq Ieve!s. Tolol minutes, or ACC time, are the auratior o' an inbound call linduding ^oic lime;, 5csioally, frcm the rime the agent answers the call t„ the time vvnen eaher the ccller o~ agent drsconnects the cal:. Tatal r.inures help in coicuiatnc badgers and ore c feao~ used whet coloulating agent utilization, scheduling, stc~inc o~d co! Ianaths ~' 24 SECTION 6 - ~ _ A dispcsiiion i.<. the toll aut;ome, Some examples o~ dsposirio~s are Marra u~., inquiry, siarus updct~. ,. ane sa on. An ages- dispesitiar reoorl displays a caunl pe• cisoosition which is helplui in anayzmg the types of tolls your p;agra,n'~ i.. receiving or c dully bans Afrer the first vieek of d.uiing lrou may be able to aete'ml~e. i01 eY.arYlpie, rl~.;/i OI CaliefS WEr~ Iflqulrln: abOUt O i?e'm 11 and ~j°io f1aC ~e'leral gUeStla'I5. The benefit is krowiny which types or calls require the mar artentror. o , w a .~ o, ~~ ,. 4-~ ~ 0 I TnF report oelow demonstrates the total Handle limes for each phone number aer day, week, month, or year Y,nowing the fatal minuTes per queue shoe.^; which line s receiving the mast ocfion. Ntany clients request fatal minute= ay queue reports io Help determine costs incurred by aeparimem. 25 SECTION 7 ~ •- C~sL:;.=.r Prndvclion iv{in:rte per jhored 1%,~erll $U:i!;,~'min~te Troi;tincHours ?Jhr ~C<' ~r~r f~gen' ~Cmr Hcui jTroininq ~ 5l F f °roje:' i;~~,7nagsmerd I, first 'P/~nnthsl ~ $~1 'SOS:!%rnontr C; t~l k= ,rir~~~ v r I t `f. ' • ' '~• ~ f•I• t J I ( .-,ca yTf f~++S 4j~1I. J MZ l A 1 ~ - I J _ Y f 're_ 1 •:- rff t -4 J!'T~Y.. T ~~ e. n~ /a t ~v~RC~'~. 1 T~ Y V • ..... .. ~. M• /..~. ~.. ': J.SS...~. :.1 ,F) ~\` ~. .. . 3 ..> I.-n ...... ;. .. .~E(w(.'.. vn w.~:.CX~ Number of '..OII n,;,cri_ - ~ 0 CCSt x' i^:;tttt ;!Cr (~eC cC190 AG2fi' $2~~nou( Searl:• F:;:: $~•::i00 training Hours 24h Curicu;urr Ciavelopmen' '.ol:aooracve Cost :r.. Aaem pe- -lour ;Troin•n~l 51 !; Script L~veiopnwnl Fru• lNuivec Prcjeci !v'iCnogemenl IFirsl 3 r~rfonlnsj $` l ,:iOG;' month 7eunf SupervtYJf ;' ~ luoldy Fvs~dtonce m~-laded Gigilal eco'ding Included CiepiCynarfl of TaG S3JJilJ "Ccs' ~r hour pe- oeo.catecl ages wit be billed al thF same rove and i• the same -,^:nn'•: o.::ost pc! oedicolcd open. 26 SECTION 8 Ird° .) reC' :S C al'ea1 Camaaf"" '•A/it^ Clreai Ivla'll '.)V' ~)08SiOn 1:)I (>-;;pIF 'S V~+.`:O' S('.IF US JGafI '~Jllf CJII~°CIIVC. knowledge. exacrlise, crearivir~': and Hard worr, are what k)ad to ab`liry to supply the k>?sl indust~y awcroed customer salisfocion slings ccssi:,le. V'erilh Duel a decade of >xpenence parlnrnng wRn the v.'o•h?'s lea:~u,c Errands, Inklel is un;quely ixsihon to sraff and manage the Jer~ormance o~ the ::iy of Ahiaml ~ocF Cuildiny Department's mcound rolls Arme. with c vase array or expe•ience with out..<,aureed soiuoon< far cusbarnel care p',tgrants, Inkle":: xock I reCCtd IOr .i000C::S 'S SeCCfIC :a nave. Inklei~s VaIUC• CnOpU5lhOr' Ca" fJ8 S'JirlRlBd Jp ~" a-~e WOra - Nmmftmen:. Ink+el`s monagemenl ahilosvphy a,''d overall resuhs-~Jnven sales cuhure will can'inually were. I;: improvE the cuslctfrl=;i sarisfadior: ie'vels v( the 3uiiding Daaarrme ,•. Inkle' has buih an award vvinrnng direo to consumer morkernp'Irm dehvenna wo^d class call cenle: serv~c~s Inkrel is the itgh' fir Ic manege &.rilaing Departnt~~n' Ftecacse of out P.Xpeflc^nc@, pC55iOn IU: 5er VrCe E7X.^.HII?nCF„ (4vP,nUE ?~'19a'1CIf!Q Sal°5 CUIIUr9 ana OU' UfI:,CYa1121Bi: "~a55:Or fai ~60rfe.' Inklel S Drand IS JrBfP,ff°.d 5V m;7Cy' G•( 71e WOf(.'~, 5 I°Qa'(I'J~ CU'(IFtU'll(; C•ld OrgalllZa}IU05 50 wFy' VYOUIan•' wC ~ Ih£ r•gh' salunan (v 3uilding ~epadment? Ir oddilion ro arovidinc wvrld-doss inbo.~nd custamer service far the Buildrnc ~epartmen+'s customers, iselel Direr w11 partne• with the your management rearc la conhnuahy les• anc improve arocesses, reduce costs ana enhance the averall customer erperiencel vlklei Jirect's experience and rechnalogy wit set the oar hlah .n re~aras to the level of service .ha. the Building Deaarlmenl exacts ona' aeserves Among the many valae'add se:vi_es Inal we wit! oravtd=_: v O Experenced Q'slomE:• Servic= lean': sNe will pravide excellera customer service and carrea informclior vwith ~ pasitivrg anilude. The knowiedae oase we create vain ensure accuraie infarriasicn as ro 6uiiding Ueaartment services, the p2rm,tling nr:>-r~.:: nnc trr, rain :~ insoetloc: vain b:: c: roc o•ioriN. Ciu~ "?~, Plaver` ae.:,arinel wilt t`, _lorraaino 'rou• colts in .palish and O Performance ?Jtanoge~tenr Inkrel will meet th= Abanaan katF of I•oss than 1 %..:4verag^ 1-otc Time of less than 3:' sesones. a Servics Leve; el ave: ?0% of cobs answered in 2C' seconds or less ar of limes and customer Sarsiactior. kanng thot exceeds' 80°kf an doV one O G+uolily assurance 7ur team will rnonitol calls and perbrn ouakty ossuronce scans an ar ongoing basis. The building Deparmenl will olsc hove the a~ilin' to monitor these same =alb remoieh++. O lralning. Chlr ovvard vvinniny (raining process will work wiih the 6uildiny _,eparfinenl to create he Ironing rnotenots and ~. VIIL;:UIUm neCe$r/;fv t0 ~Jrepare CUr C'JSIamBf Fare agerllS Io' SVC'CeSS. O Proactive ~ornmunlcalion vul goal rrom dry one will be ro find way:, to ennor~,.e this program ro make it arcraalvs anc Iheletore improv^ the Imagc o{ the 3uildicy DeFx)rtntent arr.angst its clients. O Su-veys We pravidc th<.; ::a~biiity to rondud cusiornel soiis6aciion sulveyo, 6x! usel custome•s ore moss often surveyed via phone, IVk', a•r. maY ''/v'~ Jlilize a ronsl aatai,ase Iha' ~ualishes data io' an assooole'; manager tc reviev,•, O Encourage Use of fie Building Geaa-lmenl Vv`ebsite 1 ~F CSRs will be trained to encJUrogc the usr• o! the building DeFrortmem \Nebsdc. O °artnarshnD A' Inklel, yo'.I will no' be v~ewec os a "ciienl", rolher a °parlner" AI Inc end of the day, w•z're boll strivisct to ochteve the same goals and vae'Ir, hole to help! y`OJ" SUCCeSS ~f OUl SUCC6'SC. and we WII. ea:rt yOUI f1tlSlneSS coati and every gay. wargnteed 1 Hank yvu a~goir for all ni your sup,,^.ar ana direchan ou°ing this process. kll of ~ here al Inlaei apprec'ate this apporlurily and tool forvvorc' to wa-l:inc vv,th yoo ar•d void 'can, to ma'~e Ihc, au,gran+ a great succ°ss I' you nave arn/ questions, please ;:ol'~ me d 130:51 ~=';i-1 ~ 15 Sine ly f 1 Ficxv Ar of '•eslaenr ~ . tCi ~tkh' C, red 17 SECTION 9 -- ~- ~- ..Acknowledgemen- of .Addendum 2. ~eUaratior of Non- Dscrimination 3. insurance ~hecklis+. 4. rropcser Informotion 5. Decloralion 6. Sworn Statement 7. Uisaste, Recovery Picn -.AtiacF ~~.opy. 8. '~Rr~/t9~ C':~rlli~-:~;~ l~~Cl;t Z8 m l~~`~ ; ~,~~%~ I ~ E ~ C CITY OF MIAMI BEAGH DECLARATION: NONDISCRIMINATION IN CONTRACTS AND BENEFITS Section t Vendo' Information Name of Company: Z.-. ~'.lnl n,rn~ Name of Company Contact Person: T . Qtr w Arr:~ I q l~ Phone Number: ~ S - S ZZ- I l 1 Fax Number: ~- F; •7 ~- ~ r ~ E-mail: r:c-K..v. q~w,~~~.r~ Vendor Number (if known): tJ ~~ Federal ID or Social Security Number: (<,~- I^.7.~~,g S Approximate Number of Employees in the U.S.: SeO (If 50 or less, skip to Section 4, date and sign) Are any of your employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement or union trust fund? _Yes /No Union name(s): Section 2. Compliance Questions Question ~. Nondiscnmination -Protected Classes A. Does your company agree to no' disaiminate against your employees, appllczmts for employment. employees of the City. or members of the public on ine basis of the fact or perception of a person's membership m the categories listed below? Please note: a "YES" answer means your company agrees it will no' discriminate: a "NO" answer means your rpmpany refuses tc agree that it will not discriminate. Please answer yes or no to each category. L Race /(es _ No C Sex _Yes _ No U Color JYes _ No ^ Sexual orientation 'Yes No _ D Creec r'es _ No 7 Gender identity (transgender status) .Xes _ No _ .Religion Dyes _ No J Domestic partner status /_Yes _ No _ National origin /Yes No -Marital status t/Yes _ No -' M:zstry J/es _ No _~ Disability !Yes No _i Age Ji'es _ No C AIDS/HIV status /4es No _ Height ~'es _ No ~ Weight is'es _ No B. Does pour company agree to insert a similar nondiscrimination provisior in any subcontract you enter into for the performance of a substantial portion of the conhact you have with the City? Please note: you must answer this question, even H you do not intend t0 enter into 8nV SubCOninaClS. /4'es tvo azr~oresoe iTn.os.oero,~ ..^.Iry or Nnami eeaCn t^ G12?~ Question 2. Nondiscrimination -Equal Benefits for Employees with Spouses and Employees with Domestic Partners Questions 2A and 26 should be answered YES even If yow employees must ' pa some or all of the cost of Spousal or domestic padner benefits. A. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with spouses or to spouses otemployees? /Yes _ No B Does your company provide or offer a.^.oess to any oenefits to employees with (same or opposi sexl domestic partners' or to domestic partners of employees? _ Yes _No 'The term Domestic Partner shall mean any two (2) adults of the Game or different sex, who have regstered as domestic partners with a government body pursuant to state or Iota' law authorizing such registration, or wffh an internal registry maintained by the employer of at least one of the domestic partners. A Contractor may Institute an imamal registry to allow for the provision of equal benefits to employees with domestic partner vAto do not register their partnerships purettam to a governmental body authorizing such registration or who are heated in a jurisdiction where no such governmental domestic partnership exists. A ContreUOr that institutes such registry shall not Impose criteria for registration that are more stringent than those requiretl for domestic partnership registration by the City of Miami Beach I~u answered 'ND" io bath Questions 2A and 2B, go to Section 4 (at the bottom of this page), complete and sign the form, filling in all items requested. If you answered'YES'to either or both Questions 2A and 26, please continue to Question 2C below Question 2. (~ntinuad) C. Please check all oenafits that apply to your answers above and list In the "other" seGion any addRional benefits not already specified. Note: some benefds are provided to employees because they have a spouse or domestic partner, such as bereavement leave: othe• benefhs are provided direc0y to the spouse or domestic partner, such as medical insuren;;e. BENEFIT Yes for Employees with S uses Yes for Employees with Domestic Partners No, this Benefit ea Not Offered Documentation of thic ~' Beneftt its Submitted with this Form Health ^ --- Dental b r~ ^ d I Vision _ ^/ ~ ^ i ~ Retirement (PBOSIOn, 401 k ,etc.) rrf ^ G/ Bereavement ~ ^ ry Family Leave c( ~ n _ r{ Pererrtal Leave I __ r~ e' ~ ^ E/ °mployee Assistance Program ^~ o' ^ i ~, Relocation 8 Travel rx ^ d company 7iscoum, Facilities & [vents e' _ rY ^ y Credit 'J rnon y v- _ ~. e' ~hdd ..are ^ ra' _ ~/ ^ p~ Other >? a~ ^ Note: If yotr can not offer a benefit In a nondiscriminatory manner because of reasons oWs~de your control, (e.g., there are no Insurance providers in your area willing to offer domestic partner coverage} you may ba eligible for Reasonable Mezsures complianw. To comply or. this basis, you must agree to pay a cash equivalent, submd a completed Reasonable Measures Application with eli necessary attachments, and have your appllcaUon approved by the City Manager, or his designee. Sechon 3. Required Dowmentetion YOU MUST SUBMIT SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION to verify eaart benefit marked in question 2C. Withotn proper dowmentation, your company cannot oe certified as complying with fhe City's Equal benefits Requirement for Domestic Penner Ordinance. For example. to dowment medipl Insu2nce submit a statement from your insurance provider or a copy of the eligibility sedlon of you' plan dowment; to Document leave programs, submit a cagy of your company's employee handbook. If dowmentallon for a particular benefit does not exist, attach an explanation. Have you submitted supporting documentation for each benefit offered? _"fes _ No Section 4. Exe,..trting the Document I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Florida that the foregoing is true and correct. and that t am atrthorizetd~ to bind this entity contractually. Executed this ~ day of rtr a w 2l, in the year zbo ~ , at Vt.E'~ aw.~ ~~ Uel , ~L city smte ~3n}S -Jw S~'"`' Gk Sign ure Mailing Address I~'v~., ,arr•.nla N~lat~.ii ~ak?cr -FL 33oty- Name of Signatory (please print) City, State, Zip Code ~~nL'~c~c/F4 atnr~ C:~O TIUe • Inktel Policy and Employment Handbook I~~~~lD~~eCt If you have a question about the pay practices for your department, you can talk with your supervisor. The Human Resources Department is also available to answer questions about Inktel's salary administration program. As a reminder, disclosing your or another employee's compensation or bonus structure is strictly prohibited and may be grounds for termination. SECTION 3 -EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PROGRAMS 301 Employee Benefits Effective Date: 1 /1 /2007 Inktel provides a wide range of benefit programs to eligible employees. Certain legally required programs (such as Socia! Security, workers' compensation, state disability, and unemployment insurance) cover all employees in the manner required by the lauv~s. Your-eligibility-Foreach-benefit-program depends-on-a variety offactors; including your employee classification. To better understand exactly which benefrt programs you are eligible for, talk to your supervisor. You will find details about many of these programs elsewhere in the employee handbook. In some cases, a policy may also refer you to other sources, such as the Summary Plan Document for that benefit. The following benefit programs are available to eligible employees, subjecYto terms and conditions of each program: 401(k) Savings Plan Bereavement Leave Dental Insurance Educational Financial Assistance Holidays Jury Duty Leave Long-Terre Disability Medica{ Insurance Military Leave Paid Time Off (PTO) Short-Term Disability Supplemental Life Insurance Supplemental Medical Coverage Vision Care Insurance While some of the benefit programs we offer may require you to contribute to the _tg_ INSURANCE CHECK LIST XXX 1. Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability per the statutory limits of the state of Florida. XXX 2 Comprehensive General Liability (occurrence form), limits of liability $ per occurrence for bodily injury propefij damage to include Premises! Operations: Procucts, Completed Operations and Contractual Liability. Contractual Liability and Contractual Indemnity (Hold harmless endorsement exactly as written in "insurance requirements" of spec cations). XXX3. Automobile Liability - $1,000,000 each occurrence -owned/non-owned/hired automobiles included. 4 . Excess Liability • $ 00 per occurrence to follow the primary coverages. XXX 5. The City must be named as and additional insured on the liability policies; and It must be stated or the certificate. 6. Other Insurance as indicated _ Builders Risk completed value $ 00 Liquor Liability $ OD _ Fire Legal Liability $ Op _ Protection and Indemnify $ Op _ Professional Liability $ 00 Employee Dishonesty Bond $ .00 Theft Covering Money andJor Property Of Others $_ .00 XXX 7.Thirty (3D) days written cancellation notice required XXX 8.Best's guide rafing B+:VI or better, latest edition. XXX 9.The certificate must state the RFP number and title PROPOSER AND INSURANCE AGENT STATEMENT We understand the Insurance Requirements of these specifications and that evidence of this insurance may be required within five (5} days after Proposal opening. Selected Proposefs (allure to procure ormaintain required insurance program shall constitute a material breach of Agreement under which City may immediately terminate the proposed Agreemen . .T ~lc1Cv ~irrw)c~ Proposer Signa re Proposer PROPOSER INFORMATION Submitted by: Proposer (Entity): Z k ~ r~,a•,~r, Signature: ~ Name (Printed): ~k ~~rr Address: I ~G ~ S ICI I.J S~ ~-~ Clty/State: (~„~,„„, L~,~o~ ~' z,~,,y Telephone: "?x~5 - S Z ~ - III s Fax: 3r,S-`dZ~-oygr E-mail' f; c_k-~ °~ r r ~'., ~ r~ ~ '„~ ICa e 1 c o.-,.~, v It is understood and agreed by Proposer that the City reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals, to make awards on all items or any items according to the best interest of the City, and to waive any irregulaNties in the RFP or in the Proposals received as a result of the RFP. it is also understood and agreed by tfie Proposer that by submitting a proposal, Proposer shall be deemed to understand and agree than no property interest or legal right of any kind shall be created at any time until and unless a contract has been agreed to and signed by both parties. UPc G_mNef 10,2.uoc~- ( uthor¢ed Signature) (Date) ~'tc1Lv rte: olc. (Printed Name) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NO. 08-08109 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA Directions: Complete Part I or Part Il, whichever applies. Part 1: Listed below are the dates of issue for each Addendum received in connection with this RFP: 08- 08/03: Addendum No. 1, Dated ~Vm o...~ir~ Z6 zoc~ Addendum No. 2. Dated ~~ vv~~n. 8, 2 ~A Addendum No. 3. Dated ~e~ a.Mbe~ ~t , 2~oB Addendum No. 4, Dated Addendum No. 5. Dated Part IL• No addendum was received in connectior, with this RFP- Verified with Procurement staff Name of staff Die Proposer - Date Signature DlrG LARATION TO' City of Miami Beach Citv Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive Procurement Division Miami Beach. Flonda 33139 Submitted this 1 h+~" day of !fir a.n.~,lo P. r , 2008. The undersigned, as Proposer .declares that the only persons interested in this Proposal are named herein; that no other person has any interest in this responses or in the contract to which this response pertains; that this response is made without connection or arrangement with any other person: and that this response is in every respect fair and made in good faith, without collusion or fraud. The Proposer agrees if this response is accepted, to execute a~. appropriate City of Miami Beach document for the purpose of establishing a formal contractual relationship between the Proposer and the City. Florida, for the performance of all requirements to which the response pertains. The Proposer states that the response is based upon the documents identified by the following number. RFP No. 02-07108 VITNESS PR OS SIGNATURE 0.S en S~L.~eV.~fr ~~) ~~c '~v ,4rr~1~ PRINTED NAME PRINTE NAAAE/~ ~~ --~ ~1E~, C~C/T~ G/i~ l~cU T(TLE . J ~So•-, j~~c~l o. PRINTED NAME SWORN STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 287.133(3)(a), FLORIDA STATUTES, ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES THtS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND SWORN TO IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICER AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS. 1. This swom statement is submitted to -~l.P w ~ ~I', a_.,: l~c,_c(n [print name of public entity] (pri~n^t individual's name and tftle] for ~ n{~Pr 1), f'PC~ \ yr n.-,rc1-~', r...-~ (print name of entity submitting swom statement] whose business address is l ~q~ rJt.c7 ~~ ('~ ~;Gw; ~-~.Y-eS ~'~t. 3~ut~-1 and (if applicable) its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is G,S- 1 _ y $ ? (If the entity has no FEIN, include the Soaal Security Number of the individual signing this sworn statement: 4. I understand that a "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1){g), Florida Statutes, means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transactior, of business with any business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivisior o` any other state or of the United States, including, but not limned to, any bid or contfact for goods or services to be provided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States and involving antitrust, fraud, theft, briber), collusion, racketeering, conspiracy or material misrepresentation. 5. I understand that "convicted" or "conviction" as defined in Paragraph 28a.133(1)(b), Florida Statutes, means a finding of guiM or a conviction of a public entity crime, wtth or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, nonjury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere. 6. I understand that an "affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287,133 (1}(a), Florida StaWtes, means: 1) A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime: or 2) An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted of a public entity crime. The term "affiliate" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in another person, or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under an arm's length agreement, shall be a prima facie case that one person controls another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a persor, who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida durine the preceding 36 months shall be considered an affiliate. 5) I understand that a "person" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1){ej, Florida Statutes means any natural person or entity organized underthe laws of any state or of the United States with the Legal power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or applies to bid on contracts for the provision of goods or services ie! by a public entity. or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The term "person" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are actve in management of an entity, 6) Based on information and belief, the statement which I have marked below is true in relation to the entity submitting this swom statement. Indicate which statement appties.j / Neither the entity submitting this swom statement, nor any officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of the entity. nor any affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. The entity submitting this swom statement, or one or more of its officers. directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members or agents who are active in management of the entty, or an affiliate of the entty has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1. 1989. The entity submitting this swom statemenE, or one or more of its officers, directors, executives, paliners, shareholders, employees. members, or agents who are active in the management of the entity, or an affiliate of the entity has been charged v~ith and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1. 1989. However, there has been a subsequent proceeding before a Hearing Officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings and the Final Order entered by the hearing Officer determined that it was not in the public interest to place the entity submitting this sworn statement on the convicted vendor list. [attach a copy of the final order] I UNDERSTAND THAT THE SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM TO THE CONTRACTING OFFICER FOR THE PUBLIC ENTITY IDENTIFIED IN PARAGRAPH 1 {ONE) ABOVE IS FOR THAT PUBLIC ENTITY ONLY AND, THAT THIS FORM IS VALID THROUGH DECEMBER 31 OF THE CALENDAR YEAR IN WHICH IT IS FILED. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT f AM REQUIRED TO INFORM THE PUBLIC ENTITY PRIOR TO ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT IN EXCESS OF THE THRESHOLD AMOUNT PROVIDED IN SECTION 287.017, FLORIDA STATUTES FOR CATEGORYTWO OF ANY CHANGE IN THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FORM. [si nature] Swom to and subscribed before me this _ ICS}~"' day of_ 1~, o w,~e-r .2008 Personally known 1...~va.~~ ~~r~~no,,,, 4v-~ ~',~OLR Produced identification tV A Notary Public -State of ~ ~ur ; r.~ct _ commission expires ~~.~ (~, c,~7_ OSYANI HERNANDEZ ire. ~O' ° Nolary Public -State 01 Flwlda °r°, `f.6 (Printed typed or stamped Commissioned name of Notary Public} '.;,, ''° My Commlaabn5rphes JUn 6.2014 N~` Commlaafon X OC 78694d ~'~`.~rt'~ Bonded ihtan10hNetbrwtt N013yAiSi1. QUESTIONNAIRE Proposer's Name: Princi al Office Address: I~~~s ti~,~ ssr~ C-~ Official Representative: Individual Partn~Circle One) orporation If a Corporation. answer this: When Incorporated: 1~t~t ~- In what) State``: '~ irif ~ Gl G H a Foreistn Corporation: Date of Registration with Florida Secretary of State: - N fq Name of Resident Agent: N,A Address of Resident Agent ~~~ President's Name: ~2:,~ky t~~.;olc ice-Pr ~iderit's Name: ~.. A„•~1~:, Treas re s Nt amp 1e: p ~0.rlU 1 1-1P~nQrGGZ Members of Board of Directors "~W err.-,~., IZ;~k~: A~.' 1n ~ ~-.~c~~ -etc Questionnaire (continued) Partnership: Date of organization General or Limited Partnership": rte; /Ll Name'and Address of Each Partner: NAME ADDRESS Designate generei partners in a Limited Partnership 1. Number of years of relevant experience in operating same or similar business: E~p~2r. 2. Have any agreements held by Proposer for a project ever been canceled? Yes O No (~ If yes, give details on a separate sheet 3. Has tfie Proposer or any principals of the applicant organization failed to qualify as a responsible BidderlProposer refused to enter into a contract after an award has been ntiade, failed to complete a contract during the pastfive (5) years, or been declared to be in default in any contract in the last 5 years? if yes, please explain: N /A Questionnaire (continued) 4. Has the Proposer or any of its principals ever been declared bankruptor reorganized under Chapter 11 or put into receivership? Yes O No (~ If yes, give date, court jurisdiction, action taken, and any other explanation deemed necessary on a separate sheet 6. Person or persons interested In this RFP and Qualification Form have ()have not ()Q been convicted by a Federal, State, County, or Municipal Court of any violation of taw, otherthan traffic violations. To include stockholders over ten percent (10%). (Strike out inappropriate words) Explain any convictions: 6. Lawsuits (any) pending or completed involving the corporation, partnership or individuals with more than ten percent (10%) interest: A List all pending lawsuits: B. List all judgments from lawsuits In the last five (3) years: C. List any criminal violations and/or convictions of the Proposer andlor any of its principals: 7. Conflicts of Interest The following relationships are the only potential, actual, or perceived conflicts of interest in connection with this proposal: (If none, state same.) 19!7012009 ?6-0BA8/0P Gry of Mlmni Beecn tG o' 23 Questionnaire (continued) 8. Public Disclosure. In order to determine whetherthe members of the Evaluation Committee for this Request for Proposals have any association or relationships which would constitute a conflict of interest, either actual or perceived, with any Proposer and/or individuals and entities comprising or representing such Proposer and in an attempt to ensure full and complete disclosure regarding this contract, all Proposers are required to disclose all persons and entities who may be involved with this Proposal. This list shall include public relation firms, lawyers and lobbyists. The Procurement Division shall be notified in writing ff any person or entity is added to this list after receipt of proposals. t'L'1Cf200N ITB-08.OBID£ Clry N Mtaml 8ead~ 11 of 2a Questionnaire (continued) The Proposer understands that information contained in this Questionnaire will be relied upon by the City in awarding the proposed contract, and such information is warranted by tfie Proposerto be true and accurate. The Proposer agrees to furnish such additional information, prior to acceptance of any proposal relating to the qualifications of the Proposer, as may be required 6y the City Manager. The Proposer further understands that the information contained in this Questionnaire may be confirmed through a background investigation conducted by the City, through the Miami Beach Pofice Department. By submitting this Questionnaire the Proposer agrees to cooperate with this investigation, including but not limited to, fingerprintlng and providing information for a credit check. PROPOSER WITNESS: IF INDIVIDUAL: Signature Signatun: Print Name Print Name WITNESS: IF PARTNERSHIP: Signature Print Name of Firm Prirtt Name Address By: General Partner Print Name TEST: IF CORPORATION: 1~ ~n c , _ * 1 r 1 ~ ~4~ 1,, r c-i ` yr pc r c~ , ~~,,, crate Print Name of orporation ~~cG~,.n ~ ~ Iv,n ks?C 13~[~5 tikJ Sb' ~:; M' o.w;~ ! akes ~ Print Name , a Address By: President (CORPORATE SEAL) pp ,} ~ickV tlrr'.o ~c, Print Name ~znorzoov. ~s~us~oame Gary of Miami etracr ;2 U 2P InktelDirect Disaster Recovery Plan 2008 Inktel Direct Disaster Recovery Plan Contents Inktel Direct ............................... Disaster Recovery Plan ............... I. Overvie+n~ ............................ II. Data and Software .............. III. Backup Power ................. IV. Telecommunications...... V. Data Networking ................ VI. Physical Site Backup Plan VII. Personnel and their Resp VIII. Types of Natural Disaster IX. Emergency Telephone N~ X. Agent Transfer Procedures. XI. Staff Evacuation Procedu Assembly Area Locations....... Severe Storms ........................ Hurricane Evacuation .......................... Tornado Warning ................................. Utility Failure ....................................... Flood ..................................................... Hazardous Material Accident .............. Civil Disorder and Demonstrations..... Terrorism .............................................. Bomb Threat ........................................ Explosion .............................................. XII. Inktel Direc- Info~matior Systems X. Facility Layout Maps ......................... 12 .3 .3 i4 ]4 I. Overview Inktel Direct currently operates tali centers at eight office campuses. Within these campuses there are anywhere from one to three distinct offices with call center operations in them. Below is a table listing allot Inktel Direct's current call center campuses: Name of Campus Number of Call Centers Total number of stations of all Centers at the Campus Miami Lakes 1 322 Tamarac 1 196 ~ Chita o 1 50 Every call center is configured with identical infrastructure, to ensure that any center can be used as a backup to any other center. This infrastructure is based on the following technology components: 1. Avaya PBX/ACD systems. 2. Dialogic-based Predictive Dialing Systems. 3. DELL Power Edge redundant Database Servers utilizing Windows 2003 server and Microsoft SQL 2005 Server database. 4. DELL, Gateway & Toshiba Pentium III / IV Workstations running, Windows XP 5. Cisco Enterprise routers 7200 / 3ii0D (Redundant Power Supplies}. 6. Cisco Catalyst Enterprise Layer 3 Core Switches 7. OC-3 Fiber Junctions and multiple access points providing T-1 voice services from Verizon, FDN and Qwest Communications. Miami Lakes serves as the tvtain Data Center hub for all the centers. Nightly replication of key software components and databases occur between Miami Lakes, Tamarac and Chicago to ensure that al! active application software and databases are available at ALL locations in case of a disaster. Inktel Direc~ s South Florida sites are in an approximately 40 mile radius in Miarni-Dade and Broward County. Both the Miami Lakes and Tamarac sites are in the western parts of their respective counties and over 10 tulles inland from the coast. Proximity of the sites allows for easy travel between the sites via maJor interstate highways but offer enough distance between them to avoid both locations being simultaneously impacted by a natural disaster. In the event of a regional natural disaster, our Business Continuance Plan, through our "State o` the Art" Avaya Teiecommumcations Infrastructure, expedites the transfer of business functions between sites. Daily backups and a complete company-wide backup of alt data and applications are performed at all locations for all databases and software applications. These backups are verified regularly to ensure them recoverability in case of an emergency, Both sites have full UPS power backup and diesel generator systems. The generators can b? used tc run the entire facilities for as long as necessary in the unlikely event of an extendec' power outage. II. Data and Soft~~are The requir=men? for disaster recovery includes the backup and safe storage of both customer databases and software applications used by TSRs and Management to operate the programs. full database backups are performed daily on all customer databases. These backups copy entire customer databases to digital tapes, which are catalogued and stored in a dedicated storage area. Some tapes are stored in fireproof safes. Database tapes are audited periodically, This ensures that tapes are properly labeled, catalogued, stored, and tha? weekly off-site backups include all databases and all application software currently in use. Real-Time backups are also performed on all production databases. At Real-time, a transaction log fife is moved from the production database server to another server in Chicago network. This Real-time backup ensures that no more than one minute of transaction activity could be lost on any database, even in the event of a complete failure of an active production database server. Software applications are copied nightly between Miami Lakes and Chicago to ensure maximum availability. If a center were to become inoperable, applications on both the agent desktops and on the database servers can be quickly reproduced from ALL locations. This ensures that TSRS will be equipped to process calls from a backup center, and that all custom software used on the program is also available at the backup site. III. Backup Powec Inktel Direct has installed Unmterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems in all tail centers. These systems ensure that short-term power outages do not disrupt Inktel Oirect's operations. The UPS systems power the TSR desktops, plus the computer rooms where the servers, PBX and dialer systems are located. Inktel Direct has identified the Miami Lakes and Tamarac sites as primary centers for inbound call center activity, Enough fuel is kept at both locations to run for approximately 72 hours. The generator systems are tested weekly. The generator systems are put into full production use to ensure that no loss of power occurs. After each test a report is issued identifying any faults. Problems are immediately escalated to the UPS and generator support companies. Problem resolution is tested within one week to verify that the fault has been resolved. IV. Telecommunications Inktel Direct has multiple telecommunications providers. Approximately 45%of Inktel Direct's voice services come from FDN and Qwest, with the balance coming from MCI WorldCom. Inktel Direct has independent telecommunications facilities (T-1 services) in each call center campus. Our telephony infrastructure allows any agent from any facility to access phone services. This takes place seamlessly and does not require any change in service or routing policies. In the event that one facility is not accessible, critical programs can be managed from another facility. Agents could be transported from one site to another to ensure continued operations. V. Data Networking Inktel Direct's data networking infrastructure is based on TCP/IP, and Cisco enterprise Layer 3 Switches & Routers for traffic management within a location, between locations, to the I nternet, or to our Clients' private networks (Intranetsj. Within each center we utilize Multiple Layer 3 core switches to separate network traffic into sub- networks, to improve performance. In addition, there are backup switches for each primary switch, insuring that a hardware or software problem on a particular switch cannot cause downtime in the center. Our wide-area network between our United States center campuses is enabled via our Multiple Vendor provided point to point Data Circuits. This creates a fully integrat=_d wide area network between all centers, InKte! Direct maintains srx (6i dedicated, high-speed connections to the Internet, 3 from ou• Miam+ Lakes Campus, two (2; from Tamarac and one (1; from our Chicago sit? All connections serve as backuas to the others m the case of failure. Firewalls are installed at both locations to ensure secure, managed acres<_ to the Internet. Our Internet connections are provided by FDN, QWES', and Verizoc. This ensures that a major network failure at either provider does not pronibit Inktel Direct from accessing the Interne' from amp location. VI. Physical Site Backup Plan Inktel Direct maintains technical infrastructures at each o` its call center campuses. Therefore, any center could serve as an emergency backup to any other center. Due to the proximity between the sites, agents can travel between sites within one hour of any outage. We closely monitor excess capacity it all centers, and use this information to determine which sites are going to be used as backup facilities in the case of a significant outage. Currently Inktel Direct has approximately 125 seats of excess capacity in the day shift {7AM-5:30 PMj, and approximately 200 seats of capacity in the night shift ;5:30PM-Midnight). The overnight shift {Midnight 7Arvt) is almost completely unoccupied. (:xcess capacity is audited weekly, and Hot Site planning focuses on the centers with enough excess capacity to serve as backup sites for other centers in the case of an outage. VII. Personnel and their Responsibilities Inktel Direct has an =_mergency Management Team {Efv1Tj, responsible for keeping track of all issues relating to disaster recovery, including excess physical capacity, excess telecommunications capacity, and other factors key to determining where a project would be relocated in the case of an emergency. In the event of an approaching storm, the Team will meet every 12 hours (based on a storm which is 48 hours away), and every 6 hours (Based on a storm that is less than 36 hours away). The EMT is divided by responsibility. Currently, the team consis*.s of the following members: Team Emergency Team ' Normal Responsibility Backup Normal Responsibility Member Owner of Team Responsibility Member Luis Lead Disaster Recovery Vice President, Call Jason ~ Vice President, Client Gonzalez Manager Center Operations Schlenker ' Solutions Juan Vega Telecommunications Telecommunications Dwight IT Lead Manager Valentin Marlon i Data Networking and Director, Information Danny Network Manager Williams ~ Computer Systems I Technologies Rodriguez Odalys Operations Operations Manager Jorge Operations Supervisor Alfonso _ Bermudez Miguel Human Resources Director of Human Carlos HR Manager Arguelles ~ Resources Morgan VIII. Types of Natural Disasters & Procedures This document provides a brief overview of the types of disasters posing a potential threat to Inktel Directs' staff and Tele-service Programs. These emergency procedures are intended to assist individuals in understanding what to expect, and what to do initially. The information in this docurnen: has been provided primarily as guidance in the event a disaster occurs at any Inktel Direc! facility. However, these same procedures can be applied to situations at home, and when traveling. Should an emergency occur, evacuation of the facility may be necessary. Evacuation routes for facilities are displayed throughout staff work areas. All personnel should rtudy these procedures carefully. IX. Emergency Telephone Numbers Inktel Direct Emergency Contact Hotline (305) 403-1661 (Wil; be updated hourly if an event take> piatel • Miami Lakes (305) 523-1100 Press "0" • Tamarac (954) 933-9671 x51215 Emergency Contact Team Team Emergency Team Normal Responsibility Backup Normal Responsibility Member Owner of Team Responsibility Member Luis Disaster Recovery Vice President, Call Jason Vice President. Client Gonzalez SPOC Center Operations Schlenker Solutions (305j 302- (305) 608-4467 0208 Juan Vega Telecommunications Telecommunications Dwight IT lead (305} 915-0457 Manager Valentin (9541 850-2110 IVlarlon Data Networking and Director, Information Danny Network Manager Williams Computer Systems Technologies Rodriguez (954) 801-8511 {954) 559-7501 Odalys Operations Operations Manager Jorge Operations Supervisor Alfonso {3051 490-4651_ Bermudez (305j 450-0242 Miguel Human kesources Director of Human Carlos HR Manager Arguelles (305) 726-1703 Resources I Morgan I X. Agent Transfer Procedures In the event of evacuations, the procedures in section XI should be followed. Where applicabl=_ the following procedures should be executed. 1. Uetermine which program/s must be staffed during the emergency. (See attached Program Planj 2. Determine which facility wlll be used to handle calls. 3. Verify agern roster and ship times. 4. Schedule pick up for transportation to alternate facility. XI. Staff Evacuation Procedures When the evacuation alarm sounds, or you are directed to evacuate the facility: 1. Remain calm. 2. Shut dowr. all hazardous operations. 3. Follow instructions. 4. Assist disabled persons. 5. Leave the area in an orderly fashion. Close doors, but do not lock. 6. Follow established evacuation routes. 7. Move away from the structure. Go directly to the assembly area (map provided with plan). Repor+, to the Evacuation Coordinator fora "head count". 8. Do not block the street or driveway. 9. Stay at the assembly area until instructed otherwise. Assembly Area locations These locations will vary do tr, the type of disasters that may arise. Fire In case of a fire: 1. Remain calm. c. Contact the Fire Department. 3. If the fire is small, try to extinguish it with the proper type of extinguisher or other method. Do not jeopardize personal safety. 4. Do no: allow the fire to come between you and the exit. 5. Disconnect electrical equipment if it is on fire, and ir' it is safe to do se. 6. Notify the supervisor and evacuation coordinator, if possible. ~. Evacuate if you can not extinguish the fire. Assist disabled persons. 8. Do not break windows. 9. Do not open a hot door. (Before opening a door, touch it near the top. If it is hot or if smoke is visible, do not open.) 10. Do not use elevators, 11. Do not attempt to save possessions. 12. Go directly to the assembly area. 13. De not return to the affected area until instructed by appropriate authorities. 14. Do not spread rumors. Severe Storms (These first procedures apply to thunderstorms, tornados, hurricanes, etc.) ***Can Apply to ALL South Florida In the event of a severe storm watch within the surrounding area: 1. Listen to the {ocal radio/TV or NOAH Weather Radio for instructions. 2. Plan ahead before the storm arrives. 3. Tie down loose items located outside or move them indoors. 4. Open windows slightly; time permitting, on the side away from the direction of the storm's approach. 5. Check battery-powered equipment and back-up power sources. 6. Fill vehicles with gas. In the event of a severe storm warning within the surrounding area: 1. Disconnect electrical equipment and appliances not required for emergency use. 2. Do not use telephone except for an emergency or absolutely essential business. 3. Store drinking water in clean containers (e.g., jugs, bottles, sinks). 4. Avoid structures with wide span roofs (e.g., gymnasium;. 5. Otherwise, take cover. Hurricane Warning 1. Board up windows or protect them with storm sfiutters. Some should be left slightly open to equalize the pressure. 2. ! eave low-iymg areas that may be swept by high tides or storm waves. 3. Stay in the building if it is sturdy and on high ground. If not--and especially if local authorities order an evacuation--move to a designated shelter. 4. Remain indoors. Don't be fooled by the calmness of the "eye." Remember, the winds on the other side of the ''eye" will come from the opposite direction. Hurricane Evacuation 1. Follow the instructions of local authorities. 2. If transportation is provided by local authorities, use it. If you must walk or drive to another location 1. Leave early enough so as not to be marooned. 2. If driving, ensure there is sufficient gas. 3. Use recommended routes rather than trying to find short-cuts. 4. Go to a designated location--don't go anywhere else. Tornado Warning 1. Go to the basement, if available, or an interior hallway. 2. Upper floors are unsafe. If there is no time to descend, go to a closet, a small room with strong walls, or an inside hallway. 3. Do not remain. inside a vehicle. As a last resort, and if no ditch or ravine is nearby, crawl under the vehicle. 4. If in open country and time permits, locate suitable shelter. If not, lie in the nearest ditch or ravine. Be alert for flash floods. Utility Failure In the event o` a power outage in your area (this will only affect facilities that are N07 covered by a generator) 1. Remain calm. 2. Remain where you are and open all available blind/shades/curtains to receive more outside light. 3. If you are in an unlighted area, go cautiously to an area that has emergency lights. 4. If telephones are working, call and report the outage. 5. Wait for further instructions from the authorities. 5. If directed to evacuate, assist disabled persons and go to the Assembly Area. 7. if you are in an elevator, stay calm. Use the intercom or emergency button to alert Security or other persons. In the event o` a water line/sewer failure: 1. Remain calm. 2. Notify Utility immediately. Advise them of the severity and location of the problem. Indicate ii any objects are in immediate danger. 3. If during work hours, notify your supervisor of the situation. 4. Use extreme caution if any electrical appliances%outlets are near the water. Inform Security o` the electrica' hazard. 5. If the source of the water is known and you are confident you cap stop is safely, f:.e., unclog the draic, turn of= waterj, do so cautiously. 6. Assist with protecting objects. 7. If directed to evacuate, assist disabled persons and go to the Assembly Area. Wait for further instructions. Flood In case of a flood watch in the area: 1. Listen to local radio/N. 2. Prepare to take immediate precautionary actions. 3. If driving, watch for flooding at highway dips, bridges, and low areas due to rain not seen by you, but which may be indicated by thunder and lightning. In case of a flood warning in the area: 1. Listen to local radio/TV. 2. Prepare to evacuate upon direction. (Note: If a flash flood warning is issued, get out of the area immediately.} 3. Assist disabled persons and follow instructions of emergency preparedness personnel. 4. Check any battery-powered equipment & back-up power sources. 5. Store drinking water in clean receptacles (e.g., sinks, jugs). 6. Inventory and move to the upper floors emergency supplies such as food, first aid items, blankets... 7. Secure all loose objects located outside. 8. Assist with protecting objects. 9. Board up windows. 1R. Disconnect utilities which are not absolutely essential. 11. Fill vehicle gas tank(s). 12. If driving, know the depth of the water in a dip or low area before crossing. 13. If vehicle stalls, abandon it immediately and seek higher ground. 14. Do not try to cross a stream on foot if water is above your knees- 15. Do not re-enter the affected area until directed by emergency preparedness personnel. 16. Do not spread rumors. Hazardous Material Accident In case of a hazardous material accident at the facility: 1. Evacuate the immediate area. 2. Initiate appropriate first aic andi or other personnel protection measures, as requirod. 3. Notify Authorities as soon as possible. 4. Do not re-enter the affected area until directed by the emergency preparedness personnel. 5. If trained and property protected: assist with the dean-up operations, as directed. 6. Do not spread rumors. In case of a hazardous materials accident in the local community: 1. listen to the local radio/TV. 2. Follow instructions of the emergency preparedness personnel. 3. Evacuate when directed. Follow the designated route to the Assembly Area, 4. Do not re-enter the affected area until directed by emergency preparedness personnel. 5. Do not spread rumors. Civil Disorder and Demonstrations In case of a demonstration or other form of civil disorder within the area: 1. Notify authorities immediately of any information received, factual or rumored, of a demonstration or other form of civil disorder which is planned or in progress in the vicinity of the facility. 2. Follow the instructions of building Security and the emergency preparedness personnel. 3. Assist with protecting objects. 4. If an explosion occurs, take cover immediately and anticipate there may be others. 5. Notif)~ Authorities of any potential/actual hazards (e.g., fire, bomb threat) incurred during a threatening situation. 6. Stay indoors and away from windows unless directed to evacuate by the emergency preparedness personnel. 7. Evacuate when directed, and follow the evacuation procedures included at the beginning of this handbook. 8. If released from work early, follow instructions of the emergency preparedness personnel and the focal authorities. Do not remain in the vicinity of the disturbance to sight-see. 9. Do not spread rumors. Terrorism Should an act of terrorism occur within the surrounding area: 1. Fel{ow the instruction of the Security and emergency preparedness personnel. 2. If an explosion occurs, take cover immediately and anticipate there may be other explosions. 3. Notify Authorities of any known hazards le.g., fire, bomb threatj, 4. Stay indoors and away from windows unless directed to evacuate. 5. Evacuate when directed and follow procedures included at the beginning of this booklet and any instructions of the Evacuation Coordinators. 6. If released from work early, follow the instructions of the emergency preparedness personnel. Do not remain in the vicinity to sight-see. 7. Do not spread rumors. Bomb Threat If you receive a bomb threat telephone call: 1. Remain calm. 2. Listen carefully. Be polite and show interest. 3. Try to keep the caller talking to learn more information. 4. If possible, write a note to a colleague to call the onsite Security Manager as soon as the caller hangs up. 5. Complete the attached Bomb Threat Checklist immediately. Write down as much detail as you can remember. b. Do not discuss the threat with other staff. 7. Follow the instructions of the building Security. 8. Evacuate when directed and follow the procedures included at the beginning of this handbook. 9. Do not spread rumors. Explosion In case of an explosion in your area: 1. Remain calm. 2. Take cover under a cable or desk. 3. Be prepared for possible further explosions. 4. Stay away from windows, mirrors, overhead fixtures, filing cabinets, bookcases, etc. 5. Follow the instructions of the security guards and emergency preparedness personnel. 6. Evacuate calmly, when directed, to the Assembly Area. Assist disabled persons. 7. Do not move seriously injured persons, unless they are in immediate danger (fire, building collapse, etc.} 8. Open doors carefully. Watch for falling objects. 9. Do not use elevators. 1C. Avoid using the telephone, except in a life threatening situation. 11. Do not use matches or lighters. 12. Do not re-enter the affected area until directed by emergency preparedness personnel, 13. Do not spread rumors. X11. Inktel Direct Information Systems Disaster Recovery Procedures (See Flow Chart below) • Wnen [he disaster is onnounce~ Administraiion will notify the Humor Resources department. • HR wil! implemen* the emergence 800 number and notify aN directors. • Upon no[!flcatiun the !S Director wi!! notify the IS General Manager, !T Genera; Manage; Network Operations Monaaer and the Telecom General Manager. • The descriptions of their daties are as ioHows: is General Manager 1. The IS General Manager notifies the System Manager and the IS Project Manager. 2. The System Manager notifies the Facility Leads and instructs them to prepare their respective centers for the expected conditions. 3. The 15 Project Manager assists in notifying the Facility Leads, coordinates the preparations with the other departments and provides status updates to the IS General Manager. 4. The Facility Leads prepare their centers as instructed by the System Manager. R General Manager The IT General Manager will instruct Information Systems personnel to relocate databases to the appropriate servers to maximize "uptirne" with the support of the IS team. Network Operations Manager The Network pperations Manager and the Network Operations Center team will ensure that network connectivity is maintained throughout the even;. Telecom General Manager she Telecom General Manager and the Telecom team wiU prepare to transfer all calls to an unaffected center if necessary and continuously monito~'_ connectivity. Inktel Direct Disaster Flow Chart for Systems Recovery ti ~i r X. Facility Layout Maps Miami Lakes ,IWL C\LdJ AWi iW .Cfi YVAG IWVY WAi fOii mLV CYw 1Lfb> attw nlWi Ylmi (\~ .ISOJ YRYL .I W' tIW LI cwoa Lmm wYO Lmaa Ycia uwo xam 2fa: rmm e.cof LRm IRm axw .mac aaYC Lsaoc rcw~ . cvm mm: eaa \ara amwc ersa Rfm eRm r.sm u YYYOC saw .Y000 corm mw Rsw oaw cocoa wfm mxo Y uaw Ycam u(sw ufa eewa ccaG qua: o\tM aa. 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