Aging Resource Center Agreement'~~c~- ~7t~ ~ 9
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Aging Resource Center '
~, Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties _
Collaborative Agreement
;f!liunct•(ru'dg(ng, !r!r.
This agreement outlines the collaboration between the Alliance for Aging/Aging
Resource Center (ARC) and cic5~ of Miami Beach otf. o£ community se.-.,, in
establishing a framework for assisting elders and their families. This collaboration will
promote the development of a shared network of providers and resources.
The Alliance for Aaing has been designated by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs
as the Aging Resource Center for Planning and Service Area (PSA) 11, serving Miami-
Dade and Monroe Counties.
The purposes of an Aging Resource Center are to enhance ease of access and utilization
of aging and long-term care services, reduce system fragmentation and offer a supported
decision making process for consumers. The ARC will provide a locally focused,
coordinated approach to integrating information and referral for all available services for
Under this Agreement, both parties agree to the following:
A. To promote the development of a coordinated service delivery system to
meet the needs of elders.
B. To maintain a climate of cooperation and consultation with and between
agencies, in order to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
C. To promote programs and activities designed to prevent premature
institutionalization of elders.
D. To provide cross-training and/or collaboration of agency staff for the
purposes of coordination, communication, and appropriate referrals
between agencies.
E. To refer, and to accept as appropriate, seniors andlor their caregivers for
assistance through programs and services as available and appropriate.
This agreement will remain in effect until terminated by one or both parties.
Signature ARC Designee
Printed Name
-~~- r
Sigria re ncy Des rke
Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Pfanager
Prin edd~e
Attest: Ro ert Parcher, City Clerk
3 a Cq
wney~~ ate
a a Aging Resource Center +
Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties
auinrta~.1~~•.9gi,vg: ~„~~. Access Point Referral Agreement
dxsvere n.~r :1g nS
"Phis Referral :lsrecmenl benaceu [he allitntce for Aging, Aging Resource Center (:1RC)
lttr Phltltlln~~ Rttd Serv1CC :1rCa (1~S.A) I 1 .rndCity of Miami Beach Off. of Community Serr.
otherteisc Icnov~m as the Access Paint, shall begin on the date the agrecrncnt has been
sigued h} both parties. '1-he name and street address may he advertised trs an ARC
r\ccess Point on the :alliance far Aging ]nternet v.~eb I?age xi ti~tivvv_.alliancefaraeing
and other materials as tray be produced by the Agine Resource Ccatter. This agreement
mill remain in cftect until terminated by one or both parties.
I. Objectives
.4. l o pronurtc the dcv°clopment of a coordinated sarvicc delivery system to
tweet r<te uccds of elders.
R. 1'o cuable elders and their caregivers access to iniimnation and services in
the most efficient and lettsi cumbersome maruter possible.
C. fo maintain a clintatc of cooperation and consultation ~m•ith and benvecn
agencies, in order u, achieve maximum el'licie~nc~~ and efibctiveness-
D. Tn Itront~to pro~•ram~ anti activities designed to prevent prcmaune
ir_stibaioualiv.ativn of elders.
l 1. Linder this A ;regiment, the :'lecess Yuint agrees to the follwtwing:
:~. To assist elders and their carcgivu-s by providing consistent attd unilimn
information about conununity resources regardless of geographical
i3. To provide quality service(s) to inquiries in a matuter that is both i1ll:1
compliaut and culuu-ally sensitive.
C. To safeguard consumer coulideniiality and comply ta~ith HIPPA
1). 7b ensure that elders attd tltcir families are able to access inforntalion and
service; in the mast efficient and least cuutbcrsome nunmer.
LII. Under this AYreement, the ARC agrees to the following:
A. To promote "no tvronn door' ;recess to inlittntation and services for elders
and their families
13. '1'o provide teclmioal assistaucr and lrainin~ to :lucess Points.
C. "ho monitor Access Yoiuts having a direct. fintcling agreement. with the
:'1:1:1,'ARC in accordance with 1'lorida Rule (:hapter SNB-l.
Level -
Vold Level, plus the tollowing:
User access to K:Icr tirc activation of wait lined conswncrs
CCi•. Lead
A ~CttcV Cater data in Kufcr; as appropriate
Go1tI Level Silver I zvel, plus the following:
Pt•ovider t'erfomt approved outsourced ARC function,
:1genCY Nlainlain and update wait lists in C1K'fS in accontance with
npI?R requirements
Provide, throch Refer, information regarding the most
appropriate and cost efficient sen'icc ahcrnalivcs, including_
private pa1• and other connaunity organization.
Repot? number of client contacts w the Amain<~ Resource Center III
Sih er Level t
Use of a contpclcr [or ciders and%o* carc_rivers to access Kefer,
the statewide web-based Inlormation and Rc•IcrTal da;aba<e
dtrough dte Aging Kesourcc Ccnta- wrhsitc
P81'tnCl' Assist elders and%ur caregiver:, with accessing Refer tin'ough lire
.Agin, Kesource Ccntcr website
f Please indicate the
+crvices vnu are ahie ar ~ •Access to a printer to grin! inlitmrninn from the .ARC. website
provide with a checl:
marl: in the appropriate
'\cccss to telephones li>r elders and or caregivers to contact Ih
bon) :\~ing Resource Caner
Refer elders and caregivers to the Aging Itewurcc ('enter
Provide literature to elders an:Vor caregivers
Post the Access Point seal (must provide a[ Icast one scrviccl
r f C>r (`(I~YL1~ I3('LGL't N~ ~P OT (,(~'+11't'IUt 'il }y •~=i vl!CJ hCiY I(i ~ ti! L
Agency Name Catttact Name
i"1 G0 CGwt^,+~on t`P(1-~'z ~t•~vf•
- - rl~m^~;~ ~3f'C+~'7 $t, i31~
I~'~GY aY;{IZ~"Y~rCwtlY.\°CdCt,r(I SC'L' err a_ t> It+`FI ~f:zt 6.(:~I 7(+[.-1
li tl A-dd~ress
~~~~ Phony Num ter Pay Nunlbcr
(f C3 G~j
Jorge M. Gonzalez FORM & IANGUA
City b4ana~er
Authorized Signature of ARC Date
~ rn ate