Aging Resource Center M-D and Monroe Access Point Referral Agreement~2 co9 a 7o a ~ C ~~ ~ - 3~~ i,/v ~f afa. Aging Resource Center ~,~,i Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties .tl~r<r»c~~r~Y.•ter»e.~„~_ Access Point Referral Agreement .{n.nvvs <a, :1ni r:g. 'i'bis Referral Agreement hehveen the :\llivtce liv' Aging, Aeing Resource Center (.4RC} for Planning and Service Area (YSA) l l and t~itV CF('1+<m fft](h (:(tKC' ~f CirwK+v~ Si=YLicfJ otherwise known as the Access Point, shall begin on the date the agreement has been signed by both parties. •ltte name and scree[ address mac' be advertised as au ARC \ccess Point on the :\llianee for .\ging Internet web page at vv~aw.sllia~ccioraaing.ora and other materials as may be produced by the Aging Resource Center. '1$is agrcernent will remaht in effect until terminated by one or both parties. L Objectives A. 'l o promote the developntettt of a coordinated service delivery system to meet the needs of elders. R. To enable elders attd their eare;ivers access to information :utd setvicos in ilte most efficient and IciLSt cumbersome manner possible. C. To maintain a climate of cooperation and consultation with and bchveen agencies. in order to achieve maximum efliciencv and effectiveness. D. "I'u promote proer:mts and activities designed to prevent premature inslianionalization of elders. II. Under this Agreement, the Access Point agrees to the following,: A. 'lo assist elders and their caregivers by providing consistent Anil unilimtt intiirrnation about conununity resources regardless of geographical location. B. To provide quality services} to inquiries in a ntatutcr that is both ADA compliant and cttlnu•ally sensitive. C. To safeguard consumer confidentiality and comply with IIIYY;\ requirements. D. 'fo ensure that elders and their families arc able to access information and services in the most el'ficienl and least cumbersome manner. lll. Under this A~recmcnt, the AItC agrees to the follotr~ing: A. '1'o promote "uo wrong door" access to information and services for elders and their families 13. 7•o provide technical assistance and training to :\ccess Points. C. To monitor Access Poutts having a direct fiuniiu; a~~recntcnt wish the AA.0.%ARC in accordance with l~lorida Rule C.'hapter~SRli-1. f ~ Ylatinun- -- - ~- Level Vold Level, plus the li,llouing: User access to Relcr for aetivatimt of+aai[ listed consumers CCE Lead :~gcncy Lnlcr data in Rclcr, ai appropriate Col(1 Level Silver Level; plus the followhtg: I n Yrovitler Perlonn approved ouuourced :\RC fimetions A;ency ',}aiutain and update trait lists in CIRTS in accordance with DO>;A requirements Provide, dtrough Refer, in[onualion « garding the most appropriate and colt eifcient service altcmatives, including private pay and other comnnmit; er,anizations Report number of client contacts to the Aging Resource Center Silver Level Use of a computer lur elders andkx caregivers [o access Rcfcr, L the statewide neb-based h,lom,ation and Refe,Tal database tlu'ongh the Agutg Resource Center wehsite Community Partner Assist eldersvtdbrcarc~ivcrs+vithaceessingReferthrou~h the Agine Resource Canter vvchsitc (Please indicate the access to a prhuer to print inlitmtation Ik,m the ARC websi[e services vmr a« shlc w provide with a check mark i^ the appropriate access to telephones far elders and ur caregivers to contact the box) Agin, Resource Center ~( Refer elders and caregivers to dre :leing Resource Center Cl provide literthu~e to elders and'or caregivers II Pon the :\ccess Point seal (must provide at Icast one service) - ~ ('It~i cd i~(~C+~tl ~(ttC6l UffKf'(~(avrn.~fNt~~l'U(sJ i'`1a~ ~a l~t'~ Z- Agency Name Contact Name I'1C~; (cvlk'~+fia~ (ia'I'~'r (~, h~(lC(n,rf P~ztCi,,FI ~313~ .Address (.( ~ . rat<tr tclt ~(t Z~~YhiGtin'II b~CiC~ .~°~ ~;S b~3 _T{~7 t 3ps t/~(E -2y2 I fm I Address Phone Number Fax Numbzr I;a'ee A9. Gonxaler, f try' Alanxge' n3tC ~ APPROVED AS TO ~~~ ~ _1GUAGE Authorized Signatures ARC ~ Date f & FOH E CUTiON i ~.,_' n