Agreement with State of FL Office of Atty General 2uo~; 2oo~J ,1GILG'1?116:N'1 13L 1'\1'LL'~ '1'116: S1;1~1'E UI~ FI.OIIID:~ OhFICI? OFTIIL A'I"I'OltVia' CFVI:IL:~L :~N1) City of R9iami Beach 1'olicc llcparuncnl GR;1NT NO. VBUS? TH1S :1(i1LLliNiL\7' is entered into in the City of'1'allahassee, lion Countt~, Florida by and hehveen the St:ttc of Florida. Office ctf the .Attorney General. the pass-Ihricugh agency for the Victims of Crime Acl (VOC;~l- Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFD!\l Number b.5'S, hereafter referred to us the OAG. an agency of the Stale of Florida +vith headquarters located at PL-Ol . 'the Capital, Tallahassee, Florida :12399-I 0~0. and the City of \~]iami Beach Police L)eparuncnt, 1100 Vt1~;i;hin~ton :'lvcuuc, J9iami Beach. Florida 3 ±] 39-1 S~}?, hereafter relcr-rcd to as the 1 ro~~ider. the parties hereto mutually agree as k~llo~+s: .A1tTTC'LF. 1. ElyGAGL''MLN~f OP Tf TF PP.OVIDLK The O.A(i hereby agrees to engage the Provider and the Provider hereby agrees to perform services as set Ihrth herein. The Provider understands aril agrees all services are to he pertbrntcd solely by the Provider and may not be sinc~ontractcd or assigned without prior evrittcn consent of the O:AG. 7'he Provider agrees to supply the OAG with ~~w'ilten notification ul'any change in the appointed representative li±r this :Agreement. This :lgrcement shall be perfm-nted im accordance with the Victims of Crime ;het (\'OC.A), Victim :lssislance (intnt Final Program Guidelines. Federal hcgistcr. Vol. G2, No. ;',. April 22, 199?. pp. 1950?-19631 and the l!.5. Department of .lustice. Office of Justice Pro~~ratns. }'financial Ciuidc. incorporated herein by reference unless ixhenvisc approved by' the OAG. :1127701_ I' ?. SCOFF. OF SL•'I:VICI_iS I~or the 2005x2009 grata[ year. the Provider agrees to undenal:c, perform and cuntplete Lte services as outlined in the 200512009 grant appliratiorr as approved h_t the OA(;, incorporatal herein by reference unless other~a•ise approved by the O:~G. :1KTICLL 3. TI\iF. OF PEP.FORIv1:1~C'L Phis :'lercement shat! become cll'ective on Oclvber 1, 2005. or on the date mfien the Agreement has been signed by all panics, whichevor is later, and ,hall continue through September 30, 2009. Ao costs incun-ed by the Provider prior w the cf9cctive date of said Agreement will be roirnbursed and Provider is s<rl~dy respomsible fbr any such expenses. The orieinal signed doeunnut must be relw-ned to the 0.16 by October 1?, 2009. or within I5 days of signature by al] parties or the Agreement shall be voidable at the uptieu of the OAG. 11t77c'1.1: a. Antou~ r or- F1 N1)s Fhe Or1G agrees to reinthursr the Provider litr services completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. 'Ihe total sum of"monies reimbursed to the I'nwidcr for the costs incunrd under this Agreement shall not exceed $52,9^_%. The Provider agrcrces not to commingle grant funds vvilh other personal or Lusiness accounts. 7'he 11.5. Dcpamnenl of Justice. Oflicc of Justice Programs, Financial (iuidc does not require physical segregation of cosh deposits or Che establishment of any eligibility requirements fa' funds which arc provided to a rccil?ic•nt. Llo+vever, the ucanmtin_~ systems of Providers must.nnire O;1G funds are. nut conuuiugled with funds on either a proeram by-program ur a project-by-protect basis. Fund, spccilirtlh~ budeeicd and+''or received li?r one project may not be used to support another. Aye-here a Provider's accounting system cannot comply +~°ith this recpciremcru, the Yrevidcr shall establish a system to provide adequate fund acccxmtability li?r each project. In accordance with the provisions of Seclictn ?37.083, P. S.. i f the terms of ibis :lgrccmcnt sod reimbursement thcrcuuder extend beyond flee current fiscal year, the UACi's perl'onnancc and obligation to reimburse uudcr this A~~.rzemcnt arc :onlint~ent upon an annual appropriation by the I lorida I .egisl:uurc. 'this agmemenl is contiugcnt upon the 0;1G's \'irtims of ('1-inx :het award fiutded thmur_h the li.S. Depattmenl of Juaire. Ulltcc• for Victirns ofCrime formula krmn pn?grarn. ART1Gl.F. ~. AU'l'HORIGIa L•'XPL'Vl)1TLtRE Urtly expenditures +vhich arc detailed in the approved budget of the grant application. a revised budget. or a^ amended bud~c[ approved by the 0~1Ci aro elicible (i?r rcimbursemcru with grant funds. Reallocation of less than hvcnty percent (7.0°..t of a single category amount to another category may occur with p?iur vv?ittcn approval of the Oi\G. Kcallocaticu of haenty pereeut i30°~b) or more may reciuire a conu-act amcnchnent pursuant to :1t1icle 1 C, of this rlgrccntcnt. Reallocation of ntorc titan ZO°'u frc?m a budget category during the fn-arri year will not he allowed. The Trovider aelacowledees and agra•s auy fund, reimbursed under this r~nreerncnt must be used in accordance with the ~`iclims of Crime .Art, Victim Assistance Gran) Final Prwrtrn Guidelines, feilertl Register- Vol. (i2, No. 77, April )?, 199'.. pp. 1960?-19631. and the L~S. Dcpartrucot of.lustice. Utlicc o1'h?stice frograncs. financial Guide, incorlxa-au•d herein by relerencc unless otheewise approved b~ the OAG. 1'he Provider and the UAG agree VOCA funds cannot be used as a revenue generating sourer and ct•ime victims cannot L•e charged either directly or indirecilt for services reimbursed with grant funds. Third pen-ty payers such as insurance companies, Victim Compensation, iviedicarc or y~ledicaid may no[ he billed fur services provided by VUC.A funded personnel to clients. Grant liutds must be used to providi+ services to all crime victims. rrganiless of their financiail resources or availability of insurance or third parry n•irnburs; menu. The O:\Ci and the Provider further agri;c that L'avel expenses reimbursed with grant funds will not exceed state rates pursuant fo Section 113.061. F. S. The Provider shall reimburse the OA(i for all unaulhorizcd cxpcndiRtres anel the 1'rovickr shall not use grant funds for any expenditures ntaelc by the Provider ~:+rior to the e~tcution of this tlgreement or after the tenniuutien date of the :A,recutent. I1'the. Provider is a unit of local or slate government, the Provider must follow the writtcac purchasing procedures of the ~ovcnunout agency. Il'thc Provider is anon-profit organiration. the Provider agrees to obtain a minimum of three 13) written quotes for all single item grant- relatrd purchases equal to or in excess of ouc thousand dollars (S 1,0001 unless it can Le docuntcuted that the vendor is a sole. source. supplier. ARTIC'1.1~.6. YRl)(iIL~R'1 }VCOtvl!{ Provider must provide services to crintc victims, at no chatee, through the VOC':\ horded project. Opon request, the Provider agrees to provide the U1G with financial records and internal documentation regarding the collection and assessment of program inctnnc. including but not limited to viciint eompcnsarion, insurance, restitution and direct client fees. AR'fIC1.L' ?. JdL"p11U1) UP TLF,1\~BUKSENIGV~I Reimbursements under this Aurccntcut shall be made on a cost reimhwsctnent basis. ILeimbursettnnt shall he made monthly based on l rovidcr suhmis;ion an.1 OA(; approval of a monthly invoice. V"OC_A Porsonncl Spreadsheet (VPS1, Match L'enonncl Spreadsheet (~Il S). and actual expense report, if applicable. \9onthh invoices. VPSs, .\ti'Ss and actual e~pensc• reports, must be submitted to the U.AG by the last day of the month immediately following the month for which rcirnburscutcnt is requested. "]ltc Provider shall maintain docununtation of all costs represented on the invoice. •I he OAG may require documentation of expenailures prior to approval of the invoice, and may witliltold teimburscmcnt if services aro not satisfactorily completed or the documentation is not satisfactory. The linal invoice is due to the C)AG no later than 4i days aFler the expiration or termination of the :lgrecment. ll'thc final invoice is not received within this lime frantc, all right to reimhw-scmcnt is tori'eited, and the OACi will not honor any subsequent rei{nests. :1ny reimbursement due ur any approval ni•ccssary under the: terms of this Aerccmcnt may be withhold until all evaluation. financial and program reports due fTOnl the Provider, and necessary adjustntcnts t}tereto, have hcc•.u approved by the UAG. The i'rovider aarccs to maintain and timely subtttil such progress, fiscal, invrntory, and other reports as the OACi may require pertaining to thi; grant. •Che Provider is reyuired to match the cram award as required in the VOC:A Federal Ciuidclincs. .A4atch conn•ibutions of"20',~& (cash or in-kind) o1'thc total cost of each VUC.A prgjcct (~rOC:1 grant plus match) must he reported ntottthly to the n:A(i. All funds ilesi~nalcd as match are restricted to the same uses as the VOC,1 victim assst:mce I'Lnds and muse he expended veithin the grant period. Unless othervwise approved by the OACi. match must be reporictl on a monthh~ basis consistent va~ith the amount of funding requested for reimhursctnari. AKLICLL U. I'IRPC)R:\1.4NCE R1POK7'S (luarterh~ report. as required by Clte OAG must he contpleled and n•a:ived by the OiAG no later than I~tnu•trvlp ~r ~- April Ip. %QO9 ,tole 10. Z(H)9; and Ucu~bi;r lU. 2009._ Kcimbursenrent of a monthly imuii•+c is contingent upon OAG receipt and approval of these reports. Providers will be herd responsible for meeting the scn~iec projections as outlined in Part 3 oi'the 20US~i009 application and approved by the OA('i. incorporated herein by reference unless otherwise approved by the QA(_i and shown as Attachment "A". ;11tTI('LF 9. Ul_)CUM1:1;T;1~fIU1y AND P.F.CUIa KP-TF.N•li(1(\ fhe Provider shall maintain books. records, artd documents (includine. clectrmric storage media) in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures and practices which sufiicienth~ and preperl)~ reflect all revenues and exPenelilures oi• grant hinds. The Provider shall maintain a talc for inspection by the OAG ur its designee, Chief Fin:utcial Officer, or :Auditor (general that contains vv~iuen invoices Cor all fees, or other compensation for services aril expenses. in detail sufficient Ibr a proper pre-audit Ind Post-audit. This includes the nature o f the services Performed or expenses incurred, the identity of the person(s) who performed the services ur incurred the cxPcnscs, the chile time :md attendance records and the amount of time expended in perferrning the services (including the day on +vltich the services were pcrlbrrncd), and ii' expenses were incurred, a detailed itemization ol'such expenses. vocumentation, including audit +vorl.iug pipers, shall be maintained at the ol'lico of the Provider for a period of live years fivm the termination date ol'the Agreement, or until the audit has been completed and any landings have been resolved. whichever is later. The Provider shall cave authorized representatives ofthe OA(3 the right to access, receive and examine all records, books, papers. case tiles. documcnU, goons and services related to the grant. If the Provider [ails to provide access to such materials, the OAG may tern?finale this Agreement. Section 1 19.U?l, and Section 9G41? 1'.5., provide that certain records received by the OAG ire exempt from public record requests. and any otherwise confidential record or report shall retain that status and will not be subject w public disclosure. "fhe Yrovidcr. by signing this ~ygreement spceificalh aul:rarrizcs tltc O:\(~ to receive aril review atny record reasonably related to the purpose of the grant is authorized in the original eras application and or the amendments thereto. Failure to provide documentation as requested by the U,4(, ,hall result in the suspension of fin1her 2imhurscmcnts to the Provider until requested docununlation has been received. reviev+cd, and the cxrsts arc approved for reimburscmenl hp the O;AG. fhe Provider shall allow I?ublic access ur all documents, papers. letters, or other materials mails ur received in conj unction with this Agreement, unless the records are exempt under one of the provisions mentioned in the Paragraph above, or arc. exempt fi-um Section 119.0? 11'.S. ot• Section 24 ja) of :~ticle 1 ol'the Slat:; Constitution and Chapter 1 19, Floriila Statute,. Failure by the Provider to allow the aforementioned public access constitutes grixrnils for unilateral cancellation by ttre Oi\G at env tam:. with rro r~cotn'se available to the Proviilcr. Alt7'1CLG 10. V1C'flt`1 ADVO~:A1F. DF,SIGN:177O\ 7'hc Provider agrees to ha'vc at least one slat'( urcruber designated through the OAG"s Victim Services Practitioner I)csignation'll•aining. AK fICI.F, l 1. PKOPGKi'l' 7 he Provider agrees to be responsible fi>r the Priy~er care and custody of all property purchased with great liards and agrees not to sell, transfer, encumber, or othcnvise dispose of property acquired with g.r:ml hinds without the +aTitten pcamissian of the OAG. if the Provider is no loner a recipient all property arcµcircil b}• grant funds shall be subject to the prcroisions ol'the [:.S. ucpat1utent of Justice, Office ol'.lustice. Programs. C)I'I'iee ufthc Compu•oller I'inaucial Guide. AKTICLF 1?. .Al iD1TS fhc administration of funds disbursed by the OAG to the Provider may be subiecl to audits and or monitoring by the OAG, as described in this section. This port is appli.•uble if the Provider is a Stutc or local govenvnent or a non-profit orianiiation as defined in O\913 Circular a-13 ~. as revised. 1. In the event than the Provider expends S?00,000 ($?00,0011 for kcal years eniline. after December > I. 2003) or more in federal awards ut any type in its fiscal yeas; the Provider must have a single or program-specific. audit conducled in accordance with the provisions of O'`7B Circular- A-I ? +, as revised. :lrlicle q to this ilgrcement indicates the amount of federal funds disbursed through the O:1G by this:lerccment. In determining the Pcdcral awards expended in it li,cal year, thr Provider shall take into account all sources of Federal awards. including Federal resources received from the OAG. "('he determination oFamounts of federa! awards expended should fie in accordance with the guidelines established by (1(\113 Circular A-13 ~, as revised. i1n auilil of the Provider conductai by the. ;1udi!or C;encral in accordance with the provisions Oi`iB Circular A-1 i3, as revised, will meet the requirements of this part. 2. Lt connection ~a~itlt the audit requirements addressed it this part, the Provider shall Fulfill Qte reyuircrneuts relative to audil.ee responsibilities as provided in Subpart C' of (~\~iR Circular ;~-13 ±. as revised. _ . if the Provider expends Icss than S3OO,U00 ($`00.000 titr fiscal years ending after lleeember 31.2003] in Federal awards in its fiscal year, an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OlviB Circular A-133, as rcvisul, is not required. In the event that the fmvider expends less than $300,000 (5500.000 for fiscal nears ending after lleeember 31, 2003) in Federal awards in it; fisea; year and elect, to have an audit conducled in accordancr with the provisions of O~~'l13 Circular .A-133. a, revised. the cost of the audit mutt be reimbursed from non- federal funds fi.e., the cost of such an audit must be reimbursed fro171 Provider resources obtained Born other than l ederal entities.) AR71CLli Lt. AUDff RTPORT SCBMISSIO?~ Audits must be submitted no later than 180 days [ullowiag termination ur capiration of the agreement, but may be submitted at a later dace upon written approval of the OAG. 1. Copies ol'audit reports for audits conducled in aceorilance wish O~1I3 Circular A- 13;, as rcvisod. and required by this .Agrccarrcut shall be submitted, when required by Section .i20idi. 06713 Circular A-I ~ ~, as rcvised. by or nn bchall"of the Provider directly to each of th:: following: :1. OI`ticc of the Anarnev General Rurcau of:\dvocacy and Grants Management PI.-l)I. The Capitol Tallahassee. Florida ±2394-1050 R. The Federal Audit Clearinghouse designsaed in O~~ll3 C'irrular :A-]33. as revised (the number of copies required by Sections .32Uldj(1) and (21. O\~fR Circular :1-13 ±. as revised, should be submitted to the federal Audit C'le<n'inghousc), at the folle+m•in~ acldress: Federal Audit (: earinghouse Bureau of the Census 1201 fast 10`~'Su'eel lelfcrsunvillc, ll\ =1'•1 ±2 C. Other Federal a~cncics and pass-through entities in accordance +vith Sections .32U(e) and (il, (9h'LR C'ircular:l-133, as revised. lathe event that a copy of [he tiuaacial reporting package Sot' an autdit raiuired by :1RTK:LL l2 oY this Aereemcnt and conducted in accordance with OMR Circular A-13i. as revised, is not required to he submitted to the OAG fm' the reasons pursuant to Section .320(ejf.2), 0~4R Circular:A-133, as revised, the Provider shall submit the reyuircd +vritten notification pursuant to Section .32U(cl(;') and a copy of the Prodder's auelitcd schedule of expenditures oTPederxl awards directly to the Ui\G. .any reports, management letters, or other information required to be submitted to the ~A(i pursuant to this i\greement shall he submitted timely in accordance with 0~'l13 Circular .A-1 ~.~, as rcvised, as applicable. Providers should indicate the date that the financial reportine package was elcliverc•il to the Provider in con'capundenee acarmparyiug the financial reporting package. :\K1'ICI.F. 14. 'vIONI"I"ORNG In addition to reviews of audits conducted in accordance. +aith OSIB Circular A-133. as rcvised, monitorink proccdurc•s Wray include, but not be limited to, on-site visits by (>AG stal'I. limited scope audits as defined by (-)Tv'IR Circular .1-133, as revised, and+'or other procedures. Ry catering into this Agreement, the Provider agrees to comply and cooperate with any monitoring proceduresprocessesdcemed appropriate by the O:~G. The Provider further agrees to aimp]y and cooperate with any inspections. reviews, investigations, or audits deemed necessary by the Chief Financial Officer or .Auditor (iencn+l. :1R~flCL1: 1?. TL:RTv11~;1~1 lOV Uf .AGRF.P.Ail:1yf "Phis agreement may be tcnninated by the OA(i for am' re,tsun upon fi+r (} days evriRen notice viii certified mail. In the event this Agreement is tcrmiualeci, the Provider shall deliver documentation of o+a~nership or title, if appropriate for gill supplies, equipment and personal property purchased with Brant funds to the 0:1Ci, within ~0 days aticr termination. Any finished or uuflnished documents, data, a>n'espiutdruce, reports and other products prepamd b>~ it for the Provider unilcr this :lgreemem shall he made available to and for the exclusive use of the OA(i. 1\ot++ithstandinc the above, the Pren idc•r shall »ot be relic-Bed of liability to the O;\<i for damages sustained by the 0:1C; by virtue of any termination or breach of ibis A,~rccmenl h_ y the Provider. In the event this ;Agrccnti•nt is temtinated, the Provider shall be reimbursed for satisfactorily performed and documented services provided tlu'ough the effective dale of termination. AIZT)cL>=.1~~. ~~n'lF~oiv~lL~~rs Except as provided under Atlicle S, Authorized Expenditures, modi6caticm of an} provision of this contract must be mutually agreed upon by all parties, and requires a +aritten amendment to this Agreement. ART1CI.f. I;. '~OUll1tiCRl?~'11T~;\110\ No person, on the grounds of race. creed. color, national origin, atgc, sex or disahilit}. shall be excluded (i-om pat1icipatiott in: be denied proceeds or benefits of. or be other+vise subjected to discrimination in performance of"this ;lgrccment as proscribed by all applicable state anti federal laws and regulations. 7'hc Provider shall, upon request, sho+v proof of such nondiscrimination. failure to comply with such st<~te and federal lotus will result in the termination of this :~grcentent. :1K1lCLL 18. ACKNO\\'LLllG(t1Ef~T All publications, advertising or describink of the sponsorship of the procn'am shall state: "T}tis prgicet teas supported by Award \o, awarded by, the Oflicc for Victims of Crime, Ollicc of,lustice Programs. Sponsored by (name of Yroviderj and the Slate ofPlorida." ARTTCI"F. 19. l:\1YLU1 \7E1~T The employnrcnt of unauthorized aligns by the lm•ovidrr is ccutsidered a violation of section ??~lA(e) of the Lnmigratiou and 1yationality Art. If the provider kno~n°ing,ly employs unauthorized aliens, such violation shall be cause for unilateral cancellation of this agreement. .Any services performed by any such unauthorized aliens shall not be reimbursed. VtIICLL _'0. :1SSUlU1NCL Attachnrcrrt "B~' Assurartccs is hereby incor•porutcd by rcfcrrnce. AiZTI(,l.F. 21. CF.RTIFK'Al~]OV PUKNI Attachment `'C° Cerlilication Funn is hcreb~ incorporated by n•lori•nce. :1Fi"IICLl:33. COiv~~IROLL1VG L,11U A\D \%l VUF. This aLn'eemenl is govented by Florida late'. In the event of litigation, venue shall he in the Circuit Cout1 of the Second .ludicial Circuit, in and for Leon Count;; Flitrida. A1t~I1CLf: _3. AGIt1_EI.4GN'f AS LIyC'LL;DIIG F.NTI}tl: AGRLLIv~fETyT This instrument and the gt tut application embody the entire Agreement of the parties. There are no provisions, teens, conditions, or obligations other Than those contained herein. This ilgrecntent supersedes all previous connnunications, representations or :lgreernents on this same subject, verbal or vt~rittcn, bcnveen the parties. The Provider's signahuc below specifically acknowledges uttderslanc?ing ofthe fact Thal the privilege ol•oblaininz st VOC?\ grant is not something this or any Provider is entitled to receive. "There is absolutely no expectation ur guaruttec, implied or othcrtvise, the Provider ta~ill receive VOC;:~ funding in the future. ~'C~C~~ applications for grants are suhjeet to a competitive process on an annual basis. The O;\Ci strongh• encourages the Provider to secure funding from other sout'ces if the Provider anticiptucs the program ~',+ill continue beyond the current grant pear. 1N @VffvGSS 1'r'I1LKLt_)P, the C)PFICF. 01''I HL :11'7't)RVF.l' G}=.VL:IZ'1L and the Cit} 01' h9iar i each Police llcparment. have executed this r1~rccment. - ~ Authorising OI rciaf' I ~ Associ;rle Dyrah' fln~i General Counsel J (~~•~~ J _~N~LOS // t/O,.! E(r/~ _ICcnt Ycrez i Print larnc y Prird iYantc llatc - Date ~GI- 6ooa3~z ~~~~~~ -FE-I-D/t!~Vuff" I'rovidcr ~~, SAKI:\ti .otl~ ~ ~_,~.~~ Agency Name: City of Miami Beach (Police Department) - - _ ATTACHMENT A Grant Number: V8_057 2008-2009 REVISED PART 3. VICTIMS SERVED AND TYPES OF SERVICES Indicate the number of victims projected to be served by type of victimization: Note: Indicate the number of victims served by VOCA-funded and matching funds through the grant period. Each victim should be counted only once, i.e., a victim of spouse abuse assaults should be counted more than once only as a result of a separate and unrelated crimes. # of Victims to be Served Type of Victim # of Victims to be Served Type of Victim 24 Child Physical Abuse 5 Survivors of Homicide Victims Child Sexual Abuse 40 Robbery DUI;DWI Crashes Assault 600 Domestic Violence Child Victims of C bercrime 5 Hdult Sexual Assault Victims of Child Pornography Elder Abuse 10 Innocent Victims of Gang Violence Adults Molested as Children 0 Other (subtotal from section belo~.vt For other types of crimes, identify and list each separately '""'"""`* List other es of crimes below at right. The subtotal of this section will appear above next to "other." Indicate the number of victims who are projected to receive the folloveing service (see Definitions on page 7 for description of each service). # of Victims to be Served Type of Service # of Victims to be Served Type of Service 90 Crisis Counseling Criminal Justice SupportrAdvocacy 600 Follow-up Contacts Emergency Financial Assistance Therapy 5 Emergency Legal Advocacy Support Groups 600 Assistance Filing Compensation Claims -Mandatory Requirement Crisis Hotline Counseling 60C Personal Advocacy Shelter/Safehouse 300 Telephone Contacts 90 Information and Referral (In-Person) 0 Other (subtotal from section below) For other types of service, identify and list each separately '**"""'*' List other t es of services below al right. The subtotal of this section will appear above next _ to "other." -- -- - ,. ~ p; r, ~ ~ /y 9[ :.rC i.FrF l,id •.': tr'-'.'r: A77ACHMFFl7 F, t~~~~" ; ~~,- ASSURAPJCES The Appicant hzreoy assu'es and rertifios eompliance:vith all Federa! statutes, reyalaliohs, pnliries, guideitnn., and «:r. air<:nu:nts, ins:uding Oht3 C.rculars Ne. A-2t, A-: 7 D, A-122, A- i28, A-S'; E.O. 12372 ane Uniform Adctirnstrative Requ.n_rrents for Grans and Cooperative Agreements-28 CFR, Parl bb. Common Rulz. that govern the a?plication, acczptance and use of Fede: of funds for leis federally-assised project. Also the Applicant assures and certifies IilaC 1. II possesses legal authM'1)• to apph• fur the yran:; that a ruaolutlon, mofnn or similaraHion has been do-y adopted or passeA as ar o%icial act of the appbcanfs yaau •niuy budy. acthur¢iry the liliny of the app'icalion, including all under- slandings and assurances contained :hu•ein, and direcliny and aulharizmy the perscr identilied »r. the o!FCi»I •epresen- Isove of iheapplicant toast to cunnccbun vrlP~ Iho appllcabun and to provide such adcdional in(ormstion as may ne re- qm ud. 2. I: •n•ill comply wile requirements of the previsions' or the lJniro•m Relocation Assistance and Rea: Property Acquisi- tions Act of t 97U P1. 91-6z6j :vhidh prm;;des fo• fair and eruistde treatment of porsons displaces as a result cf Fed- mal and fecere Yy-assisted programs. 3. I! will comply vrilh provisions of Federal law WI`ch I~mit certatr•. poi;ical act vi:ics c' unlpluyaes of a 5!ale or Iota unit nt go\remmem whose principal employment is in connectiur :vith ar. ac[hnh• Ilnanced m wnnle or in car: by Federal yranfs. (5 'JSC 15171, et sec,i 4. II Wlli CUmplp With the minimum l\'agC and maY.lfltBm hallr5 provisoes of the Federal Fair Laoor Sldnuards Ad II ap{i:- cablc. S. II will estau6sh sataeaards to prohibit employees iron using then positions for a pwpose that iE or give the a?pearance of being mobvatoC by a desire lur private yain for themselves or others, parfimAarly (nose with. whom they have family, busi~ ease. or other bus. 6. It w'i give thu spunsonny ayarcy or the CompVOller General. Ihruuyh any authcnzed represenWUVe, access to and the right to exa!nin0 all :ucords, bunks, papers, ar dowmenis relates to Iho yranl. 7. Il a':!I GOrnUb' Wilh all rP.anlremP.UfS ImnnAP.d by IhP. FP.dP.ml 8. It will insure that the tarililies ender its ow•ncrship, lease nr supervision w•MCL• Sha!I be uti?rzud in the accump!shwenl of the prolucl era not lister. in the Fn:•ironmental firotectinn Agenry's !FPA-list of violating Facililics and that it viill notify the Fader al yrantur ayenry of the receipt of any ccmmu.nica- tior Lom the Cirector of the CPA Office of Fworal Ac!ivrties indica!ine that a facilil}• to be used in the protect ie antler ronsidea:ion for'isting by the EPA- 9, It wdl xmRly with theflood insurencri purchaso rvquiromcnts of Socbun tU2ia1 of t'ne Flood Disaster Prolertinn Ar.: of 1973, Puhlic i. a~n•~93-234, 87 Slat. 575. apV'ovud Uecembet J1, 5g75- Suction 102;a; requires, cn ane after rrlarch 2, 1975. the purchase of good insurance in communiues •nrhere 5aeh insurance is availablu as a condilicn icr the receipt of any' Federal linen ri al assistance far tonstrUdt:on Or acquisi- tion nu rRgseS fur usu in any a•ea l'nal had buen Ida nli'rad by the Sucreleq of the Department of Housing and Urban Dever oprcent as an area having spucral flood hazards. Tho p7rtaso "Federal !inanc[al assistance' ir.c:odes 2ny form of loan, gran!, 9oa•anty, insurance payment, rebate, subslcy. asas- ler asst stsvco loan or yranl, or ary other form of lire ct or indi•ecl Federal assistance. 10. II will assist the Federal yranW~ dycnuy in its curopL~rcu •n•ilh Suction t U6 of the National Hismric Prese•vauon Act c' 1564 as amended {16 USG 47UJ. CxCCJt'S'C Ordu• t iSP's. srd the Af e11201U01CBl and Hstorical Preservation Act of 19G8 (1E US::i69a-1 et seq.j by {aj consulhny with :Cc Sta[u Ihstoric Preservation Officer On the canduct of invesliralions. as nscessan•, to idenlil}• propeaius Ilslec m ur uiiyru~u rer in C:r lion in the National Register of Fisto•ir, Planes coat are subjucl to acvcrsc uffcUs (suo 36 CFR Fart &UQ8i by the a Givi:}•, ane nctifyiroq the FeAer»I gr»nln• apancy M the cwstonw of any suer prupurius, doe' by C:Q comply oy tone af, requirements esla5lished by :F.e Federal yranlm ayercy In avoid ur mitlyatc advorse CttJCts uPar seen Rraacrrica. t1. Ihvi`I Comply, arJ assure :he compliance of a! i!s suagrantvs and can:rat;ors, Wiln the applicable prov.5.ocs of Tilte l of tn. Crnniuus Cr •ne Control and Sa?c Streets Acl of S95L'. as amenAe A, the Juver!le Juslire and D»linquen ~y Fre'venhcr Nd, ur tho Vr c7ot5 of Crlmc Act. as app•oprlalo, ihu plov- sions of ihz current ediFlOn d/the Office of Jusr-ce Programs Financial and Admir.s:rativc• Guldc `or Grants. W17'U0.t; and a7. other aPRlic»hle Federal laws, orders, sir-ula-s, or regal»- f:U115. 13. It will comply, and alp its Contractors w'ili ccrc ply, ,cite Plc nondiscrimina:ian requirements of loo Crnnibus Cri•ne Con- trol ane Safe Streets Act of 1868, as amended. 42 USG 37fl9;dj, rr Victims nl Crime Arl fag approp: tale i; l`ce VI of the Civil Rights !wt of 1834, as ameneac; Section 5U4 u' lire Rehabililalion Acl of 1973. as arnencec, Subl tie A. 'ille II of the Americans With Disabilities Ad (P.DAj ;199C:: T'.: b, IX of Iho =ducabon Arnendrncnls ut 192: thu Ayr: UGc.:-inalion Ar-t cf 1975: Oepanmenl of Justice Nor-Discrimir alto, ~ nag ~~ taboos, 20 C!-R Part 42, SuCparts G, 0.L, and G. and Depa•imert of ,laslice regu.afor.=, on disahillly die^rimina~ Iim,. 2U CFR Part 3S and Par. 39. 14. :n the count a f-udmal or Stave caurt ar Pedera ur Statu administrative ayenry makes a linding of disrrimir alir.n after a due process hcariny on the grounds of racz, actor, ~cliyimr, national origin, sax, nr disability ayainsl a rerip~ent n1 fl:nds, the recipient w•AI funvard a copy of ine finding to the Office fur Civil Ripnls, Offity of Justine Programs. 15. II will yrovide ac Equa'~ Employrnenl Oopartunih• Prua•am if requires to maintain rate, where the application is (o• $OOU,UCU or more. 1G. Il will romp:y with the provisions of the r_oaslal barrier Resa.rtres Act (P.L. c7-34Fj dated Dflnher 79, t 9A2 (tc USC 35nt el seq.) which Prohiaits the ex Re ndilure o` n'.ost new Fetlerol funds w~tl•.-.n the traits of the C^,asMl P.arrie~ Re- sol:recs System ~ `11~sn~ 4 Ji~nalurc Dalr U1P rCRrr Je:a7 (Rev 1-v)j nnC'JIUVS E01-104$ AFE CGSCLE7E. ©~ ~ /~ A'nCHln_IIT lb Sr-d2J r~~{ P ,~"r~r.~citt~~>li:nr c c>',RTlrrc.a-rto~~ Foltnl Recipient Kame and Address:_ -- _ _-- _ _ _-_ _ Grant Title: Glaut Number: Award Atnottut: Contact Yrrson Vrmc and'I'itlc: Phone Numher: ( ) Federal regulations require renpieuts of financial assistance from the Office of .Icsiicc Program> (O1P), its cmnponem avcncics, and ;hr Office of Commm~il}• Oriented Policing Services (COPS) co yrepare, maintair, on 51e, submit u, O)Y iur review. aid uuplement an hqual Gniploywrnt Opportuniq• Plan IT EOP) in accordance with 26 C. F.R ~~ 42.301-.305. 1'he rcgulatinnc excrnpi some reeiyie r.ts fiem an of the EI>OP requirements. Other recipients, acconiing to the regulations, must prepare, maintain on file and impicmcnt an FipOP, bnt they do not need to s~bmi[ tht ESOP to U1P for review. Recipients that cL~im a co mpletc exemption fmm the ESOP ecquircment must urmplete Rection A hclow. Recipients Ihei claim the limited exemption hum the x_uhrassiou requirement, mau complete Sccliun II below. A recipient should cowplete eifber Sectiat A or Section B, not botA. If a recipiem receires multiple U11' er COPS greats, please complete a form for each grant, ensuring that arw ESOP recipiua cetulies as compielcd and on file (if applicahle} bas been prepared wd[hin hoo years of the latest gran:. Please send the completed form(s) to the Oft ice for Civil Rights. Ufficc of lnsticc Program;, [LS. Department of Jutice. RI0?'^ Street, ta.w'_, Washington, D.C. 20131. Fbr assistance ir. comp{ciing ehis forte: please call (262)30?- OG90 0: TT1' (2U2) 3U?-2U2'. 5ectiml A- Declaration Claiming Complote Exemption from the F.F.OP Rzquiremenl. 1'lerse check au dre Aoxes riiat c~>r! (•: C Recipient has lei alaa SO emp1U)'CCS. ^ Recipient is an Ind:an Tribe, ~ Recipient is anon-profit org;miration, O Recipient is an cducationa] institution, or 7 ltccipien: is a medical uistituhon, ^ Rcapicnr is receiving an awani less than g?5.000 I, _ __ _ ~respunsiblc oflicial], certify that ~recipientf isnolrzquiredto prepare an ESOP for thz reasor>(s) chzcked a'lwrz, pursuan[ [0 2S C.F.R ;42302. 16ttthcr cent ly that _ [recipient) will oomph with applicable Fcdcral civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in cmployn)cnt and in the delivery ofsen•ices. Print ur /ypc fiamc and Tillc Signature Uatc Section I3- D'eclaration Claintutg Exemption from the ET?OP Submission Reguirzmenl and Certifying That an I~:F:OI' Is on File for Recie~w~. If a recipient agcucy has 50 or more emplo}xcs and is receiving a single swan! nr subawanl fi,r S2S.000 0: more. Uut Icss [hen FSOO,U00, [hen the rcdpicnt agenc}• does not have to submit an F.ROP to OJP for revinv as' tong as it cerati cs the following (-02 C.P.R. § 42.J03): 1, ~J~~~C7S }1~1Z(CG~_ _iresponsibleofficial[, certih•ihat thz G(-r~ U^= -'t'~t+~}Yt~( +`7~-e~t'I _ [recipicutJ,w•Itichhas~Uormore zmployezs and is recziviug a single award or subaw•ard for S2S,000 or more, but Icss dmu $?UO,000, has fonnulatcd an ESOP in accordance with 2R CFR $42.301, er seq., subpart E. ]further certify that the EEOP has been tbrmulatcd and signed iota cflcct wid)in the past two years by [hc proper authority and drat it is available for rel~cw. The HEOF' is on file in the office ofl. _ }-{t~t~1~.,r~}r--) f~=~Ov(Zttr~ _ [orgrnization[, at _ ('1txj CGS N !-STI~N CCU . nt2, M •g ~FZladdress[,for revizw by dtz public and employees or for review or audit by officials of [he rzlevaut tat~e planning agency or the Office for Civil Rights. Office of Justice Programs, L'. S. Department of Justice, as required by rrlrva~ws and regularions. ~ .,t~ Print or type !\nme nud Title Signature ~RIGt~~ts_ O\1n Approve: ]o. 1121-UISU L•xpiratiai Da1e:01?)Ufi(. Agency Name: City of Miami Beach (Police Department) Grant Number: V_8057 ___ 2008-2009 REVISED PART 3. VICTIMS SERVED AND TYPES OF SERVICES Indicate the number of victims projected to be served by type of victimization: Noie: Indicate the number of victims served by VOCA-funded and matching funds through the grant period. Each victim should be counted only once. i.e., a victim of spouse abuse assaults should be counted more than once only as a result of a separate and unrelated crimes. # of Victims to be Served Type of Victim # of Victims to be' Served Type of Victim 20 _ Child Physical Abuse ~ 5 Survivors df Homicide Victims Child Sexual Abuse 40 Robbery DUUDWI Crashes Assault 600 Domestic Violence Child Victims o1 Cybercrime 5 Adult Sexual Assault Victims of Child Pomoeraphy Elder Abuse 1 G Innocent Victims of Gang Violence Adults Wtolested as Children 0 Other isubloial from section be'ovrt For other types of crimes, identify and list each separately "`"`"`""" List other types of crimes below at right. The subtotal of this section will appear above next _ to "other" _ _ Indicate the number of victims who are projected to receive the following service (see Definitions on page 'r for description of each service). _ # of Victims to be Served Type of Service # of Victims to be Served a of Service Typ _. 90 Crisis Counseling Criminal Justice SuoportrAdvocacy 600 Follow-up Contacts 20 Emergency Financial Assistance Therapy ~ Emergency Legal Advocacy ~ {~ -. -' -.~ Support Groups 6UG Assistance Filing Compensation Claims -Mandatory Requirement ~~ ~ rn Crisis Hotline Counseling 600 Personal Advocacy =~-~ '- ' Shelter/Safehouse 300 Telephone Conta: is ' ~., AD `~Y Informs±ion and Referral C ~.• _ ;in-Perscni Fo~'tither~}ypes of service, identify and list each separately a' right. Ttte subtotal of this section wit' appear above next 0 ""*"'*"""' Other (subtotal from section below] List other types of services below _ to "other " Agency Name: City of Miami Beach (Police Department)- Grant Number: V8057 PART 5. PROJECT PROPOSAL The information provided by the applicant under Part 5 -Project Proposal pertains only to the services related to the proposed Total VOCA Project (VOCA grant plus match). The response may not exceed the space provided, minimum 10 point font. Protect Summary: Using the information marked under Part 3 -Victims Served and Types of Services: describe in detail how the services indicated will be provided to the victims indicated in Pari 3. Provide information about other agencies who will coordinate services as welt as how the coordination of services will be accomplished. Include a description of those services to all victims checked in Part 3 Safespace. LAS provides free legal representation in permanent restraining order hearings and family cases. rspace provides shelter, counseling, re-location help, tollo~o~ up, advocacy, and theft store vouchers to our domestic once vichms. Our unit provides coCaborative partners with case information and referrals and ensures victims ;portalion to partners' offices or to restraining order hearings when needed. Aoencies ~a hich provide tselingltherapy services within our city lim'ts for our victims are: Douglas Garden, M.ami C~each Commur. iy Health ter, Project AYUDA (family empowerment program and elderly program) and ANAGA 1Ne provide them u~ i;P rrals, and wiGn cases information as needed. .g involved with the Miami Dade County Domestic Violence Advocacy Program, guarantees that victims o' domestc once or repeat violence are able to file restraining orders without undue delay. We house an on-site Department of dren & Families investigator, whom we work closey with in many cases when minors are involved. providing ded services and referrals for children and their',amiiies. Many times we assist the investigator to overcome iuage barriers due to our city's large non-English speakine population. We provide the investigator wifo needed a information and referrals- We maintain close interaction with the State L•.1!orney's Office, which allows us to help ms through the criminal process with the purpose of reducing further victimization. and improving victim participaticn involvement in the criminal justice process. We refer domestic violence victims with immigration issues to LUCHA men's legal project for immigration.). work closely with fhe Miami Beach Hispanic Community Center providing and obtaining referrals for services, ecially for the elderly population. We work hand-im hand with the Medical Examiner's Office tTVIE), providing rites to survivors o` homicides or any o`.her catas±rophic events where loss of human life occurs. We assist victims ~ identification o` the deceased, returning belongings to the appropriate tamiry members, and crisrs intervenfcn. Vve as a liaison between survivors and the ML. We collaborate with the Rape Treatment Center in providing services victims of sexual crimes. We work closely with the South Florida Workforce One-Stop Career Center located in out in order to help victims find employment. We refer victims to The Lodge and South Dade Victim's Center, shelters abused women. They provide shelter. re-location and emergency monetary assistance. serving innocent victims of gang violence, we vdill emphasize referrals for therapy. using Victim CornpensaGon ~m counseling funds to make referrals to priva±e therapists in our community vaho have agreed on providing >s. and [d agenaes which provide free counseling services in our city. Uur Victims Atlvocates are on call 2417 for the folbwing services to all crime victims. supporOve counseling services: crisis intervention, follow-up cont formation and referrals, in-person, by telephone and thrcugh certified letters; criminal justice support and icy; emergency legal advocacy; emergency financial assistance through police department payment contracts open Yellow Cab Operators Association Inc. for transportation, York Lock & Key Co., Inc. for lock and security lement services, and with Publix Supermarkets for gift cards: and assistance in filing victims compensation Agency Name: City of Miami Seach (Police Department} Grant Number: V8057 _ 2008-2009 REVISED PART 5. PROJECT PROPOSAL How many victim advocates? direct service providers, does your agency staff? ~ „~ expressed in Full Time Equivalents (FTEj Of those, how many are you requesting from VOCA? Expressed in Full Time Equivalents (FTE) ~ Agency Name: City of Miaini Beach (Police Department) __ Grant Number: V8057 __ __ 2008-2009 REVISED Part 7. VOCA BUDGET REQUEST The Budget section is an itemized desa~iption by budget category of proposed costs for VOCA funding. The budget categories are: personnel, contractual services, equipment, an6 operating. Provide a detailed (itemized} list and narrative for every budgeted item. See Final Program Guidelines for specific details regarding Allowable and Non-Allowable Costs. Attach additional pages as necessary. To maximize the availability of services to all crime victims, the OAG discourages the use of VOCA funding to provide services that are eligible for payment through the Victim Compensation Program. Justification that demonstrates the effectiveness of any such duplication is required as part of the budget narrative. Failure to submit a justification may result in removal of the budge: request. Budget categories must be rounded to the nearest whole dollar (i.e., 58,081.43 = $8,081 or $8.081.78 = $8,082}, Budget Summary By Category -Provide the subtotal for each budget category for the Total VOCA Budget Request. Amounts must be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. TOTAL VOCA BUDGET REQUEST Personnel 5 52.927 Contractual Services Equipment Operating Expenses TOTAL $ 52,927 REQUIRED MATCH (use this total amount in Part 8. =Match Budget) S13,2.32 Agency Name: City of Miami Beach {Police Department) _ _ Grant Number: V8057 _ _ _ 2008-2009 REVISED Part 7. VOCA PERSONNEL BUDGET REQUEST Please submit job descriptions (with percentages of time listed for each duty) for any position not included with the original 2008-2009 application submission. The job description must reflect VOCA allowab;e activities that are equal to or greater than the percentage of reimbursement requested from VOCA. Personnel: _ _ _ Total his section is to be completed by OAG Staff T ~ Position Requested VOCA cost for 08!09 _ _ # of pay periods Pay Period o ~o of VOCA allowable duties Average Victim Advocate S 52,927 _~ -__ Subtotal S 52,927 Indicate the pay schedule: bi-weekl Complete the table below for each position requested (adding additional pages if necessary) RATE: A percentage should be indicated for those benefits that are calculated by using a percentage of the gross salary. e.g., retirement is often calculated in this manner. FR (flat rate) should be indicated for those benefits that are calculated based on a flat rate regardless of salary, e.g., health insurance is often calculated in this manner. Position Requested- Victim Advocate Hows per weak = Hourly Rate = 40 $ 35.96 RA1 t- Gmployer Cost Annual Gross Salary $ 74,i9'L $ 74,792 FICA 7.65~/n $ Retirement S - Health Ins. FR $ 3,2.46 Life Ins. FR $ 122 Dentallns. FR $ 62 1^lorkers Comp 5 - Unernployment (1st $?K; $ Other (provide explanation below): 1 45`1 _ $ 1,064 TOTAL $ ?9,306 Ezplanalion (if applicable}: The City matches 1.45% of medicare tax contributions Position Requested: Houa per week = Employer ~ ~ E Hourly Pale = Cosl Annual Gross Salary 5 $ FICA 7,6,S~~. 5 Retirement $ Health Ins. Lite lns. Dental ins. LNOriccrs Comp $ - Uc:employment (1st $7K S Other (provide explanation belowl: _ __ TOtA:. 5 F xplanation (if applicablo}: Agency Name: City of Miami Beach (Police Department) Grant Number: V8057 ___ 2008-2009 REVISED Part 7. VOCA CONTRACTUAL BUDGET REQUEST For each contractual service listed; include a description of the service to be provided, the business name of the contractor, the cost per unit of service; and the estimated units of service to be used- Also, give a description of a unit of service, e.g., a 60 minute individual therapy session, a 90 minute group therapy session. Attach additional page if needed. EXAMPLE -Budget NarrativelJustification for not billing Victim Compensation: Therapy; Inc., will be utilized to provide therapy for adult survivors of incest. Typically adult survivors of incest are beyond the filing deadline for Victim Compensation. It is anticipated that this service will be used approximately 10 times during the year. Contractual Services -Contracts for specialized services:N,`A Name of Business or Contractor Cost Per Unit of Service Estimated Units of Service Total _ $ $ - S - S - $ - S - $ - $ - S - Subtotal $ - Agency Name: City of Miami Beach (Police Departrnent) Grant Number: V8057 __ 2008-2009 REVISED Part 7. VOCA EQUIPMENT BUDGET REQUEST Items included in this section must be furniture and;or equipment costing S1,000 or more. If awarded funds in this category, prior approval is required before purchasing items. Provide a justification for the equipment purchase requests (refer to the Final Program Guidelines on `Advanced Technologies"), Attach additional pages if needed. EXAMPLE -Narrative Response: The computer will increase the advocate's ability to reach and better serve crime victims. The cost listed above is for a complete computer packaoe which includes the computer, monitor, software and printer. Equipment: N!A _ Description Number Cost Per Item Total $ - S - S - $ - _ $ S - ~ - $ - Subtotal S Agency Narne: City of tJ,iami Beach (Police Department) _ Grant Number: VS057 Part 7, VOCA OPERATING BUDGET REQUEST Office supplies such as paper, pencils, toner, printing, books, postage; transportation for victims, monthly service costs for telephone or utilities; staff travel (for direct service to crime victims only). etc. Furniture and equipment costing less than $1.000 must be requested from this budoet category. Provide a brief description of the operating expenses and note if the cost is pro-rated. Attach additional page if needed. EXAMPLE- Narrative Response: The Victim Advocate will need monthly telephone service calculated at $20 per month, which is the standard rate budgeted for new positions in this agency. Operating Expenses: N!A Descri lion Number Cost Per Item Total $ - $ - S - $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - S - $ - $ _- $ S Subtotal $ Part 8. VOCA MATCH BUDGET Agency Name: City of Miami Beactt (Police Department) _ _ Grant Number: V8057 _ 2008-2009 REVISED Match Narrative -Describe in detail the type of Match, whether cash or in-kind, the budget category, etc. Submit the same detailed information for match as provided for VOCA funded items, i.e., if match is in Personnel for paid staff complete the table below (attach additional pages if needed) and provide the total salary & benefits and percen!age. Please submit job descriptions (with percentages of time listed for each duty) for any position not included with the original 2008-2009 application submission. Failure to provide VOCA allowable job descriptions may result in a reduction to your budget. EXAMPLES- Match Narrative: Our agency utilizes volunteers who provide direct services to crime victims such as intake clerks. clerical staff (types reports and calls victims) and victim advocates. The agency anticipates using volunteers ai the equivalent of 20 - 23 hours per week x 52 weeks x $5.15 for a match of S6,698.' Only those agencies with an established volunteer component will be eligible to utilize volunteers as match. The agency rents office space from the Global Company at 814,400 annually and the agency's pro-rated portion for office space for volunteers and supervisor of the victim advocate would be approximately 19°1., +;or 8234 per month) x 12 months = 52.807. Approximately 5% of the Victim Advocate Supervisor position will be utilized io provide supervision for the victim advocate position. The supervisor's total salary and benefits equal 832,000. Program Match Description Funding Source May got hF derived from Federal Dol;ars Cash or In- kind Budget Category Match Amount Victim Advocate local CASH Personnel $ 13,232 TOTAL 8 13.232 Match Narrative: Our Unit houses two Victim Advocates. We are requesting VOCA to cover part of the salary of one of mentioned possitions. VOCA personnel budget covers approximatedly 71 % of the gross salary of one of our Victim Advocates possitions. As match. the City of Miami Beach will report approximatedly 16^/c of the gross salary of mentioned possition. Part 8. VGCA MATCH BUDGET Agency Name: City of Miami Beach (Police Department) Grant Number: V8057 2008-2009 REVISED Match Position: Victim Advocate kdatrh Position. Hours per week 40 E l Reported Hours pe: week _ tmpioyer Reported = RATE mp oyer h4ATCH= = RATE tv1ATG t= C Cost Hourly Rate = $ 35.96 osi 16'io Hourly lute = Annual Gross $ 74,792 $ 74,792 $ 13,232 Annua: Gross S $ - Salary Salary FICA 7.65% $ - FICA 7.66`Yo S - $ Retirement S S - Retirement $ - $ Health Ins. $ Health Ins. i S - !.rfe Ins. $ Life Ins, $ __ Dental Ins- $ Dental tns $ _ VJOrkers C;or:p $ - S Workers Comp - $ - $ Unemployment S - S - Unemploynien: I $ - $ list$7Kj (1stS7Kj Other (provide $ Other (prdvidr: $ - . explanation explanation below): bebw): IOIAL S 74,792 $ 13,232 TCTAL S $ - Ex {anation (if applicable): Explanation if a livable): Match amount to be reported equals 16,35469% of gross salary not including city matching benefits for the possition. v VI.N t'RVVr~ruri ua vi.,.,.~~,..,. (Refer to Instructions) Submit within 30 days of the beginning of the grant year, and thereafter when there is any change in the information provided. Grant No.V 8057 Agency Name Provider/Payee: City of Miami Beach (Police Department) A, Agency Website: ~-?;miamibeachfl cov - Person responsible for grant administrationlprimary contact: Name: Aifa Alvarez Mailing Address: 1100 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, Florida B. nine-digit zip code: 33139-1347 Telephone No. (include area code): sos-s~s_~~-7s.extensbn sa4s Fax No. (include area code): soss:r+-zzsi _ E-Mail Address: aifaalvarez!wrniamioeachtl goV Financial contact if different than above: Name: Ingrid Carries Mailing Address: 1100 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, Florida C- _ nine-digit zip code: 33139-1347 Telephone No. (include area code): sos-sos-~;~s rxteosion 58id Fax No. (include area code): sos-s:s-~es~ E-Mail Address: IngridCarrie__s~miam'neacnfl.oov - 8?'i 32405 SUPPLANTING CERTIFICATION FORfJI (f'U3LIC AGENCIES C.N_Yi This form must be signed by an agency official a~ho is aattrorizeo o enter into contractual agreements. Agency Name: City of Miami Beach (Police Dep_a__rtment) _ Grant Number: V8057 I hereby certify that pursuant to the Victims of Crime Act, (VOCA) Federal Guidelines, grant funds will be used to enhance or expand services and will not be used to supplant state and local funds that would otherwise be available for crime victim services. J~$ig atu~ L, ~ Date v -~_.~ ~Eir1P_ ~rovlT.A~~r Z_ C~}~,-~., ~"}c~-.nc~r:r' Prinl Name Title