Damian J. Gallo & Associates Lease AgreementC`7~-_ s//~~o~ CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF LEASE AGREEMENT This Consent to Assignment and Assumption of Lease Agreement is being entered into on this 13th day of May, 2009, by and between DADE COUNTY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION ("Tenant/Assignor"), a federally chartered credit union and DAMIAN J. GALLO & ASSOCIATES, INC., a Florida corporation ("Tenant/Assignee") whose principal address is 2400 Red Road, Miami, Florida 33155. WITNESSETH, that for valuable consideration in hand paid by the Tenant/Assignee to the Tenant/Assignor, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Tenant/Assignor hereby assigns and transfers to the Tenant/Assignee, and Tenant/Assignee hereby accepts, all of its right, title, interest, and obligations in and to the following described agreements: Tenant/Assignor's rights, title, interest, and obligations under that certain Lease Agreement by and between the Miami Beach Federal Credit Union and the City of Miami Beach (City), dated July 30, 2003, for the Tenant/Assignor's lease of a portion of the City-owned property located at 1701 Meridian Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida (a.k.a. Unit 775 17th Street), as amended by that certain First Amendment to Lease Agreement, dated January 11, 2006, and that certain .Second Amendment to Lease Agreement, dated May 13, 2009, (collectively, the Lease, First Amendment and Second Amendment are also referred to as the Lease Agreement) attached hereto as Exhibit A-1. Provided, however, no warranties of any kind whatsoever are made incident to this Assignment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Tenant/Assignor and Tenant/Assignee have executed this Consent to Assignment and Assumption on the day and year first above written. Dade County F ral Credit nion nant/Assignor) By: ~ Date: ~ ~ ~ ~ eorg Joseph, resident /CEO Attest: Secretary Date: Damian J a so ~ (Tenant/Assignee) By: Damian J. Gall President Attest: Date: G ' ~ ' Date: Secretary EXHIBIT A-1 SECOND AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT This Second Amendment to Lease Agreement is entered into this 13th day of May, 2009 by and among the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation whose address is 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139 (City and/or Landlord); Dade County Federal Credit Union, a federally chartered credit union, whose address is 775 17th Street, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139, as Tenant and Assignor of that certain Lease Agreement with the City, dated July 30, 2003 (as amended and assigned); and Damian J. Gallo 8~ Associates, Inc., a Florida corporation, whose principal address is 2400 Red Road, Miami, Florida 33155, as the new Tenant and Assignee under said assignment as herein below consented to by the City. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City has been leasing to Tenant/Assignor, Dade County Federal Credit Union, a portion of the City-owned property, located at 1701 Meridian Avenue (a.k.a. 775 17th Street), Miami Beach, Florida, for Tenant/Assignor's use as a federal credit union under the terms and conditions of that certain Lease Agreement, dated July 30, 2003, as amended by that First Amendment to Lease Agreement, dated January 11, 2006; and WHEREAS, the Tenant/Assignor, Dade County Federal Credit Union, and the new Tenant/Assignee, Damian J. Gallo & Associates, Inc., have agreed to an amendment and assignment -and assumption of said Lease Agreement (as amended), and the City has consented to said assignment and assumption pursuant to Resolution No. 2009-27071; and WHEREAS, concurrent with the execution of the Consent to Assignment- and Assumption of Lease Agreement by the Tenant/Assignor and new Tenant/Assignee, the parties further wish to execute this Second Amendment to Lease Agreement, having an effective date of June 1, 2009, and remain in effect throughout the remainder of the current Lease term, scheduled to expire on January 31, 2011. NOW THEREFORE, the City, Tenant/Assignor, and the new Tenant/Assignee, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements and undertakings herein contained, do by these presents mutually covenant and agree to assign and amend the Lease Agreement, as follows: 1. Upon execution of the Consent of Assignment and Assumption of Lease Agreement, Tenant/Assignor and new Tenant/Assignee hereby acknowledge and agree to said assignment and assumption, and Tenant/Assignee further agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement, as amended by this Second Amendment to Lease Agreement. 2. Upon execution of the Consent to Assignment and Assumption of Lease Agreement and Second Amendment to Lease Agreement, and for purposes of interpreting the cumulative agreements (i.e. the Lease Agreement, the Second Amendment to Lease Agreement and the Consent to Assignment and Assumption) the term "Tenant" and Tenant/Assignee shall be considered one and the same, and Damian J. Gallo & Associates, Inc. shall be deemed the new Tenant for purposes of the Lease. All references to Tenant, under the Lease, as amended, shall hereinafter be deemed to refer to Damian J. Gallo & Associates, Inc. (d/b/a Permit Doctor). 3. Section 1, entitled "Demised Premises", located on Page 1 of the Lease Agreement, shall be shall be amended (deleted items and inserted items underlined) as follows: Demised Premises. Te~""~~h-r~e~'~-iea~.S~et~ °~vc°.Ti~~ +r-co-ih-re Tr°~-r~r°r'~f~ and Ten~nF hooch.. r ~h.. `~1'lamic~ Dr i~c~17 Inn•+~~ in 4hc (~~+.. of 11Aia o h 777_97 C4 cr:7--tttc-v~Trtr~ -i-re~''rracv ~ rwcrc -nrtrrc-vn ca6rr~ rr~--rr . , ~ , The City, in consideration of the rentals hereinafter reserved to be paid and of the covenants, conditions and agreements to be kept and performed by the Tenant, hereby leases, lets and demises to the Tenant, and Tenant hereby leases and hires from the City, those certain premises hereinafter referred to as the "Demised Premises" and more fully described as follows: "E hi hi+ D" ~~ihinh ie h L°' T ~ eer~en 1, 268.87 square feet of City-owned property (the "Building"), located at 1701 Meridian Avenue, Unit 4 (a.k.a. 775 17t Street), Miami Beach, Florida, 33139, and as more specifically delineated in "Exhibit 1 ", attached hereto and incorporated herein. 4. Subsection 3.1, entitled "Base Rent", located on Page 2 of the First Amendment to Lease Agreement, shall be shall be amended (deleted items s~cl~l~ and inserted items underlined) as follows (Note that this amendment is provided solely for clarification purposes as to the corrected square footage based upon the updated 2007 City survey): 3 3.1 Base Rent: Base Rent for the Demised Premises shall begin to accrue on February 1, 2006 (the Commencement Date), and shall be based upon a total leasable space of ~9 1,268.87 square feet. 5. Subsection 3.2.1, entitled "Operating Expenses", located on Page 2 of the Lease Agreement and as amended on Page 3 of the Consent to Assignment and First Amendment to Lease Agreement, shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following new Subsection 3.2.1 as follows: 3.2.1 Operating Expenses: Tenant shall pay Four Hundred Twenty Two Dollars and 96/100 ($422.96) der month for its proportionate share of "Operating Expenses" which are defined as follows: "Operating Expenses" shall mean the following costs and expenses incurred in operating repairing, and maintaining the Common Facilities jas hereinafter defined) and shall include, without limitation, water service to the Building sewer service to the Building, trash removal from the Building costs incurred for gardening and landscaping, repairing and maintaining elevator(s) painting, janitorial services (except for areas within the Demised Premises), lighting, cleaning, striping, policing, removinc,L garbage and other refuse and trash, removing ice and snow, repairing and maintaining sprinkler systems, water pipes, air-conditioning systems temperature control systems, and security systems, fire alarm repair and maintenance and other equipment in the common areas and the exterior and structural portions of the Building, paving and repairing, patching and maintaining the parking areas and walkways, and c/eanin_g adjacent areas, management fees and the City's employment expenses to employees furnishing and rendering any services to the common areas, together with an additional administration charge equal to fifteen percent j15%) of all other expenses included in the annual common area expenses, provided b ty he City for the common or joint use and/or benefit of the occupants of the Building, their employees, agents, servants, customers and other invitees. "Common Facilities" shall mean all Building areas, spaces, equipment, as well as certain services, available for use by or for the benefit of Tenant and/or its employees, agents, servants, volunteers, customers, quests and/or invitees. Tenant agrees and understands that the costs incurred for Operating Expenses may increase or decrease and, as such, Tenant's share of Operating Expenses shall increase or decrease accordingly. 6. Section 3.2.2, entitled "Property Taxes", located on Page 3 of the Lease Agreement, and as amended on Page 3 of the Consent to Assignment and First Amendment to Lease Agreement, shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following new Subsection 3.2.2 as follows (Note that this amendment is 4 provided solely for clarification purposes as to the current rate for the 2008 Ad Valorem Real Estate Property Tax, as provided by Miami-Dade County, Florida): 3.2.2 Property Taxes: The Property Tax Payment shall be payable by Tenant, in accordance with Section 11 herein. The 2008 Property Tax Payment is Eleven Thousand Thirty Two Dollars and 47/100 ($11 032.47) payable in monthly installments of Nine Hundred Nineteen Dollars and 37/100 ($919.37). 7. Section 5, entitled "Parking", located on Page 3 of the Lease Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following new Section 5 as follows: Parking. Tenant may request from the City's Parking Department, the use of no more than three (3) parking spaces if available at Municipal Parking Garage 2-G located on 17t St er et and Meridian Court. Rates for said spaces are subject to change and are can-ently Seventy ($70.00) Dollars per month, plus applicable sales and use tax per space. 8. Section 6, entitled "Security Deposit", located on Page 3 of the Lease Agreement shall be amended (deleted items s-t~sl~h and inserted items underlined) as follows: Security Deposit: won execution of this Agreement Tenant shall furnish the City with a Security Deposit in the amount of Five Thousand ($5, 000.00) Dollars. Said Security Deposit shall serve to secure Tenant's performance in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. In the event Tenant fails to perform in accordance with said provisions, the City may retain said Security Deposit, as well as pursue any and all other legal remedies provided herein, or as may be provided by applicable law. The parties agree and acknowledge that the foregoing condition is intended to be a condition subsequent to the City's approval of this Agreement. Accordingly, in the event that Tenant does not satisfy the aforestated, then the City Manager or his designee may immediately, without further demand or notice, terminate this Agreement without being prejudiced as to any remedies which may be available to him for breach of contract. 9. Section 7, entitled "Use and Possession of the Demised Premises", located on Page 4 of the Lease Agreement and as amended on Page 4 of the Consent to Assignment and First Amendment to Lease Agreement, shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following new Section 7 as follows: Use and Possession of Demised Premises. 7.1 The Demised Premises shall be used by the Tenant solely for the urpose(s) of providing building plan and permit processing services (f. e. certificates of completion certificates of occupancy. violation remediation, plan review processing and expediting services inspection management, ~ecial and 40 year inspections fire and building compliance, permit administration occupancy load calculations special event permitting, and recording services). Tenant's uses and/or services provided upon the Demised Premises may require Tenant to interact from time to time, wifh City of Miami Beach officials and employees acting in their requlatory capacity. Notwithstanding the preceding Tenant hereby represents and warrants to the City that it shall in no way whether express or implied, give the impression that Tenant is in any way acting as an agent and/or representative of the City of Miami Beach, nor that, by virtue of this Agreement Tenant derives any special benefit and/or consideration from the City (acting in its regulatory capacity) with regard to Tenant's provision of plan and permit processing services to third parties. Any violation of this Subsection 7.1 by Tenant shall be deemed as an automatic default under this Agreement and notwithstanding any other provision set forth herein, shall entitle the City to automatically terminate this Agreement, without further notice to Tenant, and without liability to the City. Said Premises shall be open for operation a minimum of five (5) days a week, with normal hours of operation being as follows: Monday -Friday: 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM Tenant shall not otherwise modify the days or hours of operation without the prior written approval of the City Manager. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorize hours contrary to the laws goveminq such operations. 7.2 It is understood and agreed that the Demised Premises shall be used by the Tenant during the Term of this Agreement only for the above purposeU/use(s), and for no other purpose(s) and/or use(s) whatsoever. Tenant will not make or permit any use of the Demised Premises that, directly or indirectly, is forbidden by law, ordinance or government regulation, or that may be dangerous to life, limb or property. Tenant may not commit (nor permit) waste on the Demised Premises; nor permit the use of the Demised Premises for any illegal purposes; nor commit a nuisance on the Demised Premises. In the event that the Tenant uses the Demised Premises (or otherwise allows the Demised Premises to be used) for any purpose(s) not expressly permitted herein, or permits and/or allows any prohibited use(s) as provided herein, then the City may declare this Agreement in default pursuant to Section 18 or, without notice to Tenant, restrain such improper use by injunction or other legal action. 7.3 Exclusive Use: Provided that Tenant is i_n actual occupancy of the Demised Premises and using the Demised Premises for the permitted use(s) set forth in Subsection 7.1 then the City hereby agrees that it shall not lease space in the Building with persons or entities whose primaN principal business is providing building plan and permit processing services, where "primary principal business" means that greater than fifty (50%) percent of such other tenant's gross revenue shall be derived from providing one or more of the services set forth in Subsection 7.1. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant acknowledges that other space in the office portion of the Building (i a floors 2 through 5 but excluding ground floor retail spaces) may be leased by the Cit ty o persons or entities whose primary principal business is providing architectural and/or engineering services. The provisions of this Subsection 7.3 shall not apply to the City of Miami Beach, and/or its officers employees agents and/or consultants as or when any and all such individuals may be engaged in the provision of building plan permit and permit processing services on behalf of the City. 10. Section 8, entitled "Improvements", located on Page 4 of the Lease Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following new Section 8 as follows: Improvements. 8.1 Tenant accepts the Demised Premises in their present "AS /S" condition and may construct or cause to be constructed, such interior and exterior improvements and maintenance to the Demised Premises, as reasonably necessary for it to carry on its permitted use(s), as set forth in Section 7; provided however that any plans for such improvements shall be first submitted to the City Manager for his prior written consent, which consent, if granted at all shall be at the City Manager's sole and absolute discretion. Additionally any and all approved improvements shall be made at Tenant's sole expense and responsibility. All permanent (fixed) improvements to the Demised Premises shall remain the property of the City upon termination and/or expiration of this Agreement. Upon termination and/or expiration of this Agreement, all personal property and non-permanent trade fixtures may be removed by the Tenant from the Demised Premises, provided that they can be (and are) removed without damage to the Demised Premises. Tenant will permit no liens to attach to the Demised Premises arising from, connected with, or related to the design and construction of any improvements. Moreover, such construction shall be accomplished through the use of licensed, reputable contractors who are acceptable to the City. Any and all permits and or licenses required for the installation of improvements shall be the sole cost and responsibility of Tenant. 8_2 Notwithstanding Subsection 8.1, upon termination and/or expiration of this Agreement, and at City's sole option and discretion, any or all alterations or additions made by Tenant to or in the Demised Premises shall, upon written demand by the City Manager be promptly removed by Tenant, at its expense and responsibility and Tenant further hereby agrees, in such event to restore the Demised Premises to their original condition prior to the Commencement Date of this Agreement. 8.3 The above requirements for submission of plans and the use of specific contractors shall not apply to improvements (which term, for purposes of this Subsection 8.3 only shall also include improvements as necessary for Tenant's maintenance and repair of the Demised Premises) which do not exceed Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars provided that the work is not structural and provided that it is permitted by applicable law. 11. Section 13, entitled "Maintenance and Repair", located on Page 8 of the Lease Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following new Section 8 as follows: Operation, Maintenance and Repair. 13.1 Tenant shall be solely responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of the Demised Premises. Tenant shall, at its sole expense and responsibility maintain the Demised Premises, and all fixtures and ~~urtenances therein and shall make all repairs thereto, as and when needed to preserve them in good working order and condition. Tenant shall be responsible for all interior walls and the interior and exterior of all windows and doors as well as immediate replacement of any and all plate q/ass or other glass in the Demised Premises which may become broken, using .glass of the same or better quality. The City shall be responsible for the maintenance of the roof, the exterior of the Building the structural electrical and plumbing (other than plumbing surrounding any sink(s) and/or toilet(s), including such sink(s) and toilet(s) fixtureL) within the Demised Premises), the common areas and the chilled water supply system. The City shall maintain and/or repair those items that it is responsible for, so as to keep same in proper working condition. Tenant agrees and understands, thaf if the Citesprovides a separate air- conditioning unit for the Demised Premises, the City, at its sole discretion, may require that Tenant obtain, at any time durin_g the Term of this Agreement, and continuously maintain in good standing, at Tenant's expense, throughout the Term of this Agreement, a maintenance and repair contract, approved by the City, with a service company previously approved in writing by the City, providing for the preventative maintenance and repair of all heating/ventilation/air-conditioning (HVAC) equipment servicing the Demised Premises. In the event that the City notifies Tenant that it will require Tenant to contract for said maintenance and repair services, Tenant shall provide to the City, in writing, within ten (10) business days, the name(s) and telephone number(s) of service company(ies1 for the City's review and approval. Tenant shall provide a copy of a current enforceable and fully executed maintenance and repair contract no later than ten (10) business days after receipt of the City's ~~roval of the service company as proof of Tenant's compliance with this provision. If the City provides a separate air-conditioning unit for the Demised Premises as provided herein, Tenant may request that the City inspect same to ensure that it is in proper working order. If the unit is not in proper working order the City shall, at its sole discretion, repair or replace the unit. 13.2 All damage or injury of any kind to the Demised Premises, and including without limitation its fixtures, glass, appurtenances, and equipment (if any or to the building fixtures, glass, appurtenances, and equipment, if any except damage caused by the gross negligence and/or willful misconduct of the City, shall be the sole obligation of Tenant, and shall be repaired restored or replaced promptly by Tenant, at its sole expense and to the satisfaction of the City. 13.3 All of the aforesaid repairs, restorations and replacements shall be in quality and class equal to or better than the original work or installations and shall be done in good and workmanlike manner. 13.4 /f Tenant fails to make such repairs or restorations or replacements, the same may be made by the City, at the expense of Tenant, and all sums went and expenses incurred by the City shall be collectable by the City and shall be paid by Tenant within three (3) days after submittal of a bill or statement therefore. 13.5 /t shall be Tenant's sole obligation and responsibility to insure that any renovations, repairs and/or improvements made by Tenant to the Demised Premises comply with all applicable building codes and life safety codes of governmental authorities having jurisdiction. 13.6 Tenant Responsibilities for Utilities (not included within Operating Expenses). Tenant is solely responsible for, and shall promptly pay when due, all charges and impact fees for any and all utilities for the Demised Premises NOT included as an Operating Expense (pursuant to Subsection 3.2.1). In addition to other rights and remedies hereinafter reserved to the Cit upon the failure of Tenant to pay for such utility services (as contemplated in this Subsection 13.6) when due, the City may elect, at its sole discretion. to aav same. whereby Tenant agrees to promptly reimburse the City upon demand. In no event, however, shall the City be liable, whether to Tenant or to third parties, for an interruption or failure in the supply of any utilities or services to the Demised Premises. 13.7 TENANT HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT THE DEMISED PREMISES ARE BE/NG LEASED /N THEIR PRESENT "AS IS" CONDITION. 12. Section 27, entitled "Notices", located on Page 16 of the Lease Agreement and as amended on Page 4 of the Consent to Assignment and First Amendment to Lease Agreement, shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following new Section 27 as follows: Notices. The addresses for all notices required under this Agreement shall be as follows, or at such other address as either party shall be in writing, notify the other.• LANDLORD: City Manager City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 With copy to: Asset Manager City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach. Florida 33139 TENANT: Damian J. Gallo, President Damian J. Gallo & Associates, Inc. 2400 Red Road Miami, Florida 33155 With copy to: Office Manager Permit Doctor 767171 Street Miami Beach, Florida 33139 All notices shall be hand delivered and a receipt requested, or by certified mail with Refurn receipt requested, and shall be effective upon receipt. 13. Except as otherwise specifically amended herein, all other terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement by and between the Landlord and Tenant shall remain in full force and effect. In the event there is a conflict between the provisions provided herein and the Lease Agreement, the provisions of this Consent to Assignment and Second Amendment to Lease Agreement shall govern. 10 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Landlord, Tenant/Assignor and the new Tenant/Assignee have hereunto affixed their respective hands and seals at the place, and on the day and date first hereinabove written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Attest: Landlord: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA ~~ Robert Parcher, City Clerk Matti Herrera Bower, Mayor Attest: Secretary Print Name) Tenant/Assignor: Dade County Federal Credit Union Geofge J eph, President /CEO ~c=o 2~G ~ o s ~P~~ (Print Name) New Tenant/Assignee: Damian J. Gallo & Associates, Inc. Secretary (Print Name) ian J. Gallo resident • ~ ~ G ~ ,~~ ~1 (Print Name) F:\RHCD\$ALL\ECON\$ALLWSSET\777-17th Street\Credit Union\ConsentToAssignment&2ndAmendment(2).DOC APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE FjQR EXECUTION ~ ~ OR 11 City Attom n Date EXHIBIT 1 Demised Premises F.RL, BOON . \ 4 ~ ``; EIECTMC1l B00l/ +• UNIT 4 :~' sTOx.ce ~ ~~ f ~ ~\ \. ~~;;~~~~a UNIT 3 ti 1 '~~ < \' `~ \i ~ \\ ~.. `~ ~~ \ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ `ham\~\\\ .,~« ~ ,~ ~S `~ ,`~ UNIT 2 \ W 1~' ~ \~'~ ti J Z ~ ~~ti ~ ~~ z \ `~ ~, • ~ \`\i~ ~ J \ ~1• w Z UNIT 1 ~ « ~ ~. ~ E TOR ~~`:~~``; ~ ~~ ` y~ y, n COMMON "'~-.•~~'~. -•~t.~.~ ELEMENTS ~~ + • ' •~~ ~ STAIRS j ~ Nom, ElE OR '! ; :~'! t :`a AREA UNIT 1= 1,326.78 S/F ~~s AREA UNIT 2= 1,802.89 S/F "'• "" '" •• D AREA UNIT 3= 1,290.59 S/F scA~ FEET AREA UNIT 4= 1,268.87 ~S/F Ls. SDRVEI'OR'S NOTE DETAR3 DP INTERIORS WAt15 WERE BAgD IN gtldNAl DRAINNCS AND BEST k1F0RMA7~N OBTAIN FROM FIE1D S1R0£Y First Floor Plan Prepored by: 1701 MERIDIAN BUILDING CONDOMINIUM /~ Gy'c~I~~T~• ~g~rfflanL ~' leacJv . y KM b'.BtIF6' aGne,sL ~~~~~la+rdzs ~ Page 4 of 9 sds 679-7080 Exhibit "B" ~°~"~'4~~~~PO07 12