LTC 158-2009 Major Storm Event June 05, 2009MIAMIBEACH
TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Mem ers of the City Commission _ ~ ' '~
FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager ~ ~°~ ~' ^--t
-n <
DATE: June 12, 2009 -~ ~
- r -_7
SUBJECT: Major Storm Event June 05, 2009 ~
The purpose of this LTC is to provide you with a report on the recent, unprecedented rainfall event
that took place on Friday, June 05, 2009 that affected the cities of Miami and Miami Beach. This
report details staffs immediate response, the functionality of the City's current infrastructure and
public outreach.
On the afternoon of Friday, June S`", 2009, at approximately 3:30 PM until 7:00 PM, the cities of
Miami and Miami Beach concurrently received rainfall amounts registering an average regional
intensity of 9.88 inches in a span of just over two (2) hours. The storm delivered nickel-sized hail,
thunder and lighting, and high wind gusts, that caused regional flash flooding in low areas of the
Beach, tree branches and debris, as well as power outages to over 14,000 residents in both cities;
6,000 customers lost power in Miami Beach. This specific afternoon downpour's highest intensity
was clearly organized along eastern Miami, and Miami Beach (See Attachment A- Doppler Radar
June 05, 2009), identifying the total precipitation contour spread through the County.
A report from the National Weather Service (NWS) from NOAA (Attachment B-Regional Max/Min
Temperature and Precipitation Table, June O5, 2009), indicated that the distribution of precipitation
across the County varied greatly, with the City of Miami Beach receiving the greatest amount. For
example, the Miami International Airport rainfall gauge registered approximately an inch of rain for
the event, while the NWS's rain gauge located at the Miami Beach Golf Course registered 9.30
inches. The rain gauge located at Ciry Hall, which is maintained by Public Works, recorded a slightly
greater amount of 9.88 inches during the event.
The June 5, 2009 storm could be classified as one whose rainfall volume over a 3-hour
duration occurs once every 50-years, on the average. Only two other storms of similar or
greater intensity over 3 hours are on record in the last 59 years of data. A storm of such high
intensity and short duration would exceed the capacity of most modern-day stormwater
collection systems, which for cost effectiveness reasons are typically designed for less extreme
events (See Attachment C- City of Miami Beach Rainfall Intensity- Duration- Frequency Analysisfor
the June 5, 2009 Rainfall Event)
Many factors determine the extent of flooding that may occur within a particular geographical area.
Flooding occurs when the capacity of the drainage system is exceeded. The reliability of any
drainage system to prevent flooding is based on the return period of the rainfall event. In other
words, the probability that a rainfall event will occur within a specific period of time is defined by
statistical criteria. Miami Dade County, however, generally requires that minor drainage systems in
local municipalities be designed for stones with return periods on the order of 5 years. Therefore,
local flooding in any given area should not be expected to occur more frequently than once every 5
years or, stated differently, there is a 20 percent chance of flooding in any given area during any
given year. A 5 year-1 day storm will provide an approximate rainfall depth of 6.25 inches, and an
average intensity through a 24-hr duration of approximately 3.3 inches per hour. The storm eventof
June 05, 2009 provided approximately 9.88 inches of rainfall depth in Miami Beach, with an average
intensity of approximately 12.4 inches per hour. This storm event was well above the norms of
amount of precipitation and average intensity of a 5-year stone event. As indicated prior, the event
overwhelmed the drainage system and eventually resulted in abnormal flooding throughout various
low points in our City. However, once the rain intensity subsided, the stortnwater system was able to
drain the City's flood waters within an average of 12 hours. The main exception to this was in areas
where the catch basins had been blocked by landscaping debris. Once the top of the catch basin
grates were cleared of debris by City crews, the existing Stormwater system drained the flooded
Response and Recovery Activities
Storm recovery operations started immediately after the major rains stopped on Friday night
The Public Works Stormwater crews worked until midnight using large vacuum trucks to keep major
City streets operational and ensure that drainage pump stations that lost power were operational
after power was restored. The Public Works Utilities Control Room operators ensured all sewerand
water pump stations continued operating during as well as after the event through the weekend.
Major sewer pump stations emergency power systems were activated when they lost power. The
Public Works Sanitation crews were diverted from standard cleaning operations to storm recovery
operations and removed palm fronds and debris from street drainage catch basins.
For the three (3) days following the event, Sanitation Crews used street sweepers, parking lot
sweepers and other heavy equipment working from 3:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. to collect and remove
debris from City streets and swales. About 500 cubic yards of debris were collected and disposed.
In addition, the City had two transfer stations at 6th Street and 75th Street operational where
residents could take debris and green waste. Stormwater crews concentrated their efforts on
clearing vegetation accumulated on the top of the catch basins and cleaning the catch basins
of Sunset Islands, Venetian Islands, Star Island and Palm and Hibiscus Islands. Stormwater crews
also removed water that drained off onto adjacent streets from the Miami Beach Golf Course and
the Par 3 Golf Course. Storm water crews will continue city wide stortnwater system cleaning
operations for several weeks since large amounts of soil and yard and swats debris was deposited
in catch basins and pipes.
See pictures taken around Miami Beach after the storm event and 12 hours after the storm event.
Also attached are pictures taken in the afternoon at San Marcos Island, a City of Miami island just
west of San Marino Island showing that this island was still flooded (See Attachment D).
Public Safety
As a result of torential rain and wind at 4:16 p.m. on June 5, 2009, an initial incident included a
large palm tree falling on top of a vehicle, which was headed eastbound on the McArthur Causeway,
and trapping the driver. Miami Beach Police Department (MBPD) patrol officers responded to the
scene as well as rescue personnel from the Miami Beach Fire Department (MBPD). While in a
driving rain and significant winds, both Fire Rescue personnel and MBPD officers treated the driver
for injuries and assisted in extricating him. The driver was eventually transported to Mt. Sinai
This intervention slowed or stopped east bound traffic on the McArthur Causeway and slowed
westbound traffic as well. In addition, more MBPD and MBPD units began responding to assist with
the rescue effort and direct traffic. As a result of the flooding coupled with the emergency units on
the scene, eastbound traffic on the McArthur Causeway moved very slowly. Further impeding
eastbound traffic were several vehicles broken down in the intersection of 5'" Street and Alton Road
due to the pooling of water nearly two feet high. During the response to this traffic crash, the
Venetian Causeway became impassable due to widespread flooding causing vehicles to stall and
further exacerbating access to and from Miami Beach. At that point, assistance from Florida
Highway Patrol was requested to intermittently block off the eastbound exit of 1395 from 195 to ease
the traffic congestion.
To further alleviate the grid lock, MBPD officers rerouted eastbound traffic westbound on McArthur
Causeway at the intersection of Fountain Street and (Star Island) and the McArthur Causeway.
Available plainclothes officers working a proactive crime detail were diverted and deployed in pick
up trucks to flooded areas to assist with traffic wntrol and public safety efforts. Police officers
driving pickup trucks were picking up stranded motorists and pedestrians and taking them to higher
ground and shelter.
As the rainfall grew more intense, flooding in the major thoroughfares of Alton Road, West Avenue
and other surface streets began to increase causing more vehicles to stall and in some instances,
float parked and occupied vehicles. This resulted in roadways being blocked causing further delays
in the MBPD response efforts. To contend with this situation, MBPD supervisory staff coordinated
with counterparts from the City's Fleet Management Division and other City Departments to obtain
specialty vehicles to tow vehicles and effectively traverse roadways where standing water was at
extreme levels. To further support these mitigation efforts, MBPD command personnel requested
water pumps from the Public Works Department to be placed at key intersections to alleviate some
of the flooding.
Despite massive flooding, strong winds, intense lightning and rain, police officers stopped for
stranded motorists providing assistance where ever they could. In many cases, officers were in
knee deep water physically pushing vehicles off to the side of the road to a safer place.
Understanding the severe nature of these exigent circumstances, all available sworn personnel
were deployed to the affected areas to assist with traffic control, public safety efforts and calls for
service. In further support of this deployment, police officers were held over on their shifts until the
flood waters subsided to a safe level.
In an effort to further mitigate the situation, members of the MBPD supervisory staff contacted all the
local electronic media outlets to advise motorists to stay out of the affected areas. Although the
media began broadcasting the problems associated with the inclement weather on Miami Beach
and surrounding communities, traffic continued to proceed east towards the City of Miami Beach.
From 3pm to 7pm, during the storm's peak hours, 599 calls for service were received by the Public
Safely Communications Unit (PSCU) (nearly three times the normal volume for a Friday nightduring
the same time frame). This increase resulted in a call volume so great, that the excess calls had to
be routed to the Miami Dade Police Department's Communications Bureau for dispatch. During this
time frame, there were many legitimate calls for service, including reports of structural failures,
people stuck in elevators and others which further tied up police resources. However, many of the
incoming calls to the Public Safety Communication Unit were inquiries from drivers on cellular
telephones stuck in traffic; inconvenienced, asking when the roads would be clear causing many of
the police telephone lines to be unnecessarily tied up.
The Fire Department responded to 97 calls for service until close to midnight on Friday. The nature
of the calls ranged from trees falling onto cars (McArthur Causeway by Palm Tree Island), flooded
basements (the Eden Roc had 4 feet of water in their basement), a small structure fire, collapsed
ceilings from roof leaks (The Fontainebleau had a significant ceiling leak in their lobby), to medical
emergencies and trapped occupants of vehicles. The Fire Department relocated more than 300
vehicles out of deep water.
The Fire Department also had to assist with the temporary evacuation of the Eden Roc as the
basement flooding filled the FPL vault and the temporary backup generator was not sufficient for
their needs. Fire Department units spent much of the rest of the night reducing our calls that were
held for available units.
The only City property damage occurred at the Police Station Crime Lab area after rain water
entered the facility through a ventilation opening adjacent to a roof drain.
Staff also coordinated the dissemination of information to residents via our available resources. The
City's website was updated with storm updates starting Friday night through Monday. In addition,
similar updates were disseminated via the Citys new social media pages on Twitter(1,136 followers
to date) as well as Facebook (over 1,000 fans). The City's Public Information Officer, with the
assistance of other staff, received and responded to numerous media inquiries and requests for
interviews. The reverse-911 system was utilized as a proactive measure to notify residents of the
City's planned activities to deal with the aftermath of the storm, as well as a reminder to prepare for
hurricane season. Feedback to all of our efforts to provide information to our community have
remained very positive.
This was an above normal stone event with a rainfall intensity that was significantly above the
Miami-Dade County and the City stonnwater design criteria; nevertheless, as we have done in the
past, City public works and public safety crews initiated immediately recovery operations and the
City was fully open for business the next day. Clean up operations, especially of the stormwater
system will take us a little longer.
Please feel free to contact me 'rf you have any questions or concerns
A. Doppler Radar June 5, 2009
B. Regional MaxlMin Temperatures and Precipitation Table, June 5, 2009
C. City of Miami Beach Rainfall Intensity- Duration- Frequency Analysis for the June 5, 2009
Rainfall Event by CDM
D. Pictures of Flooded Streets After the Storm and Next Day Pictures
F:krnyrl$ALV.LTC-OO1Citywide Flnndiny Event FINAL DRAFT -Drainage LTC 2009-06-12.dna
Attachment A
cons. coin/iccE;, DISIhIC:T WIDE RAINFALL ESTIMATE: 0.55/"
FRO N: 0709 EST, OG/03/?Of1A THROUGH: 07UU tS I, U6, O6/2999
Attachment B
Saler.I AP:1 n ~ P :! uarsln
These data :u-e preliminan :uu( h:rve nut under~'one final goalih control b~ the National
C'limatir Data C'eutcr lN( llC~. Therefore. these data arc subject to re~'isiun. final and certified
climate data can be accessed at the \('U( - http:r.'tv~~ rr.uc~ic.uuas.'~or.
Re',ional D'ias.•`~~Iiu'fetnll :uul Nrecipitation Table
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Attachment C
To: Fernando Vazquez, P.E., City Engineer
From: Jason A. Johnson, P.L~-
Date: June 11, 2009
Subject: City of Miami Seach
Ramfali Intensity-Duration-Frequency Analysis for the Jfrne 5, 2009
Rainfall Event
According to the National Ckeanic and Atmospheric Administration {NC)AA), 9.3 inches of
precipitation were measured at Rain Gauge 085(158 in the City of Mianti Beach from law am
Friday, Junr 5+^ through 7:00 am Salunlay June 6+'• (Allachntenl A). Based ott information
6om various sources the duration of the main rainfall event (;i hours) was obscn•ctl to occur
from approximately 2 pm to 5 pm on Junc 5'^. fhe City is evaluating the performance of its
storma~atcrcolleclion system as it relates k+ Ihis particular ovent.'I•ha purpose ut this
memorandum is to classify this storms intensity' and fretptency based on historical storm
precipitation data.
Miami Beach Precipitation Statistics
1 listoric rautfall events may be placed in cunttxl by rsttnparing than against frequency
slalistics. For 19orida, the National 6Veather Bureau s 1961 Technical Paper No. 40 (TP-'f0)
atlas remains the principal smtnr ul raintall statistics. Many of the statistics in TP-CFO ara
arguably not as accurate today as they once wem, because now (here arc much larf;er datascts
available. NetS'IORbt, a computer program developed by CDtvi, has been used in many
studies to compute updakd raintall rilalislics based on long-term precipitation datascts. 4\'hile
NCtSTORM'S analyses do not use the muhi-station dalasels any>luycd in NOAA's Atlas ld
Thal provides updated statistics for much of the US, its results are generally robust anti
comparable with those published by NUAA for return periods up to 100 years.
Table 1 presents depth-duration-Ircyuency slalistics lur Riiami Beach based on Ote 19x8-20(17
record as computed in I~ctSTORT<i. Appendix A presents detailed results from nctSTC_)RM
listing annual pret•ipitation statistics and inforntalion abixd many of the largest storms in the
historical record. The table shows, for example, that the 5fl-year, .3-hour rainfall fur the aroa is
8.2 inches. This indicates that, nn average, one storm in fift}' years has rainfall reaching 8.2
inches over a 3-hour interval. In tha S9 vears analyzed to develop these statistics, there have
been hvo 50-y+ <+r, 3-huur events, matching or exceeding the raintall vohuna that <x•rurred on
Junc 5't'. I base slalistics do not assess storm total duration; a ;111-yoar, 3-hour rainfall ntlght
occur during a storm lasting a few hours, or might occur within an event lastint; a day or
lunt;t•r.'I hex• statistics also assume tilrttiotterih/ of the data; i.e. that the climatic• forces
BP2G2e rent/ <~x.
1'anatulo Vazquez, P-L., City [ngineer
J u nc 11, 21109
Page 2
controlling rainfall have not siimificantly char};ed rainfall distributions over space during the
period assessed.
Table 1 -Precipitation Frequency Estimates Tor Mlaml Beath
Average Return
Interval t5-ntin 30-min 1-hr 2-hr 3-hr 6-hr 12-hr 24-hr 2 day 3 day 4-tlay
2-week 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0 6 O s 0.7 U 6 U.6 0. s
1-month U.4 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4 t.5 1.5 1.
3•monlh 0.7 1.0 1.3 t6 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.4 2.9 3.2 3 4
6-month 0.9 1 3 1 6 2 1 2 2 2 6 2 8 3.2 3.9 4.4 4 1
1-year L1 1.6 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.t 3.4 4.2 5.0 5.4 5.8
2-year 1.4 1.9 2.6 3.2 3.4 3.9 4 6 5 4 G 3 6 8 7~
5-year 1.7 22 3 1 3.9 4 3 5 0 6D 7 0 8.U 8./ 9.3
10-year t9 25 3.5 4.5 5.1 B.0 7.3 8.4 9.6 10.4 10.9
25-year 2.4 3.1 4.3 5.3 6.6 7.8 9.6 10.7 12.3 13 0 13 4
60-year 2.9 3.7 5.0 6.1 8 2 9 8 11.8 13.0 15A 15.5 15. /
700-year 3.4 4.4 5.9 6.9 10.2 12.0 14.7 15.8 18.3 18.5 18.5
Major Historical Rainfall Events
Usutg these statistics,'i'able 2 identifies rivo events that are of interest for idenlifyin};historic.
extreme rainfall events. Events were selected based on meeting either of ttvo criteria: either an
event should have a 50-vear rehrrn period at hvo or ntnre intervals among 1-, 2-, :S-, 6-, 12-, 24-
48-, and 72-hours; or it was a 100-year event at any of those intervals. These criteria were
used to compare the intensity ut the June 5~ event to historical rainfall events.The storms
Listed in Table 2 meet those criteria.
Table 2 - Principal Storms at Miami Beach (Rain Gauge 085858)
1-hr 2-hr 3 hr 6-hr 1?-hr ?4-hr 48•hr 72-hr
April 25. 1979 6 5 18.2 16.2
May 4. 1977 3 6 S y 8 2 t U.3 11.5 11.6 11.7 '.1.7
S(i-year 5.0 E.1 8,2 5.6 11.8 13.0 15.0 15 5
'ilte table is color-coded according to a storm's return period for each duration. A rainfall
volume of over 9.6 inches over a tlvee hour duration (the 50-year event) has only occurred
hvice in the 59 vear historical earned: Apri12~, 1979 and Mat' 1, 1977.11te coloration shows
that, for example, the April 25, 1979 storm volume exceeded that of a ~l}-year event at 2-, ~18-
and 72-hour intervals, and exceeded a 100-year event at durations at 1-hour and Irom a- to 24-
Fernando ~'azqucz, 1'.E., City 1'ngineer
June 11, 2009
Page 3
The June 5, 2009 smm~ could be classilicd as one whose rainfall volume over a 3-hour
duration occurs once every 0-years, rni the averaga:. Chrly two other storms of similar or
greater inlcnsitr over 3 hours are on record in the last 59 ~~earv ul data. ;1 storm of such high
intensity and short duref.ion would exceed the capacity of most modern-dav storrmvater
collection systems, tichich for cost effectiveness reasons arc h~picalh• designed for less extreme
4 r ,.
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Yule Wpaarnmrmape co'm MM O; rkc•r „nrd n:--. i.,n... i.; .a,
City of Miami Beach Attachment A
170D Convention Center Drive June 5, 2OO9
Miami Bcach, Florida 33f 39
rei n t3o5> 673-~noo Storm Precipitation Total
Appendix A: Long-Term Precipitation Statistics
HetOT•33}: =C.r en3i :y ]nrz :.i. - F~:y;.•vmy ?. c.:. y=:is
De•: e'aned b•: tCit ci :;=inCaon, ~'",F•, 144.-::u:4
laput file: C:',Ca1 cs'~,a ,.=c+.• uth'•,I I.u m ;tJ :; 7N :a:a .l ;:a
st at iS tiC9 COL Stc t' Gn: ~1'_ctrti Pc i !•h :1N nF b:7
Ye a_ TOCaI ketOY d3 t1?drt fl. M•: I%naitt.tJ¢ :uLatiJO 7:lt eYei e:lt
134t' :1.5? ?BE 3.GC7 ' -. .('F-I:': II. 3I .~ 5.
1349 53.53 1999 3.:!87 ~" 4.1hF.-er U.~.:- 13.0 5.2
_550 93.25 lL?0 3.447 4. 3LE-p:, r..:h :r. ,c L:0
551 33
- ..2 .3 i7 :!^. 9 095-!?/ 1.::4 ..3 123
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{.30 18 ^.290 bS: 09; 1977 12x _5 _._. Sv.A
4. JE 15 2.23C J9:'U£J2JCr 14: _5 31E-0 of^..8
J.83 1G 2.21C 1Ci:)/: UCi 14 ::5 3?5': 7S '
t .:ra I ~.19!: J5 /C GI2 JL7 15 ::3 7351 9^~.7 Id .. 4!: JoR?:'1907 15 :43 2338 9'^ ^
3.21 ly .Ilrii J'. lgy'1°.~_ 12 : i5 140 99.7
3.G1 2U 'c .'S2C' 0>:'C9l195J 12 :15 2L5J 99.L
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L.54 ?'+ ~.9'Ja I:nl~u/?r,:a: _.. : 95 :<30 43.5
_. S3 28 .. 3'%'J 1:VOV/-vrl ~. : at. .5.79 4?.5
2.92 25 _.7C0 CEI12/_~b': __ . ;U lays vy.s
JAx~LS"1 1.CJ :iiN fi 1NTG;evR1 'f ^.. R=O
altxcs xar.Y. teFti -ete G•:en; _^crccrt:lc
59.Jv i u. 19C 'J9: ^_3!197? E : JC 'Y<' 7"'C,U
37.26 9.L•3C 13i_i/19^2 _ :_5 ?548 1)C,l;
%2.43 ] 9.17L 00 /27I15u4 _ :85 )29 75 '.
16.5E c ?2L J3/C 41157% 1. :85 1?'!? 79.°
2.9ri . G9L 03!19%15:0 17 :95 1153 Y.•.v
_..JiS _ 3.59G C9ILC; 2CCti /? :15 ?5^.'
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7.t! 8 3. 52J CS; J1:•L957 _i : 15 4>~
G.+] 5 3.4JJ C9`)2.'2C Ju L2 :OU 1523 "n.7
G.'] LC 3.330 CEJO^%"i•'A 29 •:•0 15i^ yy.?.
S. EJ C1 ;.?':"~ - r'?~'1"_^9=. ". > : 311 :'H::4 r9.K
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a .... I; •c':~ _1!C' :OC' li :4i ?35? 9i• .
3. 1R ::y~ vl:: Zi:O. __ .._ ?454 39~.
3.1 1: _.-CO 30/CUf l^„ _ _~ :95 2575 95.E
3. G4 24 ':SJ lOI1C ^_C O' :5. 00 3'350
2.34 21 '20 C9; J'4I2UOC :5: 50 3159
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2. ,< 25 2.560 Ji•/L>l195? 12: 3C 1603 93.5
IJ.F?GF:B I' 2. J'3 R::JS 1]i 1'EK:AL 1'~1'FLJ
R LFos 6flns UeL4C DAL9 EVEnL C?=9ElIL1:E
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7?.4'1 S.':I:I l.i LA 1.592 : 'JO 2f, 54 i5.9
t fi. ya i :..4bil !:RJ['. I_3f9 1: 55 424 34.3
12.48 _ :.MITI 'if/.%!_M:ii 1J: -05 G13 >4.9
lU.bS b .`. v1I :~': /:11/•4Ii1 1R: 3C 95C 34.U
7. ~? 9.55r, 1'I lII~Jl4Y.•. ::: 5:: 2: J4 39.A
'.8S 5 -0.-0SC ~'.': Ob12:u;fi 17- c.- 5.,.:': y4.R
5.43 7 9.350 ~5I14i1995 1:: 'a i t'u vv.R
u.21 t0 J.1JV" :C IC 3/201:"~ 14: 3i~ '11:5 45.:
5.62 1: 3.9:6 OBI2 J/1955 13: ]5 '131:4 u;.';
• 3. 54J A3/C 2l2 COf 12: C'3 ?5Li 4°.':
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-0.'18 1."'J 1JIJ?: :' 91 1?: 15 25'0 45.5
s.°_2 .5 ].:v0 1:: J0:'2CJ2 :6: 15 j35' 59.6
t.'.4 ]. C90 C2/J2i:398 :3: 30 3093 P7.E
s. s4 15 ].690 00:':21:349 E: 30 2^Si 00.E
s.2t 1e ].:BC 0£12QI2 J05 12: :9 393^.• ''^.•.E
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2. .5 _, i.1vq !III±Ii 1445 2 : a.-: _>"' 95.9
2.65 23 . SBi~ U+•:'t-,'I1 v=.: I ~.,
~ 1i:4 93.5
2,Sj _ 3. 5'i' '1/1:'11 v:-~: I% :
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59.N 1 :1.94 .: ___. j: SS 164: CU.;1
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1^.^.i 5 ;.~!: LC lLi cJCS 1!:_.. ]D3 34.4
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5.C1 ...I ti. :1ICG%195] :: 15 2'06 75.8
:. a< a ,. I IP:: .._ . _: L°:: ~ 19:15 5EJ 93.8
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3.62 16 a.4U; :r.l-.: 'J:n:n
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? 21 19 _ '111:'j 14:;r I.:9.. 3:3G 95.
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2.E7 21 559 T~'c~v11';v. ._:!::r 25'9 93.1
2.?E 22 3.6?0 lll!•%/zC}3 ~: 15 ]35L 93A
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2.53 2-0 3.'^O c!/9Y l:!i::r _.:: 1:, t3'2: 59.3
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?I R;;r. Reck L'EC r.1r GAre Svrrt Pr rc•:°r 1 ~, :..
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9.93 :.Unit iii/b::L8=.8 :: :10 Li 59.G
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2.35 21 5.C7u m!-ti a _, n: a:: 4%~. >R.R
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+..lh .. Iz.],: LC (C :o:'2 ]CJ E: {5 71 7 95.5
?2, 4:. t I: .SI 0::(C•1~19'i `: ]G 1?.9 95.0
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1'J.4h 5 :.r4i:• ...`21;:14.32 2.1: 45 220 93.7
•f„0.S :. h4f• I%1:(I4v' IF: I:~ 2L,P2 9y.'.
3, r,3 .:'i:i Iih(I:114..4 21: !::, 1i12 99.0
?.8{ 8 .-':? I:4 i^..a.v-? :: !? 79i:S 44.6
b.?3 '.06:1 Csl `I:!"-44 .. p;l If 44.h
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{.30 14 E. E6C G8:'L1:'i??4 ^ • '' 27{5 1.9
{.: L• 15 E.05C 11 .•.?(1959 3: {5 0E4 ?9.{
7.02 16 i~. iJC Oc(U 1/7977 15: OC "727 r14 }
7.53 1? 0.5?C LC i''_5(19^_9 ^_: OC 312G rli•.4
7.73 lo` 54C 05123(1950 20: 36 5^_? 95.?
7.21 19 5.300 OL(C 9(19'P' B: CG ^r~5~"~ 9E.S
7.C} 20 .7 J0 .1(C O%1973 ?: C0 2?C o' 05.E
2.03 5.?2
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59.30 1 1b.21 "~{(74i19'9 ~5: « -A47 1:10.n
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22.93 6 1L.5'0 05(0}I1?7? ': 3C '~_<? 45.H
1C.56 9.i9C tC JC S(19: Ca li 576
^ ?ii.7
12.96 5 9.540 051=6(1955 13: 41 5^T 99.7
. 65
~ 'C(2 r,(1952 1E: ?G 20 09..
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7.A! R .'.. JeJ LL(10: 1559 :"': 70 E0{ 39.0
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6.2: :,; .:4:I I; 9I'.ry('4 h1: til :I.`: 49.6
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5.14 12 :?0 CE"_7.'.957 2L• :i0 El'J =4.`.
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6. s0 14 250 ~]=i'<`-0: :i•SY c 'SU T; i'1 4v, i
{.30 15 7.Co'C 03r b:i 1965 "•: OC :+4.t
].d2 16 7,C2C 05;01!1957 _: :5 45r .9.3
i.',+ I il.ro2f, Jfl h6l19S} - ._ 924 9'>.2
3.3! 18 +..Hh1; ;IH(II(1444 i. . ..
n ?~{9 04.2
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2.04 2? 5.7?0 C<!22/:766 3 :15 1:11:- 4b.h
2. i3 24 5.E80 SOl 1?i .4E `. 7i •C5 vsA 4H.s
2. J2 25 S. E'i0 ,iE(i1i'?:" ~ •i111 tg7v vH.S
LAIlGEET 33. r,0 gnOR T1T C$• . A". ^.C P;
^1:P^3 Ra [Y. C;'pt ~, EA.:' S•^bni YB LCECL 110
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.l. v:i t IL.!li _ti (C?;195: 7 :15 257 9?.8
I b.::h 1_.E5 OSlC {%1977 O :CO 171? 9Y•.7
L?.56 10. 7v C5(23+t950 ? :?0 5^_" 99.7
:C.oS C :. 620 L1(1}(1'9^. 4 .15 F l:1 4v.:.
9.03 5.520 111 18(I%59 '. .f.:i Fh: 's 4.1,
7.84 8 $. {?;, f4/:•ti !'4h1: h :Ib +li 55.5
0'.93 4,35:1 qF. /: 1; (-b4., .i. : I:, 2fl 09 39.5
6.Z H.'t ~n lIl/LbL 6I,5 1ti :.30 22C 35.5
5.h7 11 A.3 nIi !.:JJ1l, y:7 13 :{5 _._.
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i.£2 _, '40 C6:'J0:':3C5 1:15 1016 •7.i
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t. s4 IF. :.liC 04:'L: i135'. 12: i° 45l' ''".~
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2. a2 25 0.9'~; ..,;.luxe: I,;:4r, 1Cr.1 9E.a
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9,0.: "•.>SC 03; CLi1T? 15: _:. 17 Z': V5
'.04 0 E.750 L1i 15!1957 17:21 SEA 9!:.5
L.53 9 3.624' 391C°/1460 ZC:CO ?15 95.5
il.:!. LO =.584 06!20'1955 1.:15 20C7 4'i.4
..?>t L: ... 50C' O6Il":'1'.59 21:C0 612 49.4
..I:. ... ..+x:', %LS i2 :L 220 93.1
~ _ .~. 3C5 iCl: 1]i SC5 b:40 905 '. 3.4
4. -d ...5x5 f,2i 131_532 2: 16 2047 53.1.
4.f~x .. Y.. II I:I 1/LJ 1.532 _ .]0 2:44 59.7
3. d'J ' ti :. 47II 1:512: /2!::11 _ L 4.`~ 32.0 54. 7
3.59 ..:oe 4eil-:-I.3E: .L: 70 LC 3] 59.2
3.39 l* •.':gin e~h/;I': I. Yth 9::10 .C 18 99.2
'3.21 79 .. b': II i:d:/:'::':0x1 9: SC 2141 59..
3.0-0 25 :. 19f, ..':lII I h 9':': I /.: -:: 46C 38.9
2.83 21 :.Sgh 54 ':'oi'194tl ::OC _iS 38.9
73 22 3. 36C bNll;'1444 1.I:'.-+ ...
7 9x.x
2. E4 23 5. 34C ;IE:'26I19-.L .. ,.- +
q 9x.x
2 v.?60 J?12:!1735 1_:15 ?29 'li ':
2.42 =. 6.60G Gill EI14?0 2:30 304E 98.5
Plt~os Nan'r, aeptk Dote [vent r_ _.ent c_e
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12.91 5 11.35 tul-': ;'1'4!:0 1:5q ,_- 59.~
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^..03 19.9C 5`:^l 'i lv~-!. ll!:II4 .:/. i. 94.:
'.84 4 10.'1 '~1;'1 •:/IV:r4 lv:,., fi!i1 95.!;
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5.^._ 10 ?0:. .., 2:IJ14+':
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t. t4 1*. x. ]GC Qai051=394 lt: i° 2'4^ ''9 n
3.21 le 8.03C JSi26/1304 iL: 15 2141
]. C4 2'' 5?C 36i05117E6 10:25 ,
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