Affidavit Arden Savoy Invest. SENT BV: BERCOW & RADELL, PA; 3053776~~~; SEP,18,01 4:31PM; PAGE 3 I ... - - CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK uoo eon_Don Gente, Onve Miami Beach, R. 33139 citvclerk@ci.miami-beach,tl.us AFFIDAVIT l088Y1ST MEANS ALL PERSONS EMPLOYED OR RETAINED, WHETHER PArD OR NOT. 8Y A PRINCIPAL WHO EKS TO ENCOURAGE THE PASSAGE, DEFEAT OR MODIFICATION OF ANY OADINANCE, RESOLUTION, ACTlO OR DECISION OF ANY COMMISSIONER; ANY ACTION, DECISION, RECOMMENDATION OF ANY CITY BOAR OR COMMITTEE; OR ANY ACTION, DECISION OR RECOMMENOA nON DF ANY PERSONNEL DEFINED IN ANY MA NER IN THIS SECTION, DURING THE TIME PERIOD OF THE ENTIRE DEOSION'MAKING PROCESS ON SUCH A ON. DECISION OR RECOMMENDATION THAT FORESEEABlY WILL BE HEARD OR REVIEWED BY THE CITY COMMI ION, OR A CITY BOARD OR COMMITTEE, THE TERM SPEC1FlCALLY INClUDES THE PRINCIPAL AS WEll AS ANY A ENT, A'!TORNEY. OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE OF A PRlNCIPAl, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH lOBBYING ACTIV ES FALL WITHIN THE NORMAL SCOPE OF EMPLOYMENT OF SUCH AGENT, ATTORNEY, OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE, CH PERSON WHO WITHDRAWS AS A l088YIST IS REQUIRED TO mE A "CERTIFICATE OF WITHDRAWAL.' 1) Lobbyist Name: RpVIl") t" r n;.. L Last Name First Name Middle Initial Business Phone (~ 529-1080 Message Phone L) Business Address: 2560 sw 27th Avenue No. Street M;~_~ Florida City State Email Address: Suite ~ f- I I i I I r ~ )3133 Zip Code 2) Principal Retained by: Arden Savoy Investors, L.L.C. If different from above Miami Beach Florida 425 Ocean Drive Street Suite 33139 City State Zip Code (a) If a corporation, partnership, or trust, identify and provide the address for the chi f officer, partner, beneficiary or interests. 3) Subject Matter (Describe in Detail): Development Approvals from the Historic Preservation Board 4, Identify each individual (Commissioners, Board, Committee, Authority member or City st ff) to be lobllied: Since this i8 a quasi :judicial oroceedinq, members of the board will not be contacted prior to the hearing. \ SENT BV: BERCOW & RADELL, PA; 3053776222; SEP,1B,01 4:31PM; PAGE 4 I I ... 5. The subject matter in number three (3) above is to be considered at the meeting of (Identify each entity or individual): Oct. 9 o The City Commission o City Commission Subcommittee o City Staff i:JC City Board or CommitteeJlistoric o Personnel o Identify Others on on on Preservation Boar~n on on 6. State the extent of any business, financial, famiiiaJ, professional or oCher relationship wh h exists with any individual Identified in number (4) above: None. ON JULY 1ST OF EACH YEAR, EACH LOBBYST SHALL SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK SIGNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH, USTING A LOBBYING UPENDITURES IN TH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH fOR THE PRECEDING CALENDAR YEAR. r do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct and that I have read r am familiar with the provisions contained in Section 2-482 of the Miami 8each City Code as amended, and all reportin requirements, tJ.---7' Signature of Lobbyist; l!#- Personally known o Produced IO LulP.1 Identify Cl Did take an oath, or II Did not take an oath "" State of Florida, County of Miami-Dade Sworn to and subscri bed before me This \ 9 day of ~,?~ t-J>]OOll. '- RegistratIOn: , ~ 7-} If Notary, print. stamp 0 1 ACCEPTED FOR CLERK'S USE ONLY I [ 1 REJECTED DATE: or I 2--0,_ U I DATA ENTRY DATE: [ I Net-far-Profit O1yanozatlOn Check MeR II 2000 ENTERED aY:~ ) If rejec:r:ed. state reason: Registration fee paid; [ [ ]