173-2001 LTC
Office of the City Manager
Letter to Commission No. r73--2 On I
Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and
Members of the City commiss~f
Jorge M. Gonzalez \ r 0
City Manager 0
Additional Information Regarding Venetian Islands Neighborhood Improvements
Date: July 24, 2001
Item C7F, a Resolution amending Urban Resource Group's scope of services for the
design of V enetian Islands Neighborhood hnprovements, was deferred from the July
18th Commission Agenda at the request of Commissioner Liebman so that the
Administration could provide additional information requested regarding the history
of the project.
The current Professional Services Agreement with Urban Resource Group (URG)
was authorized by the City Commission on April 12, 2000 based on a construction
budget of $12,490,100. This budget was derived solely from an opinion of probable
cost developed by URG and was not reconciled with actual or anticipated project
funding. In addition, the $12,490,100 total did not include design and construction
management costs, the incorporation of which would have resulted in a significantly
higher total project cost.
The request to amend URG's scope of services to reflect actual project funding has
apparently raised a concern among some neighborhood residents that funding
dedicated to the Venetian Islands is being reduced. This is not the case. As noted
above, the current approximately $12.4 million dollar URG scope of services is based
solely on cost estimates rather than identified funding. Actual funding specifically
earmarked for the project through the G.O., Stormwater, and Water and Sewer Bonds
is approximately $ 11.7 million, which is only marginally below the $12.4 million
amount that has been incorrectly perceived to be funding committed to the project.
A comparison of construction costs for currently funded improvements with
improvements previously plarmed but not funded as well as bond funding allocations
is as follows:
Actual Current
Construction Budget
Roadway improvements,
lighting, landscaping $3,280,412
Associated Bond
Funding Allocations
$3,280,412 GO Bond
Stormwater improvements $1,688,588
$3,156,295 SW Bond
Water line reptacement $3.340.200 $2.094.890 WS Bond
Subtotal $8,309,200 $8,531,597
contingency $1,000,000 $1,000,000
AlE & PM $2.390.800 $2.168.403
TOTAL $11,700,000 $11,700,000
(1) Projected total cost based on construction estimates -qot tied to funding.
4/12/00 Master
Plan Cost Estimate
Roadway improvements: The level of roadway improvements has been significantly
reduced to reflect the actual available G.O. Bond funding and because community
input received to date has not been supportive of the extensive road widening and
introduction of sidewalks - similar to that which would be evident in a newly built
suburban development - called for by the Venetian Master Plan.
Lighting and landscaping: The lighting component has remained approximately the
same while the landscaping and beautification component has been significantly
Stormwater improvements: The level of stormwater improvements has also been
reduced. When new curbs and gutters, sidewalks, and asphalt are constructed, the
Miami-Dade Department of Environmental Resources Management requires that the
associated runoff created be mitigated. The bulk of the original $4,090,755
stormwater estimate was intended to address this need rather than to address street
flooding issues. In fact, the Venetian Islands were not identified in the City's 1997
Storm Water Master Plan as a priority basin for stormwater improvements. The
Venetian Islands did receive a funding allocation in the 2000 Stormwater Bond Issue
but the allocation was based on the needs generated by extensive contemplated
roadway improvements rather than documented drainage needs. Because the level
of roadway improvements has been reduced, the associated stormwater needs
generated by the improvements have also been reduced.
Water line replacement: As design of the project has progressed, it has been
necessary to increase the scope of water line improvements in order to meet
minimum fireflow requirements.
In summary, total available project funding is approximately $11.7 million including
a construction budget of approximately $8.5 million, a construction contingency of
approximately $1 million, and soft costs including design and program management
fees. This amount is not sufficient to fund the full implementation of the
improvements envisioned in the Venetian Master Plan which have been estimated to
exceed $16 million dollars in cost. Some of the originally envisioned improvements,
such as street widening and sidewalk construction, are actually opposed by some
residents because they conflict with the existing character of the area. Others are
simply not feasible because they would trigger a need for prohibitively expensive
stormwater improvements. Current project funding is sufficient to provide an
adequate level of needed infrastructure improvements as well as a significantly
enhanced level of visible above ground landscaping, lighting, and beautification.
Based on the foregoing, the Administration recommends approval of Amendment 3
to the URG scope of services for Venetian Island hnprovements as detailed in
Commission Memorandum No. 450-01.
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