Article Page 2 Comm Jerry Libbin Succeed
lip 11'ellins?ton Blair
The Ki+canis Club rccrnth hustud "Jail K Bait'
fund-raiser to generate scholarships for deserving
Miami Beach High School students. Miami Beach
Commissioner Jcrrv Libbin +vas smack in the middle
of the action. +vherc high school volunteers, Miami
Beach police, and numerous business professionals
were "artested on various charges such as "caring for
our youth" and "being too invoh~ed with kids." The
pledges exceeded SSOA00. "We are still collecting" ~ -
said Commissioner Libbin. In only the first year, it
was the biggest tLnd-raiser for the Kiwanis Club to
date. Those giving time and money were "picked up"
by Miami Beach police, brought into the court room
(The Shore Club) where the judge heard the charges
and immediately sent to "lock-up" until they each
raised the pledged "bail" amount.
The detainees worked their cell phones to reach
their bail, and real estate executive Carol Houscn
was among them. "Giving back is just my +vav ~~f
life. I've been blessed on a universal scale
and there arc some people that amn't
as blessed, so giving provides a sort of
balance." Commissioner Libbin aercc~l
with Houscn saying "it's a part of who I
am; from dcvclopingjob skills training feu , ~ +
our kids who need it most, to working ~r ~
protect and serve our elderly...communit~
building is essential to ~
mc." Libbin pointed out
- that the people that gave
,o-• to the Jail & Bail efii~rt ~
,'i droves that you don't ~
• ~i..,'}~av~ to be an elected I
~~ci{iicial to give back
. vul make a difTerence.
t. Libaip expressed his
in being a member
die focal Kiwanis, an
ni2ation with a rich
c{~ of supporting ~