LTC 175-2009 Cleanliness Index & Asssessment Results FY 08-09 Q-2m MIAMIBEAC -l,~~~
2009 JVL - I Pt4 I ~ 4 I
LTC # i~5-ZOO9 ~~TY ~'~-~_`'~'~~ ~~ ~'~~nER TO COMMISSION
TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission
FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager
DATE: July 1, 2009
SUBJECT: Cleanliness Index & Assessment Program Results for FY 2008/09 Quarter 2
The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to communicate the results of the award winning
Cleanliness Index and Assessment program from FY2008/09 Quarter 2 (January 1, 2009 to
March 31, 2009).
The Miami Beach Public Area Cleanliness Index is an objective measurement of performance
ranging from 1.0 (Very Clean) to 6.0 (Very Dirty) and includes assessments of litter, litter/
garbage cans/dumpsters, organic material, and fecal matter. The results of the assessments are
used to monitor the impacts of recently implemented initiatives to target areas for future
improvements, and assure the quality of services.
During FY2006/07, the City tightened the target for the Citywide and area-specific cleanliness
indices from 2.0 to 1.5 -the lower the score on the cleanliness index indicates a cleaner area.
This target continues to be the same for both FY2007/08 and FY 2008/09. As important, the City
also has a goal to ensure that 90 percent of assessments score 2.0 or better.
Summary of the Cleanliness Assessment Results FY 2008/ 09 Quarter 2
Overall, the citywide cleanliness index remained steady during FY08/09 Quarter 2 when
compared to the same quarters in FY2006/07 and FY 2007/08. All public areas achieved the FY
2005/06 target of 2.0 or better during FY 2008/09 Quarter 2, except for waterways with an
overall score of 2.06. Also, during this quarter, scores improved in all areas, especially the alleys
with a 16% improvement when compared to the same quarter in FY 2007/08.
In general, the City's cleanliness has steadily progressed as evidenced by the index, anecdotal
information, and results of our most recent resident surveys. Although staff continues to refine
and to focus on target areas, our overall incremental improvement has become more modest.
Staff is also pursuing the possibility of improving cleanliness index scores through changes in
the City Code as well as changes in how the Code is enforced. These changes take more time
to be vetted in our public process and not all will be feasible.
Positive and Improved Areas in FY 2008/09 Quarter 2
• Alleys -Improved by 16% when compared to the same quarter in FY2007/08 and 32%
when compared to the same quarter in FY2005/06. Also, scores in the North Beach
area improved by 30% when compared to FY2008/09 Quarter 1 and by 23% when
compared to the same quarter in FY 2007/08. This has been attributed to an increase in
Police presence in this area. In addition, scores are expected to continue to improve as
a result of the repavement of additional alleys in South Beach and the repavement of
alleys in the North Beach area that are scheduled to commence during Quarter 4.
• Residential Streets and Sidewalks -Scores improved by 8% for streets when compared
to the same quarter in FY2007/08 and 5% for sidewalks for the same period. Also,
residential street and sidewalk scores improved by 16% when compared to the same
quarter in FY 2005/06.
Areas of Focus
Parkins Lots -Overall scores remained almost the same during FY 2008/09 Quarter 1
and Quarter 2, but continue to be an area of focus with poor litter and garbage can scores
due to overflowing trash. The latter has been tied to the impact caused by the shift from
city crews to contracted haulers now picking up garbage cans in the city's parking lots. Up
until FY2008/09 Quarter 3, the contractors were not picking up the garbage cans seven
days a week, but this has now changed and scores will likely improve after the second half
of Quarter 3. In addition, litter continues to be tied to parking lots close to construction
sites. The Parking Department along with the Sanitation Division will explore incorporating
an impact fee to the monthly rent paid by construction companies when renting a surface
lot for their employees. This new approach will also be explored for residential construction
sites. Also, illegal dumping appeared as an area of focus on parking lots in the Middle
Beach area. The Sanitation Division will coordinate with Code Compliance to increase
their presence in this area similar to how it is being done in the North Beach area.
Waterways -Overall scores continue to be an area of focus, mainly due to litter
accumulation on the edge of the water, as well as on the water bank. Illegal dumping also
appeared as an area of concern along the waterways in the North Beach areas. Indeed,
one of the main sources of illegal dumping come from shopping carts found in the water.
The Public Works Department will research other communities that may have restrictions
in place related to taking shopping carts away from business areas as a means for trying
to control this situation. In addition, the main area of concern in the waterways is the
hotspots during the weekend. Public Works will speak with the contractor in order to
change the day waterway hotspots are cleaned from Monday to Friday.
Cleanliness Kev Intended Outcome
Cleanliness was identified in our community surveys as a key driver impacting overall quality of
life. Although additional improvement is still needed, since the inception of the cleanliness
assessment program, the City has seen noted increases in overall service levels and
satisfaction in the community in this important service area.
Cleanliness Index Score Per Public Area (target = 1.5)
FY20 05/06 (Base Year) _
Public Area Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 FY Score
Overall Cit Score 2.20 1.94 2.24 2.03 2.10
Streets` 2.07 1.98 2.22 1.84 2.03
Not including alleys I"a,;; 1.Sb 2.16 1.74 1.94
Commercial -Entertainment if
~ 1.78 2.44 1.74 1.95
2.25 1.87
2.11 1.75
1.74 1.83
Alleys•• 2.46 2.69 2.75 2.49 2.60
Sidewalks 2.02 2.05 2.33 1.84 2.06
Commercial -Entertainment - 2.50 1.86 2.04
2.08 2.15
2.35 1.79
Parkin 2.25 2.26 2.30 2.01 2.21
Waterwa 2.77 2.12 2.93 2.53 2.59
Beach Areas
City of Miami Beach Responsibility
Miami-Dade Counly Responsibility
2,02 1.66
1.7$ 2.04
P ublic Area FY 2007/08 % FY Change
from base ear FY 2008/09 % FY Change from
Base Year
Overall Ci Score 1.78 -15.1 % 1.75 '' ~.
Streets" 1.66 -18.0 % 1.69 -15.3
Not including alleys 1.57 -19.1 % 1.59 -15.7
Commercial -Entertainment 1.56 -20.1 % 1.56 -16.0
Commercial -Non-Entertainment 1.51 -17.6 % 1.60 -12.9
Residential 1.63 -18.9 % 1.64 -17.2%
Alleys" 2.28 -12.2% 2.07 -19.3
Sidewalks 1.66 -19.3°/ 1.72 -14.4
Commercial -Entertainment 1.61 -21.0 % 1.68 -14.7
Commercial -Non-Entertainment 1.64 -16.0 % 1.75 -10.6
Residential 1.74 -18.7 % 1.75 -16.8%
Parks 1.75 -7.8 % 1.52 -19.3
Parkin 1.81 -17.9% 1.87 -14.6
Waterwa 2.08 -19.7% 2.09 -17.0%
Beach Areas
City of Miami Beach Responsibility 1.75 -5.3 % 1.59 -14.7
Miami-Dade County Responsibility 1.91 -1.1 % 1.70 -11.5
Public Area 41 Q2 Q3 Q4 FY Score
% change from
prior Qtr
% change in
prior FY Qtr
% change hom
same quarter in
base year
Overall Ci Score 1.69 1.76 4.1 % 0.1 % -8.9°ro
Streets' 1.80 1.64 •8.?`E -5.1% -17.1%
Not ixluding alleys 1.66 1.59 -4.4 % -3.0 % •14.1
Commercial-Entertainment 1.68 1.61 -4.5% 0.4% •10.0%
Commercial-Non-Entertainment 1.74 1.51 •13.3 % -4.7 % •19.3
Residential 1.57 1.63 3.9% -7.9% -15.7%
Alleys" 2.21 1.83 -17.3% -16.2 % •32.0
Sidewalks 1.77 1.70 -4.1 % d.5 % •17.1
Commercial-Entertainmen 1.73 1.66 -4.0% •3.3% •14.9%
Commercial-Non-Entertainment 1.88 1.73 •B.1% -2.4% -19.4%
Residential 1.80 1.77 •1.7 % •5.0 % -16.1
Parks 1.58 10.4% -0.7% 3.5%
Parking 1.96 1.92 -2.1 % 3.5 % -14.9
Waterway 2.18 2.06 •5.6 % 5.2 % •2.7°/
Beach Areas
City of Miami Beach Responsibility 1.66 1.67 -0.9 % 1.2 % -0.6
Miami-Dade County Responsibility 1.71 1.54 •10.0 % •10.9 % •13.4
`Private 1 Business garbage dumpsters scores are not used in the calculation of this score.
" Private I Business garbage dumpsters were not assessed in FY05 04 and FY06 Q1.
Note: Target in FY2005106 was 2.0 and was charged to 1.5 in FY2006107
Percentage of Assessments scoring 2.0 or better (target = 90%
FY2 O051O6 (Base year)
Public Area Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 FY Score
Ci de 57.5% 71.1% 56.7% 75.5% 65.2%
Streets 65.7% 79.2% 63.9% 84.8% 73.4%
Commercial-Entertainment 66.1% 81.1% 47.5% 74.6% 67.3%
Commercial-Non-Entertainment 76.7% 72.2% 82.4% '$ 82.3%
Residential 56.8% 84.6% 66.2% 86.1% 73.5%
Sidewalks 62.6% 68.7% 56.4% 79.3% 66.7%
Commercial-Entertainment 69.2% 71.8% 41.7% 71.7% 63.6%
Commercial-Non-Entertainment 63.5% 56.4% 79.8% 87.4% 71.8%
Residential 52.4% 78.1 % 52.1 % 82.2% 66.2%
Alle s* 37.7% 36.8% 37.0% 56.2% 41.9%
Parks 46.3% 88.0% 68.2% 63.8% 66.6%
Parkin 48.0% 59.5% 49.2% 69.0% 56.4%
Waterwa 42.9% 83.7% 34.5% 56.8% 54.5%
Beach CMB 64.1% 83.8% 66.0% 78.5% 73.1%
Beach MDC 75.3% 78.4% 53.9% 77.2% 71.2%
Public Area
FY 2006107 Difference from
base ear
FY 2007108 Difference from
Base Year
Cit 'de 82.4% 17.2% 80.3% 15.1%
Streets 89.8°,% 16.4% 87.4% 14.1 °lo
Commercial-Entertainment 90.1 % 22.7% 88.2% 20.8%
Commercial -Non-Entertainment 92.4% 10.1 % 88.5% 6.2%
Residential 85.6% 12.1% 86.1% 12.7%
Sidewalks 87.6% 20.8% 80.8% 14.1%
Commercial-Entertainment 89.8% 26.2% 84.8% 21.2%
Commercial -Non-Entertainment 88.0% 16.2% 77.7% 5.9%
Residential 84.1% 17.9% 78.3% 12.1%
Alle S* 59.6% 17.7% 63.8% 21.9%
Parks 76.8% 10.2% 86.2% 19.6%
Parkin 76.4% 19.9% 74.4% 18.0%
Waterwa 69.4% 14.9% 69.5% 15.1%
Beach CMB 81.4% 8.3% 86.2% 13.1%
Beach MDC 74.0% 2.8% 84.5% 13.3%
Public Area
FY Score
Difference from
prior Qtr Difference
from prior FY
Qtr Difference from
same quarter in
base year
Ci 'de 76.2% 80.9% ~.u"c 1.Lo 9.e:
Streets 82.4% 89.8°~'0 1.4% 3,9°/a 10.6%
Commercial-Entertainment 80.5% 91.0% 10.4°io 4.5% 9.9%
Commercial-Non-Entertainment 77.8% 91.0% 13.2% 2.5% 18.9%
Residenfial 89.7% 86.5%0 •3.2% 3.6% 1.8%
Sidewalks 79.7% 882% 8.5% 6.9% 19.5%
Commercial•Entertainment 82.7% 8.7% 72°'0 19.6%
Commercial-Non-Entertainment 69.4% 82.9% 13.5°io 0.6% 26.5%
Residential 83.1% 85.7% 2.6% 10.5% 7.6%
Alle ' 50.0% 76.5% 26.5% 12.9% 39.1%
Parks ,~..$1, 75.7% •16.0% •O.S% •12.3%
Parkin 70.0% 67,9% •2.1% •8.9% 8.4%
Watenva 68.3% 712% 3.0°,/0 -0.9% •12.5%
Beach CMB 80.3% 72.6% •7.7% •11.4% •11.2%
Beach MDC) 75.8% 89.3% 13.6% 10.0% 11.0%
Next Quarter Assessments
City employees and Neighborhood Leadership Academy alumni and students are conducting
cleanliness assessments every quarter. If you or any member of your staff is interested in
participating in the City's Public Area Cleanliness Program, please contact Isabel Stillone with
the Office of Budget and Performance Improvement at extension 6354.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.
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