2009-27117 ResoRESOLUTION NO. 2009-27117
WHEREAS, during the 2009 session, the Florida Legislature enacted Chapter 2009-89,
Laws of Florida (House Bill 5013); and
WHEREAS, Section 7 of House Bill 5013 authorizes the Florida Department of
Community Affairs (DCA) to implement an Energy Economic Zone Pilot Program (the
"Program"), to develop a model for use by other communities; and
WHEREAS, on July 2, 2009, DCA published notice of a Request for Proposals to be
designated as an "Energy Economic Zone Pilot Program"; and
WHEREAS, the proposed model program should address cultivating green economic
development, encourage renewable electric energy generation, promote the development of
green gobs, and further implement House Bill 697, 2008, relative to discouraging sprawl,
energy-efficient land use patterns and greenhouse gas reduction strategies; and
WHEREAS, in order to apply to the Program, local governments must provide
demonstrated commitment to energy conservation, carbon reduction, green building, and
economic development; and
WHEREAS, the local government must show strong leadership, commitment and
support for participation in the Program, including a Resolution demonstrating support for
participation in the Program; and
WHEREAS, the City proposes that all areas of the City of Miami Beach be included in
the proposed Energy Economic Zone; and
OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission express
support for the City's participation in the State of Florida's Energy Economic Zone Pilot
Program; further authorizing the City's submission of a proposal to said pilot program requesting
Energy Economic Zone Pilot Program designation.
PASSED and ADOPTED this 15thday of July , 2009.
-/ f ~~ a
City Clerk
Robert Parcher
T:WGENDA\2009Wu1y 15\Consent\Energy Economic Zone.doc
Matti Herrera Bower AppROVED AS TO
,~(.---- ~ jg ~~
ity Attorney Date
Condensed Title:
A Resolution expressing support for participation in the State's Energy Economic Zone Pilot Program, and
authorizing submission of a proposal to the program
Ke Intended outcome 5u orted:
Enhance the environmental sustainability of the community.
Supporting Data (Surveys, Environmental Scan, etc.): 84.8% of residents reported that their
verall quality of life within the City of Miami Beach is either excellent or good, up from 75% in 2007;
1.5% reported a willingness to use local bus circulators as an alternative to taking a car, and 16.8%
e orted a willin Hess to ride bic cles as an alternative.
Shall the City apply for designation as an Energy Economic Zone Pilot Program?
Item Summa /Kecommendation:
During the 2009 session, the Florida Legislature enacted Chapter 2009-89, Laws of Florida (House Bill 5013).
Section 7 of House Bill 5013 authorizes the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) to implement an
Energy Economic Zone Pilot Program (the "Program"), to develop a model for use by other communities. On July 2,
2009, DCA published notice of a Request for Proposals to be designated as an "Energy Economic Zone Pilot
Program" in Florida Administrative Weekly (attached); proposals are due on July 31, 2009.
The proposed model program should address cultivating green economic development, encourage renewable
electric energy generation, promote the development of green jobs, and further implement House Bill 697, 2008,
relative to discouraging sprawl, energy-efficient land use patterns and greenhouse gas reduction strategies. The
proposal shall present a strategic plan for development and redevelopment in the energy economic zone, and must
include mixed-use and form-based standards that integrate multimodal transportation facilities with land use and
development patterns to reduce reliance on automobiles, encourage certified green building developments and
renewable energy systems, encourage creation of green jobs, and demonstrate how local financial and regulatory
incentives will be used in the energy economic zone.
The City of Miami Beach has implemented many programs recently that are consistent with the goals and objectives
of the State of Florida's Energy Economic Zone Pilot Program, and which make Miami Beach an ideal candidate for
designation as a Energy Economic Zone. These include, but are not limited to, the creation of the sustainability
Committee, the Preliminary Energy Assessment Summary Report, the proposed shared-car program; bicycle rental
program, green building initiatives, water conservation initiatives, and other programs. The Administration
recomrr:.ends that the Mayor and City Commission adopt the Resolution authorizing application to the program.
Board Recommendation:
Financial Information:
Source of Amount Account
Funds: ~
N/A 2
OBPI Total
Financial Impact Summary: Requires that staff resources are allocated for grant application,
management, and meeting minimum reporting requirements. These requirements can be met
with existin resources.
City Clerk's Office Legislative Tracking:
~ Kevin Crowder, Economic Development, City Manager's Office
De rtment Director As ant City Manager City Manager
v L...J
J~ /~ ~ ~ A /~ ~ Q ~ /~ ~ AGENDA ITEM C~/"
J 1( ~ / '~/ ~ (,] /~~~ DATE 7 ~S O
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov
TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission
FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager
DATE: July 15, 2009
Adopt the Resolution,
During the 2009 session, the Florida Legislature enacted Chapter 2009-89, Laws of Florida
(House Bill 5013). Section 7 of House Bill 5013 authorizes the Florida Department of
Community Affairs (DCA) to implement an Energy Economic Zone Pilot Program (the
"Program"), to develop a model for use by other communities. On July 2, 2009, DCA published
the attached notice in Florida Administrative Weekly, soliciting proposals to be designated as
an Energy Economic Zone Pilot Program.
Proposals are due to the DCA on July 31, 2009, and the proposed model program should
address cultivating green economic development, encourage renewable electric energy
generation, promote the development of green jobs, and further implement House Bill 697,
2008, relative to discouraging sprawl, energy-efficient land use patterns and greenhouse gas
reduction strategies. The proposal shall present a strategic plan for development and
redevelopment in the energy economic zone, and must include mixed-use and form-based
standards that integrate multimodal transportation facilities with land use and development
patterns to reduce reliance on automobiles, encourage certified green building developments
and renewable energy systems, encourage creation of green jobs, and demonstrate how local
financial and regulatory incentives will be used in the energy economic zone.
Demonstrated Commitment by the Local Government
The applicant must provide documentation to demonstrate a commitment to energy
conservation, carbon reduction, green building, and economic development. This includes
existing programs, certifications, committees, or resolutions that demonstrate the locale's
commitment, as well as existing partnerships. Local leadership, commitment and support
should be provided, and the applicant must be willing to allocate staff resources for grant
application, management, and meeting the minimum reporting requirements of the program.
Commission Memorandum
July 15, 2009
Energy Economic Zone Pilot Program
Page 2 of 3
On October 17, 2007, the Miami Beach City Commission adopted a Resolution endorsing the
US Conference of Mayors Climate Protection Agreement and setting, as goals of the City the
adoption of policies and programs that implement in Miami Beach actions that strive to protect
the environment. Additionally, the Mayor of Miami Beach signed the Climate Protection
Agreement. The City also committed to the goal of commissioning a comprehensive detailed
environmental assessment to identify a number of energy savings measures. In addition to
these items, the City of Miami Beach has recently initiated or implemented many other
programs that are consistent with the goals and objectives of the State of Florida's Energy
Economic Zone Pilot Program, and which make Miami Beach an ideal candidate for
designation as a Energy Economic Zone. In addition to the Preliminary Energy Assessment
conducted by Ameresco, initiatives such as the creation of the Sustainability Committee, the
proposed shared-car program; the bicycle rental program, green building initiatives, water
conservation initiatives, growth management initiatives and other programs should position
Miami Beach as a strong candidate for designation.
By implementing these measures, the City of Miami Beach is taking into account the
implementation plans and activities of adjacent units of local governments, including, but not
limited to: Miami-Dade County, by supporting the County's Water and Sewer plan to reduce
the consumption of potable water; South Florida Water Management District's plan to reduce
the consumption of potable water and other neighboring local governments who are also
tasked with protecting water resources on behalf of 7.5 million South Floridians. These
projects fully support South Florida Water Management District's WaterSense and Conserve
Florida programs.
Location of the Proposed Energy Economic Zone
The applicant must identify the location of the proposed Zone, which must be within an
adopted Urban Service Area. The Applicant must document that the proposed zone is an area
that lends itself to mixed-use and form-based standards, multimodal transportation facilities,
and/or renewable energy facilities. The zone should allow for the promotion of land use and
development patterns to: reduce reliance on automobiles; encourage certified green building
development; encourage the creation of green jobs; and demonstrate how local financial and
regulatory incentives will be used in the energy economic zone.
Strategic Plan for Development and Redevelopment
The strategic plan should address development and redevelopment, and include or
demonstrate the following components, as applicable: promote mixed-use and form-based
standards; reduce reliance on automobiles; encourage certified green building development;
encourage the creation of green jobs; and demonstrate how local financial and regulatory
incentives will be used in the energy economic zone.
Applicants must also demonstrate that the strategic plan is consistent with the local
government's comprehensive plan, or identify the necessary proposed comprehensive plan
amendments to achieve consistency with the strategic plan. Additionally, the applicant must
identify the proposed comprehensive plan amendments relative to discouraging sprawl and
developing energy-efficient land use patterns and greenhouse gas reduction strategies.
Benefits of Designation
At this time, the pilot program does not provide funding opportunities for the City, and is
intended to develop a model for use by other communities. The DCA and the Office of
Tourism, Trade and Economic Development (OTTED) shall provide the pilot community,
including businesses within the energy economic zone, with technical assistance in identifying
Commission Memorandum
July 75, 2009
Energy Economic Zone Pilof Program
Page 3 of 3
and qualifying for eligible grants and credits in job creation, energy, and other areas. DCA and
OTTED shall submit an interim report to the Governor and the Legislature in 2010, which must
include whether it would be beneficial to provide financial incentives similar to those offered in
an enterprise zone. While future actions by the Legislature are unknown and cannot be
predicted, many times pilot programs become permanent programs, which may include
funding assistance to the designees.
Additionally, the objectives of the program include the identification of opportunities to cultivate
green economic development and attract and enhance investment in clean technologies.
Designation by the state will demonstrate the commitment of the City to green economic
development, and may help expose local opportunities to businesses, entrepreneurs and
investors that are specifically interested in sustainability. Designation will also enhance the
City's "quality of place" image, an increasingly important factor considered by the
entrepreneurial community.
Finally, designation of the City as an Energy Economic Zone should greatly enhance the City's
efforts to compete in other energy and sustainability related programs, including targeted
federal earmarks as well as state, federal and private grant competitions.
The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission adopt the Resolution
supporting the City's application to the program.
Florida Administrative Weekly, June 2, 2009 Notice
Energy Economic Zone Pilot Program Application Form
T:\AGENDA\2009\July 15\Consent\Energy Economic Zone Memo.doc
Floritfa Ad»:inistrative WeeklJ~ volume 35, Number 26, JulJ, 2, 2009
Sub-applicants may include a maximum of 5% of the total
funds requested (Federal and non-Federal shares) for their
project sub-application for management costs to support the
project. Sub-applicant cost activities must be consistent with
the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-87.
Eligible Activities
Proposed hazard mitigation projects must primarily focus
on natural hazards but also may address hazards caused by
manmade forces. Funding is restricted to a maximum of $3
million Federal share per project sub-application. The Federal
share will cover 75% of the project cost. Sub-applicants are
required to provide the remaining 25% in matching funds. All
project submissions must have a Benefit Cost Analysis of 1 or
Electronic Submissions
Applicants MUST use the electronic grants (e-Or'ants)
ntanaeemant system to submit PDM Grant applications. Only
PDM-C grant applications submitted through the e-C;rartts
systern will he accepted by FEM.A. In order to log on to the
e-Grants system, please go to https://portal.fema.gov/famsVu/
dynamiclindex.html. Click on the New User button, Enter the
information the systern is requesting. Once the registration
form is completed the System is going to ask you for an .leccss
Code.:1t this time you should enter S l2, Please email the
Division once you have completed your registration so thatyou
::an be granted access to create an application. if your
community's delegation of signature authority requires that
sorneone other than the preparcr of the application sign off on
it, please be aware that you will need to create a separate
registration For that person.
Submission Deadline
The. deadline for submitting FY 2010 PDM-1 grant
applications to the State of Florida is Friday. November 6;
3009 by 4:~9 ~ESI'). If you are interested in participating in
this year's PD;\9 application cycle, please visit the Division of
Emergency Managernenrs website at http://www.florida
disaster.org/Mitigation/PreDisaster/index.htm for further
information regarding the program and submitting an
Request for proposals to be designated an "Energy Economic
lone Pilot Program" as authorized by Chapter 2009-089, Laws
of Florida, [I-{B 5013, 2009].
1'he Florida Department of Community Affairs (Department)
announces a submittal period for proposals from local
governments requesting to participate in the "Energy
F.,conomic Zone Pilot Program."
DEADLINE: Submissions will be accepted beginning on July
2, 2009, and ending at 5:00 p.m. (EDT), July 31, 2009.
Submissions must be received in the Florida Department of
Community Affairs, Division of Community Planning, by the
above stated deadline.
SUBMISSION: Copies of Chapter 2009-089, Laws of Florida,
[HB 5013, 2009], and proposal application, may be obtained
by visiting the Department's website at http://www.dca.state.
fl.us!, calling: Suzanne Lex at (80)922-0047 or by writing:
Department of Community Affairs, Division of Community
Planning, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida
32399-2100, Attention: Plan Processing Energy Economic
Zone Pilot Program.
Requests for designation may be made in any style with one
hard copy and one electronic copy in a PDF format on a
CD-Rom. The proposal should address cultivating gnecn
economic development, encouraging renewable electric energy
generation, manufacturing ofproducts that contribute to energy
conservation and green jobs, and further implementing Chapter
2008-191, Laws of Florida, [HB G97, 2008] relative to
discouraging sprawl, energy-efficient land use patterns, and
greenhouse gas reduction strategies. The proposal shall
identify the proposed location of the energy economic zone,
which must. be within an adopted urban service area and may
include a county landfill outside the urban service boundary,
The proposal shall present a proposed strategic plan for
development and redevelopment in the energy economic zone,
and, at minimum, the strategic plan must include mixed-use
and form-based standards that integrate multimodal
transportation facilities with land use and development patterns
to reduce reliance on automobiles, encourage certified green
building developments and renewable energy systems,
encourage creation of green jobs, and demonstrate how local
financial and regulatory incentives will be used in the energy
economic zone.
ADDRESS: For mail and carrier service deliveries, the
delivery address is; Department of Community Affairs,
Division of Community Planning 2555 Shumard Oak
Boulevard, Attention: Plan Processing, Energy Economic
Zone, Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100. For hand deliveries, the
delivery location is: Department of Community Affairs
Division of Community Planning, Sadowski Building, 2555
Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, FL.
LIMITS ON DESIGNATIONS: Under the provisions of
Chapter 2009-089, Laws of Florida, [HB 5013, 2009], at least
one local govennnent shall be designated as an "Energy
Economic Zone Pilot Program."
Section XIl -Miscellaneous 3243
Florida AJministrarlve Ii'eekly Volume 35, Number 26, July 2, 2009
MORE INFORMATION: Interested patties may obtain more
information from the Department website at http://www.dca.
state.fl.us/, by contacting: Suzanne Lex, Florida Department of
Community Affairs at (850)922-0047 or by writing the above
stated address.
Notice of Publication for a New Point
Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer in a County of More
than 300,000 Population
Pursuant to Section 320.642, Florida Statutes, notice is
given that Snyder Computer Systems, Inc. d/b/a Wildfire
Motors, intends to allow the establishment of 5th Avenue
.iewelry and Pawn, inc., as a dealership for the sale of
motorcycles manufactured by Chongqing Hi-Bird Motorcycle
Industry Co. Ltd. (HIBR) at 8201. US Highway 19, Port Richey
(Pasco County), Florida 34654, on or after July 12, 2009.
The name and address of the dealer operator(s) and
principal investor(s) of 5th Avenue Jewelry and Pawn, Inc. are
dealer operator(s): Heath Schneider, 11928 Tasha Court, Ncw
Port Richey, Florida 34654; principal investor(s): Heath
Schneider, 11928 Tasha Court, New Port Richey, Florida
The notice indicates intent to establish the new point
location in a county of more than 300,000 population,
according to the latest population estimates of the University of
Florida, Bureau of Economic and Business Research.
Certain dealerships of the same line-make may have
standing, pursuant to Section 320.642, Florida Statutes, to file
a petition or complaint protesting the application.
Written petitions or complaints must be received by the
Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles within 30
days of the date of publication of this notice and must be
submitted to: Nalini Vinayak, Administrator, Dealer License
Section, Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles,
Room A-312, MS 65, Neil Kirkman Building, 2900 Apalachee
Parkway, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0635.
A copy of such petition or complaint must also be sent by
U.S. Mail to: Dan Vogel, Snyder Computer Systems, Inc. d/b/a
Wildfire Motors, 11 Technology Way, Steubenville, Ohio
If no petitions or complaints arc received within 30 days
of the date of publication, a final order will be issued by the
Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles approving
the establishment of the dealership, subject to the applicant's
compliance with the provisions of Chapter 320, Florida
Notice of Publication for a New Point
Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer in a County of More
than 300,000 Population
Pursuant to Section 320.642, Florida Statutes, notice is
given that Snyder Computer Systems, Inc. d/bia Wildfire
Motors, intends to allow the establishment of 5th Avenue
Jewelry and Pawn, Inc., as a dealership for the sale of
motorcycles manufactured by Zhejiang .liajue Apollo Vehicle
Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (J1AJ) at 8201 US Highway l9, Port
Richey (Pasco County), Florida 34654, on or after July 12,
The name and address of the dealer operator(s) and
principal investor(s) of 5th Avenue Jewelry and Pawn, Inc. are
dealer operator(s): Heath Schneider, 11928 Tasha Court, New
Port Richey, Florida 34654; principal investor(s): Heath
Schneider, 11928 Tasha Court, New Port Richey, Florida
The notice indicates intent to establish the new point
location in a county of more than 300,000 population,
according to the latest population estimates of the University of
Florida, Bureau of Economic and Business Research.
Certain dealerships of the same line-make may have
standing, pursuant to Section 320.642, Florida Statutes, to file
a petition or complaint protesting the application.
Written petitions or complaints must be received by the
Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles within 30
days of the date of publication of this notice and must be
submitted to: Nalini Vinayak, Administrator, Dea}er License
Section, Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles,
Room A-312, MS 65, Neil Kirkman Building, 2900 Apalachee
Parkway, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0635.
A copy of such petition or complaint must also be scot by
U.S. ,Mail to: Dan Vogel, Snyder Computer Systems, Inc. d/b/a
Wildfire Motors, 11. Technology Way, Steubenville, Ohio
If no petitions or complaints are received within 30 days
of the date of publication, a final order will be issued by the
Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles approving
the establishment of the dealership, subject to the applicant's
compliance with the provisions of Chapter 320, Florida
Notice of Publication for a New Point
Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer in a County of More
than 300,000 Population
Pursuant to Section 320.642, Florida Statutes, notice is
given that Snyder Computer Systems, Inc. d/b/a Wildfire
Motors, intends to allow the establishment of 5th Avenue
Jewelry and Pawn, Inc., as a dealership for the sale of
motorcycles manufactured by Kinroad Xintian ;Motorcycle
3244 Section XIl - Miscellaneous
Applicant Information
Municipality: County:
Mailing Address:
Contact Phone Number:
Contact Fax Number:
Contact Email Address:
Please identify the person responsible for preparing this application.
Organizational Affiliation:
Application Requirements
Applications must be received by July 31, 2009. Submit applications to:
Department of Community Affairs
Division of Community Planning
Attention Plan Processing/Suzanne K. Lex
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Room 370E
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100
Call Suzanne K. Lex at (850) 922-0047 with any questions. The proposal may be in
any style (text, graph or pictorial). Submit one original and one PDF copy on a CD-
Part I. Demonstrated Commitment by the Local Government
[Chapter 2009-89, Laws of Florida, Section 7., Subsection(2)(c)]
Provide documentation to demonstrate a commitment to energy conservation, carbon
reduction, green building, and economic development. The following are examples of
supporting documentation that may be provided as deemed appropriate by the local
1. Demonstration of a prior commitment to energy conservation, carbon reduction,
green building, and economic development.
a. List programs, certifications, committees, or resolutions that demonstrate a
commitment to energy conservation, carbon reduction, green building, and economic
development. Provide supporting documentation as necessary.
b. Identify intergovernmental and regional partnerships that demonstrate a commitment
to energy conservation, carbon reduction, green building, and economic development.
2. The comprehensive plan contains strategies related to the key program
a. The comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies specifically address energy
b. The comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies specifically address strategies
for carbon reduction.
c. The comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies specifically address green
d. The comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies specifically address economic
3. The local government shows strong leadership, commitment and support for
participation in the Energy Economic Zone Pilot Program.
a. Resolution(s) demonstrating organizational and financial support for participation in the
Program. [Attach Resolution(s)]
b. Letters from elected officials in support of the Program. [Attach: Letter(s) of Support]
c. The local government has assigned staff with the responsibility for implementing the
program. [Program contact list; interdepartmental team members]
d. Identify potential enterprises; stakeholders; and/or community agencies for partnership
in the Program.
4. The local government is willing to commit technical and financial resources to the
Energy Economic Zone Pilot Program.
a. Staff resources are allocated for grant application and management.
b. Commitment to meet minimum reporting requirements of the program.
Part II. Location of the Proposed Energy Economic Zone
[Chapter 2009-89, Laws of Florida, Section 7., Subsection(2)(a)1. & Subsection (2)(b)]
Identify the location of the proposed Energy Economic Zone, which must be within an
adopted Urban Service Area or may include a landfill outside of the Urban Service Area.
Document that the proposed zone is an area that lends itself to mixed-use and form-based
standards, multimodal transportation facilities and/or renewable energy facilities. The zone
should allow for the promotion of land use and development patterns to: 1) reduce reliance on
automobiles; 2) encourage certified green building developments, and renewable energy
systems; 3) encourage creation of green jobs; and 4) demonstrate how local financial and
regulatory incentives will be used in the energy economic zone.
Documentation may be provided in any form (text, pictorial, or graph). The following are
examples of documentation that may be provided to illustrate the characteristics of the zone
as deemed appropriate by the local government.
1. Energy and Economic Zone located in the Urban Service Area:
a. The proposed zone lends itself to mixed-use and form-based standards, and
multimodal transportation facilities.
b. Map(s) of the Proposed Zone.
c. Photograph(s) showing existing uses and conditions of the proposed zone.
d. Descriptions of land use and development patterns.
e. Economic and demographic data.
f. Partnerships within the Zone.
2. Energy and Economic Zone located in a county landfill.
a. The proposed zone is an area that can accommodate energy facilities.
b. Map(s) of the Proposed Zone.
c. Photograph(s) showing existing uses and conditions of the proposed zone.
d. Descriptions of land use and development patterns.
e. Economic and demographic data.
f. Partnerships within the Zone.
Part III. Strategic Plan for Development and Redevelopment
[Chapter 2009-89, Laws of Florida, Section 7., Subsection(2)(a)2 and Subsection (2)(b)]
The strategic plan should address development and redevelopment in the energy
economic zone. The strategic plan must include or demonstrate the following components, as
applicable, to the proposed Energy Economic Zone(s):
1. Components of the Strategic Plan
a. The strategic plan includes the use of mixed-use and form-based standards that
integrate multimodal transportation facilities with land use and development patterns.
b. The strategic plan includes integrates land use and development patterns to reduce
reliance on automobiles.
c. The strategic plan integrates land use and development patterns to encourage green
economic development.
d. The strategic plan integrates land use and development patterns to encourage certified
green building development.
e. The strategic plan integrates land use and development patterns renewable energy
f. The strategic plan demonstrates how local financial and regulatory incentives will be
used in the energy economic zone and encourages creation of green jobs.
Part IV. Consistency of the Strategic Plan with the Local Comprehensive Plan
[Chapter 2009-89, Laws of Florida, Section 7., Subsection(2)(a)3]
Demonstrate that the strategic plan is consistent with the local government's
comprehensive plan; or, identify the necessary proposed comprehensive plan amendments to
achieve consistency with the strategic plan.
1. The proposed strategic plan is consistent with the local government's
Comprehensive Plan, or proposes Comprehensive Plan amendment(s) to implement
the strategic plan.
a. The goals, objectives and policies include standards for mixed-use development and
form-based standards that integrate multimodal transportation facilities and reduce
reliance on automobiles.
b. The goals, objectives and policies include standards for integrated land use and
development patterns to encourage certified green building development.
c. The goals, objectives and policies include standards for integrated land use and
development patterns for renewable energy systems.
d. The goals, objectives and policies include standards for local financial and regulatory
incentives to be used in the energy economic zone.
e. The goals, objectives and policies support the creation of green jobs.
Part V. Comprehensive Plan Amendments to Implement Chapter 2008-191, Laws of
Florida [Chapter 2009-89, Laws of Florida, Section 7., Subsection(2)(a)4]
Identify the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment(s) to implement the Chapter
2008-191, Laws of Florida [HB 697, 2008], relative to discouraging sprawl and developing
energy-efficient land use patterns and greenhouse gas reduction strategies. The proposed
amendments can be outlined in any form. They may by grouped by element of the plan,
identified by the type of goal, or in any way as deemed appropriate by the local government.
1. Amendments are identified for the:
a. Future Land Use Element
b. Transportation Element
c. Conservation Element
d. Public Facilities Element(s)
e. Economic Element (Optional Element)
f. Additional Element Amendments
2. Amendments are identified for the following program goals:
a. Discourage sprawl
b. Develop energy-efficient land use patterns
c. Strategies to reduce greenhouse gases