First Amendment to Development Agreement~o~y- a-7 0 ~s ~ iIIIIII11811111llilliiflllHlllllllillllllll ilr: ed,. 7!~•9tt F'95 .'3J='. ~ it C4P9S:' {I~:::DFiDFC' tJd:`2"/2tJrt^ 1": it i iinHUCY FttFVl.h:r CLEF,Y, DF.t'OUF.T CIIAI'I•-D~DE !'(?UNFYr FL"uB.IC•ii '1~.`,i5 in;trumcnt preoarec by and ahzr recc+rdine ren,rn ir,: Lti:zir Sumbcrg Ltaena Price ~r .ASelrud LLP 200 South [3i,ca~`ne Rh•c., Suile 3500 Miami, Fluridz 3313 I -53»0 (Fur o:.,....dc,' ~ i is; C)I;t..,. FTRS7' ~\`IT.ND14);\ f T() Dl\T.T:OYVLR'~'T ACGRF.FNiLNT THIS FIRST :\MLhI>\`iF.\-I 1'L) DFV~LUT'\tE\"1' AGP.H~NIL\tT (lllis "Amendmen'." i i entered into as of the ~ clay ot'~/'L,t/I~~C _. -OGI. b)~ and between the CTl~1~ C)F A`IIA\41 BE:\CIT, FLORIDA, a rnutlicipal corporation of the State of Florida (the "Gift'") and t;L1 \`L~1~;\GliAIE?~T- i:LC, a Delawatr Iimitce, liability company ~"Developer"). kFCI'TAL.S ~. -I"he C'in of A4iami Reach, Florida. a municipal cotpc)ration o''the State oi' Florida (the "Cite"l, is the owner of certain land located on Lincoln Road beu~°een T.enox ~\venuc and Aron Road, ut iv~iiarni Beach. Florida, mot: parCicularh• described ut the attached F~hihil "A" ithc "Proiect Site" I• R. lu December 6. ?006, $m Cily Cotmision adopted Rcsolutirm Ivo. 3006-'_6423- approvin~~ a concepntal plan for the closure of T.incoh) Rood to vehicles benvecn Lenox .Avenue :uni Alton Road and cottstruction of a p~destriatt mal'.. C. In A~larch 1=i. 300?, the Cit)~ Commission adopted Resolution Vo. 300'-'_(x'144, approving a llevelonmcnt Agreement between the Cite and llevelor?er, for the design. development, and cersvuction ai' certain unpmvement, to the 1100 Block of Lincoln Road. in conjunction wi4t the project being developed by \`1Beachl. LLLP. au affiliate of L)eveloper, at 11 I :Lincoln Roail, Miami Bach. Plo~da (the "NfBcach': Prr+pcm~"). D. The City and llevek?per entered into a Development A~raemcnt dat::3 :~pril 11, 200: and recorded iu C)ficial Records Rook 2~~'•, Pare 1863 of the Public Records of \:Iiauu- Dadc Counn. Florida (the "Dovelopment :1~_reement"). E. Thdcr Section X3.1 of the Development A=rccmen!, the Developer a,~rccd to mat;:h the Citv's ,Art in I'uhli.• Ylaces (":1iYI"'~ contribtrtior. and the City a~7ecd that. Developer's AiPP cmttribuiina ~a`ould he utilized solely on the 1 ]O(? blocl. of Lincoln Road betvvccn Lena): vcrue and ;\Iton Read and that the aR and artis*s ,hail be t'evie~acd and sulecred pttrsttant to the City's esttiblished A}PY procedures, as set forth it the City of Nliatni Reach Code, as same may be amended from time to time. F. At its regu;ar nteetine on .apiil 1=, 300?. and in cc?piuttetion ~a:ith its cstalilished criteria, the :~iYY Committee passed a utotian establishing a Prol'cssional Advisory Committee ("Y;1C"? t"o' the selectioc of the nuhlic amiork to be sited on T,inrolu IZoatl. beri~'een Lenox avenue :ux1 Ahon Road. Ci. :1t the Votremhcr ~~. 200. PAC' meeting, the tnemhers of the .-^+iPY Comn'tittce snake wit}t Dan Cn-aitatn (the "Artist"), who discussed his concept for Lfic public ai-rirork to be sited on l.incoh:• Road, heta~cen Lenox Avenue and Alton Road; the PAC' unanimously agreed to proceed with a direct selection. and reconunended the Artist for the aiYY protect (hereinafter, Artist's proposal litr the nuhlic. amvork to he sited on Lincoln Road between Lenox ;\venue and Alton Road. may also he refe-red u? as the "AiPY Project") . H. At it meeting on .}unc 1, 30(15, [he .AiPP C.oturrtiuec ttnanimousl_v selected the prelilninaty proposa; for the ~iYF Project. 1. On .luly ?Q 3005. the 1\ei~hborhood~ Community Affairs Cotttmiucc revie~~ed anti .*eeamrnended approval of the :1iYY Project. J. On Au;ust ZU, 2005. a presentation was roads to the Lincoln Road ?~Terchants' Association. Board of Directors and the l,incoin Road \lerchants' Association voted unattitnously in supaoC of the AiYY Yr~lect. l On 5cptemher 3. 3005, a prescntat.ion «'as made to the Ci[~'s I)esi:m Keview' Roars and the I)esien Rceiew Raard unattimousl}` apnr:»cd the .aiPY Ytrject. l:. On October ?, 2005. the it4ayor of the City aztd Cite Contnrssion approved rite :~\iYY Project pursuant to Resolution \o. 3008 ~C:93~1 tthe "Resolution"). -1. The f:csolution author,~es the City ~9anager to negotiate an a~meemcnt w•iCn Deaeloper for the design, fahrication, utstallation and certain ongr» ng maintenance oi' the AiI'P Yr~ject. '~. The Gitc and Developer desire to amend the Devekpment :~grcement. as tnm-e patticularl) set forth in this Amendment, rt set forth. the terms and conditions of the dcsi~n, fabrication, irstallaion and maintenance of the .AiPY Yrc~ject. \O«' THEI2ETORGa', ut consideration of Che litregoing. the stun of 'l~en Dollars (~IU.00) and other ~_ood and +~aluable consideration, the receipt attd sufiiciencv of winch arc hereby acknowledged.. the parties. intatdim, to be legally hound. a,rcc as follows: .. Recitals. The iore~~ning recitals are Ttcreby incorporated herein and made a part hereof by this reference. CaPirali~.;d t:;rn:c not o$ternise defined herein have. the meanings ~uiv~.n to such: terms in the Development acreemi nt. '' Corrrctiun. Recital K in the. lleveloptnent Agreement is miuiified by delctutg the reference to "Resolution No. 30(?'-~649~" and replacing is vvillt "Resilution No. 200'- ? 6-1~iq". .~. AIPY PrO.)l:ct. Isil L)esi~m. Fabrication and lnstallatign. Developer shat; contract ~aiin thz :\rtist fin- fire design. Cabrianion and installation of the proposed artwork tc be crzatcd by inc \nist ithe ''.-\rrivork"j for the .4iPY Yrole~t ot: the Yroieci Site, in accordance w-itL the Anpro~eil Artvvut'k Desi~m Drawings (as defined heiowy. The cun-ent working till:; of the :'\t-t~mork is °Yavilion". The City hats approved the concephtai plan fo- the Artwork. Developer shall nroorl: ncith the .lrtist to complete the desitm devziopment of the Artwork. -l he City shall not he responsible fbr any feasibility casts in connection with the dcsi~m clcteloprncni of the Anwork. C!pon completion of the design devclopntent phase, Deveioper shall submit the foliovving to tttc Contract Administrator fer its appmv;il in accordance nvith the terms of ihc Agreement: tit $nal design drawings fee fabrication. fit) Artist prools, tiff! material samples, ~lv) Ar`Cnvork and Artwork suppcn-t specifications rbr inclusion in site construction doctunents, (et verified coot estimate- fvit subcontractor list, (vii} building permits, and lviii) a fabrication and installation schedule icollcciivel~. the "Ariticork Design Development Deliveries'j. Thz final design drawitt~~s, upon: approval from the Contras: !ldminisLator, sha!I lie referred to as the '7lpprovctl Arnnatrl: Uesi~m Drawutgs". L3ased on thz requi<'ements of tht approved .~rtnrot'k conceptttrtl dcsi~m. the Contract ,\dmhtisu-ator has the rich!. in his1rer discretion, to nnaivc the subtnihal of ann umtecessary :VTworl: llcsi~rn Uevelopmcnt Deliveries or postpanc the suhmirial of am such itznts to The fabrication and installation phc>tise of the Artwork for the AiYY Project on the Project Site. 1 f the total cos; of the :iesign, fabrication anG iti<suil iation of ihc :Lrtwork, s ret7ceted in fire verii5eil cost cstin;ate. exceeds S I X0.000. llcveloper shall have the right to eithe, pay the excess or tenniuate its a,rezmen: naith the :lrtis! for the desieu. f~tbrioat.iun and installation of inc Artwork. in which case thz terms of this Section . shall automaticall? he uull and void and Developer shat! automatically he rclezszd frotu alt obligations under this Section ~. However. Developer shall continue to have the c!hligation to match fire C'it~~s 1!-:•0•i~ of the Contract Sum fbr :LIFY in accordanc•.e w°itit the terms of Section X3.1 0l' the L)zvelupment Agreement. Developer shall obtaiu all necessary pern~its required h~' the City (or the fabrication and instaliation of the Amvork and shall provide such pennit~ to the Contract .4dtninisu-ator for review' and approval prior to fahricatiou. The City shall he responsible for payment of arty permit fees. Upon its approval oi' the permits and Arhaork Desi~m Development Deliveries and completion of art architectural cornlination review. Conu•aN Admittistrator shall instruct Ueveloper tit cause the ~'1Rist u, commence the fabrication oi`!hc :Lmn•orh by written instructions ir: fire for-rn of a ?notice to Yrocezd issued by Contrsc: Admittisu-ator. Developer shall ase reasonable effittts to cause thz ;'lrtist to complete the installation o` the :'\t'twork on inc Project Site on of hzlirre Final C:omplction of the LVork under the Devclopmertt -~1~reemettt. (bl Payment. Upon completion of Qtc :iesign and fabrication of the r'trtwork and presentation of an invoice by the Ueveloper to the City, the City sL•all contribute ?~z of the total costs oCthe design and fabrication of the ;1rria~ork. but nut to exceed 1;''S.UC10 lihc "City's i1iYY Contribution"1. Ixotnnithstanding the ~recedim~ sentence in this subszctiue >ihi. or any other tzmt of this Amatdment, Ueveloper shall be respc>nsihlc for ttre surtcrvision and adtnittistralion of the :1t'rivork From inocption to utstallation on the Pmlecl Site and final acceptance by dte Cit}. (c) Final Accentaucc. Upon completion cs(installution of the Artwork on the Yrojcct tine, Developer steal! obtain lntal acceptance oI' the. .4rrivork h~ the Cunu'aci Administrator. i'pon final acccp«3ttce of the Artwork by the Contract Administrttor has provided herein). (ii the Arneork shall he ot~'ned by ttte Cite atxl be a parr uiihe Ci[~'s permanent aiYY collection and. according)}. Developer shall eouvec [itle in the Artwork to the Cite ttu'ou~~h a Rill of Sale or such other instrument as is acocptahle m the City Auorncv: and (ii> Developer shall submit copies to the City of all photo~~raphic documentation and completed cataloguinx feints received )loin fire .artist atttl the Artist's architect that are in Developer's possession. if Developer utilizes computer lechnolo<w in the lahrication of the ;lrn~~ork. Developer shall stitnnii clectnroie copies of anv computer hies that tail) support oft-~oim= operations ar htture +i:p;itt'S and C0125cr~diiioii C,1 1.he .~lr~~'S~rk. I?pon t"teal acceptance of the ~'v'!worl: b~ the Cite and t'eceipt iaf the Rill of Sale {or such other itun-ument acceptable to the Cin Attorney), fire City shall thercaft~r he res:tonsiblc fn. irsuriu_ the !\mvork. The .~riat•ork shall he insured: by j:1t inc.ludinc the ;lttwork in the City's Fiue Art> iusut•ance policy fit' availaMc an:: 1?rovided tttc insurer accepts coi•craaei tahich, as ol'ihc date hereof, cun'ently corers the worlis of ;n-t in the Ross ~tuseurn and the public ctrl in the City's ~\rt ut Puhlic• Ylace~ (<\iYY); or, f131 if the City's insurer either dogs not accept atverage of the Amaork or the amount for such coverage (if oh[ainedi becomes conunercially uttreasonahle at any time after the iuilial procurement oi'same. incn the City may satisfy the insurance requircmcnt by self iusm-ing the Arttmo.k. T'hc deternin<uic»! that the c•.ost of the cover.-i«e to incur: the _lrtvvorl: itt the City's k itte Ar[s poiic}~ is cc»nmercially unroasonahle {attd, accordingly, the decision to self insure fire ?\myet$l. shall he made by and a'. all tintcs re~min t~'ithin the sole discretion and detenttinatieu of fire City 14ana_cr. If (at any timei the City elects to cover the Ariworlc under option (:11 lane) provided the insuret• accepts covara~~el, ,ach coverate steal' coca ti2z replaectneni cos[ of the 9rtwork (as daennined b~ tltz last appraised value of the \~'ork I<?r insurance purposesi. If lot any tirrui the City elects the opliun to sell insure rte Artwork under option {R}. the amount )teat the City shall be responsible for shall be at least equal to the sum of S+I ~U,000 (ta$ich amount represents the estimated total cost for rite dcsi~~n, ti<brication, and installation of the .~ntvari: as con[ctnplatcil by the pa.ties under the Development il~reement: provided hoayevc:, dta•. the. City's itbli,;ation under option {R! shal'_ b: ihrher subject to and ccmtingenl upon the availability° of such Cite ilutds. lu the event that the :lrtta°ork is dama•cd. destroyed, und:`or othcn;ice lost durine anv time ta'her, it is set l' insured by 4te Cif; , anil the City toffee having made reasonable <~ood faith eflc~RSt does not have adequate lunds to cover the tmittimum amount set Ibrth ut option r'L;}, then thc• City biana_er shall present hislher reeotmmendation and findings. tnstifyin_ non-availability of funds. lc? the City's :1if'P Connnittce for its successor City board or co:nmiriee) anrl, therca$er, u? the City Commission tthich, in its sole discretion and iletennination. mat either acccp[ the City Manager's reconnne<ularion {that funding is not availahlci. or ta1:e such other action as it deems advi.ablc. nohcithstanding am'tltine contoured herein to the contrary, u;xm arty such action by the ('i[y Commission ti.c. rnt trhether to accept the Cirv 'vfanager's recontntendatiot: or other actioni. the City shall }rave complied with the requirements under option (B) hcroof. and shall he discharged li-om anp further liability under the insurance requirements eftltis subsection 3(c I. (d) ('Ie~tune and_h4aintcnance. llevelopu' shall be respnnsitile I<tr ensuring drat the glass component of the At•ttvork is designed to meet Cite requirements of the 1'ktrida Building Code. lleveloper shall he responsible for clcanutg and maintenance of the arht~ori: as follows: rij cieanutg the :\rrivork as frequent!}' as iviBcachl. LLLP {'`\li;each!-'1 cleats the storeli-ont el<tss on the \fReachl I'ronctKv; (ii) urine reasonable efforts to remove any ,Taffiti from the ;\rnvurk, but to the estcnt such~grafnti carutui he renttrved anii any glass needs to be replaced, Developer shall not. be resporsihlc io- the replacctuenl of such Class. e~:ezpt in ;accordance tuith the >`Iaintenance A«rccmatt described holo~~•: and iiiij dvzlopine ar. annual maintenance pro~~an; fo: the Arnvork. ttith the City hein, t•esponsibie for catTyins, out fire ntainteaance of the Arttvorh iothcr titan clcatting and graffiti rentitval, az set ictrtlt in subparagraphs (i? and iii'! above? (collectively, the "\iaintcnance Obligations"). 'fhe _\]aintcawce (~bli,.ations in subsection (cj(i? - iiii'} shall he lu_'ther ntcntorializcd ut the cot+enant running cviih the \iRcachl Property anti escorted by p]Lieach 1 • and attache: and incorporated as i~xlubit'B"' hcrzto (the "Cm~euant''j. 1;otwitltstanding the Rtrcgoing. the City itas requested that Developer mauttaut. and Developer has at eel to ntaintuin. the ,\msork in acscrt'dancc tviin the annual maintenance prov'rarn for a period of ten 4 Iltt years f~liotainl final aeccntance of ilte .Artta•ork by the City lobe "Maintenance .Agrccmznt"1. The City shall reimburse Developer t:r the maintcuanez costs as anc when incurrod by lleveiope_' in accordance vvit.h the annual maintenance protn-am (other than cleaning and graltiti removal, as set t"ortL• in subparagraphs ~i j artd (ill above), plus a Ice of fiftecr. percent (1~'Yo'. of the ntaiutenance costs for management. xupcnision and overhead. i'o! so loo; as the \]aiutenance A,n-ccment is in erfect, L)eveiopcr steal{ arovide the Cin with three (?l extra szctians of glass done seotion of each tYpc• of glass in the Artwork), at no additional post to the City, and shall cause such glass to be sorrel ai Qte Nl3eachl Yroperty. Developer shall coordinate t}tz installation of such extra glass, when needed, and the (.:ih shall rchuhursc l)zveloper for anv labor costs incurred by Developer in cotmection theretvitit. If the e~~tra secticnts of glass arc used and the City' needs additional <~lass, the City shall promptly rehnhurse L)et2lopcr for the posts o purchasing such additional _~las_ and for ilte labor costs in connection with the installation. plus a (ee of fifteen percent tl~°ol Tor management. supervision and overhead. In the event lh~ -~t~ttorl: is ramovcd iTOm rite Project Site, the Niuintcuance Aercetnent attd the \iaintenancz C)nligations shall automaticalh' tzrminatc. In the event Mlbeaohl sells the Nll3each! Yroperty, rite ivlaiutznancc Gbli~.taions shall continue in Hill force and effect against stinsequem owners of the hiBcacttl Propct'ty pursuan? to the Covenant (utiless said Cevenani is reieascil and or olhertvisz temtinaied pursuant to the temts thcrzht). Developer shah have rite ri~_ht to either (.A} asi_n Developer's tv~laintensutcc Ubli~~ations and the ivlaiutenanee :'\greemcnt to the purchaser of the \9Lieaeh l Yroperty or to an uililiate of such purchaser or iBj tzrminatc Developzr's ?tlaintenancz Oltligatiotn and inc Maintenance !lgreemcnt, and, in either case. Developer shall thereaacr he released li-om its obiigutions for cleaning. gralit r;_noval autii maintenance of the .Artt~ork in accordance tvitl-: this subpar.:graph ; c i. 4. Alisccllancuus. fai _En[ire A<_~r-,;cment. T}te Developmen! :\grcement, as ntodilicd by this !\ruendmcnt, contains the entire understanding bchveen the City and L)eveioper +vith respec! to the subject matter thereo:' and herec+l"", attd there are no other a~~ecrnents ct< uncle-,i.~tttdin~_s relative to the transaction evidenced by such instrurucnts not conklined in this Amendment and the Dcvclopmern A~eement. ibl ~lodiftcation, l~r. purport.ed modification of this :\tnendmcnt or dtc L)evelopment A~~eement as amended berehp shall he valid unless the same is in writing and signed by the Cirv and Developer. :\l. terms. covenants and condiiions of [nc Development Agreement not expressly modified herein are hereby conlinncd and ratilicd and remain in full loroc anc! effect. and. as fitrt.her atnettded irrrcb}', constitute vulici and binding obligations of the City and llcveloper, enlirrccabie accord¢tg to the terms thcreo. icl Se~orabilirv. if arty provision of this .ltnendment or the application of a provision to ar.~ person nr circumstance shall, to any' extent, be invalid or unenforceable. the remainder of this \mandment curd the application of the invalid or unenforceable provision to persons or cit'cumstances other than those ati to v+~ltich it is utvalid or ttttcui'arc~able shall not be affected. and the remainder of this .Amendment shall otherwise remain in full firrcc and eilcct. ?v1orc:over. the invalid or unenforceable provision shall he reiunued. if possible.. sa as to aecompiish most clocly [ltc uuen[ of the parties eousisteni with applicable la+v. (d) Counterparts. T'itis Amendment may he executed in one or more counterparts. each of which shall he deemed atn original. but all of which shall constinrte one and the same amenilmcnt. te) Facsimile. ". i'acsitttile or eiectroniuul~ tr;msmittcd cop}' 01' this Amendment shall he deeaued for all purposes to be ;ai original. ~STGI~:ATC?R_F.S'fC) FC)LLO\V` C)N NEXT I'AGFJ N ~\'ITVF.SS \l'F-1)It1rOF. the Parties hereto have se: their handy and sears the day oral date first written above. ~UIT?v LSSLS: CI'I'I': C1TY' C)F N1IA\dl LIEACLl. FLOItTD.~. a mutucipa! corporation <?f the State of f'lorida \a I •: tatti IIet era Lto~oer Title: Alayor A7°f~ST: ~~~~ti~~ ~ ~G~~. ~~~~ ~~'~ - - - Vune: E;ober[ Marcher Title: Ciri' Cierl: S'CATF.OI FLOP.ID;\ )SS: eot:v'r~~ of 1~~f1:L\-rr-r~-u)F The foregoing instrtnnent tray aal:nc~?m°lcdged before me. this 9 ~~ [1[[)' oi~ ~.u~.~_ , ~pn9_ be \4aiti Iferrera ESo~?cr. as \layor, attd Robot' Parchzr. as City C'l~rk, of t~• Cin OF \1L~ivII BLACH. I'LC)R1llA a municipal corporation ai the titsttc oi' Florida, ou hehal of ouch municipal corporation. They are personally known to mc: nr produced valid k'lorida driver's hCC1LC~'S as identification. ~~j~{ , s~~,•,r;;i..,_-- KERRY H'cRNANDEZ ?lacy' Y i~Iie, Mate ol~ 1' OI"I' . 1Vr V' COn7 nlttilOn c\p?re, ~~ A ~~° IdY'CQ%d61~E3i~6ADD A2e;!;u ~::~_=r` cX("FE>: !d'n09, _611 ~`~,~~ 6v rho Ifn tinn~'C,H. On05ram+=1 - - - APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE tsc FOR EXECUTION ~ ity Atto ey Date t y~~, .~.~.,~ Sign ~ r ~- ; ~~V~~ ~1~7VLI i1n M,_ - I riot ~Iatrtc 11c~,~ Sier. ~l~~c.s~ 1 ! `cam'- FCV l - P: int 1`amc S1:5TF OI~ FT:OR1llA 1 1ss: COI~'TY Ul'\If1Ai`~11-I>AUE ! I>rvlsl.oYLU: ilL\ N1.A\ACiF.T•IENT. LLC:. a llelaware limitc~i liability company B~^ l!rban lnvest.ments .~daisors. LLC. a Delaware limited liability con'tpany, its \%tana~+inp ~femhcr gy~; \d cllsprinp Investments A~ianagemertt I, T:LC. a llelawarc limited liability compam. its Managing Member - __' ~-- ~- `--~ ~~ - I~atnc: Itobcrt S. ~~'ounctt Iitle: A~lanagirte ~~lcmber The (ctreeoim, itutrument «•ts aclautw~iedged before me this ~ da}• o(_(/[J/K ~• 2009, by Robett S. ~Vennett, the A'l,magiu_ r\fembcr of ~~'cllsprin_ Investments Afanaeanent 1, LLC, a Uclawarc limited liabili!y company. the !~danagiug ?v'lcmber of tL-han Investments 4dvisors, LLC, a Ueiav<•are iimitcd liahiiit< company, the 1\ianaging Nfembcr o` tllA \fana~cment. LLC, a Uclativarc limited liability company. on behalf of such limited liability companies. Ile is persoualh l.notvv to me or p:oducxl valid Florida driver's iicense> as ia~ ntifi:•ainn `' r'_ . Nly conuuissian expires: lllr~lC~ tr p 1`2111°C 't hGo11 ~ i ~ .~: t ~te_i,n;'DP' old:" N tan~Yub1~5 . ~ # l~ida FXiTTT3IT "A" LLGAT. DLSCT2TPTIOn OF PI2U.TF.C"I' STTF SURVEYORS 7077 i~CLIENT : IR 6 0449 I MBEACNI, LILP LAND DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH lANO OESCRIP710N A POP.TtON Of LINCAU'1 BOAC LYING BETWEEN AL10N ROAD ANC LET70X AVENUE, AS SHOWN ON "COMMERCIA,. SUBDIN.SION", A.^.COR9ING TC THE PUi THEREOF. AS RECORCEC IN PU" BOOK 6, AT PAGE 5 Of THE PUBIC RECORCS 0: MIAM;/DADS COUNT;', FLORIDA, BEING MORE PA<rICUURLY DESCRIRCD AS FOLLOWS; BEG7N AT THE WESTERN uOS: SOU7tIWCS' CORNER OF LOT 7, BLOCK 39 OF SWG "COMMERCIAL SUBDW6(ON°; THENCE SOU7HEaSTERLY' !SONG THE ARC OF A WRVE, CONCAVE TO THC NORTNEAS'7, HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET; A CENTRA'_ ANGLE OF ap•p~ 3g" ANC AN AR^. Dl57ANCE OF 23.5? FCET; THENCE iAnGEN- TO THE UST DESCRI000 CURVE NORTH 99'08'55" E+&T ALONG THE SOUTH LILAC OF SAIC R! OCK 39, t. DISTANCE 0~ 290 FEE'. 70 A POINT ON A TANGENT CURVE WNCAVE IC THE NORTHWEST; THCVCC NORTHEASTERLT ALONG THC ARC Oi SAID CURVE. HAVING A RADIUS OF !S.OG FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 69'ST21" AMC AA ARC DISTANCE OF 23.55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00'56'26" EAST, a D:SIANCE OF 73G.OC iEEi i0 A POWT Oh A TANGEN' CURVC CONCAVC TD TNC SCUTHWESh THENCE SOUTHWESTERU' ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A n^ADIUS OF IS9C FEE7; A CENTRAL ANGLE JF 9G'0:'39" ANC AN ARC DISTANCE OF 23.57 FEET; THENCE. SCL'Th B9'09'S5~ WCS' aLONG THE NOSH LINE DF BLOC1; 4b OF SAID "CONMERCIAL SUB01\^.SIDN~, A DISTANCE OF 29p.0'u FE~I 70 A POINT ON A TANGCN7 CURVE CONCAVE TC THE SOl:THEAST; THEIICE NOR7NEASTERLY A~ONC THE ARC OF SAID CUP.VE. IIAVING A RADIUS OF 15.OC FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 99'ST27" AND AN ARC C:STANCE OF 23.55 FEET: THENCE NORTh GC'~9'2E" N'ES:, A DISTANCE OF :30AC FED TO THE POINT 0? BEGINNING. SAIL UND 5!TUATE, LYING AND BE1NC IN THE dTY OT MIAMI BEACH. MIAMI,lGADE COUNTY, F!OR:CA; CONT. AWING 52.193 SQUARE FEET. MORE OR LSS. RCV!SIDI(5 GATC Fh/Pv DWN CKO LAND DESCRIPTION ~RO''EItR ADDR£56 7•.77 UN',NLN ROAD ' REC LANG OLY.RIRIM.N A A.'°fCH D!/OE/0' ---- A\ k SKE-CH FDR LINCDW ROAD SCALE: N; A BETWEEN A_'DN ROAD S LENCX AVE SHEET 7 OF 3 LAND DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH ~~~' ALTO N R O A D ~\~`~~ wnn•~8'26'W 130.00' D DMA Nbli WUU ~6 u"o _ LINO i~ a :Ax' uut - IDl ti - ~ uK -im 1: ~~ :' 4r 'J1"-10 _~ _ _ M!]: IaC -101 10 ~5 s° 4g uNE-m'fo _ - wux mn-mss ~6 ~ .` i E.r uK - Im a - - - ~.o+ e west uK ~ ~6 ~~ P - [tP YK - IOi ! J - -. U+I w[A UM ~ PQ s ~ b ~ V WOU S 1ifF]Q: U N O ~u . • OKO CR[CK4C BY e a olnl oaAm: er B'.21( AIiD :.r uc - un PMGc - ~ D sm~ Np~ N y1N O imp' vu: °. .,, Rs - 0]Si LK " 1 ~ 1 - - - -1E5' uK - un ] ~6 r e" Z uauK-ICiz_ _ - YL51 JK - TT ] D A !D e o $ w6 O a `° u ~? r w N N a Z .^ m fl" Y~ _ OT . U N bw ~ O °c C - ~ ~ O_ _ o ~ R ~~ R ~s V~ >nA ~6 Nbrl 1 W.O~ _ wp1U a P9/PC P09 :1EIS - MIM 0- BCOIKNW.G SDD",(BIZS~[ 130•D0~ P0: P011T OP C0111EN.~LMi P.2. IIro.aR. PUi 800Y. 111,]IwwE ~o~~ ~~~ O X A V E N U E A ]4~ OIOTIMG L E N I WDKS G CCMMA. AXOti c RF.VISIDN~ UgTf m -P!PC DWN CKD Av R[c LAND DESCR`.=TION PFr,"-AFr AcoR¢5 F1~7 LINCOUI RoAO uxn OES:A1Pi•M1 a sKn~ ~!nq/ k SKETCH fOR LINCOLN RCAG gCgi r; i^_ 40' BETWEEN 4LTON ROAD 1 ~ & LENCX pVE SHEET 2 OF 3 SUIT: tOTT LAND DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH ~DTU: NOT YAUG WTHOUT 7HE SbNAliRE ANC THE ORIG:NA'_ RAISEG SEAL a" n FLORI-A UCEhSED SURJEYOF AND MAPPER. 2 EASENENSO, OWNERSHNP WOFEOTHEP. I~h'~SiRUMEHTS OFRR CORD.F-WAY, S DATA SNOwN HEREON DDES N01 LONSTITUTE A FIELD SURVEY AS SUCH. t. THE LANG DESCRIPPON SHOWN HEREON WAS PREPARED EY THE SURVEYOR. S BEARINGS SHD'NN HEREON ARE ASSUMED. THE SOUTH UNC OF L07 YD, FLOCK 39 'CONNERCIAL SlIEDNIStON, FIPST ADDITION'. P.E. 6. PG. 3C. M/D.C.R. SAIG 11NC B°_ARS S99'OE~=E~W- MBEACH;, LLLP sues-o4 f5 TERU BYANP OOP.RECfiTO iNC eCST Of NY KNONU: IDG_ ANO NBEUEF~~- AS PREPMEC UNDER MT DIRECTION U: YARCH, 2D".'~ I FURTNEP. CERTI~1' TNAi THIS .AND DESCRIPTION ANC SKCTCH' NLT_TS TNZ MINIMUM TECNNICLL SIANDARDT FOF SURJCYING IN THESTATE OP FLORIDA ACCORDING i0 CHAPTER BI F.ORIODA STATUTLSIDSUB C,.TUTO iHEEO UF1: 4T ONS NOTiECSHC-REOt;.l7_.0:7, .~~ FOR THE FIRM. EY: ------ ~- ~ ~- RICNARO L. COUSINS PRDFESSIONAt SVRJEYOR ANA NAopcp, FLOniGA REGSTRATYJN HC. +108 LAND DESCRIPTION ~ 1111 LINCOUi ROAR KETCH k S FOR LfNCOLN ROAD SCALE: NjA BETWEEN ALTON ROAD k LENOX AVE SHEE' 3 OF 3 EXIITB['T "B'• CO~'I:N.~NT Tl,i~:. i~s!'umcut nrc:rlnd nl flit: yitL?' •E:Oi~{II:L' T3LU:,': LCD: \icnn D. ~:.IS:ir Llq. $lil.Ll-. SIInaU°T9 L18Cn2 P:1 =' ~ ~. XGITUd Lbf' ?i,6 ~~:>ulh Liis::u`rnc LiouV^vard, Suite''_jpp ---- --- CC)\T1:~~T P.l~'~1\`I'~iC=~'i'TTL]'i'HT L.~^ll li'vcl\\' :"sT:L RY ITL~"r_ p}tF,Sr.T~T~ liT1T \t~'=~C'I11 LLLP <, 1)atr.t`:arc lir_7it:.'. 1 : . hen.h\ nlnl:es o ci~,IeS and rnro, , l the ltald herein \1Liea.. : liabilite nmltcd ra:-t-lcr;i!:p t ,'I ~~ 7 0 .vi T3^a~" i. _lt> ~e;cline:i, ce\euants ranr:;n_~ \\'iti7 rile titi~ ic: the Land. whion s.7a, h, t nlclm n t 11'.'.1'S. S:7CCiJSS:!r5 li: l:1teTCS'. 1'ld :1SS!_L`^.. tler$aii:L I"C~.ll'L'$;;Tlllil\'CS, 171'JCLQa_C'.'.5- lt'.SSC:'.S. :1?1C~ ,: h, - Ihrou~'n c?r undo: them: against ali reaons c a!n1i~,- -. \UHCI:hA~, Te4Beacl-~i is fn2 iec =imp;e o\\°neT :,~ 111c prape7~ located a' ':111 LiucaLri Izllai: aDd ll?i?b ~,E]lJX r'~\'~•I?Ill' L?1 1~'tlal.l: I~CE!U11, l~lU:'SC1+°.-. 1.5 TL1i1T2 Tlal"tlCUlal"IV dISC'll?Bti OT: tlC atYaCIled FAIL DII ' :~' ~~Lile "Ad =~ege~, ; I'1'Op~~tl J~ Gv'rILT:L:;, rile Ci~~ Oi~ P,4iam' Geac'I. Flori::a_ municipal cornoratiau Ilf tn:; St2.ie u'. T ]:i L112 0AA'll~T O' That CCCI2.i1_ 18110) IO::dLed 0711All::~tll' I~Oe^.ii JeLR`Cen .~ll05: nlorlu8 :a72 "~1n.n}• _ pffi"Il"'ll13T1)' d-3071 rJ2:1 lIl LII: aLtaCl'leU C .~\'0'.1112 BIld :-Ulai1 P~o<ld. ll~. [\'t1a1:1', rSc$CI:. , 101'1'.':'1_. is 1110 Gs~lihit "B" t"inc "Project ~it~"j: G\ ITF.RF.'\~; Ll Jecen~SCr 6. ''00~. the Cite Cownssion adopted R~soiution l~l;. -Opc,- ?h~?;:. Fi^} I'OVIll,', 8 `=Or1CC:lllkll plan lOr L112 ClOti11TC al I:ill::(>1]'. I~aaC.~. Ta VB111::1C5 h'T!"\'"Ch L~eAO?'. f• .yV~'LIU~ 311' 81L017 i:0ad aT1U CClll3'II'LLCtI(1T1 O. 4 pedeSLTIffi1 n'la'il; - C,,'~,~.y~, i^ 1`~la?cis l4, 2'att?, t1t~ City Commissior_ adapted Resoltaian loo. X40-- _C>~~y', 8pp1'0\'ln~_ 2. l~e.\aOpff)~121 %1..T,TJ.'•1T1e11T. 17 V'1 N'e:%il Lhe !_lt\ a11C11~ lll'1 P\'C{I ]u-.LiltTlt ~T ,C 1"1'I \' I. `OT tnC ,1~$!L!Ii. .IC\CIOD11~ ilt. aI7C1 67P SirIlCt7011 O~ '.l- L<^.iTl 1Tn17fC'i 1L1 :1.11~I~~1P111~1L:1'`'~ bi,cl: e. Lincoln-, load, e: coniun..,l.~r. 1rit1, L7e ,7ra'Iect 1 , il._ a~~cao'7eL of i1:~. at l l ! ! T,utcoin i~oab, ivfialni L;~a:h, r lo;i <l; ~Tiir•r~~.:'ij. TI1C. l-li\' 2dlii '•_1 U\ OIiLC:2G !11I0 2. T)8r1:>11;11C11L .~.~/'Cenl:.L)i. G81c C~ H})I'tl 1 ~.. '.c;^. ~ ; t;£'' 't°t>lc 1'~`l,l I:e ,r~s of T\'LI Tri- ~Q;t" and r..arrue:' in Glficia, Ire urns Maul..:. _: ". Pats Dade C'.oun!~~, Floridtl. ar amsaded by a First ilaen:inlent u, 1> ~cclopnl n' Aerc lleui uat~d rlf e\~CL Cale 11BrC:bil11 (30110Cti Vei;. 1.lle "L)i'\'e10~711d11i A_reC'nClll" I; \\~_::-.T~J1l.. a` ]%1r1 Of II> Ol'I:_'SieQl'. :117C1~T tnC I)CVCI:,plil:%;ll ~. C.i'2i;'11BR:.. 1.~1.%~ 2t^r.(::= l0 1 .'P'S ATt 11-. hLi~!IL'. P1eCeS 1, i11PY"~1 CC)_7 trlpl:UOI1 ~OJ' 8 1?UD11C arlL'/Ol'I: i11-aj.^•CL 7Il L~ll' 11;81:.;.1 lnC t~l t ;C1~:i hlr,ol; of:.incoip h'oaci berivicen Le:a7'; wenl?c and Altou I:oad; - -^, ;-;r;9in 1v1 .;~..: 1^-i,:t67.. ~. . ~ 11 ai llleeilll'e OL: '\17rL I'~_ ?Ot~~, ill1CI il? 'cUTII11T1C[.li1n ~~~'Itl': Ilti L\ lll"Pt]_..=\~, al 1LS 1'e~l _. L'SCablltiheU CrICJYI'L- the ;tilPY Corntnittee p:LSSed 8 !110tlOLl CS'kLl)1CShl[1!~. £I PCOIC$tilOilaf .'{ilVltiC`f'y Colrmi;Jze f"P'~C'•' `for th= selection a:"fle Pubiic aav'•ork to lle ;itet: of-~ Li-r..il;u P~oad. herii:ecn Lenox :\l'enae and =turn Rona; x;10?. I'-\C mez'.in~, the men;ho^s of the :1iPP „•::~ ~, \~'1-1Lnl..~ti, aL the Novenli!e- - . sin, di>cusse% }lis concert: (~or t«c public CoTUlnittec spoke vi'iti'. I)aT: Graham the "r\t'List' I, 1 11to*_; P~oad; tile. PAC arty"Gl'l. li` Dc 5:TeU (ln Lincain Roacl, bCt`wPeCLI i.CllOX Al'V'71Ue ani. the arl$l for the LIT1a1L'I1lL7 Llgi\' :1"rCCiI SC !7ClCC9U lUlll: U a1rC-l S',ae:;T.lOTL> h L`17: S1lC~( lL, l.1nC(7hl 1~0a~, f1C't16`eC1', u . 7leCi ~i'lCfell:ulL`Jr, ~\IiaC> nrODilSa1. t:l^. tl7e }}1[!h C. al°\L'i C: U p"•.. Lenox Avetrle au:i atop Roac'. Ins:}: aao be rcjerred ul 2> the ">tiPP Prglect ): n ~LInC i 2JOS, :he ~>_iT'P CORL'IIITieC ur:animousl; selectee! 1U:1TRc_4S. a~. its nleetin_ n . Lilz rreliminan ; r;!aosal Tor the -~iPP Proiect; ~\'!-LCRLAS, on .lui} -CI, 20D8- the Aeil~herhooels+Conunuiity P,1ai[s, Con~ni;tee rcvicwco anc. -ecomtuerlEieu sapreval of the AiYP Pn~ject; anr. \~C ~,P.I~;'a~, i>21 %-.u!'E:51 ~.l -)'aflc~. 9 prsen pt.lOn Pu;L TIk1e1B tl LIl~ ~.1'I '.OiTI r: i70C1 Yleil:hant>~ :\Sti0"1a:1071 hoard elf I)IYCCi07~ a11C. Lhe Ll1lCOln 1 "J8L1 ~~,=IL%lk'tnLS' \ggrli.IdL107T ','Olei! unanimauslc in supaon o`*.il~ .~.iPP Proicct: G\'1-I C1: =.!'~~. OD ~°ptCa'.~J•. ~ ~h(1~. ?. p:''=tiClllflU:7L 1v2.51L18iI9 LO Lil° ~~1t1~'- rl'=SIi't: l~E)': iCW ~Clarel.:111~. 0112 i)C51~*T7 Rey°7eW ~St73rU llll'~Illln 0L:S1V al?proVCp the i'il Pt' PipjCCL: \'; rII~RE15, ca~ Oetober ?. -'?`lb. Lilo 3layor of :he Ci1\' and Cil) Cotl»Ili>sion apnroti°zd tj1C ,'.tl'P 1'Y01CC:; plil">77£Lla i0 I~eti0ll.laOn i~C. _!fRll;-~h~1^~ (thi. n~L'.tOilill0"7' 1:. \\~111_l~. AS- t_r1C Re01 LLt10n fli0\'l:'1CS Lntlt C=rC.^.ili Lnall1LL'DaiieC Oh C!!,?..i](7TL TClall7 .C 1.0 t1lC ' P:'~pCr.~ : ana aii'P froje:a. oz added ;15 s c<JCen?n: nntl:7g with [he land on t'll• lvti;c:JCCi \~Z;L'[tF,:~>. Iv1?,eachl vain derive 2, hcnefit from the !uP9 Pmi;:ct being lucaicd or. tile. 1 t I~r' bia:;k oC Lincoln P oad adjacent T.:. the ~fF3eac111 Yrt)peTt~:. NC?~\' THTP`CFUia, ire :;otsideratiorl of t'nc. iore~`oin~~ aTld for olhe. Food ana \aluahle aon;ideratioLi.lvlBeac.ll u~ r ;ti louses ari• true ana con•ect au: incorpnrzt.e(1 cercir. n\ 1. 'late fore,oine tiV'_IERF.: - rcizrcnce.. '~ As a raaLeria: iltou ,:meal for the C1Tl t, loca0.- th AIPP E'Ytli~ L ,r '.tl I I~J(:' bbci; oCLinc, in Mond t,,.jaccnt to .he h'1t3cachl Pmp'~Y• !~'[``-;c"t Ill a!~Ie . to tie ,olll~tl'nl~ l~tth respcCl tLl LIIC CI;:111711r at7Ll [TiaLiltel all::l ill tnC pTOp;lY d 11";1>ri7Ch ll hz ..T? cl1CC11)1 Lll~ll5'tl `, t~t~` • h'll.eacil 1 s'.:al' x ...::po-1 ~l ' or .1.5.1_ >? - .. yr:vn• 7:1."'. fal the :`tiP?! Proje.;~ ' h! 1 ,tna Llle ti Jr..'.~ront ~ I«ss nu Til AB :ac>sl :;leatl U. till: Art~VOTIC 2IJ irU1LL::11 L1\ l~ \!il.i.YBC. 1 L111~. t0 be 1'1'OperL?':',1711v16eacal Silal.bcY~SCI!nSPil' foe :15iP~ 1 dSOTlilhl°Ci~OI"titltlCnlGA'E ien"10V~+G- all}~ ~1C'1L ]TI 1.'11]1 the .^`=t~'v i)f•G. b'.1: TD the =>aenl SUcll _Y'Ll~-1L1 Ct1ClIlUi hl' Ie[nO V~d ilnLl '~91Aiv11 : ? in'JG'. S ~., :: ?--1^961 :m\' <,lass nr:;ds U.1 tie rP~ hued v113e~e1 , tihail not be r ~n m;iUie ibr $)e rani'] ~.n(.nt of such t ItSti; 831(7 I(.~ !\'}F'i:'ILi I tillll: ..I~:\Ci0}'. OI -11.ti:. I(1 (., ijC\'?1, r0Ola /S„1l tlln 1l111tCI 1cCU C2n11,h1 ~nl,\Cl;i1'ti t0i ills h! \\'OCl:. V. "l. 'h° ~1'\~ h~In C. C ~~JnSll,l. 1, '.arr1 1 I OLi1ET thaZl (.1Cal:7R~ <1'lii L4a`Tlh "?ln0\ ~L ~':. ~rC?Z ICl d 1P_ tillt,'~lal aL'Tfl}7fly t a 7 ~^,D.} ! I 1 ah(? c ?. ,- fhC. al'OVIi1 J?75 Of ih15 L-C?vCllallt T'.tlltnlll~', \\'ltl? ttti ;.•71:Id it:1lS .~`,0vCllant"} Shihi ~. oecarae,effeclive upon. tireir reco-datiot. in the p'-Ihlic 1eco-ds of Tvlianli-Dade Courcv. !~i(?rida, r\ and steal! coulinue in e!';:ct au:' b: hindiua uper. ivSRF'r(,1Vordatior,` afterrwhi~°ltltinuti~li slLLlllnhc l~~l' 3 peClOil O; LinttY (jilt r'ea:5 a?ICt'tl)e ii:StC Oi S11C_: . e>,~ten:ied automau ~llv >or su cessive perio3~ often (1ll' v ars each, unlcs, r~l~-tticd n vA•-itins:. 1?\' CRC t!1=T7 ON•TlCCS ,L i.hC iv11t a 1'~~. 1~1"i?FIeT!V 1111G i!le (.al\ 1\lalla~'e]", a0C111 (' 101 d~ :~ ?ll ,C!18if JI la^. l:!1V U: ~\`lil8n'll L3C'3CR. 1'1(?I'1~ iL 1!},:111 ill: dClll(1P't!ra110:1 aR'~ 7!l'~ ~? PT01~'Cl tl (?Ct the PClIj1~C'-g 15 il0 loc~cr 11CCeS+~"V' iG 11TCierV'°- ailll ^f OlCCI. rile' ^),I-LbVOT1C aIIdi OC .=i:. .. - - 1!((1:11'. :ilielldl'.il. :}. ilRC grov`ision~ of aL~, C(?v;;narII n:ay' eu;p'uc amen!ieci, n1Cdilil'.:i or rv'leased by a ,- ~r ,\~ncrs. oi'the \~Rcaehl !''epertc, with bind:;:: written irlstrlanen: c-seculeta. be tL•~ :hel: o\AUe.. . bA <.il t'tori_<~::es..Y any'. Siwold tlis Cov~enlul: be 5o mo:iified, aT^-lender' or reicasc;d. zrl.~ ih% (,1'.\. ~VlallCt!8i, £lF~)1'OV2S. ihBCi i~°. i~lt \' 1\''1LLi18uY tihali Li?l?11 Nlln C?:CCLIiC a \A'Tl`.LBLl 1n5t1'LLCll@ll: e!IC::CL:Bnn~ atl.'1, a21:.nf1C.7Cd_ln_ such 3!T1eTlOP1 Cll _; :L'Odi11C8t10P. Oi r'CICaSC. 1 ^'1 be c`Tcct~ve va`ithout file City` ~- '\lP TOd1Il0aC1 (1TL a:llel}dnl;:nt, OT ielCa>C. j.lw lvlatlallCl' S pClOr Rl1iCC11 apl?'0\'al. b, '\:i action tip ::r~em;e the Ions and couditiun o; this Covel:ant n1a\' be ilrou~h*. t.y i1u Cia and play b: rv an action ;! ia\A o.. is equi:c a~'aLn:it a I\ -,'lh i:s .,, l,cr~nn vii,iatvl_r or :11t7~1pCL11`', i0 \','!3ai 3n~ lY1\'1SIOnC OI t;ll5 t ,?\ Waal':. 7110. 1 T°•\'9li'P^ Jars\' ti? 8'te a 01011 OI' SL11L ?Ci'.tialln~ SG Q;' anSlnC i, U' Ot lnlS (_:;?Venffi1- Sllal. hC e11L_i~iCd CO ii...~,A'CT. lil addllltLl lU ::OSI::LLl:l di Sl)UCSe111CllIti. 2;lCRNeG h1' laAA', SUCL'. SlR :1 21.ti tRc COtln Il.a}' adJ l~doC; 10 b= Tea50nallle IOT l}IC SerV'1C.S :?~ 1ll5 aLtOnlCy'. ThL c'lfi)rCen is D: pTi,V!$'.OLI 3h:Lll he L'1 adltJ 01= LC+ aTl}' OLLIe~i C0n1Cd]eS available. at !ar\, in eauiry o" }loth. - 11?V?!ldail(?n O: wily (?t t~'lCCe COl'Clialil3 b}' ~I1Cl_°_71(17. O'i C. lAll:' O{ C:OTI1PClCLI:. ~1)'1:iJICiIOn 511811 n0'. ffiICCi. idly Of ille QIII CT pro\'1510:15. 1a'1'tli:!'1 5~1i11! i'CT1la1L1 1T1 {Lilt i(?TCe 2LL1C1 ~, L~I11S ~~O \`.°.llilll'. SI•,ld~ ti1C 1'eC01'i1Cd 1Tl ll"IC 11LLL111C I"CCOrds 0'I x'13:5811-')ilUC. C.(?llllt\' a: \`!i~eactll ` CXPCISSe. v. ~l! rights. remedies and piiviic,`~s ':;::tired ilereiT: ~ha11 he (li,emi:d io ~ae CUniSll a"'Vc ?.11.1 11 S;C '.SC C?i ai1~ On C. Or V1 UC C1:a11 n ItnJC 3,c t1 C71Cd tU ::OL1:iUtll[C` an clecilou o: r'ernediC. ncr suall rt preclude. the pm°} eseret„t.g tae sane &'on: exeicisinl; such oihei ai~d~aic,l•,ul ri~_ ats, rccl~:iies ar yri\ iie,~cs. 1{1. I_, pi?l: :\T:rLCTl Ti: ~i1CSt fiOlll ~`I :!Ci1Cl1., ills i--:id 51;>lll -.i lu- etopr?ci cc;liiica*.e re!'acdn:= h`ILieacl-,:'s (:ompliance w;th the terms c~i :1lis Cc?versant. ' ~ ~Ot\'l'1141STLCUd1P^ -*1\'IiILL?~~_ ': OTlt£1'Tl^lj UeTC '1 1f` h(: COatl"ar\~. li? the C\ It 1.d~! *.hE; r ' \ - I ~ / n ah :?ilC..tCil lT_ itll Crli1C(1 t~ta; cost oC the design, lai?nca x+a Lund instal! ltlol of tl)E -+ v~'O•k_ 1 Ui:'~ eleois tc t 1"TTlm-1tc its i.C)til etiLUl12!LC' ~?Tt?\~1(4:~C~ P~' ~.11:1 L6 TI1C ~atl'+ CXi:C:-CI~ ~+l ~(1-lll)l:, ilili a."!:CII?CLl'. \\1a', Il')c' ~lt} t(? COIl:Yi1Ct fi)T TIlC ClCti1C1l, iilDCiCa3'10r~ LtClil llht8'~I:CUOli C`~ ti1C 1~TtW'Urh, 111 aC:.OTCI aT1C` V,'llh tnC i.Cr7l'_$ Of L41C ~C\`C1077T1CIll ~\~`l'OelneRi.. C'"'~~~'I tile"~1YLilt ti11121i=?ILLOL`l3tSC8j1~' ^?5C31i.'.d fat i2tCC' 1'CC1Cl l•Pd I?:)Ill ille i'rOtCCI. \Itt, Ul 01Lho- :+iL>C, 1t11S (.•C talininate Li~•on the occu>7cncc of such evCnl atd '~'113eacG ~ stlall be pern7itlcci Le record a notice ;)t LC111741a11011 01 11115 C.OV:%n.1TlC 111 Cnc Pl10lIC. j'~C:%i)Tati 1{ 1\'h £Lll'11-:)ade LOllat\'~ 1'IU_")ita. 13. 1=;!:1C~S. :'~1:\ anCl all 11D1!C@5 retjlllTEG Or (le~llY•C'. ti 1)e L'\Cll 11Cr:un(ler shall i,e in \vrit.in« and shalt ba d::cner. t.:: 'nave been duly g`.\°er. /('i)eu delivered by haTltl (includin_ t'e:::~grlized avrn)i_~b: wrier scn'i::e:.. such a Feci~rai Lxpres5; or tines (-) business says alter (iuposit in th- t:nite~ State I11alL. bt t'eg1SLCl'E(~ OI' cCl'LliteC 8;211. r51UIT reC::.lOi rCCjl1C511:d, OU51 a~_L" I?ICPIlI(4. aTlf, eCldl^.:S;B.? t0 Llle recipient at he address for ~4i3uach ' al 1'.7 ! Lincoln road, Suite ?GC, 'vLami ?3ead1. ~ k,rida ~ ;135. or :o lhe'::ity at :^np Convention CenT.er )-)rive. '.4iami I3eaci:, Niorida 3;139 i:~ttn: city ~'1(lna~eri (or to SllGh Oihi:T a(iCITC55 8c 2n\ O=LI"!1' shall 1TCrCa1LCl' sp.`cl:~' lU Ci1:='.?the: Il) NTIiID^~. 1 : VenUe.~l,I?\'C'11I11c La\+~. 'his ~~ `~'=I)`'lni 311fl11 1)8 ei)^.ti["LICiI II: aCC01'[l3^.::~ \Vlt ll. and oi)\•eTS~ypv. Chc la\4'S :•1 SII: Ball Of ]'IO:ICIa. t'(alll:'. ((lT al! 1CU,?iL. LInd:C' 11115 (':)VCnilnt 51ta?i b. ir. (bi iuT[)r`_)a(le ~.OUII:~'. 1'ioifda. Sisued. ta'iurssed, exec_lted anc ack:ro\\•i.:~_.~- on L`lis ~~_ day of - - - '?(1Q ), ~; =t_ii•: L-PLC'?_-~i'i0N I /1 ,:~ i ` ~ K~-~~---- i - ~~ v, -- Cir,~ Planning Director ;)ate ~~t~>v~TLrrzES con~rr~tliv o~ i`rxr >'nc;r~ ., 1~`titF_~\Cl-li. Ll'.f'. a lle:a~+•tu'~ limited iiabi~,i:~ !irnile611amlcrship ~~:: s`~I_ACi;f GY, LLC, a Dela«.•atre linutod liability' company, iu Genersl Pa:'ti1:Y a li~•: L:rhan lrvesunents Aavisors. 1:LC, L)ela«•tlre li!uiu: lianii:t} company, i~ Soie '`:ielltb~r .,;~ ~° j Prin: Natnea~^~ ~/~l'~ f~"?C~(am i Sir.: S7.-: CF. OF Fi.C1RL'l i;~.: Cd;;1i>ilrui~:7-l~nvcstrslenLS 2~°i:m ;:men- 1. LI:C~. a y~i:1a'~4`aTe Ill1llT~i1 L'at?:.iIV c•:)mtrLrtc. is'\1anaCino jvieni ?cr - _ ~_~-----; _r--- ~la:ne: Konen S. A\~ernl~tt C;ti~: \`lana<~ilh ivla_lbe- iS1C .P'c ~~O111C i175L"11111C111. li':L~ :7ChaON'1Ci1<_`l'.U ~JC1'.!Y2 IllC Ll}' 1ZC?17CPL ~. \l+~e±lu~t:. L1lC lvlalla~nn~ ~'{~n1b8r O1~1,4eluoan~ 1P. C',°,S'_111~11~ Sv~8137LCY1lCn: L ~ 1 ~C~. 8 1)C~H~i2._'~ lUl 1~°il :1<+'1 is} ^ 1 L1 C. ! )el~e~ lr° l¢*1 tul '~Op7D-:'lA', the ~ldl iCl't ~, A~1Erv?CC JI Lrhalt lL'~~~Sn'-l 1Lti H..~PII~. " lia`.?ihty catn[lal~ the >ul. tvlenlb ` of N1R'r..4C11, UT'. i' C ~ L) 1.!+>r~rr ~1-lut ~ lia`~tl ~_ f" + , r ~ l_ T ~ l ~,il~p, £ ~ )8~13~42iY°. iIIlll t: it lldll LC]LV' 11771IIBCi co-a^isn~~. the r^neral Tanner o- AabLi~ J<1"R1CTSa:.'.. 118 lc pe:SOlli 1V I`.ll0ti11 t.(+ Cle OY baS prOliUie~ it drlver'J' lleemc ~~ iljet1L171Ca1.1 OIi. /' c ~ '1~)f1y lti Lily ~V~aI18ti5 L'1~' S1~'taP.l:'e anU U=I1C1:17 S°a: tlll~ _ - ~1:' ~>, ~ - L~OUllla' 2ni1 JLi1LC ?1i)iC381i v. i+~ h 1t~ II": 't. lc~ ~t ?~qv C:olntllis;ian Lxpires: ~ ~~ /~tp ' ,' ___ tiot~ Yuhli: Siy- o ''L .':dli F'rtllc. 1 atne .IO~llEIiBT ~'1C)RTGaGEE COPvPC)R~TIO 'vlel'lol~ lhsited tiational Rallis, a national banl:in_ associa[iot:, lr;ina tits itoider of that c~ritlin Rc:le\+~al ASor gage. ~,ou.,e of Funn-c ~d\ an e. ? sl<:runcnl of '_.erscs and P.cnis. ~ccluit\ Rgrectnent anti rlxtw-e Fnm< cxecucd ~}' \iLdL^ 1Ci)' ~.:-1.1'• a i)cla\a>are limited liabiist\` limitel p~ I n.,`}; p> t. 7`i alon L ~liT.e i :vaaana! r3v11_. a n ttl'i5'~l- itur~L ^~ ~4 1 tl li n ~tx"dsllc,f ''S 3_t0~. Lled Jane ^ ~,'_'Q(tb ul U1 lal Re:.onls ,cool. ~!IaRtl-L)21i~^ ('OUlt1\. FlOrlud '.11., ~\1 t t~.1~:'~J- U ~T..~`; C<?CISBP.t~ tC the t(hnt Oi R11Q c°Le..S that LI1C 1V101':ga~~C Sial! DE sul7lcct-ant? SLL~OI'nl?i:-1LC i.(t tnC lCl'ln9 17f: tLle irll"^.'t'Ol^<. (O\'-~.1 -eii, l~llllill'.t°. LV1ti7 t11E 1_c'J.IG. 5igrlcc, ~e'Jaicd and r)c!ivcrP~ to t~l. X11- }~CPUC Oi: , /~ ~,; ;f , Uri';1 !v:u:re~~1t,~Y_(L;~ /~ X15 - - i,>Selior. Lt~iaral Ratils, a national t ~ ((// ~aure: ,,:,; -' l '!~i'ac: ~ -v -~ - - - - - Sl.~.'CL- Ol FLORll~~. 1 S~: C'C)CN'1'1` O}''vl1~A>!i-D:~.17L ;, f ~ o ail ~ The foregout I>lsu-an7:;m I/•s acl::t~\\l ~~I~`('r YLt 11~nt10? \1 L'on Lnt,ec'_ V i:L101ta, R£llil. i1A:01'tl J.i;L+ aDC(1 ItP llfl'. Clli pel'laLl O+ iai~~ I'Snl:. 1 - In r7r•. n-'riz`; nrouuced a Florn!a drive< s licerlsc a, id,.ntlficati ul. 'Vt~~ ~,0:11t71 :3S1't?7 Z.?:}~lii'S: ?/) ~ / /~ - - ~. to : }'ubiic. ~':.ile of rl 1r~. - i ~wr'r10?Agy.9~~ ~: July 7? efaf. • (T:. E3:1-ll~_~ LEGAL. TtT;~C7tIFTl(_1V OF ~'iKE~CHi PROI'T:RTI' Lixs 1, 3, =- ~., and b_ L~lock 39, Cn~'1T~~ILTZCIAL. S:BU]~'TSI~)'~- accordirl~ to file Prat thercol: as recnrilod in Piat r_iool. b, at Page ~. of the Ptit]!ic l:ecords ai ~'iiami-L)aile C-otlnh. t to'-i~a, Tocelher wi'h: Tots % an;l R. Bioiac i9- P.~.NI V!itiV SGL2L)!\"lSli~T~, acccn-ding to the Plat -.hereof, as record<:d L- P18.L L~0:1!: ~'. a? PaEC ^~. ^{ LIk:' T'lt~~hC. 1~C: 0'C!S C,t_ ~'I lilIlll-L)aCi2 (.CIItQV- I'iarl,-i ~~ _ T:~S`: ai1C1 CXC2r7:'. .r, portion o` L.<n -. I31od:9; PA.L!vi '~'il:'d' ~LTlill~'ItitO);- accordia~~ to the Pla*. thereof. as rccordec 'vt Plai Buoi, b. a: i'ai~e 'i;, o; file Yobiie Recortl_ i7f A'tian'li-1)ade County. P117riih.. bein^ more p:utic:itari} dcscribc~ as ;ollo~~~s: TioYir: at th:: l~i7CCi1L~°csl at^.ler of sai! Lo: ". r-.~ ~~ I IleilCc SOUt!'1 :10`4b'?F' F;L>-: 11i]Ilg 1118 `1T eSt Lll]C: Ot S81iT LOi . L dLtiCADCr.. Ut ....(~-- 1:`C; iC7 ?. pC7u]i. i711 .=:an$ent CU'Vc OJnC:aVB LU tl]e i~TOTiI]eaS[; '.:]EC]Ce ~OL1:I1C:L4lV'rl; along the 8'"C' O7 S81^ :Ul'~`C, h3~'1*.1_ a 78:,1L'~ OI ~,-1~(i t('.°._. c'.:%Cr12C:a 81'. 'IB i7~ ~; 1"(1''j~" 8110 2C LTC i}tSt~nCC 0~ i:.~~ I~CCY. ~~ ; ~ - ~ , Tcence Flo-ie S9"OS';~" Last alor-g the Sonfn iinc oi'saic Lo: ~, a disttwce of __.J_ ~e~i tc t: point en t. tangent ~urvc canczve u7 t`]e 1\ortile~y:; Chence \orthlx~ste-h' along Coe arc uC said curve, L'a'.'iu~+. a radius n(30.00 feet, a ceutral am~i:: r,{'(b;l",~h': Cl° 9714 a12 arC dl>ldl]CC C{ ^-^,..1-_. i.C lU tllb' DOlll? ill ~;e^lIIlllil~_. Slid fans sin:aic.'yin~ and Uc:n~' u] t'te Ci:~ o: Tvlian'li ricach,'v[ianli-L)aie Count?°. }:irnid<:; alt'tini'tc ! kil sinl:nr feet, n]ore or ies. raHU~;_' i,r:c;,~L nESCxi~~~r~c~~ c~F ruc~.rr~.cT s1T~. (uttachcdl Ivti%)vti 1^liir,^,<.*.•:3?36901 SUITE 101 t 1(CLIEN" I1 MBEACHI, LLLP LAND DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH LAND DESCRIPTION A PORTION OF UNC?1+ RDAU LYINO 6CTWEEN AITON ROAD AIIC LNO% AVf.NUE, AS SHOWN OK "COMMERCIAL. SUfiDNIS10N". Af.CORDING TO e E PLAT THEREOF, AS F.LCORD ~' IN PlA 6001: 6, A7 PAGE 5 0' THE U6UC RECORDS Oi NiAMI/OAOF. COUNTY. F~ORIDR, fiEINB MORE PARTICULARLY OESORIfiEC A<_ FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT 7HE WESTf.RN NCSt SOUTHWEST CORNET Of L07 ;, 6190 36 C" __ SAIG "COMNERCIAL SUBDIVISION": THENCE SOJTHLASTER~V ALONG THE+ARC OF~A. ACURENTRAOINAN CC TOFTHE NOPTHEIS'.. HAVING A RADIUS OF t OG FEc.: 90'02'39" AND AN ARC CISTANCE OF 23.51 FEET:^ THENCE TANGENT TC THE LAST DESCRIfiEp CURVE NOP.TH BR'05'35' iAS? PO n'f ON LA STANGENiNEUP.VE~CON6A EFTO9THE NORTHW'ESF 290 FEET i0 A THENCE NOR'HEASTER_V ALONG THE ARC OF SA:C CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 75.OC FEE?. A CENTRAL ANCIC OF 69'S'~21" ANG AN ARC DI>fANCE 0° 23.5_' TET; ON"RVTANGENY CUPYE2COM1 AYE 70 THE SOUTHVF•_SDAO FEET TC A POINT THENCE SOUTHWESTERL° ALONG THE ARC OF SAID WRYE, HAYING A RADIUS OF :5.00 FECS: A CENTRAL ANGLE CF ?0'C 39" ANC AN ARC DISTANCE OF 2351 FEET.: THENCE SOUTH E9'OE'S5~ WEST ALONG iNE NORTH UNE OF BLOCK . oDINT OkIDA TANG"_NiCiAURVf CONCLAVE TO DTF'E ASOUTHEA59C.D0 FEET TC THENCE NOP.iHEA57ERLY A! ONG THE ARC OF S:.IG CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET. A CENTRt~ ANGLE OF 89'S'~21" ANO AN ARC CSTANCE OF 23.'_5 fEET: TNCNCE NORTH OO'AP.'2b' WEST, A DISTANCE OF f3C.DO icET ID THE PO!NT OF 0 GINNING. SAID LAND SITUATE, LYING ANU BCING IN THE CITY OF MIAN~ 6LACH. MIAM;!DADE COUNTY, FLOP.IDA; CONTAINING 32,793 SOUARC FEET. NORE OR LESS. :AND DESCRIPTION ~ 111t UNCOIH ROAD k SK~~CH FOR LINCOLN ftOAG SCALE: N/A 9ETWEEN ALTON ROAD k LENCX AYE SH.ET 1 Dr 3 SUITE RIBEACHI, LLLP LAND DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH ALT O N R O A D -P09 / RF.SFFRx umF w:+m.rs- raEnn Ee• •. ~ >o N00'48'26'W 130.00' _1^r. a. K. a. u/au_)_ Irt]S LME - Ea' - ~m ~.F --~ Is ~ D >~A suA Nom N~+I _ -• y'NO _ _ N -' NAjp ~ _ - ~CE~ ~-- I9_. _ _FASi_UME -_.al El _ R'r UMI '.DI i'. R6 ~ ~» Z - MCSf sNE - :m 3 ur uNC - urt ~ ~~ _ -- Rs ui' - wl ID ~ > z x_ °m r u ~ Y° S° ~; EW, E Z ~ 16' uiE - IDT 3 _ _ _ _.- ~ ~IZT ISRE - 7n _ _ ti3* uN[_- IG_f0 yl N w[SI UN[ - Ept 9 b ~ N O O D S ° °o ~ ~ ~6 ~6 O ~ o .• ?. ° D ~ rAr. EIF - 1LF . -- - - wFSi uRl - mi = - _ _EA^_I+I - tai E ~ WCS' LLV= - ~RF A ~~ ~M s° E"w~f-rua _- Ian'. ~ - - - _ _ FASL L:N =1ai E _ wCbT ult - U>" ~ 17 cx ¢ ~ DII A Ys ks )III -- Nml~ ° S.I NO.~ ___ 1WDD _ WUV. WON VIJO IEIr'F110: y N O ET ~ O WO CKD Cw[CKCO RT ~ - OWM ORAWN 9' tas? u~ - ~ ' PR/pC FlfiD BOCK AhD PAS 800'4$'26"E 730.00' POR WIKr 0~ RCGIEINIAL P0: PONr K C~EEYCNGW[Ni p,R. FUl ROOK Y/O.C.R. Y,AYI/D~[ couFrr R[C-0RK L E N O X A V E N U A ARC CIAAMC[ R RADIUS n C--ewrRAt ANaL pnO'ERT1' ADDRc"SS -~,ISIppS UA~C ~B/PC DwN CKO LANG DESCRIPTION 111•, uwCO~Y RoAO uND Drscrs^la a sKna w,roA/ar - Av RCC 8 S{ETCH FOR UNCO_N RCAD SCALEI i'= 40' BETWEEN ALTON BOAC d LENOX AVE SHEET 2 Of 3 10ti I(CLIENT NBEACH:, LLLP ,~ fly' V Y r< ¢ ii ,: Wh ~~. ~~ ~I I1AND 4OrS. t. NOT YAUU w:THCI.T 7HC SIGNANRE AND THE ORICINA~ i415ED SEA 0° F FLORIDA UOENS6 SURVEYOR AND Mb°PEP.. ~~ ERAS YEKTS OWNFc-fi SH1PwORE OTHEkA1MFRACfE~ Oi RCCORO.F-wAY, 3. DATA SHOWK HEREON NES N0: CONBiRUTE A flEi.D SURYCT AS SUCH. t. THE '.AND p~y°,CRIPPDN SHOWN HEREON WAS PREPARED Rr THE 5JPVCYOR. ., REARING SHOwN HCREON ARE ASSUYEG. TNC SOUTH UNE OF LOT 20, BLOCK 39 'COMYCRCUI SUBONISIOF, fIItS' ADD1710N~, P.B. E. PG. 37, M/O.0.R. SAID UNC REAPS S89'OE'SS~W. I HERESY CERTIFY TNAF THE ATTACNEG ~LANC 9ESCRIPTION AND BKETCN' !S TRUE AND CORBEL- `0 THE BES' OF MY KIYJWLENE ~FURIHEP. GERTIFT THAT THIS A$ pp?AREL~ UNL~FP MY DIREOTION IF MARCF. 2001. 'LANf. OESCRIPTI,1f~ ANU SKc'FDH' MELTS T4C MINIMUM T•.NNICAI S'ANOAROS FOR SURVCYiNG IN THE 5'Ar OF FLOPUDa ACCORDING TO CHAPTER BtC~RIODA SAIUTES.DSU83CC TO 7.4E OU UfiCATI0N5 NOT~SNER ~CN 472.021, FOR THE FIRM. QY: ______________~__ RICHARD E. OpUSINS AND MAPPER PR725SIONA'_ SURVEYOR il.".~~UA R:G:STRA7i0F NQ NEE LAND 6ESCRIPTION rn; uNCD.M Ro k SKETCH FOR LINCOLN ROAD $CAL: N/A BETWEEN ALTON ROAD k LENOX AVE SHEET 3 OF 3