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Covenant Running With the Land
oy_ `~~~ ~ f- 1111111111111111111111111111illillllllilll111 ~v/ UF' L'I, 2d~'iI Fas `%E - Z38e.F l?tnysy b'rCuFiii=C~ iib,'2?.'2pt+1 75;:3'i:5:. T. hip i,au•ument preperec: t:p H+}RVEY ftUl~I ti, Cd.ERK. DF COUR" anJ aft^r recording rewn: m' hIiANI-Gi~GEv0U14T'i r FLDK:TGA Adam D. Lusti_•., fse. L'ilzin Sumbcre, Bnana th'icr S .Axelrod L(.P ?lt(t Soutl•. Rixcavnr L4ot0evard. Suite''^OQ A~lianti, Florida .i. I = 1 GOVF:K.A\'f KLTT[NG ~~TTH'I'IIF. L.AVll Kv(ri'v' ALL: Rl' 'f111;SF PP.ESL.'~TS 1 [LAT \~9BLACIII. LLLP, a Delaware limited liability limited partuershin !•~i\1l;eachl"l hereby makes, declares anil imposes on the land herein described. covenants nuutin_+ with the title t0 the land. which shall be binding on 7\%1Reuc'nl. its heirs, successors in interest and assigns, personal rspresentativcs, uu~nga~ccs. lessees, and against all persons claimiue hy, inrou~h or under them, ll'IIFP.F.:\S. A1lleach! is the Ie: siruple owner of the proper:.} iacated at 11 I 1 Lincoln Road and 1666 Lenox !\venue in t,'tiami Ruch. Florida. as more paniculsn-iy described on the attached Exhibit ' a" I the "1`11Seach 1 Propett~ "; 1','IILRfi.a. the City oC \Tiatti I;eacn, k'lorida, a mutticinal corporation of the S4ite 0f Florida ithc "City''). is the 0~y.ter o(that certain }and located on Lincoln Road het~acett Lenox :'lvenue and Alfin Road. in ~~liami Reach. I'k~ridat. as more particularly dcscriixd in the attached f/~ltibit "R" (the "Project Site"): \l~ H1:RLAS. in December 6. 30106, lire Cit}' Commission adopicd Resolution Vo. 3006- 3642_, approving a conceptual plan for the closure of Lincofi Koad w veiticies hats°een Lenex :lvcnue and Alton Roar, anti construction of a pedestrian. mall: W`HliRF.AS, in M1'larch lam. "'001?, the Cih' Commission adopted Resolution No. 300i- 26a94. anprociug a Development :\grecment !~,criveen Chc City and ULA hlanaguncnt, LLC ("UTA"), tin the desi~m. dcyclopment, auil construction of certain improyemetus to the 1700 block o Lincoln E:oad. ir. atrljunetion with dte projeei being developed h~~ Mlieacb l . mr afr"tiiate oi' l; la, at 1 11 1 Lirreoln Road. \liami Reach. 1'l0rida: \V'HI-:RL'Ati. the CiR~ and I:L~ ontered into t~ Development A~rectnent datcil r~pril 1 i. 300' and recorded ut Official Records 13001: 3~ ~''. Page 1 CR3 of the Public Records of iv'liatni- Dadc County, Florida. as atnendad i?~ a Fir;: ~lmendmcttt to Development Agreement dated o` even date herewith (collcctively_ the "I)eveloprneut A~~ccmcnt"). \U11T:TLR:AS. as pan of its obligation under the Development \greemcnt, C1.A a:,~rccd to match the f'it?'s ;Art in Public Places ("A}YP"1 conu-ibution for a public accvork prc~ie~et on the 11001 block oCLiucoh? Road bervyeen T:enOx ~\~renuc and .41tan Koad: 4\'Hl:RLAS. a! its regular meetiug un :\ptil C3. "'00". and in cot>_iunction with its established criteria. dte .4iPP Committee passed a motion establishing a Yrolessiortal .<\dvisory Contntiriee ("PAC"} for the selection of the public artw=ork to he sited on T.incoln Road. between T.enox :\venue and :Vton Koad: \~%HEE:L::AS. ai the November _;. '_00'. PAC meeting, the members of the r\iYY Committee s~}x?ke w'itit Cyan Graham (the "Artisi'i. who discussed his concept [irr the puh}ic art+vm•k a? be sited on Lincoln Road.. between l.cnox Avenue and Alton P.oad: tho T'AC unanimously agreed tv proceed with a direct selection, and recottwtended the Artist for the project {hereinafter. Artist's proposal for the public amvork to be sited on Lincoln Road i~en+cen Lenox Avenue artd t\lton Road. may also be referred to as the ":1}YF' Pmj;;ct"j: 1~ L1LIL1r.AS, at its meeting on .Irate I %. 3005, the \iYP Committee unanimously selected the }?reliminary proposal for itte AiF'P Project; 1t,'LIZKEAS, on Ju}y 30. 2005, the Vei~~hhorhoodsiCommuttih~ :Affairs Committee reviewed and recommended approval of t}te AiPP Yt'gject; and j\ZLFRF.AS, on .Au~~ust 20. '0()fi. a presentation wac made u, thz },incoln F~oac? ~4erchants' Association Board of Dir:etors and the Lincoln Road Nicrchants Association voted unanimously iu support of the ;tiPP Project: y~`FiL•.RLAS. or. September 2. 2005, a presentation was made to the Citv's Desi~m Revie++ Board and the llcsign Review Board unanimously approved the AiF'P Project; \&ZIERF..AS. ou October ';.3005, the 'vlay°or of the City and City Conunission approved the :AiYP Project. pursuant to Resohuion'Vo.'_005-'6924 {ihc "Resolution"}: R'1TFRF.!\S. the Resolution provide, that certain maintenance oblisations relating to the A}PY Project be added as a covenant rumtim, +vith the land on the AiBcaciu Property; and ~\~'TTF,P.F.?\S. '~4Beachl +~'ill derive a bznefit froth the :1iYP Protect beut_ located on the i 00 block of Lincoln Roac'. ayjaccnt tr the NlBcac}t I Propem'. NU\A' 'f11BRF.FORL, in consideration of the 1C?reguinC and li?r other good and valuable consideration. MiBcachl a,~rccs as follows: 1. The forc_oinL AA`HL:ILC.~S clauses are true att.? correct and incorporated herein by reference. 2. :As a material indueentent for [he t'ity to locate the AiF'P Project on the 1100 hluck of Lutcoln P.oad adlacent to the N1Reac}tl Property, MBeaehl aerees to the folloe+iug with respect to the cleaning an:: maintenance ol'thc pt•oposoil arnaorl: to i?e created by the i\ttist (the "'+rt+vork"a far the :AiYF T'rojcct: {a} A~'fBeachT shall 1?c responsi'nic for cicatvng. or cattsim_ to be olcaned. the :Artwork ~~ i?equcntlY as NlBoachl cleans the storefront glass on the \1Reachl Property; ll?i ?~tBcacitl shall be responsible for using reasonabic efli?ru to remove, or cause to be renmved. any ~~rat"fiti (corn the Artwork, but to the extent such graffiti cannot be retnovcd and ^nv =lass needs to be. replaced. 1vfBeachl shall not be responsible i'or [he replacenlen: of sucn Blass: and icj 1`iReachi shall tlcvclap. or cause to he deve}oped. an annual nnintcnance program for the ;lriwori:, with the City being responsible lbr ata•ving out the. maint;;nance of the :~miork (other than clcaltine and grai7iti removal as provided in subparagrap}ts i a> and (b) abovel. _. The 1?rovisions ot""this Covcnutt TLunninc with the Land (this "Covenant"": shall become`effce[iv°e upon thei_* recordation in tTle public records of D4iami-Dade Ct,utuv. Florida, and shall continue ie et7ect and he binding upon \~1lieach I. its successou's in interest and assigns.. I"or a period of thirt}~ (~0) years ahoy the date ot'such recordation. after ~a~hich time thc~ shalt be exterdcd autotnaticidl_v for successive periods of ten i10? years each. unless released in writing by the then owmers of the \4Beachl Property and the City \fana_~er, actin,! fur and on behalf of the Cit` of Niiami Seach, Florida, upon the demonstration and al"lirnlative finding that the same is nc~ longer nec:essar~ to preserve and Proti:ct the Arttivork and,•or AiPP Prpiect for the Purposes herein intended. 4. l'hc provisions of this Cm'enant nta~~ only bc. amendcti, nuldiued or released by wl-`.ttcn instrument ctieculed 67 the then owver or cnvners of the ~iReaohl Property, with loindcrs by all moreas'ees. if utv. Should this Covenant ht so modified. amended or released. aad the C'it} Alanager. approves. then the City 'Manager shall forOrwita execute a written instnuneln :.•llecraatinc and aclalewledeing such amendment- modification or release. ~. '~o modification, amondtuent. or release shall be effe:aive wifnottt the City' Ivtanages•'s. prior ~~; ittct: anpro~~al. 6. Ar: action to enforce the firms and conditions of this Coc=errant may be brouLht by the City and nta ~ be by ar_ action at law ar in equity agains! amp parries or persoti`s violating or att:;rnptittg to violate and provisions o`this Cotenant. 'Cho prevailing party to any action or suit pertaining to or arising out o' dtis Covenant shall be entitled to recover. in addition to cosh and disbursements. allowed b} law, such sum as the Court mad adjudge w be reasonable for the seraiecs of his attorney. This etti'orceroent prevision shall be in addition to arty outer r:maiics available at law', in equity or both. hrvalidatior. of urv of these covenants by .judgment of a Court of competent jurisdiction shall not affect any of the other provisions. which shall remain ul full force urul cffe;:t. ti. This C'ovcnant shall be recorded in the public records of ~fiauu-Dade County ut t\1Lieachl's expense. 9. All rights. remedies and Privileges ,rutted herein shalt be deemed to be cumulative and the exercise of any one or more shall neither be deemed to :;onstitute an eieciiou of remedies, nor steal! it preclude the party exercising the same li'otn exct•cisin~ such other additional ri~,hts. remedies or privil~_:;s. l0. Upon written request from b'1Reachl. rite City sL•ali provide hiReaehl with an esto pcl CClTItICHLe 1"Cga1.1111Y 1\1132ach 1'S COlt?i?IlanC2 Wlllt ihc: reillt3 Of tlllti CQ~'enalli. ~.dl AA11 I "60G'.> ';'??26x0! 11. Ivonvithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, in the event iaj the total call. of the desicn. ltibrieation and iusialiation of the :1t'twor):, as reflected in the verified post estima[z nrc?vidcd by U1:1 to the City, exceeds S1jQ,000, ,and 111;1 elzcts to terminate its a<_~rocment with the City' ie contract for the dcsicn. (abricatiol: and instaliatiot; of the :lrtvvorl.. in aecordauce with the tests ai the Development Agreement or fb? the Artta~ork is fabricated and installed hu: later removed from. Lhe Project Site, in either case, this Colznant shall autotnaticalh terminate upolt the occurrence of such event and \~ll3eachl shall be permitted to record a notice of tcnnination of this Coventut*, in the Rthlic Records ctf Ddiami-llade County. Florida. 13. Notice,.:\n}' and all notices requires( :>r desired to be sivcn hereunder shall be in wTitine and shall be deemed to have been doh riven when delivered by laud iincluding reeo~mired metni,~ht courier services, su::h as Federal Lxpressl or tlrrce t=) business days aster deposit iu the l:nited States mail. by regislcred or ceniGed mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, dull addressed to the recipient at ti+c address Cor'vlBaach 1 at ' i i : Lineolr. Road. Suite ?6U. ASiami Boacl't. h'lorida ^:'='-%, o- to the City at 1'UU Convention Cantor T)rive-'.v'tiami Beach. rlorida ~ ~ f.^.Sl L\(In: City 1`'tana~el-1 (or to Slleh OClei' adC}I-Cis a5 any Dal-l~' ;hall hel'e8rler SpBCIf)' lit the OChC]' to wTl[Illg 1. li, VznuerCiovcrnin~ Law. This Covenant shall be construed in axordanoe with- and aoventxl hv. tit:. laws of the Stale of Florida. Venue Cor al! actions under this Covcnanr shall be itt D4iami-Dade Counn, Florida. Sited, witnessed. executed and aclau)wleuged on this ~~f cap of J(/»e_ _ ?tlft9- \PPRCt~~'FD :AS T( i FORh9 rk. L.ANGUAC;F. & FOR L3iF,CIITlO!~l r Ciic :lnorn~y 1)atc ~~ ~, , ~ ~r J`tr7~ ~ JGaMe L ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ _ Cin' Plannins llirecu+r llate ~SIGNATUIiGS CONTITTF_ UV 'VF.XT P,A(rE~ R'itncsses: h1l3LAC'iil. LLLP, a llclawan limited liainility limited partnership Rv: Cv'IBF. \C1Il GP, L1.C. a C)cdawarr 1'unii~d liabili~ company, its Ciencral Partner R~~: I~rhtu: Investtucnts :\dvisor>, LL.C. a Delawarz limited liability company. its Sole Member Ry: \','ellsprint invcstment~ hlanagemeni 1. LLC. a llela~~.ar'• iimitcd liahihty n ~ t compan.. its Mana~m'rg hfemhcr Sign.}~!y~^ '.. r , i U9!~ ------ Print Name: V~. 1 ~Ir vrn--- 5`: N:une: Robcr S. \Vcrutet.t ~~~ Z~itle: 1v4anaeing ?vdember Si~~i: ~ PrinVame:?,! l~e~rs~I'_ U.r~rZ s r;\rn or' IL oluD:~ CCH TN"1']' C>F 1v~ilAN11-ll ~1DE The fore~_oin,~ insinunent ~~•as a:;kno~cledrsed before me by Robert S. W'etmat. the htana~~inl h4ember of \y eilsprutL~ imcstments \4anagemcnt L L,I.C. a Dela~rarc limitcci liahiiit) company, the \~tana2ing \tentbcr of Urban investments ;\d~aors. LLC, a Dcl.na•arr luttited liability company. the Sole h4ember ctf \1BL'.\CHl GP, LLC. a Dcla«•are lirnited liahilit)' company, the General Partner oI hi'3L.ACH1. LI.I.P. a Delaware limited liability limited partnership. He is persona(l)' lare~yn to me or l:as produced a driver's iicensc as identification. 1L'itness nn' sienature wui oft'rciai seal this ~ day of ~/~ .2009, ut Tire C'oun!v anc State afbresaid. t ~ c. , r ~~ I~°;~lt - ~. h~h~ Commission lixpires: (/~~.f~~ y f ~ . Notary abbe-State T~ I, nd Prirx Name 'J .uxn~r;rz xti ~>IariTC.ac,r:r; COr:I'ORA'r10N \'Scllon l~nited \ational Rank. a national banking associati<»t. beins_ the holder oFtita'. cettiain Renewal lvlonaasc. Notice o(Future Ads attec, Assi_~nmeni of Leases and Routs, Security Agreement and Fisttrre Filing e~ecatted by 1~lkF.;1C1I1. i.I:LY, a l~cla~eare lil;tited liability` limited parutership, to Slellon Crtited National riank, a national batildug associauol:. daied .lure 3(i. 3f?(1S.:iled June '_?._i)OR, in Official Records Book "_':~~!». at Page ~?=1. Public Records of '`'fiami-Dade County', Florida (dte 'T~k?rgage"~, hcrcby consent; tc the filing of. and agrees that the h4origage shall be al(~lect and subordinate to the tcrtns oC the fo!'eroin<_~ Covenant IZunnin~ with the Laid. Sinned, Se: ed and Delivered Mellon llniteii Nano al Aatil:, a national in the pros ~ ce of: .~ banking ass ~ r ~L. _ ~ ///1 "l~ E3`' ~ n - f Sign jrt. - 4 ~~',,,[[[ Ei.+~ti.~~ /(-~~^ Titie: `.ji'- y!C'~ 1~(tS11t-ti?1 Print i~itne _ -_ - / l~ r, h!1~ i ~~~ ~`Y~ S~~t: ~ ~•v ~'t'1 r T'rint Natty; ~`, ~I ~~ ('1(i~ ~ L~ (, S7,ATF OP FLORIDA ) 1 SS: COUNTY OF ~'i1;1~'ll-D?,T)F. t The f.~regoing utstrumuu was aclmowled,cd before uie this ~ day of i1J -~(iQ9. by ~~.A,,., j . ~~/+~~~'~e Proat.fent oC hfelion ~lni[ec N.~nunal FSanl.. a national batilc a~5o.taiiou. on behalf o° said battle. the is ner,onali~ kno?vn ul mt: or has produced z. Florida ilriver's license a~ identification. ~Io:~bli~ S[ate~u tv~ty C~~nutilssion Fxpires: , p: G-_ ..7~~+/jO 2Q; tJ.y COm'n. ExO~~ns :Rte _~, ,1ay 01201C 'N- No. pD :163354 ., ~` 'N~ pUBL~G .Q~~~ b11r\~II i?X;i rt?.S "'U'-?(y01 ++++~gn~FnµN~~~ E.XTITRTT "A" LP.C al. 1)LSC'RTI'TlCtl\ C)P ~IBE_1CTT1 PROPL'.RTl Lot.; 1. 2. 3. 4, 5 and 6. Block 9, CO\~l~A4ERCGIL SURDiV1SIQi~. acattding u! the Plat tttereo'.: as recordul in Plat Bnok 6. at Page ~, of rite Public P.eeords o \liumi-Dade Count, E'lorida. Together smith: Lots ?and R. Block ?9. FAl.tvl V1L~t' SliBDI\`1STON. accordin~~ to the Yla? thereof, <ts recorded in Plat E;ook (, at Paec 251. p the Public Records of I`'tia!ni-Dade Count}.1'lorida, Less anti c~ccpt: ;1 portion c>•" Lot ?. Bloat ,9, P;~L\~1 \'TFAr,' SI:BDTV'1S[ON. according to the Plat thereof, as recordul its flat Rool~ 6. ~; Page 29. of the Puhiic Records of Itliami-Dade C'ountc, Florida, being rnore particularly described as (i!llovys: Bc~in at the Narth~mcst corner o(said Lot. ?: Thence SoutL 00"4g'^_f+" East alon,• Lhc ~~ est line oCsaid Lot ". a distance o(22.G2 feet to a point on ~ tanent curve concave to the Northeast; Thence Southeasterly aloug the arc of said curve. ltavin~, a radius oi' 5,.0(? feet. a central anlc of 90°02'.',9" and w arc distance of L.~? Icct; Ttrena• Vorth '~9°OR'~~" East along the South lute or said Lot ;•, a distance oE' 22U2 feet to a point on a tangent. curve concave to the ?\onheast: Cheoce Northvy~cstcr!y along dtc arc ol'said tune. havitte a radius of ;0.00 1'cct. a acntral :m,,lc o- 90°0"?~t" and an arc distance of 4".l ~ feet fi the Point of Re~innutg. Said land situate, l~ ing and bein_~ in fire Cite of \liami Beach, l`4ia!ni-Dade Count}', Florida:. containing 1R(.1 square Ecxt. more or Iess. E?(N161'I' "R" LEGAL T)F:SGRII'Ti01~ OF PROJG:CT SIT>!: (att:~dicd~ 19L2V~0 i??606?S ?'1'++??69QI ~NC. t~nue~..~ ,.,.,...... -- & ASS'~CIATES, n\'ENUL Sl'!T= iu''' ~IENT M©EACH7, L'-'-P -~-,. '~,4U C=SCkIP71ON R PORTION OF LINCU! h ROAC LYING SiETREEN A'_T04 "nDAT~ ANC' ' i.NOk AV[NUE, AS SBOWN ON 'CODUERCIA_ S.3~IV:STUN". ACCOR~IN6 1G THC =.A" -HCkEBE, AS F:w03UEC IN ~iAT HOOK E, A= PAGC v Df TP.E PU6:.IC RECCa`lL C" ulAUt/GAGi- COUNTY, fLOR'AA, UEIKC. uORc adfiilCULARU~ OCSCRIBCC A'~ FOLLOWS; 3EvtN AT T4E WESTERN NDSi SOS HWC:' CORNk:H Oi LOi + G.'+'=K 39 C _ . - SAID 'CCMMSRCIAL °JNDIVISIUN"; THENCE SCCihEA;TERLY A_DFG THE Ak2 O° :CURVE. CCH: AYE 7: TI1E N.IF.'HAS i. 9dVIN3 A BACIUS OF 15.OC FEEL; A CCtITkAL ANGLE OF 970L~'35" AIiC An AF.2 G:STANCE OF 25.5 ~'L:: THENCE TAHOENi Tn THE V.31 fiESCRBCC Oi1P.1'i NORTP =9'OE"•=" C.U'T d4ONQ '.dC SOUTH JNE OF SA:2 E.OC° 3=~ A O!S iA4CE Oi .30 FED i0 r. aCIN7 ON A TANGENT CUkV= CCNCAVF. i0 THi hOx1+WE31; THEFCC NCk;?EAS-ERL` A'_ONO 1HE ARC OF SAID ::JRYE, HAVING A IiA01l'S GF 13.DC =EC1. A CEIiTkA! ARG_ Oi 8Y5'~2"^ AHD Ali A7.C D!S iANCC OF .355 FEET: 'HEN"E 3DU'H U.".'Afi'2i; EAST, A OISTANC: OF 130.OC FEET -G A FOIKT ON A TANGEtiT CUP.VE CONCAVC 7U THE SUUTHW:ST; THENCE SOUT:'.'WCSTEkLY A.AND THE AR2 ^-~ SAtC Cll?VE, 4A\'ING A RADI05 OF ';,,Df. FEET; A CENT:'.AL A4GLC CIF 9762'35^ ANC AN AFC O:STANCE OF 2? ST fC=I; iHCN2E SOUTH 84'DE'Sc' 0'=.".' ALONG "HE I70RCH '_IKE OF DLG.'.K 4% 6F iA:C "CONMEREIAL SuBDIVISIDh', A DISTANCE 04 ^SC.OC SET TC A POINT ON A -ANvCNT :,URVE CONCAVE TC T?E SOUTHEAST; TMEIiCE NOkTHJ rP.C AL'JNv idE ARC OF 3AIG CUR'PE, NAVINO A RADIUS 0- :L.OC FE=i, !. CENiItAL AN71 OF E95T'2" ANC AN ARC DISTANCE 0= 25 ... FC:T; THENCE NOFTd 0'j'4.°.'2c" WES-• A DISTANCE GF 13b.GD FEET 'U iN: FOINT 0= Ni OINKING. SAIL lA1iC S-UA'. E, LYING ANS 8ElNG IN THC UICY OF u:AMI 9EACH, NIAki!DADE COL'N'Y. =LOR-.CA' COItCAIN!NG 52.193 SQUARE GEE., u0ftE OR LE: S. L1diC' & LENvX A~'E J ( SNE=' T O' FRS.If_Ci NOMBrR :5085-04 COUSINS SURVEYORS & ASSOCIATES, lNC. 3921 ,N' 4'TH ANCNUC, SUITC tCtl CLIEN' f T,I~'~~. GA\'4C, iL0@lJr. '~31t bd46 N.9CACH1, LLL? ~/ '~ C=R',pI~ATE 0' AUTH04iZlSIOK '_P / oHG,yc log41 660-9835 SAT, .'£54) a^G-G273 LAND D"SCRI?TION AND SKETCH ~~\ ~' A L T O N R O A D I ,-QOfi vt:iE v NoS wnxx[+. G++xa - / NOP4E^26`W 133.00' fN e. e. c. F Y/~K•1 rr ~ v'' _. ~ ua = u~' ~i 'J Aip li A II ip N ~' $ 4iUln ____ IW~ ~rM a. ¢~ NCO .m ws li_ NNC ~ ' L " yL YNL - S n €~ R6 ~~ r Z -w w:'mii- -- -. -- vm ~4. - un ~. _ rs ux.- ~ ro ~ D Z a, /' R. N ~ ~r0 R3 6 u mII `.. o ~ w u; a r _ UI N ^' m _ _ _ ~ ~ n, uc uxr - m rn i4 ~ P O T ~ ''` -' R6 s o ~ ~c^ x6 ~ e c ~K,T Ie+ - wr a :~: tw: - 1pi r_ ~o F it- ~y i ^ •• e l4. - tLi '. NL-~ WC _ LL" l _ iM'tN! LT !_ se J D I S b Q Y l i z ~~ p ~ r us Ilbfl t06YG' _ _ wNU i yO~ _-__ a WON ____. UFO IiGENL- inN O u:~ O .~ ~ ~ s y4_- mi c CKB :iiECKEf P.i - G~/WK 8" reiPC R-an Bo01: .Nn P.G ~~="-~ --"-' 500'48'26"E 130.00 PoE POllr' O( BE~IBYIMG P0~ >d!f Di CDYIEIwEYEIf PJ.T 8001: f,, - YM.~.F, YWI'~;NlOE :OUNtt 6InR~S ~ F A' O V A V ~ 1~1 L ~- L BCAfBNi?~ .NGL F,~OPc~ ADJF.i . 'aCVt;tON: UaTE fU/F'6 DWN =hD 1ANC DESCR'FTIQY ttt! uNCU,n RDrc ~wi o^::.PI^irA a ~.r~=~ cz/ou •r.• -__ •~ I!. y SnETCh+ FDP LWCGLN P.OAU .CALF ±"= 40' I I ?ETV7EEN ~ TON 30AG i ~ & I~NO>: AV. SHtET OF COUSINS SUP.VEYORS & ASS(J~,A+'--', 11„'. -- --- 34:1 SH' 4".h AVENUE, SUIT= tOtt CLICNT : MBCAGS'., '.:Ll-° N -~-~ DA','r, ~L~RIOA °>s,,t~ r,4se (r -I~t CCPTiFICATE Di A~THCR~'_AION LF # y-~~ PHONE ':954) u8:~-98E5 'A)'. i95'<j 880-CY.? '~ LAND DcS~pIFTION AND SKETCH _~--- ,; «a !h W ~G ~ ri C .• cu r v; ~~ a _~. yDl:i ^AL Oi 1 i_OP.IDA N5T VAJO WI`'d0~ THE S15NAT1RC ANS ',NE GR151N~_ RASED Sc .• JGENSC SNP.YETDR ANO MAPPCH. WA` W:Cf SHSWN HFFEON W.R' NO-..4e+7AACTLi~ (0~(RPiITORD.' ' EJSEMEN-. OWNERSHI?. Dr. CTNEP. IN9~RbMCNF. 3. DATA SHOWN HEREON GO`--> N61 CONSTITUTE A FILV: S'JP.VE" A`_ SUCH. t THE LANU OES°RIPT'J?I SyOWN HEREON M'AS PRFPAREC 8° THE SURYFYDP.. aEAP.INGL' SH'DW? HER40N AAE A +UN2. THE SSUIH !,4E OF LOT ?C~ BLOC1: 39 'CONNEYIaL SUBDNISIDN..-lPS 4DDI11~N". P•E. F•. ° =~ NBC =•R~ LAIC. ^HC SEAP> S99'OF.•5`"N. t HEP.ES`~ ~`P.n°' tHA THE AT"A.NEU ~'AIIC DE`>CRI'i1DN 4N? SKCT^,F" :5 TRU( ANC CORREQ `:' THE EuT O° YY KNOWLEDGi ANC U=LIEF TIDN IN YAR^H, 20C'•. I FUP.iI'ER CCP.Ti^f llia' TNL SiANDAi1D5 A9 PkEpaP.ED UHOEn N1 DIREC PD1ND TO CHAFTEF G1G17 C- '.J,ND OCSCRiPPrON AN^ S'~-~C1~" MCETS ME NININUU F.CHNICA F~ORIJA. fOF S'JRJEY.NC. IA THC SLATE Oi (LORIOA AC_0. 1HE RORICA AOUIRISBt4TIVE :ADE. PUR911ANT TO SEDTIDN Ai..C2%. STATUI'~. SUEJECI TC THE ,OU~A'JFICaT10NS NO-D HEREON. P5R 7HE Plku. 8`: ---'-~--- HICI!AAC E COUSIN°.~ PP.OfESSANAI SURVFYOFCAN'.~APPEA FLONIDA FSG'S~fiATt ' GATE ~ 'r B; PG itVN ~K-~ _AND DESGRIf?ION '.n' uNCOJ; RaAc o;:5e1~T ----' Ar R.- k SY.C:CY. TOR LIN~DLN RGA=' SCNL<: N j A. BrW rN A~,,i~JN ?OA6 I ~~ d LNDY. AVE SHCCT 3 D' S OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY, Jose Smkh, City Attorney Interoffice Memorandum To: Robert Parcher Date: July 17, 2009 City Clerk From: Raul J. Aguila Deputy City Attorney Subject: UTA (1111 Lincoln Road Project): Covenant Running with the Land and First Amendment to Development Agreement Attached please find recorded copies of the above-referenced matter. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. RJA/ed